The Angband Ladder: Mighty Ghostaxe, Half-Titan Cavalry by <>

  [Entroband 1.7.1 Character Dump]

                          Name  : Mighty Ghostaxe

 Sex      : Male             Age                15   STR :  18/***
 Race     : Half-Titan       Height            113   Int :      13     14
 Class    : Cavalry          Weight            245   Wis :      17     18
                             Social Class        9   DEX :  18/144
                             Align            Good   CON :  18/188
                                                     CHR :   18/44

 Right hand      (+33,+83)   Hit point    809/ 809   Fighting   : Legendary[15]
                             SP (Mana)      0/   0   Bows/Throw : Legendary[22]
 Blows/Round         5+0+2                           SavingThrow: Superb
 AverageDmg/Rnd      515+0   Level              38   Stealth    : Superb
                             Experience    2042399
 Shooting        (+62,+22)   Max Exp       2042399   Perception : Superb
 Multiplier          x3.60   Exp to Adv    2337500   Searching  : Superb
 Shots/Round          3.14   Gold            40424   Disarming  : Very Good
                                                     MagicDevice: Excellent
 AC              [23,+113]   Time     Day 17 12:11
 Speed        Riding (+13)   Play time    08:26:02   Infra-Vision: 60 feet

                         (Character Background)
          You are the magical crossbreed of an animal and a man.  You
          have the fiery eyes of a demon, oily brown fur, and the
          hooves of a goat.

          ...Now, you are in Telmora.

 Sex   : Male          Stat    BaseRacClaPerMod ActualCurrent  abcdefghijkl@
 Race  : Half-Titan    STR :  18/55  5  2  2  8 18/***         .....s.2.2.s4
 Class : Cavalry       Int :     14  1 -2 -2  3     14     13  ...........14
 Level : 38            Wis :     16  2 -2 -1  3     18     17  ...........14
 Hits  : 809/809       DEX :  18/74 -2  2  0  7 18/144         ..3......2..2
 Mana  : 0/0           CON :  18/68  3  2  1  6 18/188         .........2.s4
                       CHR :  18/64  1  0  0 -3  18/44         .......2...14
         / }=="![(]]]             / }=="![(]]]                 / }=="![(]]]
         abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@                abcdefghijkl@
 Acid  : .......+.....    Sound : .............    Speed     : .............
 Elec  : +......+.....    Nether: ..........+..    FreeAction: ........++..+
 Fire  : .......+..++.    Nexus : .......+..+..    SeeInvisi.: ........+....
 Cold  : .......+.....    Chaos : ..........+.+    Hold Life : ........+....
 Poison: .........+...    Disnch: ..+..........    Warning   : .............
 Light : .............    Fear  : .....+.....+.    SlowDigest: .............
 Dark  : ..........+..    Reflct: .............    Regene.   : ...........+.
 Shard : .......+.....    AuFire: ......+....+.    Levitation: .............
 Blind : .......+.....    AuElec: ......+......    Perm Lite : ..........+..
 Conf  : ....+........    AuCold: .............    Cursed    : .............

             /                  / }=="![(]]]                   / }=="![(]]]
             ab@                abcdefghijkl@                  abcdefghijkl@
 Slay Evil : ...    Telepathy : ........+....    Add Blows   : .............
 Slay Und. : *..    ESP Evil  : .............    Add Tunnel  : +............
 Slay Demon: ...    ESP Noliv.: .............    Add Infra   : ......+...+..
 Slay Drag.: *..    ESP Good  : .............    Add Device  : .............
 Slay Human: ...    ESP Undead: .............    Add Stealth : ..+.....+..+.
 Slay Anim.: *..    ESP Demon : .............    Add Search  : ........+.+..
 Slay Orc  : ...    ESP Dragon: .............
 Slay Troll: ...    ESP Human : .............    Riding      : .............
 Slay Giant: ...    ESP Animal: .............    Throw       : .............
 Acid Brand: ...    ESP Orc   : .............    Blessed     : .............
 Elec Brand: ...    ESP Troll : .............    No Teleport : .............
 Fire Brand: ...    ESP Giant : .............    Anti Magic  : .............
 Cold Brand: ...                                 Econom. Mana: .............
 Poison Brd: ...    Sust Str  : .....+...+.+.
 Sharpness : ...    Sust Int  : .............    Drain Exp   : .............
 Quake     : ...    Sust Wis  : .............    Rnd.Teleport: .............
 Vampiric  : +..    Sust Dex  : .........+...    Aggravate   : .............
 Chaotic   : ...    Sust Con  : .........+.+.    TY Curse    : .............
 Force Wep.: ...    Sust Chr  : .............

