The Angband Ladder: Blackbot, Android Ninja by Roch

  [PosChengband 3.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name       : Blackbot                     ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR! :    18/200
 Personality: Combat                             INT! :    18/130
 Race       : Android                            WIS  :     18/39
 Subrace    : None                               DEX  :    18/***
 Class      : Ninja                              CON! :    18/170
                                                 CHR  :     18/87

 Level      :       50                           HP   :   934/934
 Cur Exp    : 11824530                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    :      N/A                           AC   :       224
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:       +26

                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :   302482                     Melee      : Legendary[22]
 Kills      :     5231                     Ranged     : Legendary[25]
 Uniques    :      165                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :       86                     Stealth    : Legendary[15]
                                           Perception : Heroic
 Game Day   :       10                     Searching  : Heroic
 Game Time  :    23:20                     Disarming  : Heroic
 Play Time  :    41:10                     Device     : Superb

============================= Character Equipment =============================

a) The Falcon Sword of Julian (2d7) (+13,+17) (+2 attacks) {At;Ca;FaBs|S/*L}
b) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+12,+12) (+2 attacks)
c) The Gun 'Crimson' (+4 to speed) {SpSl;ShBl;Fa}
d) a Ring of Combat (+0,+19) (+3) {StDx}
e) a Ring of Speed (+10) {Sp}
f) The Amulet of The Pitch Dark Night [+5] (+4) {SlSr;Dk;SiLu}
h) Power Dragon Scale Mail (-3) [40,+21] {AcElFiCoPoLiDkShCfSoNtNxCaDi}
i) a Pair of Dragon Wings of Electricity [4,+23] {ElBlNt;Lv[E}
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) [+10%] {InWi;BlCf~Tele}
k) The Set of Dragon Gloves of Gondor [4,+15] (+3 to stealth)
l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to
speed) {SpDx;Nx;FaLv(Dx}

              ||}==" [(]]]                              ||}==" [(]]]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : .......+.....  50%           Speed      : ..+.+......++
 Elec       : .......++....  50%           Free Act   : +++........++
 Fire       : .......+.....  50%           See Invis  : .+...+......+
 Cold       : .......+.....  50%           Warning    : .............
 Poison     : .......+....#  77%           SlowDigest : ..........+.+
 Light      : .+.....+.....  65%           Regenerate : .............
 Dark       : .....+.+.....  65%           Levitation : ........+..+.
 Confusion  : .......+.++..  72%           Perm Lite  : .+...+.......
 Nether     : .......++....  65%           Reflection : .............
 Nexus      : .......+...+.  65%           Hold Life  : ............+
 Sound      : .+.....+..+..  72%           Sust Str   : .............
 Shards     : ..+....+.....  65%           Sust Int   : .............
 Chaos      : +......+.....  65%           Sust Wis   : .............
 Disenchant : .......+.....  50%           Sust Dex   : ...........++
 Time       : .............   0%           Sust Con   : .............
 Blindness  : ..+.....++...  72%           Sust Chr   : .............
 Fear       : ..........+.+                Dec Mana   : .............
 Aura Fire  : .............                Easy Spell : .............
 Aura Elec  : ........+.... 6d7+2          Anti Magic : .............
 Aura Cold  : .............                Telepathy  : .........+...

              ||}==" [(]]]                              ||}==" [(]]]
              abcdefghijkl@                             abcdefghijkl
 Slay Evil  : ++...........                Telepathy  : .........+...
 Slay Undead: ++...........                ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Demon : .............                ESP Noliv. : .............
 Slay Dragon: .............                ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Human : .............                ESP Undead : .............
 Slay Animal: .............                ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Orc   : .+...........                ESP Dragon : .............
 Slay Troll : .............                ESP Human  : .............
 Slay Giant : .............                ESP Animal : .............
 Slay Good  : .............                ESP Orc    : .+...........
 Acid Brand : .............                ESP Troll  : .+...........
 Elec Brand : .............                ESP Giant  : .+...........
 Fire Brand : .............                Device Pow : .............
 Cold Brand : .............                Spell Pow  : .............
 Pois Brand : .............                Spell Cap  : .........+... +10%
 Mana Brand : .............                Magic Res  : .............
 Sharpness  : +............                Infravision: .............
 Quake      : .............                Stealth    : ..+..+....+..
 Vampiric   : .............                Searching  : .....+....+..
 Chaotic    : .............                Cursed     : .............
 Add Blows  : ++...........                Rnd Tele   : .............
 Blessed    : +............                No Tele    : .............
 Riding     : .............                Drain Exp  : .............
 Tunnel     : .............                Aggravate  : .............
 Throw      : .............                TY Curse   : .............

