The Angband Ladder: Vehje, Dunadan Devicemaster by Sphara

  [FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak Character Dump]

 Name       : Vehje                        ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR! :    18/180
 Personality: Ordinary                           INT! :    18/180
 Race       : Dunadan                            WIS! :    18/***
 Subrace    : None                               DEX! :    18/***
 Class      : Devicemaster                       CON! :    18/200
 Subclass   : Wands                              CHR! :    18/100
 Level      :       50                           HP   :  903/1025
 Cur Exp    : 20995694                           SP   :     4/379
 Max Exp    : 20995694                           AC   :       192
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +46+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       : 12674899                     Melee      : Amber[27]
 Kills      :     7387                     Archery    : Amber[27]
 Uniques    :      245                     SavingThrow: Heroic
 Artifacts  :  161+127                     Stealth    : Heroic
                                           Perception : Good
 Game Day   :       88                     Searching  : Good
 Game Time  :     6:27                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    70:26                     Device     : Amber[5]
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Scimitar 'Soulsword' (3d6) (+9,+11) (+3) 
    Dropped by Vecna, the Emperor Lich on level 70 of Graveyard.
    Identified: Day 44, 8:46, at CL 48.
 b) The Bo Staff of Asclepius (2d12) (+15,+15) [+5] (+3) 
      {WiChLf;PoCfCa;FaSiHlSdRgLuBs|V/pDoTPZ A:Restoring}
    Dropped by Thanatos, God of Death on level 98 of Angband.
    Picked up: Day 45, 7:04, at CL 49.
 c) The Long Bow of Heracles (x3) (+12,+22) (+2) {SpStInCh;Fe|P}
    Dropped by a Young black dragon on level 70 of Dragon's lair.
    Picked up: Day 20, 6:53, at CL 41.
 d) a Phase Quiver [111 of 120]
    Found lying on the floor on level 99 of Angband.
    Picked up: Day 77, 18:20, at CL 50.
 e) a Ring of Speed (+13) {Sp}
    Found lying on the floor on level 98 of Angband.
    Picked up: Day 85, 6:22, at CL 50.
 f) a Ring of Speed (+15) {Sp}
    Found lying on the floor in a vault on level 98 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 55, 6:13, at CL 50.
 g) an Amulet of Trickery (+3) {SpSlSr;DkNx~Tele}
    Bought from a store in Zul.
    Purchased: Day 73, 19:22, at CL 50.
 h) The Jewel of Judgement (+3) {SpInWi;CfCa;SiHl A:Clairvoyance and Recall}
    Dropped by a Greater naga on level 98 of Angband.
    Picked up: Day 49, 6:13, at CL 50.
 i) The Power Dragon Scale Mail 'Backburner' (-3) [40,+25] (+3) 
      {WiDxCn;AcElFiCoPoLiDkCfNtNxSoShCaDi A:Breathe Elements}
    Magically improved by a scroll in Thalos.
    Picked up: Day 30, 18:39, at CL 44.
 j) The Ethereal Cloak of Ariel, Queen of Air (+17,+2) [0,+15] (+5) 
    Dropped by Ariel, Queen of Air on level 60 of Castle.
    Picked up: Day 24, 10:31, at CL 42.
 k) The Mithril Helm of Dor-Lomin [8,+20] (+4) {StDxCn;AcElFiCoLiBl;SiLu~Tele 
      A:Terrify Monsters}
    Dropped by Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God on level 98 of Angband.
    Picked up: Day 46, 7:01, at CL 49.
 l) The Set of Leather Gloves of Dogram (+9,+1) [1,+12] (+3) {SpDxSl;Fe;Fa(Dx}
    Dropped by Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings on level 71 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 24, 6:36, at CL 42.
 m) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Aragorn (+7,+3) [4,+17] (+2) 
    Found lying on the floor on level 79 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 32, 19:34, at CL 45.

              |\}~=="*[(]]]                           |\}~=="*[(]]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijklm@             Abilities    abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : ........+.+...  65%        Speed      : ..+.++++.+.++#
 Electricity: ........+++.+.  75%        Free Act   : .+.......+.++.   4x
 Fire       : ........+.+.+.  72%        See Invis  : ++.....+.++...   5x
 Cold       : ........+++.+.  75%        Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : .+......+.....  65%        Slow Digest: .+............
 Light      : ........+.+...  40%        Regenerate : .+............ 200%
 Dark       : ......+.+.....  40%         HP Regen  : .............- 120%
 Confusion  : .+.....++.....  45%         SP Regen  : .............. 200%
 Nether     : +.......+.....  40%        Hold Life  : ++.....+......   3x
 Nexus      : +.....+.+.....  45%        Levitation : .........+....
 Sound      : ........+.....  30%        Perm Lite  : .+........+...
 Shards     : ........+.....  30%        Reflection : ..............
 Chaos      : ++.....++.....  47%        Nightvision: ..............
 Disenchantm: +.......+.....  40%        Life Mult  : ++............ +18%
 Time       : ..............   0%        Dec Mana   : ..............
 Blindness  : ..........+...  30%        Easy Spell : ..............
 Fear       : +.+........+.#   4x        Anti Magic : ..............
                                         Magic Skill: ..............
              |\}~=="*[(]]]              Spell Power: ..............
 Auras        abcdefghijklm@             Spell Cap  : ..............
 Aura Elec  : ..............             Magic Res  : ..............
 Aura Fire  : ..............             Infravision: ..............
 Aura Cold  : ..............             Stealth    : ......+....+++
 Aura Shards: ..............             Searching  : ......+.......
 Revenge    : ..............            
              |\}~=="*[(]]]              Sustains     abcdefghijklm@
 Slays        abcdefghijklm@             Sust Str   : ..............
 Slay Evil  : +.............             Sust Int   : ..............
 Slay Undead: +.............             Sust Wis   : ..............
 Slay Demon : +.............             Sust Dex   : ...........+..
 Slay Dragon: ++............             Sust Con   : .............+
 Slay Human : .+............             Sust Chr   : ..............
 Slay Animal: ++............            
 Slay Orc   : .+............                          |\}~=="*[(]]]
 Slay Troll : .+............             Detection    abcdefghijklm@
 Slay Giant : .+............             Telepathy  : ......+...+...
 Slay Good  : ..............             ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Living: ..............             ESP Nonliv : ..............
 Acid Brand : ..............             ESP Living : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............             ESP Good   : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..............             ESP Undead : ..............
 Cold Brand : ..............             ESP Demon  : ..............
 Pois Brand : ..+...........             ESP Dragon : ..............
 Mana Brand : ..............             ESP Human  : ..............
 Dark Brand : ..............             ESP Animal : ..............
 Sharpness  : ..............             ESP Orc    : ..............
 Stunning   : ..............             ESP Troll  : ..............
 Quake      : ..............             ESP Giant  : ..............
 Vampiric   : .+............            
 Chaotic    : ..............                          |\}~=="*[(]]]
 Extra Blows: ..............             Curses       abcdefghijklm@
 Extra Shots: ..............             Cursed     : ..............
 Extra Might: ..............             Rnd Tele   : ..............
 Blessed    : ++............             No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : ..............             Drain Exp  : ..............
 Digging    : ..............             Aggravate  : ..............
 Throwing   : ..............             TY Curse   : ..............
              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR! : ..2.......4.2. 18/100  1 -1  0  8 18/180
       INT! : 3.2....3.....4 18/100  2  2  0  8 18/180
       WIS! : 33.....33...24 18/120  2  1  0 14 18/***
       DEX! : ........354321  18/90  2  2  0 17 18/***
       CON! : ........3.4..s 18/120  3 -2  0  7 18/200
       CHR! : .32...........  18/70  0 -2  0  5 18/100