  [Option Settings]

 Preserve Mode:      OFF
 Small Levels:       ENABLED
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED

  [Recall Depth]

    Angband         : level  50
    Yeek cave       : level   5
   !Labyrinth       : level  18
    Dragon's lair   : level  51
    Castle          : level  42
    R'lyeh          : level  80
   !Chameleon cave  : level  45
    Dark cave       : level  55

  [Quest Information]

< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  3
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 11
  Mughash the Kobold Lord                  (Dungeon level:   6) - level 12
  Shagrat, the Orc Captain                 (Dungeon level:  12) - level 15
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 17
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 19
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 20
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 21
  Bert the Stone Troll                     (Dungeon level:  24) - level 25
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 25
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 26
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 26
  The Tower                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 26
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 26
  Killing Fields                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 31
  Vapor Quest                              (Danger  level:  25) - level 32
  Utgard-Loke                              (Dungeon level:  38) - level 32
  Itangast the Fire Drake                  (Dungeon level:  44) - level 35
  Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be    (Dungeon level:  50) - level 35
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 37
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 37

< Failed Quest >

 Arena: 36 Victories

  [Defeated Monsters]

You have defeated 3549 enemies including 86 unique monsters in total.

< Unique monsters top 10 >
  Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber            (level  60)
  Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be    (level  56)
  Petshop                                  (level  54)
  Khamul the Easterling                    (level  53)
  Ulik the Troll                           (level  51)
  Madame Debby                             (level  51)
  Glaurung, Father of the Dragons          (level  48)
  Fafner the Dragon                        (level  47)
  Itangast the Fire Drake                  (level  47)
  Ghatanothoa                              (level  46)


Your alighnment : Good

You have strayed from the path of Valour.
You are the living embodiment of Harmony.
You are the living embodiment of Chance.
You are an enemy of Compassion.
You are very virtuous in Justice.
You are an enemy of Sacrifice.
You are a great champion of Patience.
You are the living embodiment of Temperance.

 You were born as Beastman.
 You were a Half-Elf before.
 You were a Hobbit before.
 You were a Nibelung before.
 You were a Skeleton before.
 You were a Zombie before.
 You were a Dunadan before.


 You can spit acid (dam lvl).
 You are telekinetic.
 You can smell nearby precious metal.
 You can switch locations with another being.
 You can polymorph yourself at will.
 You can harden yourself to the ravages of the elements.
 You can bring down the dungeon around your ears.
 Your eyes can fire laser beams.
 You can send evil creatures directly to Hell.
 You can freeze things with a touch.
 You are subject to berserker fits.
 You have an elephantine trunk (dam 1d4).
 You have evil looking tentacles (dam 2d5).
 You attract dragons.
 You have a seriously upset stomach.
 You occasionally feel invincible.
 Your blood sometimes rushes to your muscles.
 You are superhumanly strong (+4 STR).
 Your brain is a living computer (+4 INT/WIS).
 You are very resilient (+4 CON).
 Your voice is a silly squeak (-4 CHR).
 You have an extra pair of eyes (+15 search).
 Your skin is made of steel (-1 DEX, +25 AC).
 Your body is very limber (+3 DEX).
 Your movements are precise and forceful (+1 STL).

