The Angband Ladder: Geliliwyn, Dark-Elf Shaman by <>

  [sCthangband 1.0.16 Character Dump]

 Name        : Geliliwyn        Age                143       STR:     10
 Sex         : Female           Height              51       INT:     13
 Race        : Dark-Elf         Weight              86       WIS:  18/40
 Template    : Shaman           Social Class         6       DEX:     12
 Exp. factor : 150              Birthday         2 Apr       Con:     14     15
                                                             CHR:  18/10

   Melee                      Missile               Hit Points:        -6/26
 + To Hit            9      + To Hit            6   Spell Points:        6/6
 + To Damage        11      + To Damage         5   Chi Points:          6/9
 Attack/Round     3,34      Attack/Round      1,0
 Damage/Round     52,0      Damage/Round    22,30   Gold:              11669
                                                    Experience:        54515
            (Miscellaneous Abilities)
 Fighting    : Superb       Perception  : Fair      + To AC:              25
 Bows/Throw  : Excellent    Searching   : Fair      Base AC:              11
 Saving Throw: Superb       Disarming   : Fair
 Stealth     : Poor         Magic Device: Excellent Infra-Vision:    50 feet

       Everyman Skills         Specialist Skills        Hermetic Skills
       ===============         =================        ===============

     Close Combat:    25%     Martial Arts:    5%     Thaumaturgy:     0%
     Slashing Weaps:  24%                             Necromancy:      0%
     Stabbing Weaps:  32%     Mindcrafting:    11%    Conjuration:     0%
     Crushing Weaps:  32%     Chi Balance:     11%    Sorcery:         11%
     Missile:         29%
                              Spirit Lore:     16%    Magice Corporis: 10%
     Toughness:       11%                             Magice Vis:      0%
                              Hedge Magic:     8%     Magice Naturae:  0%
     Devices:         44%                             Magice Animae:   11%
     Resistance:      51%     Innate Powers:   11%
                                                      Mana Channeling: 11%
     Perception:      47%
     Searching:       40%
     Item Sensing:    28%

     Disarming:       29%
     Stealth:         28%

                             (Character Background)
            You are one of several children of a Dark Elven Warrior.
            You have black eyes, straight black hair and a very dark

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Ironman Shops:      OFF
 Maximise Mode:      ON
 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Autoscum:           ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       ON
 Long Stairs:        ON
 Stupid Monsters:    OFF
 Recall:             Level 7 (350') in the Yeek King's Lair

 You have conquered the Kobold Fort.

 You have completed 1 quest.
 You have defeated 1467 enemies.

  [Chaos Features]

 You can smell nearby precious metal.
 You can smell nearby monsters.

  [Character Equipment]

