The Angband Ladder: clouded, Naugrim Belegost no-class by clouded

  [Sil 1.1.0 Character Dump]

 Name   clouded       Age       43       Str   4 =  3  +1
 Sex    Male          Height   4'3       Dex   2
 Race   Naugrim       Weight   169       Con   6 =  5          +1
 House  Belegost                         Gra   2

 Game Turn   29,846   Melee  (+17,3d7)   Melee       17 = 20  +2  -3  -2
 Exp Pool     8,035          (+17,3d7)   Archery      1 =  0  +2      -1
 Total Exp   82,935   Bows    (+1,1d8)   Evasion     12 = 14  +2  -4
 Burden       156.9   Armor [+12,9-27]   Stealth      5 =  7  +2  -4
 Max Burden   207.3                      Perception  14 =  9  +2  +3
 Depth           0'   Health     59:59   Will        15 = 12  +2      +1
 Min Depth       0'   Voice       3:57   Smithing     5 =  2  +2      +1
 Light Radius     7                      Song        14 = 10  +2  +2

 You are the only child of a Dwarven Craftsman. You are the black sheep
 of the family. You have dark brown eyes, straight black hair, a two
 foot beard, and a ruddy complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You hit the Troll guard!
> The Troll guard misses you. <2x>
> The Troll guard hits you...
> The Troll guard misses you.
> The Troll guard hits you.
> You strike out at everything around you!
> You hit the Troll guard. <2x>
> You hit the Troll guard!
> You have slain the Troll guard.
> You hit the Troll guard! <2x>
> The Troll guard grunts in anger.
> The Troll guard misses you.
> The Troll guard hits you.
> Your rage subsides.
> You end your song.




a) a Battle Axe of Hador's House (-3,3d5) {@w0} 5.2 lb
   It grants you the ability: Follow-Through.  It does extra
   damage when wielded with both hands.  
b) a Shortbow of Gondolin (+0,1d7) 1.6 lb
   It slays orcs and trolls.  It can shoot arrows 12 squares
   (with your current strength).
c) a Beryl Ring of Accuracy (+3)
d) a Ruby Ring of Perception <+3>
   It improves your perception by 3.  
e) a Coral Amulet of Regeneration
   It speeds your regeneration (which also increases your hunger).
f) a Silmaril
   It sustains your grace.  It grants you the ability to see
   invisible creatures.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
g) The Mail Corslet of Durin (-1) [-3,3d3]
   It provides resistance to cold and fire.  It speeds your
   regeneration (which also increases your hunger).  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
h) The Cloak of Maglor [+1] <+2>
   It improves your song by 2.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It grants you the ability: Unwavering Voice.  
i) a Mithril Shield of Frost (-1) [+0,1d6]
   It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed by the
j) a Great Helm of Clarity [-2,1d3]
   It provides resistance to confusion, stunning, and 
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Strength (-1) [+0,1d1] <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  
l) a Pair of Mithril Greaves of Free Action [+0,1d3]
   It grants you freedom of movement.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
m) 93 Arrows
   They can be shot 12 squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) (nothing)


a) a Russet Herb of Rage
b) 7 Pale Green Herbs of Healing
c) a Dark Green Herb of Restoration
d) 3 Pieces of Dark Bread
e) 5 Flasks of oil
f) 2 Clear Potions of Miruvor
g) 4 Murky Brown Potions of Orcish Liquor
h) 5 Brown Potions of Healing
i) 4 Sparkling Blue Potions of Quickness
j) 5 Crimson Potions of Strength
k) a Cloudy Potion of Constitution
l) an Elm Staff of Freedom (5 charges)
m) a Rosewood Staff of Revelations (6 charges)
n) a Rosewood Staff of Revelations (0 charges)
o) a Garnet Ring of Dexterity <+1>
   It increases your dexterity by 1.  It sustains your dexterity.
p) a Brass Lantern of True Sight (with 3529 turns of light)
   It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination.  It
   grants you the ability to see invisible creatures.  
q) a Long Corslet of Resilience (-2) [-4,2d5] <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
r) a Great Helm of Brilliance [-2,1d3]
   It lights the dungeon around you.  
s) a Bastard Sword of Nargothrond (-1,3d4) [+1] 3.5 lb
   It slays dragons and raukar.  It does extra damage when
   wielded with both hands.  
t) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 14.7 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 3.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  