  [Leading Pets]

a Dracolich called Pet 3(riding)

  [Command for Pets]

 Pets open doors:                    OFF
 Pets pick up items:                 OFF
 Allow teleport:                     ON
 Allow cast attack spell:            ON
 Allow cast summon spell:            ON
 Allow involve player in area spell: OFF

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Scythe of Slicing 'Bloody Moon' (8d4) (+8,+8) [+8] (+2) (charging)
{Dg;El|V/XDLZ dlvl 80 nightwalker}
b) (nothing)
c) The Long Bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+22) (+3) {DxSl;Di;Xs khamul, killing
d) an Aquamarine Ring of Damage (+16)
e) an Engagement Ring of Confusion Resistance
f) The Torque of Boromir (+0,+16) {Fe(St dlvl 51 brand}
g) The Incandescent Light of Yeduson (+3 to infravision)
h) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {StCh;AcElFiCoShBlNx mimic
i) The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7 to stealth) {SlSr;FaSiHl~Tele dlvl
42 jack of shadows}
j) a Golden Crown of Might [0,+6] (+2) {StDxCn;Po;Fa(StDxCn bm}
k) The Set of Gauntlets of hellfire (+4,+13) [2,+11] (+3 to searching)
{SrIf;FiDkNtNxCa;Lu mimic quest}
l) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Tetsu-geta of Flame' (+5,+10) [6,+20] (-1 to
stealth) {InWiChSl;FiFe;Rg[F(StCn dlvl 34 floor}

  [Character Inventory]

a) 15 Pieces of Elvish Waybread {25% off}
b) 5 Gold Speckled Potions of Speed {25% off}
c) 27 Light Blue Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
d) 2 Silver Speckled Potions of Healing {!*}
e) 27 Scrolls titled "triapp trolpet" of Teleportation {!*}
f) 3 Scrolls titled "kli ing tadalf" of Recharging
g) a Copper-Plated Rod of Perception {!k!k !!}
h) 6 Zinc Rods of Recall {!*!*}
i) 5 Zirconium Rods of Illumination {!k!k!d!d @z0}
j) a Tin Rod of Enlightenment {!k!k!d!d}
k) 2 Brass Rods of Detection {!*}
l) an Adamantite Rod of Probing {!*}
m) a Titanium Rod of Restoration {!*}
n) 2 Gold Rods of Teleport Other {!*}
o) 5 Copper Rods of Disarming {!k!k!d!d}
p) 3 Iron Rods of Stone to Mud {!k!k!d!d}
q) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+7,+8) (+2 attacks)
r) 99 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) (88/276) {@f1 =g !k}
s) a Capture Ball (empty)

  [Home Inventory]

 ( page 1 )
a) Book of Kendo [Gorinnosho]
b) Book of Kendo [Hokusin Ittouryuu Kaiden]
c) a Crusade Spellbook [Exorcism and Dispelling]
d) 2 Daemon Spellbooks [Demonthoughts]
e) 3 Craft Spellbooks [Note of Acting Master]
f) 2 Trump Spellbooks [Trumps of Doom]
g) 2 Death Spellbooks [Black Channels]
h) 2 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Channels]
i) a Chaos Spellbook [Armageddon Tome]
j) a Sorcery Spellbook [Pattern Sorcery]
k) a Sorcery Spellbook [Grimoire of Power]
l) a Slimy Mushroom of Restoring {!*}

 ( page 2 )
a) 8 Gold Speckled Potions of Speed
b) 11 Silver Speckled Potions of Healing {!*}
c) 7 Pink Speckled Potions of *Healing* {!k !*}
d) a Brown Potion of Life {!k!q}
e) 6 Stinking Potions of Restore Mana {!k !*}
f) 2 Shimmering Potions of Self Knowledge
g) 2 Oily Yellow Potions of Resistance
h) a Dark Green Potion of Curing
i) a Light Green Potion of New Life {!*!*}
j) an Orange Potion of Polymorph
k) a Scroll titled "for mic rol" of Summon Pet
l) 11 Scrolls titled "nihum khomar" of Teleport Level

