The Angband Ladder: Cecil II, RohanKnight Paladin by <>

  [ToME 2.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name  : Cecil II               Age                 21       STR:  18/60       
 Sex   : Male                   Height              56       INT:     11       
 Race  : RohanKnight            Weight              80       WIS:  18/40       
 Class : Paladin                Social Class         8       DEX:     14       
 Body  : Player                                              CON:  18/10       
                                                             CHR:     16       
 + To Melee Hit          17 Level             24    Max Hit Points       205   
 + To Melee Damage        6 Experience     24662    Cur Hit Points       205   
 + To Ranged Hit         26 Max Exp        24662    Max SP (Mana)         62   
 + To Ranged Damage      12 Exp to Adv.    30000    Cur SP (Mana)         62   
   AC                 11+47 Gold           48309    Loan                   0   
                                                    Loan time              0   
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Superb       Perception  : Bad          Blows/Round:  1         
 Bows/Throw  : Superb       Searching   : Fair         Shots/Round:  2         
 Saving Throw: Excellent    Disarming   : Fair         Wpn.dmg/Rnd:  6         
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Superb       Infra-Vision: 0 feet    
                                                       Tactic:       normal    
                                                       Explor:       normal    
                         (Character Background)                                
          You were sent by Tulkas to bust a cap in Morgoth's ass               
          after he cheated on a cosmic chess game. You were trained            
          by Cletus of Springfield's Redneck and Shotgun Fighting              
          School. You are an Asian.                                            

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Cth monsters:       OFF
 Zlike monsters:     OFF
 Joke monsters:      OFF
 Maximize mode:      ON
 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Autoscum:           ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       ON
 Persistent Dungeons:       OFF
 Recall Depth:
        Mirkwood: Level 15 (750')
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Orc Cave: Level 14 (700')
        The Old Forest: Level 13 (650')

 Your body was a Player.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You ended your adventure the 54th Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 Your adventured lasted 11 days.

        Add Str   : ...+............            
        Add Int   : ....+...........            
        Add Wis   : ....+...........            
        Add Dex   : ................            
        Add Con   : ................            
        Add Chr   : ................            
        Mul Mana  : ................            
        Mul SPower: ................            
        Add Stea. : ......+.........            
        Add Sear. : ................            
        Add Infra : ................            
        Add Tun.. : ..............+.            
        Add Speed : ...............+            
        Add Blows : ................            
        Chaotic   : ................            
        Vampiric  : ................            
        Slay Anim.: ................            
        Slay Evil : ................            
        Slay Und. : ................            
        Slay Demon: ................            
        Slay Orc  : ................            
        Slay Troll: ................            
        Slay Giant: ................            
        Slay Drag.: ................            
        Kill Drag.: ................            
        Sharpness : ................            
        Impact    : ................            
        Poison Brd: ................            
        Acid Brand: ................            
        Elec Brand: ................            
        Fire Brand: ................            
        Cold Brand: ................            
        Sust Str  : ................            
        Sust Int  : ................            
        Sust Wis  : ................            
        Sust Dex  : ................            
        Sust Con  : ................            
        Sust Chr  : ................            
        Invisible : ................            
        Mul life  : ................            
        Imm Acid  : ................            
        Imm Elec  : ................            
        Imm Fire  : ................            
        Imm Cold  : ................            
        Sens Fire : ................            
        Reflect   : ................            
        Free Act  : ................            
        Hold Life : ................            
        Res Acid  : ......+.........            
        Res Elec  : ......+.........            
        Res Fire  : ......+.........            
        Res Cold  : ......+.........            
        Res Pois  : ................            
        Res Fear  : ...............+            
        Res Lite  : ................            
        Res Dark  : ................            
        Res Blind : ................            
        Res Conf  : ................            
        Res Sound : ................            
        Res Shard : ................            
        Res Neth  : ................            
        Res Nexus : ......+.........            
        Res Chaos : ................            
        Res Disen : ................            
        Aura Fire : ...............+            
        Aura Elec : ................            
        NoTeleport: ................            
        AntiMagic : ................            
        WraithForm: ................            
        EvilCurse : ................            
        Easy Know : .....+..........            
        Hide Type : ...++...........            
        Show Mods : .+...........++.            
        Insta Art : ................            
        Levitate  : ................            
        Lite      : ....+..........+            
        See Invis : ................            
        Digestion : ................            
        Regen     : ...............+            
        Xtra Might: ................            
        Xtra Shots: .+..............            
        Ign Acid  : ......+.........            
        Ign Elec  : ......+.........            
        Ign Fire  : .....++.........            
        Ign Cold  : ......+.........            
        Activate  : ................            
        Drain Exp : ................            
        Teleport  : ................            
        Aggravate : ................            
        Blessed   : ................            
        Cursed    : ................            
        Hvy Curse : ................            
        Prm Curse : ................            
        No blows  : ................            
        Precogn.  : ................            
        B.Breath  : ................            
        Recharge  : ................            
        Fly       : ................            
        Mrg.Curse : ................            
        Climb     : ................            
        Imm Neth  : ................            

