The Angband Ladder: Chloe, Dark-Elf Necromancer by the Invisible Stalker

  [FAangband v1.4.4 Character Dump]

 Name    : Chloe           Age                   217 STR!    18/120
 Sex     : Female          Height                 78 INT!    18/140
 Race    : Dark-Elf        Weight                168 WIS!    18/120
 Class   : Necromancer     Social Class            4 DEX     18/179
                                                     CON!    18/140
                                                     CHR!     18/90

 Max Hit Points      477   Level                43   Max SP (Mana)       258
 Cur Hit Points      -11   Experience      1806864   Cur SP (Mana)        77
                           Max Exp         1806864
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.     2000000          (Shooting)
 Blows/Round           6   Gold             224261   Shots/Round         1.4
 + to Skill           27   Score            352486   + to Skill           39
 Deadliness (%)       78   Base AC/+ To AC  18/111   Deadliness (%)      114
                           Game Turn        562679

 Fighting   :Good(52)      Stealth    :Heroic(17)    Disarming  :Excellent(68)
 Bows/Throw :Very Good(75) Perception :Mediocre(21)  MagicDevice:Heroic(124)
 SavingThrow:Excellent(68) Searching  :Fair(24)      Infravision:80 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are the first child of a Dark Elf Fighter.  You have
          light grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Recent locations]

 Current Location : Angband Level 65
 Recall Point 1   : Angband Level 65
 Recall Point 2   : Ephel Brandir Level 0
 Recall Point 3   : Nan Dungortheb Level 70
 Recall Point 4   : Ossiriand Level 0

  [Resistances, Powers and Bonuses]

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:....+.+.+....  92% Confu:....+........  25%
 Elec:......+.+....  53% Sound:...+.........  25%
 Fire:...+..+-+....  64% Shard:....+.+......  75%
 Cold:......+.+....  40% Nexus:..+..........  40%
 Pois:.......++....  84% Nethr:.............   0%
 Lght:.............   0% Chaos:........+....  41%
 Dark:.......+.....  88% Disen:....+........  50%

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:.............      M-Mas:..........3..
Feath:...+.........      Stea.:.2....1....2.
PLght:+............      Sear.:.............
Regen:.+...........      Infra:.......6.....
Telep:.......+.....      Tunn.:.............
Invis:+......+.....      Speed:..433........
FrAct:+........+...      Shots:.............
HLife:..+..........      Might:.1...........

  [Specialty Abilities]

Soul Siphon 

  [Stat Breakdown]

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt     abcdefghijkl
Str: 18/100  -2  -2   6 18/120            1...2...s3..
Int: 18/100  -1   3   2 18/140            ............
Wis: 18/100   2  -2   2 18/120            ............
Dex:  18/99   2   1   5 18/179            12......s2..
Con: 18/100  -1   0   5 18/140            2.......s3..
Chr: 18/100   1  -2   0  18/90            ............

  [Last Messages]

> The Hezrou breathes fire.
> The Barbazu is destroyed.
> The Vrock resists a lot.
> The Hezrou fires a missile.
> You are hit.
> Low hitpoint warning!
> The Hezrou fires a missile.
> You are hit.
> The Hezrou breathes fire.
> The Vrock resists a lot.
> The Balor resists a lot.
> The Glabrezu resists a lot.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Magestaff of the Noldor (1d3) (+12,+9) [4,+0] <+1, +2>
Found in a vault in Anfauglith Level 52.
1 strength, 1 dexterity, 2 constitution. 
It slays orcs, trolls and giants. 

Powers:  Provides permanent light. Prevents paralysis. Grants the
ability to see invisible things. 
When activated, it restores 10 spell points (mages and necromancers
Takes 46 to 72 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 98.3%
6 blows av. dam. 19 against orcs, 19 against trolls, 19 against
giants, 15 against non poison resistant creatures, 4 against other
monsters.  + 27 to skill. 
Radius 1 light.
Clears rubble in 3.0 turns, magma veins in 7.2 turns, quartz veins in
18 turns, and granite in 64 turns.

b) a Long Bow of Ossiriand (x4) (+24,+22) <+2, +1>
Found lying on the ground in Anfauglith Level 56.
2 dexterity. 
2 stealth, 1 shooting power. 

