The Angband Ladder: Goldfinger, the Chemist, Dwarf Rogue by <pebepe>

  [Unangband 0.6.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Goldfinger, the Chemist              Self  RB  CB  EB   Best  Curr
 Sex    Male         Age      41          STR:  18/70  +2  +2  +0 18/110
 Race   Dwarf        Height   46          INT:     18  -3  +1  +5  18/30
 Class  Rogue        Weight  143          WIS:     15  +2  -2  +1     16
 Style  Potions      Title  Alchemist     DEX:  18/52  -2  +3  +0  18/62
 HP     -10/368      Status   32          CON:  18/82  +2  +1  +0 18/112
 SP     22/25        Level    26          Chr:     16  -3  -1  +0     12      6

 GameTurn   3738671  Armor   [21,-10] Saving Throw     Superb
 Cur Exp      27524  Fight    (+9,+7) Stealth          Superb
 Max Exp      27524  WShld    (+9,+7) Fighting         Heroic
 Adv Exp       8726  Bows     (+9,+0) Shooting         Heroic
 MaxDepth   Lev  28  Blows 4/turn(x1) Disarming        Superb
 Gold          8289  Shots 1/turn(x3) Magic Device     Superb
 Burden     108 lbs  Speed     Normal Perception         Good
 % Burden       36%  Infra      50 ft Searching     Very Good

 You are the only child of a Dwarven Prison Guard.  You are a
 well liked child.  You have dark brown eyes, straight black
 hair, a three foot beard, and a dark complexion.

 This is 33rd Tuile of the 2890th year of the third age.  You are on level
7 of the Lonely Mountain.

  [Last Messages]

> You have 2 Pink Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds (i).
> The Young red dragon claws you.
> The Young red dragon claws you.
> The Young red dragon bites you!
> You feel resistant to fire!
> You have 2 Silver Speckled Potions of Resist Heat (h).
> The Young red dragon claws you.
> The Young red dragon claws you!
> The Young red dragon bites you!
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Sacrificial Dagger (2d4) (+0,+0) <Frost>
   It is not damaged by cold. 
b) a Long Bow (x3) (+0,+0)
c) an Emerald Ring of Resist Fire
d) a Jet Ring of Free Action
e) an Ivory Amulet of Device Mastery worth 1300 gold pieces (+3)
f) a Brass Lantern of Resist Electricity (with 3900 turns of light left)
   It provides resistance to electricity.  It is not damaged by
g) Hard Studded Leather of Resist Confusion (-1) [7,-1]
   It provides resistance to powerful confusion.  It protects you from
h) a Cloak of Shadows [1,-1] (+4)
i) a Small Metal Shield of Wisdom worth 0 gold pieces [3,-3] (+1)
   It modifies wisdom.  It sustains wisdom. 
j) a Hard Leather Cap [2,-2] <Earth>
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Darkness worth 0 gold pieces [2,-2]
   It does x3 damage from darkness. 
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Intelligence [6,-4] (+5)
   It modifies intelligence.  It sustains intelligence. 

// would it please be possible to add some way of removing the

// "worth X gold pieces" info once an item is identified?

// or maybe the "worth X gold pieces" message could be stuffed in the

// 'I'nspection info instead? The worth info is useful, it just clutters

// display a lot, sometimes making it impossible to see th end of the name

// and check how badly an item got disenchanted/melted.

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Magic Books of Cantrips
b) a Magic Book of Conjuring
c) 2 Magic Books of Incantations

// found some deeper books (go go mirkwood shopping spree), alas not much

// in them was of much use to the rogue of this level.

d) a Magical Bag of Harmful Mushrooms
   with g) a Pink Mushroom of Weakness
e) a Magical Bag of Supplies
   with a) 19 Flasks of Oil
        n) 2 Flasks of Light
f) 8 Rations of Food
g) a Piece of Elvish Waybread
h) 2 Silver Speckled Potions of Resist Heat
// 4 at the start of LMount - this and searching for ring/amulet of

// fire resist (found ring) was my only hope.

i) 2 Pink Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
// 26 at the start - used some 15 while trying to tackle a lesser vault

j) 3 Scrolls titled "itsne ereur" of Phase Door
k) a Scroll titled "orgval petiv" of Teleportation
l) a Scroll titled "he doe mikiv" of Identify
// lost WoRs to dragon bats

m) a Lead Rod of Slow Monster worth 1500 gold pieces <2 Waves>
// handcrafted from rod of dowsing

n) a Steel Rod of Frost Bolts
o) a Hawthorn Wand of Teleport Other worth 384 gold pieces (2 charges)
p) a Chromium Wand of Stone to Mud (5 charges)
q) an Oak Wand of Frost Bolts (9 charges)
r) 2 Copper-Plated Wands of Darkness Bolts (13 charges) {=s}
s) a Mouth Organ of Speed worth 7570 gold pieces (+3 to speed)
   It modifies speed. 
// found it not long before death, was in a rush and forgot to put it on

t) 7 Daggers of Manathirst worth 1410 gold pieces (1d4) (+5,+6)
   It feeds you stolen mana.  It burdens you with mana drain. 
// decided not to burden myself in the LMount with unnecessary eq, except

