The Angband Ladder: Perost, Possessor Monster by <>

  [FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak Character Dump]

 Name       : Perost                       ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR  :    18/***
 Personality: Combat                             Int! :    18/155
 Race       : Possessor                          WIS  :    18/123
 Subrace    : Wahha-Man the Golden               DEX! :    18/140
 Class      : Monster                            CON! :    18/***
                                                 CHR  :    18/***
 Level      :       50                           HP   : 1254/1261
 Cur Exp    : 35233831                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    : 35233831                           AC   :       248
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +25+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       : 11181701                     Melee      : Amber[30]
 Kills      :    14005                     Archery    : Amber[10]
 Uniques    :      342                     SavingThrow: Amber[7]
 Artifacts  :  167+167                     Stealth    : Good
                                           Perception : Poor
 Game Day   :       57                     Searching  : Poor
 Game Time  :     7:55                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    76:51                     Device     : Excellent
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Harp of Apollo (+3) {cursed, SpStInCh;LiNtFe;Fa(StInCh A:Clairvoyance}
    Dropped by Apollo, the Sun God on level 86 of Mount Olympus.
    Identified: Day 42, 6:14, at CL 50.
 b) a Quiver of Protection [9 of 140]
    Dropped by The Icky Queen on level 20 of Icky cave.
    Identified: Day 7, 19:23, at CL 25.
 c) The Ring of Power (Vilya) (+3) 
      {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*El;FaSiHlSdRgLvXsWm|E~T(StInWiDx A:Lightning Ball}
    Dropped by Artemis, the Moon Goddess on level 86 of Mount Olympus.
    Identified: Day 42, 18:17, at CL 50.
 d) The Ring of Power (Narya) (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Fi;FaSiSdRgXsWm|F(StDx 
      A:Fire Ball}
    Dropped by Hera, Queen of the Gods on level 86 of Mount Olympus.
    Identified: Day 43, 6:32, at CL 50.
 e) The Amulet of Aphrodite [+25] (+5) {cursed, 
      Ch;PoNxCaDiBl;RfFaSiLvAg~Tele(Ch A:Summon Monsters}
    Dropped by Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love on level 86 of Mount Olympus.
    Identified: Day 44, 6:36, at CL 50.
 f) The Jewel of Judgement (+3) {SpInWi;CfCa;SiHl A:Clairvoyance and Recall}
    Dropped by Dworkin Barimen on level 67 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 30, 15:53, at CL 47.
 g) The Black Clothes of Hades [4,+38] (+5) {cursed, 
      SpCnSl;AcElFiCoPoDkNtNx;FaSiHlSd[C~Evil~UL(Cn A:Restoring}
    Dropped by Hades, Ruler of the Underworld on level 86 of Mount Olympus.
    Identified: Day 44, 7:11, at CL 50.
 h) The Shadow Cloak of Luthien [6,+20] (+2) {SpInWiChSl;AcFiCoLiDkSh A:Restore 
    Dropped by The Unicorn of Order on level 97 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 55, 18:39, at CL 50.
 i) The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [5,+10] (+3) 
      {Ch;-InWi;AcCoPoDiFe;FaSiTeAgTy[M A:Terrify Monsters}
    Dropped by an Elder storm giant on level 79 of Arena.
    Identified: Day 33, 23:59, at CL 49.
 j) The Set of Gauntlets of Thanos (-10,-12) [2,+0] (+2) 
    Dropped by Michael, the Guardian Overlord on level 98 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 55, 7:02, at CL 50.
 k) a Pair of Dragon Boots of Speed [5,+18] (+8) {Sp;PoSo}
    Dropped by Pandemonium on level 96 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 51, 18:36, at CL 50.

              }~=="*((]]]                             }~=="*((]]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijk@               Abilities    abcdefghijk@
 Acid       : ......+++..+  75%          Speed      : +.++.+++..+#
 Electricity: ..*...+....+ 100%          Free Act   : +.+++.+.+..+   7x
 Fire       : ...*..++.*.+ 100%          See Invis  : ..+++++.+..+   7x
 Cold       : ......+++*.+ 100%          Warning    : ............
 Poison     : ....+.+.++++  78%          Slow Digest: ..++..+.....
 Light      : +......+....  40%          Regenerate : ..++.......+ 400%
 Dark       : ......++....  40%           HP Regen  : ...........- 320%
 Confusion  : .....+...+.+  45%           SP Regen  : ............
 Nether     : +.....+..+.+  47%          Hold Life  : ..+..++..+..   4x
 Nexus      : ....+.+..+.+  47%          Levitation : ..+.+......+
 Sound      : ..........+.  30%          Perm Lite  : ............
 Shards     : .......+....  30%          Reflection : ....+......+
 Chaos      : ....++...+..  45%          Nightvision: ............
 Disenchantm: ....+...++.+  47%          Life Mult  : ............
 Time       : ...........+  30%          Dec Mana   : ............
 Blindness  : ....+.......  30%          Easy Spell : ............
 Fear       : +.......+..+   3x          Anti Magic : ........+...
                                         Magic Skill: ............
              }~=="*((]]]                Spell Power: ............
 Auras        abcdefghijk@               Spell Cap  : ............
 Aura Elec  : ............               Magic Res  : ............
 Aura Fire  : ............               Infravision: ............
 Aura Cold  : ......+..... 6d7+2         Stealth    : ......++....
 Aura Shards: ............               Searching  : ............
 Revenge    : ............              
              }~=="*((]]]                Sustains     abcdefghijk@
 Slays        abcdefghijk@               Sust Str   : +.++........
 Slay Evil  : ............               Sust Int   : +.+.........
 Slay Undead: ............               Sust Wis   : ..+.........
 Slay Demon : ............               Sust Dex   : ..++........
 Slay Dragon: ............               Sust Con   : ......+.....
 Slay Human : ............               Sust Chr   : +...+.......
 Slay Animal: ............              
 Slay Orc   : ............                            }~=="*((]]]
 Slay Troll : ............               Detection    abcdefghijk@
 Slay Giant : ............               Telepathy  : ....+.......
 Slay Good  : ............               ESP Evil   : ......+.....
 Slay Living: .........*..               ESP Nonliv : ............
 Acid Brand : ............               ESP Living : ............
 Elec Brand : ..+.........               ESP Good   : ............
 Fire Brand : ...+........               ESP Undead : ......+.....
 Cold Brand : ............               ESP Demon  : ......+.....
 Pois Brand : ............               ESP Dragon : ............
 Mana Brand : ............               ESP Human  : ............
 Dark Brand : ............               ESP Animal : ............
 Sharpness  : ............               ESP Orc    : ............
 Stunning   : ............               ESP Troll  : ..+.........
 Quake      : ............               ESP Giant  : ............
 Vampiric   : ............              
 Chaotic    : ............                            }~=="*((]]]
 Extra Blows: ............               Curses       abcdefghijk@
 Extra Shots: ..++........               Cursed     : *...*.*.....
 Extra Might: ............               Rnd Tele   : ........++..
 Blessed    : ............               No Tele    : ............
 Riding     : ............               Drain Exp  : ............
 Digging    : ............               Aggravate  : ....+...++..
 Throwing   : ............               TY Curse   : ........++..
              abcdefghijk@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : 3.31.....2.. 18/122 14  0  1  9 18/***
       Int! : 18/120 -1  0 -1  9 18/190 18/155
       WIS  : ..31.3.23...  18/73  0  0 -1  6 18/123
       DEX! : ..31.....2..  18/70  0  0  1  6 18/140
       CON! : ..31..5.....  18/90  8  0  0  9 18/***
       CHR  : 3.315..23... 18/108  7  0  0 17 18/***

==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Possess                1    0   0% Lvl 105           35    0   0%
Unpossess              1    0   0%                   34    0   0%
Dazzle                 7   15   0%                  217    7   3%

================================ Current Form =================================

Name    : Wahha-Man the Golden (g)
Level   : 85        Speed: +20 A Bit Erratic
AC      : 200       Type : Good, Nonliving
HP      : 10000     
Resist  : Acid, Electricity, Fire, Cold, Poison, Nether, Nexus, Disenchantment, 
            Time, Water, Plasma, Force, Gravity
Immune  : Fear, Stunning, Confusion, Sleep

Attacks : Type    Effects
          Hit     Hurt (30d9)
          Hit     Hurt (30d9)
          Hit     Hurt (30d9)
          Hit     Hurt (30d9)

Info    : Destroys Walls, Reflection, Shining, Cold Blooded, Regeneration

He was the braver of Atlantis. His body was converted by a Shinto priest, in 
order to fight against "Papa". His body is now made by Orihalcon.

