
Competition No.149

Starts:December 4th, 2013 11:00
Ends:December 25th, 2013 11:00 (ended)
Variant:Unangband 0.6.4b
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Marie C is a well-studied Artisan of Dale. She is tired of being cooped up in her lab and has decided to see as much of the world as she can before Christmas Day!

Marie has a knack for science, traps, devices, and absorbing radiation. (Except not really that last part.) All that time she's spent reading has also made her quite good with scrolls.

Winner is the winner in least "actual turns", or failing that the deepest unique killed.


Current standings (all entries) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountdeepest kill updated
1Marie C, the ScribeThraalbeastMan of Dale Artisan31168,112247,0473824 comments19.12.2013 10:14
2Laureate, the ScribeRochMan of Dale Artisan2551,54275,077386 comments20.12.2013 07:09
3Marie C, the ScribeRochMan of Dale Artisan2519,13046,758175 comments11.12.2013 11:23
4Marie C, the ScribedeboMan of Dale Artisan61374,80605 comments9.12.2013 21:25
5Marie C, the ScribeHallucinationMushroomMan of Dale Artisan11249904 comments18.12.2013 15:31 updated

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