The Angband Ladder: trolsee mex, Demigod Skillmaster by ster
[Composband 7.1.2 Character Dump] ***WINNER*** Name : trolsee mex ========== Stats ========== Sex : Male STR! : 18/*** Personality: Sexy INT! : 18/200 Race : Demigod WIS! : 18/140 Subrace : Ares DEX! : 18/*** Class : Skillmaster CON! : 18/*** CHR : 18/127 Level : 50 HP : 938/984 Cur Exp : 16458723 SP : 67/67 Max Exp : 16458723 AC : 226 Adv Exp : ***** Speed: +35 ========== Skills ========= Gold : 2505724 Melee : Amber (412) Kills : 3934 Archery : Amber (268) Uniques : 179 SavingThrow: Superb (94) Artifacts : 113+48 Stealth : Superb (11) Perception : Fair (27) Game Day : 8 Searching : Good (30) Game Time : 9:44 Disarming : Superb (111) Play Time : 11:15 Device : Amber (144) ============================= Character Equipment ============================= a) The Trifurcate Spear of Wrath (6d10) (+16,+18) (+2) {StDx;LiDk;SiBs|Ca/*L} b) a Mirror Shield of Elvenkind [10,+34] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoLiNx;Rf} c) a Sling of the Hunter (x2) (+10,+11) (+1) {Sl~Tele} d) a Quiver of Protection [45 of 110] e) The Ring of Power (Vilya) (+3) {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*El;FaSiHlSdRgLvXsWm|E(StInWiDx A:Lightning Ball} f) a Ring of Speed (+13) {Sp A:Speed} g) The Amulet of Zeus (+5,+5) [+5] (+5) {cursed, SpMd;Sh;FaRgLu[E A:Lightning Ball} h) The Feanorian Lamp 'Lucky Star' (+2) {InSr;CfCaDiFe;Hl A:Dominate Demon} i) The Balance Dragon Scale Mail '1 & Only' (-2) [45,+25] (+3) {SpCnSl;AcElFiCoPoSoShCaDi A:Breathe} j) The Cloak 'The Depth of Abyss' [1,+15] (+2) {SpStSl;PoLiDkNt} k) The Iron Helm of Ares (+12,+12) [5,+15] (+2) {cursed, AtSpStDxCn;RfWrAg A:Berserk} l) a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Slaying (+12,+7) [5,+18] {/DUL} m) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Hermes [2,+15] (+7) {cursed, SpDxSl;Ca;FaLv A:Haste and Dimension Door} /[}~=="~[(]]] /[}~=="~[(]]] Resistances abcdefghijklm@ Abilities abcdefghijklm@ Acid : .+......+..... 65% Speed : ....+++.+++.+. Electricity: .+..*...+..... 100% Free Act : ....+.+.....+. 3x Fire : .+......+..... 65% See Invis : +...+......... 2x Cold : .+......+..... 65% Warning : ..........+... Poison : ........++.... 65% Slow Digest: ....+......... Light : ++.......+.... 45% Regenerate : ....+.+....... 300% Dark : +........+.... 40% Levitation : ....+.......+. Confusion : .......+...... 30% Perm Lite : ......+....... Nether : .........+.... 30% Reflection : .+........+... Nexus : .+............ 30% Hold Life : ....+..+...... 2x Sound : ........+..... 30% Dec Mana : .............. Shards : ......+.+..... 40% Easy Spell : .............. Chaos : .......++...+. 45% Anti Magic : .............. Disenchantm: .......++..... 40% Magic Skill: ......+....... Time : .............. 0% Spell Power: .............. Blindness : .............. 0% Spell Cap : .............. Fear : .......+..*... 100% Magic Res : .............. Infravision: .............. /[}~=="~[(]]] Stealth : .++.....++..+. Auras abcdefghijklm@ Searching : .......+...... Aura Elec : ......+....... 6d7+2 Aura Fire : .............. /[}~=="~[(]]] Aura Cold : .............. Sustains abcdefghijklm@ Aura Shards: .............. Sust Str : ....+........+ Revenge : .............. Sust Int : ....+......... Sust Wis : ....+......... /[}~=="~[(]]] Sust Dex : ....+......... Slays abcdefghijklm@ Sust Con : .............. Slay Evil : +............. Sust Chr : .............. Slay Undead: +..........+.. Slay Demon : ...........+.. /[}~=="~[(]]] Slay Dragon: ...........+.. Detection abcdefghijklm@ Slay Human : .............. Telepathy : ..+........... Slay Animal: .............. ESP Evil : .............. Slay Orc : .............. ESP Nonliv : .............. Slay Troll : .............. ESP Living : .............. Slay Giant : .............. ESP Good : .............. Slay Good : .............. ESP Undead : .............. Slay Living: .............. ESP Demon : .............. Acid Brand : .............. ESP Dragon : .............. Elec Brand : ....