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                        17.200 [0.800]
	  - Weaponmastery                               24.000 [1.000]
	  - Archery                                     03.000 [0.500]
	  . Barehand-combat                             02.700 [0.900]
 - Sneakiness                                    01.000 [0.200]
 - Magic                                         12.412 [0.900]
	  . Magic-Device                                16.400 [1.100]
	  . Spell-power                                 07.800 [0.600]
	  . Thaumaturgy                                 03.500 [0.500]
 - Spirituality                                  05.800 [1.000]
	  . Prayer                                      15.000 [1.400]
	  . Mindcraft                                   16.800 [0.600]
 - Monster-lore                                  00.000 [0.500]
 - Misc                                          00.000 [0.000]

 One of your companion(s) has been killed.
 You saved 11 princesses.

 You have defeated 4805 enemies.


 You can breathe fire (dam lvl * 2).
 You can hurl objects with great force.
 Your body is enveloped in flames.
 Your skin is made of steel (-1 DEX, +25 AC).
 You are completely fearless.
 You are regenerating.


You may find a Potion of Shape of Mana ball on level 1.

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)
d) a Long Bow of Extra Shots (x3) (+9,+6)
   It fires missiles excessively fast.
e) a Ring of Accuracy (+16)
f) a Ring of Strength (+4)
k) an Amulet of Brilliance (+2)
m) a Brass Lantern (with 6444 turns of light)
n) Elven Soft Studded Leather [5,+13] (+1 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
o) a Cloak of Mimicry [Cold cloud] [1,+2]
p) (nothing)
s) a Hard Leather Cap [2,+3]
u) (nothing)
x) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots [3,+4]
z) (nothing)
{) 26 Arrows (1d4) (+4,+4)
|) a Gnomish Shovel (1d2) (+0,+0) (+2)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Spellbook of Divine Aim
b) a Spellbook of Stone Skin
c) Raal's Tome of Unconventional Warfare
   It can be activated for...
   cure confusion
d) Jor's Book of Impossible Occurences
   It can be activated for...
   cure critical wounds
e) 15 Rations of Food
f) 10 Flasks of oil
g) 10 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
h) a Scroll of Word of Recall {90% off}
i) a Staff of Perception (19 charges)
j) a Spectral Khopesh (2d4) (+7,+6)
k) a Katana of *Slay Giant* (3d4) (+7,+2) (+2)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your strength.
   It is especially deadly against giants.
   It sustains your strength.
   It provides resistance to shards.
   It allows you to sense the presence of giants.
l) a Trident of Slaying (2d8) (+7,+2)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It poisons your foes.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
m) (nothing)
n) (nothing)
o) (nothing)
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) a Mushroom of Cure Paranoia
b) a Potion of Restore Constitution
c) 2 Scrolls of Word of Recall
d) a Staff of Remove Curse (6 charges)
e) a Staff of Slow Monsters (10 charges)
f) 2 Rings of Slow Digestion
g) a Ring of Levitation
h) a Ring of Searching (+4)
i) a Ring of Invisibility
j) an Amulet of Infravision (+1)
k) a Set of Leather Gloves [1,+3]
l) a Frozen Cleaver (2d4) (+5,+5)
m) a Trident of Extra Attacks (1d8) (+4,+2) (+3 attacks)
n) a Light Crossbow (x3) (+3,+2)
o) 32 Rounded Pebbles (1d2) (+3,+4)
p) a wooden Boomerang of Slay Giant (1d9) (+7,+4)
q) a Parchment - Artifact Lore Vol. III
r) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 2
s) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 8
t) a Parchment - Adventurer's guide to Middle Earth
u) a Parchment - Numenorean for beginners (I)
v) a Parchment - Numenorean for beginners (II)
w) a Parchment - Khuzdul - The hidden tongue of the Dwarves

