The Angband Ladder: Random Coffee 48, Draconian Rogue by budswell

  [FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak (Coffee) Character Dump]

 Name       : Random Coffee 48             ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR  :        17
 Personality: Ordinary                           INT  :        15
 Race       : [Small Kobold]                     WIS  :         7
 Subrace    : None                               DEX  :     18/10
 Class      : Rogue                              CON  :        17
 Realm      : Craft                              CHR  :         8
 Level      :       15                           HP   :    -2/152
 Cur Exp    :     3939                           SP   :     25/25
 Max Exp    :     3939                           AC   :         8
 Adv Exp    :     4266                           Speed:        +0
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :      566                     Melee      : Very Good
 Kills      :      169                     Archery    : Good
 Uniques    :        1                     SavingThrow: Good
 Artifacts  :      0+0                     Stealth    : Fair
                                           Perception : Fair
 Game Day   :        2                     Searching  : Fair
 Game Time  :     7:26                     Disarming  : Very Good
 Play Time  :    00:23                     Device     : Good
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) a Long Sword (2d6) (+6,+3)
    Received as a reward for completing the quest 'The Thieves' Hideout'.
 c) a Short Bow (x2.50) (+3,+3)
    Bought from a store in Outpost.
 d) a Quiver [28 of 70]
    Bought from a store in Outpost.
 h) a Brass Lantern of Extra Light (with 12771 turns of light) {Lu}
    Found lying on the floor on level 4 of Angband.
 i) Cord Armour [6,+0]
    Found lying on the floor of a special room on level 2 of Angband.
 j) a Cloak [1,-1]
    Dropped by a Blubbering icky thing on level 2 of Angband.

              | }~   ~((                              | }~   ~((   
 Resistances  abcdefghijklm@             Abilities    abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : ..............   0%        Speed      : ..............
 Electricity: ..............   0%        Free Act   : ..............
 Fire       : ..............   0%        See Invis  : ..............
 Cold       : ..............   0%        Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : .............+  50%        Slow Digest: ..............
 Light      : ..............   0%        Regenerate : .............. 100%
 Dark       : ..............   0%         HP Regen  : .............. 100%
 Confusion  : ..............   0%         SP Regen  : .............. 100%
 Nether     : ..............   0%        Hold Life  : ..............
 Nexus      : ..............   0%        Levitation : ..............
 Sound      : ..............   0%        Perm Lite  : .......+......
 Shards     : ..............   0%        Reflection : ..............
 Chaos      : ..............   0%        Nightvision: ..............
 Disenchantm: ..............   0%        Life Mult  : ..............
 Time       : ..............   0%        Dec Mana   : ..............
 Blindness  : ..............   0%        Easy Spell : ..............
 Fear       : ..............   0x        Anti Magic : ..............
                                         Magic Skill: ..............
              | }~   ~((                 Spell Power: ..............
 Auras        abcdefghijklm@             Spell Cap  : ..............
 Aura Elec  : ..............             Magic Res  : ..............
 Aura Fire  : ..............             Infravision: .............+  20'
 Aura Cold  : ..............             Stealth    : ..............
 Aura Shards: ..............             Searching  : ..............
 Revenge    : ..............            
                                                      | }~   ~((   
              | }~   ~((                 Sustains     abcdefghijklm@
 Slays        abcdefghijklm@             Sust Str   : ..............
 Slay Evil  : ..............             Sust Int   : ..............
 Slay Undead: ..............             Sust Wis   : ..............
 Slay Demon : ..............             Sust Dex   : ..............
 Slay Dragon: ..............             Sust Con   : ..............
 Slay Human : ..............             Sust Chr   : ..............
 Slay Animal: ..............            
 Slay Orc   : ..............                          | }~   ~((   
 Slay Troll : ..............             Detection    abcdefghijklm@
 Slay Giant : ..............             Telepathy  : ..............
 Slay Good  : ..............             ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Living: ..............             ESP Nonliv : ..............
 Acid Brand : ..............             ESP Living : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............             ESP Good   : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..............             ESP Undead : ..............
 Cold Brand : ..............             ESP Demon  : ..............
 Pois Brand : ..............             ESP Dragon : ..............
 Mana Brand : ..............             ESP Human  : ..............
 Dark Brand : ..............             ESP Animal : ..............
 Sharpness  : ..............             ESP Orc    : ..............
 Stunning   : ..............             ESP Troll  : ..............
 Quake      : ..............             ESP Giant  : ..............
 Vampiric   : ..............            
 Chaotic    : ..............                          | }~   ~((   
 Extra Blows: ..............             Curses       abcdefghijklm@
 Extra Shots: ..............             Cursed     : ..............
 Extra Might: ..............             Rnd Tele   : ..............
 Blessed    : ..............             No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : +.............             Drain Exp  : ..............
 Digging    : ..............             Aggravate  : ..............
 Throwing   : ..............             TY Curse   : ..............
              | }~   ~((   
              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : ..............     16  0  1  0  0     17
       INT  : ..............     16 -2  1  0  0     15
       WIS  : ..............      9 -1 -1  0  0      7
       DEX  : ..............     16  0  3  0  0  18/10
       CON  : ..............     18 -1  0  0  0     17
       CHR  : ..............     10 -3  1  0  0      8