+......... ESP Human : .............. Fire Brand : .............. ESP Animal : .............. Cold Brand : .............. ESP Orc : .............. Pois Brand : .............. ESP Troll : .............. Mana Brand : .............. ESP Giant : .............. Sharpness : .............. Quake : .............. /[}~=="~[(]]] Vampiric : .............. Curses abcdefghijklm@ Chaotic : +............. Cursed : ......*...*.*. Add Blows : ..........+... Rnd Tele : .............. Blessed : +............. No Tele : .............. Riding : +............. Drain Exp : .............. Tunnel : .............. Aggravate : ..........+..+ Throwing : .............. TY Curse : .............. /[}~=="~[(]]] abcdefghijklm@ Base R C P E Total STR! : 2...3....22..s 18/80 3 1 1 9 18/*** INT! : ....3..2...... 18/100 1 3 1 5 18/200 WIS! : ....3......... 18/80 1 1 1 3 18/140 DEX! : 2...3.....2.7. 18/130 1 2 1 14 18/*** CON! : ....3...3.2... 18/130 1 1 1 8 18/*** CHR : ....3......... 18/77 1 0 1 3 18/127 ==================================== Melee ==================================== Hand #1: The Trifurcate Spear of Wrath (6d10) (+16,+18) Accuracy Weight : 30.0 lbs AC Hit Profic : !Master (+20 To Hit) 25 92% To Hit : 16 + 79 = 95 50 88% To Dam : 18 + 52 = 70 75 85% Blows : 6.52 100 81% Damage 125 78% Crits : 1.24x (14.8%) 150 75% Normal : 720 [1.24x] 175 71% Evil : 984 [2.48x] 200 68% Undead : 1254 [3.72x] Demons : 1254 [3.72x] Dragons: 1254 [3.72x] Elec : 1121 [3.10x] =================================== Shooting ================================== Shooting: a Sling of the Hunter (x2) (+10,+11) (+1) Range : 170' Shots : 2.02 Mult : 2.40x Profic : !Beginner (+5 To Hit) To Hit : 15 + 47 = 62 Xtra Dam: 28 (Multiplier Does Not Apply) =================================== Powers ==================================== Lvl Cost Fail Desc Cast Fail Berserk 10 10 0% 11 0 0% Concentration 1 0 0% 1989 0 0% ==================================== Skills =================================== Melee (5) Polearms (100%) Magic (5) Craft (100%) Skills (1) Health (33%) Techniques (4) Kendo (80%) ==================================== Spells =================================== Realm: Craft [Handbook for Pupils] Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Minor Enchantment 1 1 0% 2 1 33% b) Regeneration 2 1 0% dur 80+1d80 88 5 5% c) Satisfy Hunger 3 2 0% 10 0 0% d) Resist Cold 5 4 0% dur 20+1d20 3 0 0% e) Resist Fire 6 4 0% dur 20+1d20 1 0 0% f) Heroism 8 5 0% dur 25+1d25 98 5 5% g) Resist Lightning 9 4 0% dur 20+1d20 1 0 0% h) Resist Acid 10 4 0% dur 20+1d20 1 0 0% [Note of Acting Master] Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Telepathy 12 11 0% dur 25+1d30 69 6 8% b) Stone Skin 14 9 0% dur 30+1d20 83 14 14% c) Resistance 20 19 0% dur 20+1d20 52 7 12% d) Haste Self 24 11 0% dur 50+1d70 121 27 18% e) Whirlwind Attack 30 28 0% 27 0 0% f) Polish Shield 34 47 0% g) Weaponmastery 41 57 0% dur 8+1d8 58 3 5% h) Magical Armor 45 52 4% dur 20+1d20 45 10 18% [Spiritual Enlightenment] Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Remove All Curse 14 13 0% b) Walk through Wall 30 52 0% dur 25+1d25 92 20 18% c) Knowledge True 36 42 0% d) Enchantment 38 76 8% 14 7 33% e) Crafting 38 95 8% f) Living Trump 43 95 0% 2 0 0% g) Immunity 47 66 20% dur 13+1d13 h) Mana Branding 50 66 29% dur 12+1d12 9 5 36% Realm: Kendo [Bugei Shofu] Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Tobi-Izuna 1 16 0% 235 0 0% b) 3-Way Attack 3 11 0% 48 0 0% c) Boomerang 6 16 0% d) Burning Strike 9 8 0% 24 0 0% e) Detect Ferocity 10 13 0% 2 0 0% f) Strike to Stun 12 27 0% g) Counter 14 7 0% h) Harainuke 17 22 0% [Yagyuu Bugeichou] Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Serpent's Tongue 19 11 0% b) Zammaken 23 22 0% 56 0 0% c) Wind Blast 25 33 0% 19 0 0% d) Judge 26 11 0% e) Rock Smash 28 16 0% f) Midare-Setsugekka 30 49 0% 13 0 0% g) Spot Aiming 33 77 0% h) Majingiri 36 55 0% [Gorinnosho] Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Desperate Attack 18 44 0% 9 0 0% b) Lightning Eagle 23 24 0% 121 0 0% c) Rush Attack 25 33 0% 135 0 0% d) Bloody Maelstrom 27 38 0% 82 0 0% e) Earthquake Blow 31 33 0% 3 0 0% f) Crack 33 66 0% 1 0 0% g) War Cry 37 44 0% h) Musou-Sandan 40 88 0% 1 0 0% [Hokusin Ittouryuu Kaiden] Lvl SP Fail Desc Cast Fail a) Vampire's Fang 27 22 0% 113 0 0% b) Moon Dazzling 30 44 0% 5 0 0% c) Hundred Slaughter 32 38 0% 12 0 0% d) Dragonic Flash 37 88 0% 3 0 0% e) Twin Slash 40 110 