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Scimitar 'Soulsword' (3d6) (+9,+11)            Accuracy
 Weight : 13.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : !Skilled (+10 To Hit)                               25 80%
 To Hit : 9 + 67 = 76                                         50 64%
 To Dam : 11 + 11 = 22                                        75 49%
 Blows  : 4.00                                               100 33%
 Skill  : 32.5%                                              125 18%
 Damage                                                      150  5%
 Crits  : 1.14x (10.5%)                                      175  5%
 Normal : 134 [1.14x]                                        200  5%
 Animals: 202 [2.73x]                                        
 Evil   : 176 [2.16x]                                        
 Undead : 220 [3.19x]                                        
 Demons : 220 [3.19x]                                        
 Dragons: 220 [3.19x]                                        
 Hand #2: The Bo Staff of Asclepius (2d12) (+15,+15) [+5]    Accuracy
 Weight : 16.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : !Beginner (+0 To Hit)                               25 77%
 To Hit : 15 + 55 = 70                                        50 59%
 To Dam : 15 + 9 = 24                                         75 40%
 Blows  : 4.00                                               100 22%
 Skill  : 28.8%                                              125  5%
 Damage                                                      150  5%
 Crits  : 1.15x (11.0%)                                      175  5%
 Normal : 154 [1.15x]                                        200  5%
 Animals: 238 [2.76x]                                        
 Humans : 238 [2.76x]                                        
 Orcs   : 262 [3.22x]                                        
 Trolls : 262 [3.22x]                                        
 Giants : 262 [3.22x]                                        
 Dragons: 262 [3.22x]                                        
=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Long Bow of Heracles (x3) (+12,+22) (+2)
 Range   : 180'
 Shots   : 1.00
 Mult    : 3.42x
 Profic  : !Beginner (+0 To Hit)
 To Hit  : 12 + 71 = 83
 Xtra Dam: 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

 Ammo #1 : 2 Sheaf Arrows of Holy Might (4d4) (+3,+7)         AC Hit
 Breakage: 16%                                                25 90%
 Weight  : 0.4 lbs                                            50 85%
 To Hit  : 3 + 83 = 86                                       100 75%
 To Dam  : 7 (Multiplier Applies)                            150 65%
 To Dam  : 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 60%
 Damage                                                      200 55%
 Crits   : 1.12x (8.0%)                                      
 Normal  : 92/92                                             
 Evil    : 116/116                                           
 Undead  : 147/147                                           
 Demons  : 147/147                                           
 Fire    : 130/130                                           
 Poison  : 130/130                                           
 Ammo #2 : 23 Mithril Arrows of Slaying (6d4) (+11,+8)        AC Hit
 Breakage: 16%                                                25 90%
 Weight  : 0.4 lbs                                            50 86%
 To Hit  : 11 + 83 = 94                                      100 76%
 To Dam  : 8 (Multiplier Applies)                            150 67%
 To Dam  : 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 62%
 Damage                                                      200 57%
 Crits   : 1.13x (8.6%)                                      
 Normal  : 113/113                                           
 Undead  : 192/192                                           
 Demons  : 192/192                                           
 Poison  : 168/168                                           
 Ammo #3 : 12 Mithril Arrows of Slaying (5d4) (+11,+10)       AC Hit
 Breakage: 16%                                                25 90%
 Weight  : 0.4 lbs                                            50 86%
 To Hit  : 11 + 83 = 94                                      100 76%
 To Dam  : 10 (Multiplier Applies)                           150 67%
 To Dam  : 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 62%
 Damage                                                      200 57%
 Crits   : 1.13x (8.8%)                                      
 Normal  : 110/110                                           
 Evil    : 147/147                                           
 Good    : 147/147                                           
 Living  : 147/147                                           
 Poison  : 161/161                                           
 Ammo #4 : 22 Mithril Arrows of Holy Might (6d4) (+12,+12)    AC Hit
 Breakage: 16%                                                25 91%
 Weight  : 0.4 lbs                                            50 86%
 To Hit  : 12 + 83 = 95                                      100 76%
 To Dam  : 12 (Multiplier Applies)                           150 67%
 To Dam  : 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 62%
 Damage                                                      200 58%
 Crits   : 1.12x (8.6%)                                      
 Normal  : 130/130                                           
 Evil    : 171/171                                           
 Undead  : 222/222                                           
 Demons  : 222/222                                           
 Fire    : 192/192                                           
 Poison  : 192/192                                           
 Ammo #5 : 25 Seeker Arrows of Slaying (6d4) (+12,+12)        AC Hit
 Breakage: 16%                                                25 91%
 Weight  : 0.2 lbs                                            50 86%
 To Hit  : 12 + 83 = 95                                      100 76%
 To Dam  : 12 (Multiplier Applies)                           150 67%
 To Dam  : 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 62%
 Damage                                                      200 58%
 Crits   : 1.08x (8.5%)                                      
 Normal  : 127/127                                           
 Demons  : 216/216                                           
 Dragons : 216/216                                           
 Poison  : 185/185                                           
 Ammo #6 : 27 Seeker Arrows of Slaying (6d4) (+15,+12)        AC Hit
 Breakage: 16%                                                25 91%
 Weight  : 0.2 lbs                                            50 86%
 To Hit  : 15 + 83 = 98                                      100 77%
 To Dam  : 12 (Multiplier Applies)                           150 68%
 To Dam  : 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 63%
 Damage                                                      200 59%
 Crits   : 1.08x (8.8%)                                      
 Normal  : 127/127                                           
 Evil    : 168/168                                           
 Good    : 168/168                                           
 Living  : 168/168                                           
 Poison  : 185/185                                           
==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Telekinesis            9    9   0%                   10    0   0%

================================== Abilities ==================================

 * You gain +25% power when using Wands.
 * You use Wands more quickly.
 * You have a chance of not consuming a charge when using Wands.
 * You may use Wands even when frightened.
 * You are resistant to charge draining (Power=50).

=================================== Spells ====================================

                              Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Detect Devices              1    1   1%                     1    1  50%
 b) Identify Device             5    5   1%                   148    1   1%
 c) Recharging                 10   15   1% Power 150          26    1   4%
 d) Transfer Effect            15   25   1%                     1    0   0%
 e) Desperation                25    0   0%                     1    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

!Warrens         : level   1
!Hideout         : level  18
 Icky cave       : level  10
!Labyrinth       : level  28
!Orc cave        : level  32
!Camelot         : level  35
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
!Battlefield     : level  50
!Snow castle     : level  50
!Castle          : level  65
 Atlantis        : level  60
!Graveyard       : level  70
!Dragon's lair   : level  72
!Mine            : level  80
 Arena           : level  77
!R'lyeh          : level  96
 Angband         : level 100

You retired from the adventure after winning.

