The Angband Ladder: Trismegistus, Hobbit no-class by <>

                 [Sangband 0.9.9, beta 20 Character Dump]

     Trismegistus        Age    :             58  STR:      13
     the Magician        Height :     3 ft, 7 in  INT:  18/182
                         Weight :          73 lb  WIS:   18/99
Gender : Male                                     DEX:   18/93
Race   : Hobbit           Slayer of a level 50    CON:  18/187
Realm  : Sorcery               Time vortex        CHR:      17

Max Hitpoints       430  Power                62  Max Mana          252
Cur Hitpoints       -32  Score               518  Cur Mana          252

       (Melee)           Unspent Exp       21198         (Missile)
Blows per round       2  Gold              67071  Shots per round     0
+ to Skill            9                           + to Skill          0
Deadliness (%)       36  Max Depth        Lev 48  Deadliness (%)      0

                          (Character Abilities)
Melee     : Very Good  Saving Throw: Superb     Magic Device: Superb
Shooting  : Iffy       Stealth     : Superb     Dodging     : Very Bad
Throwing  : Fair       Perception  : Superb     Fame        : Storied
Digging   : Excellent  Disarming   : Fair       Infra-Vision: 30 feet

   Speed       : -1
   Armour      : 105
   Kills       : 3642
   Time Elapsed: 20 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes   (2018664 turns)

  [Character Attributes]

      abcdefghijkl@        Stat Intrnl abcdefghijkl@ Adjust
Stlth:......33.2...        STR:     14 ...........12     13
Invis:.............        INT:  18/82 ....3....2.s5 18/182
Aware:.............        WIS:  18/89 ............1  18/99
Disar:.............        DEX:  18/23 ..........4.3  18/93
Devic:.............        CON:  18/97 ...4.....2.12 18/187
Speed:.............        CHR:     16 ............1     17

      abcdefghijkl@                           abcdefghijkl@
Infra:............3                     NFuel:.............
Tunnl:...........4.                     Steal:.............
Save :.............                     NoMag:.............
Mana :.............                     Telep:.............
Light:1....2.......                     Aggra:.............


      abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@       abcdefghijkl@
Acid :......+...... Light:............. Food :.............
Elec :......+...... Dark :...........+. Feath:.........+...
Fire :+.....+..+... Sound:.........+... Shine:.............
Cold :..+...+...... Shard:......+..+... Regen:.......+.+.+.
Pois :.......+..... Nexus:............. ESP  :.............
Fear :............. Nethr:............. SeeIn:.....+.......
Blind:............. Chaos:............. FrAct:.............
Confu:............. Disen:............. HLife:.............

  [Last Messages]

The Black wraith hits you.
The Black wraith touches you.
You feel your life draining away!
You feel your ability to evade attacks and use armour effectively and ability to
create scrolls, potions, rings, & amulets diminishing.
The Black wraith misses you. <2x>
The Black wraith hits you.
The Black wraith misses you. <2x>
The Black wraith hits you.
The Black wraith hits you.
The Black wraith touches you.
You feel your life draining away!
You feel your spell level, ability to notice the things around you, and stealth
The Black wraith touches you.
You feel your life draining away!
You feel your mana supply diminishing.
You are no longer bleeding.
The Black wraith casts a nether bolt.
You feel your life draining away!
You feel your ability to fight with swords and spell level diminishing.
You can learn 4 more spells.
You die.


Swordsmanship     :  15%    (max 25%)
Clubbing          :   8%    (max 14%)
Jousting          :  27%    (max 30%)
Spellcasting      :  59%    (max 65%)
Magical Power     :  63%    (max 65%)
Wizardry          :  57%    (max 65%)
Magical Device    :  52%    (max 60%)
Perception        :  49%    (max 55%)
Stealth           :  22%    (max 30%)
Dodging           :  55%    (max 60%)
Spell Resistance  :  65%    (max 70%)
Armor Forging     :  54%    (max 60%)
Alchemy           :  62%    (max 67%)
Magical Infusion  :  55%    (max 61%)

You have taken the Oath of Sorcery.


To fulfill your task, you must kill 21 Black wraiths on dungeon level 48.