0% 27 0 0% f) Kofuku-Zettousei 44 121 0% g) Keiun-Kininken 47 143 0% h) Illegible =================================== Dungeons ================================== !Warrens : level 16 !Hideout : level 18 !Icky cave : level 20 !Labyrinth : level 28 !Orc cave : level 32 !Camelot : level 35 !Witch Wood : level 40 !Lonely Mountain : level 40 !Giant's Hall : level 40 !Chameleon cave : level 45 !Glacier : level 50 !Battlefield : level 50 !Volcano : level 60 !Crystal castle : level 60 !Castle : level 65 !Graveyard : level 70 !Dragon's lair : level 72 !Numenor : level 75 !Arena : level 80 !Mount Olympus : level 90 !R'lyeh : level 96 Angband : level 99 Now, you are in Thalos. ==================================== Quests =================================== Completed Quests Trouble at Home (Outpost) DL 5 CL 1 The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost) DL 5 CL 2 Pest Control (Outpost) DL 5 CL 8 Cop Quest (Anambar) DL 12 CL15 Crow's Nest (Outpost) DL 15 CL14 I Hate Snakes! (Morivant) DL 15 CL25 The Sewer (Outpost) DL 15 CL28 Mushrooms (Thalos) DL 15 CL30 Shadow Fairies (Anambar) DL 20 CL18 The Orc Camp (Thalos) DL 20 CL27 Tidy the Laboratory (Thalos) DL 20 CL30 The Stranger (Telmora) DL 22 CL28 Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost) DL 22 CL28 Doom Quest I (Angwil) DL 24 CL25 Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant) DL 25 CL19 The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant) DL 25 CL19 The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant) DL 25 CL21 The Old Barracks (Morivant) DL 25 CL25 Djinni's Cavern (Thalos) DL 25 CL27 Vapor Quest (Outpost) DL 25 CL28 Clear the Tunnels (Thalos) DL 28 CL27 The Logrus Master (Anambar) DL 30 CL22 Smugglers' Den (Anambar) DL 30 CL25 The Volcano (Telmora) DL 30 CL28 The Vault (Telmora) DL 30 CL29 The Old Watchtower (Telmora) DL 32 CL28 The Poisoning of Water (Outpost) DL 32 CL28 Dinosaur Quest (Anambar) DL 33 CL24 The Shopkeeper's Secret (Morivant) DL 35 CL27 Clear the Wreckage (Thalos) DL 35 CL27 The Barrow Downs (Telmora) DL 35 CL29 The Sand Pit (Angwil) DL 38 CL28 The Elven Embassy (Morivant) DL 40 CL30 Basilisk Cave (Thalos) DL 40 CL30 Holy Vengeance (Telmora) DL 40 CL32 Crystal Quest (Anambar) DL 40 CL39 Dragon Quest (Angwil) DL 42 CL32 The Haunted House (Outpost) DL 45 CL31 The Renegade Sorcerer (Thalos) DL 45 CL31 The Cloning Pits (Thalos) DL 45 CL35 The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft (Angwil) DL 50 CL34 The Underground City (Morivant) DL 50 CL34 The Mountain Shrine (Telmora) DL 50 CL37 The Old Castle (Outpost) DL 50 CL39 Doom Quest II (Angwil) DL 55 CL34 The Mystery of Apina Island (Anambar) DL 55 CL39 The Spawning Pits (Angwil) DL 65 CL44 Oberon DL 99 CL45 Serpent of Chaos DL100 CL46 Arena: True Champion ================================ Monster Kills ================================ You have defeated 3934 enemies including 179 unique monsters in total. There are 185 uniques remaining. Uniques Lvl The Serpent of Chaos 100 Oberon, King of Amber 99 Great Cthulhu 96 Cerberus, Guardian of Hades 94 Zeus, King of the Olympians 90 Kaschei the Immortal 90 Fenris Wolf 90 Hera, Queen of the Gods 89 Raphael, the Messenger 89 Hades, Ruler of the Underworld 88 Poseidon, Lord of Seas and Storm 88 Hephaestus, the Smith God 86 Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom 86 Hermes, the Messenger God 86 Ares, the God of War 86 Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love 86 Apollo, the Sun God 86 Artemis, the Moon Goddess 86 Demeter, the Goddess of Nature 86 Typhoeus, the Storm Giant 85 Non-uniques Lvl Count Non-uniques Lvl Count Great Wyrm of Power 90 1 Undead spider 60 54 Star-spawn of Cthulhu 86 1 Cheerful leprechaun 14 52 Hell hound of Julian 83 7 Giant fire ant 35 49 Metal Babble 80 1 Water troll 33 48 Spellwarp Automaton 80 1 Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla 40 46 Creeping adamantite coins 80 16 Giant grey rat 9 46 Ninja Tonberry 80 2 Bloodletter of Khorne 34 43 Hell spider 80 3 Manes 7 43 Greater Balrog 79 1 Cave ogre 26 39 Ultimate Magus 79 2 Crow of Durthang 9 39 Cyberdemon 77 5 Giant white rat 4 38 Pit Fiend 77 1 Creeping mithril coins 50 36 Unmaker 77 9 Blue worm mass 4 34 Fenghuang 