The Angband Ladder: Mighty Watatsuki no Toyohime, Lunarian Toyohime by Cryomaniac

  [Hengband Katteban 2.0.19T character dump]

                Name  : Mighty Watatsuki no Toyohime

 Sex      : Female           Difficulty       Hard   STR!:      34
 Race     : Lunarian         Score         3667041   INT :     !40
 Class    : Toyohime                                 WIS :     !40
 Magic    : Divination, Enchantment                  DEX!:     !40
                                                     CON!:     !40
                                                     CHR :     !40

 Right hand      (+82,+81)   HP          1058/1058   Fighting   : 211-Heroic
                             MP           618/ 618   Shooting   : 246-Legendary
 Blows/Round           3+0                           ProtFrMagic: 128-Legendary
 AverageDmg/Rnd      246+0   Level              50   Stealth    :  16-Heroic
                             Experience   28241118
 Shooting         (+12,+0)   Max Exp      28241118
 Multiplier          x0.00   Exp to Adv      *****   Searching  : 180-Legendary
 Shots/Round          0.00   Gold           339771   Disarming  : 128-Heroic
                                                     MagicDevice: 155-Legendary
 AC              [57,+147]   Time    Day 317 18:02
 Speed               (+36)   Play time    15:03:01   Infra-Vision: 100 feet

                         (Character Background)
          Write something about your background and goals

          ...You retired from the adventure after winning.

 Sex   Female          Stat    BaseRacClaPerMod ActualCurrent  abcdefghijkl@
 Race  Lunarian        STR!:     30 -2  0  2  4     34         ...4.........
 Class Toyohime        INT :     28  7  4 -2  9    !40         .....23.4...s
 Level 50              WIS :     27  5  3 -1 13    !40         .3....334....
 HP    1058/1058       DEX!:     30  2  0  0 12    !40         ...4....4.4..
 MP    618/618         CON!:     30  1  1  1  7    !40         ...4...3.....
                       CHR :     24  2  3  0 14    !40         8s...2....4..
         "[~=="*[()]]             "[~=="*[()]]                 "[~=="*[()]]
         abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@                abcdefghijkl@
 Acid  : ..........++.    Sound : .......+.....    SeeInvis  : .....+++....+
 Elec  : ........+.++.    Nether: .........+...v   Warning   : .....+..+...+
 Fire  : .......+..++.    SpTime: ........++..+    SlowDigest: .....+...+...
 Cold  : ...........+.    Chaos : ......++.....    Regen     : .....+.+.....
 Poison: .+...........    Disnch: .......+.....    Levitation: ........+..+.
 Light : .............    Fear  : .............    Swiftness : ...........+.
 Dark  : .+...........v   FrAct : .....+.......    NoTele    : .............
 Shard : .......++....    Conf  : ......+.+++.+    NoMagic   : .............
 Water : ............+    Blind : ..........+..    Reflection: .............
 Holy  : ............*    Insane: .........+...    Cursed    : ....+........

              "[                 "[~=="*[()]]                  "[~=="*[()]]
              ab@                abcdefghijkl@                 abcdefghijkl@
 Slay Chaos : ...   Telepathy  : .......+.....   Speed       : ..+.+.+.+.++.
 Slay Lawful: ...   ESP Uniques: .............   Blows       : .............
 Slay Human : ...   ESP Nonlvng: ..........+..   Infravision : .....+..++...
 Slay Animal: ...   ESP Chaos  : ............+   Device Mstry: .............
 Slay Undead: ...   ESP Lawful : .............   Stealth     : ........+.+..
 Slay Dragon: ...   ESP Human  : .............   Searching   : .....+..++...
 Slay Demon : ...   ESP Animal : .............   Digging     : +............
 Slay Deity : ...   ESP Undead : .............   Disarming   : ........+....
 Slay Youkai: ...   ESP Dragon : .............   Magic Prot. : ..........+..
 Melting    : ...   ESP Demon  : .............   Easy Spells : ............+
 Shocking   : ...   ESP Deity  : .............   Cheap Spells: .............
 Burning    : ...   ESP Youkai : .............   Blessed     : .............
 Freezing   : ...                                Light       : .....++.+....
 Venomous   : ...   Sustain STR: ...+.........   Riding      : .............
 Sharpness  : ...   Sustain INT: ........+...+   Throwing    : .............
 Quake      : ...   Sustain WIS: .+...........   Drain EXP   : .............
 Vampiric   : ...   Sustain DEX: ...+....+.+..   Teleport    : .............
 Chaotic    : ...   Sustain CON: ...+.........   Aggravate   : .............
 Force Wpn  : ...   Sustain CHR: .+........+..   Foul Curse  : .............
Current life rating: 100/100

  [*Winning* Message]

  First Gensou true win!