              ||}==" [(]]]
              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
        STR!: .2.3......... 18/110  3  0  1  5 18/200
        INT!: .........23.. 18/110 -1 -1 -1  5 18/130
        WIS : .........2...  18/89 -5 -1 -1  2  18/39
        DEX : .2.3......34s  18/99  1  3  1 12 18/***
        CON!: .2........... 18/100  3  2  0  2 18/170
        CHR : .............  18/67  0  2  0  0  18/87

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Falcon Sword of Julian (2d7) (+13,+17) (+2 at Accuracy
 Weight : 3.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 To Hit : 13 + 37 = 50                                       25 88%
 To Dam : 17 + 28 = 45                                       50 81%
 Blows  : 6.25                                               75 74%
 Skill  : 67.5%                                             100 67%
 Damage                                                     125 60%
 Crits  : 1.07x + 0.54                                      150 53%
 Normal : 343 (293-393) [1.30x]                             175 46%
 Evil   : 409 (312-506) [2.60x]                             200 39%
 Undead : 471 (325-618) [3.90x]

 Hand #2: The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+12,+12) (+2 attac Accuracy
 Weight : 7.5 lbs                                            AC Hit
 To Hit : 12 + 41 = 53                                       25 88%
 To Dam : 12 + 17 = 29                                       50 80%
 Blows  : 6.25                                               75 73%
 Skill  : 61.8%                                             100 65%
 Damage                                                     125 58%
 Crits  : 1.09x + 0.69                                      150 50%
 Normal : 202 (187-218) [1.09x]                             175 42%
 Evil   : 227 (193-262) [2.18x]                             200 35%
 Undead : 250 (200-300) [3.27x]
 Orcs   : 250 (200-300) [3.27x]

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Gun 'Crimson' (+4 to speed)
 Range   : 140'
 Shots   : 1.00
 Mult    : 0.00x
 To Hit  : 20 + 31 = 51
 To Dam  : 20 (Multiplier Applies)
 Xtra Dam: 0 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc
Ray Gun                1    7   0% dam 30
Blaster               10   13   0% dam 55
Bazooka               25   26   0% dam 125
Beam Cannon           35   40   0% dam 175
Rocket Launcher       45   60   4% dam 350
Quick Walk            20    0   0% 

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  99
!Camelot         : level  35
!Orc cave        : level  23
!Labyrinth       : level  28
 Dragon's lair   : level  72
!Castle          : level  65
!Icky cave       : level  35
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
 Arena           : level  76

 Now, you are in Angwil.

==================================== Quests ===================================
< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  1
  King Duosi, the Chief of Southerings     (Dungeon level:   6) - level  9
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 12
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 27
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 27
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 28
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 28
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 38
  Wutugu, the Chief of Southerings         (Dungeon level:  12) - level 38
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 38
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 38
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 38
  Vapor Quest                              (Danger  level:  25) - level 40
  Kharis the Powerslave                    (Dungeon level:  24) - level 47
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 47
  Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir              (Dungeon level:  38) - level 48
  Madame Debby                             (Dungeon level:  44) - level 48
  Raou the Conqueror                       (Dungeon level:  50) - level 48
  The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft           (Danger  level:  50) - level 48
  Doom Quest 2                             (Danger  level:  55) - level 48
  Haunted House                            (Danger  level:  48) - level 49
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 49
  Habu the Champion of Chaos               (Dungeon level:  56) - level 49
  Glaaki                                   (Dungeon level:  62) - level 49
  Killing Fields                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 50
  Spawning Pits                            (Danger  level:  65) - level 50
  Surtur the Giant Fire Demon              (Dungeon level:  76) - level 50
  Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One              (Dungeon level:  88) - level 50

