The Angband Ladder: Monster Random 11, Dragon Monster by budswell

  [FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak (Coffee) Character Dump]

 Name       : Monster Random 11            ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR  :     18/67
 Personality: Ordinary                           INT  :        15
 Race       : Dragon                             WIS  :         6
 Subrace    : Mature Bronze Dragon               DEX  :        18
 Class      : Monster                            CON  :     18/91
 Realm      : Breath                             CHR  :        12
 Level      :       26                           HP   :    -4/338
 Cur Exp    :    63746                           SP   :   148/148
 Max Exp    :    63746                           AC   :        70
 Adv Exp    :    65500                           Speed:        +0
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :   106075                     Melee      : Heroic
 Kills      :      654                     Archery    : Fair
 Uniques    :       12                     SavingThrow: Heroic
 Artifacts  :      0+6                     Stealth    : Good
                                           Perception : Fair
 Game Day   :        5                     Searching  : Fair
 Game Time  :     5:56                     Disarming  : Good
 Play Time  :    02:16                     Device     : Excellent
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Ring of Modesty (+5,+8) (+1) {If;Co;Sd~Evil}
    Dropped by the level guardian on level 19 of Angband.
 b) The Ring of Wonder (+1) {StCn;Di(St}
    Dropped by the level guardian on level 10 of Angband.
 c) a Ring of Combat (+13,+0) {Fe A:Earthquake}
    Conjured forth by magic in the quest 'The Mimic's Treasure'.
 d) a Ring (Elemental) [+11] {Fi}
    Received as a reward for completing the quest 'Old Man Willow Quest'.
 e) a Ring of Combat (+6,+5) {Fe}
    Received as a reward for completing the quest 'Pest Control'.
 f) a Ring of Protection [+12] {Si(DxCh A:Resist Lightning}
    Received as a reward for completing the quest 'Tengu and Death Swords'.
 g) an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFi}
    Found lying on the floor in the quest 'Vapor Quest'.
 h) The Stone 'Heart of Gundabad' (+2) {InSl;Cf;Hl Lore}
    Found lying on the floor in the quest 'Crow's Nest'.
 i) a Cloak of Stealth [1,+3] (+1) {Sl}
    Dropped by an Ogre on level 18 of Angband.
 j) The Hard Leather Cap 'Lifesaver' (+6,+4) [2,+11] {[M Fell Rider}
    Found lying on the floor on level 16 of Angband.

              ======"*(]                              ======"*(]
 Resistances  abcdefghij@                Abilities    abcdefghij@
 Acid       : ...........   0%           Speed      : ...........
 Electricity: ......+....  50%           Free Act   : ..........+   1x
 Fire       : ...+..+....  65%           See Invis  : .....+....+   2x
 Cold       : +..........  50%           Warning    : ...........
 Poison     : ...........   0%           Slow Digest: +..........
 Light      : ...........   0%           Regenerate : ........... 100%
 Dark       : ...........   0%            HP Regen  : ........... 100%
 Confusion  : .......+..+  40%            SP Regen  : ........... 100%
 Nether     : ...........   0%           Hold Life  : .......+...   1x
 Nexus      : ...........   0%           Levitation : ..........+
 Sound      : ...........   0%           Perm Lite  : ...........
 Shards     : ...........   0%           Reflection : ...........
 Chaos      : ...........   0%           Nightvision: ...........
 Disenchantm: .+.........  30%           Life Mult  : ...........
 Time       : ...........   0%           Dec Mana   : ...........
 Blindness  : ...........   0%           Easy Spell : ...........
 Fear       : ..+.+......   2x           Anti Magic : .........+.
                                         Magic Skill: ...........
              ======"*(]                 Spell Power: ...........
 Auras        abcdefghij@                Spell Cap  : ...........
 Aura Elec  : ...........                Magic Res  : ...........
 Aura Fire  : ...........                Infravision: +.........+  60'
 Aura Cold  : ...........                Stealth    : .......++..
 Aura Shards: ...........                Searching  : ...........
 Revenge    : ...........               
              ======"*(]                 Sustains     abcdefghij@
 Slays        abcdefghij@                Sust Str   : .+.........
 Slay Evil  : ...........                Sust Int   : ...........
 Slay Undead: ...........                Sust Wis   : ...........
 Slay Demon : ...........                Sust Dex   : .....+.....
 Slay Dragon: ...........                Sust Con   : ...........
 Slay Human : ...........                Sust Chr   : .....+.....
 Slay Animal: ...........               
 Slay Orc   : ...........                             ======"*(]
 Slay Troll : ...........                Detection    abcdefghij@
 Slay Giant : ...........                Telepathy  : ...........
 Slay Good  : ...........                ESP Evil   : +..........
 Slay Living: ...........                ESP Nonliv : ...........
 Acid Brand : ...........                ESP Living : ...........
 Elec Brand : ...........                ESP Good   : ...........
 Fire Brand : ...........                ESP Undead : ...........
 Cold Brand : ...........                ESP Demon  : ...........
 Pois Brand : ...........                ESP Dragon : ...........
 Mana Brand : ...........                ESP Human  : ...........
 Dark Brand : ...........                ESP Animal : ...........
 Sharpness  : ...........                ESP Orc    : ...........
 Stunning   : ...........                ESP Troll  : ...........
 Quake      : ...........                ESP Giant  : ...........
 Vampiric   : ...........               
 Chaotic    : ...........                             ======"*(]
 Extra Blows: ...........                Curses       abcdefghij@
 Extra Shots: ...........                Cursed     : ...........
 Extra Might: ...........                Rnd Tele   : ...........
 Blessed    : ...........                No Tele    : ...........
 Riding     : ...........                Drain Exp  : ...........
 Digging    : ...........                Aggravate  : ...........
 Throwing   : ...........                TY Curse   : ...........
              abcdefghij@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : .1.........  18/37  2  0  0  1  18/67
       INT  : .......2...     13  0  0  0  2     15
       WIS  : ...........      8 -2  0  0  0      6
       DEX  : .....s.....     18  0  0  0  0     18
       CON  : .1.........  18/41  4  0  0  1  18/91
       CHR  : .....s.....     10  2  0  0  0     12