  [Option Settings]

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Recall Depth]

    Angband         : level 100
    Forest of Magic : level  24
    Devil Mansion   : level  30
    Dragon's lair   : level  62
   !Realm of Chaos  : level 127

  [Quest Information]

< Completed Quest >
  Have You Seen Our Tupai?                 (Danger  level:  10) - level 12
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level 13
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 16
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 17
  Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman             (Dungeon level:   6) - level 25
  Parsee Mizuhashi, The Jealousy Beneath the Earth's Crust (Dungeon level:  12)
- level 25 (00:25:18)
  Grendel                                  (Dungeon level:  24) - level 26
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 30
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 30
  Banquet Preparations                     (Danger  level:  40) - level 30
  Dream Eater's Drinking Disaster          (Danger  level:  50) - level 30
  Cemetery Guards Wanted                   (Danger  level:  40) - level 38
  Sanae Kochiya, Deified Human of the Wind (Dungeon level:  38) - level 38
  Glaurung, Father of the Dragons          (Dungeon level:  44) - level 38
  Dragon Extermination                     (Danger  level:  65) - level 38
  Defeat Yukari Yakumo                     (Danger  level:  50) - level 40
  Nidhogg the Hel-Drake                    (Dungeon level:  56) - level 40
  Raou the Conqueror                       (Dungeon level:  62) - level 40
  Loki the Trickster                       (Dungeon level:  76) - level 41
  Taisui Xingjun                           (Danger  level: 100) - level 48

< Failed Quest >
  The Destroyer                            (Dungeon level:  88) - level 42

  [Defeated Monsters]

You have defeated 3776 enemies including 192 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 10 >
  The Serpent of Chaos                     (level 127)
  Kars, the Ultimate Lifeform              (level 121)
  Azathoth, Seething Nuclear Chaos         (level 120)
  Morgoth, Lord of Darkness                (level 110)
  Taisui Xingjun                           (level 100)
  Sauron, the Sorcerer                     (level  98)
  Great Cthulhu                            (level  96)
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs     (level  95)
  Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss          (level  92)
  Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst           (level  92)


 There is a white aura surrounding you.

  [Skills List]
Skill          Aptitude  Skill Level
Martial Arts   ( D )     0 
Shields        ( D )     20 (at limit)
Riding         ( E )     0 
Dual Wielding  ( E )     0 
Throwing       ( C )     5 

Short Blades   ( D )     0 
Long Blades    ( D )     0 
Katanas        ( D )     0 
Blunt Weapons  ( D )     0 
Staves         ( D )     0 
Axes           ( D )     0 
Spears         ( D )     0 
Polearms       ( D )     0 
Bows           ( D )     0 
Crossbows      ( D )     0 
Guns           ( D )     0 

  [Character Equipment]