================================ Recent Forms =================================

Most Recent Forms                 CL Day  Time  DL Location                    
Wahha-Man the Golden              50  37 22:23     Morivant                 
Kenshirou the Fist of the North S 45  27 14:31     Morivant                 
The Grand Inquisitor              41  23 12:55     Morivant                 
Saruman of Many Colours           41  23 12:52     Morivant                 
The Grand Inquisitor              37  19  3:58     Morivant                 
Sir Lancelot                      33  15 13:16     Morivant                 
Jade monk                         33  15 13:15     Morivant                 
Jade monk                         33  15 13:12     Morivant                 
Spulga, the Troll Priestess       29  12  5:08     Morivant                 
Jade monk                         25  11  1:11     Morivant                 
Black ogre                        22  11  1:10     Morivant                 
Glyptodont                        25  11  0:50     Morivant                 
Old Man Willow                    25  11  0:47     Morivant                 
Griffon                           22  11  0:46     Morivant                 
Greater Hell-Beast                15  11  0:39     Morivant                 
Gorbag, the Orc Captain           25  11  0:35     Morivant                 
Warg                              21  11  0:34     Morivant                 
Bandit                            15  11  0:34     Morivant                 
The Multi-hued Centipede          25  11  0:31     Morivant                 
Stone troll                       25  10 20:18     Morivant                 
Hill giant                        21   6  6:34     Morivant                 
Gorbag, the Orc Captain           21   6  6:28     Morivant                 
Orc warlord                       21   6  6:15     Morivant                 
Meng You, the Brother of Meng Huo 18   6  6:14     Morivant                 
Wererat                           21   6  6:13     Morivant                 
Black ogre                        21   6  6:12     Morivant                 
Black orc                         19   6  6:10     Morivant                 
Plague monk                       21   6  6:09     Morivant                 
Plague rat                        16   6  6:08     Morivant                 
Swamp rat                         15   6  6:08     Morivant                 
Rock mole                         15   6  6:06     Morivant                 
Rat-thing                         15   6  6:06     Morivant                 
Ogrillon                          15   3  5:55     Outpost                  
Mughash the Kobold Lord           10   1 21:45   9 Warrens                  
Large kobold                       3   1  8:07   5 Warrens                  

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

!Warrens         : level   9
!Hideout         : level  18
!Icky cave       : level  20
!Tidal cave      : level  27
!Labyrinth       : level  28
!Camelot         : level  35
!Plains of Oz    : level  36
!Troll cave      : level  36
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
!Battlefield     : level  50
!Snow castle     : level  50
!Castle          : level  65
 Graveyard       : level  50
!Dragon's lair   : level  72
 Mine            : level  75
 Arena           : level  79
 Disaster area   : level  60
!Mount Olympus   : level  90
 Pyramidal mound : level  64
!R'lyeh          : level  96
 Angband         : level 100

Now, you are exploring level 100 of Angband.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost)                     DL5   CL6   Day 1, 11:09
  Trouble at Home (Outpost)                          DL5   CL6   Day 1, 13:13
  Pest Control (Outpost)                             DL5   CL8   Day 1, 15:16
  Kill Orfax, Son of Boldor                          DL7   CL31  Day 13, 1:53
  Mushrooms (Thalos)                                 DL10  CL41  Day 24, 6:31
  Cop Quest (Anambar)                                DL12  CL25  Day 9, 6:21
  The Compost Heap (Outpost)                         DL15  CL17  Day 3, 12:12
  Crow's Nest (Outpost)                              DL15  CL17  Day 3, 13:37
  I Hate Snakes! (Morivant)                          DL15  CL22  Day 6, 12:54
  The Orc Camp (Anambar)                             DL20  CL25  Day 9, 10:34
  Kill Hagen, Son of Alberich                        DL20  CL33  Day 16, 13:42
  Shadow Fairies (Thalos)                            DL20  CL41  Day 23, 14:48
  Tidy the Laboratory (Thalos)                       DL20  CL41  Day 24, 18:15
  Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost)                     DL22  CL24  Day 7, 6:20
  The Stranger (Telmora)                             DL22  CL31  Day 13, 13:26
  Doom Quest I (Angwil)                              DL24  CL29  Day 12, 0:03
  Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant)                  DL25  CL30  Day 12, 15:55
  The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant)                    DL25  CL37  Day 19, 21:39
  The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant)                    DL25  CL37  Day 19, 21:56
  The Old Barracks (Morivant)                        DL25  CL41  Day 23, 15:32
  Vapor Quest (Outpost)                              DL25  CL41  Day 25, 6:37
  Kill Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings              DL27  CL33  Day 16, 14:23
  Clear the Tunnels (Anambar)                        DL27  CL42  Day 25, 18:33
  Djinni's Cavern (Thalos)                           DL27  CL49  Day 33, 9:33
  Troll Slayer (Morivant)                            DL30  CL27  Day 11, 15:47
  Smugglers' Den (Anambar)                           DL30  CL42  Day 25, 16:57
  The Old Watchtower (Thalos)                        DL32  CL49  Day 33, 10:01
  Kill Rogrog the Black Troll                        DL33  CL33  Day 16, 16:51
  Dinosaur Quest (Anambar)                           DL33  CL42  Day 25, 19:12
  The Vault (Telmora)                                DL35  CL41  Day 23, 16:36
  The Dwarven Embassy (Morivant)                     DL35  CL41  Day 25, 8:04
  The Pit of Despair (Angwil)                        DL35  CL48  Day 32, 8:25
  The Barrow Downs (Telmora)                         DL35  CL50  Day 34, 9:56
  Giant Slayer (Morivant)                            DL36  CL37  Day 19, 17:15
  Staff Recovery (Thalos)                            DL40  CL41  Day 24, 19:07
  Dragon Quest (Angwil)                              DL42  CL48  Day 32, 9:21
  Troll Invasion (Telmora)                           DL42  CL50  Day 34, 10:59
  Kill Garm, Guardian of Hel                         DL44  CL35  Day 18, 14:53
  Dark Academy (Thalos)                              DL45  CL49  Day 33, 10:49
  The Haunted House (Outpost)                        DL45  CL50  Day 34, 11:45
  Kill The Grand Inquisitor                          DL46  CL36  Day 18, 22:52
  The Old Castle (Outpost)                           DL50  CL50  Day 40, 18:41
  Eddies in the Space-Time Continuum (Zul)           DL55  CL47  Day 30, 12:02
  Kill Huitzilonevada, the Feathered Boa             DL57  CL41  Day 22, 23:02
  Kill Hela, Queen of the Dead                       DL72  CL50  Day 36, 14:46
  Kill Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord                   DL81  CL50  Day 36, 20:26
  Kill King Ghidora                                  DL83  CL50  Day 36, 23:23
  Oberon                                             DL99  CL50  Day 54, 18:08
  Serpent of Chaos                                   DL100 CL50  Day 57, 7:55

  Arena: 30 Victories

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 14005 enemies including 342 unique monsters in total. There 
are 49 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  The Serpent of Chaos                         100
  The Unicorn of Order                          99
  Oberon, King of Amber                         99
  Michael, the Guardian Overlord                98
  Tik'srvzllat                                  98
  Sauron, the Sorcerer                          98
  Great Cthulhu                                 96
  The Babbage Analytical Engine                 96
  The Etheric Dimensional Phase Automaton       96
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs          95
  The Destroyer                                 94
  Cerberus, Guardian of Hades                   94
  Pandemonium                                   94
  Azathoth, Seething Nuclear Chaos              93
  Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos              93
  The Maw of Hell                               93
  Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss               92
  Qlzqqlzuup, the Lord of Flesh                 92
  Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst                92
  Festivus, the Teenage Offscreen Ninja Drolem  91

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Great Wyrm of Power        90     2     Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla       40   617
  Star-spawn of Cthulhu      86     2     Bloodletter of Khorne      34   262
  Hell hound of Julian       83    15     Cave ogre                  26   219
  Spellwarp Automaton        80     6     Olog                       35   182
  Tonberry                   80     1     Giant white louse           3   180
  Ninja Tonberry             80     3     Clubber demon              40   179
  Hell spider                80     7     Software bug               14   173
  Greater Balrog             79     4     Cheerful leprechaun        14   165
  Ultimate Magus             79     3     Warrior of the Dawn        45   146
  Lourph                     79    11     Fiendish donkey            26   128
  Spectral Wyrm              77     1     Water troll                33   125
  Cyberdemon                 77    15     Cave orc                    7   116
  Pit Fiend                  77     6     Giant grey rat              9   115
  Unmaker                    77     7     Ice troll                  28   106
  Fenghuang                  76     5     Phase spider               20    99
  Kirin                      76     2     Snaga                       6    98
  Warp demon                 76    14     Snaga sapper               14    92
  Aether hound               75    14     Giant white rat             4    88
  Sky Drake                  74     4     Undead mass                10    87
  Flying fishrooster         73     2     Hill orc                    8    82
================================== Mutations ==================================

