The Angband Ladder: Carol Ripley, Sindar Doriath no-class by Nivim
[Sil-Q 1.3.2-q Character Dump] Name Carol Ripley Age 1,995 Str 5 = 2 +3 Sex Female Height 5'8 Dex 9 = 3 +2 +4 Race Sindar Weight 147 Con 7 = 4 +3 House Doriath Gra 15 = 3 +6 +6 Game Turn 34,726 Melee (+25,1d13) Melee 25 = 13 +9 +2 +1 Exp Pool 9,150 Bows (+11,2d13) Archery 11 = 0 +9 +1 +1 Total Exp 100,650 Armor [+13,1-1] Evasion 13 = 0 +9 +4 Burden 140.9 Stealth 20 = 13 +9 +2 -4 Max Burden 248.7 Health 71:71 Perception 35 = 10 +15 +10 Depth 0' Voice 307:308 Will 17 = 2 +15 Min Depth 0' Song the Trees Smithing 26 = 11 +15 Light Radius 18 Song 50 = 27 +15 +7 +1 You are one of several children of a Sindar bard. You have light grey eyes, wavy black hair, and a fair complexion. [Last Messages] > You feel more resilient. > You have 7 Cloudy Potions of Constitution (g). > You feel more agile. > You have 9 Bright Orange Potions of Dexterity (f). > You feel yourself moving faster! > You have 19 Shimmering Potions of Quickness (d). > You feel stronger. > You have 6 Milky White Potions of Strength (e). > Your feel your power renew. > You have 7 Golden Potions of Voice (i). > You reorder some items in your pack. > You were wielding The Dagger of Azaghal (+0,1d6) <+7> (t). > You are wielding The Shortsword 'Dagmor' (+2,1d8) [+1] <+1> (a). > You begin a song about the Two Trees of Valinor. > A memory of their light wells up around you. [Screenshot] ....... ~...#.. ~~..... .~.@... .~~...# ..~~... ...~... [Equipment] a) The Shortsword 'Dagmor' (+2,1d8) [+1] <+1> 2.0 lb It increases your grace by 1. It provides resistance to fear. It lights the dungeon around you. It cannot be harmed by the elements. b) The Longbow 'Belthronding' (+1,2d7) <+1> 3.0 lb It improves your perception by 1. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It can shoot arrows 20 squares (with your current strength). c) The Ring of Melian <+7> It improves your perception by 7. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Channeling. d) The Ring 'Exoskeletal Force' <+2> It improves your damage sides by 2. It cannot be harmed by the elements. e) The Amulet 'Double Star Way' <+2> It increases your grace by 2. It improves your song by 2. It cannot be harmed by the elements. f) a Silmaril It sustains your grace. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures. It cannot be harmed by the elements. g) The Robe of Driven Weavers [+1] <+1> It increases your dexterity and grace by 1. It improves your stealth and song by 1. It provides resistance to confusion. It reduces your need for food. It grants you freedom of movement. It cannot be harmed by the elements. h) The Cloak of Maglor [+1] <+2> It improves your song by 2. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Song of the Trees. i) (nothing) j) The Crown Cast From Courage <+2> It increases your grace by 2. It improves your song by 2. It provides resistance to fear. It cannot be harmed by the elements. k) The Set of Gloves 'Exo-Synaptic Mesh' <+1> It increases your dexterity by 1. It improves your damage sides by 1. It sustains your dexterity. It cannot be harmed by the elements. l) The Pair of Boots of Taur-nu-Fuin [+1,1d1] <+2> It improves your stealth and perception by 2. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Master Hunter. m) 74 Arrows (+3) They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). n) 99 Arrows (Poisoned) They are branded with venom. They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow). [Inventory] a) 9 Russet Herbs of Healing b) 13 Clear Potions of Miruvor c) 25 Dark Green Potions of Healing d) 7 Golden Potions of Voice e) 19 Shimmering Potions of Quickness f) 6 Milky White Potions of Strength g) 9 Bright Orange Potions of Dexterity h) 7 Cloudy Potions of Constitution i) 5 Dark Potions of Grace j) an Oak Staff of Understanding (2 charges) k) an Ashen Staff of Revelations (0 charges) l) a Walnut Staff of Treasures (1 charge) m) a Willow Staff of Recharging (2 charges) n) The Jewel 'Elessar' <+1> It increases your constitution by 1. It speeds your regeneration (which increases your hunger while active). It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Strength in Adversity. o) 2 Silmarils It sustains your grace. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures. It cannot be harmed by the elements. p) a Shadow Cloak of Stealth [+3] <+5> It improves your stealth by 5. It creates an unnatural darkness. q) a Set of Gauntlets of Strength (-1) [+0,1d1] <+1> It increases your strength by 1. r) a Set of Gauntlets of the Forge (-1) [+0,1d1] <+3> It improves your smithing by 3. s) The Dagger 'Angrist' (+0,1d5) 0.5 lb It cuts very easily through armour. It can be thrown effectively (19 squares). It cannot be harmed by the elements. t) The Dagger of Azaghal (+0,1d6) <+7> 0.5 lb It improves your perception by 7. It slays dragons. It provides resistance to fire and fear. It can be thrown effectively (19 squares). It cannot be harmed by the elements. It grants you the ability: Focused attack. u) The Greatsword 'Glend' (-1,3d6) [+1] <+1> 12.0 lb It increases your strength by 1. It sustains your strength. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It requires both hands to wield it properly. v) The Greatsword of Saithnar (+0,3d5) [+1] 7.0 lb It slays undead. It cuts easily through armour. It grants you the ability to see invisible creatures, but it also draws wraiths to your level. It cannot be harmed by the elements. It requires both hands to wield it properly. w) a Mattock of Belegost (-4,5d2) <+3> 14.0 lb It improves your tunneling by 3. It requires both hands to wield it properly. [Abilities] Finesse Subtlety Assassination Cruel Blow Dexterity Focused attack Keen Senses Listen Grace Channeling Armoursmith Jeweller Artifice Grace Song of Silence Song of Aule Song of Lorien Song of Mastery Woven Themes Grace [Enemies] 13 / 16 Wolf 1 / 1 Tanglethorn 12 / 12 Orc 10 / 10 Grimhawk 3 / 3 Orc scout 17 / 20 Spider hatchling 5 / 5 Blue serpent 23 / 32 Orc soldier 8 / 8 Madthorn 5 / 5 Gorcrow 29 / 31 Orc archer 34 / 34 White wolf 7 / 7 Red serpent (slain) Gorgol, the Butcher 55 / 56 Orc warrior 3 / 3 Sword spider 12 / 12 Crebain 3 / 3 Mewlip 2 / 2 Orc thief 6 / 6 Nightthorn 2 / 2 Green serpent 9 / 9 Mountain troll 2 / 2 Tattered wight 85 / 85 Orc champion 15 / 15 Easterling warrior 11 / 11 Hummerhorn 29 / 29 Orc captain 29 / 31 Warg 3 / 3 Grave wight 3 / 3 Dark serpent 14 / 15 Whispering shadow 10 / 11 Distended spider 11 / 11 Easterling archer 3 / 3 Twisted bat (slain) Othrod, the Orc Lord 4 / 4 Snow troll 2 / 2 Lurking horror 10 / 10 Giant 11 / 11 Easterling spy 1 / 1 Shadow bat 7 / 7 Sulrauko 1 / 1 Fire-drake hatchling (slain) Ulfang the Black 22 / 25 Werewolf 4 / 7 Shadow spider 2 / 2 Shadow 2 / 2 Sapphire serpent 2 / 2 Ruby serpent 5 / 6 Creeping horror 10 / 11 Ringrauko (slain) Delthaur, Balrog of Terror (slain) Nan, the Giant 17 / 17 Cave troll 3 / 3 Emerald serpent 3 / 3 Oathwraith 61 / 61 Cat warrior 6 / 6 Amethyst serpent 22 / 27 Kemenrauko 8 / 8 Grotesque 4 / 4 Young cold-drake (slain) Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper (slain) Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 24 / 24 Spider of Gorgoroth 36 / 39 Greater werewolf 6 / 6 Adamant serpent 25 / 27 Lesser vampire 46 / 46 Cat assassin (slain) Scatha the Worm (slain) Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 10 / 11 Young fire-drake 12 / 12 Darting horror 19 / 31 Unmourned 82 / 96 Ururauko (slain) Tevildo, Prince of Cats (slain) Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 9 / 9 Ancient sapphire serpent 224 /237 Troll guard 57 / 64 Vampire 11 / 13 Nameless thing (seen) Smaug the Golden 21 / 21 Ancient ruby serpent 16 / 17 Great cold-drake 17 / 19 Silent watcher 90 /102 Gwathrauko (slain) Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves (slain) Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 18 / 18 Ancient spider 10 / 10 Ancient emerald serpent 49 / 52 Vampire lord (slain) Dagorhir, the Elfbane (slain) Gostir, the Dread Glance 16 / 16 Ancient amethyst serpent 7 / 8 Great fire-drake 21 / 23 Hithrauko (slain) Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs 3 / 3 Ancient adamant serpent 10 / 10 Unrelenting horror (slain) Ancalagon the Black (slain) Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger (slain) Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs (slain) Ungoliant, the Gloomweaver (slain) Glaurung, the Deceiver (slain) Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth (slain) Morgoth, Lord of Darkness (slain) Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst [Artefacts] The Serpentine Ring of Barahir (found) The Ring of Melian (found) The Jewel 'Elessar' (found) The Hauberk of Maedhros (found) The Kite Shield of Hador (found) The Kite Shield of Fingolfin (found) The Dagger of Nargil (found) The Dagger of Azaghal (found) The Dagger 'Angrist' (found) The Shortsword 'Dagmor' (found) The Shortsword of Galadriel (found) The Longsword 'Orcrist' (found) The Longsword 'Glamdring' (found) The Bastard Sword 'Anglachel' (found) The Greatsword 'Glend' (found) The Greatsword of Saithnar (found) The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg' (found) The Battle Axe of Hurin (found) The Glaive 'Celebrist' (found) The Cloak of Maglor (found) The Cloak of Thingol (found) The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin (found) The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil (found) The Shortbow of Celegorm (found) The Longbow 'Belthronding' (found) The Pair of Boots of Taur-nu-Fuin (found) The Pair of Greaves of the Helcaraxe (found) The Set of Gauntlets 'Azdulag' (found) The Set of Gauntlets of Gamil Zirak The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth (found) The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (found) [Notes] Carol of the Sindar Entered Angband on 25 Dec 2017 Turn Depth Note 4 50 ft Found The Pair of Boots of Taur-nu-Fuin 24 100 ft (Finesse) 159 100 ft (Assassination) 159 100 ft Scepter of Fire stabbing. 159 100 ft Stylish, but probably wont last long. 762 150 ft The trick with a helm of Defiance is it makes herbs of 762 150 ft terror less functional. 836 150 ft (Subtlety) 837 150 ft Probably swapping to my 1lb shortsword mostly now. 996 200 ft (Song of Silence) 1,954 250 ft (Focused attack) 2,900 300 ft Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher 2,974 300 ft Slew Gorgol, the Butcher 2,978 300 ft Found The Shortbow of Celegorm 2,981 300 ft It's basically an anti-stat-stick. 3,240 300 ft Found gauntlets of the Forge 3,240 300 ft Basically as good as Gamil Zirak, and in a forge too. 4,485 300 ft (Jeweller) 4,554 300 ft Made a Bronze Ring of Accuracy (+1) 0.1 lb 4,639 300 ft Made a Chalcedony Ring of Free Action 0.1 lb 4,739 300 ft Made a Silver Ring of Protection [+0,1d1] 0.1 lb 4,750 300 ft Made a Ruby Ring of Hunger 0.1 lb 5,761 350 ft (Song of Lorien) 6,016 350 ft Fell into a chasm 6,213 450 ft Cost a !dex and !quick, but defeated first warg pack. 6,234 450 ft It's nice how glorious Silence kept anything else from 6,234 450 ft joining in; that bat, archer, and giant could have 6,234 450 ft been bad. 7,430 450 ft Fighting wargs without potions is like crit tag. 8,038 500 ft (Dexterity) 8,316 500 ft Looks like I need True Sight. 8,316 500 ft Stubbled into Sulrauko and nearly attracted a sicky 8,316 500 ft situation. 8,993 500 ft Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord 9,080 500 ft Found The Longsword 'Orcrist' 9,080 500 ft Hm, not better for stabbing, but better than my swap- 9,080 500 ft longsword. 9,196 500 ft Othrod fled. :[ 9,398 500 ft Kinda want to stretch this Understand staff. 9,398 500 ft I feel like I'm going to have this problem each game. 9,398 500 ft Where I want Channeling for it's intended purpose, but 9,398 500 ft if I take it, I'll use it for _Recharging too. 9,398 500 ft Urg, convenience wins again. 9,398 500 ft (Channeling) 9,968 500 ft Fell into a chasm 10,070 600 ft Encountered Ulfang the Black 10,127 600 ft So this is Shadow depth. 11,252 600 ft Cannot finish werewolves yet. 11,465 600 ft Slew Ulfang the Black 11,936 700 ft Encountered Nan, the Giant 12,149 700 ft Found The Shortsword of Galadriel 12,149 700 ft Snazzy. A bit heavy, though. 12,194 700 ft (Grace) 12,529 700 ft Found The Glaive 'Celebrist' 12,600 700 ft Found The Kite Shield of Fingolfin 13,069 700 ft Slew Nan, the Giant 13,075 700 ft Found The Greatsword 'Glend' 13,221 750 ft (Grace) 13,341 750 ft Found The Greatsword of Saithnar 13,401 750 ft Encountered Delthaur, Balrog of Terror 13,871 750 ft Encountered Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 13,873 750 ft Encountered Smaug the Golden 13,877 750 ft Looting this hoard is a little ominous. 