a) * Fan of Watatsuki no Toyohime (1d1) (+32,+64) [+16] (+8) (65/65) {+ChDg}
b) X Small Leather Shield 'Hope and Glory' [3,+19] (+3) {+Wi;rPoDk(WiCh}
c) a Black Ribbon [1,+7] (+11 to speed) {+Sp}
d) a Ring of Reinforce Muscle (+4) {+StDxCn(StDxCn}
e) a Ring of Speed (+10) {cursed, +Sp}
f) * Charmed Pendant [+5] (+2) {+InChSrIf;FaSiSdRgLuWr[FEC}
g) * Jewel of Judgement (+3 to speed) {+SpInWi;rCa;SiCo}
h) X Balance Dragon Scale Mail 'ok' (+5,+5) [40,+23] (+3)
i) X Cloak 'Mythical Ring' [1,+17] (+4 to speed)
j) X Headdress 'Genesis' [1,+12] (+4 to searching) {+SrIf;rTiNt;CoInSd}
k) X Set of Gauntlets 'Faikafirn' [6,+15] (+4 to speed)
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of the Celestial Steed [5,+17] (+5 to speed)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 3 Books of Arcane Arts of Divination - Volume 1 {@ma@ba@Ga!k}
b) 3 Books of Arcane Arts of Divination - Volume 2 {@mb@bb@Gb!k}
c) 7 Books of Arcane Arts of Divination - Volume 3 {@mc@bc@Gc!k}
d) a Book of Arcane Arts of Divination - Last Volume {@md@bd@Gd!k}
e) 3 Books of Arcane Arts of Enchantment - Volume 1 {@me@be@Ge!k}
f) 6 Books of Arcane Arts of Enchantment - Volume 3 {@mg@bg@Gg!k}
g) a Book of Arcane Arts of Enchantment - Last Volume {@mh@bh@Gh!k}
h) 27 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
i) 14 Potions of Healing {!k}
j) 11 Potions of *Healing* {!k}
k) 25 Potions of Restore Mana
l) Old Book Computer
m) 45 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
n) 30 Scrolls of Teleport Level
o) 3 Rods of Illumination
p) 12 Rods of Teleport Other
q) 2 Rods of Stone to Mud
r) 2 Staffs of *Destruction* (2x 0 charges) {50% off}
s) * Massive Iron Crown of Chaos [0,+0] (+99) {cursed,
t) * Broad Axe 'Lotharang' (2d8) (+4,+3) (+1) (12/12)

  [Home Inventory]

 ( page 1 )
a) 2 Books of Arcane Arts of Divination - Volume 3 {@mc@bc@Gc!k}
b) 2 Books of Arcane Arts of Enchantment - Volume 2 {@mf@bf@Gf!k}
c) a Forbidden Fruit
d) 2 Miracle Fruits
e) 12 Peach Fruits
f) a Potion of Detonations
g) 72 Potions of Speed {!k}
h) 3 Potions of Enlightenment
i) 27 Potions of Resistance {!k}
j) 4 Potions of Curing
k) an Ultramarine Orb Elixir
l) 10 Mushrooms of Restoring

 ( page 2 )
a) 7 Mithril
b) 2 Ruby
c) Sapphire
d) Meteoric Iron
e) Hihiirokane
f) 3 Shining Bamboo of Takakusa
g) 4 Ishizakura
h) Shinmyoumaru's House
i) Miclonesoft Bob
j) Seashell Chariot
k) 64 Scrolls of Teleport Level
l) 4 Scrolls of Word of Recall

 ( page 3 )
a) a Scroll of Mundanity
b) 16 Scrolls of *Destruction*
c) 2 Scrolls of Spell
d) 2 Scrolls of Banishment
e) 5 Scrolls of Banish Nearby
f) a Rod of Enlightenment
g) a Rod of Curing
h) a Rod of Speed
i) a Rod of Light
j) a Wand of Clone Monster (6 charges)
k) a Wand of Teleport Other (11 charges)
l) 2 Wands of Stone to Mud (19 charges)

 ( page 4 )
a) 2 Staffs of Summoning (2x 5 charges)
b) a Staff of Starlight (12 charges)
c) 2 Staffs of Speed (2x 8 charges)
d) a Staff of Holiness (5 charges)
e) 7 Staffs of *Destruction* (7x 5 charges) {50% off}
f) Amulet of the Magi [+8] (+8 to searching) {+SrIf;EsFaSi~DtYkAn}
g) Amulet of the Magi [+9] (+9 to searching) {+SrIf;EsFaSi~Yk}
h) Amulet of the Magi of Youkai [+11] (+4 to searching)
i) Amulet of the Magi of the Hermit [+6] (+8 to searching)
j) Amulet of Reflection
k) * Amulet of Carlammas (+2) {+Cn;rFi}
l) * Necklace of the Dwarves (+3) {+StCnIf;FaSiRgLu}

 ( page 5 )
a) Amulet of Anti-Teleportation {cursed}
b) Amulet of Resistance {AcElFiCo}
c) * Amulet of Faramir (+12,+0) (+3) {+Sl;Co(Dx}
d) * Torque of Boromir (+0,+8) {Fe(St}
e) * Amulet of Sacred Knights [+10] (+2) {+StWiCh;rCa;FaSiCoRgBs}
f) * Collar Harness of the Hell (+15,+15) [-5] (-2) {+SpInWiChSl;rDkNt;SiAg~Un}
g) * Pendant of Gogo the Imitator (+4) {+InWiDx;SiLu}
h) * Pendulum of Nazrin [+7] (+7) {+Sr;Si}
i) * Necklace of Harmonia [+5] (+4) {+WiCnCh;rLiDkShHoCa;DmSiLuAgTy}
j) * Furball of Kitsune [+7] (+3) {+InWi;EsSi}
k) * Shiomitsutama [+5] (+4) {+ChMdSr;rAcWa;FaSiBs}
l) a Ring of Levitation {Lv}