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Attack : Your Claw (3d4)                                    Accuracy
 Weight : 14.1 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Beginner (+9 To Hit)                                25 89%
 To Hit : 24 + 34 = 58                                        50 82%
 To Dam : 0 + 20 = 20                                         75 75%
 Blows  : 2.27                                               100 68%
 Damage                                                      125 62%
 Crits  : 1.14x                                              150 55%
 Normal : 63                                                 175 49%
                                                             200 42%

 Attack : Your Bite (3d10)                                   Accuracy
 Weight : 28.2 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Beginner (+8 To Hit)                                25 89%
 To Hit : 23 + 34 = 57                                        50 82%
 To Dam : 0 + 20 = 20                                         75 75%
 Blows  : 1.00                                               100 68%
 Damage                                                      125 62%
 Crits  : 1.21x                                              150 55%
 Normal : 39                                                 175 48%
                                                             200 41%

==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Breathe                1   17   3% dam 1            224    9   4%
Reach                 20    7   0% range 2            1    0   0%
Tail Sweep            25   10   0%                    0    0   0%
Wing Storm            30   20 100%                    0    0   0%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                              Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Bolt                        1   16   3% dam 1              10    1   9%
 b) Beam                       10   34   3% dam 1              32    2   6%
 c) Cone                       20   34   3% dam 1               6    0   0%
 d) Split Beam                 25   44  29% dam 1               0    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  21

You were killed by a Clairvoyant on level 21 of Angband.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  The Thieves' Hideout                               DL5   CL2   Day 1, 7:05
  Pest Control                                       DL5   CL13  Day 1, 19:28
  Kill Ufthak of Cirith Ungol                        DL10  CL16  Day 2, 19:58
  Crow's Nest                                        DL15  CL17  Day 3, 2:33
  Kill Poor, the Thief                               DL19  CL25  Day 4, 15:59
  The Orc Camp                                       DL20  CL25  Day 4, 20:38
  Old Man Willow Quest                               DL22  CL26  Day 5, 0:11
  Tengu and Death Swords                             DL25  CL23  Day 3, 20:29
  The Mimic's Treasure                               DL25  CL23  Day 3, 23:50
  The Dark Elven Lords                               DL25  CL24  Day 4, 3:25
  Vapor Quest                                        DL25  CL26  Day 4, 22:03

  Arena:  0 Victories

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 654 enemies including 12 unique monsters in total. There are 
381 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  Poor, the Thief                               25
  Old Man Willow                                22
  Ugluk, the Uruk                               20
  Ufthak of Cirith Ungol                        14
  Boldor, King of the Yeeks                     13
  Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief                 12
  Grishnakh, the Hill Orc                       10
  Balcmeg, the Relentless                        9
  Robin Hood, the Outlaw                         8
  Freesia                                        2
  Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog                      2
  Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog                      2