76 1 Barrow wight 33 33 Warp demon 76 2 Arch-vile 21 32 Aether hound 75 10 Flying skull 15 32 Aboleth 75 1 Orc shaman 9 31 Sky Drake 74 2 Dread 40 29 Black reaver 71 2 Dark elven warlock 23 29 Master quylthulg 71 1 Imp 17 29 ================================== Mutations ================================== You are subject to cowardice. You are teleporting randomly. You make a lot of strange noise (-3 Sl). You have a chance of resisting Dispel Magic and Antimagic. You are fleet of foot (Movement costs less energy). ============================= Character Inventory ============================= Book of Kendo [Bugei Shofu] Book of Kendo [Yagyuu Bugeichou] {25% off} 4 Books of Kendo [Gorinnosho] 4 Books of Kendo [Hokusin Ittouryuu Kaiden] a Craft Spellbook [Handbook for Pupils] 2 Craft Spellbooks [Note of Acting Master] a Craft Spellbook [Spiritual Enlightenment] 18 Potions of Healing {!kq} a Rod: Enlightenment (4/4) {1%} a Rod of Capacity: Clairvoyance (2/2) (+4) {11%} a Rod: Detection (7/7) {1%} a Rod: Recall (5/5) {1%} a Rod of Capacity: Restoring (2/3) (+4) {1%} a Rod: Angelic Healing (heal 686, 2/2) {11%, @zh!sdk} a Wand: Teleport Other (2/13) {1%} a Wand: Stone to Mud (65/65) {1%} a Staff of Resistance: Teleport (16/19) {1%} a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (Power 215, 2/7) {1%} a Staff: Genocide (Power 291, 4/6) {20%} a Staff of Power: Identify (26/33) {+5%} {1%} a Staff: Healing (heal 274, 3/4) {1%} a Staff: Healing (heal 302, 6/6) {1%} a Staff of Simplicity: Healing (heal 338, 1/4) (+3) {1%} a Staff of Regeneration: Confusing Lights (Power 140, 7/7) (+3) {1%} ============================== Character Quiver =============================== The Bolt of Wilhelm Tell (6d5) (+20,+16) {/Xp} 18 Seeker Bolts of Slaying (6d5) (+5,+5) {/DU} 25 Seeker Arrows of Holy Might (6d4) (+7,+10) {Bs|F/*UL} The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) {/XD} ================================ Home Inventory =============================== 100 3 Craft Spellbooks [Handbook for Pupils] 1000 a Craft Spellbook [Grade Holder's Book] 15000 a Craft Spellbook [Note of Acting Master] 30 7 Pieces of Elvish Waybread 5000 a Serving of Ambrosia 1 a Potion of Booze 200 6 Potions of Boldness 120 21 Potions of Speed {!kq} 35 8 Potions of Heroism 50 17 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds 150 11 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds 500 7 Potions of Healing {!kq} 1500 9 Potions of *Healing* {!kq} 1000 a Potion of Restore Mana {!kq} 2000 a Potion of Self Knowledge {!k} 250 3 Potions of Resistance {!kq} 80 24 Potions of Curing 25000 a Potion of New Life {!**} 40 14 Scrolls of Teleportation 3000 4 Scrolls of Mundanity 250 3 Scrolls of Destruction {!*} 750 3 Scrolls of Genocide {!*} 1000 a Scroll of Mass Genocide 1000 3 Scrolls of Forest Creation 5000 a Scroll of Wall of Stone 200000 2 Scrolls of Artifact Creation {!*} 100000 a Scroll of Crafting 5000 a Scroll of Logrus 2050 a Rod: Enlightenment (2/2) {1%} 1375 a Rod: Detect Monsters (3/3) {1%} 722 a Rod: Detect Doors & Stairs (2/2) {1%} 3290 a Rod of Simplicity: Recall (2/2) (+4) {1%} 9502 a Rod: Heroic Speed (Dur d35+35, 2/2) {1%, @zs!sdk} 5110 a Rod: Clarity (16sp, 3/3) {1%} 8710 a Rod of Holding: Great Clarity (66sp, 2/2) {1%} 15910 a Rod: Mana Bolt (dam 1d248+50, 2/3) {1%} 6910 a Rod: Beam of Light (dam 74, 3/3) {1%} 6178 a Rod: Beam of Disintegration (dam 17d8, 2/2) {1%} 3368 a Rod: Shoot Acid (dam 44, 2/2) {1%} 3652 a Rod: Shoot Acid (dam 54, 2/2) {1%} 3484 a Rod: Chaos Strike (dam 11d8, 2/2) {1%} 17623 a Rod of Capacity: Nether Ball (dam 226, 1/4) (+2) {1%} 12898 a Rod: Disenchantment Ball (dam 124, 3/3) {1%} 15736 a Rod of Capacity: Disenchantment Ball (dam 178, 2/2) (+3) {1%} 4750 a Wand: Teleport Other (12/12) {1%} 5775 a Wand: Stone to Mud (22/22) {1%} 1618 a Wand: Fire Bolt (dam 10d8, 2/5) {1%} 3976 a Wand: Water Bolt (dam 1d73+20, 6/6) {1%} 640 a Wand: Beam of Light (dam 6d8, 4/4) {1%} 1720 a Wand: Beam of Light (dam 6d8, 12/12) {1%} 5446 a Wand: Beam of Gravity (dam 16d8, 5/5) {1%} 3228 a Wand: Acid Ball (dam 55, 6/6) {1%} 4883 a Wand: Acid Ball (dam 71, 7/7) {1%} 4681 a Wand: Acid Ball (dam 77, 5/6) {1%} 3712 a Wand: Fire Ball (dam 86, 5/5) {1%} 