 ( page 6 )
a) a Ring of Lightning and Regeneration [+11]
b) a Ring of Acid [+14]
c) a Ring of Flames [+9]
d) a Ring of Ice [+9]
e) a Ring of Poison Resistance
f) a Ring of Free Action
g) a Ring of Accuracy (+3,+0)
h) * Ring 'Frakir' (+1) {+StInWiDxCnChSlSr;rPo;SiWr}
i) a Ring of Nether Resistance {Nt}
j) * Ring of Cower (Darnya) (-15,-15) (-5) {cursed, +SpStInWiDxCnCh;AgTy}
k) a Ring of Mana Cost Reduction
l) a Fairy Boots [2,+4] {Po;Lv}

 ( page 7 )
a) a Crow Tengu Pair of Metal Shod Boots [5,+8] (+5 to speed) {+Sp;LvSw}
b) * Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3) {+SpStCn;rPo}
c) a Pair of Dragonhide Boots [5,+20] {LiShWaSoNtCa}
d) a Pair of Dragonhide Boots [5,+17] {AcElHoSo}
e) a Pair of Dragonhide Boots [5,+13] {DkSoNt}
f) a Pair of Dragonhide Boots [5,+28] {ElShNt}
g) a Kote of Peerlessness (+5,+2) [4,+11] (+1) {+Dx;To}
h) * Kote 'Paurnen' [4,+15] (+1) {+Wi;rAc;Fa}
i) * Set of Gauntlets 'Silver Hand' (+5,+5) [6,+18] (+1 attack)
j) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+18] {ElLi}
k) * Wrist Unit (Ancient) (+5,+5) [1,+24] (+3) {+StWiCn;rCaDi;FaFeCo}
l) a Tokin of the Magi [1,+15] (+3) {+InWi;rAcElFiCoWa;CoBl(InWi}

 ( page 8 )
a) a Tengu Tokin [1,+12] {Po;FaSi}
b) a Shinigami Tokin [1,+7] (+5 to searching) {+Sr;rNt;SiBl~Un}
c) X Headdress 'Vajra' [1,+17] (+3 to stealth)
d) X Headdress 'Locked Girl' [1,+16] (+4) {+In;rElWa;CoLv(In}
e) a Witch Cap of the Clown [2,+9] (+3) {+DxCh;rFi;FaSi}
f) * Witch Cap of the Legendary Witch [2,+13] (+2) {+InWiCh;Si}
g) * Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {+InWi;rNt;Bl~Tele}
h) * Metal Cap 'Holhenneth' [4,+10] (+2) {+InWiSr;SiBl}
i) * Metal Cap of Thengel [4,+12] (+3) {+WiCh}
j) * Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+0,+5) [10,+20] (+3) {+StDxCn;rAc;Fe}
k) a Golden Crown of the Princess [0,+16] (+7) {+Ch;rAcElFiCoShDi;FeLu(Ch}
l) a Golden Crown (Defender) [0,+17] (+2) {+Cn;rEl;FaSiBlRgWr(StCn}

 ( page 9 )
a) an Oni Jewel Encrusted Crown [0,+13] (+1) {+StDxCn;rCa;FaFe(StDxCn}
b) a Shinigami Jewel Encrusted Crown [0,+7] (+5 to searching)
c) X Jewel Encrusted Crown 'Fairy Wings' (+6,+6) [0,+19] (+2 to stealth)
d) * Jewel Encrusted Crown of Numenor [0,+15] (+3) {+InDxCh;rLiShSo;Lu}
e) * Jewel Encrusted Crown of Beruthiel [0,+25] (-10) {cursed,
f) a Dragon Helm [8,+15] {ShTi}
g) a Bamboo Hat of the Princess [1,+19] (+4) {+Ch;rAcElFiCoShDi~Yk(Ch}
h) * Bamboo Hat of Saint Kuukai [1,+15] (+4 to searching)
i) a Cloak of the Hell Raven [1,+7] {FiLiNt[F}
j) * Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7 to stealth) {+SlSr;FaSi~Tele}
k) * Cloak 'Holcolleth' [1,+9] (+2) {+InWiSlSr;rAc}
l) * Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3 to stealth) {+Sl;rAc}