clouded of the Naugrim
Entered Angband on 22 Sep 2012

    Turn     Depth    Note

       1     50 ft    Challenge: Disconnected stairs
       1     50 ft    Challenge: Straight down (no up stairs until endgame)
       4     50 ft    (Weaponsmith)
     134     50 ft    (Power)
     578    100 ft    Made a Battle Axe (-3,3d4)  4.5 lb
     665    100 ft    Made a Great Spear (-1,1d13) [+1]  4.5 lb
     716    100 ft    Made a Mattock (-5,5d2) <+2>  13.0 lb
   2,029    200 ft    (Keen Senses)
   3,259    250 ft    Slew Gorgol, the Butcher
   7,379    350 ft    long corslet of resilience
   8,073    350 ft    Slew Boldog, the Merciless
   8,842    350 ft    (Blocking)
   8,842    350 ft    (Heavy Armour Use)
  10,279    400 ft    (Inner Light)
  11,398    450 ft    Orcobal fled down stairs
  11,896    450 ft    Hm Uldor
  11,896    450 ft    doubt I can kill him
  11,916    450 ft    Slew Uldor, the Accursed
  11,917    450 ft    okay, I guess I can kill him easily
  11,917    450 ft    battle axe power
  13,324    500 ft    (Focused attack)
  15,243    600 ft    nether worms messing shit up
  15,268    600 ft    my melee penalty is ridiculous right now
  15,268    600 ft    -6 and I have 1 dex
  15,360    600 ft    ack
  15,360    600 ft    this is sucking
  15,508    600 ft    Slew Ulfang the Black
  15,514    600 ft    Found The Cloak of Maglor
  15,669    600 ft    (Concentration)
  16,046    600 ft    wow a kemenrauko???
  16,046    600 ft    that's quite nasty at 600ft...
  16,103    600 ft    managed to kill it but I'm in a bad spot here
  16,516    600 ft    having to run from Gilim
  16,564    650 ft    (Hardiness)
  17,140    650 ft    (Controlled Retreat)
  17,140    650 ft    Kemenrauko :(
  18,238    650 ft    (Critical Resistance)
  18,317    650 ft    Found The Mail Corslet of Durin
  19,171    700 ft    (Mind Over Body)
  19,462    700 ft    Destroyed Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow
  19,496    700 ft    Got some greaves from Belegwath, and they are actually 
  21,363    800 ft    Slew Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
  21,365    800 ft    had to do a ton of dancing to kill that guy
  21,365    800 ft    he basically never damaged me though
  21,582    800 ft    (Song of Slaying)
  21,582    800 ft    (Song of Sharpness)
  22,085    800 ft    ack
  22,085    800 ft    in a bad spot here
  22,085    800 ft    Scatha to one side, troll guard to the other
  22,105    800 ft    Slew Scatha the Worm
  23,097    850 ft    man this 850' was tiny
  23,291    900 ft    (Constitution)
  23,314    900 ft    this must be Turkano
  23,314    900 ft    got a huge rauko pack on my
  23,355    900 ft    well I don't see him anywhere so must just have been a 
                      ton of rauko 
  24,294    900 ft    Cat prince fled before I could crush him underfoot
  24,883    950 ft    too afraid to melee great drakes right now
  24,911    950 ft    Vallach...
  24,961    950 ft    shittttt
  24,961    950 ft    this guy disarms me alot even with 4 str...
  24,961    950 ft    and now my only weapon is underneath him
  25,021    950 ft    Destroyed Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame
  25,022    950 ft    fuck!
  25,022    950 ft    that guy was a nightmare!
  25,022    950 ft    had to use a lot of stuff to kill him
  25,175    950 ft    (Crowd Fighting)
  25,942    950 ft    Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
  26,256    950 ft    Lungorthin is here too
  26,274    950 ft    hm
  26,274    950 ft    not sure I can kill him without using consumables
  26,274    950 ft    and my stat potions are diminishing
  26,299    950 ft    Destroyed Lungorthin, Lord of Balrogs
  26,300    950 ft    well, took one !quickness
  26,368    950 ft    thinking about taking rapid attack but it is a lot of 
  26,368    950 ft    I need to save some for exchange places
  26,518    950 ft    (Exchange Places)
  26,763    950 ft    Well, here we go...
  26,764  1,000 ft    Entered Morgoth's throne room
  26,764  1,000 ft    alright
  26,764  1,000 ft    so what's my plan?
  26,835  1,000 ft    (Follow-Through)
  26,835  1,000 ft    (Opportunist)
  26,835  1,000 ft    (Rapid Attack)
  26,842  1,000 ft    ack
  26,842  1,000 ft    I'm gorged :/
  26,853  1,000 ft    Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth
  26,870  1,000 ft    Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown
  26,879  1,000 ft    Slew Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger
  26,886    950 ft    (Song of the Trees)
  26,886    950 ft    (Song of Este)
  27,133    950 ft    Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane
  28,966    600 ft    ah
  28,966    600 ft    found shelob and I want to kill her, but morgoth just 
                      showed up 
  29,260    450 ft    Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  29,576    150 ft    Slew Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin
  29,735     Gates    Entered The Gates of Angband
  29,807     Gates    Slew Carcharoth, the Jaws of Thirst