 ( page 3 )
a) 3 Scrolls titled "denmung ishbul" of *Destruction* {!*}
b) 2 Scrolls titled "ankh sanfu bit" of Genocide
c) an Uridium Rod of Trap Location {!k!k!d!d}
d) 3 Silver-Plated Rods of Door/Stair Location {!k!k!d!d}
e) a Magnesium Rod of Curing
f) 4 Copper Rods of Disarming {!k!k!d!d}
g) a Gold-Plated Wand of Haste Monster (4 charges) {!k!k!d!d}
h) 3 Gold-Plated Wands of Haste Monster (13 charges) {!*}
i) 2 Gold-Plated Wands of Haste Monster
j) an Aluminum Wand of Dragon's Breath (4 charges)
k) a Silver-Plated Wand of Striking (4 charges)
l) a Balsa Staff of Remove Curse (6 charges)

 ( page 4 )
a) a Locust Staff of Healing
b) a Maple Staff of Holiness (3 charges)
c) an Amethyst Ring of Protection [+21]
d) a Serpent Ring of Free Action
e) an Aquamarine Ring of Damage (+14)
f) a Sapphire Ring of Speed and Haste (+8)
g) a Mithril Ring of Light and Darkness Resistance
h) a Tanzanite Ring of Nether Resistance
i) a Marble Ring of Nexus Resistance
j) an Emerald Ring of Sound Resistance
k) a Diamond Ring of Shard Resistance
l) a Bloodstone Ring of Chaos Resistance

 ( page 5 )
a) a Zircon Ring of Lordly Protection [+17] {PoDiFe;FaHl killing fields eol}
b) an Amber Amulet of Anti-Magic and Hold Life
c) a Driftwood Amulet of Anti-Teleportation
d) The Charmed Pendant [+5] (+2) {InChSrIf;FaSiSdRgLuWr[FEC dlvl 51 madam
e) The Star of Elendil (+1 to speed) {Sp;SiHl dlvl 51 madam debby}
f) Chain Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [14,+10] (+2 to stealth) {Sl;AcElFiCoSh}
g) The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) {InWiCn;AcPoCfNx
dlvl 33 robin hood}
h) The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2)
i) Full Plate Armour of Resistance (-3) [25,+8] {AcElFiCoPoSo}
j) The Ribbed Plate Armour 'Life of Leaf' (-3) [28,+16] (+4)
k) The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {PoNtCa[C}
l) an Elven Cloak [4,+8] (+4 to stealth)

 ( page 6 )
a) an Elven Cloak [4,+6] (+2 to stealth)
b) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiCoLiDkBl dlvl 41 Ancient
Bronze Dragon}
c) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [8,+18] {AcElFiCoCf(StInWiDxCnCh dlvl 42
d) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Magi [0,+4] (+3) {In;AcElFiCoSo;Sd(In}
e) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Seeing [0,+8] (+6 to searching) {Sr;Bl;Si}
f) The Metal Cap 'vorerain' [3,+19] (+3) {InDx dlvl 44 gorlim}
g) The Iron Helm 'Smoke Ball' [5,+12] (+2) {DxCh;ShBlNxFe dlvl 44 itangast}
h) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3) {StDxCn;AcNx dlvl 40 moire}
i) a Set of Cesti of Magic Mastery [5,+11] (+3)
j) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4 to
k) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5)
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Levitation [6,+8]

 ( page 7 )
a) The Dagger of Caine (2d4) (+10,+15) [+5] (+4) {%all death sword quest}
b) The Broad Sword 'Chainsword' (11d5) (+7,+15) (-2) {SpDxChSl;SiAg|S/poT~poT
dlvl 50 nyogtha}
c) The Broad Sword 'Glamdring' (3d5) (+10,+15) (+1 to searching)
d) The Long Sword 'Werewindle' (2d5) (+8,+12) (+2)
{AtSpStCn;ElLiDkDiFe;FaSiSdRgLu|ECa/*U(StInWiCn dlvl 12 shagrat}
e) The Scimitar 'Soulsword' (2d5) (+9,+11) (+2 attacks)
{AtInWi;DkNtNxCaDi;SiHlBs/*DULZ dlvl 24 bert}
f) The Katana 'Zantetsuken' (10d4) (+17,+21) (+2) {%all dlvl 40 dracolich}
g) The Flamberge 'Peace Maker' (3d7) (+16,+9) [+11] (+6) {St;Sh/*U}
h) The Executioner's Sword 'Disciple of Law' (4d5) (+12,+17) (+2) {StWi;Bs(Wi
dlvl 44 itangast}
i) a Blade of Chaos of Slaying (7d6) (+5,+8) {Ca|PS}
j) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) {cursed}
k) a Diamond Edge (7d5) (+16,+17) (+4) {Dg|S dlvl 51 steel dragon}
l) The Hatchet 'Skullbuster' (2d5) (+13,+9) (+2 attacks) {AtStDxCn dlvl 44