You can emit confusing, blinding radiation.
You have a hallucinatory insanity.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

20 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
41 Rations of Food
14 Potions of Speed {!kq}
8 Potions of Heroism {25% off}
20 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
a Potion of Healing {25% off, !kq}
2 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}
7 Potions of Life {!kq}
22 Potions of Resistance {25% off, !kq}
25 Potions of Curing
3 Potions of Giant Strength {!k}
6 Potions of Stone Skin {!k}
9 Scrolls of Teleportation
7 Scrolls of Word of Recall
10 Scrolls of Remove Curse
a Scroll of *Remove Curse*
8 Scrolls of Holy Prayer
8 Scrolls of Protection from Evil
2 Scrolls of Rune of Protection
17 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
10 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
8 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {!*}
a Scroll of Wall of Stone
2 Scrolls of Inventory Protection

============================== Character Quiver ===============================

5 Mithril Shots (Elemental) (5d3) (+6,+9) {|CoP}
4 Mithril Shots (Elemental) (5d3) (+9,+7) {|AP}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 15000 a Law Book [Building Alternative Realities]
     8 11 Mushrooms of Cure Confusion {75% off}
    23 18 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery {25% off}
   350 2 Mushrooms of Restore Strength
  1000 9 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
     3 99 Rations of Food
     3 8 Rations of Food
    30 20 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
   120 88 Potions of Speed {!kq}
   120 2 Potions of Speed {!kq}
   120 40 Potions of Resist Heat and Cold {!kq}
   200 a Potion of Vigor
    27 5 Potions of Heroism {25% off}
   100 7 Potions of Berserk Strength
    38 14 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds {25% off}
   150 2 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
  1000 7 Potions of Restore Mana {!kq}
   400 11 Potions of Restore Life Levels
   220 2 Potions of Restore Strength
   220 3 Potions of Restore Wisdom
   220 2 Potions of Restore Constitution
 25000 7 Potions of Strength {!k}
 25000 17 Potions of Intelligence {!k}
 25000 6 Potions of Wisdom {!k}
 25000 15 Potions of Dexterity {!k}
 25000 3 Potions of Constitution {!k}
 25000 16 Potions of Charisma {!k}
  3000 12 Potions of Restoring
   800 21 Potions of Enlightenment
120000 3 Potions of *Enlightenment*
  2000 17 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k}
   188 9 Potions of Resistance {25% off, !kq}
    80 99 Potions of Curing
    80 42 Potions of Curing
 25000 3 Potions of New Life {!**}
  2000 5 Potions of Neo-Tsuyoshi Special
 10000 2 Potions of Stone Skin {!k}
   180 4 Potions of Clarity
  1000 7 Potions of Great Clarity
   200 4 Scrolls of Teleport Level
   150 8 Scrolls of Word of Recall
  1500 12 Scrolls of *Identify*
   250 a Scroll of Enchant Weapon To-Dam
  1000 3 Scrolls of *Enchant Armor*
  1000 3 Scrolls of *Enchant Weapon*
   200 a Scroll of Recharging
  3000 7 Scrolls of Mundanity
    23 12 Scrolls of Magic Mapping {25% off}
    80 29 Scrolls of Holy Prayer
   250 40 Scrolls of Protection from Evil
  1000 a Scroll of Spell
   750 6 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
100000 7 Scrolls of Acquirement {!*}
   500 a Scroll of Reset Recall
100000 a Scroll of Crafting
100000 a Scroll of Madness
  1000 3 Scrolls of Ice
  2500 a Scroll of Understanding
 24400 a Rod of Regeneration: Clairvoyance (2/2 charges) (+3) {99%}
  1637 a Rod of Capacity: Detect Monsters (3/3 charges) (+2)
  6400 a Rod: Detection (4/4 charges) {2%}
  6100 a Rod: Detection (3/3 charges) {2%}
  6400 a Rod: Detection (4/4 charges) {2%}
  9850 a Rod: Detection (6/6 charges) {2%}
  3100 a Rod: Recall (3/3 charges) {2%}
  4450 a Rod: Recall (5/5 charges) {2%}
 11790 a Rod of Regeneration: Recall (8/8 charges) (+4) {2%}
  9062 a Rod: Heroic Speed (2/2 charges) {67%, @zs!sdk}
 17318 a Rod of Regeneration: Heroic Speed (2/2 charges) (+3) {67%, @zs!sdk}
 11705 a Rod: Heroic Speed (2/2 charges) {67%, @zs!sdk}
 12197 a Rod: Heroic Speed (2/2 charges) {@zs!sdk}
 25283 a Rod of Regeneration: Heroic Speed (3/3 charges) (+3) {67%, @zs!sdk}
 19676 a Rod of Power: Heroic Speed (2/2 charges) {+15%} {70%, @zs!sdk}
  9250 a Rod: Restoring (2/2 charges) {89%}
 16650 a Rod of Regeneration: Restoring (2/2 charges) (+4) {89%}
  5200 a Rod: Clarity (4/4 charges)
  6776 a Rod of Holding: Clarity (3/3 charges)
  6025 a Rod: Great Clarity (1/2 charges) {78%}
  8950 a Rod: Mana Bolt (2/2 charges)
 20752 a Rod: Mana Bolt (3/3 charges) {48%}
  2275 a Rod: Line of Fire (2/2 charges) {2%}
 29178 a Rod of Holding: Invoke Logrus (2/2 charges) {99%}
  7090 a Rod: Disenchantment Ball (2/2 charges) {15%}
  3362 a Wand: Teleport Other (8/8 charges) {2%}
  7825 a Wand: Teleport Other (10/20 charges) {2%}
 22960 a Wand of Capacity: Annihilation (2/7 charges) (+2) {59%}
  8078 a Wand of Regeneration: Plasma Bolt (7/7 charges) (+2) {2%}
  7748 a Wand of Resistance: Nexus Ball (3/5 charges)
  4660 a Wand: Nexus Ball (3/4 charges) {13%}
 17735 a Wand of Holding: Disintegrate (3/4 charges) {88%, @ad!sdk}
 14207 a Wand: Disintegrate (4/5 charges) {85%, @ad!sdk}
 18885 a Wand of Capacity: Disintegrate (2/6 charges) (+4) {89%, @ad!sdk}
 20300 a Wand of Simplicity: Disintegrate (3/5 charges) (+4) {72%, @ad!sdk}
 15967 a Wand of Holding: Dragon's Frost (2/4 charges) {72%}
 10291 a Wand: Tsunami (7/8 charges)
  8940 a Wand: Dragon's Breath (4/4 charges) {43%}
  3421 a Wand: Vampirism (4/5 charges)
 21721 a Wand: Rocket (3/4 charges) {99%, @ar!sdk}
 32207 a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (2/4 charges) (+3) {99%, @ar!sdk}
  9382 a Wand: Meteor (5/5 charges) {27%}
   625 a Staff: Illumination (7/7 charges)
  3450 a Staff: Enlightenment (8/13 charges)
  6475 a Staff: Enlightenment (25/25 charges) {2%}
  7037 a Staff: Teleport (18/18 charges) {2%}
  2425 a Staff: Earthquake (9/9 charges) {2%}
 12835 a Staff: Destruction (7/7 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 12988 a Staff: Destruction (7/7 charges) {18%, @ud!sdk}
 18205 a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (5/7 charges) {20%, @ud!sdk}
 16036 a Staff of Simplicity: Destruction (5/6 charges) (+3) {8%, @ud!sdk}
 16403 a Staff: Destruction (7/7 charges) {27%, @ud!sdk}
 18832 a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (6/6 charges) {32%, @ud!sdk}
 20644 a Staff of Regeneration: Destruction (4/4 charges) (+3) {45%, @ud!sdk}
 30029 a Staff of Capacity: Destruction (11/11 charges) (+3) {48%, @ud!sdk}
 21745 a Staff: Destruction (8/8 charges) {50%, @ud!sdk}
 21456 a Staff: Destruction (3/7 charges) {55%, @ud!sdk}
 16085 a Staff: Destruction (5/5 charges) {55%, @ud!sdk}
 24268 a Staff: Destruction (8/8 charges) {63%, @ud!sdk}
 20192 a Staff: Genocide (1/5 charges) {99%}
  1100 a Staff: Identify (2/8 charges)
 10475 a Staff: Identify (83/83 charges) {2%}
 10725 a Staff: *Identify* (1/8 charges) {2%}
 11350 a Staff of Capacity: *Identify* (9/9 charges) (+3)
 24160 a Staff of Power: *Identify* (3/12 charges) {+15%} {2%}
  1650 a Staff: Probing (4/6 charges)
  3000 a Staff: Probing (10/11 charges) {2%}
  7725 a Staff: Banish Evil (3/6 charges) {43%}
  8850 a Staff: Banish Evil (3/7 charges) {50%}
 15325 a Staff: Banish (5/5 charges) {70%}
 22675 a Staff of Capacity: Banish (3/8 charges) (+4) {73%}
  5275 a Staff: Speed (5/6 charges) {2%, @us!sdk}
  4450 a Staff: Speed (3/5 charges) {@us!sdk}
  7050 a Staff of Simplicity: Speed (4/7 charges) (+2) {2%, @us!sdk}
  6100 a Staff: Speed (7/8 charges) {2%, @us!sdk}
  8875 a Staff: Speed (10/11 charges) {2%, @us!sdk}
  9175 a Staff: Speed (6/12 charges) {2%, @us!sdk}
 11900 a Staff of Holding: Speed (11/11 charges) {2%, @us!sdk}
  9250 a Staff: Speed (12/12 charges) {2%, @us!sdk}
  7975 a Staff: Telepathy (9/9 charges) {2%}
 10862 a Staff: Telepathy (12/12 charges) {2%}
  8237 a Staff: Telepathy (9/9 charges) {2%}
  7712 a Staff: Telepathy (7/8 charges) {2%}
  1550 a Staff: Summon Monsters (5/5 charges) {2%}
  1900 a Staff: Summon Hounds (5/6 charges) {2%}
  1230 a Staff: Cure Wounds (5/6 charges) {2%, @uu!sdk}