// for 1 or 2 slots that sell well. This was fist runner.

u) 13 Steel-tipped Arrows (2d6) (+0,+0) {@f1 =g}
// some 50+ of these got destroyed by dragon bats

v) 3 Steel-tipped Arrows (2d6) (+0,+0) <Unhealth-coated> {@f1 =g}

  [Home Inventory]

a) 3 Explosive Rune stones
// if i knew there's no return from the LMount...

b) a Magic Book of Illusions
c) a Magic Book of Earth Magic
d) a Magic Book of Life Magic
// Now here is something funny. A prerequisite for cure serious wounds spell

// from this book of life magic is stinking cloud. Rogues do not have the

// stinking cloud spell = no cure serious wounds for them, even thou it is in

// the list.

e) 5 Rainbow Potions of Slowness
f) 6 Sparkling Potions of Confusion
g) an Azure Potion of Healing
h) a Copper Rod of Lightning Bolts
i) a Dogwood Wand of Heal Monster (6 charges)
j) a Lead-Plated Wand of Web building (7 charges) {50% off}
k) a Gnarled Wand of Winds (11 charges) {10% off}
// both wands used in the mirkwood boss fight - and both to good effect

l) a Cloak of See Invisible [1,+9]
   It gives its wielder see invisible. 
m) a Cloak of Sense Dragons [1,+2]
   It senses dragons. 
// again - if i knew there's no return...

n) a Mouth Organ of Charisma worth 14070 gold pieces (+12)
   It modifies charisma.  It sustains charisma. 
// town equipment

o) a Lance (3d8) (+0,+0)
// kept @home in case of some lucky runes findings

p) a Mace of Smite Undead worth 19530 gold pieces (2d4) (+8,+10) (+1) <3

  [Dungeons Explored]

You have reached level 8 of the Misty Mountains.
You have reached level 12 of Mirkwood.
You have reached level 8 of the Lonely Mountain.
You have reached level 5 of Farmer Maggot's farm.
You have reached level 3 of Bree.
You have reached level 2 of Trollshaw Forest.

// maybe this could also save info if the level was the last one? Something

// "You have finished the Misty Mountains." if you kill the boss.

// The "You have reached..." could appear only when boss was not offed.

// Or maybe make it a mixed display: "You have reached level 2 of Trollshaw

// and defeated its guardian(s) at level(s) 0, 1, 2."

// "You have reached level 5 of Mirkwood, and did not defeat its guardian."


You are afflicted with illweather.  It must be treated by the appropriate
remedy, or can have the symptoms treated.  You can learn some
spells/prayers.  You are temporarily resistant tofire. 
You are carrying equipment that you have not fully identified.  It sustains

  [Spells Learnt]

Detect Monsters          Phase Door               Light Area
Detect Power             Cure Light Wounds        Detect Evil
Find Hidden Traps/Doors  Treasure Detection       Object Detection
Value Magic              Sense Magic              Cure Poison
Teleport Self            Spear of Light           Turn Stone to Mud
Confuse Monster          Satisfy Hunger           Stone tell


Quests will not be enabled until version 0.7.0.  This output is for
testing only.
You can talk to Farmer Maggot.

You can talk to Farmer Maggot.

You can talk to Farmer Maggot.

  [Character Equipment Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

(+/-)         +  +
      |}=="~(()]]]               |}=="~(()]]]
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@
 Str: .............        Str:  .............
 Int: ...........5.        Int:  .............
 Wis: ........1....        Wis:  ........s....
 Dex: .............        Dex:  .............
 Con: .............        Con:  .............
 Chr: .............        Chr:  .............
 Acid:.............        Disea:.............
 Elec:.....+.......        Blind:............+
 Fire:..+..........        Confu:......+......
 Cold:.............        Sound:.............
 Pois:.............        Shard:.............
 Fear:.............        Nexus:.............
 Lite:.............        Nethr:.............
 Dark:.......+.....        Chaos:.............
Water:.............        Disen:.............
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@
 Food:.............         Save:.............
Feath:.............        Devic:....3........
PLite:.............        Steal:.......4.....
Regen:.............        Sear.:.............
Telep:.............        Infra:.............
Invis:.............        Tunn.:.............
FrAct:...+.........        Speed:.............
HLife:.............        Blows:.............
Activ:.............        Shots:.............
Throw:.............        Might:.............
Undea:.............        Healt:.............
Demon:.............         Mana:.............
  Orc:.............        Exper:.............
Troll:.............        Telep:.............
Giant:.............        Spell:.............
Dragn:.............         Evil:.............
  Man:.............              abcdefghijkl@
Dwarf:............+              |}=="~(()]]] 