 Last Message: Me kill J

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Trouble at Home (Outpost)                          DL5   CL1   Day 1, 7:05
  The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost)                     DL5   CL4   Day 1, 7:54
  Pest Control (Outpost)                             DL5   CL9   Day 1, 10:11
  Kill Orfax, Son of Boldor                          DL8   CL19  Day 4, 20:53
  Mushrooms (Thalos)                                 DL10  CL16  Day 2, 17:35
  Cop Quest (Anambar)                                DL12  CL25  Day 6, 15:17
  Crow's Nest (Outpost)                              DL15  CL16  Day 2, 8:33
  I Hate Snakes! (Morivant)                          DL15  CL18  Day 4, 8:10
  Kill Gorbag, the Orc Captain                       DL15  CL19  Day 4, 22:43
  The Sewer (Outpost)                                DL18  CL18  Day 4, 7:16
  Tidy the Laboratory (Thalos)                       DL20  CL23  Day 5, 11:04
  Shadow Fairies (Thalos)                            DL20  CL23  Day 5, 12:04
  The Orc Camp (Anambar)                             DL20  CL25  Day 6, 18:09
  The Stranger (Telmora)                             DL22  CL23  Day 5, 12:49
  Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost)                     DL22  CL24  Day 5, 16:10
  Doom Quest I (Angwil)                              DL24  CL24  Day 5, 14:48
  Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant)                  DL25  CL19  Day 4, 9:25
  The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant)                    DL25  CL20  Day 5, 7:45
  The Old Barracks (Morivant)                        DL25  CL22  Day 5, 9:05
  The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant)                    DL25  CL26  Day 6, 23:47
  Vapor Quest (Outpost)                              DL25  CL26  Day 7, 8:10
  Kill Tom the Stone Troll                           DL26  CL25  Day 6, 19:36
  Djinni's Cavern (Thalos)                           DL27  CL27  Day 7, 12:18
  The Treasure of Scary Rock (Anambar)               DL27  CL27  Day 7, 13:24
  Smugglers' Den (Anambar)                           DL30  CL29  Day 8, 2:43
  Troll Slayer (Morivant)                            DL30  CL32  Day 10, 20:30
  Kill King Koopa                                    DL32  CL27  Day 7, 15:33
  The Old Watchtower (Thalos)                        DL32  CL28  Day 7, 23:01
  Dinosaur Quest (Anambar)                           DL33  CL31  Day 9, 16:34
  The Vault (Telmora)                                DL35  CL31  Day 9, 20:56
  The Barrow Downs (Telmora)                         DL35  CL32  Day 10, 23:28
  Giant Slayer (Morivant)                            DL36  CL50  Day 49, 21:37
  The Sand Pit (Angwil)                              DL38  CL33  Day 12, 8:38
  Basilisk Cave (Thalos)                             DL40  CL32  Day 11, 2:06
  Staff Recovery (Thalos)                            DL40  CL33  Day 12, 7:41
  Dragon Quest (Angwil)                              DL42  CL34  Day 12, 11:34
  The Elven Embassy (Morivant)                       DL42  CL41  Day 22, 6:27
  Kill Ulik the Troll                                DL44  CL33  Day 12, 6:42
  Kill Glaurung, Father of the Dragons               DL45  CL38  Day 17, 0:17
  The Haunted House (Outpost)                        DL45  CL39  Day 17, 6:34
  The Old Castle (Outpost)                           DL50  CL40  Day 18, 2:42
  Clear the Wreckage (Thalos)                        DL50  CL40  Day 19, 7:06
  The Mountain Shrine (Telmora)                      DL50  CL50  Day 78, 18:51
  Kill Hastur the Unspeakable                        DL53  CL42  Day 23, 7:44
  The Renegade Sorcerer (Thalos)                     DL55  CL40  Day 20, 6:09
  Eddies in the Space-Time Continuum (Zul)           DL55  CL42  Day 26, 21:16
  The Underground City (Morivant)                    DL55  CL43  Day 28, 18:40
  Kill Glaaki                                        DL65  CL42  Day 23, 18:20
  The Thing under the Mountain (Telmora)             DL65  CL50  Day 78, 19:10
  Kill Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire          DL80  CL46  Day 35, 8:40
  Oberon                                             DL99  CL50  Day 57, 18:29
  Serpent of Chaos                                   DL100 CL50  Day 88, 6:27

  Failed Quests
  The Shopkeeper's Secret (Morivant)                 DL35  CL29  Day 9, 5:27
  The Cloning Pits (Thalos)                          DL45  CL35  Day 13, 22:12

  Arena: Defeated by Mithril golem in the 18th fight

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 7387 enemies including 245 unique monsters in total. There 
are 147 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  The Serpent of Chaos                         100
  The Unicorn of Order                          99
  Oberon, King of Amber                         99
  Sauron, the Sorcerer                          98
  Great Cthulhu                                 96
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs          95
  The Destroyer                                 94
  Cerberus, Guardian of Hades                   94
  Pandemonium                                   94
  Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst                92
  Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods       91
  Jack the Ripper                               90
  Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One                   90
  Kaschei the Immortal                          90
  Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies                  90
  Oremorj the Cyberdemon Lord                   89
  Tulzscha, the Green Flame                     89
  Apophis, the Primordial Chaos                 89
  Thanatos, God of Death                        88
  Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves             87

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Caaws                      90     1     Bloodletter of Khorne      34   246
  Hell hound of Julian       83     7     Clubber demon              40   183
  Tonberry                   80     5     Shadow fairy               25   126
  Ninja Tonberry             80     4     Dark elven warlock         23   110
  Hell spider                80     4     Cave ogre                  26   109
  Greater Balrog             79     2     Water troll                33   105
  Ultimate Magus             79     2     Fiendish donkey            26    69
  Lourph                     79    15     Dread                      40    68
  Spectral Wyrm              77     1     Arch-vile                  21    66
  Cyberdemon                 77     1     Cave orc                    7    66
  Pit Fiend                  77     1     Young blue dragon          29    59
  Kirin                      76     2     Undead spider              60    56
  Warp demon                 76     4     Mature white dragon        35    55
  Aether hound               75     1     Mature green dragon        36    54
  Great Wyrm of Space-Time   72     1     Young red dragon           36    54
  Black reaver               71     1     Orc shaman                  9    53
  Greater rotting quylthulg  71     1     Mature red dragon          37    52
  Death Scythe               70     1     Young green dragon         29    50
  Bouncing mine              70     2     Young white dragon         29    49
  Disintegrate spider        70     2     Pumpkin man                18    49
================================== Mutations ==================================

You are telekinetic.
You attract animals.
You are moronic (-4 INT/WIS).
Your skin is made of steel (-1 DEX, +25 AC).
Your stealth is increased.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

15 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}
3 Potions of Life {!kq}
9 Potions of Restore Mana {!kq}
48 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
15 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {25% off, !*}
a Rod of Capacity: Detection (6/7 charges) (+4) {1%}
a Rod of Regeneration: Heroic Speed (2/2 charges) (+3) {@zs!sdk}
a Rod: Heroic Speed (3/3 charges) {1%, @zs!sdk}
a Rod: Angelic Healing (3/3 charges) {3%, @zh!sdk}
a Wand: Teleport Other (45/45 charges) {1%}
a Wand: Stone to Mud (72/72 charges) {1%}
a Wand: Tsunami (13/13 charges) {1%}
a Wand of Holding: Rocket (3/4 charges) {1%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand: Rocket (5/5 charges) {1%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand of Capacity: Rocket (0/5 charges) (+3) {1%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (0/4 charges) (+5) {1%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand: Rocket (5/5 charges) {1%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand of Capacity: Rocket (0/5 charges) (+4) {1%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand of Capacity: Rocket (0/5 charges) (+4) {8%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (0/4 charges) (+5) {1%, @ar!sdk}
a Wand: Rocket (0/4 charges) {11%, @ar!sdk}
a Staff: Teleport (19/23 charges) {1%}
a Staff: Destruction (7/7 charges) {1%, @ud!sdk}
a Staff of Simplicity: Destruction (5/6 charges) (+3) {1%, @ud!sdk}
a Staff: Genocide (7/7 charges) {37%}
a Staff of Resistance: Healing (4/5 charges) {1%, @uh!sdk}

============================== Character Quiver ===============================

2 Sheaf Arrows of Holy Might (4d4) (+3,+7) {Bs|F/*UL}
23 Mithril Arrows of Slaying (6d4) (+11,+8) {/UL}
12 Mithril Arrows of Slaying (5d4) (+11,+10) {/*ALv}
22 Mithril Arrows of Holy Might (6d4) (+12,+12) {Bs|F/*UL}
25 Seeker Arrows of Slaying (6d4) (+12,+12) {/DU}
27 Seeker Arrows of Slaying (6d4) (+15,+12) {/*ALv}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