  5352 a Staff: Cure Wounds (14/16 charges) {2%}
  1400 a Staff: Curing (5/5 charges)
  4325 a Staff: Curing (16/16 charges) {2%}
 12947 a Staff: Healing (4/4 charges) {29%, @uh!sdk}
 11310 a Staff: Healing (4/4 charges) {34%, @uh!sdk}
 14912 a Staff: Healing (5/5 charges) {41%, @uh!sdk}
 13341 a Staff: Healing (4/4 charges) {50%, @uh!sdk}
 21188 a Staff: Healing (5/6 charges) {63%, @uh!sdk}
 22940 a Staff of Simplicity: Healing (2/5 charges) (+4) {41%, @uh!sdk}
 18043 a Staff: Healing (2/5 charges) {67%, @uh!sdk}
 23283 a Staff of Resistance: Healing (3/5 charges) {73%, @uh!sdk}
 22910 a Staff of Capacity: Healing (1/6 charges) (+4) {73%, @uh!sdk}
  1781 a Staff of Resistance: Remove Curse (3/5 charges)
  3350 a Staff: Dispel Demons (4/6 charges) {6%}
  4312 a Staff: Dispel Undead (6/7 charges)
  7484 a Staff: Dispel Monsters (5/7 charges) {57%}
 30853 a Staff of Capacity: Mana Storm (2/6 charges) (+3) {99%}
 20642 a Staff: Mana Storm (3/4 charges) {99%}
 30929 a Staff: Mana Storm (4/6 charges) {99%}
 24146 a Staff: Mana Storm (2/4 charges) {99%}
 14693 a Staff of Holding: Confusing Lights (6/6 charges) {27%, @uz!sdk}
 13386 a Staff of Regeneration: Confusing Lights (6/6 charges) (+1) {27%, 
 13325 a Staff of Resistance: Confusing Lights (3/6 charges) {@uz!sdk}
 11758 a Staff: Confusing Lights (3/6 charges) {29%, @uz!sdk}
 12700 a Staff: Confusing Lights (6/7 charges) {34%, @uz!sdk}
 15166 a Staff: Confusing Lights (3/8 charges) {36%, @uz!sdk}
 20656 a Staff of Resistance: Confusing Lights (5/7 charges) {50%, @uz!sdk}
 25858 a Staff: Star Burst (1/5 charges) {99%}
  1693 a Staff: Animate Dead (8/8 charges) {2%}
  1433 an Endless Quiver [110] {A:Endless Quiver}
   400 a Ring
 71900 a Ring of Speed (+11) {Sp}
 52660 a Ring of Speed (+9) {Sp A:Speed}
 49900 2 Rings of Speed (+9) {Sp}
 31900 a Ring of Speed (+7) {Sp}
 31350 a Ring of Protection [+30] (charging) {Wr(St A:Globe of Invulnerability}
 28375 a Ring of Archery (+5,+33)
 28230 a Ring (Defender) [+16] {PoShDi;FaSiHl}
 27160 a Ring of Speed (+6) {Sp A:Speed}
 26138 a Ring of Protection [+34] {(Dx}
 24400 a Ring of Speed (+6) {Sp}
 17900 2 Rings of Speed (+5) {Sp}
 14540 a Ring of Protection [+14] {DkSo}
 12748 a Ring (Elemental) [+11] {Ac A:Breathe Lightning}
 12400 2 Rings of Speed (+4) {Sp}
 11757 a Ring of Protection [+22] {(Wi}
 10805 a Ring of Protection [+4] {CfNxBl;Si}
  7538 a Ring of Combat (+3,+6) {?}
 46475 The Ring of Hurin (+2) {AtChSr;ShCa;Si}
 37851 The Ring of the Future King (+4) {InCn;ElSh[M}
 29638 The Ring of Sweetness (+4) {SpDxIf;CoSh;Si}
 29172 The Ring 'Fimbul' (+11,+10) (+4) {CnSr;Nx;Hl(StInWiDxCnCh}
 26862 The Ring of Wishing (+4) {SpInSr}
 26055 The Ring 'Shiny Ring' (+2) {SpDxIf;DiFe;SiLvXm(StDx}
 16477 The Ring 'Sekhmet's Fury' [+7] (+1) {DxIf;FiPoCa;FaLu}
 15376 The Ring 'Omicron' (+1) {WiIf;ShDi;Fa}
 37425 The Ring of Tulkas (+4) {SpStDxCn A:Heroic Speed}
 15120 The Ring 'Frakir' (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnChSlSr;Po;SiWr A:Vampirism}
     1 The Ring of Cower (Darnya) (-15,-15) (+5) {cursed, -StInWiDxCnChSp;AgTy 
         A:Something Weird}
 34550 an Amulet (Defender) [+17] {PoCfDi;FaSiHl?}
 25530 an Amulet of the Magi (+2) {InSr;FaSi~Tele A:Summon Dragon}
 23607 an Amulet (Defender) [+6] {AcElFiCo;FaSi A:Resistance}
 23080 an Amulet (Elemental) {AcElFiCoSh}
 22396 an Amulet (Defender) [+9] {AcElFiCo;FaSiLv}
 20165 an Amulet of Devotion (+2) {Wi;LiDkSo;Rf}
 18100 an Amulet of Trickery (+3) {SlSr;Dk~Tele}
 16080 an Amulet (Elemental) {AcElFiCo}
 10084 an Amulet of Devotion (+1) {Ch;Rf A:Restore Stats}
  7720 an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFi}
  3800 2 Amulets (Elemental) {El}
  1996 a Sacred Pendant [+3] {HlBs}
 21810 The Amulet of the Goddess (+7,+7) (+1) {Cn;CoDk;Hl[M(Cn}
 19096 The Amulet of Urgelion (+14,+8) (+2) {Sp;Ca;Hl}
 29541 The Charmed Pendant [+5] (+2) {InChMdSrIf;FaSiSdRgLuWr[FEC A:Restore 
 27203 The Amulet 'Dragonchip' (+3) {Ch[MMr}
 20068 The Amulet 'Yasaka-no-Magatama' (+3) {InChSr;ElFiCo;FaSi A:Recall}
 19992 The Wooden Torch of Demeter (+2) {cursed, WiCn;Ti;RgLu A:Flame of 
   250 a Feanorian Lamp
  1702 a Feanorian Lamp of Immolation {[F}
     1 a Feanorian Lamp of Valinor (+2) {-10%} {cursed, Sp;-Md;PoLi}
 22440 The Feanorian Lamp of Otiluke (+2) {SpSt;PoNxShBl}
 20245 The Feanorian Lamp of Tuber (+3) {StIf;CoCf;Lv A:Dragon's Frost}
 19012 The Feanorian Lamp of Mazda (+3) [-15%] {cursed, St;-Sl;CfCaFe;Hl 
         A:Breathe Chaos}
  7665 The Feanorian Lamp 'Talisman' (+2) {In;SoBl}
  6354 The Phial of Galadriel (+5) {Sr;Dk A:Illumination}
  8053 The Star of Elendil (+1) {SpCnCh;SiHlRg A:Magic Mapping and 
 10809 The Stone of Lore (+2) (charging) {InWi;Id A:Probing}
 27248 The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) (charging) {WiCh~Tele A:List Uniques}
 23680 The Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2) {SpInCh;HlLv A:Mana Ball}
 20500 The Stone of Life (+3) {Lf;Hl A:Restoring}
 13425 The Sorcerer's Stone (+2) {In A:*Recharging*}
 12375 The Stone of Chaos {Ca A:Polymorph}
 12062 The Stone of Death {Nt A:Animate Dead}
 15000 The Brimstone {A:Fire Ball}
 15390 The Stone of Craft (+2) {Sp A:Resistance}
 29400 The Armageddon Stone {A:Destruction}
 18680 The Arkenstone of Thrain (charging) {LiDk;SiHl A:Clairvoyance}
 24192 The All-Seeing Eye (+5) {cursed, Sr;LiDkBl;SiNv~Tele A:Detection}
 31050 Black Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+14] {Ac A:Breathe Acid}
 30525 Black Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+13] {Ac A:Breathe Acid}
 19800 Black Dragon Scale Mail {good}
 19800 Black Dragon Scale Mail {good}
 28332 Blue Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+10] {El A:Breathe Lightning}
 42054 Blue Dragon Scale Mail (Craft) (-2) [40,+19] (+3) {WiMd;El A:Breathe 
 19800 White Dragon Scale Mail {good}
 30420 Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+16] {Po A:Breathe Poison}
 28320 Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+12] {Po A:Breathe Poison}
 27270 Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+10] {Po A:Breathe Poison}
 43170 Green Dragon Scale Mail (Attack) (+2,+8) [40,+22] (+2) {St;Po A:Breathe 
 48285 Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+18] {AcElFiCoPo A:Dragon's 
 55085 Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail (Craft) (-2) [40,+26] (+1) {WiMd;AcElFiCoPo 
         A:Dragon's Breath}
 48125 Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail (Lore) (-2) [40,+21] (+1) {In;AcElFiCoPo;Id 
 71204 The Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail 'Razorback' (-4) [40,+25] 
         {*El;AcFiCoPoLiDk;FaSiLuAg A:Star Ball}
 19800 Pseudo Dragon Scale Mail {good}
 42553 Law Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+15] {SoSh A:Breathe}
 30102 Bronze Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+13] {Cf A:Breathe Confusion}
 27573 Silver Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+13] {Fa A:Breathe Inertia}
 11835 Metal Scale Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [13,+15] {NtBl}
 62700 The Metal Scale Mail 'Die Hard' (-2) [18,+26] {AcElFiCoCfNtCaBlFe}
 83026 The Metal Scale Mail of Julian (-2) [15,+40] (+4) {StCh;AcElFiCoDkNxDi~Z 
 41036 Chain Mail of Augmentation (-2) [14,+19] (+4) {StInWiDxCnCh}
 16672 The Chain Mail 'Great Icefield' (-2) [14,+18] {Co;Si[C}
 29317 Double Ring Mail of the Uruk-hai (+3,+5) [15,+19] (+1) 
 35019 The Double Ring Mail 'Black Mail' (-2) [15,+20] (+2) {SpDxCn;PoDkNt}
 30389 Augmented Chain Mail of the Demon-Lord (-2,+12) [16,+18] (+5) 
 72536 The Augmented Chain Mail of Aqua Regia (-2) [16,+21] (+3) 
 63787 The Double Chain Mail of Slippery Slopes (-2) [21,+22] (+4) 
 30705 Metal Brigandine Armour of Celestial Protection (-3) [19,+22] 
 61417 The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Dunedain (-3) [19,+25] (+3) 
 52837 The Metal Brigandine Armour 'Hope and Glory' (-3) [19,+25] (+3) 
 43710 The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) 
 53699 The Splint Mail of Shapeir (-2) [19,+20] (+2) {Dx;*Fi;DkSo;RfLuWr[F(Wi}
 40252 The Splint Mail 'Blessed Fusion' (-2) [19,+23] (+3) {If;AcElFiCoNxBl[F}
 42564 Metal Lamellar Armour of the Demon (-3,+1) [23,+17] (+4) 