 ( page 10 )
a) * Cloak of Thorongil [1,+10] {Ac;FaSi}
b) * Mantle 'Colluin' [1,+15] {AcElFiCoPo}
c) X Hagoromo 'Moon Chariot' [0,+23] (+2 to infravision) {+ChIf;FaRgWrTe, .}
d) * Hagoromo of the Heavenly Maiden [0,+15] (+4) {+Ch;rElCoWaHo;FaSiLv}
e) a Cloak of Concealment [4,+9] (+4 to stealth)
f) * Shadow Cloak of Luthien [6,+20] (+2) {+SpInWiChSl;rAcFiCoLiDk}
g) Space-Time Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+26] {WaTi;FaSdRgSw}
h) Diamond Dragon Scale Mail (-3) [50,+36] {LiDkHoNt;FaFeCoBlIn}
i) Tengu Leather Scale Mail (-1) [7,+10] (+1 to stealth) {+Sl;rAcElFiCoPo}
j) * Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [10,+25] (+3)
k) Oni Chain Mail (-2) [21,+16] (+3) {+StCn;rAcElFiCoLi(St}
l) X Chain Mail 'Dingond' (-2) [14,+12] (+2 to speed)

 ( page 11 )
a) * Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) {+InWiCn;rAcPoHo;Co}
b) * Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {+StCnCh;rAcElFiCoShDi}
c) * Chain Mail of Giles (-2) [10,+18] (-2)
d) Haniwa Metal Brigandine Armour (-2) [18,+10] (+1 to protection from magic)
e) Oni Metal Brigandine Armour (-2) [27,+18] (+3) {+St;rAcElFiCoSo(St}
f) Oni Metal Brigandine Armour (-2) [27,+17] (+2) {+St;rAcElFiCoWa(St}
g) * Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [18,+16] (+2)
h) Tengu Partial Plate Armour (-3) [15,+22] (+2 to stealth) {+Sl;rAcElFiCoPoSh}
i) Tengu Partial Plate Armour (-3) [15,+17] (+1 to stealth) {+Sl;rAcElFiCoSo}
j) * Full Plate Armour 'Soulkeeper' (-5) [40,+25] (+2)
k) * Full Plate Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [30,+15] (+2) {+Ch;rFiCa;RfLu}
l) * Full Plate Armour of Isildur [30,+25] (+2) {+Cn;rAcElFiCoSoNt;Co}

 ( page 12 )
a) * Full Plate Armour 'GPOW' [30,+70] (+5) {+Cn;rAcElFiCoPo;AgTy}
b) X Robe 'Tome of Intelligence' [2,+12] (+3 to speed) {+SpInPrMg;Rg(In}
c) * Dress of Princess White Rose [3,+20] (+4) {+WiCh;rAcElFiCoPoDk;FeCo(WiCh}
d) * Doushi of Abe no Seimei [4,+32] (+4)
e) * Shugenja Clothes of Sagamibou, Tengu of Shiramine [4,+36] (+2)
f) a Tengu T-shirt [1,+12] (+3 to stealth) {+Sl;rAcElFiCoDk}
g) * Incandescent Light of Yeduson (+3 to infravision)
h) * Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching)
i) * Star of Elendil (+1 to speed) {+Sp;Si}
j) * Stone of Lore
k) * Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2 to speed) {+SpInCh;Lv}
l) * Lantern 'Jinkontou' {Nt;Si[C}

 ( page 13 )
a) * Jeweled Pagoda of Bishamonten (+3) {+WiCh;rNt;Si~Chs}
b) * Shining Trapezohedron (+4) {+InWi;rDk;In~DtDm}
c) a Rainbow Ribbon [1,+8] {AcElFiCoPo}
d) X Scarf 'Superhuman' [1,+10] (+4 to speed) {+SpStInWiIfDsrm(St}
e) * Scarf of Jet Link [1,+9] (+10 to speed) {+Sp;Fa~Dm}
f) * Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiCoLiDkHo}
g) a Small Metal Shield (Defender) [5,+8] {AcElFiCoPoNt}
h) X Large Metal Shield 'Beelzebub's Wing' [8,+20] (+4 to stealth)
i) * Large Metal Shield of Anarion [8,+18] {AcElFiCoSo(StInWiDxCnCh}
j) an Orleans Knight's Shield [10,+22] {PoLiDkHo;Fe}
k) * Knight's Shield of Earendil [10,+20] {ElFiDkWaNt;BlLu~Law}
l) * 3D Printer Gun (3d12) (+20,+8)(1/1)