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: a Long Sword (2d6) (+6,+3)                         Accuracy
 Weight : 13.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Unskilled (-1 To Hit)                               25 82%
 To Hit : 6 + 5 = 11                                          50 68%
 To Dam : 3 + 3 = 6                                           75 54%
 Blows  : 1.86                                               100 40%
 Damage                                                      125 27%
 Crits  : 1.07x (5.5%)                                       150 13%
 Normal : 23 [1.07x]                                         175  5%
                                                             200  5%

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: a Short Bow (x2.50) (+3,+3)
 Range   : 170'
 Shots   : 1.12
 Mult    : 2.55x
 Profic  : Beginner (+0 To Hit)
 To Hit  : 3 + 3 = 6
 Xtra Dam: 3 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

 Ammo #1 : 28 Arrows (3d4) (+3,+3)                            AC Hit
 Breakage: 20%                                                25 78%
 Weight  : 0.2 lbs                                            50 60%
 To Hit  : 3 + 6 = 9                                         100 24%
 To Dam  : 3 (Multiplier Applies)                            150  5%
 To Dam  : 3 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                     175  5%
 Damage                                                      200  5%
 Crits   : 1.03x (3.4%)                                      
 Normal  : 28/31                                             
 Ammo #2 : 65 Arrows (3d4) (+0,+0)                            AC Hit
 Breakage: 20%                                                25 76%
 Weight  : 0.2 lbs                                            50 56%
 To Hit  : 0 + 6 = 6                                         100 17%
 To Dam  : 0 (Multiplier Applies)                            150  5%
 To Dam  : 3 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                     175  5%
 Damage                                                      200  5%
 Crits   : 1.03x (3.3%)                                      
 Normal  : 20/22                                             
==================================== Spells ===================================

Realm: Craft

    [Handbook for Pupils]   Profic Lvl  SP Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Minor Enchantment         [Be]   5   3   9%                    16    6  27%
 b) Regeneration              [Be]   7   4  13% dur 80+1d80         1    0   0%
 c) Satisfy Hunger            [Un]   8   8  21% untried             0    0   0%
 d) Resist Cold               [Un]  11  16  35% untried             0    0   0%
 e) Resist Fire               [Un]  13  16  41% untried             0    0   0%
 f) Heroism                   [Un]  15  19  52% untried             0    0   0%
 g) Resist Lightning          [Un]  18  16  56% unknown             0    0   0%
 h) Resist Acid               [Un]  20  16  62% unknown             0    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level   9

You were killed by The Variant Maintainer on level 9 of Angband.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  The Thieves' Hideout                               DL5   CL3   Day 1, 6:20

  Arena:  0 Victories

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 169 enemies including 1 unique monster in total. There are 
394 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  Bloodfang the Wolf                             9

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Warg                       14     8     Giant white mouse           1    53
  Software bug               14    10     Slimy worm mass             2    23
  Bandit                      8     1     Software bug               14    10
  Rotting corpse              7     1     Jackal                      1    10
  Zombified kobold            7     1     Warg                       14     8
  Novice ranger               6     8     Novice ranger               6     8
  Nibelung                    6     3     Cave spider                 2     7
  Large kobold                5     1     Nibelung                    6     3
  Horse                       5     1     Slimy jelly                 5     3
  Slimy jelly                 5     3     Yellow mushroom patch       2     3
  Copperhead snake            5     1     Insect swarm                1     3
  Skeleton kobold             5     1     Giant white rat             4     2
  Slush pile                  5     1     Giant black ant             2     2
  Frosty jelly                4     1     Blubbering icky thing       2     2
  White worm mass             4     1     Novice rogue                2     2
  Yellow light                4     1     Large brown snake           1     2
  Giant white rat             4     2     Large white snake           1     2
  Metallic red centipede      3     1     Bandit                      8     1
  Yellow mold                 3     1     Rotting corpse              7     1
  Giant white ant             3     1     Zombified kobold            7     1
============================= Character Inventory =============================

a Craft Spellbook [Handbook for Pupils] {@m1!kdsv}
5 Potions of Salt Water
2 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds {@q1}
a Scroll of Teleportation {@r9!*}
5 Scrolls of Word of Recall {@r0!*}
a Wand: Stinking Cloud (0/4 charges)
a Wand: Scare Monster (3/4 charges)
a Brass Lantern (with 2842 turns of light)
65 Arrows (3d4) (+0,+0)
The Corpse of Bloodfang the Wolf {Wanted!kkk}

