The Angband Ladder: Sleid, Dunadan Warrior by Derakon
[Angband 3.1.2 Character Dump] Name Sleid Self RB CB EB Best Sex Male Age 51 STR! 18/100 +1 +5 +7 18/*** Race Dunadan Height 82 INT: 18/70 +2 -2 +8 18/150 Class Warrior Weight 213 WIS: 18/65 +2 -2 +5 18/115 Title ***WINNER*** Social Respected DEX! 18/100 +2 +2 +3 18/170 HP 665/1065 Maximize Y CON! 18/100 +3 +2 +8 18/*** SP 0/0 CHR: 18/84 +2 -1 +0 18/94 Level 47 Armor [57,+126] Saving Throw 78% Cur Exp 5556457 Fight (+56,+34) Stealth Excellent Max Exp 5556457 Melee (+71,+47) Fighting Legendary Adv Exp 6300000 Shoot (+74,+15) Shooting Legendary MaxDepth 5000' (L100) Blows 6/turn Disarming 94% Game Turns 414758 Shots 1/turn Magic Device 66 Player Turns 64648 Infra 0 ft Perception 1 in 35 Active Turns 58433 Speed 21 Searching 17% Gold 10755212 Burden 400.0 lbs You are one of several children of a Serf. You are a well liked child. You have brown eyes, wavy brown hair, and a dark complexion. rAcid:..+...+..+... rConf:.....++...... rElec:..+.+++.++... Sound:......+...... rFire:..+...+.+*+.. Shard:............. rCold:+.+..+++++... Nexus:............. rPois:............. Nethr:....+........ rFear:..+.........+ Chaos:+............ rLite:+............ Disen:........+.... rDark:............. S.Dig:..+......+... rBlnd:..+.......... Feath:............. Light:..+.+........ Aggrv:............. Regen:.....+...++.. Stea.:..........+.. ESP:........+.... Sear.:............. Invis:+.+.......... Infra:............. FrAct:.++.+.....+.. Tunn.:..+.......... HLife:......+...... Speed:..++....++++. ImpHP:............. Blows:............. ImpSP:............. Shots:............. Fear:............. Might:.+........... [Last Messages] > The Ghoul wakes up. > In your pack: The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] (t). > You have 21 Scrolls titled "tracero cero" of Identify (k). > You see Augmented Chain Mail [42]. > You have Augmented Chain Mail [42] (s). > You have no room for a Long Bow (x3). > The Ghoul wakes up. > The Ghoul misses you. > You have no room for a Long Bow (x3). > On the ground: a Long Bow of Power (x3) (+15,+24) {squelch}. > You have 20 Scrolls titled "tracero cero" of Identify (k). > You have no room for a Long Bow (x3). > On the ground: a Long Bow of Lothlorien (x4) (+26,+18) (+1). > You have 19 Scrolls titled "tracero cero" of Identify (k). > The Ghoul misses you. Killed by Ripe Old Age. [Character Equipment] a) The Blade of Chaos 'Inaur' (6d5) (+15,+13) (+2) +2 strength, constitution. Slays demons. *Slays* dragons, undead. Branded with acid. Provides resistance to cold, light, chaos. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Combat info: 6 blows/round. Average damage/hit: 132.9 vs. demons, 132.9 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 174.6 vs. dragons, 174.6 vs. undead, and 70.2 vs. others. b) The Heavy Crossbow of Carthim (x6) (+18,+15) (+2) +2 shooting power. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Prevents paralysis. c) The Ring of Barandil (+5) +5 strength, intelligence, wisdom, tunneling, speed. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, fear, blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Slows your metabolism. Prevents paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Radius 1 light. d) a Quartzite Ring of Speed (+9) +9 speed. e) The Amulet of Cardh (+3) +3 dexterity. Provides resistance to lightning, nether. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Prevents paralysis. When activated, it grants temporary resistance to acid for 1d10+10 turns. Takes 102 to 111 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 88.4% Radius 1 light. f) The Arkenstone of Earwe (+1) +1 intelligence. Provides resistance to lightning, cold, confusion. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains wisdom. Speeds regeneration. When activated, it detects treasure, traps, doors, stairs, and all creatures nearby. Takes 96 to 186 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 88.4% Radius 3 light. g) Gold Dragon Scale Mail of Permanence [28,+28] Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, confusion, sound. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma. Sustains your life force. h) The Cloak 'Lorontel' [1,+17] (+3) +3 constitution. Provides resistance to cold. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. i) The Leather Shield of Hargol (+3,+8) [8,+19] (+2) +2 speed. Provides resistance to lightning, fire, cold, disenchantment. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants telepathy. j) The Iron Helm 'Arosgalar' (+4,+3) [7,+17] (+2) +2 intelligence, speed. Provides immunity to fire. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, cold. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains charisma. Slows your metabolism. Speeds regeneration. k) The Set of Caestus of Erdhroth (+0,+3) [5,+16] (+3) +3 constitution, stealth, speed. Provides resistance to fire. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Speeds regeneration. Prevents paralysis. When aimed, it creates a fire ball with damage 72. Takes 226 to 251 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 93.1% l) a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Speed [8,+12] (+8) +8 speed. Cannot be harmed by acid. [Character Quiver] n) 17 Seeker Bolts of Frost (4d5) (+12,+11) Branded with frost. Cannot be harmed by cold. Combat info: Hits targets up to 180 feet away. Average damage/hit: 365.9 vs. creatures not resistant to cold, and 243.9 vs. others. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. o) 17 Mithril Bolts of Lightning (3d5) (+11,+14) Branded with lightning. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire. Combat info: Hits targets up to 180 feet away. Average damage/hit: 365.9 vs. creatures not resistant to electricity, and 243.9 vs. others. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. p) 28 Seeker Bolts of Slay Animal (4d5) (+12,+13) Slays animals. Combat info: Hits targets up to 180 feet away. Average damage/hit: 342.4 vs. animals, and 256.8 vs. others. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. q) 23 Seeker Bolts of Flame (4d5) (+14,+13) Branded with flames. Cannot be harmed by fire. Combat info: Hits targets up to 180 feet away. Average damage/hit: 385.2 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, and 256.8 vs. others. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. r) 27 Bolts of Acid (1d5) (+13,+18) Branded with acid. Cannot be harmed by acid. Combat info: Hits targets up to 180 feet away. Average damage/hit: 346.7 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, and 231.1 vs. others. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. s) 22 Seeker Bolts of Slay Demon (4d5) (+19,+17) Slays demons. Combat info: Hits targets up to 180 feet away. Average damage/hit: 423.7 vs. demons, and 282.5 vs. others. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. t) 15 Seeker Bolts of Lightning (4d5) (+14,+17) Branded with lightning. Cannot be harmed by electricity. Combat info: Hits targets up to 180 feet away. Average damage/hit: 423.7 vs. creatures not resistant to electricity, and 282.5 vs. others. 25% chance of breaking upon contact. u) (nothing) v) (nothing) w) (nothing) [Character Inventory] a) 29 Pungent Potions of Cure Critical Wounds b) 6 Metallic Blue Potions of Healing {!*} c) 3 Light Green Potions of *Healing* {!*} It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect. d) a Dark Green Potion of Life It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect. e) 8 Indigo Potions of Speed {!*} f) 15 Gold Speckled Potions of Heroism g) 46 Scrolls titled "lad fabuth" of Phase Door h) 12 Scrolls titled "uive utio bar" of Teleport Level {!*} i) 3 Scrolls titled "dus rimpro do" of Banishment {!*!*!*} j) 3 Scrolls titled "sidrath anarur" of Mass Banishment {!*!*!