 ( page 8 )
a) The Spear 'Oneiric Girl' (2d6) (+13,+19) (+3 to searching) {ChSr;So|Co dlvl
50 nyogtha}
b) The Spear 'GaeBolg' (3d6) (+16,+18) (+4)
c) The Spear of Hagen (1d6) (+11,+13) (+3 to speed)
d) The Glaive of Pain (9d6) (+7,+30) {%all dlvl 34 ogre mage}
e) a Scythe of Westernesse (5d3) (+10,+7) (+2)
f) 24 Sheaf Arrows (2d4) (+4,+6) (118/370)
g) 27 Sheaf Arrows of Frost (2d4) (+3,+6) (118/370)
h) 20 Arrows of Holy Might (1d4) (+12,+7) (113/354)
i) 25 Seeker Arrows of Flame (6d4) (+9,+6) (154/483)
j) a Capture Ball (empty)
k) a Capture Ball (an Ancient multi-hued dragon) 'Pet 4' {!k!k!d!d}

  [Check Sum: "07d98b188b784e05ec"]

Posted on 11.3.2006 03:52
Last updated on 2.4.2006 00:39

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8672. on the Ladder (of 19032)
117. on the Entroband Ladder (of 299)
76. for this player (


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On 11.3.2006 04:00 wrote:
[Dlvl 35] [Clvl 32] 3:00

Well, the first iteration of Ghostaxe died shortly after Mimic Quest, while nosing around Dragon Caves tryiing to pick up a good mount. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that if you ride a pet by "Rodeo," and if you get thrown off it, then it is still Hostile and will attack you. Died due to an unruly Ancient Green Dragon.

This version started well with Werewindle from Dlvl 12. Then, he found a pair of Guantlets in Mimic Quest that showed {special} and I was really curious, since the only Guantlet fixed arts left are both {terrible} (Thanos and Spec). It turned out to have the best +dam modifer I've never seen on gloves, plus good resists!

Also found Arvedui in Mimic quest, which makes it THE best rewards from that I've ever had. Got my two ?oAcq (don't know when I lost Phial... probalby some time during the Labyrinth), and ran to Dark Cave to use it. And to run in and out several times (Dracolich, Maeklith, Spectral Tyrannasaurus, etc). Ended up losing Isildur and Rohirrim... not so nice. And they only produced rather crappy rewards (Gloves of Magic Mastery, some random weapon).

The other interesting turning point in this character's life was Killing Fields. I accidentally set off a Summoning trap while trying to disarm it (my single Rod was still charging), and both Khamul the Easterling and Eol the Smith got summoned. Khamul was quite a bitch to kill, with the stupid summons, but fortunately I had a Wand of Haste Monster, so was able to just barely kill Khamul (mount was down to 2 stars, I was down to about 150HP). He dropped Belthronding! And Cavalry gets +Shots feature too... And then Eol drops a Ring of Lordly Protection! Sorry, Mimic Quest... it was a short time that you were my favorite quest, but it's back to Killing Fields now.

On 11.3.2006 04:01 wrote:
Oh, I started with "Harden to Elements" this time. Last iteration, I started with "Panic Hit." Still hoping to pick that up at some point with this char.

On 12.3.2006 00:05 wrote:
Played a bit with Polymorph self, and picked up a number of good mutations (+4 CON, Steel Skin, Swap Position). On the down side, looks like no Panic Hit or Berserk on Will.

On 12.3.2006 20:00 wrote:
While the 11-headed hydra is nice, is it really better than an AMHD? I'd be surprised if you haven't come across one yet.

Funny how things change in value when you're riding. Boots of Shiva's Avatar? Nice, but Tetsu-Geta of flame is almost certainly better. My current rider found some early boots of speed, which went almost unused (he's currently unplayed as I'm on vacation at the beach. Will be back next weekend).