    30 3 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery
  1000 2 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
     3 5 Rations of Food
    30 7 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
   100 10 Potions of Antidote
   120 61 Potions of Speed {!kq}
   120 3 Potions of Resist Heat and Cold {!kq}
    35 22 Potions of Heroism
   150 40 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
   375 99 Potions of Healing {25% off, !kq}
   375 10 Potions of Healing {25% off, !kq}
   400 18 Potions of Restore Life Levels
   220 2 Potions of Restore Constitution
 25000 2 Potions of Strength {!k}
  3000 a Potion of Restoring
   250 8 Potions of Resistance {!kq}
    80 94 Potions of Curing
100000 2 Potions of Invulnerability
 25000 5 Potions of New Life {!**}
 10000 a Potion of Stone Skin {!k}
  1000 7 Potions of Great Clarity
    15 55 Scrolls of Phase Door
   113 14 Scrolls of Word of Recall {25% off}
  4000 5 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
   500 3 Scrolls of Rune of Protection
   250 10 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
   750 16 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
  1000 a Scroll of Forest Creation
 10000 a Scroll of Vengeance
100000 3 Scrolls of Crafting
    10 9 Scrolls of Detect Monsters
 10000 a Scroll of Mana
  5000 2 Scrolls of Banishment
  2800 a Rod: Enlightenment (3/3 charges)
 15250 a Rod: Clairvoyance (2/2 charges) {20%}
  4600 a Rod: Detection (2/2 charges) {1%}
  5800 a Rod: Recall (7/7 charges) {1%}
 27500 a Rod of Regeneration: Restoring (3/3 charges) (+5)
 11900 a Rod of Quickness: Great Clarity (2/2 charges) (+4) {1%}
  8545 a Rod of Capacity: Great Clarity (2/2 charges) (+4)
  6325 a Rod: Great Clarity (1/2 charges)
 10465 a Rod of Simplicity: Great Clarity (2/2 charges) (+3) {1%}
  2950 a Rod: Beam of Light (2/2 charges)
  5725 a Wand: Teleport Other (10/15 charges) {1%}
 16300 a Wand: Stone to Mud (64/64 charges) {1%}
 16483 a Wand: Annihilation (2/5 charges) {1%}
  1871 a Wand: Fire Bolt (6/6 charges)
  3846 a Wand: Fire Bolt (11/11 charges) {1%}
  2850 a Wand: Water Bolt (2/5 charges) {1%}
  4147 a Wand: Ice Bolt (5/5 charges) {1%}
  7896 a Wand: Beam of Gravity (7/7 charges) {1%}
 12962 a Wand: Acid Ball (9/9 charges) {1%}
  4217 a Wand of Resistance: Fire Ball (5/5 charges) {1%}
  4099 a Wand: Fire Ball (5/6 charges)
  9325 a Wand: Whirlpool (2/4 charges) {1%}
 24552 a Wand of Regeneration: Whirlpool (5/5 charges) (+4) {1%}
 14650 a Wand of Simplicity: Disintegrate (5/5 charges) (+2) {1%, @ad!sdk}
 13839 a Wand of Capacity: Disintegrate (5/5 charges) (+4) {1%, @ad!sdk}
 21008 a Wand of Holding: Disintegrate (3/5 charges) {1%, @ad!sdk}
 21199 a Wand: Disintegrate (3/5 charges) {@ad!sdk}
  7569 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (3/4 charges) {1%}
 12142 a Wand of Holding: Dragon's Flame (4/4 charges) {1%}
  7695 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (2/4 charges)
 12749 a Wand of Capacity: Dragon's Frost (6/6 charges) (+3) {1%}
  6148 a Wand: Tsunami (3/6 charges)
  8218 a Wand: Tsunami (2/8 charges) {1%}
  9676 a Wand: Tsunami (2/9 charges) {1%}
 13900 a Wand: Dragon's Breath (5/5 charges) {1%}
  3662 a Wand: Vampirism (5/5 charges)
  4203 a Wand: Vampirism (6/6 charges) {1%}
 11331 a Wand of Regeneration: Vampirism (9/9 charges) (+3) {1%}
  8794 a Wand: Meteor (1/4 charges) {1%}
 15202 a Wand of Holding: Meteor (5/5 charges) {1%}
 27470 a Wand: Meteor (11/11 charges) {1%}
135200 a Wand of Quickness: Wall Building (5/5 charges) (+4) {15%}
107600 a Wand of Capacity: Wall Building (8/8 charges) (+4) {15%}
  1600 a Staff: Enlightenment (6/6 charges) {1%}
  3475 a Staff: Teleport (3/9 charges) {1%}
  3362 a Staff: Teleport (8/8 charges)
  2850 a Staff: Earthquake (6/11 charges)
 12835 a Staff: Destruction (3/7 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 10841 a Staff: Destruction (5/5 charges) {1%, @ud!sdk}
 16315 a Staff: Destruction (6/6 charges) {1%, @ud!sdk}
 24982 a Staff: Destruction (3/9 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 23142 a Staff: Destruction (1/8 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 23348 a Staff: Destruction (6/6 charges) {1%, @ud!sdk}
 21100 a Staff: Genocide (2/5 charges)
  8350 a Staff: Banish Evil (6/6 charges)
  9100 a Staff: Banish Evil (7/7 charges) {1%}
 26350 a Staff: Banish (8/10 charges)
 19000 a Staff: Banish (4/7 charges)
 21625 a Staff: Banish (8/8 charges)
 29540 a Staff of Holding: Banish (2/8 charges) {1%}
  6175 a Staff: Speed (8/8 charges) {1%, @us!sdk}
  5575 a Staff: Speed (5/7 charges) {@us!sdk}
  8645 a Staff of Holding: Speed (5/8 charges) {1%, @us!sdk}
  8220 a Staff of Simplicity: Speed (9/9 charges) (+2) {1%, @us!sdk}
  7375 a Staff: Speed (4/9 charges) {@us!sdk}
  8575 a Staff: Speed (9/11 charges) {1%, @us!sdk}
  8650 a Staff: Speed (11/11 charges) {@us!sdk}
 11875 a Staff: Speed (5/15 charges) {@us!sdk}
 14210 a Staff of Simplicity: Speed (13/13 charges) (+4) {1%, @us!sdk}
  9725 a Staff: Telepathy (9/11 charges)
  4207 a Staff of Resistance: Cure Wounds (13/13 charges) {@uu!sdk}
  5132 a Staff: Cure Wounds (13/18 charges)
 13494 a Staff: Healing (4/4 charges) {@uh!sdk}
 25836 a Staff of Quickness: Healing (4/4 charges) (+4) {1%, @uh!sdk}
 14979 a Staff: Healing (3/5 charges) {1%, @uh!sdk}
 17584 a Staff: Healing (4/5 charges) {@uh!sdk}
 15510 a Staff: Healing (3/5 charges) {1%, @uh!sdk}
 17269 a Staff: Healing (5/5 charges) {@uh!sdk}
 16297 a Staff: Healing (5/5 charges) {1%, @uh!sdk}
 30824 a Staff of Simplicity: Mana Storm (5/5 charges) (+3) {1%}
 24973 a Staff: Mana Storm (4/5 charges)
 36955 a Staff of Capacity: Mana Storm (1/6 charges) (+4) {24%}
 10897 a Staff: Confusing Lights (6/6 charges) {@uz!sdk}
 24100 a Staff: Confusing Lights (5/10 charges) {1%, @uz!sdk}
 23050 a Staff: Confusing Lights (9/9 charges) {1%, @uz!sdk}
 24844 a Staff: Star Burst (3/5 charges) {13%}
 20980 a Staff: Star Burst (3/4 charges) {20%}
   977 a Staff: Confuse Monsters (5/5 charges)
  1919 a Staff: Confuse Monsters (4/7 charges) {1%}
  4132 a Staff: Confuse Monsters (11/11 charges) {1%}
  1838 a Quiver of Holding [170]
 60400 a Ring of Speed (+10) {Sp}
 40400 a Ring of Speed (+8) {Sp}
 28170 a Ring (Defender) [+7] {AcElFiCoNt;FaSi(StInDx}
 24788 a Ring of Archery (+5,+4) (+3) {25% off, XmXs}
 18400 a Ring of Combat (+5,+15)
 15537 a Ring of Protection [+8] {NtDi;FaSi}
 14070 a Ring of Protection {CfDi;FaWr~Z A:Resist Acid}
 12993 a Ring (Elemental) [+7] {Fi;Lu[F|F}
  8560 a Ring of Protection [+20]
  8510 a Ring of Archery (+9,+16)
 33872 The Ring of the Elves (+2) {StInChSr;Fe;Wm}
 33613 The Ring of the Night Owl (+9,+10) (+3) {SpCh;AcSoDi;FaSi}
 29856 The Ring of the Lords (+3) {StWi;Xs}
 24027 The Ring of the Dark-Elves (+3) {SpStDxCn;Fe;FaSi}
 23564 The Ring of the Noldor (+4) {SpCn;Nx;Si A:Confuse Monsters}
 22488 The Ring of the Devils (+6,+5) [+6] (+4) {Ch;ShDi;FaSi}
 22129 The Ring of Brodgar (-5,-1) (+2) {WiCnChSlSr;FiCfDi;Fa}