*} k) 19 Scrolls titled "tracero cero" of Identify l) 16 Scrolls titled "or crin dia" of Word of Recall {!*!*!*} m) a Scroll titled "tirindir" of Recharging n) 39 Scrolls titled "lardil hallad" of Holy Chant o) 2 Scrolls titled "lendil" of *Destruction* {!*!*!*} p) 3 Zinc-Plated Rods of Detection {@z2} Cannot be harmed by electricity. q) a Pewter Rod of Healing (charging) Cannot be harmed by electricity. r) 6 Nickel Rods of Teleport Other s) Augmented Chain Mail of Resist Fire [42,+18] {squelch} Provides resistance to fire. Cannot be harmed by fire. t) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] (+125) {cursed} Permanently cursed. +125 strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma, infravision. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, fear, light, dark, confusion, nexus, nether. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Radius 1 light. u) The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] Slays animals, evil creatures, orcs, trolls. *Slays* dragons, demons, undead. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Aggravates creatures nearby. Combat info: 4 blows/round. Average damage/hit: 297.7 vs. animals, 297.7 vs. evil creatures, 371.9 vs. orcs, 371.9 vs. trolls, 520.4 vs. dragons, 520.4 vs. demons, 520.4 vs. undead, and 149.2 vs. others. Sometimes creates earthquakes on impact. [Home Inventory] a) 2 Zinc-Plated Wands of Teleport Other (13 charges) b) 6 Cedar Staves of Mapping (22 charges) {!*} c) 3 Cypress Staves of Speed (0 charges) {!*} d) 13 Hawthorn Staves of Identify (60 charges) e) a Sapphire Ring of Acid [+15] It brands your melee attacks with acid. Provides resistance to acid. Cannot be harmed by acid. f) a Calcite Ring of Damage (+0,+15) g) The Palantir of Eldolwe (+4) +4 dexterity, constitution, stealth, speed. Provides resistance to cold. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it maps the entire level and detects objects, trap s, doors, and stairs. Takes 158 to 310 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 81.7% Radius 3 light. h) The Augmented Chain Mail of Cuare (-2) [42,+8] (+2) +2 wisdom, speed. Provides resistance to light, sound, nexus, nether. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it grants temporary resistance to acid, electricit y, fire, cold and poison for 1d20+20 turns. Takes 254 to 310 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 91.8% i) The Hard Leather Armour of Curth (-1) [16,+18] (+1) +1 attack speed. Provides resistance to shards. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. When activated, it raises your charisma at the expense of a random attribute. Takes 127 to 139 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 93.1% j) an Elven Cloak of the Magi [6,+14] (+3) +3 intelligence, stealth. Cannot be harmed by acid. Sustains intelligence. Grants telepathy. k) The Ethereal Cloak of Ilduinas [0,+38] (+5) +5 charisma, stealth. Provides resistance to nexus, chaos, disenchantment. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. l) The Iron Crown 'Lorladol' [0,+13] (+1) +1 shooting speed. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. m) The Hard Leather Cap 'Hyarindo' [2,+18] (+4) +4 intelligence, wisdom. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, dark, blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Slows your metabolism. Sustains your life force. When aimed, it destroys traps, unlocks doors and reveals all secre t doors in a given direction. Takes 176 to 195 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 90.2% Radius 1 light. n) The Metal Cap of Ilombar [3,+22] (+4) +4 wisdom, dexterity. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, dark, sound. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Slows your metabolism. Feather Falling. Grants telepathy. When aimed, it drains up to 250 hit points of life from a target c reature. Takes 303 to 372 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 86.1% o) The Pair of Ethereal Slippers of Galfaude [0,+17] (+2) +2 strength, intelligence, wisdom. Provides resistance to poison. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Speeds regeneration. p) The Spear of Vaiath (2d6) (+15,+16) [+4] (+5) +5 strength, intelligence, wisdom, tunneling, speed. Slays animals, giants. *Slays* dragons, undead. Branded with acid, flames, frost. Provides resistance to acid, fire, poison, nexus. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Blessed by the gods. Slows your metabolism. Feather Falling. Prevents paralysis. Sustains your life force. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Combat info: 6 blows/round. Average damage/hit: 74.9 vs. animals, 82.6 vs. giants, 82.6 vs. creatures not resistant to acid, 82.6 vs. creatures not resistant to fire, 82.6 vs. creatures not resistant to cold, 98 vs. dragons, 98 vs. undead, and 59.5 vs. others. q) 27 Seeker Arrows of Slay Evil (4d4) (+7,+4) Slays evil creatures. ============================================================ CHAR. | TURN | DEPTH |LEVEL| EVENT ============================================================ 1 0' 1 Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 3713 100' 2 Reached level 2 4383 150' 3 Reached level 3 5226 150' 3 Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog 5226 150' 4 Reached level 4 18143 250' 5 Reached level 5 26080 350' 6 Reached level 6 28247 400' 7 Reached level 7 32687 450' 7 Killed Brodda, the Easterling 32687 450' 8 Reached level 8 32697 450' 8 Found The Cloak 'Lorontel' 37077 550' 9 Reached level 9 40328 600' 10 Reached level 10 40658 600' 11 Reached level 11 43489 600' 12 Reached level 12 54114 700' 13 Reached level 13 55055 700' 14 Reached level 14 58411 750' 15 Reached level 15 67820 800' 16 Reached level 16 80175 850' 16 Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog 82007 850' 17 Reached level 17 85365 900' 18 Reached level 18 94365 950' 19 Reached level 19 107315 1000' 20 Reached level 20 107536 1000' 20 Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 108780 0' 20 Killed Farmer Maggot 112306 1050' 20 Killed Bolg, Son of Azog 112306 1050' 21 Reached level 21 112322 1050' 21 Found The Lead-Filled Mace 'Anwent' (LOST) 123911 1500' 21 Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain 125743 1550' 22 Reached level 22 127726 1550' 23 Reached level 23 128476 1550' 24 Reached level 24 128807 1550' 25 Reached level 25 133023 1550' 26 Reached level 26 147623 1600' 26 Killed Lugdush, the Uruk 156831 1600' 27 Reached level 27 161071 1600' 27 Found The Pair of Ethereal Slippers of Galfaude 170419 1700' 27 Found The Short Bow of Haredh 172734 1750' 27 Found The Iron Helm of Uinimbar (LOST) 173165 1750' 27 Killed Angamaite of Umbar 177211 1750' 28 Reached level 28 202510 1950' 28 Found The Hard Leather Cap 'Hyarindo' 204113 1950' 29 Reached level 29 204154 1950' 29 Found The Cutlass 'Gildarad' (LOST) 215280 2050' 29 Killed Castamir the Usurper 220703 2050' 29 Found The Metal Cap of Ilombar 225686 2100' 30 Reached level 30 229182 2100' 30 Killed Lagduf, the Snaga 241792 2100' 30 Killed Uvatha the Horseman 247617 2200' 31 Reached level 31 251264 2200' 31 Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain 256017 2300' 31 Killed Rogrog the Black Troll 256073 2300' 31 Found The Phial of Nahablum (LOST) 256269 2300' 31 Found The Scimitar of Avath (LOST) 256282 2300' 31 Found The Scythe of Elinumog (LOST) 261503 2300' 31 Found The Small Metal Shield of Harmegin (LOST) 262283 2300' 31 Found The Leather Shield of Hargol 262754 2300' 31 Killed Nar, the Dwarf 262771 2300' 31 Found The Scimitar of Tholin (LOST) 264522 2300' 31 Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor 265724 2300' 31 Found The Scythe of Forel (LOST) 269508 2300' 31 Killed Beorn, the Shape-Changer 269642 2300' 32 Reached level 32 271560 2300' 32 Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings 274418 2350' 32 Killed Adunaphel the Quiet 274427 2350' 32 Found The Katana of Oromil (LOST) 280499 2400' 33 Reached level 33 282668 2400' 33 Reached level 33 282726 2400' 33 Found The Short Bow of Angion (LOST) 284611 2400' 33 Killed Boldor, King of the Yeeks 287276 2400' 33 Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed 289730 2600' 33 Killed Sangahyando of Umbar 289745 2600' 33 Found The Soft Leather Armour 'Ninilorn' (LOST) 293314 2800' 33 Found The Lead-Filled Mace of Ethian (LOST) 293760 2800' 33 Killed Khim, Son of Mim 299916 2850' 34 Reached level 34 300618 2850' 34 Found The Set of Leather Gloves 'Gorwe' (LOST) 303029 2850' 34 Found The Soft Leather Armour 'Ciregrim' (LOST) 307178 2850' 35 Reached level 35 309318 2850' 35 Found The Great Axe of Alascar (LOST) 312688 2900' 35 Found The Broad Sword of Yamondur (LOST) 318145 3000' 35 Killed Quaker, Master of Earth 321991 3050' 36 Reached level 36 322188 3050' 36 Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang 322482 3050' 36 Found The Spear of Vaiath 325484 3050' 37 Reached level 37 325841 3050' 37 Killed Smaug the Golden 328497 3100' 37 Killed The Queen Ant 329249 3100' 38 Reached level 38 330353 3100' 38 Found The Full Plate Armour of Feleb (LOST) 330380 3100' 38 Found The Blue Dragon Scale Mail 'Valcareth' (LOST) 330380 3100' 38 Found The Iron Helm 'Arosgalar' 330445 3100' 38 Found The Ethereal Cloak of Ilduinas 330445 3100' 38 Found The Amulet of Cardh 330614 3100' 38 Found The Lochaber Axe of Glinar (LOST) 330733 3100' 38 Found The Main Gauche 'Hadhel' (LOST) 330746 3100' 38 Found The Bastard Sword 'Anorel' (LOST) 330790 3100' 38 Found The Star 'Nimlorod' (LOST) 330790 3100' 38 Found The Arkenstone of Earwe 330816 3100' 38 Found The Whip of Andinnar (LOST) 331414 3100' 38 Found The Lochaber Axe 'Durielad' (LOST) 333250 3100' 38 Killed Ariel, Queen of Air 333863 3100' 38 Killed Scatha the Worm 333871 3100' 38 Found The Heavy Crossbow of Carthim 334915 3150' 38 Killed Grishnakh, the Hill Orc 335395 3150' 39 Reached level 39 335645 3150' 39 Killed Saruman of Many Colours 335653 3150' 39 Found The Long Sword of Beolas (LOST) 338106 3150' 39 Killed Waldern, King of Water 339439 3200' 39 Found The Flail of Hiendil (LOST) 340134 3200' 39 Killed Fundin Bluecloak 340163 3200' 39 Found The Iron Helm of Ohtar (LOST) 340515 3200' 39 Found The Light Crossbow of Maegion (LOST) 344292 3250' 40 Reached level 40 346014 3250' 40 Killed Ar-Pharazon the Golden 348719 3500' 40 Found The Mace 'Finas' (LOST) 349835 3600' 40 Killed Tselakus, the Dreadlord 349907 3600' 40 Killed Khamul, the Black Easterling 349922 3600' 40 Found The Ring of Barandil 351342 3600' 40 Killed Uriel, Angel of Fire 353359 3600' 40 Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 354047 3650' 40 Killed Tom the Stone Troll 354802 3650' 40 Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath 354812 3650' 40 Found The Iron Crown 'Lorladol' 355043 3650' 40 Found The Zweihander of Osgaldi (LOST) 355277 3650' 40 Killed The Lernaean Hydra 356805 3700' 40 Killed Glaurung, Father of the Dragons 356805 3700' 41 Reached level 41 361956 3950' 41 Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir 362109 3950' 41 Found The Mithril Chain Mail of Raith (LOST) 362935 3950' 41 Found The Set of Caestus of Erdhroth 363380 3950' 41 Killed Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops 364119 4000' 41 Killed Itangast the Fire Drake 365855 4000' 41 Found The Mattock of Cuath (LOST) 366664 4000' 41 Found The Lucerne Hammer of Drilien (LOST) 368492 4050' 42 Reached level 42 369708 4100' 42 Found The Mithril Shield 'Elorombar' (LOST) 369798 4100' 42 Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw 370630 4150' 42 Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves 371074 4200' 42 Found The Morning Star of Ulmar (LOST) 372159 4300' 42 Killed Akhorahil the Blind 372182 4300' 42 Found The Blade of Chaos 'Inaur' 372683 