The Angband Ladder: Spookysnake, Dragon Monster by budswell

  [PosChengband 5.0.3 Character Dump]

 Name       : Spookysnake                  ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               Str  :        14
 Personality: Ordinary                           INT  :         6
 Race       : Dragon                             WIS  :         5
 Subrace    : Pseudo Dragon                      Dex  :        13
 Class      : Monster                            Con  :     18/03
 Realm      : Domination                         CHR  :        18
 Level      :       17                           HP   :    -7/162
 Cur Exp    :     6122                           SP   :     56/56
 Max Exp    :     6122                           AC   :        53
 Adv Exp    :     7598                           Speed:        +0
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :    33513                     Melee      : Very Good
 Kills      :      827                     Ranged     : Fair
 Uniques    :       10                     SavingThrow: Excellent
 Artifacts  :      0+1                     Stealth    : Good
                                           Perception : Fair
 Game Day   :        7                     Searching  : Fair
 Game Time  :    18:37                     Disarming  : Good
 Play Time  :    06:27                     Device     : Excellent
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) a Ring of Combat (+3,+3) (+1) {StDx}
 b) a Ring of Combat (+0,+3) {?}
 c) a Ring (Elemental) {Ac?}
 d) a Ring (Elemental) {Ac?}
 e) a Ring (Elemental) {Ac?}
 g) an Amulet (Elemental) {Co}
 h) a Brass Lantern (with 3733 turns of light)
 i) a Cloak of Elemental Protection [1,+18] {El?}
 j) a Metal Cap [3,+4]

              ===== "~(]                              ===== "~(]
 Resistances  abcdefghij@                Abilities    abcdefghij@
 Acid       : ..+++......  72%           Speed      : ...........
 Electricity: ........+..  50%           Free Act   : ...........
 Fire       : ...........   0%           See Invis  : ...........
 Cold       : ......+....  50%           Warning    : ...........
 Poison     : ...........   0%           Slow Digest: ...........
 Light      : ..........+  30%           Regenerate : ........... 100%
 Dark       : ..........+  30%           Levitation : ..........+
 Confusion  : ...........   0%           Perm Lite  : ...........
 Nether     : ...........   0%           Reflection : ...........
 Nexus      : ...........   0%           Hold Life  : ...........
 Sound      : ...........   0%           Dec Mana   : ...........
 Shards     : ...........   0%           Easy Spell : ...........
 Chaos      : ...........   0%           Anti Magic : ...........
 Disenchantm: ...........   0%           Magic Skill: ...........
 Time       : ...........   0%           Spell Power: ...........
 Blindness  : ...........   0%           Spell Cap  : ...........
 Fear       : ..........+   1x           Magic Res  : ...........
                                         Infravision: ..........+  50'
              ===== "~(]                 Stealth    : ...........
 Auras        abcdefghij@                Searching  : ...........
 Aura Elec  : ...........               
 Aura Fire  : ...........                             ===== "~(]
 Aura Cold  : ...........                Sustains     abcdefghij@
 Aura Shards: ...........                Sust Str   : ...........
 Revenge    : ...........                Sust Int   : ...........
                                         Sust Wis   : ...........
              ===== "~(]                 Sust Dex   : ...........
 Slays        abcdefghij@                Sust Con   : ...........
 Slay Evil  : ...........                Sust Chr   : ...........
 Slay Undead: ...........               
 Slay Demon : ...........                             ===== "~(]
 Slay Dragon: ...........                Detection    abcdefghij@
 Slay Human : ...........                Telepathy  : ...........
 Slay Animal: ...........                ESP Evil   : ...........
 Slay Orc   : ...........                ESP Nonliv : ...........
 Slay Troll : ...........                ESP Good   : ...........
 Slay Giant : ...........                ESP Undead : ...........
 Slay Good  : ...........                ESP Demon  : ...........
 Slay Living: ...........                ESP Dragon : ...........
 Acid Brand : ...........                ESP Human  : ...........
 Elec Brand : ...........                ESP Animal : ...........
 Fire Brand : ...........                ESP Orc    : ...........
 Cold Brand : ...........                ESP Troll  : ...........
 Pois Brand : ...........                ESP Giant  : ...........
 Mana Brand : ...........               
 Sharpness  : ...........                             ===== "~(]
 Quake      : ...........                Curses       abcdefghij@
 Vampiric   : ...........                Cursed     : ...........
 Chaotic    : ...........                Rnd Tele   : ...........
 Add Blows  : ...........                No Tele    : ...........
 Blessed    : ...........                Drain Exp  : ...........
 Riding     : ...........                Aggravate  : ...........
 Tunnel     : ...........                TY Curse   : ...........
 Throwing   : ...........               
              ===== "~(]
              abcdefghij@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       Str  : 1..........     16 -1  0  0  1     16     14
       INT  : ...........      8 -2  0  0  0      6
       WIS  : ...........      8 -3  0  0  0      5
       Dex  : 1..........     16 -3  0  0  1     14     13
       Con  : ...........  18/28 -2  0  0  0  18/08  18/03
       CHR  : ...........     16  2  0  0  0     18

