The Angband Ladder: Mixer, the Mystic, High-Elf Shaman by <Bandobras>

  [Unangband 0.6.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Mixer, the Mystic                        Self  RB  CB  EB   Best  Curr
 Sex    Male         Age     123          STR:  18/59  +1  -3  +0  18/39
 Race   High-Elf     Height   94          INT:     16  +3  +2  +0  18/30
 Class  Shaman       Weight  186          WIS:     16  -1  +0  +0     15
 Style  Unarmed      T      Practiser     DEX:     17  +3  +3  +0  18/50
 HP     112/112      Status   81          CON:  18/29  +1  -1  +0  18/29
 SP     35/35        Level    15          CHR:     13  +5  +2  +0  18/20

 GameTurn    274325  Armor   [15,+28] Saving Throw     Superb
 Cur Exp       3321  Fight   (+9,+28) Stealth       Very Good
 Max Exp       3321  Melee  UN+9,+28) Fighting      Very Good
 Adv Exp       4230  Shoot X  (+9,+0) Shooting      Very Good
 MaxDepth   Lev  12  Blows     2/turn Disarming     Very Good
 Gold           231  Shots     1/turn Magic Device     Superb
 Burden      80 lbs  Speed     Normal Perception         Fair
 % Burden       30%  Infra      40 ft Searching          Fair

 You are one of several children of a Noldorin Mage.  You have
 light grey eyes, straight black hair, and a fair complexion.

 This is 3rd Tuile of the 2890th year of the third age.  You are on level 1 of
the House of Tom Bombadil.

  [Character Equipment Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

       }   ~(( ] ]                }   ~(( ] ]
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@
 Str: .............        Str:  .............
 Int: .............        Int:  .............
 Wis: .............        Wis:  .............
 Dex: .............        Dex:  .............
 Con: .............        Con:  .............
 Chr: .............        Chr:  .............
 Acid:.............        Disea:............. 
 Elec:.............        Blind:............. 
 Fire:.............        Confu:............. 
 Cold:.............        Sound:............. 
 Pois:.............        Shard:............. 
 Fear:.............        Nexus:............. 
 Lite:............+        Nethr:............. 
 Dark:.............        Chaos:............. 
Water:.............        Disen:............. 
      abcdefghijkl@              abcdefghijkl@ 
 Food:.............         Save:.............
Feath:.............        Devic:.............
PLite:.............        Steal:.............
Regen:.............        Sear.:.............
Telep:.............        Infra:.............
Invis:............+        Tunn.:.............
FrAct:.............        Speed:.............
HLife:.............        Blows:.............
Activ:.............        Shots:.............
Throw:.............        Might:.............
Undea:.............        Healt:............. 
Demon:.............         Mana:............. 
  Orc:.............        Exper:............. 
Troll:.............        Telep:............. 
Giant:.............        Spell:............. 
Dragn:.............         Evil:............. 
  Man:.............              abcdefghijkl@ 
Dwarf:.............               }   ~(( ] ]  
       }   ~(( ] ]                             

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)
b) a Light Crossbow (x3) (+0,+0)
c) (nothing)
d) (nothing)
e) (nothing)
f) a Brass Lantern (with 11097 turns of light left)
g) Hard Studded Leather (-1,+10) [7,+11] {unruned}
h) a Cloak [1,+0]
i) (nothing)
j) an Iron Helm (+10) [5,+9]
k) (nothing)
l) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+0]

  [Character Inventory]

a) an Eye Rune stone
b) a Storm Rune stone
c) a Prayer Book of Blessings {@m1}
d) a Magic Book of Cantrips {@m2}
e) a Mushroom of Confusion
f) 5 Mushrooms of Cure Paranoia {cure fear}
g) a Ration of Food
h) 3 Light Blue Mushrooms {mana}
i) 14 Flasks of Oil
j) 12 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
k) 5 Hazy Potions
l) 3 Gold Potions
m) a Light Blue Potion
n) a Cottonwood Staff (1d6) {unruned}
o) 7 Bolts (1d7) (+0,+0) <Disease-coated> {=g @f0}
p) 14 large Silver mushroom patch Spores

  [Home Inventory Stat Modifiers, Sustains and Flags]