 26723 Metal Lamellar Armour (Dwarven) (-3) [28,+22] (+3) {StSr;DkBl;FaRg(St}
 17052 Metal Lamellar Armour of the Olog-hai (-3,+3) [23,+13] (+3) 
         {St;-InSl;AcPo;Rg A:Berserk}
 40415 The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2) 
 52804 The Haramakido of Redemption (-2) [17,+25] (+2) {StWi;CfNtShDi(Wi}
 52612 The Full Plate Armour 'Backburner' (-3) [25,+23] {*Fi;CoPoNx;Lu[F}
 54340 The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcFiCoCfNxSoBl}
 58887 The O-yoroi of the Bando Musha (+5,+5) [24,+20] (+2) 
 50274 Mithril Chain Mail of the Demon (-1,+6) [35,+14] (+3) 
 41423 Mithril Chain Mail of Celestial Protection (-1) [35,+19] {LiDkShDi;FaHl}
 31095 Mithril Plate Mail of Elemental Protection (-3) [40,+18] {FiCo}
     1 The T-shirt 'I killed the GHB and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!' 
 39977 a Robe of Augmentation [2,+20] (+4) {StInWiDxCnCh}
 31716 a Robe of Permanence [2,+23] {AcElFiCoSo;Hl(StInWiDxCnCh}
 76698 The Robe of Eternity [0,+42] (+3) {Cn;LiDkDiTi;FaSiHlLv(StInWiDxCnCh}
 44744 The Paper Armour 'Nameless Thing' [4,+21] (+3) {St;ElCfSoCaDi}
 36864 The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiDkNt}
 28767 Hard Leather Armour of Celestial Protection (-1) [6,+24] {LiNxCaDi;HlSd}
 48911 The Hard Leather Armour of the Snake Master (-1) [6,+26] (+2) 
 14754 Rhino Hide Armour of Elemental Protection (-1) [8,+11] {ElFiCoPo}
 41195 The Rhino Hide Armour of Delban (-1) [8,+25] (+3) {ChSr;NtNxShFe}
 30525 The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] (+10) {-Ch;Ag(Ch}
 45214 The Leather Scale Mail of Sad Giant (-1) [11,+24] (+2) 
 79660 The Leather Jacket of Shiva's Avatar (+3,+4) [12,+20] (+2) 
 66558 Black Clothes of Elvenkind [4,+37] (+7) {SpSl;AcElFiCoBlFe}
 37121 Stone and Hide Armour of Augmentation (-1) [15,+11] (+4) {StInWiDxCnCh}
  3659 a Cloak of Freezing [1,+3] {Co[C}
  6001 The Cloak of Kutina [1,+9] (+2) {Sl;Bl}
 34541 The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7) {SlSr;FaSiHl~Tele}
 32361 The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {AcElFiCoPo A:Resistance}
 31273 The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] (+3) {DxCh;AcFiCo;FaSd A:Recharging}
 14601 The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+7] {ElFiCo;FaSi}
  3648 an Elven Cloak [4,+5] (+3) {SlSr}
 15123 an Elven Cloak of Aman [4,+16] (+2) {SpSlSr;Ca}
 10758 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {DkSo;Lv}
  8748 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {CoPo;Lv}
 31624 The Pair of Dragon Wings of the Tidal Cave [4,+18] (+2) 
 19656 a Small Leather Shield of Elvenkind [3,+12] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoSo}
 33336 <<Worn>> The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiPoLiDk}
  8736 a Large Metal Shield (Orcish) (+2,+2) [8,+15] (+2) {St;-InSl;-Li;FiDk}
  7119 a Large Metal Shield of Night and Day [8,+10] {LiDk}
  4287 a Large Metal Shield (Orcish) (+2,+3) [8,+6] (+3) {St;-InSl;-Li;Dk?}
  8154 a Dragon Shield [8,+10] {ElCo}
  1884 a Dragon Shield {good}
 13725 a Mirror Shield of Elemental Protection [10,+14] {CoLi;Rf}
 42313 The Mirror 'Yata-no-Kagami' [0,+18] (+3) {InWi;Li;RfSiHlLu~Tele A:Dispel 
 50082 The Iron Crown of Diamond (+10,+6) [0,+20] (+4) {Wi;AcElFiPoNxSo}
 31591 The Golden Crown 'Witkeeper' (+5,+4) [0,+20] (+4) {InDx;Nx}
 69164 The Golden Crown of Amber [0,+15] (+3) {SpStWiCn;ElFiLiCfCaBlFe;SiRgLu~Z 
 13281 a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Lordliness [0,+12] (+3) {WiCh;Li(WiCh}
 11700 a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Seeing [0,+5] (+3) {Sr;Bl;Si~Tele}
 54721 The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Hera [0,+20] (+3) [+15%] {cursed, 
         SpInWiCh;CfSo(InWiCh A:Restore Mana}
 35311 The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Numenor [0,+15] (+3) {InDxCh;LiSoSh;Lu}
 34487 The Metal Cap 'Top Hat' [3,+22] (+3) {SpSr;ShDi}
 43732 The Iron Helm 'Crypt Creep' [5,+20] (+3) {SpDxCn;FiNxSh;Rg(Dx}
 31554 The Iron Helm 'Hound' [5,+20] (+4) {StCn;LiCf;Si}
 11674 The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2) {InWiSr;Bl;Si A:Detection}
 61253 The Mithril Helm of Dor-Lomin [8,+20] (+4) 
         {StDxCn;AcElFiCoLiBl;SiLu~Tele A:Terrify Monsters}
  5634 a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {Ac}
  5259 a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {Po}
 33620 a Dragon Helm of the Vampire [8,+26] (+3) 
 51967 The Dragon Helm of the King (+7,+3) [8,+18] (+2) {If;CoPoDkNtCaDi}
 22086 The Set of Leather Gloves 'Storm Seeker' [1,+15] (+2) {SpCn;ElFi;Si(Dx}
  5904 The Set of Leather Gloves 'Snow White' [1,+9] (+3) {Ch}
 16368 The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen' (+1,+1) [2,+10] {Ac|A A:Acid Bolt}
 10548 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {FiDkFe}
  8823 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+16] {Nx}
  8673 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {ElCf}
  8298 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+15] {Nx}
  7173 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {Nt}
 22504 The Set of Dragon Gloves of Imladris [4,+17] (+2) {Sr;LiNtNx}
 35995 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Victory [2,+21] (+3) 
 35367 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Muddy Roads [2,+20] (+2) 
         {Ch;AcShFe;LvWr A:Breathe Acid}
 39327 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4) 
 37861 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Aragorn (+7,+3) [4,+17] (+2) 
 35418 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+12] (+5) {DxCh;NtCa;Fa(CnCh 
         A:Cure Fear and Poison}
 27508 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+19] (+7) {Sp}
 21358 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+17] (+6) {Sp}
 11871 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Sprite [3,+10] (+3) {Sp;Li;Lv}
  9471 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Sprite [3,+14] (+1) {Sp;Li;Lv}
  1408 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+7] (+1) {Sl}
 31093 The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Bubo [3,+14] (+2) {StDxCnMd;CoDkFe 
 11974 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {DkSh}
 10669 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+18] {Cf}
  7069 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+14] {Li}
  6094 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Dk}
  4969 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Fe}
 34923 a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [4,+18] (+8) {Sp}
 22247 The Broken Sword 'Narsil' (4d2) (+6,+10) (+3) {AtSt;Fi/oT}
 12638 The Dagger 'Dethanc' (2d5) (+8,+12) (+1) {Sp;Lu?}
  5964 a Rapier (Nature) (1d8) (+8,+9) (+1) {In;Fi;RgLu|F/Z~Z}
 61251 The Rapier 'Silver Chariot' (2d7) (+17,+12) (+3) {AtSpDx;DkDi;FaSi/*oUL}
 25783 The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+7,+8) (+2) 
 18032 The Small Sword 'Excalibur Jr.' (2d7) (+3,+5) (+3) {At;Fi;SdBs/DLZ}
 54475 The Sabre 'Grayswandir' (2d9) (+20,+12) (+4) 
  3722 a Cutlass (Nature) (1d9) (+6,+4) (+2) {In;Rg/Z~Z}
 10636 a Broad Sword of Westernesse (2d6) (+13,+8) (+2) {StDxCn;FaSi/oTP~oTP}
  2652 a Long Sword (Craft) (2d6) (+11,+5) (+1) [-5%] {El|E}
 93928 The Long Sword 'Gurenki' (5d6) (-10,+25) (+2) {Cn;LuAg|VS/XU/*~U}
 56507 The Long Sword 'Werewindle' (3d6) (+8,+12) (+3) 
         {SpStCn;ElLiDkDi;FaSiSdRgLu|ECa/*U(StInWiCn A:Getaway}
 18739 The Scimitar of Telumehtar (3d6) (+15,+11) {Lv|VS A:Whirlwind Attack}
 54052 The Katana 'Ionic Storm' (4d5) (+22,+21) (+3) {InChIf|EP/XUL/*DoZ 
         A:Lightning Ball}
 52959 The Katana of Rage (4d5) (+26,+21) (+3) {StWiDxCn;Nx;Bs/*po}
 47190 The Katana 'Zantetsuken' (8d5) (+17,+21) (+2) {StDxDg|S}
 65042 <<Worn>> The Bastard Sword of Eowyn (4d5) (+12,+16) (+4) 
 57447 an Executioner's Sword of the Noldor (5d6) (+14,+18) (+5) 
 53495 The Executioner's Sword of Pellinore (4d6) (+22,+20) (+2) 
 99751 The Executioner's Sword 'Slayer' (5d6) (+15,+15) (+2) 
 67097 The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d6) (+23,+24) {Si|PS/*pDoTPL}
  5328 a Blade of Chaos (5d6) (+6,+3) {Ca}
 34218 The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) 
