The Angband Ladder: Shandril, Maia Rogue by <>
[TomeNET 4.7.4a-Test @ Character Dump] Name : Shandril Age 424 STR: 18/*** Sex : Female Height 53 INT: 18/190 Race : Maia Weight 156 WIS: 18/110 Class : Rogue Social Class 22 DEX: 18/*** Body : Player CON: 18/*** Trait : Enlightened CHR: 18/150 Mode : Unworldly (one life) +To MHit 111 Level 70 Hit Points 1630/1630 +To MDamage 71 Experience 80064827 MP (Mana) 171/ 171 +To RHit 35 Max Exp 80064827 Stamina 10/ 10 +To RDamage 30 Exp to Adv. 87000000 Sanity Sound Total AC 203 Gold 2197925 Status ***WINNER*** Fighting : Legendary Perception : Very Good Blows/Round: 9 Bows/Throw : Heroic Searching : Very Good Shots/Round: 1 Saving Throw: Excellent Disarming : Superb Stealth : Legendary Magic Device: Legendary Infra-Vision: 130 feet You are at surface (0 ft) in Bree. You are a Maiar spirit, bound to Ulmo, King of the Sea. Your ambition compels your physical manifestation in Arda. You have light grey eyes, straight silver hair, and a fair complexion. [Skill Chart] Skills (points left: 0) - Combat 46.960 [1.200] - Weaponmastery 40.410 [0.700] - Sword-mastery 50.000 [0.780] . Critical-strike 50.000 [0.900] . Dual-wield 01.000 [-----] . Martial Arts 00.000 [0.500] . Interception 50.000 [0.900] . Sling-mastery 00.000 [0.450] . Bow-mastery 00.000 [0.350] . Crossbow-mastery 00.000 [0.350] . Boomerang-mastery 00.000 [0.600] - Magic 04.272 [0.600] . Conveyance 05.250 [0.750] . Astral Knowledge 50.000 [1.250] . Aura of Fear 00.000 [2.000] . Shivering Aura 00.000 [2.000] . Magic Device 35.200 [0.950] - Sneakiness 07.420 [0.990] . Stealth 24.100 [0.770] . Stealing 01.000 [1.000] . Backstabbing 01.000 [1.000] . Dodging 01.000 [0.900] . Calmness 00.000 [0.800] . Trapping 01.000 [1.000] - Health 01.000 [1.000] . Climbing 00.000 [0.050] . Digging 00.000 [1.100] [Character Equipment] a) Shadow Blade of Perfection {+,41}(3d4)(+24,+30)(+2)(+10){CrtStlDk @S- @w2} b) Whip of Gondolin {+,31}(1d4)(+8,+14)(+1){@w3 !* +SDC,DkFAFeSI+Lt,+TUDEvil,ESP} c) Sling of Nimbrethil {+,49}(x3)(+17,+30)(+4){XmSpdNxCa @S- @w2} d) a Quartz Ring of Speed {+,50} (+15) {Spd @S- !k} e) a Quartz Ring of Speed {+,50} (+15) {Spd @S- !k} f) Mithril Amulet Weaponmastery {+,33}(+6,+6)[+4](+3){@w2 !* ^SD,DiFAFe @S-} g) The Wooden Torch of Iant {+,51} (+4) {^DCH_W,*F*SIRgm !* @w2} h) Silver Dragon Scale Mail of Serech {+,52}(-2)[30,+26](+5){@x3 @w2 !* +SC,*C*aPoFALvRefl,AC} i) Elven Cloak of Beleg {+,52}[4,+23](+5){^I_H,StlLu,fcaNtSoShBlFALv !* @w2 lainas} j) Hard Leather Cap of Guinar {+,52}[2,+29](+3){^S,HPIV,*E*caPoSoBlSI @S-} k) Set of Leather Gloves of Tarn {+,41}[1,+23](+2){@x1 @w2 +SC,AttVa,cPoNxFFRgm,~Uni @S- !*} l) Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Radhruin {+,52}[2,+30](+11){_IDC,Spd,eNtSIFFRg @S- @w2} m) The Magic Shot of Gurthang {+,40} (1d3) (+0,+0) {BF+D !*} n) Mattock of Earthquakes {+,36}(1d8)(+18,+16)(+3)(+2){excellent-+S,DigEq @S-} [Character Inventory] a) 3 Astral Grimoires {+,13} {@R !*} b) 3 Codices {+,1} {Disarm,Phase Door,Gateway !*} c) 35 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,14} {!+} d) 23 Copper Speckled Potions of Healing {+,16} {!+} e) 99 Copper Speckled Potions of Healing {+,16} {!+} f) 99 Copper Speckled Potions of Healing {+,17} {!+} g) 99 Clotted Red Potions of Resistance {+,7} {!+} h) 14 Clotted Red Potions of Resistance {+,7} {!+} i) 24 Crimson Potions of Cure Critical Insanity {+,8} {@q2 !+} j) 28 Scrolls "bucon reafid" of Teleportation {+,5} {!*} k) 38 Scrolls "agnes cre" of Recharging {+,8} {@r2 !+} l) 42 Scrolls "arzemic ta" of Holy Chant {+,1} {@r3 !+} m) 11 Lead-Plated Rods of Enlightenment of Charging {+,32} {@z4 !UBC*} n) 14 Titanium Rods of Detection {+,10} {@z1 !UBC*} o) 4 Steel-Plated Rods of Restoration of Simplicity {+,36} {@z3 !UCB*} p) 8 Gold-Plated Rods of Speed {+,29} {!UCB*} q) 28 Gold-Plated Wands of Stone to Mud {+,3} (30 charges total) {@a2 !+} r) 21 Brass Wands of Wall Creation {+,19} (54 charges total) {!+} s) Ethereal Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {+,47} (-2) [30,+30] {@x3 !U* _S,LtDkBlLvWraith} t) The Set of Cesti 'Imlach' {+,44} [5,+14] (+3) {+S,NxFASDID,+U @S- @x1 !U* } [Last Messages] You miss the Armoured target dummy. (x2) It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 246 damage. You miss the Armoured target dummy. The Armoured target dummy parries. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 209 damage. The Armoured target dummy parries. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 206 damage. You hit the Armoured target dummy for 75 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 199 damage. It was a superb hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 179 damage. The Armoured target dummy blocks. You hit the Armoured target dummy for 78 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 238 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 204 damage. You hit the Armoured target dummy for 75 damage. The Armoured target dummy parries. (x2) You miss the Armoured target dummy. (x3) You hit the Armoured target dummy for 82 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 202 damage. The Armoured target dummy blocks. The Armoured target dummy parries. It was a superb hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 171 damage. The Armoured target dummy parries. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 199 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 246 damage. The Armoured target dummy blocks. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 199 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 204 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 235 damage. It was a superb hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 167 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 246 damage. It was a superb hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 171 damage. You miss the Armoured target dummy. It was a great hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 136 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 204 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 230 damage. You hit the Armoured target dummy for 78 damage. You miss the Armoured target dummy. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 233 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 230 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 204 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 233 damage. You miss the Armoured target dummy. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 238 damage. You hit the Armoured target dummy for 82 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 204 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 202 damage. You miss the Armoured target dummy. (x2) It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 199 damage. It was a *SUPERB* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 238 damage. You hit the Armoured target dummy for 77 damage. It was a *GREAT* hit! You hit the Armoured target dummy for 206 damage. The Armoured target dummy parries. Audio is now ON. [Highlander Tournament (2) starts in 15 minutes] Your total damage and healing done since login or last reset: Total damage done : 219168 Total healing done : 0 Damage and healing done over # of attacks and amount of time passed: # of successful attacks: 1271 Average damage done : 172 Average healing done: 0 # of seconds passed: 32.7 Average damage done : 6702 Average healing done: 0 [Surroundings] Maia Rogue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Myth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEVEL 70 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XP ##------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AU 2197925 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [+---------] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STR: 18/*** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INT: 18/190 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WIS: 18/110 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEX: 18/*** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CON: 18/*** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHR: 18/150 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SN: Sound ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AC: 203 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HP ######### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MP: 171/ 171 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ST: 10/ 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [**********] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~$$$~~$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~t~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~~9~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~${$~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o-o-o-o-o~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~|q|@|q|~~~~~~ ~~~~~$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$o-~~~~~~~$~~~~~ ~~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~6~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~@~~~~~$$~~~~ ~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~+~~~+~~~~$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~ ~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~$~~~~~$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~ ~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~$~~$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~ ~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~$~$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~ ~~$$~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8~+~~$$~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+~~4~~$~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~~ ~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~ ~$~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~~~ ~$~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~ ~$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~$$~2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~$$$$~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~~$~~$~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~$$~~~~~~3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~$$$$$$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~$$$$$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fast +38 9 BpR Bree [Unique Monsters] You have