The Angband Ladder: Aer'un, Maia Warrior by <>

  [Oangband 1.1.0 Character Dump]

 Name    : Aer'un          Age               10531   STR:    18/143            
 Sex     : Male            Height              431   INT:        14            
 Race    : Maia            Weight              139   WIS:        15            
 Class   : Warrior         Social Class          1   DEX:     18/50            
                                                     CON:    18/100            
                                                     CHR:     18/30            
 Max Hit Points      508   Level                31   Max SP (Mana)         0   
 Cur Hit Points      -17   Experience       152434   Cur SP (Mana)         0   
                           Max Exp          152434                             
        (Fighting)         Exp to Adv.      183000          (Shooting)         
 Blows/Round           3   Gold             135632   Shots/Round         2.2   
 + to Skill           19                             + to Skill           19   
 Deadliness (%)      107   Base AC/+ To AC  44/ 32   Deadliness (%)      109   
                            (Character Abilities)                              
 Fighting    : Superb      Stealth     : Very Good   Disarming   : Excellent   
 Bows/Throw  : Excellent   Perception  : Mediocre    Magic Device: Very Good   
 Saving Throw: Excellent   Searching   : Mediocre    Infra-Vision: 0 meters    
                            (Character Background)                             
          You are a minor servant of Nessa.  In the past, you dwelt            
          on earth in the form of a beneficent but unseen force.               

  [Specialty Abilities]

Armor Mastery 

  [Last Messages]

> You are hit by a missile.
> You are hit by a missile.
> You are more poisoned.
> It hits you.
> It hits you.
> It drains power from your muscles!
> You are unaffected!
> It hits you.
> It hits you.
> You hear a soft 'fftt' sound.
> You are hit by a missile.
> You die.
> Illegal edit key!

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Morning Star (Defender) (2d6) (+9,+9) [+5] (+2 to stealth)
b) a Short Bow of Extra Shots (x2) (+9,+10)
c) a Platinum Ring of Constitution (+5)
d) a Diamond Ring of Dexterity (+1)
e) a Bone Amulet of Slow Digestion
f) The Phial of Galadriel
g) Metal Brigandine Armour of Greater Resistance (-3) [19,+21] {25% off}
h) a Cloak of Stealth [1,-1] (+1 to stealth)
i) a Large Leather Shield of Night and Day [6,-3]
j) a Hard Leather Cap of Serenity [2,-2]
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+12] (+2)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stability [3,-3]

0) an Arrow (1d6) (+3,+3)
1) 20 Arrows (1d6) (+3,+1)
2) (nothing)
3) (nothing)
4) (nothing)
5) (nothing)
6) (nothing)
7) (nothing)
8) (nothing)
9) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 11 Rations of Food
b) 3 Indigo Potions of Berserk Strength
c) 2 Moldy Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
d) 10 Frothing Potions of Healing
e) 4 Scrolls titled "odbu meta ip" of Teleportation
f) 5 Scrolls titled "mevom troling" of Word of Recall {90% off}
g) a Scroll titled "snocomp finsa" of Elemental Attacks
h) a Palladium Rod of Trap Location (charging) {25% off}

  [Home Inventory]

a) 3 Pink Mushrooms of Restore Strength
b) a Red Mushroom of Restore Constitution
c) 7 Purple Speckled Potions of Restore Life Levels {75% off}
d) 16 Maroon Potions of Restore Strength
e) 6 Dark Green Potions of Restore Intelligence {50% off}
f) 3 Rosy Potions of Restore Wisdom
g) 7 Purple Potions of Restore Dexterity
h) 8 Peach Potions of Restore Constitution
i) 5 Clotted Red Potions of Restore Charisma
j) 19 Scrolls titled "oxygan turs" of Identify
k) a Scroll titled "thererk" of *Identify*
l) a Scroll titled "murere eng for" of Brand Missiles
m) an Eucalyptus Staff of Perception (20 charges)
n) 2 Eucalyptus Staffs of Perception (2x 12 charges)

  [Birth and Cheat Options]

Adult: Use point based character generation      : yes (adult_point_based)
Adult: Use Autoroller if rolling for stats       : yes (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Artifacts preserved & no special feelings : yes (adult_preserve)
Score: Peek into object creation                 : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation                : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation                : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else                  : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info                : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death               : no  (score_live)

Posted on 27.1.2008 13:48

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11583. on the Ladder (of 18953)
137. on the Oangband Ladder (of 228)
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On 27.1.2008 13:48 wrote:
Just didnt see that coming at all

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