The Angband Ladder: Falinwe, the Mage of Celestial M, Man of Dale Mage by <GCD>

  [Unangband 0.6.2 Character Dump]

 Name   Falinwe, the Mage of Celestial Magic     Self  SB  EB  TB   Best   Curr
 Sex    Male               Age       19  STR:      14  +0  +1  +0     15
 Race   Man of Dale        Height  6' 5  INT:   18/38  +0  +4  +0  18/78
 Class  Mage               Status     1  WIS:   18/17  +0  +3  +0  18/47
 Style  Celestial Magic                  DEX:   18/43  +0  +0  +0  18/43
 Title  Spellbinder                      CON:   18/33  +0  +0  +0  18/33
 Home   Bilbo's House in Rivendell       CHR:      11  +0  +0  +0     11
 Target the mines of Moria               AGI:      12  +0  +0  +0     12
                                         SIZ:      11  +0  +1  +0     12
 Level           24  HP        -17/266  Fight     (+5,-5)  Fighting        Iffy
 Curr Exp     16040  Spell-Pts   10/67  1Hand    (+11,+0)  Shooting        Fair
 Max Exp      16040  Hit die        12  Free               Throwing        Good
 Adv Exp       1460  Armor     [8,+15]  Blows  1/turn(x1)  Stealth         Iffy
 Depth      Lev  23  Infravis     0 ft  Bow      (+16,+4)  Save Throw Excellent
 MaxDepth   Lev  23  Gold        49718  Shots  1/turn(x2)  Disarming  Very Good
 Game Turn  2735955  Burden     94 lbs  Throw     (+5,+0)  Devices       Heroic
 Plr Turn     91116  % Burden      55%  Hurls  2/turn(x1)  Searching       Iffy
 Act Turn     52220  Speed      Normal  Weight    128 lbs  Digging          Bad

 You are the illegitimate and unacknowledged child of a Serf.  You are the
 black sheep of the family.  You have brown eyes, straight brown hair, and
 a fair complexion.
 This is 24th Tuile of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You are on level 17 of the mines of Moria.

  [Last Messages]

> You feel very good.
> You are no longer stunned.
> You have 10 Auburn Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {40% off} (h).
> The Young emerald dragon claws you.
> The Young emerald dragon claws you.
> The Young emerald dragon bites you.
> Low hitpoint warning!
> The Impact hound breathes force at you.
> The Young emerald dragon is more dazed.
> You have been stunned.
> You failed to cast the spell!
> The Young emerald dragon breathes force at you.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Dart of Holy Light (1d4) (+6,+5) (+1)
   It is a useful ego item, with a random hidden ability.  
b) a Short Bow of Sustain Wisdom (x2) (+11,+4)
   It sustains wisdom.  It is a useful ego item.  
c) an Amethyst Ring of See Invisible
d) a Titanium Ring of Strength and Size (+1)
e) a Rusty Amulet of Wisdom (+2)
f) a Brass Lantern of Free Action (with 5708 turns of light left)
   It protects you from paralysis and magical slowness.  It is a useful
   ego item.  
g) Soft Studded Leather of Feather Falling [5,+3]
   It gives its wielder feather falling.  It is a useful ego item.  
h) a Cloak of Intelligence [1,+2] (+4)
   It modifies intelligence.  It sustains intelligence.  It is a useful
   ego item.  
i) (nothing)
j) a Hard Leather Cap [2,+2] <2 Acids> {25% off}
   It provides resistance to acid.  It is not damaged by acid.  It is a
   useful ego item.  
k) (nothing)
l) (nothing)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Magic Book of Cantrips
b) a Magic Book of Conjuring (Water proof)
   It is not damaged by water.  It is a useful ego item.  
c) a Magic Book of Incantations
d) a Magic Book of Wizardry
e) a Magical Bag of Supplies
   with a) 13 Flasks of Oil
f) 15 Rations of Food
g) 18 Puce Potions of Speed {40% off}
h) 10 Auburn Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {40% off}
i) 13 Scrolls titled "fai akskho" of Phase Door {!r}
j) 13 Scrolls titled "creapp arg" of Word of Recall {40% off}
k) 2 Mistletoe Wands of Spark (15 charges)
l) an Engraved Ring of Sustain Mind
m) a Moonstone Ring of Accuracy (+8)
   It is of very good quality, but with no additional powers.  
n) a Mithril-Plated Ring of Sustain Constitution and Charisma
o) a Bronze Amulet of Infravision (+1)
p) a Glass Amulet of Resist Acid
q) 8 large White mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
r) 8 large Blue mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
s) 12 large Green mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
t) 8 large Rotting mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
u) 5 large Spotted mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  
v) 26 large Wrinkled mushroom patch Spores
   It is broken, having been blasted by powerful magic.  

  [Home Inventory]

a) 50 Rations of Food
b) a map to the mountain Caradhras

  [Dungeons Explored]

You have reached level 8 of the Misty Mountains.
You have reached level 4 of Farmer Maggot's farm.
You have reached level 6 of Bree.
You have reached level 17 of the mines of Moria.
You have reached level 2 of Trollshaw Forest.


You are stunned.  You can learn some spells/prayers.  
You are carrying equipment that you have not fully identified.  