Powers:  Speeds regeneration. 

c) a Ring of Speed <+4 to speed>
Found lying on the ground in Angband Level 70.
4 speed. 
Provides resistance to nexus(40%). 
Powers:  Sustains your life force. 

d) a Ring of Basic Resistance <+3 to speed>
Found in a vault in Anfauglith Level 56.
3 speed. 
Provides resistance to fire(30%), sound(25%). 
Powers:  Makes you fall lightly. 

e) an Amulet of Clarity <+2, +3>
Found in a vault in Angband Level 68.
2 strength. 
3 speed. 
Provides resistance to acid(55%), confusion(25%), shards(60%),
disenchantment(50%). Sustains strength. 
Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. 

g) Soft Studded Leather of Elvenkind [5,+14] <+1 to stealth>
Dropped by a Death quasit in Angband Level 60.
1 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(80%), electricity(47%), fire(48%),
frost(31%), shards(36%). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire,

h) The Unlight Cloak of Ungoliant [0,+30] <+6 to infravision>
Dropped by Ungoliant, the Unlight in Nan Dungortheb Level 70.
6 infravision. 
Provides resistance to poison(80%), darkness(80%). Makes you
vulnerable to fire(20%). 
Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. Allows you to see in the
dark. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things. 

i) a Small Metal Shield of Preservation [5,+24]
Found in a vault in Lothlann Level 56.
Provides resistance to acid(4%), electricity(11%), fire(16%),
frost(13%), poison(17%), chaos(41%). Sustains strength, dexterity,

j) an Iron Crown of Might [0,+13] <+3, +2>
Dropped by a Master lich in Angband Level 62.
3 strength, 2 dexterity, 3 constitution. 
Sustains strength, dexterity, constitution. 
Powers:  Prevents paralysis. 

k) a Set of Steel Gauntlets of Magic Mastery [3,+10] <+3 to device skill>
Dropped by a Red dragon in Angband Level 64.
3 magic mastery. 

l) a Pair of Leather Sandals of Stealth [1,+8] <+2 to stealth>
Found lying on the ground in Angband Level 70.
2 stealth. 

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Dark Initiation] {@b2@m2@p2@G2!k!d!v}
b) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Blood Novitiate] {@b3@m3@p3@G3!k!d!v}
c) a Tome of Necromancy [Frightful Realms] {@b4@m4@p4@G4!k!d!v}
d) 3 Tomes of Necromancy [Mysteries of Utumno] {@b5@m5@p5@G5!k!d!v}
e) 3 Tomes of Necromancy [Unholy Protection] {@b6@m6@p6@G6!k!d!v}
f) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Life Force Mastery] {@b7@m7@p7@G7!k!d!v}
g) 2 Tomes of Necromancy [Metamorphoses] {@b8@m8@p8@G8!k!d!v}
h) a Tome of Necromancy [Necronomicon] {@b9@m9@p9@G9!k!d!v}
Found in a vault in Angband Level 93.

i) 19 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q2, 75% off}
Nourishes for around 145 turns.

j) 18 Potions of Healing {@q3}
Nourishes for around 290 turns.

k) 7 Potions of Enlightenment
l) 46 Scrolls of Teleport Level {@r1, 50% off}
m) a Scroll of Word of Recall {@r2}
Bought from a store in Gondolin Town.

n) 3 Scrolls of Reveal Curses
o) 4 Scrolls of Recharging {25% off}
p) 5 Rods of Perception {@z3}
q) 8 Rods of Illumination {@z8}
r) 10 Rods of Light {@z9}
s) 3 Wands of Teleport Away (21 charges) {@a1}
t) 15 Wands of Stone to Mud (77 charges) {@a2}
u) a Staff of Speed (2 charges) {@u3}

  [Home Inventory]

a) 3 Mushrooms of Restoring
Nourishes for around 725 turns.

b) 52 Potions of Speed {@q1}
c) 99 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {@q2, 75% off}
Nourishes for around 145 turns.

d) 28 Potions of *Healing* {50% off}
e) 17 Potions of Restore Mana {@q4, 25% off}
f) 99 Scrolls of Teleport Level {@r1, 50% off}
g) 5 Scrolls of Genocide {@r6, 25% off}
h) 23 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {@r7, 50% off}
i) 2 Wands of Dragon's Flame (7 charges) {@a3}
j) 5 Wands of Dragon's Frost (16 charges) {@a4}
k) a Wand of Dragon's Breath (3 charges) {@a0}
Found lying on the ground in Angband Level 86.

l) 3 Staves of Healing (3 charges) {@u2}
m) 11 Staves of Speed (44 charges) {@u3}
n) 2 Staves of Power (10 charges)
o) 2 Staves of Holiness (7 charges)
p) 8 Staves of Detection (98 charges) {@u4}
q) a Ring of Arcane Resistance <+2, +4>
Dropped by a Dreadmaster in Angband Level 76.
2 intelligence, 4 charisma. 
Provides resistance to fire(25%), poison(60%), darkness(25%). Cannot

r) a Ring of Fickleness <+1 to speed>
Found lying on the ground in Angband Level 86.
1 strength, 1 intelligence, 1 wisdom, 1 dexterity, 1 constitution, 1
1 speed. 
Provides resistance to acid(55%), electricity(30%), light(25%),
sound(55%), shards(45%), nexus(35%), disenchantment(25%). Sustains
Powers:  Provides resistance to blindness. 