< Failed Quest >

 Arena: 35 Victories

============================== Defeated Monsters ==============================

You have defeated 5231 enemies including 165 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 20 >
  Yog-Sothoth, the All-in-One              (level  90)
  Surtur the Giant Fire Demon              (level  85)
  Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire     (level  85)
  Godzilla                                 (level  84)
  Cyaegha                                  (level  80)
  Hela, Queen of the Dead                  (level  78)
  The Mouth of Sauron                      (level  78)
  Corwin, Lord of Avalon                   (level  78)
  Cthugha, the Living Flame                (level  78)
  Yig, Father of Serpents                  (level  76)
  Y'golonac                                (level  75)
  Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God             (level  75)
  Ungoliant, the Unlight                   (level  75)
  Gerard, Strongman of Amber               (level  74)
  Biketal of Fire                          (level  73)
  Omarax the Eye Tyrant                    (level  73)
  Banor=Rupart                             (level  71)
  Rupart the General                       (level  71)
  Banor the Prince Regent                  (level  71)
  Julian, Master of Arden Forest           (level  69)

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 17 Flasks of oil
b) 9 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
c) 7 Potions of Heroism
d) 38 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
e) 6 Potions of Curing
f) 9 Scrolls of Teleportation
g) 10 Scrolls of Teleport Level
h) 2 Scrolls of Holy Prayer
i) 4 Rods of Recall
j) a Rod of Healing
k) 4 Rods of Teleport Other

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 8 Mushrooms of Restoring {25% off, !E}
b) 55 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
c) 13 Potions of Resist Heat {!k!q}
d) 19 Potions of Resist Cold {!k!q}
e) 20 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
f) 9 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}
g) 6 Potions of Life {!k!q}
h) 2 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k}
i) 11 Potions of Resistance {!k!q}
j) 26 Potions of Curing {50% off}
k) 3 Potions of New Life {!*!*}
l) 2 Potions of Giant Strength {!k}

 ( page 2 )
a) 8 Potions of Stone Skin {!k}
b) 8 Scrolls of Teleport Level
c) 4 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
d) a Scroll of *Enchant Weapon*
e) 16 Scrolls of Recharging
f) 2 Scrolls of Mundanity
g) 26 Scrolls of Holy Prayer
h) 24 Scrolls of Monster Confusion
i) 2 Scrolls of Protection from Evil
j) a Scroll of Rune of Protection
k) 20 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
l) 6 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}

 ( page 3 )
a) 2 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {!*}
b) 16 Scrolls of Forest Creation
c) 4 Scrolls of Reset Recall
d) a Scroll of Weapon Branding
e) a Rod of Speed
f) 2 Rods of Havoc
g) 2 Rods of Mana Balls
h) 3 Wands of Teleport Other (25 charges)
i) 5 Wands of Disintegrate (16 charges)
j) 2 Wands of Rockets (7 charges)
k) 4 Staffs of Healing (4x 3 charges)
l) a Staff of Speed (8 charges)

 ( page 4 )
a) a Staff of Speed (7 charges)
b) 4 Staffs of Speed (4x 6 charges)
c) 3 Staffs of Speed (3x 5 charges)
d) a Staff of Power (0 charges)
e) a Staff of Holiness (4 charges)
f) 3 Staffs of Destruction (3x 5 charges)
g) 2 Staffs of Destruction (2x 4 charges)
h) 2 Staffs of Mana Storm (2x 5 charges)
i) 2 Rings of Speed (+7)
j) a Ring of Combat (+0,+17) (+3) {StDx}
k) a Ring (Defender) [+6] {SoDi;FaSiLv}
l) a Ring of Combat (+0,+20)

 ( page 5 )
a) an Elemental Charm {AcElFiCoPo}
b) a Torc of the Hero (+6,+4) [+3] {Fe;FaSiRg[F(StDxCn}
c) an Amulet of Trickery (+1) {Sr;Nx(Dx}
d) The Charmed Pendant [+5] (+2) {InChSrIf;EsFaSiSdRgLuWr[FEC}
e) The Amulet 'Yasaka-no-Magatama' (+3) {InChSr;ElFiCo;FaSi}
f) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+3) {StCnIf;-Sl;Bl;FaSiRgLu}
g) The Amulet of Boromir (+0,+8) {Fe(St}
h) The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3 to infravision) {If[FE}
i) The Phial 'Corona' (+2) {Dx;Sd}
j) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching)
k) The Star of Elendil (+1 to speed)
l) The Stone of Lore