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Attack : Your Claw (2d4)                                    Accuracy
 Weight : 12.8 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Skilled (+10 To Hit)                                25 83%
 To Hit : 20 + 3 = 23                                         50 69%
 To Dam : 0 + 6 = 6                                           75 56%
 Blows  : 1.00                                               100 43%
 Damage                                                      125 31%
 Crits  : 1.07x                                              150 17%
 Normal : 11                                                 175  5%
                                                             200  5%

 Attack : Your Bite (2d8)                                    Accuracy
 Weight : 25.6 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Skilled (+10 To Hit)                                25 83%
 To Hit : 20 + 3 = 23                                         50 69%
 To Dam : 0 + 6 = 6                                           75 56%
 Blows  : 1.00                                               100 43%
 Damage                                                      125 31%
 Crits  : 1.12x                                              150 17%
 Normal : 15                                                 175  5%
                                                             200  5%

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Breathe                1    9   6% dam 1            310    9   3%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
Frightful Presence     1    1   6%                     4    0   0%
Detect Minions         5    2   6%                    10    1   9%
Baffling Presence     10    5  13%                     2    3  60%
Slow                  15   10  38%                     0    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Stronghold      : level  12

You were killed by a Lizard king in Wilderness.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  4
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 11

  Arena:  0 Victory

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 827 enemies including 10 unique monsters in total.

  Uniques                                  Lvl
  King Duosi, the Chief of Southerings      11
  Dailai Dongzhu, Captain of Southerings    10
  The Borshin                               10
  Brodda, the Easterling                     9
  Robin Hood, the Outlaw                     8
  Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman               8
  Mughash the Kobold Lord                    7
  Smeagol                                    3
  Freesia                                    2
  Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog                  2

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Warg                       14    16     Giant white mouse           1    71
  Creeping mithril coins     13     4     Giant white louse           3    31
  Moon beast                 12     1     Snaga                       6    27
  Gazer                      12     1     Manes                       7    25
  Frumious bandersnatch      12     1     Novice ranger               8    24
  Priest                     12     1     Ewok                        5    24
  Zombified human            12     1     Novice mage                 5    21
  White wolf                 12     1     Novice warrior              6    20
  Baby multi-hued dragon     11     4     Novice priest               6    18
  Vorpal bunny               11     1     Hill orc                    8    17
  Pseudo dragon              10     4     Rotting corpse              7    17
  Dark elven warrior         10     1     Warg                       14    16
  Dark elven mage            10     1     Sand-dweller               10    16
  Tengu                      10     1     Kobold                      3    15
  Disenchanter mold          10     1     Cave spider                 2    15
  Owlbear                    10     1     Nibelung                    6    14
  Undead mass                10     4     Large kobold                5    14
  Creeping gold coins        10     7     Blue worm mass              4    13
  Hairy mold                 10     1     Servant of Glaaki          10    12
  Sand-dweller               10    16     War bear                    9    11
============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 4 Mushrooms of Cure Confusion
b) 6 Rations of Food {@E1}
c) 7 Pieces of Elvish Waybread {@E2}
d) 11 Flasks of oil {@F1}
e) 8 Potions of Speed {@q9!k}
f) 2 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q2!k}
g) 2 Potions of Curing {@q1!k}
h) 2 Scrolls of Phase Door
i) 9 Scrolls of Teleportation {@r9!*}
j) 3 Scrolls of Word of Recall {@r0!*}
k) 2 Scrolls of Remove Curse
l) a Wand: Beam of Light (1/6 charges) {@a5}
m) a Wand: Stinking Cloud (7/7 charges) {@a4}
n) a Staff: Illumination (10/11 charges) {@u8!k}
o) a Staff: Identify (13/13 charges) {@u6!k}
p) The Cloak 'Call of Thundercloud' [1,+3] {~Z? A:Resist Lightning}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Staff: Illumination (8/8 charges)

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :    20345
  Selling  :    23027
  Winnings :        0    43372
  Purchases:     7954
  Services :        0
  Stolen   :     1905     9859