  29,845     Gates    You escaped the Iron Hells on 22 September 2012.
  29,845     Gates    You brought back a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown!

  ['Score' 041170154]

Posted on 22.9.2012 06:03
Last updated on 22.9.2012 22:27

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443. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 22.9.2012 06:03 clouded wrote:
The next ironman attempt. Going well, but without stealth, which could lead to some bad things. Stopping for now because I'd like to ask a question; at what turncount will my mindepth become 600'? For some reason I've been behind the clock this game and I don't want to be forced to skip a depth.

Hopefully I don't kill this one when I resume tomorrow!

On 22.9.2012 06:17 clouded wrote:
I guess 350ft was where all my time went, don't remember anything significant about that level so I'm not sure what it was.

On 22.9.2012 12:38 Scatha wrote:
You get 1000+X turns with a minimum depth of Xft.

So your minimum depth will become 600 when 11,000 + 3,300 = 14,300 turns have elapsed.

On 22.9.2012 17:42 clouded wrote:
Scatha: Thanks. That's fairly easy to remember. I'll make a table to reference while I play.

On 22.9.2012 19:06 clouded wrote:
It looks like disconnected stairs isn't working now that I've loaded my save, I haven't tried going up stairs and I don't want to. I'll have to test this after the game ends.

On 22.9.2012 19:25 clouded wrote:
Dump updated at 650ft. Things are getting tough here. My melee penalties are enormous. -7! Having to rely on focused attack/concentration a lot.

On 22.9.2012 19:52 clouded wrote:
Found Durin's mail, the regen should be very useful for me.

On 22.9.2012 20:35 clouded wrote:
Updated at 850ft. Feeling pretty good now; song of sharpness, good resists, plenty of melee/evasion, decent number of consumables. Should be able to win if I don't mess up!

On 22.9.2012 21:16 clouded wrote:
Woah, you can build up concentration through attack-controlled retreat-attack-retreat? That is amazing, makes this character build even better than I had realised!

On 22.9.2012 22:27 clouded wrote:
Won it! Really fun. Had some great balrog encounters on 950ft, I love fighting Vallach.

This build has to be one of favourites. Suits my playstyle exactly.

On 22.9.2012 23:55 Scatha wrote:
Nice going. Your combat stats do look pretty modest overall for a win, but I guess you have a lot of support abilities.

Sounds like the Balrog encounters are turning out just about right (at least for this character), so I'm pleased about that!

Was Controlled Retreat your defeat for combats? You can also get interesting decisions as to whether to use the alternate turns to pass (for Focused Attack and Blocking), or get an extra blow in. Looks like you were geared up to get maximum advantage out of the former.

By the way, I'm not certain off-hand whether regeneration from multiple sources stacks (but it should do ... it at least didn't at some point in the past, and I can't remember whether this has been changed).

On 23.9.2012 00:20 clouded wrote:
Scatha: I should have turned rapid attack off at the end, I had only learned it for the throne room while quaffing str (and I turned it on for Carcharoth). So I was at +20,3d10 actually and getting lots of stuff from my perception.

I used all of my abilities equally I feel. Against some things I did a lot of focusing (vampires, rauko, cats), against some things retreating (uniques, kemenrauko), against other things I would just let my concentration rise (trolls, serpents, drakes). It's a fairly balanced build for dealing with different sorts of enemies I think.

Maybe it doesn't stack, since I did an offhand test looking at regen without my amulet on and with it on and it didn't seem significantly different, but I didn't pay that close attention to it. I didn't have any better amulets anyway.

On 24.9.2012 11:00 half wrote:
That's a great build. Looks like lots of fun, and I'm glad to see someone enjoying Controlled Retreat.

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