4852 a Wand: Fire Ball (dam 88, 7/7) {1%} 7541 a Wand of Regeneration: Frost Ball (dam 75, 9/9) (+2) {1%} 527 a Wand: Stinking Cloud (dam 15, 5/5) {1%} 850 a Wand: Stinking Cloud (dam 15, 10/10) {1%} 7848 a Wand of Simplicity: Dragon's Flame (dam 184, 2/4) (+2) {1%} 9945 a Wand: Dragon's Frost (dam 194, 5/5) {1%} 3820 a Wand: Tsunami (dam 124, 2/4) {1%} 6175 a Wand: Tsunami (dam 162, 5/5) {1%} 3383 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 67, 2/5) {1%} 3551 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 68, 3/5) {1%} 3782 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 69, 6/6) {1%} 6414 a Wand: Meteor (dam 22d13, 4/4) {1%} 594 a Wand: Confuse Monster (Power 26, 7/7) {1%} 2625 a Staff: Enlightenment (10/10) {1%} 3425 a Staff: Enlightenment (7/13) {1%} 3600 a Staff: Enlightenment (10/14) {1%} 3100 a Staff: Teleport (7/8) {1%} 4787 a Staff: Teleport (6/12) {1%} 1475 a Staff: Earthquake (5/5) {1%} 5700 a Staff: Destruction (Power 160, 7/7) {1%} 1412 a Staff: Identify (10/10) {1%} 1250 a Staff: Identify (6/9) {1%} 2220 a Staff of Regeneration: Identify (5/14) (+1) {1%} 5475 a Staff: Banish Evil (power 100, 4/4) {1%} 6575 a Staff: Telepathy (Dur d30+25, 7/7) {1%} 1198 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 48, 6/6) {1%} 2775 a Staff: Curing (9/10) {1%} 4775 a Staff: Healing (heal 250, 4/4) {1%} 10348 a Staff: Confusing Lights (Power 112, 6/6) {1%} 16975 a Staff: Star Burst (dam 375, 4/4) {1%} 1806 a Staff: Animate Dead (5/9) {1%} 2894 a Staff: Sleep Monsters (Power 69, 10/10) {1%} 1921 a Staff of Resistance: Slow Monsters (Power 54, 6/7) {1%} 100 a Staff: Summoning (6/7) {1%} 100 a Staff: Summoning (12/13) {1%} 23 a Quiver [60] 71900 a Ring of Speed (+11) {Sp} 25400 a Ring of Archery (+2) {Xs A:Dimension Door} 22164 a Ring (Defender) [+4] {AcElFiCoCf;FaSi(WiCn} 19319 a Ring (Defender) [+7] {PoNx;FaSi(St A:Resistance} 18442 a Ring of Protection [+10] {DkNtBl;SiWr(DxCn A:Resist Poison} 14125 a Ring of Wizardry (+0,+3) (+1) [+5%] {In;EsDm(In} 12400 a Ring of Speed (+4) {Sp} 11397 a Ring (Elemental) [+2] {ElFiCo A:Frost Bolt} 10499 a Ring (Elemental) [+6] {ElCo[EC} 10478 a Ring of Protection [+18] {Si(WiCh} 6960 a Ring of Archery (+19,+0) (+1) {DxSl} 6806 a Ring of Vitality [+4] {Po A:Restore Life} 6760 a Ring (Elemental) {AcFi} 36120 an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+20) (+1) {InSr;Dm~Tele A:Water Bolt} 27636 an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+6) (+1) <+7%> {Sr;-StDxCn;EsDmFaSi~Tele A:Summon Dragon} 25540 an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {SpSlSr;CfNx~Tele(Dx} 24187 a Sacred Pendant [+13] (+3) {St;Fe;FaSiHlRgBs A:Breathe Sound} 16950 an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+12) (+2) {InSr;-DxSl;Es~Tele A:Recharging} 15800 an Amulet of Trickery (+5) {SlSr;PoCf} 10900 a Dwarven Necklace (+6) {If;DiBl;Lu} 10622 an Amulet (Defender) [+4] {PoDk;FaSi} 10521 a Sacred Pendant [+2] (+3) {St;Ca;Bs} 9810 an Amulet of Trickery (+1) {DxSlSr;DkCf(Dx A:Identify} 8906 a Sacred Pendant [+6] (+1) {St;RgBs A:Sound Ball} 7660 an Amulet of Trickery (+5) {Sr;DkCf} 7100 an Amulet of Trickery (+3) {SlSr A:Speed} 6300 an Amulet of Devotion (+1) {Wi;Rf} 5448 a Barbarian Talisman (+2) {StDx;Fe} 4935 a Sacred Pendant [+6] {FaBs A:Sound Bolt} 4475 an Amulet (Elemental) {Ac A:Frost Bolt} 3925 a Barbarian Talisman {Fe A:Berserk} 3900 a Dwarven Necklace (+4) {If;RgLu} 21290 The Amulet 'Starburst' (+4) {Dx;NtNx;RfHl} 61097 The Amulet of Aphrodite [+25] (+5) {cursed, Ch;PoNxCaDiBl;RfFaSiLvAg~Tele(Ch A:Summon Monsters} 27944 The Harness of the Hell (+15,+15) [-5] (+2) {Ch;-InWiSlSp;DkNt;SiAg~L A:Darkness Storm} 250 a Feanorian Lamp 11260 The Feanorian Lamp 'Planaria' (+2) {StIf;ElFi;HlDs} 36080 The Jewel of Judgement (+3) {SpInWi;CfCa;SiHl A:Clairvoyance and Recall} 10180 The Stone of Lore (+2) {InWi;Id A:Probing} 28688 The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) (charging) {WiCh~Tele A:List Uniques} 24964 The Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2) {SpInCh;HlLv A:Mana Ball} 19000 The Stone of Life (+3) {Lf;Hl A:Restoring} 18860 The Arkenstone of Thrain (charging) {LiDk;SiHl A:Clairvoyance} 72760 The Black Dragon Scale Mail of R'lyeh (-2) [36,+25] (+2) {SpSl;AcElNxShCa A:Breathe Acid} 25000 Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail {good} 41340 Chaos Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+15] {CaDi A:Breathe} 21747 Metal Scale Mail of the Uruk-hai (-1,+3) [13,+7] (+1) {St;-In;AcElFiCoSh} 24983 Chain Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [14,+17] (+2) {DxSl;AcElFiCoNt} 66360 The Chain Mail 'Poison Barrier' (-2) [14,+25] (+3) {Cn;AcElFiCoPoDkSoCa;Rf} 25845 Metal Brigandine Armour of the Uruk-hai (-1,+2) [19,+14] (+2) {St;-In;AcElFiCoSo} 43388 Mithril Plate Mail (Dwarven) (-1,+2) [50,+17] (+4) {CnIf;-Sl;Dk;Fa(Cn} 1001 a T-shirt {artifact} 39906 The Robe of the Kamikaze Warrior (+10,+10) [2,-20] (+2) {SpStDx;-Wi;FiPoCfNtSoFe;HlLvWm[M(StDx A:Berserk} 11516 The Hard Leather Armour 'Silverback' (-1) [6,+11] (+1) {CnSr;FiCf} 15084 Rhino Hide Armour of Elemental Protection (-1) [8,+6] {AcElCoPo} 30649 The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] (+10) {-Ch;Ag(Ch} 21530 Cord Armour of Elvenkind [6,+14] (+1) {DxSl;AcElFiCoCa} 7557 Cord Armour of Elemental Protection [6,+6] {AcEl A:Resist Acid} 5626 a Cloak of Immolation [1,+10] {Fi[F A:Resist Fire} 19001 The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+2) {SpSl;Nx A:Teleport} 8526 The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf} 6245 a Shadow Cloak [6,+9] {LiDk} 34062 a Shadow Cloak of Aman [6,+19] (+3) {SpSl;LiDkShCa} 6798 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {ElFe;Lv} 8571 a Small Leather Shield (Orcish) (+2,+8) [3,+8] (+3) {St;-InSl;-Li;FiDk} 8391 a Small Leather Shield of Night and Day [3,+18] {LiDk} 94 a Small Metal Shield [5,+0] 12019 a Small Metal Shield (Orcish) (+4,+6) [5,+18] (+3) {St;-InSl;-Li;CoDk} 8427 a Small Metal Shield of Elemental Protection [5,+10] {FiCo A:Ray of Cold} 4669 a Small Metal Shield of Protection [5,+13] 41445 The Small Metal Shield 'Rubber Coat' [5,+16] (+4) {SpCn;ElSoDi} 32216 The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiCoLiDk} 17424 a Dragon Shield [8,+10] {FiCfNtCa} 8340 a Mithril Shield (Dwarven) (+4,+4) [11,+11] (+3) {SrIf} 13425 a Mirror Shield [10,+17] {Li;Rf} 21638 an Iron Crown of the Magi (+0,+14) [0,+9] (+2) {In;AcElCoDi;Fa(In A:Summon Phantasmal Servant} 9408 an Iron Crown of Lordliness [0,+8] (+1) [+5%] {WiCh;Di(WiCh A:Cure Wounds} 43656 The Iron Crown 'Rubber Coat' [0,+19] (+4) {WiCnCh;ElCoLiShBl} 40180 The Iron Crown 'Chaos Tile' [0,+17] {PoCfSoCaDi} 73848 The Golden Crown of Amber [0,+15] (+3) {SpStWiCn;ElFiCoLiCfCaDiBl;SiRgLu A:Healing} 18188 The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {InWi;Bl~Tele} 1782 an Iron Helm of Seeing [5,+5] (+6) {Sr;Bl;Si} 10437 a Steel Helm of the Troll (+0,+8) [6,+14] (+1) {St;-In;-Li;Rg} 18876 The Steel Helm of Arcane [6,+20] (+1) {SpStIn;AcFe(In} 7182 a Mithril Helm (Dwarven) (+5,+3) [10,+10] (+2) {If} 59268 The Mithril Helm of Dor-Lomin [8,+20] (+4) {StDxCn;AcElFiCoLiBl;SiLu~Tele A:Terrify Monsters} 6384 a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {LiBl} 8364 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Thief (+4,-1) [1,+1] (+4) {DxSl(Dx} 4145 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Wizard (-1,-3) [1,+1] (+3) {InMd;-St} 32045 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of the Berserker (-11,+13) [1,-12] (+2) {At;-InSl;Fe A:Whirlwind Attack} 28683 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+3) {StCn;Fa} 16683 The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' (+2,+2) [2,+7] {Co|Co A:Ray of Cold} 2514 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets (+1,+3) [4,+4] 2196 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of Free Action (+1,+3) [4,-4] {Fa} 10875 a Set of Mithril Gauntlets (Dwarven) (+1,+4) [5,+19] (+4) {If} 21245 The Set of Mithril Gauntlets of White Ice (+9,+8) [5,+20] {CoBl;Fa[T(Cn} 32843 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of the Golem (+8,+7) [2,+24] (+1) {StCnLf;-DxSp;PoNtSo;FaSi} 39339 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4) {SpDx;Nx;FaLv(Dx} 21171 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Elvenkind [3,+11] (+4) {SpSl;Sh} 3217 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Levitation [3,+2] {Cf;Lv} 10988 