s) an Amulet of Trickery <+3, +2>
Found lying on the ground in Angband Level 74.
3 dexterity. 
2 stealth, 2 searching. 
Provides resistance to poison(50%), nexus(55%). Sustains dexterity.
When aimed, it fires a holy orb for 60 damage.
Takes 507 turns to recharge at your current speed.
Your chance of success is 97.4%

t) an Amulet of the Shadows <+1, +2, +4>
Found in a vault in Angband Level 92.
1 stealth, 2 searching, 4 speed. 
Provides resistance to acid(40%), electricity(55%), darkness(45%).
Makes you vulnerable to light(15%). 
Powers:  Allows you to see in the dark. 

u) Metal Scale Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [13,+21] <+3 to stealth>
Dropped by a Shadow in Angband Level 69.
3 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(44%), electricity(48%), fire(35%),
frost(45%), darkness(44%), nether(33%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

v) a Large Leather Shield of Elvenkind [6,+13] <+2 to stealth>
Bought from a store in Gondolin Town.
2 stealth. 
Provides resistance to acid(42%), electricity(34%), fire(28%),
frost(31%), poison(45%), confusion(30%). Cannot be harmed by acid,

w) a Barbut of Serenity [4,+12]
Found lying on the ground in Anfauglith Level 56.
Provides resistance to confusion(39%), sound(31%). 
Powers:  Renders you fearless. 

Chloe the Dark-Elf Necromancer

|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
         1       Anfauglith  58     1    Gained the Unlight specialty.
     31165         Gondolin Town    1    Moved house to Gondolin.
     36297      Sirion Vale  28     5    Reached level 5
     36297      Sirion Vale  28    10    Reached level 10
     36297      Sirion Vale  28    15    Reached level 15
    102583      Sirion Vale  32    20    Reached level 20
    106327      Sirion Vale  28    21    Killed Orcobal the Mighty
    178716       Anfauglith  56    25    Reached level 25
    197246       Amon R�dh  30    27     Killed M�m, Betrayer of Turin
    198028         Gondolin Town   27    Gained the Soul Siphon specialty.
    237814          Angband  60    30    Reached level 30
    282098      Sirion Vale  28    31    Killed Balcmeg, the Cave Orc
    424988          Angband  93    35    Reached level 35
    498715          Angband  70    38    Destroyed Akhorahil the Blind
    507570          Angband  68    38    Killed The Queen Ant
    518430   Nan Dungortheb  70    39    Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight
    518581   Nan Dungortheb  70    39    Found The Unlight Cloak of
    520813         Gondolin Town   39    Gained the Clarity specialty.
    528688          Angband  68    40    Reached level 40
    550619          Angband  64    42    Destroyed Adunaphel the Quiet
    552097          Angband  65    42    Destroyed Draebor, the Imp
    562679          Angband  65    43    Killed by a Hezrou.
    562679          Angband  65    43    Killed on 01/26/2015 at 01:53 PM.

  [Map and modes]

Standard wilderness
Disconnected stairs
No artifacts


Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 20.1.2015 23:29
Last updated on 26.1.2015 13:57

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7707. on the Ladder (of 19127)
167. on the FAangband Ladder (of 498)
12. for this player (


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On 20.1.2015 23:29 the Invisible Stalker wrote:
Yet another attempt at an artifactless thrall mode character in a standard wilderness with disconnected stairs.

A few near death experiences, no actual death experiences so far.

On 20.1.2015 23:31 the Invisible Stalker wrote:
Am I really the only dark-elf necromancer on the ladder? I would have thought this would be a popular combination.

On 21.1.2015 13:29 Nick wrote:
I played 100 of them (actually) in O (well, Shadow Fairy Necro, but same thing).

On 22.1.2015 08:48 the Invisible Stalker wrote:
I played quite a few shadow fairy necromancers as well, but FA thrall mode makes things considerably different. The annoying thing about that race/class combination in ordinary play is their extreme fragility in the early game. That's still true in thrall mode, but the unsuccessful attempts don't take up nearly as much time. Also, the high stealth of dark elves is much more important in thrall mode, as is the fact that they are the only full spellcasters with the unlight specialty.

On 23.1.2015 23:54 the Invisible Stalker wrote:
I had made two earlier attempts to kill Ungoliant, but both times I had to call it off when it became clear I would run out of healing before she ran out of hit points. Having the cloak makes my equipment choices much easier.

On 26.1.2015 13:57 the Invisible Stalker wrote:
Killed clearing out a demon pit. A totally avoidable death.

On 26.1.2015 21:09 Nick wrote:
One wrong step is all it takes with one of these low-HP characters

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