 ( page 14 )
a) * Evolving Gun 'Crimson' (0d0) (+20,+20) (+4 to speed)(6/6) {+SpSl;rShNt;Wr}
b) * Shotgun Umbrella (8d40) (+30,+30) [+5](1/1)
c) * Magnum 'Redemption' (20d20) (+10,+0) (+3)(4/4)
d) * Heavy Crossbow 'Lion Slayer' (x5) (+19,+19) (+2) {+StCn;FaFeXm}
e) * Heavy Crossbow of Guanzi (x4) (+10,+15) (+3) {+InWiMd;FaCoXs(InWi}
f) * Short Bow of Robin Hood (x3) (+15,+17) (+2) {+DxChSl;rDk;Xm}
g) * War Scythe 'Avavir' (5d3) (+8,+8) [+10] (+3) (18/18)
h) * Halberd 'Osondir' (3d8) (+6,+9) (+3) (22/22) {+Ch;rFiSo;SiLvLu|Fi/Un}
i) * Shinigami Scythe 'Bloody Moon' (8d4) (+8,+8) [+8] (+2) (28/28)
j) * Spear of Hagen (1d7) (+11,+13) (+3 to speed) (80/80)
k) * Long Spear 'GaeBolg' (3d7) (+16,+18) (+4) (143/143)
l) * Broad Axe of Balli Stonehand (2d8) (+8,+11) [+5] (+3) (20/20)

 ( page 15 )
a) * Broad Axe 'Barukkheled' (2d6) (+13,+19) (+3) (26/26) {+Cn;Si/Ch}
b) a Chaotic Great Axe (5d5) (+10,+10) (25/25) {ShCa|Ch/Lw~Law}
c) * Great Axe of Durin (5d5) (+10,+20) [+15] (+3) (35/35)
d) * Demon's Axe (7d7) (-30,+30) (+5) (58/58) {+St}
e) a Broken stick (1d2) (-10,-9) (10/10) {cursed}
f) a Wizardstaff (1d2) (+3,+6) (7/7)
g) a Wizardstaff of the Raijuu (1d2) (+8,+13) (14/14) {El;Dm|El}
h) * Shakujou 'Matoi' (1d7) (-5,+10) [+3] (+3) (14/14)
i) * Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] (70/70)
j) * Mace 'Demonbane' (4d6) (+15,+15) (29/29) {Wr/XDm/Ch~Dm}
k) X Morning Star 'Magicbane' (2d6) (+16,+19) (+4) (26/26) {+In;Si/HmDrUn}
l) * Flail 'Totila' (3d6) (+6,+8) (+2 to stealth) (18/18)

 ( page 16 )
a) * Flail 'Winblows' (8d6) (+0,+30) (-4 to speed) (58/58) {cursed,
b) * Flail of Gothmog (4d5) (+13,+15) (-2) (27/27) {cursed,
c) * War Hammer 'Golden Hammer' (2d6) (+0,+0) (7/7)
d) * War Hammer of Aule (9d3) (+19,+21) [+5] (+4) (39/39)
e) * War Hammer 'Mjollnir' (5d3) (+3,+15) (+4) (122/122)
f) a Broken katana (1d2) (+5,+2) (3/3)
g) * Wakizashi 'Hakurouken' (3d4) (+15,+10) (17/17) {/XUn/Hm}
h) a Heroic Katana (3d4) (+13,+10) [+4] (+4) (17/17)
i) * No-dachi 'Roukanken' (5d4) (+10,+15) (27/27)
j) * Ancient Katana of Watatsuki no Yorihime (4d8) (+15,+15) [+10] (33/33)
k) a Broken Sword (1d2) (-2,-4) (5/5)
l) * Rapier 'Kishinken' (2d7) (+15,+10) (+2 to speed) (18/18)