a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of the Woodsman (+2) [4,+10] (+2) {DxCnSl;Co~Z(DxCn} 13608 a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots (Dwarven) (+4,+6) [7,+13] (+3) {If;Dk;Rg} 26431 The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+7,+8) (+2) {AtSpStDxCn;LiFe;FaSiLu/*oL~oTP} 5580 a Short Sword of Sharpness (3d8) (+7,+6) (+1) {Dg|S} 23697 The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d9) (+10,+11) (+3) {DxSl;AcElFiCo;FaSiRgLv} 11091 a Broad Sword of Westernesse (3d6) (+7,+9) (+2) {StDxCn;FaSi/oTP~oTP} 48539 The Scimitar 'Soulsword' (3d6) (+9,+11) (+3) {InWiLf;NtNxCaDiBl;SiHlBs/*DULZ} 67097 The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d6) (+23,+24) {Si|PS/*pDoTPL} 5879 a Blade of Chaos (5d6) (+5,+5) {Ca} 32157 The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {cursed, StCn;CfNtCa;FaHlAg|V/pA} 12580 a Diamond Edge (6d6) (+10,+10) (+4) {Dg|S} 69303 The Diamond Edge 'Micro$oft Edge' (6d6) (+6,+36) [-18] (+6) {cursed, Dg;-InWiSp;Ag|CaVSS/A} 2500 a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0) 3741 a Hatchet (Craft) (1d6) (+2,+4) {Po|P A:Poison Dart} 9811 an Awl-Pike of Sharpness (3d10) (+9,+10) (+1) {Dg|S} 19697 a Trident (Crusade) (2d10) (+15,+14) (+1) {Wi;Fe;SiBs/*UL(Ch A:Protection from Evil} 22881 The Broad Spear 'Pestilence' (2d11) (+13,+14) (+4) {Cn;Wr|PCaV(Wi} 21069 The Pike 'Til-i-arc' (2d6) (+12,+15) [+10] (+2) {In;FiCo;SdLu|FCo/TPU(In} 106704 The Beaked Axe of Hurin (3d7) (+15,+15) [+2] (+4) {AtCn|A/XU/DT A:Heroic Speed} 3072 a Lucerne Hammer of Extra Attacks (2d6) (+11,+1) (+2) {At} 3630 a Glaive (Blessed) (2d7) (+5,+5) (+1) {Wi;-Sl;FaBs/XoZ~oZ} 7804 a Battle Axe (Chaos) (2d9) (+7,+7) {DkCa|Ca} 54656 The Lochaber Axe of the Dwarves (3d9) (+12,+17) (+10) {SrIfDg;AcElFiCo/*P} 17 a Whip (1d7) (+0,+0) 9657 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) (+1) {InWi;SiLv A:Telekinesis} 22866 The Mace 'Taratol' (3d5) (+12,+12) {*El|E/XD A:Speed} 5433 The Morning Star 'Warped Edge' (2d7) (+12,+8) {Fa|Ca/oP} 22784 The Morning Star 'Bloodspike' (2d7) (+8,+22) (+4) {St;Nx;Si/poTZ} 45701 The Flail 'Winblows' (8d7) (+0,+30) (+4) {cursed, -InWiSlSp;Ag|CaQ} 384209 The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] {AcElFiCo;SiAg[M|Q/XD/*poTULZ~Tele} 1112 a Pick (1d5) (+4,+5) (+1) {Dg} 27 a Sling (x2) (+0,+0) 19467 a Sling of Buckland (x2.50) (+17,+13) (+3) {Sp;Xs} 28099 The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x3.25) (+15,+17) (+2) {DxChSl;Bl} 5727 a Light Crossbow of Accuracy (x3.50) (+17,+16) 33297 The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+35) (+4) {StIf;Fi[F|F} 26235 a Heavy Crossbow of the Haradrim (x4.98) (+17,+29) (+1) {St;Dk} 39 17 Arrows (3d4) (+3,+5) 41 10 Arrows (3d4) (+6,+4) 60 15 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+7,+5) {/P} 0 The Corpse of Charybdis {Wanted!kkk} ================================== Statistics ================================= Gold Found : 3654418 Selling : 48825 Winnings : 1000000 4703243 Purchases: 891466 Services : 1296789 Stolen : 9264 2197519 2505724 Objects Found : 7757 Objects Bought : 336 Objects Destroyed: 2418 Equipment Found Bought Used Dest Weapons 837 1 63 457 Shields 140 0 8 78 Bows 184 1 17 113 Quivers 12 1 2 1 Rings 103 0 10 0 Amulets 102 1 18 4 Lights 29 1 27 0 Body Armor 695 0 8 368 Cloaks 121 0 7 56 Helmets 115 0 7 53 Gloves 126 1 28 71 Boots 133 1 13 68 Totals 2585 6 206 1268 Devices Found Bought Used Dest Wands 113 1 661 3 Staves 95 5 2034 10 Rods 112 1 796 2 Potions 565 110 175 50 Scrolls 265 85 61 60 Totals 1150 202 3727 125 Other Found Bought Used Dest Shots 1081 0 5 2 Arrows 1046 0 23 318 Bolts 1050 0 1 17 Spellbooks 73 10 0 14 Food 130 114 4 42 Corpses 429 0 0 422 Skeletons 149 0 0 148 Chests 22 0 0 20 Totals 3980 124 33 983 Potions Found Bought Used Dest Cure Critical Wounds 4 10 3 0 Curing 88 8 5 3 Speed 72 15 26 0 Healing 46 1 18 5 *Healing* 13 0 4 0 Life 1 0 1 0 Restore Mana 1 0 0 0 Restore Life Levels 19 16 4 11 Strength 8 2 9 0 Intelligence 8 5 13 0 Wisdom 17 0 17 0 Dexterity 13 1 14 0 Constitution 9 2 10 0 Charisma 7 1 8 0 New Life 4 0 2 0 Totals 565 110 175 50 Scrolls Found Bought Used Dest Word of Recall 10 3 3 0 Identify 6 0 0 0 *Identify* 2 0 