The Angband Ladder: Kazaam, High-Elf Mage by Psi

  [FAangband 1.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name    : Kazaam          Age                   512 STR     18/155
 Sex     : Male            Height                 95 INT     18/200
 Race    : High-Elf        Weight                185 WIS     18/159
 Class   : Mage            Social Class           48 DEX     18/***
                                                     CON     18/169
                                                     CHR     18/154

 Max Hit Points      450   Level                38   Max SP (Mana)       324
 Cur Hit Points      -16   Experience       719160   Cur SP (Mana)       272
                           Max Exp          719160
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.      780000          (Shooting)
 Blows/Round           4   Gold             165287   Shots/Round         1.5
 + to Skill           42                             + to Skill           45
 Deadliness (%)      132   Base AC/+ To AC  20/176   Deadliness (%)      137
                           Game Turn         98247

 Fighting   :Very Good(73) Stealth    :Heroic(14)    Disarming  :Excellent(71)
 Bows/Throw :Excellent(90) Perception :Excellent(55) MagicDevice:Heroic(126)
 SavingThrow:Superb(92)    Searching  :Excellent(50) Infravision:40 feet

                            (Character Background)
          You are a scion of the House of the Tower of Snow.  You are
          the only child of an Archer.  You have light grey eyes,
          straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Recent locations]

 Current Location : Angband Level 82
 Previous Location: Angband Level 81
 Recall Point 1   : Anfauglith Level 58
 Recall Point 2   : Angband Level 71
 Recall Point 3   : Ephel Brandir Level 0
 Recall Point 4   : West Beleriand Level 19

  [Resistances, Powers and Bonuses]

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
 Acid:......+.+....  80% Confu:......+......  67%
 Elec:......+.+....  81% Sound:.............   0%
 Fire:...+....+....  85% Shard:......+......  45%
 Cold:*.......+.... 100% Nexus:....+........  42%
 Pois:....+........  72% Nethr:...-....+....  19%
 Lite:............+  40% Chaos:.......+.....  40%
 Dark:.............   0% Disen:.............   0%

      abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@
S.Dig:...+.........      M-Mas:...1.........
Feath:...+.........      Stea.:.1..3..33....
PLite:...+.........      Sear.:...42........
Regen:.+.........+.      Infra:....2........
Telep:.........+...      Tunn.:.............
Invis:+..+.+......+      Speed:...82.33...4.
FrAct:+..+......+..      Shots:.............
HLife:.............      Might:.1...........

  [Specialty Abilities]

Heighten Magic 

  [Stat Breakdown]

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Oth Actual Currnt     abcdefghijkl
Str:  18/95   2  -4   8 18/155            2.4.......2.
Int:  18/80   3   3   6 18/200            2........2..
Wis:  18/99   0   0   6 18/159            2........2..
Dex:  18/86   3   1  14 18/***            224.3.3.....
Con:  18/89   2  -2   8 18/169            2.4.......2.
Chr:  18/74   5   1   2 18/154            2...........

  [Last Messages]

> The Marilith (offscreen) shudders.
> The Marilith shudders.
> The Balor (offscreen) shudders.
> The Balor shudders. <8x>
> The Balor (offscreen) shudders.
> The Balrog shudders.
> The Erinyes shudders.
> You have 3 charges remaining.
> The Balor casts a ball of hellfire.
> The Erinyes resists a lot.
> The Vrock resists a lot. <3x>
> The Nalfeshnee breathes fire.
> The Vrock resists a lot.
> The Nalfeshnee breathes fire.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Great Axe of E["o]nw["e] (4d7) (+15,+18) [+8] <+2>
b) a Long Bow of Ossiriand (x4) (+18,+20) <+2, +1>
c) The Ring of Tulkas <+4>
d) The Ring 'Taranzor' <+1, +4, +8>
e) an Amulet of Trickery <+3, +2>
f) The Pearl 'Nimphelos'
g) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] <+3 to speed>
h) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+14] <+3 to speed>
i) a Wicker Shield of Elvenkind [0(2),+9(+19)] <+3 to stealth>
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Mablung [2,+9] <+2>
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+12] <+2>
l) a Pair of Dwarven Boots of Speed [5,+9] <+4 to speed>

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {25% off}
b) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Minor Powers]
c) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Useful Magic]
d) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Battle Spells]
e) a Book of Magic Spells [Magical Defences]
f) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Escapes and Trickery]
g) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Advanced Sorcery]
h) a Book of Magic Spells [Power and Destruction]
i) 4 Potions of Healing
j) a Potion of *Healing*
k) a Potion of Life
l) 10 Rods of Perception
m) 2 Rods of Sense Surroundings
n) a Rod of Teleport Away
o) 4 Rods of Disarming
p) a Rod of Glaurung's Blood
q) 2 Staffs of Banish Evil (2x 7 charges)
r) a Staff of Banish Evil (1 charge)
s) a Staff of Dispel Evil (10 charges)
t) a Staff of Power (3 charges)
u) a Staff of *Destruction* (1 charge)
v) a Ring of Warfare (+7,+6) <+8 to speed>
w) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]