  [Home Inventory Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

(+/-)               + +       
       ????!!!----((|/\                ????!!!----((|/\       
       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
 Str:  ........................  Str:  ........................
 Int:  ........................  Int:  ........................
 Wis:  ...............1........  Wis:  ........................
 Dex:  ........................  Dex:  ........................
 Con:  ........................  Con:  ........................
 Chr:  .............*..........  Chr:  .............s..........
 Acid: ........................ Disea: ........................
 Elec: ........................ Blind: ........................
 Fire: ........................ Confu: ........................
 Cold: ........................ Sound: ........................
 Pois: ........................ Shard: ........................
 Fear: ........................ Nexus: ........................
 Lite: ........................ Nethr: ........................
 Dark: ........................ Chaos: ........................
Water: ........................ Disen: ........................

 Food: ........................  Save: ........................
Feath: ........................ Devic: ........................
PLite: ........................ Steal: ........................
Regen: ........................ Sear.: ........................
Telep: ........................ Infra: ........................
Invis: ...........+............ Tunn.: ........................
FrAct: ........................ Speed: ........................
HLife: ........................ Blows: ........................
Activ: ........................ Shots: ........................
Throw: ............+........... Might: ........................
Undea: ........................ Healt: ........................
Demon: ........................  Mana: ........................
  Orc: ........................ Exper: ........................
Troll: ........................ Telep: ........................
Giant: ........................ Spell: ........................
Dragn: ........................  Evil: ........................
  Man: ........................
Dwarf: ........................
  Elf: ........................
Natur: ........................

Game: Expand the power of the look command   : yes (expand_look)
Game: Expand the power of the list commands  : yes (expand_list)
Game: Map remembers all perma-lit grids      : yes (view_perma_grids)
Game: Map remembers all torch-lit grids      : no  (view_torch_grids)
Game: Generate dungeons with aligned rooms   : yes (dungeon_align)
Game: Generate dungeons with connected stairs: yes (dungeon_stair)
Game: Mark where you have detected traps     : yes (view_unsafe_grids)
Game: Mark where you have detected monsters  : yes (view_detect_grids)
Game: When running, ignore interesting floors: yes (run_ignore_floors)
Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : yes (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : no  (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race bonuses       : yes (adult_maximize_race)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize all of the artifacts        : no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Play in Lord of the Rings campaign    : yes (adult_campaign)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Adult: Haggle in stores                      : no  (adult_haggle)
Adult: Scum for good levels                  : yes (adult_scum)
Adult: Maximize effect of class bonuses      : yes (adult_maximize_class)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)
Score: Know complete artifact/ego info       : no  (score_lore)
Score: Auto-inscribe items as if known       : no  (score_auto)

Posted on 2.10.2006 09:37

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14441. on the Ladder (of 19032)
79. on the Unangband Ladder (of 189)


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On 2.10.2006 09:37 pebepe wrote:
A first semi-succesful attempt at a rogue character. Also the first time @Lonely Mountain. The rogue class turns out to be handicapped - or rather "playability challenged" - more comments on that in later post. As for the char itself - the story with lonely mountain and laketown ruins is lovely. I knew Smaug will be @LM, but did not predict the town ruination. After descending into the LM, and fining it's an almost unplayable dungeon save for stairscumming, Goldfinger decided to skip on this part. Alas, after finding out there's no shops/home available, as well as no way back, Goldfinger clenched his teeth, went back to LM, and started diving, hoping to at least give it a shot @Smaugie with his 20+ !oCCW, 4 !oRHeat, wands of darkness bolts and a damage rod.
The way down, pure stairscumming + detect magic looking for fire restistance, did not let him fully avoid hordes of disenchantment/acid breathing bats. Lack of acid resistance did not help, too.
It went for some time, when suddenly my detect magic radar has picked a signal coming from a lesser vault. Nothing letal seemed to be dwelling inside, guarding what seemed like a bunch of excellent arrows and some wear-it-on-the-spot equipment.
Long story short - in the vault fight Goldfinger lost most of his !oCCW, phase door scrolls, and willingness to live. Most of vault monsters were mopping the floor with his sorry bottom. Big dark green P, 9th Unique Cat, even a mummy guardian. Guess the AC damage (lost over 40 ac since start of the dungeon) and loss of 9/9 enchant on the weapon did mean something. With what was left he had no chance at tackling Smaug at all (like he had it before, niah niah), even if the vault would fall pray to his greed.
Guess that loss of morale caused him to make a fatal error - drinking !oRHeat instead of !oCCW when nexus vortex popped his low-hp sack in the vicinity of some red dragon.

