The Angband Ladder: Reflex, Human Shaman by <>

  [TomeNET 4.4.0b @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Reflex           Age                 16       Str: 18/*** 18/***
 Sex         : Male             Height              53       Int: 18/*** 18/***
 Race        : Human            Weight             215       Wis: 18/*** 18/***
 Class       : Shaman           Social Class        19       Dex: 18/*** 18/***
 Body        : Greater titan                                 Con: 18/*** 18/***
 Mode        : Everlasting (infinite lives)                  Chr: 18/*** 18/***
 +To MHit          137      Level             57    Max Hit Points      1663   
 +To MDamage        96      Experience  17496339    Cur Hit Points      1663   
 +To RHit           10      Max Exp     17496339    Max SP (Mana)        311   
 +To RDamage         0      Exp to Adv. 19200000    Cur SP (Mana)        311   
 + To AC           147      Gold           51573    Cur Sanity         Sound   
   Base AC           7                                                         
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Legendary    Perception  : Superb       Blows/Round:  8         
 Bows/Throw  : Fair         Searching   : Fair         Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Legendary    Disarming   : Good         Spells/Round: 2         
 Stealth     : Legendary    Magic Device: Good         Infra-Vision: 1320 feet 
 You are at 0ft of (32, 32).                                                   
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are one of several children of a Serf.  You are a                
          credit to the family.  You have green eyes, straight brown           
          hair, and an average complexion.                                     

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                         11.000 [0.450]
     - Weaponmastery                              01.000 [0.600]
         . Axe-mastery                            00.000 [0.500]
         . Hafted-mastery                         00.000 [0.500]
     - Archery                                    01.000 [0.600]
         . Sling-mastery                          01.000 [0.400]
         . Bow-mastery                            00.000 [0.350]
         . Crossbow-mastery                       00.000 [0.350]
         . Boomerang-mastery                      01.000 [0.400]
     . Martial Arts                               50.000 [0.500]
 - Magic                                          13.680 [0.800]
     . Mimicry                                    40.000 [0.800]
     . Magic-device                               00.000 [0.500]
     . Spell-power                                00.000 [0.500]
     . Mana                                       01.000 [0.600]
     . Fire                                       29.000 [1.000]
     . Water                                      00.000 [1.000]
     . Air                                        32.000 [1.000]
     . Earth                                      00.000 [1.000]
     . Meta                                       00.000 [0.500]
     . Conveyance                                 01.000 [1.000]
     . Divination                                 50.000 [1.000]
     . Mind                                       00.000 [1.000]
     . Nature                                     00.000 [1.000]
     . Udun                                       00.000 [0.900]
     . Holy Offense                               01.000 [0.900]
     . Holy Defense                               00.000 [0.900]
     . Holy Curing                                00.000 [1.000]
     . Holy Support                               00.000 [0.900]
 - Sneakiness                                     01.120 [0.400]
     . Stealth                                    02.600 [0.800]
         . Calmness                               00.000 [0.900]
         . Interception                           00.000 [0.500]
 - Necromancy                                     05.100 [1.500]
     . Traumaturgy                                25.500 [1.500]
     . Aura of Fear                               00.000 [1.500]
     . Shivering Aura                             00.000 [1.500]
     . Aura of Death                              00.000 [1.500]
 - Health                                         01.000 [1.000]
     . Swimming                                   01.000 [1.000]
     . Digging                                    01.000 [1.000]
     . Climbing                                   00.000 [0.030]

  [Character Equipment]

a) (nothing)
b) (nothing)
c) a Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,39} (+8)
d) a Tortoise Shell Ring of Speed {+,40} (+11)
e) a Copper Amulet of Trickery {+,25} (+4) {PoNx}
f) a Feanorian Lamp of the Magi {+,40} (+2) {Bl @w5 @t5}
g) The Cord Armour 'Harad' {+,51} [6,+21] (+3) {FiAc}
h) The Cloak 'Avathar' {+,48} [1,+18] (+4) {ElCo}
i) (nothing)
j) The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth {+,45} [0,+0] (+125) {cursed}
k) a Set of Cesti of Slaying {+,29} (+8,+9) [5,+14]
l) Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Elvenkind {+,30}[2,+15](+5){50% off}
m) (nothing)
n) a Dwarven Shovel of Digging {+,19} (1d3) (+7,+6) (+3) (+5)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Handbooks of Beginner Cantrips {+,1} {@m4}
b) 2 Spellbooks of Vision {+,1} {@m7}
c) a Spellbook of Fireflash {+,1} {@m3}
d) 2 Spellbooks of Noxious Cloud {+,1} {@m2}
e) a Manly Potion of Cure Critical Insanity {+,14} {@q9}
f) 13 Blue Potions of Speed {+,1} {@q3}
g) 69 Pungent Potions of Healing {+,15} {@q1}
h) 3 Green Potions of Restore Life Levels {+,8}
i) 36 Yellow Speckled Potions of Resistance {+,7} {@q2}
j) 13 Scrolls "nis bit temmur" of Teleportation {+,1} {@r1 @r2 @r0}
k) 10 Scrolls "eep hex aks" of Word of Recall {+,1} {@R}
l) 9 Scrolls "hatab uun" of Satisfy Hunger {+,1} {50% off}
m) a Fireproof Scroll "ertrol bit" of *Destruction* {+,21} {@r9}

  [Last Messages]

Keymap has been reinitialized.
Server Note: Make sure to regularly visit the forum on
Server Note:  and the bulletin board (press !).
Server Note: Client 4.4.0a released. See the forum.
Server Note: Earthquake damage is now truly capped to 300.
Server Note: A single breath or ball can hit you only once now.
You see an Elven Cloak {Keria,18} [4,+6] (+1) {Nidhogg, the Hel-Drake}.
[Xz of Thievery] bree bm?
[Shifty] yeah
[Xz of Thievery] you'll get caught on the scythe :P
[Shifty] noo full inv :(((
Mimiksorc has returned from AFK.
[Xz of Thievery] lol
You hear loud shouting..
an angry shopkeeper kicks Shifty out of the store!
[Shifty] on the armour
[Reflex] 8ball, should this char update his chardump too?
[8ball] N..Yes.

