
Competition No.235

Starts:December 20th, 2020 13:42
Ends:January 6th, 2021 23:42 (ended)
Variant:Frogcomposband 7.1.salmiak
Save file:Download starting save file
Pious Ent Magic-eater
Game speed:Normal

No starting savefile.

The following birth options must be chosen as specifed:

Easy monster health and damage information (*) : no (easy_damage)
Monsters learn from their mistakes (*) : yes (smart_learn)
Thrall mode (start in extreme danger) (*) : no (thrall_mode)
Always generate very unusual rooms (*) : no (wacky_rooms)
Increase monster density on small levels : no (increase_density)
Allow small levels in all dungeons except Arena : no (no_big_dungeons)

Scoring as ordered in the competition ladder

Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1Plastic TreeBostockEnt Magic-Eater508,713,277306,8781003 comments30.12.2020 17:42 updated
2Absorbent VSidewaysEnt Magic-Eater509,349,857445,7581003 comments26.12.2020 02:44 updated
5LarkwobblyEnt Magic-Eater36866,696608,387485 comments28.12.2020 09:29
7Morning Wood 5ShadowTechnologyEnt Magic-Eater35629,3161,529,6424911 comments6.1.2021 04:43
9WillowDavidMedleyEnt Magic-Eater163,787122,874222 comments6.1.2021 23:55
12Mui'deebajelmerEnt Magic-Eater131,801193,51710 24.12.2020 18:41

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