0 5 Remove Curse 1 10 10 7 *Remove Curse* 0 1 1 1 Teleportation 26 45 6 2 Teleport Level 6 0 0 0 Destruction 6 0 0 1 Genocide 5 0 0 0 Mass Genocide 4 0 1 0 Forest Creation 5 0 0 0 Banishment 0 0 1 0 Acquirement 9 0 9 0 *Acquirement* 1 0 2 0 Artifact Creation 3 0 1 0 Totals 265 85 61 60 Wands Found Bought Used Dest Stone to Mud 14 0 188 0 Teleport Other 10 1 273 0 Dragon's Frost 6 0 0 0 Dragon's Flame 4 0 0 0 Tsunami 2 0 32 1 Dragon's Breath 3 0 0 0 Meteor 3 0 0 0 Annihilation 4 0 0 0 Disintegrate 3 0 0 0 Rocket 2 0 0 0 Wall Building 0 0 0 1 Totals 113 1 661 3 Staves Found Bought Used Dest Identify 11 1 903 1 Enlightenment 6 0 23 0 Curing 2 0 27 0 Cure Wounds 3 1 147 1 Telepathy 7 0 11 1 Speed 1 0 9 1 Destruction 6 0 101 1 Healing 6 0 213 1 Genocide 2 0 44 0 Mana Storm 2 0 0 0 Star Burst 1 0 0 0 Darkness Storm 2 0 0 0 Totals 95 5 2034 10 Rods Found Bought Used Dest Detect Traps 1 0 0 0 Detect Doors & Stair 3 0 5 0 Detect Monsters 2 1 24 0 Illumination 1 0 99 0 Recall 11 0 92 0 Detection 6 0 363 0 Enlightenment 5 0 143 0 Sound Ball 2 0 0 0 Heroic Speed 1 0 5 0 Angelic Healing 1 0 0 0 Restoring 2 0 17 0 Invoke Logrus 3 0 0 0 Clairvoyance 1 0 28 0 Totals 112 1 796 2 Spellbooks Found Bought Used Dest Third Spellbooks 20 0 0 2 Fourth Spellbooks 7 0 0 3 Totals 73 10 0 14 Egos Found : 1963 Egos Bought : 3 Egos Destroyed: 118 Egos Found Bought Dest Ring of Speed 15 0 0 Ring/Amulet (Defende 11 0 0 Boots of Elvenkind 1 0 0 Boots of the Sprite 4 0 0 Monsters Kills Pct Spells Count Pct Animals 1136 28.8% Observed 15005 9.0% Breeders 330 8.3% Expected 18483 11.1% Demons 406 10.3% Failures 1491 9.9% Dragons 347 8.8% Summon 1212 8.0% Giants 121 3.0% Heal 419 2.7% Hounds 109 2.7% Escape 358 2.3% Humans 340 8.6% Offense 6983 46.5% Orcs 306 7.7% Other 4542 30.2% Trolls 160 4.0% Undead 468 11.8% Unique Spells Count Pct Uniques 179 4.5% Observed 3299 21.7% Expected 3776 24.9% Evil Monsters 2462 62.5% Failures 258 7.8% Good Monsters 120 3.0% Summon 571 17.3% Neutral Monsters 1352 34.3% Heal 268 8.1% Escape 214 6.4% Totals 3934 Offense 1370 41.5% Other 618 18.7% ================================ Last Messages ================================ Do you fight? [y/n] => y. You attack the Metal Babble: You hit it. You attack the Metal Babble: You hit it. The Metal Babble blinks away. (x2) You attack the Metal Babble: You hit it. The Metal Babble teleports away. Select a point and press space. The Metal Babble blinks away. The Metal Babble invokes a Raw Logrus. You attack the Metal Babble: You hit it. You hit it on a fatal spot! You have destroyed the Metal Babble. You are a Genuine Champion! You have a Scroll of Artifact Creation {!*}. You see no objects here. Try ^G to auto-get nearby objects. You collect 804 gold pieces worth of gold. You have nothing you can wear or wield. Really choose a Scroll of Artifact Creation {!*}? [y/n] => y. You drop a Scroll of Artifact Creation {!*}. Unrecognized command: .. Press ? for help. (x5) Get which item (Esc to cancel)? => u. You have The Cloak 'The Depth of Abyss' [1,+15] (+2) {SpStSl;PoLiDkNt}. You are no longer wearing The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}. You are wearing The Cloak 'The Depth of Abyss' [1,+15] (+2) {SpStSl;PoLiDkNt} (j). You have The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}. You drop The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}. Unrecognized command: .. Press ? for help. (x3) Unrecognized command: o. Press ? for help. Get which item (Esc to cancel)? => e. You have The Trifurcate Spear of Wrath (3d10) (+16,+18) (+2) {StDx;LiDk;SiBs|Ca/*L}. You are no longer wearing a Poison Needle (4d1) (+0,+0). You are wearing The Trifurcate Spear of Wrath (6d10) (+16,+18) (+2) {StDx;LiDk;SiBs|Ca/*L} (a). You have a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0). You drop a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0). You feel less insecure. You have a Rod of Capacity: Restoring (2/3) (+4) {1%}. What? =================================== Options =================================== Preserve Mode: On Easy Identify: On Easy Lore: On Arena Levels: Sometimes |
Posted on 23.8.2019 20:14
2418. on the Ladder (of 19138)
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