a) an Elder Sign Inscribed Rapier (1d6) (+7,+8) [+3] (+2) {@w0, uncursed}
     It trains your Stabbing Weapons skill.
     It adds 2 to your wisdom and attack speed.
     It causes extra damage to demons, undead and evil monsters.
     It sustains your charisma.
     It provides immunity to fear.
     It allows you to see invisible monsters.
     It has been blessed by the gods.
     It can be harmed by acid.
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.
b) a Long Bow (x3) (+4,+5) {uncursed, 25% off}
     It trains your Missile skill.
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was bought from a Weapon Smiths in the industrious town of Inganok.
c) a Platinum Ring of Teleportation {uncursed}
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.
d) a Malachite Ring of Slow Digestion {uncursed}
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.
e) (nothing)
f) a Brass Lantern (1d1) (with 2237 turns of light) {uncursed}
     It provides light (radius 2) when fueled.
     It was found on the floor at 100' in the Sewers under Inganok.
g) Hard Studded Leather of Yith (1d2) (-1) [7,+15] (+1 stealth) {uncursed}
     It adds 1 to your stealth.
     It provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, cold and chaos.
     It cannot be harmed by the elements.
     It was a quest reward at 300' in the Kobold Fort.
h) a Cloak [1,+2] {uncursed}
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.
i) (nothing)
j) (nothing)
k) (nothing)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots (1d1) [3,+5] {uncursed}
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was bought from an Armoury at 150' in the Kobold Fort.
m) a Glass-Plated Wand of Stinking Cloud (1d1) (6 charges)
     You have a 95.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was dropped by a Snaga at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.
n) a Gold Wand of Confuse Monster (1d1) (4 charges)
     You have a 95.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor at 150' in the Sewers under Inganok.
o) a Potion of Healing (1d1)
     It was yours from the beginning.
p) a Long Wand of Sleep Monster (1d1) (7 charges)
     You have a 95.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.
q) a Smoky Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (1d1)
     It was found somewhere in the Kobold Fort.
r) a Zinc-Plated Wand of Slow Monster (1d1) (14 charges)
     You have a 95.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Lump of Sulphur (1d1) {25% off}
     It cannot be harmed by the elements.
     It was bought from a Magic Shop at 300' in the Kobold Fort.
b) 2 Sorcery Books [Beginner's Handbook] (1d1) {25% off}
     It can be harmed by fire.
     They were bought from a Bookstore at 100' in the Sewers under Inganok.
c) 2 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
     They were found somewhere.
d) 4 Flasks of oil (2d6)
     They were found somewhere.
e) 3 Viscous White Potions of Slow Poison (1d1)
     They were found somewhere.
f) 4 Light Blue Potions of Speed (1d1)
     They were found somewhere.
g) 5 Bubbling Potions of Heroism (1d1)
     They were found somewhere.
h) 2 Purple Speckled Potions of Berserk Strength (1d1)
     They were found somewhere in the Kobold Fort.
i) 3 Red Speckled Potions of Cure Light Wounds (1d1)
     They were found somewhere.
j) 3 Scrolls titled "satsol cremi" of Phase Door
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     They were found somewhere.
k) 2 Scrolls of Teleportation
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     They were bought from an Alchemy Shop.
l) 2 Scrolls of Word of Recall
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     They were bought from a Temple at 250' in the Sewers under Inganok.
m) a Scroll of Identify
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was bought from an Alchemy Shop somewhere in the Kobold Fort.
n) a Scroll titled "barnih aarze" of Object Detection
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Yeek King's Lair.
o) 2 Scrolls titled "aus nejyp bekood" of Blessing
     They were found on the floor somewhere in the Yeek King's Lair.
p) a Lead-Plated Rod of Probing (1d1)
     You have a 60.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
q) a Copper Rod of Lightning Bolts (1d1)
     You have a 92.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor at 250' in the Kobold Fort.
r) a Zinc-Plated Wand of Slow Monster (1d1) (8 charges)
     You have a 95.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was dropped by a Hill orc at 300' in the Kobold Fort.
s) an Uridium Wand of Magic Missile (1d1) (15 charges)
     You have a 95.3% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was dropped by a Novice rogue in .
t) a Cloak [1,+1] {uncursed}
     It was dropped by a Blue yeek at 150' in the Yeek King's Lair.
u) a Shovel (1d2) (+0,+0) (+1 dig) {@w0, uncursed}
     It trains your Crushing Weapons skill.
     It adds 1 to your ability to tunnel.
     It cannot be harmed by the elements.
     It was bought from a General Store at 50' in the Sewers under Inganok.
v) 14 Arrows (1d4) (+4,+5) {@f1, uncursed}
     It trains your Missile skill.
     They were dropped by some Kobolds at 250' in the Kobold Fort.
w) 51 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) {@f0, uncursed}
     It trains your Missile skill.
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     They were found somewhere.

  [Last Ten Messages]

The Shadow creature hits you.
The Master yeek teleports away.
The Shadow creature hits you. <2x>
The Master yeek casts a stinking cloud.
You feel very sickly.
You die.
$!Dump the screen? [y/n] y
Screen dump saved.
You are poisoned!
Goodbye, Geliliwyn!

Posted on 7.6.2004 00:46

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9. on the sCthangband Ladder (of 13)


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On 7.6.2004 00:46 wrote:
My first slightly successful character. Started at toughness 5% and 16 HP. Got to 28HP at 11% toughness, by the time I died; pretty sucky for a race with 9-sided HD

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