The Angband Ladder: Baluba, Maia no-class by <>

  [Multiband 1.1.1 Character Dump]

 Sex    Female            Height     67   Str:     17  +2  +1  +0  18/20     17
 Race   Maia              Weight    180   Int:  18/41  +3  +2  +0  18/91  18/86
                                          WIS:  18/14  +3  -2  +3  18/54
 HP     -36/378           Status    100   DEX:     16  +2 +11  +3 18/140
 SP     56/82             Maximize    Y   CON:  18/45  +4  +3  +0 18/115
                          Preserve    Y   CHR:     17  +4  +0  +3  18/60

 Gold        132899       Armor    [37,+126]     Saving Throw     Superb
                          Fight     (+19,+2)     Stealth            Good
 Burden   116.7 lbs       Melee (+19,1d19+2)     Fighting         Superb
                          Shoot (+28,3d5+42)     Shooting         Superb
 Magery       Magic       Blows       5/turn     Disarming        Superb
 Prayer        None       Shots       2/turn     Magic Device     Superb
                                                 Perception    Very Good
                          Infra         0 ft     Searching          Good

 Class          Lvl    Cur XP    Max XP    Adv XP Exp %            Title
 Monk            29    101313    101313    120000  160       Soft Master
 Mage            27     98302     98302    108500  310            Evoker
 Thief           25     56637     56637     78750  450           Filcher
 Archer          19     27015     27015     27280  620            Bowsen

  [Last Messages]

> The Dark elven sorceror casts a fire ball.
> The Grave wight is destroyed.
> The Giant grey ant cries out feebly.
> The Giant grey ant squeals in pain.
> The Soldier ant dies.
> The Queen Ant ignores the attack.
> You have a Sling (x2) (w).
> The Queen Ant magically summons ants.
> The Dark elven sorceror casts a fire ball.
> The Giant blue ant dies.
> The Giant grey ant writhes in agony.
> The Giant white ant dies.
> The Giant grey ant dies.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)
b) a Light Crossbow of Velocity (x3) (+6, +8)
c) 14 Bolts (+3, 1d5+6)
d) a Ring of Resist Confusion
e) a Ring of Protection [+14]
f) an Amulet of the Magi [+10] (+1 to searching)
g) The Phial of Galadriel
     You have a 96% chance of activating it.
     ...if it is being worn.
     It provides light (radius 3) forever.
h) Shining Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+15]
i) a Cloak of Protection [1,+19]
j) (nothing)
k) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+10] (+3)
     It affects your wisdom.
     It affects your charisma.
l) a Set of Silk Gloves of Agility [0,+0] (+3)
m) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Slow Descent [3,-1]

  [Character Inventory]

a) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners]
b) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks]
c) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions]
d) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations]
e) a Book of Magic Spells [Mordenkainen's Escapes]
f) a Book of Magic Spells [Kelek's Grimoire of Power]
g) a Book of Magic Spells [Tenser's Transformations]
h) 2 Mushrooms of Cure Paranoia
i) 5 Mushrooms of Cure Confusion
j) 2 Potions of Speed
k) a Potion of Cure Light Wounds
l) 9 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
m) a Potion of Restore Mana
n) 3 Potions of Restore Life Levels
o) a Wand of Lightning Bolts (7 charges)
     You have a 95% chance of using it.
p) a Wand of Fire Balls (4 charges)
     You have a 85% chance of using it.
q) a Staff of Teleportation (6 charges)
     You have a 95% chance of using it.
r) a Ring of Protection [+13]
s) an Amulet of Aid
t) a Talisman of Resist Heat and Cold
u) a Talisman of Object Detection
v) a Set of Steel Gauntlets [3,+3]
w) a Sling (x2) (-6, -7) {cursed}
     It is cursed.

  [Home Inventory]

a) 11 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners]
b) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks]
c) 6 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions]
d) a Holy Book of Prayers [Purifications and Healing]
e) a Mushroom of Restore Strength
f) a Mushroom of Restore Constitution
g) 5 Potions of Healing
h) 5 Potions of Restore Mana
i) a Potion of Restore Strength
j) a Potion of Restore Constitution
k) a Potion of Restore Constitution {25% off}
l) a Potion of Restore Charisma
m) a Potion of Restore Charisma {10% off}
n) 2 Potions of Cancellation
o) 4 Potions of Rejuvenation
p) 10 Scrolls of *Identify*
q) 3 Rings of Free Action
r) an Amulet of Charisma (+2)
s) an Amulet of Hold Life
t) a Pair of Leather Sandals of Stealth [1,+3] (+1 to stealth)
u) a Main Gauche of Magery (+6, 1d5+8) (+5)
     It induces feather falling.
v) a Short Sword (Holy Avenger) (+13, 1d7+8) [+4] (+4)
     It sustains your strength.
w) a Cutlass of Illusion (+10, 1d7+5) (+5)
     It provides permanent light.


Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : no  (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : yes (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Hide some character knowledge         : no  (adult_hidden)
Adult: Nightmare mode!                       : no  (adult_nightmare)
Adult: Start with some basic equipment       : no  (adult_easy)
Adult: Easy mode!                            : no  ((null))
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 19.3.2004 10:12

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12718. on the Ladder (of 19127)
19. on the Multiband Ladder (of 28)
4. for this player (


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