       !|{~                            !|{~                    
       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx
 Str:  ........................  Str:  ........................
 Int:  ........................  Int:  ........................
 Wis:  ........................  Wis:  ........................
 Dex:  ........................  Dex:  ........................
 Con:  ........................  Con:  ........................
 Chr:  ........................  Chr:  ........................
 Acid: ........................ Disea: ........................
 Elec: ........................ Blind: ........................
 Fire: ........................ Confu: ........................
 Cold: ........................ Sound: ........................
 Pois: ........................ Shard: ........................
 Fear: ........................ Nexus: ........................
 Lite: ........................ Nethr: ........................
 Dark: ........................ Chaos: ........................
Water: ........................ Disen: ........................

 Food: ........................  Save: ........................
Feath: ........................ Devic: ........................
PLite: ........................ Steal: ........................
Regen: ........................ Sear.: ........................
Telep: ........................ Infra: ........................
Invis: ........................ Tunn.: ........................
FrAct: ........................ Speed: ........................
HLife: ........................ Blows: ........................
Activ: ........................ Shots: ........................
Throw: ........................ Might: ........................
Undea: ........................ Healt: ........................
Demon: ........................  Mana: ........................
  Orc: ........................ Exper: ........................
Troll: ........................ Telep: ........................
Giant: ........................ Spell: ........................
Dragn: ........................  Evil: ........................
  Man: ........................
Dwarf: ........................
  Elf: ........................
Natur: ........................

  [Home Inventory]

a) 3 Flasks of Oil
b) a Broad Sword (2d5) <3 Flames>
c) 5 Bolts (1d7) (+0,+0) <Oil-coated> {=g @f0}
d) 9 empty Bottles

  [Dungeons Explored]

You have reached level 5 of Farmer Maggot's farm.
You have reached level 3 of Bree.
You have reached level 7 of Barrow-downs.
You have reached level 4 of a clearing in the Old Forest.
You have reached level 1 of the House of Tom Bombadil.


You suffer from no afflictions.  You can learn some spells/prayers.  


Quests will not be enabled until version 0.7.0.  This output is for
testing only.
You can talk to Farmer Maggot.

You can talk to Farmer Maggot.

You can talk to Farmer Maggot.

Game: Auto-haggle in stores                  : yes (auto_haggle)
Game: Auto-scum for good levels              : yes (auto_scum)
Game: Expand the power of the look command   : yes (expand_look)
Game: Expand the power of the list commands  : yes (expand_list)
Game: Map remembers all perma-lit grids      : yes (view_perma_grids)
Game: Map remembers all torch-lit grids      : yes (view_torch_grids)
Game: Generate dungeons with aligned rooms   : no  (dungeon_align)
Game: Generate dungeons with connected stairs: no  (dungeon_stair)
Game: Mark where you have detected traps     : yes (view_unsafe_grids)
Game: Mark where you have detected monsters  : no  (view_detect_grids)
Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points  : no  (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats  : yes (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize all of the artifacts        : no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Adult: Play in Lord of the Rings campaign    : yes (adult_campaign)
Adult: Don't stack objects on the floor      : no  (adult_no_stacking)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)
Score: Know complete artifact/ego info       : no  (score_lore)
Score: Auto-inscribe items as if known       : no  (score_auto)

Posted on 2.6.2006 04:11
Last updated on 4.6.2006 16:25

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17223. on the Ladder (of 19032)
120. on the Unangband Ladder (of 189)
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On 2.6.2006 04:11 Bandobras wrote:
I was curious how the Shaman pseudo-id works. Quite interesting, since I (probably) get a lot of clues how runes work, which might prove useful for other classes, as well. I'm not sure the Shaman pseudo-id differentiates {average} from {good} items, though. In the mid-late-game this will not be a problem, but by that time I will have enough id spells to id for a 5-character party. :)

I've just killed Dunlending, and two unique dogs some time before that, but no Maggot himself, since I was too weak at the beginning and I didn't even want to have more monsters, as it is at night. The game is very fast (around 30 kills, I guess), because I had luck with stairs and because I have trouble killing anything. Without the crossbow I would have to rely on oil and it runs out quckly. I still needed around 10 flasks to finish Dunlending after he picked up my 25 bolts. He would have killed me, but I escaped via Phase Door, killed a confusing mushroom (the only mushroom killed so far), coated the bolts and just then he arrived. :) Now I finally managed to get Bless and the style bonuses start to apply, so unarmed combat will finally make some sense...