  1875 6 Poison Needles (1d1) (+0,+0) {25% off}
  2500 a Poison Needle {average}
 47229 The Spear of Athena (3d8) (+15,+15) [+15] (+4) <+30%> {cursed, 
         In;-StDxCn;HlBs~Tele(InWi A:*Recharging*}
 22088 <<Worn>> The Spear of Hagen (1d8) (+11,+13) (+3) {SpSlIf;CoDk;ThSi|Co/L}
100592 The Trident of Poseidon (20d1) (+30,+30) (+3) {cursed, SpStDx;AcFiSo|A/* 
 41853 The Fauchard 'Evilbanisher' (2d12) (+22,+20) (+4) {SpWiSr;Bs/XL}
  3942 a Broad Spear (Nature) (1d11) (+3,+7) (+1) {In;Rg/XZ~Z}
 50076 The Pike of Lorgan (2d6) (+19,+19) (+4) {StInDxCnCh;Lu|F/oP A:Heroic 
  9594 a Beaked Axe of Gondolin (2d7) (+19,+10) {Dk;FaSiLu/DoTU}
 14401 a Lucerne Hammer (Defender) (2d6) (+10,+9) [+13] {LiDi;FaSiRg(Dx}
  9081 a Lucerne Hammer of Gondolin (2d6) (+11,+14) {Dk;FaSiLu/DoTU}
 41627 The Lucerne Hammer 'Weapon Alpha' (4d6) (+19,+19) (+3) {CnCh|Ca/XU/D}
  8975 a Lajatang (Nature) (3d8) (+10,+10) (+1) {In;RgLu|F/Z~Z}
 32642 a Lance of Sharpness (6d10) (+1,+11) (+4) {Dg|S}
  3292 a Lance of Slaying (2d10) (+8,+5) {/pL~L}
 50701 The Lance 'Preoxy' (3d10) (+21,+21) {|AV/XL(Cn A:Breathe Acid}
 55198 The Battle Axe of Lokar (3d9) (+26,+22) (+3) {St;Cf/*Z}
  6252 The Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (2d9) (+9,+8) (+1) {StDx/oT A:Cure Wounds}
 11948 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) (+1) {InWi;Lv? A:Telekinesis}
 21632 The Mace 'Taratol' (3d5) (+12,+12) {*El|E/XD A:Speed}
 45667 The Flail 'Winblows' (8d7) (+0,+30) (+4) {cursed, -InWiSlSp;Ag|CaQ}
108804 The Great Hammer of Hephaestus (5d7) (+0,+0) (+1) {cursed, 
         SpStInWiDxCnCh|AEFCoV/X*DUL/poTPZ A:Enchantment}
 22557 The Wizardstaff of Mokomagi (2d2) (+12,+10) (+3) {In;CfBl(In}
 49005 The Baseball Bat of Sotkamo (2d4) (+21,+7) (+4) {SpDx;NxTi;RfFaHlRg(Dx 
 42776 The Sling of Hope (x2.62) (+26,+21) (+3) {CnChDg;El A:Breathe Lightning}
 42276 The Sling 'Skullcrusher' (x2.42) (+16,+19) (+3) {St;*Fi;Nx|P}
  1070 a Short Bow (x2.50) (+5,+3)
 33248 The Short Bow 'Hellwind' (x3.25) (+20,+19) (+3) {InSl;Fa(In}
 14517 The Long Bow 'Bazooka' (x3) (+15,+9) (+2) {StCnSrDg;BlFe;Xs}
  7759 a Light Crossbow of the Hunter (x3.50) (+18,+17) (+2) {Sl~P}
  6252 a Light Crossbow of Accuracy (x3.50) (+22,+5)
  5928 a Light Crossbow of Velocity (x3.65) (+10,+22)
 34049 The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+35) (+4) {StIf;Fi[F|F}
 39537 The Heavy Crossbow 'Ballista' (x5) (+10,+30) (+3) {St;Cf A:Piercing 
 33990 The Gun 'Crimson' (+4) (charging) {Sl;SoSh;Sd A:Rocket}
    36 8 Bolts (3d5) (+3,+4)
    29 28 Bolts (3d5) (+5,+2)
    49 21 Bolts (3d5) (+2,+6)
    35 28 Bolts (3d5) (+5,+3)
    45 8 Bolts (3d5) (+6,+4)
    77 25 Bolts of Slaying (3d5) (+6,+5) {?}
    87 24 Bolts (Elemental) (3d5) (+7,+7) {|Co}
   252 20 Seeker Bolts of Slaying (6d5) (+8,+5) {/LZ}
   279 28 Seeker Bolts of Slaying (6d5) (+9,+8) {/Z}
    29 <<Worn>> 25 Arrows (3d4) (+4,+3)
    35 <<Worn>> 20 Arrows (3d4) (+4,+4)
    42 <<Worn>> 23 Arrows (3d4) (+4,+5)
    56 16 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+3,+6) {/p}
    95 <<Worn>> 16 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+5,+5) {/Lv}
    52 <<Worn>> 8 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+6,+4) {/D}
    80 15 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+4,+7) {/U}
    60 5 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+7,+5) {/p}
   234 30 Arrows of Returning (3d4) (+6,+9)
    71 13 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+9,+6) {/A}
   128 15 Sheaf Arrows of Exploding (4d4) (+7,+7)
   217 30 Mithril Arrows (Elemental) (5d4) (+6,+11) {|EP}
   741 23 Mithril Arrows of Holy Might (6d4) (+10,+11) {Bs|F/*UL}
   324 28 Seeker Arrows of Endurance (6d4) (+6,+8)
   173 16 Seeker Arrows (Elemental) (6d4) (+9,+7) {|FP}
   205 24 Seeker Arrows of Slaying (6d4) (+10,+9) {/D}
   397 27 Seeker Arrows of Endurance (6d4) (+14,+10)
  1660 The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) {/XD}
    35 21 Rounded Pebbles (2d3) (+4,+5)
    45 17 Iron Shots (3d3) (+4,+6)
    91 20 Iron Shots of Exploding (3d3) (+5,+5)
    48 26 Iron Shots of Slaying (3d3) (+5,+5) {/p}
    57 26 Mithril Shots (5d3) (+3,+6)
    69 18 Mithril Shots (5d3) (+7,+6)
  1000 a Capture Ball (empty) {A:Capture Pet}
  3050 a Capture Ball (a Master lich) {A:Release Pet, }
  3400 a Capture Ball (a Drolem) {A:Release Pet}
  4150 a Capture Ball (a Great unclean one) {A:Release Pet}
     0 The Corpse of Orfax, Son of Boldor
     0 a Hill giant Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Mime, the Nibelung
     0 a Stone troll Corpse
     0 a Camelot Knight Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Grendel
     0 The Corpse of Orcobal the Mighty
     0 a Dhole Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Rich, the Thief
     0 a Jade monk Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Sir Lancelot
     0 The Corpse of Luigi
     0 The Corpse of Mordred
     0 a Raal's Tome of Destruction Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Implorington III {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Ratatosk, the World-Tree Squirrel
     0 The Corpse of Meneldor the Swift
     0 The Corpse of Father Dagon
     0 The Corpse of Mother Hydra
     0 The Corpse of Castamir the Usurper
     0 The Corpse of Scylla {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Moire, Queen of Rebma
     0 The Corpse of Malekith the Accursed
     0 The Corpse of Eol, the Dark Elven Smith
     0 The Corpse of Kokuo, Raou's Steed
     0 The Corpse of The Wicked Witch of the South-East
     0 The Corpse of Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir
     0 The Corpse of Eskimo
     0 The Corpse of Utgard-Loke
     0 The Corpse of Scatha the Worm {Wanted!kkk}
     0 a Greater titan Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Glaurung, Father of the Dragons
     0 The Corpse of Beld, Ruler of Marmo
     0 The Corpse of The Midnight Dragon
     0 The Corpse of Madame Debby
     0 The Corpse of Santa Claus
     0 The Corpse of Jack of Lanterns
     0 The Corpse of Petshop
     0 The Corpse of Nidhogg the Hel-Drake {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of The Lernean Hydra
     0 The Corpse of Ansalom, the Dark Wizard
     0 The Corpse of Dionysus, the Munchkin of Chaos
     0 The Corpse of Walken
     0 The Corpse of Dworkin Barimen
     0 The Corpse of Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin {Wanted!kkk}
     0 an Elder storm giant Corpse
     0 a Great Storm Wyrm Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Ancalagon the Black
     0 The Corpse of Countess Bathory
     0 The Corpse of Habu the Champion of Chaos
     0 The Corpse of Saruman of Many Colours
     0 The Corpse of Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber
     0 The Corpse of Bramd the Ice Dragon
     0 a Temporal Champion Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Gragomani, the Leprechaun Prophet
     0 The Corpse of Kenshirou the Fist of the North Star {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Wadjet the Protector
     0 The Corpse of Locke, the Superman {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Invisible Pink Unicorn
     0 a Great Wyrm of Many Colours Corpse
     0 a Steam-Powered Mechanical Dragon Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil
     0 The Corpse of The Norsa
     0 The Corpse of Izanami, Spirit of Yomi {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Ammit, the Devourer
     0 a Kirin Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Atlas, the Titan
     0 The Corpse of Caldarm the Third
     0 The Corpse of Amaterasu, Spirit of Sun
     0 The Corpse of Shesha, the Infinite
     0 The Corpse of Richard Wong, Master of Time
     0 The Corpse of Ymir the Ice Giant
     0 The Corpse of Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves
     0 The Corpse of Kronos, Lord of the Titans
     0 The Corpse of Jack the Ripper {Wanted!kkk}
    75 a Wooden Statue of Yibb-Tstll the Patient One
  1000 a Magic Whistle {A:Return Pets}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  6604011
  Selling  : 11770718
  Winnings :        0 18374729
  Purchases:  2379241
  Services :  4762129
  Stolen   :    51658  7193028