Defeated 12 piles of Creeping copper coins on level 3
Defeated 12 Kobold dart-throwers on level 6
Defeated 11 Baby red dragons on level 9
Defeated 24 Blink dogs on level 11
Defeated 13 Forest wights on level 13
Defeated 7 Skeleton serpents on level 16
Defeated 11 Young red dragons on level 18
Defeated 10 Dark elven druids on level 20
Defeated 32 Nrulings on level 22
Defeated 11 Troll priests on level 25
Defeated 34 Giant army ants on level 28
Defeated 34 Nexus hounds on level 30
Defeated 14 Black knights on level 33
Defeated 13 Colbrans on level 36
Defeated 20 Mature black dragons on level 38
Defeated 16 Crystal molds on level 42
Defeated 19 Mature multi-hued dragons on level 44
Defeated 24 Mumaks on level 46

  [Character Equipment]

a Warspike of Flame (1d5) (+9,+9) {Zombie}
     Permanent Light (radius 1)
an Onyx Ring of Ice [+14]
a Hematite Ring of Constitution (+4)
a Stained Glass Amulet of Intelligence (+3)
a Brass Lantern of Vision (lit) [2] <Fuel: 13662>
     See Invisible.  Light source (radius 2)
Segmented Plate Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [19,+11] (+3 to stealth)
     +3 Stealth.
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Shards.
a Cloak of Aman [1,+15] (+3 to stealth)
     +3 Stealth.  Resist Poison.  Regeneration.
a Metal Cap (steel) [3,+15] (+2 to stealth)
     Activates for healing (about 30) every 55 turns.  [0% fail]
     +2 INT, CON, Stealth.  Sustain CON.
     Resist Fire, Sound, Shards.
     Feather Falling; Regeneration.
a Set of Leather Gloves of Agility [1,+8] (+4)
a Pair of Soft Leather Boots (steel) [2,+9] (+1, +4)
     +4 Tunneling; +1 STR, CON.  Sustain STR, INT, CON.
     Resist Dark.  Regeneration.
a Pouch (holding 150 essences of 17 types)

  [Character Inventory]

a Book of Magic Spells [Apprentice Magic]
a Book of Magic Spells [Lesser Conjury]
     Does 3d7 thrown damage
a Book of Magic Spells [Elemental Sorcery]
     Does 5d11 thrown damage
a Holy Book of Prayers [Shining Spirit]
8 Rations of Food {on sale, 50% off}
6 Flasks of oil
13 Blue Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
a Cloudy Potion of Restore Experience
a Silver Speckled Potion of Enlightenment
14 Scrolls titled "ko arth-ro" of Phase Door {25% off}
10 Scrolls titled "r-kal na mudbuno" of Teleportation
a Scroll titled "slatworg got gulnun" of *Identify*
2 Antimony Rods of Recall {@z0!z!k!s!d!n}
7 Runed Rods of Acid Bolts {@z1!s!k!d}
a Stubby Rod of Lightning Strike {@z3!s!k!d!n}
a Smoking Wand of Acid Bolts (14 charges)
a Stubby Wand of Cold Balls (9 charges)
2 Adamantium Wands of Dragon's Frost (12 charges)

  [Home Inventory]

2 Sprigs of Athelas
2 White Potions of Speed
5 Scrolls titled "slatworg got gulnun" of *Identify*
3 Scrolls titled "grunvat asthoot" of Remove Curse
a Scroll titled "ad gulgad kalmu" of Genocide
a Robe of Elvenkind [2,+17] (+3 to stealth)
     +3 Stealth.
     Resist Acid, Lightning, Fire, Cold, Nether.
a Shadow Cloak of Aman [4,+19] (+3 to stealth)
     +3 Stealth.  Resist Blindness.  Regeneration.
a Set of Leather Gloves (steel) (+5,+6) [1,+12] (+1)
     +1 STR, DEX.  Resist Lightning.
     Slow Digestion; Free Action.
a Pair of Soft Leather Boots (iron) [2,-24] {cursed}
     Resist Poison.   Cursed.

  [Special Advantages and Disadvantages]


Posted on 19.12.2005 13:15

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138. on the Sangband Ladder (of 287)


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On 19.12.2005 13:15 wrote:
My most successful character so far. Initially started out as a gnome, but accidently ate a mushroom that turned him into a hobbit, bringing to his downfall as he was not resistant to paralyzation.

On 19.12.2005 18:29 wrote:
Yeah, free action is really important. Did you just change race that last time down? If not, you should have swtiched to these gloves:

a Set of Leather Gloves (steel) (+5,+6) [1,+12] (+1)
+1 STR, DEX. Resist Lightning.
Slow Digestion; Free Action.

The first time you eat a Mushroom of Metamophasis, you can suffer a vareity of effects, but every time after, you switch races each time. Don't eat them, and you won't switch race (due to mushrooms).

On 20.12.2005 00:56 wrote:
I actually changed races a bit before that. Initially I ate the mushroom and it decreased my intelligence to about 15 causing a huge decrease in my mana. I then ate another one which did increase my intelligence, but turned me into a hobbit and decreased my strength from 18/50 to 11. I was then so preoccupied with finding potions of strength that I completely overlooked the loss of free action.

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