============================== Character Quiver ===============================

28 Arrows (3d4) (+3,+3) {@f1=gw}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :     1449
  Selling  :      332
  Winnings :        0     1781
  Purchases:     1200
  Services :        0
  Stolen   :       15     1215

  Objects Found    :    261
  Objects Bought   :     58
  Objects Destroyed:    141

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                 10      0     2     5
  Shields                  1      0     0     1
  Bows                     1      1     1     1
  Quivers                  0      1     1     0
  Lights                   6      1     2     0
  Body Armor               6      0     2     4
  Cloaks                   1      0     1     0
  Gloves                   1      0     0     1
  Boots                    1      0     0     1
  Totals                  27      2     8    13

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                    3      0     8     1
  Potions                  0      6     4     0
  Scrolls                 23      5     4     7
  Totals                  26     11    16     8

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                   85      0     0    51
  Arrows                  75     44    48    25
  Spellbooks               1      0     0     0
  Food                    18      0     2    16
  Corpses                 16      0     0    15
  Skeletons               11      0     0    11
  Totals                 206     44    50   118

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Curing                   0      2     2     0
  Totals                   0      6     4     0

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall           6      0     0     1
  Teleportation            3      0     2     0
  Totals                  23      5     4     7

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Totals                   3      0     8     1

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Totals                   1      0     0     0

  Egos Found    :      0
  Egos Bought   :      0
  Egos Destroyed:      0

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals                131  77.5%       Observed             95333   1.4%
  Breeders                89  52.6%       Expected             641353   9.9%
  Humans                  13   7.6%       Failures             12412  13.0%
  Undead                   3   1.7%       Summon                3227   3.3%
  Uniques                  1   0.5%       Heal                  1989   2.0%
                                          Escape                1623   1.7%
  Evil Monsters           17  10.0%       Offense              44768  46.9%
  Neutral Monsters       152  89.9%       Other                31314  32.8%
  Totals                 169              Unique Spells        Count   Pct
                                          Observed             11967   5.4%

  Life Rating: Bad (21/76)

================================ Last Messages ================================

You are confused. There is a quartz vein blocking your way.
The Variant Maintainer invokes Polymorph Other. You feel that your body 
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!*
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He misses.

You are confused. There is a granite wall blocking your way.
The Software bug attacks you: It bites. *Ouch!*
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He misses.

You are confused. There is a granite wall blocking your way.
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!*
The Software bug attacks you: It bites. *Ouch!*
The Variant Maintainer says, 'If you think I'm tough, you ain't seen 
nothin' yet!'
The Variant Maintainer invokes Polymorph Other. You feel that your body 
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He misses. He hits. You stand your 
ground! *Ouch!*
The Software bug attacks you: It bites. *Ouch!*

You are confused. There is a granite wall blocking your way.
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He misses.
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He misses.

You are confused. There is a granite wall blocking your way.
The Variant Maintainer takes another swig of Jolt cola.
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!*
The Software bug attacks you: It misses.
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!*

You are confused. There is a quartz vein blocking your way.
The Variant Maintainer says, 'Want some new features?'
The Variant Maintainer invokes Polymorph Other. (x2)
You feel that your body changes.

You are confused. There is a granite wall blocking your way.
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!*

You are confused. There is a granite wall blocking your way.
The Variant Maintainer attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits.
         # #               #%#                    
           %               # #                    
           ##         III@pII'                    
           %# ##%%######%##%I#%%%%%#%%%#####%#%%##
         % %% %                                   
              #            ###                    
##     ###%#%%%                                   
 You die. Goodbye, Random Coffee 48! Character dump successful.

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Speed:         Coffeebreak
 Preserve Mode:      Off
 Level Size:         Normal
 Wilderness:         Off
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Pantheons:          Egyptian, Hindu
 Random Artifacts:   100%

 Score Multiplier:   104.36%
 Adjusted Score:     4110

Posted on 8.2.2023 11:51

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17200. on the Ladder (of 19044)
1140. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1204)
355. for this player (


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