  Objects Found    :  18647
  Objects Bought   :   1387
  Objects Destroyed:   7750

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               2252      1    50  1765
  Shields                336      0    79   251
  Bows                   691      0    33   506
  Quivers                  8      1    24     2
  Rings                  291      0    27     4
  Amulets                271      0    61     2
  Lights                  55      0    23     1
  Body Armor            2402      0    69  1749
  Cloaks                 354      0    22   257
  Helmets                455      0    18   338
  Gloves                 404      0    32   303
  Boots                  405      0    37   294
  Totals                7916      1   451  5470

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  346      0   156     5
  Staves                 328      7  8996    26
  Rods                   353      0  5012     3
  Potions               1466    618  1079   244
  Scrolls                605    323   466   250
  Totals                3098    948 15709   528

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                 1811      0   211   203
  Arrows                2349     29   819   586
  Bolts                 2024      9   230   184
  Spellbooks              12      0     0    14
  Food                   636    381   410    89
  Corpses                164      0     0    49
  Skeletons              529      0     0   530
  Chests                   8      0     0     7
  Totals                7533    419  1670  1662

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    18    147   121    17
  Curing                 245     14    29    25
  Speed                  207     16    45    13
  Clarity                 11      0     0     5
  Healing                180     38   199    18
  *Healing*               14      3    15     0
  Life                     7      0     0     1
  Restore Mana             7      0     0     0
  Restore Life Levels     18     12    13     9
  Strength                15      3    10     1
  Intelligence            26      4    12     4
  Wisdom                  21      1    12     0
  Dexterity               27      5    15     1
  Constitution            18      1    14     0
  Charisma                37      4    19     0
  New Life                 3      0     0     0
  Experience               1      1     1     0
  Totals                1466    618  1079   244