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Weird fume                 40     2     Crow of Durthang            9    28
  Air elemental              34     4     Snaga sapper               14    27
  Gas spore                  34     1     Hill orc                    8    27
  Giant grey ant             26     1     Cave orc                    7    25
  Troll priest               25     2     Undead mass                10    23
  Fire troll                 25     9     Orc shaman                  9    20
  Orc warlock                23     1     Giant white louse           3    17
  Killer stag beetle         22     1     Mirkwood spider            15    16
  Chest mimic                21     2     Death sword                14    16
  Mummified orc              21     2     Snaga                       6    16
  Dark elven lord            20     5     Black orc                  13    13
  Sasquatch                  20     6     Orcish Artillery           14    11
  Sabre-tooth tiger          20     2     Skaven                      9    11
  Frost spirit               20     2     Fire troll                 25     9
  Ranger                     20     1     Tengu                      10     9
  Stone golem                19     4     War bear                    9     9
  Huorn                      19     8     Huorn                      19     8
  Red mold                   19     2     Warg                       14     8
  Stone giant                18     4     Wolf                       10     8
  Pumpkin man                18     3     Radiation eye               3     8
============================= Character Inventory =============================

14 Rations of Food
7 Potions of Speed {@q9!kdsv}
6 Potions of Resist Heat and Cold
12 Potions of Heroism
10 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
19 Potions of Curing {@q3}
8 Scrolls of Teleportation {@r9!*}
3 Scrolls of Word of Recall {@r0!*}
a Rod of Capacity: Illumination (3/3 charges) (+3) {2%, @z8!kdsv}
a Rod: Detection (2/2 charges) {2%, @z1!kdsv}
a Rod of Simplicity: Clarity (2/2 charges) (+2)
a Rod: Shoot Acid (2/2 charges)
a Rod: Lightning Strike (2/2 charges)
a Wand of Capacity: Fire Bolt (7/7 charges) (+2)
a Staff: Enlightenment (5/6 charges) {2%, @u2!KDSV}
a Staff: Identify (8/8 charges) {@u6!kdsv}
a Staff: Identify (13/13 charges) {@u6!kdsv}
a Ring of Combat (+3,+7)
a Feanorian Lamp
a Sling of Extra Shots (x2) (+13,+13) (+2) {Xs}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

    30 6 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
   100 6 Scrolls of Remove Curse
  3625 a Wand of Capacity: Unbarring Ways (14/14 charges) (+2)
  1000 a Staff: Illumination (12/12 charges) {2%, @u8!kdsv}
   565 a Staff: Detect Doors & Stairs (6/6 charges)
  1225 a Staff: Identify (9/9 charges) {@u6!kdsv}
  1687 a Staff: Identify (12/12 charges) {2%, @u6!kdsv}
   400 4 Rings
   800 6 Amulets
  9120 an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {Sr;DkNx}
  8765 The Amulet of the Looter (+2) {CnIf;So;Hl Dog Collar of Wolf}
  8925 The Small Metal Shield 'Avatar of Might' [5,+10] {?}
     1 a Jingasa of Sunlight [4,+6] {Li;Lu?}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :    24244
  Selling  :   122869
  Winnings :        0   147113
  Purchases:    32548
  Services :     8490
  Stolen   :        0    41038

  Objects Found    :   1470
  Objects Bought   :     97
  Objects Destroyed:   1069

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                129      0     0   115
  Shields                 19      0     0    13
  Bows                    12      0     0     8
  Rings                   20      1    11     1
  Amulets                 20      0     5     0
  Lights                  11      1     2     4
  Body Armor              39      0     0    30
  Cloaks                  13      0     3    11
  Helmets                 27      0    11    19
  Gloves                  13      0     0    10
  Boots                   11      0     0    10
  Totals                 314      2    32   221

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                   14      0    27     2
  Staves                  16      5   222    10
  Rods                    10      0    55     1
  Potions                 81     61    28    42
  Scrolls                131     20    22    59
  Totals                 252     86   354   114

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                  363      0     0   298
  Arrows                 117      0     0   117
  Bolts                  156      0     0    99
  Spellbooks              33      0     0    30
  Food                    58      7    14    13
  Corpses                106      0     0   106
  Skeletons               46      0     0    46
  Totals                 879      7    14   709

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds     0      7     6     1
  Curing                   5     25     3     8
  Speed                   10      0     3     0
  Clarity                  1      0     1     0
  Constitution             1      0     1     0
  Totals                  81     61    28    42

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door              35      0     5     8
  Word of Recall           8      3     3     5
  Identify                 6      0     0     1
  Remove Curse             0      7     1     0
  Teleportation           21      7     2    18
  Teleport Level           4      0     0     0
  Forest Creation          1      0     0     0
  Acquirement              1      0     1     0
  Totals                 131     20    22    59