 15084 The Ring of the Lost Paradise (+5,+3) (+4) {Sl;AcEl;FaSd~Good~PL}
 11391 The Ring of Despair (+3,+7) [+11] {Co;FaSiWr}
100163 The Ring of Power (Nenya) (+2) 
         {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Co;FaSiHlSdRgLvXsWm|Co(InWi A:Frost Ball}
 60720 The Ring of Power (Narya) (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Fi;FaSiSdRgXsWm|F(StDx 
         A:Fire Ball}
 43088 The Ring of the Ages [+20] (+4) {Cn;Ti;Hl(StInWiDxCnCh}
 37425 The Ring of Tulkas (+4) {SpStDxCn A:Heroic Speed}
 15120 The Ring 'Frakir' (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnChSlSr;Po;SiWr A:Vampirism}
 30984 an Amulet of the Magi (+5) {Sr;Rm~Tele~DL}
 21224 a Dwarven Necklace (+3) {StCnIf;DkDiBl;Lu}
 21224 a Dwarven Necklace (+3) {StCnIf;DkDi;RgLu}
 18620 an Amulet of Devotion {DkCa;RfSiHl}
 15506 an Amulet of Devotion (+1) {Wi;LiCf;RfSiHl}
 14800 an Amulet of Trickery (+5) {SlSr;PoCf}
 13965 a Sacred Pendant [+9] (+2) {St;Ca;FaSiHlLuBs}
 10800 a Dwarven Necklace (+6) {If;DiBl;RgLu}
 10599 a Barbarian Talisman (+3) {StDx;Fe}
  8540 an Amulet of the Magi (+2) {MdSr;FaSi(In}
  8385 an Amulet of Devotion (+2) {Ch;Cf;FaHl}
  5799 an Amulet of Trickery (+1) {DxSr;Po(Dx A:Detect Objects}
 22691 The Amulet of Oppiness (+4) {InCn;Cf;RfFaSd}
 14162 The Amulet of Questing (+6,+4) (+2) {St;LiNt;Fa}
 29230 The Harness of the Hell (+15,+15) [-5] (+2) {Ch;-InWiSlSp;DkNt;SiAg~L 
         A:Darkness Storm}
 28278 The Amulet of Sacred Knights [+10] (+2) {StWi;CfCa;FaSiHlRgBs A:Dispel 
         Curse and Probing}
 25228 The Amulet of Ingwe (+3) {WiChIf;AcElCo;FaSi A:Dispel Evil}
 23471 The Amulet of The Pitch Dark Night [+5] (+4) {SlSr;Dk;SiDs A:Darkness 
 20068 The Amulet 'Yasaka-no-Magatama' (+3) {InChSr;ElFiCo;FaSi A:Recall}
 17675 The Amulet of Surveillance (+2) {ChSl;FaSi~TeleNolv A:Probing}
 15585 The Pendant 'Efki' [+5] (+3) {Sp;Fe;Hl A:Speed}
  9172 The Amulet of Boromir (+0,+8) {Fe(St A:Terrify Monsters}
  8597 The Inro of Mito Koumon (+2) {InWiChSrIf;Si A:Reveal Identity}
 15658 The Feanorian Lamp 'Moonglow' (+4) {DxIf;ElFi;Hl}
 10848 The Feanorian Lamp 'Aquilon Lamp' (+4) {WiCh(Wi}
  5549 The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3) {If[FE}
  6354 The Phial of Galadriel (+5) {Sr;Dk A:Illumination}
  8053 The Star of Elendil (+1) {SpCnCh;SiHlRg A:Magic Mapping and 
 10809 The Stone of Lore (+2) {InWi;Id A:Probing}
 27248 The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) {WiCh~Tele A:List Uniques}
 23680 The Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2) {SpInCh;HlLv A:Mana Ball}
 11425 The Stone of Nature [+5] {A:Stone Skin}
 13425 The Sorcerer's Stone (+2) {In A:*Recharging*}
 15165 The Meditation Stone (+2) (charging) {Wi A:Restore Mana}
 18680 The Arkenstone of Thrain {LiDk;SiHl A:Clairvoyance}
 24626 The Lava Lamp of Telmora (+1) {Ch;FiSo[F|F A:Confusing Lights}
 24192 The All-Seeing Eye (+5) {cursed, Sr;LiDkBl;SiNv~Tele A:Detection}
 71204 The Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail 'Razorback' (-4) [40,+25] 
         {*El;AcFiCoPoLiDk;FaSiLuAg A:Star Ball}
 60472 The Metal Scale Mail 'Prince of Chaos' (-2) [13,+25] (+1) 
 77426 The Metal Scale Mail of Julian (-2) [15,+40] (+4) {StCh;AcElFiCoDkDiBl~Z 
 48729 The Double Ring Mail 'Salamander' (-2) [15,+22] {FiSoShDi;RfLu[FE(Wi}
 71521 The Augmented Chain Mail of the Beornings (-2) [16,+26] (+4) 
 69035 The Augmented Chain Mail 'Wargskin' (+2,+2) [16,+25] (+3) 
 44601 The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) 
         {InWiCn;AcPoCfSh A:Trap and Door Destruction}
 27000 Double Chain Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [16,+9] (+3) {SpSl;AcElFiCoNx}
 68650 The Bar Chain Mail of the Graveyard Cyclops (-2) [23,+25] (+4) 
 58175 The Bar Chain Mail of Phobos (-2) [18,+24] (+4) {InCnChSr;ElPoCfNxDi;Te}
 47490 The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) 
 30435 Do-maru of Elvenkind (-2) [20,+21] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoSh}
 52978 The Partial Plate Armour of the Bee Master (-3) [27,+25] (+4) 
 65812 The Metal Lamellar Armour 'White Snow' (+9,+11) [23,+24] (+4) 
 40415 The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2) 
 71507 The Haramakido 'Silverback' (-2) [17,+23] (+3) {SpDxCn;AcElFiCoDkShDi}
 68035 The Haramakido of Yositsune [17,+28] (+2) {SpDxSl;AcElFiCoCfNxCa;FaSdRg}
 57740 The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcFiCoLiCfNxSo}
 51329 The O-yoroi 'Flamecoat' (-2) [24,+26] (+3) {SpCn;FiSh;FaSiHlLv[F}
 68820 The Ribbed Plate Armour 'Ever-Faithful' (-3) [28,+25] 
 50536 The Ribbed Plate Armour of Grace (-3) [28,+23] (+3) {WiDx;AcFiDkSh}
 43608 The Robe of Zoopi [2,+20] (+4) {Sr;AcElFiCoPoNtNxBl}
 59195 The Robe of Incanus [2,+20] (+3) [+15%] {InWiSr;AcElFiCo;FaSiLv(InWi 
         A:Mana Bolt}
 33804 The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiPoDk}
 25905 Soft Studded Leather of Elvenkind [5,+19] (+2) {DxSl;AcElFiCoNt}
 29936 The Hard Leather Armour 'Bitestopper' (-1) [6,+25] {PoNtCa}
 26803 The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {PoNtCa[C A:Protection from 
 20718 Hard Studded Leather of Elvenkind (-1) [7,+12] (+1) {Sl;AcElFiCoCa}
  8403 Hard Studded Leather of Elemental Protection (-1) [7,+10] {FiCo}
 71727 The Rhino Hide Armour of Dworkin (-1) [8,+25] (+2) 
 57552 The Rhino Hide Armour of the Space Invaders (-1) [8,+25] 
 46717 The Rhino Hide Armour of the Wizard (-1) [8,+19] (+2) 
 16887 The Cord Armour 'Sumo Wrestler's Loincloth' [4,+0] (+4) {StCn;Fa(StCn 
         A:Dispel Evil}
 37995 The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+2) {SpDx;AcSh?}
 39544 The Black Clothes of Champion [4,+26] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiCoSo}
 20731 a Cloak of Aman [1,+9] (+3) {SpSl;NtSh}
 33775 The Cloak of Lungorthin [1,+20] (+4) {StCh;FiDk A:Dragon's Flame}
 29717 The Cloak of Uncommon Sense [1,+20] (+4) {InDxSr;CoCf}
 26813 The Cloak 'Raincloak' [1,+18] {AcFiCoSo;Rg[F}
  9765 The Cloak of the Badlands [1,+8] {Fi[F A:Fire Ball Merry}
 14806 The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3) {Sl;Ac A:Teleport}
 10310 The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}
 30207 The Fur Cloak of the Wraith [3,+16] (+3) {Sl;PoDkCfNt;Lu}
 25691 The Fur Cloak 'Steel Bull' [3,+16] (+3) {StCn;CaFe(In}
 23118 The Ethereal Cloak of the Heavenly Maiden [0,+20] (+4) 
         {Ch;ElCoNx;FaSiLvLuAg A:Recall}
 18104 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {25% off, DkCfSoSh;Lv}
 11883 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {ElLiDk;Lv}
 23973 a Pair of Dragon Wings of Aman [4,+26] (+2) {SpSl;DiFe;Lv}
 31807 The Small Leather Shield of the Long Winter [3,+20] {AcElFiCoNt}
 17127 The Small Leather Shield 'Power Matrix' [3,+20] (+3) {St;Fe}
 23479 a Small Metal Shield of Elvenkind [5,+17] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoNt}
 40176 The Small Metal Shield 'Dromedarius' [5,+19] (+3) {Ch;*Fi;Co A:Dragon's 
 21985 The Small Metal Shield of Perseus [5,+15] (+2) {St;AcCo;Rf(St}