 ( page 6 )
a) The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) {WiCh~Tele}
b) The Trump Card (+2) {Ch}
c) Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+18] {AcElFiCoPo}
d) Balance Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+13] {ShSoCaDi}
e) The Ring Mail 'AEther Flash' (-2) [12,+6] {Co[C}
f) The Ring Mail of Giles (-2) [12,+18] (-2) {Sl;FiCoNxCa}
g) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2)
h) The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3)
i) The Double Chain Mail of Rite (-2) [16,+16] {AcElFiCoShCf}
j) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
k) The Splint Mail of Deirdre (-2) [19,+19] (+3 to speed) {SpWi;AcElDkBl}
l) The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2) {Ch;FiCa;RfLu}

 ( page 7 )
a) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcFiCoPoCfSoNx}
b) The Paper Armour of Piety [4,+19] {ElCoBl[C}
c) The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4 to stealth)
d) The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {PoNtCa[C}
e) The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] (-10)
f) The Cord Armour of Icarus [6,+17] (+1 to infravision) {StIf;Co(St}
g) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3) {Dx;AcShBl}
h) Black Clothes [4,+16] (+4 to stealth)
i) Black Clothes [4,+12] (+3 to stealth) {Sl}
j) Black Clothes of Elemental Protection [4,+24] (+4 to stealth) {Sl;AcFiCo}
k) a Cloak of Retribution [1,+6] {[CAt}
l) The Cloak 'Defender' [1,+25] {NxCa;Sd}

 ( page 8 )
a) The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7 to stealth) {SlSr;FaSiHl~Tele}
b) The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15] {AcElFiCoPo}
c) The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+10]
d) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3 to stealth) {Sl;Ac}
e) The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}
f) The Elven Cloak 'Holcolleth' [4,+15] (+3) {InWiSlSr;Ac}
g) a Fur Cloak of Retribution [3,+3] {[FECAt}
h) The Fur Cloak of Mook [3,+20] {AcCoCa;Lv}
i) The Ethereal Cloak of the Heavenly Maiden [0,+20] (+4) {Ch;ElCoPo;FaSiHlLv}
j) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {FiPoCf;Lv}
k) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {FiCa;Lv}
l) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Po;Lv}

 ( page 9 )
a) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Li;Lv}
b) a Pair of Dragon Wings of Stealth [4,+17] (+3 to stealth) {Sl;DkCa;Lv}
c) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiLiDkCa}
d) The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) {StWi;RfHl}
e) The Knight's Shield of Earendil [10,+20] {ElFiDkBlNt;Lu~Good}
f) The Mirror 'Yata-no-Kagami' [0,+18] (+3) {InWiIf;RfSiHlLu~Tele}
g) The Iron Crown of Piety [0,+30] {CoBl}
h) The Hard Leather Cap of Sam (+1,+1) [2,+7] (+1)
i) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3) [+15%] {WiCh}
j) The Iron Helm 'One Million Volt' [5,+20] (+2) {St;El}
k) The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [5,+10] (-1) {cursed,
l) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2)

 ( page 10 )
a) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand (+3,+4) [6,+20] (+3)
b) a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {PoShFe}
c) a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {FiBlNt}
d) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {Li;FaLu(Cn}
e) The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1)
f) The Set of Gauntlets of Corwin [2,+15] (+4) {Cn;Co;Rg(Cn}
g) The Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' [2,+7] {El|E}
h) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' [2,+7]
i) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' [2,+7]
j) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+15] {CfNt}
k) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {AcCoSo}
l) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {FiSo}

 ( page 11 )
a) a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {CoLi}
b) 2 Sets of Dragon Gloves [4,+10] {Li}
c) a Set of Cesti of the Thief (+2,-4) [5,+13] (+4) {DxSl(Dx}
d) a Set of Cesti of the Giant (-2,+10) [5,+5] (+3) {StCn;-InDxSl(St}
e) a Set of Cesti of the Sniper (+7,+1) [5,+7] (+4) {Sl;Xs}
f) a Set of Cesti of Slaying (+4,+8) [5,+7]
g) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5) {DxCh;NtCa;Fa(CnCh}
h) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Aragorn (+7,+3) [4,+17] (+2)
i) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+12] (+8)
j) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots 'Icy Princess' [3,+20] (+3 to infravision)
k) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {DkBl}
l) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Po}