  [Spells Learnt]

Magic Missile            Phase Door               Light Area
Cure Light Wounds        Stinking Cloud           Find Hidden Traps/Doors
Confuse Monster          Detect Monsters          Cure Poison
Frost Bolt               Teleport Self            Gauge Magic
Wonder                   Trap/Door Destruction    Polymorph Other
Spear of Light           Lightning Beam           Minor Lightning Ball
Wizard Eye               Torch                    Lightning Beam II
Dispel Magic             Fire Bolt                Frost Bolt II
Slow Monster             Concentration            Frost Ball
Teleport Other           

  [Character Equipment Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

(+/-) +  ++  +    
      /}=="~(( ]                 /}=="~(( ]  
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@
 Str: ...1.........        Str:  ...s.........
 Int: .......4.....        Int:  .............
 Wis: 1...2........        Wis:  .s..s........
 Dex: .............        Dex:  .............
 Con: .............        Con:  .............
 Chr: .............        Chr:  .............
 Agi: .............        Agi:  .............
 Siz: ...1.........        Siz:  ...s.........
 Acid:.............        Disea:............. 
 Elec:.............        Blind:............. 
 Fire:.............        Confu:............. 
 Cold:.............        Sound:............. 
 Pois:.............        Shard:............. 
 Fear:.............        Nexus:............. 
 Lite:.............        Nethr:............. 
 Dark:.............        Chaos:............. 
Water:.............        Disen:............. 
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@ 
 Food:.............         Save:.............
Feath:......+......        Devic:.............
 Glow:.............        Steal:.............
Regen:.............        Sear.:.............
Telep:.............        Infra:.............
Invis:..+..........        Tunn.:.............
FrAct:.....+.......        Speed:.............
HLife:.............        Blows:.............
Activ:.............        Shots:.............
Throw:+............        Might:.............
Undea:.............        Healt:............. 
Demon:.............         Mana:1............ 
  Orc:.............        Exper:............. 
Troll:.............        Telep:............. 
Giant:.............        Spell:............. 
Dragn:.............         Evil:............. 
  Man:............+              abcdefghijkl@ 
Dwarf:.............              /}=="~(( ]    
      /}=="~(( ]                               

  [Home Inventory Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

       ,?                              ,?                      
       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
 Str:  ........................  Str:  ........................
 Int:  ........................  Int:  ........................
 Wis:  ........................  Wis:  ........................
 Dex:  ........................  Dex:  ........................
 Con:  ........................  Con:  ........................
 Chr:  ........................  Chr:  ........................
 Agi:  ........................  Agi:  ........................
 Siz:  ........................  Siz:  ........................
       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
 Acid: ........................ Disea: ........................
 Elec: ........................ Blind: ........................
 Fire: ........................ Confu: ........................
 Cold: ........................ Sound: ........................
 Pois: ........................ Shard: ........................
 Fear: ........................ Nexus: ........................
 Lite: ........................ Nethr: ........................
 Dark: ........................ Chaos: ........................
Water: ........................ Disen: ........................
       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
 Food: ........................  Save: ........................
Feath: ........................ Devic: ........................
 Glow: ........................ Steal: ........................
Regen: ........................ Sear.: ........................
Telep: ........................ Infra: ........................
Invis: ........................ Tunn.: ........................
FrAct: ........................ Speed: ........................
HLife: ........................ Blows: ........................
Activ: ........................ Shots: ........................
       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
Undea: ........................ Healt: ........................
Demon: ........................  Mana: ........................
  Orc: ........................ Exper: ........................
Troll: ........................ Telep: ........................
Giant: ........................ Spell: ........................
Dragn: ........................  Evil: ........................
  Man: ........................        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
Dwarf: ........................
  Elf: ........................

Game: Expand the power of the look command   : yes (expand_look)
Game: Expand the power of the list commands  : yes (expand_list)
Game: Map remembers all perma-lit grids      : yes (view_perma_grids)
Game: Map remembers all torch-lit grids      : no  (view_torch_grids)
Game: Generate dungeons with aligned rooms   : yes (dungeon_align)
Game: Generate dungeons with connected stairs: yes (dungeon_stair)
Game: Mark where you have detected traps     : no  (view_unsafe_grids)
Game: Mark where you have detected monsters  : no  (view_detect_grids)
Game: When running, ignore interesting floors: yes (run_ignore_floors)
Game: Show tips as you explore the dungeon   : yes (show_tips)
Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : yes (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize all of the artifacts        : no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Play in Lord of the Rings campaign    : yes (adult_campaign)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Adult: Haggle in stores                      : no  (adult_haggle)
Adult: Scum for good levels                  : no  (adult_scum)
Adult: Start the game with simplest options  : no  (adult_beginner)
Adult: Reduce the number of birth options    : no  (adult_intermediate)
Adult: Always generate small levels          : no  (adult_small_levels)
Adult: Show all birth menus at start         : no  (adult_first_time)
Adult: Start the game with same choices      : no  (adult_quickstart)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)
Score: Know complete artifact/ego info       : no  (score_lore)
Score: Auto-inscribe items as if known       : no  (score_auto)

Posted on 2.9.2007 03:52
Last updated on 3.9.2007 02:41

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15221. on the Ladder (of 19032)
92. on the Unangband Ladder (of 189)
8. for this player (


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On 2.9.2007 03:52 GCD wrote:
Love the new version. I have finished Farmer Maggot's dungeon as well as the Misty Mountains and am currently descending the new version of Moria. I wonder who the guardian at the bottom is.

On 2.9.2007 03:58 Bandobras wrote:
Robin Hood? ;p

Did the stairs generated at the death of Dunlending lead to the surface? "level 4 of Farmer Maggot's farm" looks quite strange, too.

Good luck with the fiery one. :)

On 3.9.2007 02:41 GCD wrote:
A pretty long and quite successful career ended with the breath of an emerald dragon. Quite unfortunate...

On 3.9.2007 03:09 Bandobras wrote:
And you've not even seen your chosen book. ;/

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