 29036 The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiLiDk}
 41640 The Knight's Shield of the Tidal Cave [10,+12] {AcElFiCoShDi;Rf}
 42313 The Mirror 'Yata-no-Kagami' [0,+18] (+3) {InWi;Li;RfSiHlLu~Tele A:Dispel 
 16155 a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Telepathy [0,+15] {~Tele~ULZ}
 35311 The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Numenor [0,+15] (+3) {InDxCh;LiSoSh;Lu}
  4482 a Hard Leather Cap of Seeing [2,+10] (+2) {Sr;Bl;Si~pTL}
 21337 The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {InWi;BlFe~Tele}
 25025 The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [5,+10] (+3) {cursed, 
         Ch;-InWi;AcCoPoDiFe;FaSiTeAgTy[M A:Terrify Monsters}
 12309 a Dragon Helm [8,+17] {ElDk}
 40048 The Kabuto of Hjalmar [7,+20] (+4) {SpStWiCh;Sd(St}
 34741 The Pointy Hat 'Griffonhelm' [1,+20] (+1) {St;FiSoShFe~Lvng~pDL}
  3195 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Thief (+5,-2) [1,+9] (+1) {DxSl(Dx}
     1 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Wizard (-6,-6) [1,-3] (+3) {InMd;-Cn}
 31801 The Set of Leather Gloves of the Fairy [1,+21] (+4) {SpSlSr;Co}
 28075 The Set of Leather Gloves of Quaker, Master of Earth (+2,+5) [1,+19] 
         (+2) {StCn;Sh;Fa|Q}
  5010 The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDx;-St}
 41339 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves 'Gospel' (+1) [1,+21] (+4) 
 34535 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves of the Netherlands (+1) [1,+20] (+4) 
 29015 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+3) 
 15557 The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' (+2,+2) [2,+7] {Fi|F A:Line of Fire}
  6225 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Thief (+6,+0) [4,+8] (+2) {DxSl(Dx}
 21000 The Set of Mithril Gauntlets of White Ice (+1,+1) [5,+21] {CoDkBl;Te}
 12453 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+15] {DkCf}
 25183 The Set of Caestus of Ukko (+3,+5) [2,+20] (+3) {If;Sh;Te}
 40994 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+19] (+9) {Sp}
 39681 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+14] (+9) {Sp}
 39327 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4) 
 37518 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5) {DxCh;NtCa;Fa(CnCh 
         A:Cure Fear and Poison}
 31093 The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Bubo [3,+14] (+2) {StDxCnMd;CoDkFe 
 25519 a Pair of Dragon Boots of Speed [5,+23] (+5) {Sp;Ac}
 17089 a Pair of Dragon Boots of Levitation [5,+16] {Di;Lv?}
 29252 The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of the Lava Fields (+2) [4,+15] (+3) 
         {Sp;FiNx A:Dragon's Flame}
  5337 a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots (Dwarven) (+2) [10,+8] (+2) {Cn;-Sl;Fa}
 39936 The Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Forgotten Pathways (+2) [6,+20] (+4) 
 37853 The Dagger of Fiona (3d5) (+6,+9) (+3) {AtSpDx;Co;ThSiSdRg|CoP A:Frost 
 28344 The Dagger of Caine (2d5) (+10,+15) [+5] (+4) 
 15367 The Main Gauche 'Littlethorn' (1d6) (+18,+6) (+3) {InCh;Nx;FaSiRg/*}
 53136 The Rapier 'Quickthorn' (1d8) (+27,+9) (+4) {AtSpDx;CaDi;FaSi/U}
 24105 The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+8,+8) (+2) 
  7876 a Khopesh of Gondolin (2d5) (+14,+9) {Dk;FaSiLu/XU/DoT}
 29544 The Sword of Tengri (4d5) (+16,+18) (+3) {StCh;Fe;FaLu|EF/p A:Heroism}
 12508 a Broad Sword of Westernesse (2d6) (+8,+15) (+2) {StDxCn;FaSi/oTP~oTP}
111108 The Long Sword 'Ringil' (5d6) (+22,+25) (+5) 
         {SpCh;CoLi;FaSiSdRgLu|Co/*TUL~oTP A:Frost Ball}
  2661 The Long Sword 'Worpal Blade' (5d6) (+32,+32) (+2) 
 19179 The Ninjato of Kamui the Escapee (2d10) (+15,+2) (+4) {DxSlSr;Fi;SiWr|P 
 51565 The Katana of Justice (5d5) (+25,+23) (+4) {If;SdBs|S/TULZ A:Boldness}
 18978 The Katana of Musashi (3d5) (+28,+17) (+3) {Dx(Dx}
 39335 The Bastard Sword 'Bloodrip' (6d6) (+10,+10) (+2) {Cn;-Sl;CfSo;FaSi|VS/A 
         A:Whirlwind Attack}
 58480 The Falchion 'Lootbringer' (5d6) (+22,+20) (+4) {If/*DLZ}
 43505 The Two-Handed Sword 'Hrunting' (4d7) (+13,+21) (+4) {St;FaLvLu|S/XP/D}
 67097 The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d6) (+23,+24) {Si|PS/*pDoTPL}
 34851 a Blade of Chaos (Pattern) (5d6) (+9,+13) (+2) {StCn;CaFe;FaSiHl/*UL}
 34218 The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {cursed, 
 22088 The Spear of Hagen (1d8) (+11,+13) (+3) {SpSlIf;CoDk;ThSi|Co/L}
 73472 The Broad Spear of Destiny (3d11) (+15,+15) (+4) 
         {InWiSrIf;FiLi;SiHlLvLuBs|F/*DPUL A:Stone to Mud}
 24271 The Lucerne Hammer 'Turmil' (2d6) (+10,+6) [+8] (+4) 
         {WiIf;CoLiSo;RgLuBs|Co/o A:Vampirism}
 66801 The Glaive 'Lawslayer' (2d7) (+19,+17) (+3) {AtInWi;TeBs|Ca/XL/* 
         A:Dominate Demon}
  6252 The Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (2d9) (+9,+8) (+1) {StDx/oT A:Cure Wounds}
 55837 The Trifurcate Spear of Wrath (3d10) (+16,+18) (+2) 
 55104 The Lochaber Axe of the Dwarves (3d9) (+12,+17) (+10) 
 10948 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) (+1) {InWi;SiLv A:Telekinesis}
 42194 The Mace of Gibbitude (3d5) (+22,+20) (+2) {CnCh|Q/X*}
 46622 The War Hammer 'Mjollnir' (6d5) (+9,+18) (+4) {StDx;*El;Th|E/P}
 45667 The Flail 'Winblows' (8d7) (+0,+30) (+4) {cursed, -InWiSlSp;Ag|CaQ}
 47378 The Lead-Filled Mace of Hercules (4d5) (+20,+20) (+3) 
 73161 The Great Hammer of Aegir (4d7) (+13,+20) [+10] (+4) {StCnCh;Co|Co/*UL 
         A:Summon Kraken}
 75751 The Wizardstaff of Gandalf (4d2) (+10,+13) (+4) [+20%] 
         {InWiChSr;FiCfNtBl;SiHlSdRgRmLu|FM/*oT A:Globe of Invulnerability}
 41821 The Wizardstaff of Saruman (3d2) (+8,+8) (+3) [+15%] {In;AcElFiCo;Rg|PVM 
 22557 The Wizardstaff of Mokomagi (2d2) (+12,+10) (+3) {In;CfBl(In}
 47235 The Baseball Bat 'Superbat' (2d4) (+14,+16) (+3) 
 52685 The Mattock of Nain (3d8) (+12,+18) (+6) {StSrIfDg;AcDkDi|A/DoTP A:Stone 
         to Mud}
 52060 The Sling of the Hunter (x2.71) (+26,+23) (+3) {SpSt;AcDi;Si(St}
 41130 The Sling of Buckland (x2.75) (+19,+22) (+3) {Sp;CfBl;Fa}
 47143 The Short Bow 'Mortalizer' (x2.50) (+22,+27) (+4) {WiSl;PoCa;SiLvXsBs 
         A:Breathe Poison}
 40912 The Short Bow of You (x3.14) (+21,+24) (+3) {Cn;NxSh[M}
 31435 The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x3.25) (+15,+17) (+2) {DxChSl;So}
 19047 a Long Bow of Lothlorien (x3.70) (+19,+19) (+1) {DxSl;Xs}
 34370 The Long Bow of Matilda (x3) (+22,+27) (+1) {FiShCa;Xs}
 41922 The Long Bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+33) (+4) {DxSl;Di;Xs}
 37505 The Light Crossbow of Wilhelm Tell (x4) (+40,+23) (+4) {Dx;Si/p}
 36390 The Gun 'Crimson' (+4) {Sl;NtSh;Hl A:Rocket}
 29472 The Harp of Maglor (+2) {StInCh;DkNtBl;FaHl(StInCh A:Restore Mana}
   532 21 Steel Bolts of Holy Might (5d5) (+7,+6) {Bs|F/*UL}
   189 25 Mithril Arrows (Elemental) (6d4) (+9,+7) {|FP}
   358 7 Seeker Arrows of Endurance (6d4) (+11,+9)
   407 9 Seeker Arrows of Endurance (6d4) (+13,+11)
   594 The Iron Shot of David (7d3) (+20,+12) {/XP}