13,944 750 ft Found The Bastard Sword 'Anglachel' 14,033 750 ft Whoops, lost a balrog. 14,060 750 ft Wait! No! He returns! 14,060 750 ft Where did he go? 14,191 750 ft (Grace) 14,474 750 ft Destroyed Delthaur, Balrog of Terror 14,577 750 ft Found The Dagger of Azaghal 14,577 750 ft Normally it's a good idea to keep things dangerous to 14,577 750 ft you where you can keep track of them, but I think that 14,577 750 ft strategy backfired for Smaug here. 14,682 750 ft Hm, the rF makes surviving easy, but the -5 relative 14,682 750 ft sides makes it hard to get a telling blow. 14,686 750 ft Found The Ring of Melian 16,133 750 ft Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 16,137 750 ft Slew Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 16,613 750 ft Going to need to leave the level for food. 16,613 750 ft Got caught off-gaurd by Oathwraiths. 16,631 750 ft Oh, wait, could have bought Master this whole time. 16,631 750 ft (Song of Mastery) 16,833 850 ft (Keen Senses) 16,921 850 ft (Listen) 17,020 850 ft Encountered Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 17,025 850 ft Slew Oikeroi, Guard of Tevildo 17,030 850 ft Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats 17,034 850 ft Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats 17,691 850 ft Encountered Scatha the Worm 17,699 850 ft Found The Dagger 'Angrist' 17,736 850 ft Destroyed Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 18,125 850 ft Slew Scatha the Worm 19,697 900 ft (Song of Aule) 19,969 900 ft Made a Dragon Tooth Amulet of the Blessed Realm <+1> 0.1 lb 19,987 900 ft (Artifice) 20,047 900 ft (Armoursmith) 20,512 900 ft Made The Crown Cast From Courage <+2> 3.0 lb 20,562 900 ft (I wanted a altruistic questy name, but could not find 20,562 900 ft the words.) 20,587 900 ft I have another forge, but nothing quite good enough to 20,587 900 ft use it on. 20,737 950 ft The trick with this crown is my light is bad now. 20,737 950 ft Brave indeed. 20,892 950 ft I can kill Namless Things, but it's far too hard. 20,925 950 ft Encountered Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 21,175 950 ft Encountered Gostir, the Dread Glance 21,455 950 ft (Cruel Blow) 21,495 950 ft Useful for Great Cold-drakes. 21,769 950 ft Encountered Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 22,096 950 ft Turns out I really need that Str point for mining. 22,354 950 ft Destroyed Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts 22,628 950 ft Slew Gostir, the Dread Glance 23,144 900 ft Found The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg' 23,378 900 ft Encountered Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 23,511 900 ft Destroyed Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame 23,518 900 ft Found The Longbow 'Belthronding' 23,768 950 ft Encountered Ancalagon the Black 23,916 950 ft Slew Ancalagon the Black 24,168 950 ft Found The Shortsword 'Dagmor' 24,299 900 ft Orodreuth is on this level. 24,299 900 ft Apologies: Orodruth. 24,429 900 ft Found The Battle Axe of Hurin 24,854 900 ft Entered the forge 'Orodruth' 25,360 900 ft Made The Ring 'Exoskeletal Force' <+2> 0.1 lb 25,701 950 ft Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves 25,704 950 ft Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin 25,938 950 ft Found The Cloak of Maglor 25,938 950 ft Now I can generate more total light than a Silmaril. 25,938 950 ft Although I am at a loss as to when I would use this abil 25,938 950 ft ity. 26,279 950 ft Encountered Dagorhir, the Elfbane 26,303 950 ft Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane 26,743 950 ft Entered Gothmog's hall 26,808 950 ft Encountered Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 26,858 950 ft Destroyed Gothmog, High Captain of Balrogs 27,204 950 ft Entered the Cat Fortress 27,237 950 ft Encountered Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 27,258 950 ft Slew Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 27,262 950 ft Found The Bat-Fell of Thuringwethil 27,370 950 ft Found The Cloak of Thingol 27,506 950 ft Found The Hauberk of Maedhros 27,813 950 ft Found The Jewel 'Elessar' 28,068 950 ft Found The Set of Gauntlets 'Azdulag' 28,132 950 ft Fell through a crumbling stair 28,145 950 ft Left without entering Ungoliant's lair 28,164 950 ft Fell through a crumbling stair 28,257 950 ft I wonder if forges just stop generating after a point. 