  [Home Inventory]

a) a Potion of *Healing*
b) 3 Scrolls of Reveal Curses
c) 6 Wands of Fire Bolts (10 charges)
d) a Staff of Remove Curse (5 charges)
e) a Ring of Mental Strength <+2, +1>
f) a Ring of Free Action
g) a Ring of Venom [+14]
h) The Ring of Barahir <+1 to stealth>
i) The Ring of Asgard (+4,+5) <+3, +2>
j) The Amulet of Carlammas <+2>
k) an Amulet of Sustenance
l) a Robe of Permanence [2,+18]
m) The Cloak of Valinor [1,+20] (charging)
n) The Wicker Shield 'Vingolmas' [2,+12] <+3 to infravision>
o) The Small Metal Shield of Khazad-dum [5,+21] <+3>
p) The Large Metal Shield of the Swan [8,+18]
q) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Tuorm [4,+15] <+3 to infravision>
r) The Main Gauche of Maedhros (2d6) (+15,+18) <+3 to speed>
s) a Magestaff of Gondolin (1d3) (+4,+4) [4,+0]
t) The Lead-Filled Mace of Rog (4d4) (+10,+15) <+4>

Kazaam the High-Elf Mage
Began the quest to kill Morgoth on Aug  9 09

|   TURN  |      LOCATION        |LEVEL| EVENT
|        1|        Gondolin Town |  5  | Gained the Clarity specialty.
|      631|     Sirion Vale  28  | 10  | Reached level 10
|     5178|     Sirion Vale  28  | 15  | Reached level 15
|    24378|   Fen of Serech  42  | 18  | Found The Broad Sword 'Glamdring'
|    27549|   Fen of Serech  42  | 18  | Found The Leather Scale Mail 
|  continued...                  |     | 'Thalkettoth' 
|    40597|     Sirion Vale  40  | 20  | Reached level 20
|    42758|   Fen of Serech  42  | 21  | Killed Ulfang the Black
|    46215|     Sirion Vale  40  | 23  | Found The Lamp of Gwindor
|    46999|   Fen of Serech  42  | 24  | Killed Ulfast, son of Ulfang
|    47007|   Fen of Serech  42  | 24  | Found The Small Sword of Idril
|    47734|   Fen of Serech  42  | 24  | Found The Quarterstaff 'Nar-i-
|  continued...                  |     | vagil' 
|    49207|     Sirion Vale  40  | 24  | Destroyed UnAndrew, the Ghost
|    49298|     Sirion Vale  40  | 17  | Found The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 
|  continued...                  |     | of Tuorm 
|    49859|   Fen of Serech  42  | 25  | Reached level 25
|    56821|         Angband  62  | 29  | Found The Lead-Filled Mace 'Turmil' 
|    59412|         Angband  61  | 46  | Found The Cloak of Valinor
|    60109|         Angband  61  | 29  | Found The Wicker Shield 'Vingolmas' 
|    60564|         Angband  61  | 27  | Found The Lead-Filled Mace of Rog
|    63424|         Angband  61  | 40  | Found The Full Plate Armour of 
|  continued...                  |     | Nevrast 
|    65538|         Angband  61  | 29  | Found The Bastard Sword 'Calris'
|    66548|         Angband  61  | 37  | Found The Small Leather Shield of 
|  continued...                  |     | the Elements 
|    66630|         Angband  61  | 39  | Found The Augmented Chain Mail of 
|  continued...                  |     | Caspanion 
|    66665|         Angband  61  | 48  | Found The Dagger 'Dethanc'
|    66695|         Angband  61  | 42  | Found The Dagger 'Narthanc'
|    66991|         Angband  61  | 32  | Found The Ring of Tulkas
|    68731|  West Beleriand  18  | 29  | Destroyed Bahman Rabii, the Spirit
|    71928|       Amon Rudh  30  | 29  | Killed Mim, Betrayer of Turin
|    71976|       Amon Rudh  30  | 29  | Gained the Heighten Magic 
|  continued...                  |     | specialty. 
|    72382|        Gondolin Town | 29  | Killed The Complainer
|    73410|         Angband  62  | 30  | Reached level 30
|    74142|         Angband  64  | 30  | Destroyed Uvatha the Horseman
|    75529|         Angband  65  | 43  | Found The Cloak 'Colannon'
|    76573|         Angband  65  | 40  | Found The Amulet of Elemmion
|    76693|         Angband  65  | 41  | Found The Amulet of Carlammas
|    78377|         Angband  66  | 32  | Killed Harowen the Black Hand
|    78884|         Angband  66  | 32  | Found The Scimitar of Eglamoth
|    79343|         Angband  66  | 32  | Found The Dagger of Rilia
|    80357|         Angband  66  | 43  | Found The Amulet of Ingw["e]
|    80692|         Angband  66  | 42  | Found The Dagger 'Nimthanc'
|    80799|         Angband  66  | 32  | Found The Iron Helm of Gorlim
|    81656|         Angband  67  | 32  | Destroyed Draebor, the Imp
|    82152|         Angband  68  | 32  | Found The Pearl 'Nimphelos'
|    83146|         Angband  69  | 33  | Destroyed Thuringwethil
|    83162|         Angband  69  | 33  | Found The Pike 'Til-i-arc'
|    83200|         Angband  69  | 46  | Found The Small Metal Shield of 
|  continued...                  |     | Khazad-dum 
|    84019|         Angband  69  | 48  | Found The Torque of Boromir
|    84465|         Angband  69  | 34  | Found The Metal Cap 'Holhenneth'
|    84480|         Angband  69  | 44  | Found The Halberd 'Osondir'
|    84756|         Angband  69  | 40  | Found The Hard Leather Cap of 
|  continued...                  |     | Mablung 
|    85996|         Angband  70  | 31  | Found The Large Leather Shield of 
|  continued...                  |     | Haleth 
|    86058|         Angband  70  | 34  | Found The Amulet 'Oriondil'
|    86193|         Angband  70  | 40  | Found The Large Metal Shield of the 
|  continued...                  |     | Swan 
|    86777|         Angband  70  | 45  | Found The Ring of Asgard
|    86970|         Angband  70  | 35  | Reached level 35
|    87114|         Angband  70  | 35  | Found The Main Gauche of Maedhros
|    87318|         Angband  70  | 46  | Found The Battle Axe of Balli 
|  continued...                  |     | Stonehand 
|    87494|         Angband  70  | 49  | Found The Wand of Beguiling
|    87576|         Angband  70  | 41  | Found The Ring of Barahir
|    88476|         Angband  71  | 38  | Found The Set of Leather Gloves 
|  continued...                  |     | 'Cambeleg' 
|    88645|         Angband  72  | 35  | Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain
|    90338|         Angband  72  | 36  | Killed Ulwarth, son of Ulfang
|    90520|         Angband  72  | 35  | Found The Steel Helm of Ecthelion
|    91111|         Angband  73  | 36  | Killed Khim, Son of Mim
|    91729|         Angband  73  | 36  | Killed Rogrog the Black Troll
|    91976|         Angband  73  | 37  | Destroyed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw
|    92513|         Angband  72  | 37  | Destroyed The Phantom of Eilenel
|    94273|         Angband  80  | 37  | Found The Pair of Dwarven Boots of 
|  continued...                  |     | Huor 
|    94307|         Angband  80  | 37  | Found The Great Axe of E["o]nw["e]
|    94588|         Angband  80  | 26  | Found The Set of Leather Gloves 
|  continued...                  |     | 'Cammithrim' 
|    94678|         Angband  80  | 35  | Found The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 
|  continued...                  |     | 'Indomitable' 
|    95074|         Angband  80  | 38  | Found The Amulet of Brindele
|    95217|         Angband  80  | 42  | Found The Quarterstaff 'Tumbor'
|    95315|         Angband  80  | 50  | Found The Ring 'Taranzor'
|    95423|         Angband  80  | 38  | Destroyed Waldern, King of Water
|    96693|         Angband  81  | 38  | Killed Errata the Mage
|    96756|         Angband  81  | 38  | Found The Wand of Oss["e]
|    96956|         Angband  82  | 33  | Found The Stone of Lore
|    97115|         Angband  82  | 38  | Destroyed Ren the Unclean
|    98247|         Angband  82  | 38  | Killed by a Nalfeshnee.
|    98247|         Angband  82  | 38  | Killed on Aug 12 09.