On 2.6.2006 04:18 Bandobras wrote:
Oh, and I see the Dungeons Explored section is from the previous game (a Paladin going the Hobbit way --- this one will go the Ring way) apart of the Old Forest, which is from outer space, apparently.

The double books are fun, though there is a bit too much overlap for my taste. Especially nice is that I get to choose spells, but I cannot choose prayers. This takes some planning and interesting strategy that fails miserbaly when you advance 3 levels at once, just as I did after killing Dunlending. :>

On 2.6.2006 13:03 wrote:
Its actually a triple book strategy, as you can study spell books as well, which have to be learnt in the order they are listed.

On 2.6.2006 13:08 wrote:
And your comments re: save-file preserving the list of dungeons is undoubtably where the bug lies. I'll get this fixed...

On 2.6.2006 16:48 Bandobras wrote:
Now I've finally killed Maggot. After gauging my armour in Hobbiton I understand how I managed to kill him and all the animals --- (-1, +10) Hard Studded Leather [7,+11]. That is +10 to damage. Great! :)

This means, however, that the Shaman pseudo-id is not useful for compacting your backpack or choosing what to pick up, even in the late game. E.g., a (+20, +20) Hard Leather Cap would be nice even for some CL50 characters and it appears as {unruned}, the same as an average leather cap. Perhaps make it {unruned} for average things, {unintelligible} for not ordinary, but not egos, and <+10 Stars> for egos?

On 2.6.2006 16:57 Bandobras wrote:
I don't understand "they have to be learnt in the order they are listed". I learn spells in whatever order I choose, and learn prayers randomly. Also I have the choice of the spell book to learn from.

Currently I moved to Buckland, but I do not much shopping, shince the mage has no Indetify service, so I cannot sell my ego sword. I will skip the Old Forest since I do not need any training for the Clearing dungeon and I'm spoiled with FA wilderness, which appears more fun than the Old Forest, despite the nice overhead view/detailed view of the Un wilderness and the ability to set fire. BTW, moving through the wilderness as in FA seems more fun than moving via nearby location/distant location in Un. I guess even Z wilderness in more fun than Un, but at least Un travel is quick, safe and easy to plan. Tough choices here... :)

I will kill Old Man Willow at the bottom of the clearing and if I have enough mushrooms I will go for Bombadil, otherwise I will go up, back to Buckland and then try my luck.

On 2.6.2006 17:17 Bandobras wrote:
To fit the Evil Maintainer from Hell stereotype perhaps make it so that only average uncursed items are {unruned} and both cursed (and terrible) and good non-ego items are {unintelligible}? *ducks*

On 2.6.2006 17:28 wrote:
The fact that non-weapon items end up with +10 damage bonus is a bug that will only be around for beta 2, so enjoy it.

The "they have to be learnt in the order they are listed" comment applies to learning spells from Song books. Typo on my part...

On 2.6.2006 17:50 Bandobras wrote:
Oh, I see. The first two Song books give nothing new wrt the first two Prayer and Spell books, so not much additional fun here (the Prayer and Spell books already have enough repetitive/useless spells). I guess with dungeon books the third source of magic will be handy, though. BTW, do you restrict Shaman spells for flavour or balance? Currently playing a shaman I would like him to have access to *all* spells and I just wonder why it is not the case. He is miserable enough with the poor stats, skills, high level and mana requirements for spells and not enough inventory slots for a quarter of the useful books/runes (with losts of repetitive/useless spells in them). Having *all* spells will give him just a nice, powerful, professional appeal, if not any real power.

On 2.6.2006 21:08 Bandobras wrote:
A wild idea for making Shaman magic more managable and unique: allow him to treat any item inscribed with runes as a book (containing the spell from the rune). Or even wilder: treat each ego item as a book.