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door               9      0     0     0
  Word of Recall          47     63    78    14
  Identify                 1      0     0    23
  *Identify*              34      0    17    11
  Remove Curse            12     31    27     0
  *Remove Curse*           7      6    12     0
  Spell                    2      0     1     0
  Teleportation           20     47    22    52
  Teleport Level           5      0     1     4
  Destruction             18      0     0     0
  Genocide                15      1     0     0
  Mass Genocide            7      2     1     0
  Forest Creation          7      0     1     0
  Crafting                 2      0     0     0
  Acquirement             17      1    11     1
  *Acquirement*            5      0     5     0
  Totals                 605    323   466   250

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            26      0     0     0
  Teleport Other          18      0     0     0
  Vampirism               13      0     0     0
  Dragon's Frost          21      0     0     0
  Dragon's Flame          15      0     0     0
  Tsunami                 10      0     0     0
  Dragon's Breath          6      0     0     0
  Meteor                   6      0     0     0
  Annihilation             7      0     0     0
  Whirlpool                7      0     0     1
  Disintegrate             9      0     1     1
  Rocket                   2      0     9     0
  Totals                 346      0   156     5

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                25      5  3600     4
  Enlightenment           17      2  1933     2
  Curing                  15      0   118     1
  Cure Wounds             12      0   181     3
  Telepathy               10      0   466     2
  Speed                   17      0   675     1
  *Identify*              13      0    18     1
  Destruction             23      0    44     2
  Healing                 14      0   824     4
  Genocide                 1      0     0     0
  Confusing Lights        17      0     1     0
  Mana Storm               6      0     6     0
  Star Burst               3      0     0     0
  Darkness Storm           1      0     0     0
  Totals                 328      7  8996    26

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             2      0     0     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     9      0    11     0
  Detect Monsters         11      0   215     0
  Illumination             9      0     8     0
  Recall                  30      0   586     0
  Detection               19      0  4120     0
  Enlightenment            3      0     1     1
  Sound Ball              10      0     0     0
  Heroic Speed            15      0    43     0
  Restoring                2      0     4     0
  Mana Ball                2      0     0     0
  Shard Ball               1      0     0     0
  Invoke Logrus            2      0     0     0
  Clairvoyance             2      0     1     0
  Totals                 353      0  5012     3

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks         1      0     0     4
  Fourth Spellbooks        2      0     0     3
  Totals                  12      0     0    14

  Egos Found    :   6701
  Egos Bought   :     14
  Egos Destroyed:    215

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           40      0     1
  Jewelry (Defender)      22      0     0
  Boots of Elvenkind       4      0     0
  Boots of the Sprite     12      0     0
  Boots of Speed          17      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals               4121  29.4%       Observed              9613   7.5%
  Breeders              2124  15.1%       Expected             13478  10.6%
  Demons                1302   9.2%       Failures               697   7.2%
  Dragons               1133   8.0%       Summon                 892   9.2%
  Giants                 634   4.5%       Heal                   458   4.7%
  Hounds                 794   5.6%       Escape                 325   3.3%
  Humans                 983   7.0%       Offense               4270  44.4%
  Orcs                   834   5.9%       Other                 2971  30.9%
  Trolls                1030   7.3%     
  Undead                1125   8.0%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                342   2.4%       Observed              2592  28.8%
                                          Expected              2746  30.5%
  Evil Monsters         8389  59.9%       Failures               141   5.4%
  Good Monsters          437   3.1%       Summon                 400  15.4%
  Neutral Monsters      5184  37.0%       Heal                   282  10.8%
                                          Escape                 226   8.7%
  Totals               14005              Offense               1050  40.5%
                                          Other                  493  19.0%

================================ Last Messages ================================

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit it. You are shredded! You are 
unmade! You hit it. You are shredded! You miss. You miss. You stand 
your ground!
The Serpent of Chaos says, 'Maybe I won't kill you... NOT!'
The Serpent of Chaos summons Monsters.
The Pegasus attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses.
The Ice spider jumps away. The Serpent of Chaos is more dazed. The 
Ethereal dragon is dazed. Godzilla is dazed. The Pegasus is dazed.
Godzilla attacks you: It misses. It claws. You are poisoned! It misses. 
It crushes. You are disenchanted!

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit it. You are shredded! You hit 
it. You are shredded! You miss. You hit it. You are shredded! The 
Serpent of Chaos flees in terror!
The Serpent of Chaos recovers its courage.
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. The Ice spider wails out 
in pain! The Ice spider is embedded in the rock! It misses. It misses. 
It misses.
The Ethereal dragon attacks you: It claws. It is frozen! It misses. It 

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit it. You are shredded! You are 
unmade! You hit it. You are shredded! You are unmade! You miss. You hit 
it. You are shredded! You are disenchanted!
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It 
touches. You refuse to be frightened.
Godzilla attacks you: It misses. It claws. You are poisoned! It misses. 
It crushes. You are disenchanted!

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit it. You are shredded! You hit 
it. You are shredded! You hit it. You are shredded! You miss.
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It 
touches. You refuse to be frightened. The Pegasus is no longer stunned.
The Ice spider jumps away. The Serpent of Chaos is more dazed. Godzilla 
is more dazed. The Ethereal dragon is more dazed. The Pegasus is dazed. 
Godzilla is no longer stunned.
Godzilla breathes Toxic Waste. The Serpent of Chaos resists.
You are being crushed! You stand your ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! 
*** Press Space to continue. =>  .
The Pegasus attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses.
The Ethereal dragon casts a spell, burning your eyes! You resist the 
The Serpent of Chaos says, 'Prepare for your untimely demise!'
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It misses. It bites. 
*Ouch!* You feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel 
clumsy for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel sickly for a 
moment, but the feeling passes. You feel stupid for a moment, but the 
feeling passes. You feel naive for a moment, but the feeling passes. 
You feel insecure for a moment, but the feeling passes. It touches. You 
refuse to be frightened.

Really choose 3 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}? [y/n] => y. You are no 
longer poisoned.
You have 2 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}.
The Serpent of Chaos opens up a can of Whoop-Ass (tm).
The Serpent of Chaos summons Cyberdemons.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit it. The Serpent of Chaos 
shouts, 'AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!' You have destroyed The Serpent of Chaos. You 
just completed your quest!
                     #########               ###
                      %%R%                   %.#
                      %gJ%       ## %%#     .#..
                      qDUU%      <#%%...%%. %%%%
                     .%%..       .... %.. .%. ..
                      .%.       ..... ... ... ..
                                .....  .. $.. ..
                         C     ..... . . ..\|?  
                                .e.  .. ....-   
                                   ..% .....%%  
                  ...           ....%% %....... 
      %          .....           .e%%  #%.....  
     %.% %      .......      ..         ..#%.   
#     $         .......     ..           %      
 A magical staircase appears... *** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have won 
the game! You may retire (commit suicide) when you are ready.
Godzilla attacks you: It claws. You are poisoned! You are poisoned! It 
misses. It misses. It misses.

Note: What the hell just happened

                     #########               ###
                      %%R%                   %.#
                      %g>%       ## %%#     .#..
                      qDUU%      <#%%...%%. %%%%
                     .%%[\       .... %.. .%. ..
                      .%(       ..... ... ... ..
                          C     .....  .. $.. ..
                               .e... . . ..\|?  
                                ...  .. ....-   
                                   ..% .....%%  
                  ...           ....%% %....... 
      %          .....           .e%%  #%.....  
     %.% %      .......      ..         ..#%.   
#     $         .......     ..           %      

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Level Size:         Small Coffee
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Pantheons:          Olympian, Egyptian

 Score Multiplier:   84.11%
 Adjusted Score:     29635175

Posted on 24.8.2020 18:46

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719. on the Ladder (of 19097)
43. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1221)


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On 24.8.2020 18:46 wrote:
Finally decided to try a *band again, this time as a possessor.
Early game was very easy, mid game was hard and end game was a breeze. Finding a good body can be pretty hard, and the info screen does not tell you everything about the potential abilities you can get from some corpses, so I had to save scum a little when switching body to not screw myself up.
Wahha-Man is OP, plain and simple. 106 natural AC, +10 speed, all the resistances and the ability to dig means you play as a litteral tank, destroying half the map in the process of punching Olympians through walls. The only body that *could* be better is combat echizen, with 185 (!!!!!) natural AC, +15 speed, all the standard equipement slots, an invulnerability spell and the ability to shoot rockets from your fingertips. He didn't drop a corpse unfortunately.

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