
Competition No.173

Starts:April 28th, 2015 11:00
Ends:May 19th, 2015 11:00 (ended)
Variant:Zangband 2.7.5 pre I
Save file:Download starting save file
T260G is a robot with a mission. That mission is to kill.

You can download Zangband 2.7.5 here:

If you're having trouble building or starting Zangband, ask for help on the Comp 173 thread.

Competition winner is the game winner with least experience, or if no winner then deepest kill.


Current standings (all entries) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountdeepest kill updated
1T260GellipticGolem Warrior402,385,7630887 comments5.5.2015 03:54
2T260GhjklyubnGolem Warrior371,136,9230735 comments12.5.2015 17:46
3T260GRochGolem Warrior29359,8180737 comments12.5.2015 09:27
4T260GGorbadGolem Warrior33495,8050707 comments11.5.2015 18:16
5T260Granger jeffGolem Warrior31330,7570664 comments19.5.2015 05:21
6T260GsoyakiGolem Warrior186,9950275 comments30.4.2015 00:11
7PaperBoykrazyhadesHuman Devicemaster2414,96612,03802 comments12.5.2015 14:40 updated

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