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Totals                  14      0    27     2

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                 3      3   130     2
  Enlightenment            1      0    36     0
  Totals                  16      5   222    10

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             1      0    20     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     1      0     0     0
  Detect Monsters          2      0     1     1
  Illumination             1      0    15     0
  Detection                1      0    10     0
  Totals                  10      0    55     1

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks         3      0     0     0
  Totals                  33      0     0    30

  Egos Found    :    106
  Egos Bought   :      1
  Egos Destroyed:      2

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals                222  33.9%       Observed             26935   1.5%
  Breeders                60   9.1%       Expected             135626   7.9%
  Demons                  19   2.9%       Failures              3602  13.3%
  Dragons                  6   0.9%       Summon                 709   2.6%
  Giants                  15   2.2%       Heal                   667   2.4%
  Hounds                   1   0.1%       Escape                 461   1.7%
  Humans                  37   5.6%       Offense              12451  46.2%
  Orcs                   170  25.9%       Other                 9045  33.5%
  Trolls                  11   1.6%     
  Undead                  30   4.5%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                 12   1.8%       Observed              2806   9.6%
                                          Expected              5542  19.1%
  Evil Monsters          356  54.4%       Failures               503  17.9%
  Good Monsters            1   0.1%       Summon                 369  13.1%
  Neutral Monsters       297  45.4%       Heal                   324  11.5%
                                          Escape                  78   2.7%
  Totals                 654              Offense                534  19.0%
                                          Other                  998  35.5%

  Life Rating: Fair (34/76)

================================ Last Messages ================================

You attack the Novice ranger: You claw. You claw. You have slain the 
Novice ranger.
The Clairvoyant tries to blank your mind. You resist the effects!
The Mad bear attacks you: It misses. It misses. It bites.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. He hits. You refuse to be 
The Mad bear attacks you: It misses. It claws. It bites.

Auto-destroying a Troll priest Corpse. Destroyed.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. He hits. You refuse to be 
The Troll priest attacks you: He hits. You have been dazed. He hits. He 
bites. You stand your ground!
The Clairvoyant summons Monsters.
You are no longer dazed.
The Baby green dragon attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He misses. He misses.
The Troll priest attacks you: He misses. He hits. He bites.

You attack the Troll priest: You claw. You claw. It was a great hit! 
You have slain the Troll priest. You feel something roll beneath your 
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. He hits. You refuse to be 
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** 
Press Space to continue. =>  . He hits. *Ouch!* You refuse to be 
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. You stand your ground! *Ouch!* He 
hits. *Ouch!* You refuse to be frightened.

You attack the Baby green dragon: You claw. You miss. You bite.
The Baby green dragon attacks you: It misses. It claws. *Ouch!* It 
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!* You 
refuse to be frightened.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He misses. He hits. *Ouch!* You refuse to 
be frightened.

You attack the Baby green dragon: You claw. You claw. You have slain 
the Baby green dragon. You feel something roll beneath your feet.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!* You 
refuse to be frightened.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!* You 
refuse to be frightened.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. You stand your ground! *Ouch!* He 

Auto-destroying a Whip {average}. Destroyed.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He misses. He misses.

You attack the Clairvoyant: Your Claw skills are improving. You claw. 
You miss. You claw. You bite.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits. *Ouch!* You 
refuse to be frightened.
The Clairvoyant attacks you: He hits.
#######  # #            # #                       
         # #            # #                       
         # #            # #                       
         # #            # #                       
         # #            # #                       
######   # #            # #                       
     #   # ########     # #                       
#### #   #        #     # #                       
   # #   ######## #     # #                       
   # #          # #     #.#                       
   # #          # #     #.#                       
   # #          # #     #$#                       
     #          # #     #d#                       
   ###          # ####  #p##                      
                #    #  #qq#                      
                #### #  ##$#                      
                   # #   #$#                      
                   # #   # #############          
                   # #   #                        
                   # #####       #######          
                   #             #                
                   #######   - ###                
 You die. Goodbye, Monster Random 11! Character dump successful.

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Game Speed:         Coffeebreak
 Preserve Mode:      Off
 Level Size:         Normal
 Wilderness:         Off
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Pantheons:          Olympian, Hindu
 Random Artifacts:   100%

 Score Multiplier:   103.51%
 Adjusted Score:     65983

Posted on 9.10.2020 17:56

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14058. on the Ladder (of 19044)
960. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1204)
178. for this player (


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