Posted on 15.3.2006 16:24
Last updated on 6.2.2007 20:34

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112. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)


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On 15.3.2006 16:24 wrote:
Shaman power!

At level 50 I will have:
50 Martial Arts
35 Divination School (ID Spell)
32 Air School (Unbreathable Cloud spell)
29.2 Mimicry (Greater Titan form)
30 Fire School (Holy Fire spell)
15-25 Traumaturgy (To maintain SP ;)

On 17.3.2006 13:35 wrote:
Green Dragonrider form archieved. Spell schools skilled up to thin nox and holy fire.

I still need some mimicry for LT/GT :P

On 21.3.2006 15:33 wrote:
Bought nice gloves from BM. :)

On 22.3.2006 18:55 wrote:
13 of both Lesser and Greater Titans killed. About 40-45 more to get the form -_-

On 25.3.2006 00:58 wrote:
20 Greater Titans to go...

On 25.3.2006 12:20 wrote:
58 Greater Titans killed, and you know what that means >:)

On 30.3.2006 15:23 wrote:
6 blows per round, yay!

On 3.4.2006 10:13 wrote:

On 6.4.2006 04:06 wrote:
w00t, one of the first "serious" shaman. how does your unique list look like?

On 9.4.2006 00:11 wrote:
Well, I have lots of uniques left.

I killed Glaurung, the Father of Dragons today. On the other day I actually knocked some unique down. Here's a gif file from message log: (don't add www in front...)

I had a duel with The Destroyer earlier today, but he's a way too tough for me. I had already drank a half of my heal pile (total 50 pots) when he was about to just shrug off with 6 stars left... *shrugs*

If I happen to find any proper speedboots, I could swap my +10 magi gloves for nexus res istari ones... I want to be more melee char and +20 speed is hardly enough for that!

I'm level 48 atm, too lazy to post another dump atm ;). If I manage to king someday, I could try some nice forms like Death Orb >:)

On 9.4.2006 18:24 wrote:
One unique less to kill, as i got Unicorn of Order a second before the new dump :P

On 10.4.2006 16:13 wrote:

I joined the game as usual and saw Theyli dead, requesting backup at -1600 gondo. She was afk and I didnt know the situation down there, so I recalled down to -1550. After taking a >, area seemed to be pretty clear, but some D's and probably a undead pit got her. As some D died, I managed to gather a major part of her loot. I recalled up and put them to safety. Level wasnt fully clear yet though - I think I left 3 dragons/wyrms alive.

Next time I planned to recall straight to -1600. It' was a bad idea. Major summons took place. At the current moment, Mikael and Sevalis are clearing the level so I can regain my stuff.

And now the dreams end.

On 10.4.2006 17:17 wrote:
What I thought was a graveyard, actually was a zoo. Sevalis (charname Iago) died already, but Mikaelh keeps on his brave joyrney bringing those damn Q's down!

My loot seem to still be on level as last time i saw it.

On 12.4.2006 00:14 wrote:
Back alive, as Mikaelh managed to kill all the Q's and I retrieved my loot back. I lost only my boots, but I swapped eq a bit so I got all resistances anyway.

Today I was little silly... I happened to find a boot shop and I was looking some nice elvens I could put on my feet. I was supposed to _examine_ those damn Elven +1's, but ended up accidently buying em. All my money wasted on some crappy boots I dont even need. -_-

This char didn't suffer a lot of that death. Altough, I'm gonna play my other chars (Re-Flex the Rogue) a bit before trying this one out again.

Anyway, shamans rule the big one, As far as they dont get nerfed a lot... Go ahead and make a horde of shamans!

On 6.5.2006 13:50 wrote:
Level 49. I just killed Kronos, Lord of the Titans and Waldern, King of Water in some vault. I didn't know that Kronos can quake in a vault, which he did a few times. Fight wasn't quite easy, as i was "2" at one moment. Good to have lotsa heals when diving.

On 10.5.2006 01:36 wrote:
Yarr, I'm the King of Shamans!

On 12.5.2006 14:57 wrote:
10 million xp, yay!

On 25.5.2006 02:50 wrote:
Over 12 million xp, level 55 :). My highest char ever!

I'm going to formhunt for now on.

On 21.6.2006 19:08 wrote:
Level 56. Wearing +3 life randart armor, which increased my HP up to neat 1638!

On 24.7.2006 18:21 wrote:
Grr... They nerf--- uh, changed Greater Titan form so, that it no longer got Base+Poison+Shard resistances. I had to switch my cloak to some Kolla of Aman, which had poison resistance and my lamp to Feano of Magi, which provides invisibility.

Byebye shards resistance -_-

Iirc it seemed that my stealth had increased a bit (Very Good -> Excellent or something), so maybe Shamans got boosted stealth recently o_O. Nevertheless, that stealth is too low for me, even with sixtteen hundred hit points :P.

On 29.1.2007 03:36 wrote:
I just noticed that GTs still have Base+Po+Shrds resistance, so i could change my eq a bit and have Legendary stealth. Little bit diving and i reached level 57, skilling stealth even further, w00t.

About 1660hps, +300sp and ~35 speed keeps me going really good.

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