28,257 950 ft Fell through a crumbling stair 28,311 950 ft This level has enough forges; I'm keeping it. 28,480 950 ft Entered the Chambers of Thu 28,536 950 ft Encountered Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth 28,813 950 ft Slew Gorthaur, Servant of Morgoth 28,922 950 ft Found The Kite Shield of Hador 30,521 950 ft Made The Robe of Driven Weavers [+1] <+1> 3.0 lb 31,653 950 ft Made The Set of Gloves 'Exo-Synaptic Mesh' <+1> 0.5 lb 31,670 950 ft Two Smithing away from just the right amulet. 31,670 950 ft Four more points to Song, one to Smithing. 31,670 950 ft (11300 experience cost. A doozy, but it'll all matter.) 32,173 950 ft Made The Amulet 'Double Star Way' <+2> 0.1 lb 32,206 950 ft Ok, throneroom time. 32,206 1,000 ft Entered Morgoth's throne room 32,212 1,000 ft Encountered Ungoliant, the Gloomweaver 32,212 1,000 ft Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 32,212 1,000 ft Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth 32,411 1,000 ft Found The Longsword 'Glamdring' 32,448 1,000 ft Slew Ungoliant, the Gloomweaver 32,452 1,000 ft Tension broke stabbing Ungoliant 32,452 1,000 ft Everything woke up for a turn, then decided it was 32,452 1,000 ft just the wind. 32,577 1,000 ft Encountered Glaurung, the Deceiver 32,779 1,000 ft Found The Serpentine Ring of Barahir 32,858 1,000 ft (Woven Themes) 32,865 1,000 ft Slew Glaurung, the Deceiver 32,898 1,000 ft Morgoth is now the only thing left in the room. 32,898 1,000 ft Time to see if all my preparation was enough. 32,920 1,000 ft Slew Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 32,920 1,000 ft Found The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' 32,921 1,000 ft Apparently Morgoth needs to be awake to get angry or 32,921 1,000 ft take things more seriously. 32,938 1,000 ft Each time I drove Dagmor into his eye("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") 32,938 1,000 ft his urgent wakefulness was taken from him by the 32,938 1,000 ft power of Irmo honed into an unstoppable tool of warfare. 32,938 1,000 ft Seven times did I strike with methodical force, and so 32,938 1,000 ft doing Morgoth was cast into the void. 32,947 1,000 ft Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown 32,960 1,000 ft Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown 32,962 1,000 ft (Destroyed Grond with its slowness and 6d10.) 32,964 1,000 ft Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown 32,975 1,000 ft (Strange; I have a Sil, 47 Song, and 'Trees, but light 32,975 1,000 ft radius is only 12. :/ ) 32,979 1,000 ft (Ah, it was delayed; radius of 17.) 33,037 1,000 ft (I haven't needed my potions of Voice all game. They 33,037 1,000 ft are still un-IDed.) 33,059 950 ft Entered the Hoard of the Worm of Greed 33,294 850 ft Encountered Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs 33,304 850 ft Destroyed Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs 33,813 450 ft Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord 34,198 Gates Entered The Gates of Angband 34,411 Gates Found The Dagger of Nargil (from 6500 ft) 34,633 Gates Found The Pair of Greaves of the Helcaraxe (from 6500 ft) 34,700 Gates Encountered Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst 34,703 Gates Slew Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst 34,704 Gates Carcharoth took a single strike to the temple. 34,706 Gates (Going to buff up anyway for posterity.) 34,726 Gates You escaped the Iron Hells on 29 December 2017. 34,726 Gates You brought back all three Silmarils from Morgoth's crown! ['Score' 141365274] |
Posted on 29.12.2017 09:14
40. on the Competition No.212 Ladder (of 34)
Comments Related dumps: Carol Ripley, L141365274 Sindar Doriath no-class winner 104th in Sil-Q (1.3.2-q) by Nivim (100%) Seen 512 times. |