The Angband Ladder: Eyeball Kid, Klackon Warlock by <baumog<>>

  [sCthangband 1.0.16 Character Dump]

 Name        : Eyeball Kid      Age                 23       STR:     18
 Sex         : Male             Height              52       INT:     18
 Race        : Klackon          Weight              81       WIS:     10
 Template    : Warlock          Social Class         4       DEX:     16
 Exp. factor : 135              Birthday        18 Aug       CON:     18
                                                             CHR:      9

   Melee                      Missile               Hit Points:        -2/69
 + To Hit            4      + To Hit            2   Spell Points:       1/13
 + To Damage         5      + To Damage        -6   Chi Points:          0/0
 Attack/Round     1,32      Attack/Round      1,0
 Damage/Round    17,11      Damage/Round      0,0   Gold:                867
                                                    Experience:        28629
            (Miscellaneous Abilities)
 Fighting    : Excellent    Perception  : Fair      + To AC:               1
 Bows/Throw  : Excellent    Searching   : Bad       Base AC:              16
 Saving Throw: Very Good    Disarming   : Fair
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Good      Infra-Vision:    20 feet

       Everyman Skills         Specialist Skills        Hermetic Skills
       ===============         =================        ===============

     Close Combat:    29%     Martial Arts:    0%     Thaumaturgy:     20%
     Slashing Weaps:  35%                             Necromancy:      12%
     Stabbing Weaps:  31%     Mindcrafting:    0%     Conjuration:     10%
     Crushing Weaps:  35%     Chi Balance:     0%     Sorcery:         14%
     Missile:         31%
                              Spirit Lore:     0%     Magice Corporis: 12%
     Toughness:       15%                             Magice Vis:      0%
                              Hedge Magic:     0%     Magice Naturae:  14%
     Devices:         27%                             Magice Animae:   14%
     Resistance:      35%     Innate Powers:   0%
                                                      Mana Channeling: 17%
     Perception:      39%
     Searching:       23%
     Item Sensing:    10%

     Disarming:       30%
     Stealth:         17%

                             (Character Background)
            You are one of several children of a Klackon hive queen.
                       You have red skin, and black eyes.

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Ironman Shops:      OFF
 Maximise Mode:      ON
 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Autoscum:           ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       ON
 Long Stairs:        ON
 Stupid Monsters:    OFF
 Recall:             Level 8 (400') in the Yeek King's Lair

 You have defeated 669 enemies.

  [Chaos Features]

 You can emit a horrible shriek.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Lucerne Hammer (2d5) (+0,+0) {uncursed}
     It trains your Stabbing Weapons skill.
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was bought from a Weapon Smiths on level 6 in the Yeek King's Lair.
b) a Short Bow (x2) (-2,-6) {cursed}
     It trains your Missile skill.
     It was found on the floor on level 4 in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
c) a Reddish Ring of Slow Digestion {uncursed}
     It slows your metabolism.
     It was found on the floor on level 5 in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
d) a Ring of Sustain Intelligence {uncursed}
     It was yours from the beginning.
e) (nothing)
f) a Brass Lantern (1d1) (with 5673 turns of light) {uncursed}
     It provides light (radius 2) when fueled.
     It was bought from a General Store on level 1 in the Sewers under
g) Hard Studded Leather (1d2) (-1) [7,+0] {uncursed, 25% off}
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was bought from an Armoury on level 4 in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
h) a Cloak [1,+0] {uncursed}
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was bought from a General Store somewhere in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
i) a Small Metal Shield (1d2) [3,+0] {uncursed, 25% off}
     It can be harmed by acid.
     It was bought from an Armoury in the city of Ilek-Vad.
j) a Hard Leather Cap [2,+0] {cursed, 25% off}
     It inhibits mindcrafting.
     It is cursed.
     It can be harmed by acid.
     It was bought from an Armoury in the city of Ilek-Vad.
k) (nothing)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots (1d1) [3,+0] {uncursed, 25% off}
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     It was bought from an Armoury on level 5 in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
m) (nothing)
n) (nothing)
o) (nothing)
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Sorcery Book [Beginner's Handbook] (1d1)
     It was bought from a Bookstore somewhere in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
b) a Conjuration Book [Minor Conjurings] (1d1)
     It was bought from a Bookstore somewhere in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
c) a Necromancy Book [Black Prayers] (1d1) {25% off}
     It was bought from a Bookstore on level 4 in the Sewers under Ilek-Vad.
d) a Thaumaturgy Book [Sign of Chaos] (1d1)
e) 7 Rations of Food
     They were found somewhere.
f) 9 Flasks of oil (2d6)
     They were bought from a General Store.
g) 7 Tangerine Potions of Cure Light Wounds (1d1) {7% off}
     They were found somewhere.
h) a Red Speckled Potion of Cure Critical Wounds (1d1)
     It was found on the floor on level 8 in the Yeek King's Lair.
i) a Scroll titled "evsdok sne ypkli" of Word of Recall {19% off}
     It was found somewhere in the Yeek King's Lair.
j) 2 Scrolls titled "marval mi satnes" of Satisfy Hunger
     They were found somewhere in the Yeek King's Lair.
k) a Scroll titled "wun pota snodok" of Monster Confusion
     It was dropped by a Hill orc on level 8 in the Yeek King's Lair.
l) a Scroll titled "ulkwex pay xuxu" of Identify
     It was dropped by a Blue yeek on level 8 in the Yeek King's Lair.
m) a Redwood Staff of Detect Invisible (1d2) (14 charges)
     You have a 92.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor on level 8 in the Yeek King's Lair.
n) a Dogwood Staff of Cure Light Wounds (1d2) (9 charges)
     You have a 92.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor on level 6 in the Yeek King's Lair.
o) a Dogwood Staff of Cure Light Wounds (1d2) (10 charges)
     You have a 92.0% chance of successfully using it at present.
     It was found on the floor on level 6 in the Yeek King's Lair.
p) a Shovel (1d2) (+0,+0) (+1 dig) {uncursed}
     It trains your Crushing Weapons skill.
     It adds 1 to your ability to tunnel.
     It cannot be harmed by the elements.
     It was bought from a General Store on level 2 in the Sewers under
q) 21 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) {uncursed}
     It trains your Missile skill.
     It can be harmed by acid and fire.
     They were bought from a Weapon Smiths on level 5 in the Sewers under

  [Last Ten Messages]

You have 7 Tangerine Potions of Cure Light Wounds (1d1) {7% off}
The Brown yeek hits you.
It casts a stinking cloud.
$!Dump the screen? [y/n] n
You are poisoned!
The Novice rogue cries out in pain.
The Brown yeek writhes in agony.
Goodbye, Eyeball Kid!

Posted on 20.2.2004 19:12
Last updated on 20.2.2004 19:52

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11. on the sCthangband Ladder (of 13)


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On 20.2.2004 19:12 baumog<> wrote:
We need more sCthangband dumps. I just love this variant. I'm finally getting the hang of it.

Currently training in the Yeek Lair. My patron has been somewhat cruel ("Thou didst not deserve that!"), but I'm beginning to find good stuff on the ground.

Todo: Train some more, get better equipment. Dive carefully.

On 20.2.2004 19:52 baumog<> wrote:
Well, that was quick. Killed by a Master Yeek while waiting for WoR to kick in... :(

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