slain Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog. You have slain Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog. You have slain Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog. You have slain Bullroarer the Hobbit. You have slain Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief. You have slain The Rat King. You have slain The Icky Queen. You have slain Lugdush, the Uruk. You have slain The Queen Ant. You have slain Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai. You have slain Ibun, Son of Mim. You have slain It. You have slain Khim, Son of Mim. You have slain Mim, Betrayer of Turin. You have slain Uldor the Accursed. You have slain Fasolt the Giant. You have slain Bert the Stone Troll. You have slain Bill the Stone Troll. You have slain Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings. You have slain Giganto, the Gargantuan. You have slain Kavlax the Many-Headed. You have slain Uvatha the Horseman. You have slain Emperor Mimic. You have slain Shadowfax, steed of Gandalf. You have slain The Kung-Fu Yeek from Hell. You have slain Mother Hydra. You have slain Rogrog the Black Troll. You have slain Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir. You have slain Charybdis. You have slain Quaker, Master of Earth. You have slain Ariel, Queen of Air. You have slain Adunaphel the Quiet. You have slain Malekith the Accursed. You have slain Zoth-Ommog. You have slain Akhorahil the Blind. You have slain The Stormbringer. You have slain Scatha the Worm. You have slain Yibb-Tstll, the Patient One. You have slain Ghatanothoa. You have slain Charon, Boatman of the Styx. You have slain Fafner the Dragon. You have slain Ren the Unclean. You have slain Eol, the Dark-Elf. You have slain Garm, Guardian of Hel. You have slain Ulik the Troll. You have slain The Glass Golem. You have slain Ji Indur Dawndeath. You have slain The Phoenix. You have slain The Lernaean Hydra. You have slain Hastur the Unspeakable. You have slain Nidhogg, the Hel-Drake. You have slain Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw. You have slain Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be. You have slain Ahtu, Avatar of Nyarlathotep. You have slain Baphomet the Minotaur Lord. You have slain Daoloth, the Render of the Veils. You have slain Shudde M'ell. You have slain Artsi, the Champion of Chaos. You have slain Jack of Shadows. You have slain Saruman of Many Colours. You have slain Uriel, Angel of Fire. You have slain Azriel, Angel of Death. You have slain Hoarmurath of Dir. You have slain Gabriel, the Messenger. You have slain Glaaki. You have slain Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger. You have slain Hypnos, Lord of Sleep. You have slain Tselakus, the Dreadlord. You have slain Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops. You have slain Glaurung, Father of the Dragons. You have slain Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil. You have slain The Norsa. You have slain Ymir, the Ice Giant. You have slain Lord Jubei, the Legendary Swordsmaster. You have slain Null, the Living Void. You have slain Khamul, the Black Easterling. You have slain Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God. You have slain Omarax the Eye Tyrant. You have slain Hela, Queen of the Dead. You have slain Tsathoggua, the Sleeper of N'kai. You have slain The Serpent of Chaos. You have slain The Shadow of Dol Guldur. You have slain Y'golonac. You have slain The Unicorn of Order. You have slain Atlas, the Titan. You have slain Yig, Father of Serpents. You have slain Fenris Wolf. You have slain Hrungnir, the Stone Giant. You have slain Thiazi, the Storm Giant. You have slain Cthugha, the Living Flame. You have slain The Mouth of Sauron. You have slain Cyaegha. You have slain The Witch-King of Angmar. You have slain Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss. You have slain Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin. You have slain Pazuzu, Lord of Air. You have slain Ithaqua the Windwalker. You have slain Pirotessa, Succubus Empress. You have slain Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves. You have slain Mephistopheles, Lord of Hell. You have slain The Tarrasque. You have slain Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar. You have slain Loki, the Trickster. You have slain Abhoth, Source of Uncleanness. You have slain Kronos, Lord of the Titans. You have slain Tulzscha, the Green Flame. You have slain Ancalagon the Black. You have slain Vecna, the Emperor Lich. You have slain Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos. You have slain Azathoth, the Daemon Sultan. You have slain The Destroyer. You have slain Jormungand the Midgard Serpent. You have slain Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs. You have slain Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways. You have slain Michael, the Guardian Overlord. You have slain Sauron, the Sorcerer. You have slain Morgoth, Lord of Darkness. You have slain Bahamut, the Platinum King. You have slain The Living Lightning. You have slain Tik'srvzllat. |
Posted on 31.5.2021 12:21
17. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)
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