The Angband Ladder: Nessa, Noldor Finarfin no-class by wobbly
[Sil 1.2.1 Character Dump] Name Nessa Age 896 Str 1 Sex Female Height 5'9 Dex 3 Race Noldor Weight 154 Con 4 House Finarfin Gra 6 Game Turn 2,772 Melee (+9,2d7) Melee 9 = 5 +3 +1 Exp Pool 559 Bows (+5,0d0) Archery 5 = 1 +3 +1 Total Exp 13,559 Armor [+9,4-12] Evasion 9 = 5 +3 +1 Burden 88.5 Stealth 7 = 3 +3 +1 Max Burden 120.0 Health 29:41 Perception 14 = 7 +6 +1 Depth 500' Voice 59:59 Will 7 = 1 +6 Min Depth 150' Smithing 12 = 6 +6 Light Radius 2 Song 9 = 3 +6 You are the only child of a smith from the house of Finarfin. You have light grey eyes, straight golden hair, and a fair complexion. [Equipment] a) a Longsword (Defender) (+0,2d5) [+2] 3.0 lb It cannot be harmed by the elements. b) (nothing) c) (nothing) d) (nothing) e) a Driftwood Amulet of Adornment f) a Brass Lantern (with 2929 turns of light) g) Studded Leather of Stealth [-2,1d6] <+2> It improves your stealth by 2. h) (nothing) i) a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3] It cannot be harmed by the elements. j) a Helm of Clarity [-1,1d2] It provides resistance to confusion, stunning, and hallucination. k) (nothing) l) a Pair of Boots [+0,1d1] m) 60 Arrows They can be shot by a bow. n) 18 Arrows (+3) They can be shot by a bow. [Inventory] a) a Yellow Herb of Rage b) 2 Thorny Herbs of Sustenance c) a Pale Green Herb of Terror d) 2 Fragments of Lembas e) a Runed Staff of Treasures (2 charges) f) a Wooden Torch (with 2033 turns of light) g) 3 Wooden Torches (with 2000 turns of light) h) a Crown of Grace <+1> It increases your grace by 1. It cannot be harmed by the elements. i) a Curved Sword (-1,2d6) [+1] 4.0 lb j) a Shortsword (+0,1d7) [+1] 1.0 lb k) a Longsword (+0,2d5) [+1] 2.5 lb l) a Longsword (+0,2d5) [+1] 3.0 lb m) a Longsword (+0,2d5) [+1] 3.5 lb n) 2 Bastard Swords (-2,3d3) [+1] 8.0 lb It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. o) 4 Spears (-1,1d9) 12.0 lb It can be thrown effectively (4 squares). It does extra damage when wielded with both hands. It counts as a type of polearm. p) a Quarterstaff of Gondolin (+0,2d3) [+2] 4.5 lb It slays orcs and trolls. It requires both hands to wield it properly. [Notes] Nessa of the Noldor Entered Angband on 25 Jun 2014 Turn Depth Note 0 50 ft (Song of Elbereth) 0 50 ft (Power) 498 100 ft (Armoursmith) 498 100 ft (Enchantment) 890 100 ft Made a Crown of Grace <+1> 3.0 lb 1,022 100 ft Made a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3] 4.5 lb 1,153 100 ft Made Studded Leather of Stealth [-2,1d6] <+2> 9.5 lb 1,862 250 ft (Disguise) 2,118 300 ft Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher 2,562 400 ft (Lore-Keeper) 2,772 500 ft (Lore-Master) ['Score' 010097228] |
Posted on 25.6.2014 05:27
22. on the Competition No.158 Ladder (of 29)
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