4300' 42 Killed The Phoenix 372811 4300' 42 Found The Large Metal Shield of Singri (LOST) 372818 4300' 42 Found The Blade of Chaos of Arindol (LOST) 372965 4300' 42 Killed Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin 372965 4300' 43 Reached level 43 373056 4300' 43 Killed Medusa, the Gorgon 373068 4300' 43 Killed Uldor the Accursed 373081 4300' 43 Killed Ugluk, the Uruk 373139 4300' 43 Found The Mattock 'Essarmoth' (LOST) 373167 4300' 43 Found The Iron Crown of Ulondi (LOST) 373171 4300' 43 Found The Augmented Chain Mail of Cuare 373652 4300' 43 Killed Harowen the Black Hand 377326 4300' 43 Found The Scimitar 'Dririst' (LOST) 378227 4400' 43 Found The Zweihander of Earis (LOST) 379487 4400' 43 Killed Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg 379710 4400' 44 Reached level 44 380720 4400' 44 Found The Short Bow of Ulmentil (LOST) 381604 4400' 44 Reached level 44 383459 4400' 44 Killed Gabriel, the Messenger 385031 4400' 44 Killed Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire 386739 4400' 44 Found The Zweihander 'Dundor' (LOST) 388399 4450' 44 Found The Steel Helm of Feari (LOST) 391005 4550' 45 Reached level 45 391471 4550' 45 Found The Dagger 'Egondil' (LOST) 393161 4550' 45 Found The Red Dragon Scale Mail 'Galda' (LOST) 395739 4600' 45 Found The Iron Crown of Haldirir (LOST) 396495 4600' 45 Killed Atlas, the Titan 398386 4600' 45 Killed The Mouth of Sauron 398452 4600' 45 Killed Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs 400575 4650' 45 Killed Eol, the Dark Elf 403992 4800' 45 Killed Ren the Unclean 404011 4800' 46 Reached level 46 406396 4900' 46 Killed Hoarmurath of Dir 408311 4950' 46 Killed Pazuzu, Lord of Air 408543 4950' 46 Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord 408831 4950' 46 Found The Palantir of Eldolwe 410321 4950' 46 Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer 410401 4950' 46 Found The Hard Leather Armour of Curth 410604 4950' 46 Killed Vecna, the Emperor Lich 410673 4950' 46 Found The Dagger of Nelluir (LOST) 410678 4950' 46 Found The Iron Crown of Belcar (LOST) 411520 4950' 46 Found The Pair of Leather Boots 'Gunir' (LOST) 412625 5000' 46 Found The Augmented Chain Mail of Aerindin 413566 5000' 46 Killed Mim, Betrayer of Turin 413773 5000' 47 Reached level 47 413932 5000' 47 Morgoth just summoned Shelob...and Bullroarer. 414134 5000' 47 Yeep. 36HP left after a manastorm. 414720 5000' 47 Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 414723 5000' 47 Victory! Player turn 64634 414726 5000' 47 Found The Mighty Hammer 'Grond' 414729 5000' 47 Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [Options] Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize) Randomize some of the artifacts (beta) : yes (adult_randarts) Restrict the use of stairs/recall : no (adult_ironman) Restrict the use of stores/home : no (adult_no_stores) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (adult_no_artifacts) Don't stack objects on the floor : no (adult_no_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (adult_no_preserve) Don't generate connected stairs : no (adult_no_stairs) Adult: Monsters chase current location : yes (adult_ai_sound) Adult: Monsters chase recent locations : yes (adult_ai_smell) Adult: Monsters act smarter in groups : yes (adult_ai_packs) Adult: Monsters learn from their mistakes : no (adult_ai_learn) Adult: Monsters exploit players weaknesses : no (adult_ai_cheat) Adult: Monsters behave more intelligently (broken): no (adult_ai_smart) Score: Peek into object creation : no (score_peek) Score: Peek into monster creation : no (score_hear) Score: Peek into dungeon creation : no (score_room) Score: Peek into something else : no (score_xtra) Score: Know complete monster info : no (score_know) Score: Allow player to avoid death : no (score_live) |
Posted on 2.8.2010 07:23
6570. on the Ladder (of 19157)
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