 ( page 17 )
a) * Short Sword of Mayumi (4d8) (+20,+20) (+3 to infravision) (38/38)
b) * Short Sword of Merlin (1d8) (+3,+7) (+2 attacks) (11/11)
c) * Sabre 'Careth Asdriag' (2d3) (+6,+8) (+1 attack) (12/12)
d) * Long Sword 'Sword of Hisou' (3d5) (+15,+15) (46/46)
e) * Long Sword 'Nothung' (3d5) (+12,+16) (+4 to searching) (25/25)
f) * Long Sword 'Tailbiter' (2d5) (+18,+9) (+2 attacks) (15/15)
g) * Long Sword 'Demonbane' (2d5) (+5,+0) (6/6)
h) * Long Sword 'Worpal Blade' (5d5) (+32,+32) (+2) (47/47) {+If;AgTy[MT}
i) a Bastard Sword of the Dragon God (3d4) (+12,+10) (+1) (17/17)
j) * Bastard Sword of Eowyn (4d4) (+12,+16) (+4 to speed) (26/26)
k) * Bastard Sword 'Calris' (5d4) (-20,+20) (+5) (32/32) {cursed}
l) a Claymore (Defender) (2d8) (+9,+11) [+2] (+3 to stealth) (20/20)

 ( page 18 )
a) * Two-Handed Sword 'Hrunting' (4d6) (+13,+21) (+4) (35/35)
b) * Executioner's Sword 'Slayer' (4d5) (+15,+15) (+2 attacks) (27/27)
c) * Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d5) (+18,+19) (31/31)
d) * Dagger 'Sting' (1d6) (+7,+8) (+2 attacks) (11/11)
e) * Dagger 'Grimtooth' (1d4) (+5,+5) (+1 attack) (47/47) {+AtDx;Th|Po}
f) * Dagger 'Dethanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (50/50)
g) * Dagger 'Nimthanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (50/50)
h) * Main Gauche of Azaghal (2d5) (+12,+14) (20/20) {*Fi/XDr~HmDr}
i) * Main Gauche 'Littlethorn' (1d5) (+18,+6) [+10] (+3 to speed) (9/9)
j) * Falcon Sword of Destruction (3d6) (-25,+25) (+3 attacks) (35/35) {cursed,
k) a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0) (1/1)
l) * Vajra of Indra (2d8) (+15,+15) [+10] (+4) (116/116)

 ( page 19 )
a) * Bolt of Wilhelm Tell (6d5) (+20,+16) {/XHm}
b) * Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19)
c) 2 Books 'Necronomicon Kanji Manuscript, 1st ed.'
d) a Book of Sorcery Arts of Darkness - Last Volume
e) 2 Books of Hermit Arts of Nature - Last Volume
f) 2 Books of Arcane Arts of Elements - Last Volume

  [Entrance Decorations]

 ( page 1 )
a) Box with something rattling inside (empty)
b) an Envelope from Remilia (empty)
c) a Toy treasure chest (empty)
d) a Purple envelope (empty)

  [Check Sum: "81662148ab830000ec"]

Posted on 7.1.2025 15:57

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On 7.1.2025 15:57 Cryomaniac wrote:
First true win in Gensou, another powerhouse character. She starts out with her artifact fan that fires a 999 damage disintegration beam every 10 turns; more than enough to instakill anyone in early game, but it's disintegration element - any non-artifact loot it hits will be destroyed. It's also very decent as a melee weapon in early game, but my character maxes out at 3 blows.

She gets long range dimension door as a class ability, which synergizes very well with her weapon - you fire it once, teleport out of sight, then wait for it to recharge and fire again. At CL 45, she gets a buff that makes any enemy attempting to teleport get banished from the level, and also prevents enemy summons.

I picked Divination/Enchantment as my magic realms; Divination gets excellent detection and *Destruction* in fourth book, and Enchantment has *Recharging* in fourth book, which reduces recharging timer for equipped items - using it immediately recharges my fan, greatly increasing my damage output. I also found Charmed Pendant (activates for restore mana) - with it, *Recharging* and my excellent natural MP regeneration rate, I hardly had to use !RestoreMana.

Got a ton of speed equipment as well - +11 black ribbon, celestial steed boots with swift movement, +4 speed randarts.

Boss battles involved setting up terrain with *Destruction* and firing disintegration fan out of sight, dimension door'ing away when necessary.

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