  [Home Inventory - Lothlorien ]

a) a Spellbook of Whirlwind
b) a Runestone
c) a Parchment titled ``Tenser's Last Words''
   It can be activated for...
   monster summoning
d) Mordenkainen's Mysterious Mind-Masher
   It can be activated for...
   pet summoning
e) 2 Scrolls of *Identify*
f) a Copper Rod of Nothing (20/20)
g) a Staff of Detect Invisible (11 charges)
h) a Ring of Protection [+14]
i) an Amulet of Slow Digestion
j) Elven Soft Leather Armour [4,+5] (+2 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
k) a Small Leather Shield [2,+5]
l) a Large Leather Shield of Resist Acid [4,+5]
m) a Spectral Light War Axe (2d5) (+6,+2)
n) The Spear of Melkor (4d6) (+12,+24) (-4 to stealth) {cursed}
   The mighty spear used once by Melkor to slay the trees of
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your stealth.
   It poisons your foes.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It allows you to sense the presence of good beings.
   It drains mana.
   It drains life.
   It is heavily cursed.
   It carries an ancient foul curse.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
o) an Elemental Awl-Pike (1d8) (+5,+4)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It does extra damage from acid.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It poisons your foes.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It drains mana.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
p) a Lance of Slay Undead (2d8) (+4,+8)
q) 27 Arrows of Slay Demon (1d4) (+7,+7)
r) The Rounded Pebble 'Travak' (3d6) (+8,+5)
   A bolt imbued with the powers of the elements.  
   It does extra damage from acid.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It poisons your foes.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
s) a Flute
t) a Banjo
u) a Dragon Horn
   It can be activated for...
   large fire ball (300) every 100 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
v) a Parchment - The One Ring
w) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 11
x) a Parchment - Nandorin for dummies

Posted on 3.11.2002 07:09
Last updated on 5.11.2002 06:12

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15128. on the Ladder (of 19032)
2610. on the ToME Ladder (of 3154)
Third best for this player (


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On 3.11.2002 07:09 wrote:
I won't post any characters until they get to lothorien, And here is one. Some of the following may not be in chrono order, I am remembering events as I go along. Stuck with the two handed sword (from start) for a while until I got the Trident from a princess... Had to sacrifice my companion in a Superb (outdoorsy?) level so I can WoR (too many orcs). I have a comfortable piety of ~450. Got that unique slingshot from a outdoors level (the one where its lit and there are buildings that you can enter) when I saw a single shot lying on the ground with an unusual amount of damage. Currently in town now, I'll tackle the orc caves. Mistake- Don't get thaumaturgy from saving a guy's sword if you are a priest- It decreased my mana because i was wearing gloves, and now I fear I must go gloveless because for some reason, that mage school affects all my other spellcasting aspects. The flash ball or whatever is pretty cool- does damage to light-hating (helped me when I used it to kill dark elven mages to save a princess) and confuses and damages even the ones not weak vs. light. What does lightspeed jump do? Mindcrafting is cool- It makes up somewhat for my lack of book spells. The dragon horn only seems to aggravate, maybe i'll ditch it. The spear of melkor is just a novelty item that I noticed had an unusual damage dice for spears and had a (terrible) pseudo ident, my curiosity in what made it terrible showed it to be a novelty item. maybe If I can uncurse it, I might use it...

On 3.11.2002 07:11 mistuhpanda wrote:
ugh... thats a horrible spear... maybe not...

On 5.11.2002 06:12 wrote:
Welps... was planning to post a more outdated update, but i'll give you guys the newest one. I remember (probably should have mentioned this the first time) I found a spectral broken dagger, and sold it for north of 10000 (lothorien's max sell price). The spectral prefix shouldn't be that pricey if it drains life... I'll save the kopesh and the other spectral thing for unloading in the bigger city, It's my easily liquidated assets if say, a rogue steals my money or I get more charisma (and i'll be able to sell it for more) I purchased a potion of dex 50 percent off from the black market, but got the steel skin corruption, so that kind of cancels out. Katanas for some reason are appealing to me, but they always come out with the wrong brands and stuff. If that'd been a holy avenger, hoo baby... Hoping for a item that resists paralysis, I remember once I had a close call in Ey. Did i mention that i HATE breeders? Stupid grey rats, hummerhorns/louses and green/yellow worm masses must have spoiled several levels for me. Mirkwood seems to be full of them... and with my low stealth they always have a chance to fill up the dungeon. However, an adventurer doesn't seem to be all that great- fights orcs that i can use to increase exp and piety, but he's long gone. the next levels I'll try and spend on magic or spirituality, I'm lacking much in spell points.

On 5.11.2002 06:35 wrote:
I'll try to keep the cursed spear probably so i can chuck it at something when I really need it. Maybe it'll do an insane amount of damage if i throw it at morgy himself... :-) Right now I feel like burning up lothorien with my fire breath, although it rarely works.

On 16.11.2002 03:34 wrote:
Not an update...yet. pursuing other interests unrelated to Angband. I seem to be getting some spam that refer to my dump, they either don't care what this is or they don't know that i'm not interested in internet traffic (one said that the site was unaccessible and switching hosts or something would resolve the problem, cruel but potentially effective advertising). I guess people pick off addresses from this site and spam them.

On 17.11.2002 00:48 pav wrote:
Yes, there are some really helpless spammers who gather all email addresses from a website and then spam them with offers of better hosting, search engine submitting etc.. just ignore those spams.

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