On 12.3.2006 20:53 wrote:
Alas, I have not yet seen a AMHD.. though Pet 2 died, and now I'm on a Dracolich and at +9 speed. It's great for nuking down bunches of weak monsters, but also relatively weak to many elemental attacks.

Although, I don't understand why everyone uses GWoP as end-game mount. 12321 HP is nice, but isn't +40 Speed vs +20 greatly counteract that? I'm refering to the Greater Wyrm Angel Cyber Daemon Lich, of course, which according to the Spoilers is suitable for Riding.

On 12.3.2006 21:24 wrote:
[Dlvl 41] [Clvl 32] 5:00

Well, it turns out my Dracolich is rather on the fast side... finally caught a AMHD, but I only get +6 speed with it, as opposed to the +10 I'm getting now with the Dracolich. According to Spoilers, it also has 120 AC rather than 100, and a bit more HP.

Damage output is decently impressive at the moment (465 + 2 mutation attacks for an extra 2*35 = 70 damage, bringing my total to about 530, pretty good for Clvl 32).

The down side of going from Beastman to Half-Titan is losing RConf though, and I'm still depending on the Old Man Willow Ring for that.

On 13.3.2006 02:41 wrote:
I was curious about your inscriptions saying where they came from. Is there a feature to autoinscribe things like that, or are you just doing it manually? I'm envious of your damage output. I'm level 34 chaos-warrior, started beastman now half-titan. I can't get a resist or two I need (and see invis) using something like Zantetsuken, which I have. See invis is proving really annoying with my current eq.

On 13.3.2006 04:02 wrote:
I don't think there is that source autoscribe, as far as I know. I do it manually.

Yeah, SeeInvis is actually a sticking point for me too.. basically I can't swap out Sting for the Glaive of Pain becuase of that.

I never understood a lot of the other players' obsession with Zantesuken. I mean, it's a good damage weapon, but only is very rare circumstances is it better than Sting, all things considered. And the refusal to attack Jellies and Females are just annoying, forcing you to lug around a swap. Usually by the time you are deep enough to run into Ishikawa Goemon, you should have at least 1 !oSpeed and 1 !oHealing from the Arena to do Vault (barring Sexy characters and aggravation).

On 13.3.2006 05:28 wrote:
I hear you on Zant. I'm kinda mixed on it. For when I've typically gotten it (I often get it from places other than Goemon somehow) it's ridiculously more damage than most things I can use then. The jellies and women are annoying, but between teleport other and a swap you can muddle through. I, personally, never have liked sting as much as a lot of you guys seem to. I've come around to liking it more than I used to, but I dunno.

I'll probably start inscribing stuff manually on my next char, it's neat to have a record of where the stuff came from.

On 13.3.2006 20:16 wrote:
[Dlvl 51] [Clvl 36] 6:15

Nyogtha dropped Chainsword, but after playing with it a little bit, I decided the extra 150 (30%) damage isn't quite worth Aggravation at this point. Chainsword might be the way to go to kill the Chemist though..

On 28.3.2006 14:35 wrote:
This is pretty out of date, but something just occured to me: Stile, when you inscribe stuff manually, you know to just type %all, right? You don't have to type in the whole description as %all does it for you. There's no way to have it auto-inscribe %all, but I want to make sure you aren't killing yourself doing the whole inscription for everything.

On 2.4.2006 00:39 wrote:
Yeah, I knew about that %all thing. Usually I inscribe with (%all blah), where blah is where I find it.

Once again, RSound is lacking. For non-beastmen non-bards, RSound is actually rather hard to get... it comes guaranteed only with Isildur, and that's not that common..

On 3.4.2006 05:09 wrote:
I agree sound can be a real bitch to cover. I almost died to Mycen two separate times before I killed myself with the death scythe. Mycen breathing sound is what I meant.

And I did know about both % and %all, but thanks for making sure. Some of the more oddly named or looking artifacts, I don't always know they're standard instead of randart until I do a %. If I'm too lazy to look up that is.

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