On 3.6.2006 02:17 Bandobras wrote:
As always I misspoiled myself and I though that Old Forest is 1 level deep. It is four level deep, so I have enough mushrooms for several Bombadils and really no way of coming back up to Buckland. Fortunately Old Man Willow could be confused. Unfortunately, Bombadil cannot. I can try paralysing him, but I have no clear bolts left for coating (and I don't want to waste the current coating). Not many options left.

Now I would like to duel with Bombadil, but I have a problem --- only one food ration left. I would gladly try my luck with forest fire, but I cannot wait for him, since the day has just begun (I waited to get the freebies in safety). So I have to get downstairs and be quick so that I will be able to travel to Barrow Downs with full stomach.

What chances do I have?

On 3.6.2006 02:27 Bandobras wrote:
About the Old Forest dungeon: it is really nice, but I guess 2 levels instead of 4 would be just enough. This would really leave a choice --- go ahead or get back to Buckland. They could also be higher-level, unless this makes the horrendous fast Slimes possible (I hope not). I only had to leave alone slimy molds and noxious jellies. The rest was too easy. Similarly with warrior-types. BTW the noxious jellies looked quite spurious. Why are they plants, anway?

On 3.6.2006 19:26 Bandobras wrote:
No advice? :<

On 4.6.2006 16:35 Bandobras wrote:
So I decided to try my luck with Bombadil. His dungeon is a nice change from the Old Forest one. Similar, but different both in rooms and monsters. I got a good feeling and some special rooms, one with zombies, one with wolves and one demons. I was lucky to find a ration of food early, so I could explore all the dungeon and level up considerably, before waking up Bombadil.

It is quite outrageous --- he is not affected by blindness, while his description does not say so! I was at normal speed, so I ended up throwing 15 spores of poison at him, interspersed with 15 spores of fear. This almost worked, but when the spores ran out and I phased, he managed to shake the poison off (does it not cumulate?) and he recovered to almost full healh, while I waited for him in lit room (much easier fighting there, especially, when I'm hallucinating almost all the time). Then I started firing my bolts coated with disease at him (with bless and heroism), then he teleported away, so I managed to collect the bolts again. Then he returned and after using the bolts I tried melee. He almost killed me, so I phased and started hiting him with magic missiles. Thanks to his erratic movement I managed to gravely wound him and then I finished him with melee. Wheee!

Now I have lots of loot stored in varius parts of the dungeon and then some more in Bombadil house on the surface. Fortunately he had some ID scrolls at home, so I will have easier time sorting the loot. :)

On 4.6.2006 23:44 Bandobras wrote:
I wonder... If the Buckland phase is going to be a long one then perhaps, instead of the long Old Forest Clearing dungeon, make a separate, quite generic one, under the Old Forest wilderness? Then bump up the depth of the Clearing dungeon by several levels (and please shorten it by 2 levels) and perhaps bump up Bombadil dungeon by, say 3 levels (the dungeon is optional, anyway).

But I like Buckland as a short stage. I would rather remove home from there for some feeling of danger/leaving home/speed (I always store there only the things I get from Hobbiton and identify, but do not sell and then retrieve them in Bree, anyway). Then I would change some shops, in particular removing the Identify service, make Old Forest Clearing shorter and deeper, leave Bombadil as is and go ahead to Bree.

On 5.6.2006 13:51 wrote:
I'm very impressed that you managed to kill bombadil. I've tried several times but always ended up dying or giving up.
What do you use the eye and the storm stones for. I have so far found the stones useless except for inscribing objects.

On 5.6.2006 18:22 Bandobras wrote:
Thank you. :) I guess I was lucky that Bombadil did not cast confusion and blindness too many times (i only have 12 CSW left, some found in the very dungeon) and that he was erratic enough that several Phase Door scrolls plus some spells of the same were enough. The enourmous +dam bonuses from armour helped, too, but I would kill him without them, anyway. I didn't use coating of paralization, since I had not free bolts and blindess coating didn't work (a bug?), I also did not try to lure him into nearby bushes or nearby wooden decks and then burn them, so there is still a lot of room for improvement. :)

Bombadil just dropped the rune stones. I might use them for learning some magic (only magic mapping at my current level). But I will rather store them and then inscribe with them, indeed.

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