  Objects Found    :   1035
  Objects Bought   :     37
  Objects Destroyed:    751

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                 73      0     0    62
  Shields                 10      0     0     9
  Bows                     7      0     0     6
  Rings                    5      0     0     0
  Amulets                  1      0     0     0
  Lights                  33      0     0    19
  Body Armor              47      0     0    40
  Cloaks                  16      0     0    11
  Helmets                 10      0     0     9
  Gloves                   9      0     0     8
  Boots                    9      0     0     8
  Totals                 220      0     0   172

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                    9      0   104     6
  Staves                   2      3   110     1
  Potions                103     10    25    38
  Scrolls                132     20    41    89
  Totals                 246     33   280   134

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                   96      0     0    41
  Arrows                 164      0     0   142
  Bolts                   30      0     0    30
  Spellbooks               8      0     0     8
  Food                    46      4    22    13
  Corpses                128      0     0   128
  Skeletons               82      0     0    81
  Totals                 554      4    22   443

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds     0     10     7     1
  Curing                   5      0     1     2
  Speed                   16      0     7     1
  Totals                 103     10    25    38

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall           6      0     3     0
  Identify                30      2    22    10
  Remove Curse             0      3     1     0
  Teleportation            0     14     4     1
  Totals                 132     20    41    89

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Totals                   9      0   104     6

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                 0      1    60     0
  Totals                   2      3   110     1

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Totals                   8      0     0     8

  Egos Found    :     34
  Egos Bought   :      0
  Egos Destroyed:      0

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals                302  36.5%
  Breeders               146  17.6%
  Demons                  37   4.4%
  Dragons                 24   2.9%
  Humans                 148  17.8%
  Orcs                    70   8.4%
  Undead                  40   4.8%
  Uniques                 10   1.2%

  Evil Monsters          293  35.4%
  Good Monsters           25   3.0%
  Neutral Monsters       509  61.5%

  Totals                 827

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Hill orc attacks you: He misses.
The Snaga attacks you: He hits.

You attack the Snaga: You claw. You bite.
The Snaga attacks you: He hits.
The Hill orc attacks you: He hits.
The Snaga attacks you: He misses.
The Snaga attacks you: He misses.

You have 2 Scrolls of Phase Door.
It points at you and curses.

You attack the Orc shaman: You miss. You bite. It was a good hit! You 
have slain the Orc shaman.

You see an Orc shaman Skeleton. Auto-destroying.
You are surrounded by a white light.
A line of blue shimmering light appears. The Hill orc cringes from the 
light! The Hill orc flees in terror! The Hill orc cringes from the 
light! The Hill orc flees in terror! The Orc shaman cringes from the 
light! The Orc shaman flees in terror! The Snotling shrivels away in 
the light! The Snotling shrivels away in the light! The Snaga shrivels 
away in the light!
The Orc shaman is scared stiff!

You failed to use the device properly.
The Hill orc attacks you: He misses.
You attack the Lizard king: You miss. You bite.
The Lizard king attacks you: He misses. He hits. He wails 
The Lizard king attacks you: He hits. He hits. He wails. You stand your 
The Lizard king attacks you: He hits. He hits. You stand your ground! 
He wails. You stand your ground!
The Hill orc attacks you: He misses.

You attack the Lizard king: You miss. You miss.
The Lizard king attacks you: He hits. *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** 
Press Space to continue. He hits. *Ouch!* He wails. *Ouch!* You stand 
your ground!
The Snaga attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!*
The Lizard king attacks you: He hits. You stand your ground! *Ouch!* He 
hits. *Ouch!* He wails ineffectually.
The Hill orc attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!*
The Hill orc attacks you: He misses.
The Snaga attacks you: He misses.
The Hill orc attacks you: He misses.
The Lizard king attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* He hits.
         :::::::.::  ##                           
           .....:.::  .                           
         .    ..:::.:#.:              :           
        :::..:#:::o:::::            ..# #         
        ...::::.o:..:o.: :       ...:.:::::       
       :.o.o.:ooo#::ooo#oo# :##:#                 
          #    # ##          .                    
                  #:#          :                  
                 $~:::          .                 
 )~.|~(|..../:./=..:             :                
               :::: ::            :               
                  :::              :              
               #####                :             
                ::#:                 #            
 You die. Goodbye, Spookysnake!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Small Levels:       Sometimes
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Ironman Quests:     Enabled
 Random Artifacts:   Enabled

Posted on 20.1.2017 04:47

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16797. on the Ladder (of 19044)
1962. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
321. for this player (


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