 ( page 12 )
a) a Pair of Dragon Boots of the Fairy [5,+21] (+1 to speed)
b) a Pair of Dragon Boots of Levitation [5,+18] {BlCf;Lv}
c) The Dagger of Fiona (3d4) (+11,+11) (+1) {AtSpDx;Co;ThSiSdRg|CoP}
d) The Dagger of Rilia (2d4) (+4,+3) (+1 to speed) {Sp;PoDi;Th|P/o}
e) The Dagger 'Narthanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (+1 to speed)
f) The Dagger 'Nimthanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) (+1 to speed)
g) The Dagger 'Grimtooth' (1d4) (+5,+5) (+1 attack) {AtDx;Th|P}
h) The Main Gauche 'Littlethorn' (1d5) (+18,+6) (+3) {InCh;Nx;FaSiRg/*}
i) The Rapier 'Quickthorn' (1d7) (+27,+12) (+2 to speed) {AtSpDx;CaDi;FaSi/U}
j) The Rapier 'Forasgil' (1d6) (+12,+19) (+1 to speed) {Sp;CoLi;Lu|Co/Z}
k) The Small Sword 'Excalibur Jr.' (2d6) (+11,+11) (+1 attack) {At;Fi;SdBs/DLZ}
l) The Short Sword of Merlin (1d7) (+11,+11) (+2 attacks) {At;Di;SiSdRg/Z}

 ( page 13 )
a) The Sabre 'Careth Asdriag' (1d7) (+6,+8) (+1 attack) {At/pDoTPZ}
b) The Wakizashi of Musashi (2d4) (+28,+17) (+3)
c) The Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (2d5) (+10,+15) (+3 to stealth)
d) The Long Sword of the Dawn (3d5) (+20,+20) (+3 to infravision)
e) The Long Sword of Loge, Spirit of Fire (5d5) (+1,+0) (+1) {StDx;Fi|FS}
f) a Ninjato of Westernesse (1d9) (+14,+18) (+1)
g) The Katana of Musashi (3d4) (+28,+17) (+3) {Dx(Dx}
h) The Bastard Sword 'Bloodrip' (6d6) (+10,+10) (+2) {Cn;-Sl;CfSo;FaSi|VS/A}
i) The Two-Handed Sword 'Roarer' (3d6) (+10,+12) (+2 to stealth) {Sl/*PZ}
j) The Executioner's Sword 'Crisdurian' (4d5) (+23,+24) {Si|PS/*pDoTPL}
k) a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0)
l) a Dragon Fang (1d8) (+11,+8) {ElSh|E}

 ( page 14 )
a) a Dragon Fang (1d8) (+3,+3) {Ca}
b) The Spear of Hagen (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3 to speed) {SpSlIf;CoDk;ThSi|Co/L}
c) The Glaive 'Blue Steele' (2d6) (+12,+19) {Bs|F/UZ}
d) The Lajatang of Sha Wujing (3d7) (+12,+10) (+2 to infravision)
e) The Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (2d8) (+4,+3) (+1) {StDx/oT}
f) The Whip 'hermit's purple' (1d6) (+10,+5) (+2) {InWi;Si|M~Tele}
g) The Flail 'Winblows' (8d6) (+0,+30) (-4 to speed) {cursed}
h) The Bo Staff Monkey King's Cudgel (2d11) (+20,+25) [+15] (+1 to speed)
i) The Dwarven Pick 'Fury' (1d4) (+7,+18) (+1 attack) {AtInSrDg/p(In}
j) The Sling 'Shiningcalibur' (x2) (+17,+16) (+3 to speed) {SpSt;Bl}
k) The Sling of Osric (x2) (+14,+13) {Xs}
l) The Sling of Buckland (x3) (+19,+15) (+3 to speed) {Sp;LiBlCf;Xm}

 ( page 15 )
a) The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x4) (+15,+17) (+2) {DxChSl;Di;Xm}
b) The Long Bow of Bard (x4) (+17,+19) (+3) {Dx;FaXm}
c) The Long Bow of Yoichi (x4) (+40,+13) (+4) {Dx;SiXm}
d) The Light Crossbow of Wilhelm Tell (x5) (+40,+13) (+4) {Dx;SiXm/p}
e) The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+12) (+4) {StIf;Fi[F|F}
f) The Heavy Crossbow of Osric (x5) (+11,+17) (+2) {Dx;Xm}
g) The Heavy Crossbow 'Ballista' (x5) (+10,+12) (+3) {St;Cf;Xm}
h) 24 Seeker Arrows (6d4) (+4,+7)
i) The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) {/XD}
j) a Magical Figurine of a Mature white dragon