All in all - lovely touch there with the Lone Mountain and Laketown Ruins. Please do tell me - was there any way i could have withdrawn from the place without going down the bats infested hole?

On 2.10.2006 09:49 Pebepe wrote:
Here will come some general comments.
1# Rogues have Cloudkill in their spell list (book of destruction) -
unfortunately it needs stinking cloud as a prerequisite - which is not in a rogue spell list.
2# The same repeats for cure serious wounds - it also shows stinky cloud as a prerequisite.
3# Descriptions of dark rituals and black arts spells mention adding mana for "damage" ("it drains life from you for 20 damage, and adds mana to you for 10d5 damage."). Possibly a typo - the mana added does not cause additional damage - the damage gets delt only once.
4# When printing spells descriptions during browsing, the message buffer should be filled to at least 80 chars, possibly adding spaces to the string if
the msg itself is shorter. As it is now, if the description is shorter, the result looks like this - "When cast, it dispels one direction if undead for 169 damage.a Fail Info" - where the part after the dot is a leftover from the top line of the spell listing.
5# Not a bug per se, but a minor inconveniance for new players. When browsing spells, pressing [space] should clear the currently viewed spell and
return to the spell listing. As it is now the topmost spell name is hidden by the description of any spell the player has chosen for viewing.
6# What's the purpose of the 'feedback' spell being included in the book of
celestial magic? I understand it's a neat spell to have on a scroll or a rod - to add some element of dangerousness to use-Identifying these. But is there any
possible reason player might want to cast self disenchantment/nether/nexus in exchange for some not-that-godly damage?
7# Running into staircase in darkness could possibly produce some kind of a message. "You bump into something. It feels like a staircase going up/down".
8# Traps created with spells like fire trap do not seem to affect monsters at all. They were walking over it without harm nor any message.
9# Magical weapon creation spells - runestaff, fireblade, etc:

a) when one is wielded, casting other spell of such type eats up mana without any msg and nothing happens;

b) there's no sure way for player to know just what damage the spellweapon provides - its 'I' info only says "When thrown, it does 3d4 blunt damage" (example taken from 'flame blade')

c) such weapons do not seem to be treated as weapons - when wielding them the character gets 1 attack and does "punches" and "flying kicks". Guess
instead of having these items stand out by their tval, it'd be better to have them stand out by flag (say TEMPITEM). This way these could have appropriate
tval and be treated just like normal weapons for purpose of combat, while their temporariness would be handled by flag.

d) as a final touch for this subject - it'd be great if they have
variable description - stating how much time is left for their existance. Eg when 'I'nspecting you could see something like "This item will last for 5 more

On 2.10.2006 09:58 Pebepe wrote:
And now something more rogue-class-and-surroundings specific:

1# What's the purpose of... rogue class itself? Right now it's a weaker version of ranger - marginaly better fighting/hitdice than unspecced ranger, much worse magic skills. Still, rangers get two-weapon spec that grants them +attacks, or they can choose bow spec, also +shots - nothing like that available to rogues.
Proposed changes for rogues:
- some stealth skill progression - half of what thieves receive
- give rogues sling bonus, no matter the spec. Something like +hit at the start, and +shot someplace higher.
- let them choose slinger specialization - giving smaller bonuses becouse of the bonuses from earlier poing already present.
- let them choose backstab specialization
- some backstabbing bonus, as well as the backstab message, should be available to both rogues and thieves even without the specialization. The spec should just further enhance the badasseness of these hits.

2# Rangers should not have all the damaging spells that mages do - maybe remove all but basic elemental damage spells from their list?

2# Vote for bringing in [O]-style (i think) special spells for ranger/rogue - spells that affect next hit/shot - for example a spell that makes next ranger shot always hit, or spell that shots sling bullets and poison them in the meantime, and so on.

4# Gold/object detecting spell s for rogues only? That'd give them some distinctive feel. Mages/shamans would retain detect magic, while rangers/bards would loose these.

3# Idea: WS_WEAPONLESS - player wielding no weapon - and a new archer style - master shooter - has bonuses with all ranged weapons, but only if not
wielding weapon.

On 2.10.2006 15:42 wrote:
Too many questions to answer all at once. Rogues are intended to be really good magic device users...
They'll also get the best crafting abilities, when I implement this.

I'm actually tempted to strip back ranger spell abilities to a similar level to rogues, and have a warrior mage class take over ranger spell list, but have hopeless bow/throwing skills.

And feedback detects most of the 'hidden' resistances of certain items, which is why it is useful.

On 3.10.2006 09:58 Pebepe wrote:
Well, then the device damage, including potions, should be scaled with magic device skill, i guess, along with getting upped by style.

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