Adult: Never return to less danger before winning: no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Start as a thrall at the gate of Angband  : no  (adult_thrall)
Adult: View and spell distances halved           : no  (adult_small_device)
Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 11.8.2009 19:29
Last updated on 13.8.2009 08:59

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8823. on the Ladder (of 18953)
197. on the FAangband Ladder (of 496)
49. for this player (


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On 12.8.2009 02:38 Nick wrote:
Fen-diving - smelly, but profitable.

On 12.8.2009 11:16 Psi wrote:
Ouch. Just discovered that Errata has gained the Elemental Fury spell. Makes me realise that rDis is actually going to be useful against more opponents now.

On 12.8.2009 12:05 Psi wrote:
Oops. Was still in beta testing mode rather than using proper survival tactics. I opened up a U pit with nowhere near enough rFire to cover my modest HP and got burnt to death.

On 12.8.2009 12:08 Nick wrote:
It's an uncommon spell, but nasty. Nastier would be the idea I've just had, which is to allow every monster which sees the player get attacked to learn about player resists :)

On 12.8.2009 12:10 Nick wrote:
... and that was referring to Errata.

I'm impressed with your dedication to testing.

On 12.8.2009 12:21 Psi wrote:
It was stupid really. I'd been carrying around a _Power and _Dispel Evil for ages ready for a U pit. Got bored of waiting and took on one with too many bad Us (ie Balrogs, Balors and Nalfashees). I survived the first round and didn't heal - the second took me to -16... judged it a little too fine.

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