==================================== Museum ===================================

 ( page 1 )
a) The Double Ring Mail 'Steelskin' (-2) [15,+16] (+4) <-30%> {cursed,
b) The Splint Mail of Thunder (-2) [19,+11] (+3 to infravision) {cursed,
c) The Full Plate Armour of Achilles (-3) [25,+11] (+3) {cursed,
d) The Leather Scale Mail 'Meganoid' (-1) [11,+19] (+4) {cursed,

================================ Last Messages ================================

> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> You are getting hungry.
> You have 17 Flasks of oil.
> You replenish yourself with the oil.
> You are no longer hungry.
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> You feel less weak.
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> In your pack: a Barbarian Talisman (+2) {-In} (l).
> In your pack: a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Po} (m).
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
> There is a permanent wall blocking your way. <x2>
> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> Selling a Barbarian Talisman (+2) {-In} (l).
> You eventually agree upon the price.
> Okay.
> You sold a Barbarian Talisman (+2) {-In} for 1 gold.
> You have no more Barbarian Talisman (+2) {-In}.
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!
> You are exposed to common sight once more.
> You drop a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Po} (l).
> You have no more Pairs of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Po}.
> You are mantled in shadow from ordinary eyes!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ENABLED
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Check Sum: "ba422df8d3027cd889"]

Posted on 26.11.2013 05:56
Last updated on 29.11.2013 10:53

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5544. on the Ladder (of 19044)
396. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
30. for this player (


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On 26.11.2013 05:56 Roch wrote:
Smaug's hoard included a brilliant set of dragon scale mail - could it be? Yes! PDSM, a very nice find for an android ninja for both resistances and levels.

On 26.11.2013 06:25 Roch wrote:
The acquirement scroll from the arena resulted in Buckland and +3 speed when read on dragon caves level 66, pretty good. Heading into the cloning pits to see what I can do.

On 26.11.2013 08:30 Roch wrote:
CP went well, OC was harder with a planetar, greater balrog, and lord of chaos. But the OC reward helps if I want to wield Sting, and I also picked up Jack's cloak in the OC which is nice for a ninja. With Hammerhand I hit level 50, but it's too heavy to wear.

On 26.11.2013 08:43 Roch wrote:
The haunted house was hiding Shiva's boots, so after a slight shuffle I lose a level but gain a little speed.

On 26.11.2013 09:16 Roch wrote:
Wow, my first glimpse of the new and improved doom quest II, very nice.

On 26.11.2013 09:17 Roch wrote:
Started with a sub-par life rating, quaffed a ! of new life, new life is worse than old life.

On 26.11.2013 17:55 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
When was the DQ2 quest vhanged?

On 27.11.2013 11:15 Roch wrote:
I really ought to do some juggling and plug that elec res hole.

On 27.11.2013 17:10 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Look out for Great Storm Wyrms and Elder storm giants. :)

On 27.11.2013 18:23 Roch wrote:
Hugo -- not sure when it was changed -- I think for 3.0 (I haven't upgraded to the latest version).

On 28.11.2013 07:01 Roch wrote:
Sometimes I lose track of which angband levels are quest levels -- it just happened when I descended and had to take on Yog-Sothoth with few resources or else lose fame. It was a smallish level, and after a couple of cyberdemon summons I was starting to get nervous. But the little guy prevailed and so the saga continues.

On 28.11.2013 07:55 Roch wrote:
This is for Hugo, a foolhardy attempt at the spawning pits. It's not too bad for a ninja and his chain hook to get the Q's, but I also drew omarax, which was a problem. He summoned ultimate beholders, who summoned more in turn. I was able to mop them up, but it was touch and go. Tough quest.

On 28.11.2013 08:09 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
The Spawning Pits quest is manageable once the summons are controlled. As for the Royal Crypt...uh...those TWO druj rooms are very sadistic traps...among the worst of the worst.

On 28.11.2013 08:09 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Where did you get *this* Power Dragon Scale Mail?

On 28.11.2013 18:32 Roch wrote:
Smaug was the kind benefactor, a very nice surprise at a relatively early point in the game.

On 29.11.2013 10:53 Roch wrote:
Got a nice artifact falcon sword from reforging; artifact scroll on some dragon gloves at angband 99 not so much.

On 30.11.2013 07:02 Roch wrote:
Should have just gone for the serpent, died screwing around with Atlas in the arena without healing.

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