
Competition No.215

Starts:March 19th, 2018 16:22
Ends:April 30th, 2018 16:22 (ended)
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Gorn is looking to make a home for the winter. Angband looks nice but first he has to clear out the existing residents.

Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1GornerPhilipBeorning Warrior39930,257872,3408817 comments19.4.2018 12:17
2GroanRochBeorning Warrior38669,8451,543,240514 comments29.4.2018 01:20
3GornNickBeorning Warrior31174,792604,5035022 comments4.4.2018 23:57
9GornThraalbeeBeorning Warrior162,829173,350131 comment8.4.2018 20:10 updated
11Gornj.e.perkins@gmail.comBeorning Warrior162,771271,963112 comments26.3.2018 05:32 updated
12GornDarinBeorning Warrior12804082 comments30.3.2018 01:31 updated

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