==================================== Museum ===================================

a Ring of the Nazgul (+13,+19) (+2) {cursed, 
a Ring of the Nazgul (+18,+10) (+1) {cursed, 
The Ring of Roskis (+8,+7) (+3) {St;FaSi(St}
The Ring of Cower (Darnya) (-15,-15) (+5) {cursed, -StInWiDxCnChSp;AgTy 
  A:Something Weird}
The Stress Ball {Fe;Bs A:Unfocus Rage}
The Hatchet of Awe (2d6) (+24,+20) (+2) {Ch/XD/*UL~Evil}
The Sickle of Manychin (3d4) (+4,+8) (+3) {St;-Sl;Fe;Fa|S/pL~pL A:Charm 

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  5342591
  Selling  :  1743690
  Winnings : 10225000 17311281
  Purchases:  3647931
  Services :   984222
  Stolen   :     4229  4636382

  Objects Found    :  20667
  Objects Bought   :   1298
  Objects Destroyed:   7857

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               2428      0    71  1925
  Shields                366      1    11   300
  Bows                   557      0    12   442
  Quivers                 18      0     4     0
  Rings                  280     16    51    26
  Amulets                227     13    41    39
  Lights                  62      2  2855     1
  Body Armor            2113      0    27  1646
  Cloaks                 323      2    36   224
  Helmets                379      0    25   294
  Gloves                 392      1    22   296
  Boots                  347      1    18   268
  Totals                7474     36  3169  5461

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  428      8 19983     5
  Staves                 278     11  3515    18
  Rods                   239      1  1904     0
  Potions               1439    442   700   112
  Scrolls                840    501   448   200
  Totals                3224    963 26550   335

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                 1976     31   173    45
  Arrows                2791     98  1342   459
  Bolts                 3467      0     0   171
  Spellbooks             107      0     0     7
  Food                   248    167   222    33
  Corpses                968      0     0   959
  Skeletons              279      0     0   280
  Chests                  52      0     0    50
  Totals                9888    296  1737  2004

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds     8     70    34     4
  Curing                 292     52    65    20
  Speed                  240     79   105     6
  Clarity                 44      0    29     0
  Healing                167     64    44    23
  *Healing*               17      2     3     0
  Life                     4      0     1     0
  Restore Mana             7      5     3     0
  Restore Life Levels     14     25     8     0
  Strength                20      2    18     0
  Intelligence            22      0    20     1
  Wisdom                  16      2    18     1
  Dexterity               12      4    14     0
  Constitution            27      3    22     1
  Charisma                28      0    24     0
  Liquid Logrus            1      0     0     0
  New Life                 4      1     0     0
  Experience              19      1    20     1
  Totals                1439    442   700   112

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door              93    370   178    29
  Word of Recall          82     17    57    11
  Identify                41      0     0    18
  *Identify*              53      0    38     5
  Remove Curse             7     15    16     0
  *Remove Curse*           1     10     5     0
  Teleportation           98     56    39    25
  Teleport Level           6      0     1     4
  Destruction             19      0     0     0
  Genocide                17      2     0     1
  Mass Genocide           16      1     2     0
  Forest Creation         18      0     0     0
  Banishment               1      2     0     0
  Crafting                 4      0     0     0
  Acquirement             22      5    27     0
  *Acquirement*            3      0     3     0
  Artifact Creation        1      0     1     0
  Totals                 840    501   448   200

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            32      0  8051     0
  Teleport Other          34      2   847     1
  Vampirism               13      0   406     1
  Dragon's Frost          27      0   408     0
  Dragon's Flame          26      0   546     0
  Tsunami                 11      0  3099     0
  Dragon's Breath          5      0    10     0
  Meteor                   9      0  1531     0
  Annihilation            13      0     0     0
  Whirlpool               12      0    80     0
  Disintegrate            23      0   249     0
  Rocket                  12      0  2857     0
  Wall Building            3      0     2     0
  Totals                 428      8 19983     5

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                26      1   280     1
  Enlightenment            8      0   208     0
  Curing                  10      0     0     0
  Cure Wounds              8      2    47     3
  Telepathy                9      1   264     1
  Speed                   19      2   558     0
  *Identify*               9      0    13     1
  Destruction             16      0   167     2
  Healing                 12      1   255     0
  Genocide                 2      0   157     0
  Confusing Lights        14      0    11     1
  Mana Storm               3      0    12     0
  Star Burst               2      0     1     0
  Darkness Storm           1      0     4     0
  Totals                 278     11  3515    18

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             4      0     0     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     1      0     1     0
  Detect Monsters          3      0     2     0
  Illumination             1      0    78     0
  Recall                  17      0   677     0
  Detection                6      1   969     0
  Enlightenment            7      0     2     0
  Sound Ball              17      0     0     0
  Heroic Speed             5      0    73     0
  Angelic Healing          2      0    30     0
  Restoring                2      0     2     0
  Mana Ball                2      0     0     0
  Shard Ball               3      0     0     0
  Invoke Logrus            1      0     0     0
  Clairvoyance             2      0    14     0
  Totals                 239      1  1904     0

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        54      0     0     0
  Fourth Spellbooks       34      0     0     0
  Totals                 107      0     0     7

  Egos Found    :   3624
  Egos Bought   :     66
  Egos Destroyed:    164

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           33      1     0
  Jewelry (Defender)      28      0     0
  Boots of Elvenkind      10      0     0
  Boots of the Sprite     10      0     0
  Boots of Speed          13      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals               1647  22.2%       Observed             11040  10.6%
  Breeders               160   2.1%       Expected             10852  10.4%
  Demons                 896  12.1%       Failures               978   8.8%
  Dragons               1179  15.9%       Summon                1006   9.1%
  Giants                 271   3.6%       Heal                   552   5.0%
  Hounds                 202   2.7%       Escape                 291   2.6%
  Humans                 649   8.7%       Offense               5084  46.0%
  Orcs                   460   6.2%       Other                 3129  28.3%
  Trolls                 410   5.5%     
  Undead                 660   8.9%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                245   3.3%       Observed              2753  28.2%
                                          Expected              2262  23.2%
  Evil Monsters         5020  67.9%       Failures               236   8.5%
  Good Monsters          156   2.1%       Summon                 594  21.5%
  Neutral Monsters      2214  29.9%       Heal                   297  10.7%
                                          Escape                 122   4.4%
  Totals                7387              Offense               1018  36.9%
                                          Other                  486  17.6%

  Life Rating: Good (47/76)

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Serpent of Chaos gazes deep into your eyes. Your mind is blasted by 
psionic energy. You are blind! You feel yourself moving slower! You 
have been stunned.
You feel your magic return.

Really choose 4 Potions of Life {!kq}? [y/n] => y. You feel life flow 
through your body! You can see again. You are no longer stunned. You 
feel less insecure.
You have 3 Potions of Life {!kq}.
The Serpent of Chaos says, 'I can't be bothered... minions, slaughter 
this fool!'

The Serpent of Chaos hisses.
You have a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (3/4 charges) (+5) {1%, @ar!sdk}.
The Serpent of Chaos invokes Anti-Magic. You resist the effects!

The Serpent of Chaos hisses.
You have a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (2/4 charges) (+5) {1%, @ar!sdk}.

The Serpent of Chaos hisses.
You have a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (1/4 charges) (+5) {1%, @ar!sdk}.

The Serpent of Chaos hisses.
You have a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (0/4 charges) (+5) {1%, @ar!sdk}.
The Serpent of Chaos invokes Anti-Magic. You resist the effects!

The Serpent of Chaos rears up in anger.
You have a Wand of Capacity: Rocket (3/5 charges) (+3) {1%, @ar!sdk}.
The Serpent of Chaos summons Monsters.

The Serpent of Chaos rears up in anger. The Serpent of Chaos flees in 
terror! The Greater mummy groans.
You have a Wand of Capacity: Rocket (2/5 charges) (+3) {1%, @ar!sdk}. 
The Serpent of Chaos recovers its courage.
The Serpent of Chaos attacks the Greater mummy: It crushes. It is 
unaffected! It crushes. The Greater mummy wails out in pain!

The Greater mummy is destroyed. The Monster rears up in anger. The 
Monster flees in terror! The Lloigor flinches.
You have a Wand of Capacity: Rocket (1/5 charges) (+3) {1%, @ar!sdk}.
The Lloigor attacks you: It misses. It misses. It engulfs. You feel 
sickly for a moment, but the feeling passes.

The Serpent of Chaos breathes Disintegration. The Padded Armour 
evaporates! The Full Plate Armour evaporates! The Augmented Chain Mail 

The Serpent of Chaos writhes about. The Lloigor flinches.
You have a Wand of Capacity: Rocket (0/5 charges) (+3) {1%, @ar!sdk}.

The Serpent of Chaos shouts, 'AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!' The Serpent of Chaos is 
destroyed. You just completed your quest!
%    #%#%#......%%%%.....#%#%%%% #+%'  %%#% %     
%        #%%##%##.......%#     %%  %%##%  % %     
             %%#.......%#       ##%#      # #   %%
            %%........##                  % %%#%% 
           %%......%%.#%                  #  :    
%%      %%#%..... %%%#.%%                 #%#%%#%#
...     %.......%%%     #%                        
...     .......%#       .##                       
...    ....p..%%       #%.#%   %##%##%%##%#%#%%%#%
..%%....... #%%      %.%...#%  %                  
..%........          .%.....## # %'%%%#%##%#%%%%##
..%.#......         #........# # % %   %   #   %  
...............     .....@...###.# # # # # # # # #
..............      ..........%'.# # # # # # # # #
..........%#%#     % ..J.v..## #.# # # # # # # # #
.%%..%%#%##          .....###  # #   #   #   #   #
....%%               #.#.##    # #################
.#%.%                .# #      #                  
...#%                          ###################
 A magical staircase appears... *** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have won 
the game! You may retire (commit suicide) when you are ready. The 
Lloigor flinches.
You have a Wand of Holding: Rocket (3/4 charges) {1%, @ar!sdk}.

Me kill J Goodbye, Vehje! Character dump successful.

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      On
 Level Size:         Normal
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Pantheons:          Egyptian, Norse

 Score Multiplier:   41.05%
 Adjusted Score:     8618732

Posted on 11.10.2024 12:50
Last updated on 18.11.2024 15:21

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1724. on the Ladder (of 19097)
165. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1221)
Best for this player (


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On 17.10.2024 16:07 Sphara wrote:
The first ever PDSM in frog.

On 1.11.2024 13:54 Sphara wrote:
Oberon, Cthulhu down without any trouble.

On 20.11.2024 13:55 Sphara wrote:

Vehje was a frequent visitor in Thalos inn for resting to get his wands recharged. I really took the long way to finish the game, partly because I was under the impression that J resists shards. I thought I’d need lots of recharging and for that I was hunting for potions of *healing* and restore mana. The latter seem to be very rare in the late game depths or maybe I just was unlucky. Also no rocket wands were found with quickness or power ego. J fight was mostly uneventful, he was at half health in no time. Only dangerous summon he did, was Richard Wong next me and Mr. Time did not even telefollow me.

Polyphemus was the hardest fight in the game. I bailed the Mine 3 times due to running out of Destruction while the small level was getting filled with guys like Loki, Aegir, Ymir and Typhoeus. Also the Castle guardian Layzark took several attempts.

Ring of Speed +13 was probably a suboptimal in J fight. He got at least one double turn even with speed +56. But no resistance holes ofc, because of the PDSM.

Big portion of the game was played with Amber[22] stealth. It allowed me to sneak into one greater vault, that granted me an ”early” Ring of Speed +10 and the randart helmet Kabuto of Hjalmar.

The Cloning Pits was nearly cleared, when an offscreen Bokrug summoned a Zephyr Lord, which summoned Garm. Had no nether resistance, so it was a fail situation. The escape was lucky too: teleported from next to Garm to the quest-starting upstairs closet.

Anyways, it was really fun times. Thanks to the community for helping me with game mechanics questions!

On 20.11.2024 13:55 Sphara wrote:

Vehje was a frequent visitor in Thalos inn for resting to get his wands recharged. I really took the long way to finish the game, partly because I was under the impression that J resists shards. I thought I’d need lots of recharging and for that I was hunting for potions of *healing* and restore mana. The latter seem to be very rare in the late game depths or maybe I just was unlucky. Also no rocket wands were found with quickness or power ego. J fight was mostly uneventful, he was at half health in no time. Only dangerous summon he did, was Richard Wong next me and Mr. Time did not even telefollow me.

Polyphemus was the hardest fight in the game. I bailed the Mine 3 times due to running out of Destruction while the small level was getting filled with guys like Loki, Aegir, Ymir and Typhoeus. Also the Castle guardian Layzark took several attempts.

Ring of Speed +13 was probably a suboptimal in J fight. He got at least one double turn even with speed +56. But no resistance holes ofc, because of the PDSM.

Big portion of the game was played with Amber[22] stealth. It allowed me to sneak into one greater vault, that granted me an ”early” Ring of Speed +10 and the randart helmet Kabuto of Hjalmar.

The Cloning Pits was nearly cleared, when an offscreen Bokrug summoned a Zephyr Lord, which summoned Garm. Had no nether resistance, so it was a fail situation. The escape was lucky too: teleported from next to Garm to the quest-starting upstairs closet.

Anyways, it was really fun times. Thanks to the community for helping me with game mechanics questions!

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