The Angband Ladder: Zound X, Amberite Chaos-Warrior by <>

  [ZAngband 2.7.4b Character Dump]

Name     : Zound X              Age             15     STR:   29.9
Sex      : Female               Height          73     INT:   39.9
Race     : Amberite             Weight         186     WIS:   36.9
Class    : Chaos-Warrior        Social Class    64     DEX:   40+
Magic    : Chaos                                       CON:   40+
Patron   : Chardros                                    CHR:   22.6

+ Skill         59     Level                47     Max Hit Points     959
% Deadliness   245     Experience      7987141     Cur Hit Points     959
+ To AC        103     Max Exp         7987141     Max SP (Mana)      236
  Base AC       60     Exp to Adv.     9100000     Cur SP (Mana)      236
                       Gold             806181

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)
Fighting    : Chaos Rank     Perception  : Superb         Blows/Round : 6+1
Bows/Throw  : Superb         Sensing     : Superb         Shots/Round : 0.83
Saving Throw: Chaos Rank     Disarming   : Superb         Avg.Dam./Rnd: 129
Stealth     : Chaos Rank     Magic Device: Chaos Rank     Infra-Vision: 60'

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Preserve Mode:      OFF
 Small Levels:       ON
 Recall Depth:       Level 81 (4050')

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Mod Actual Currnt  abcdefghijkl@
Str:   27.9   1   2  -1   29.9         s.....4.s...5
Int:   27.9   2   1   9   39.9         2.....4.12...
Wis:   27.9   2   0   7   36.9         2.....4.12..2
Dex:   27.0   2   1  13   40+          2.....4.s.*.3
Con:   28.0   3   2   9   40+          2..2..4.s...1
Chr:   27.6   2  -2  -5   22.6         ........1...6

Skill     abcdefghijkl@ 
BonusSP:  ............. 
Stealth:  2.....431...1 
Search :  ...2..431.... 
Infra  :  .....3......3 
Tunnel :  ............. 
Speed  :  .*5........9. 
Blows  :  2............ 

Acid  : ......+......
Elec  : +.....+.+....
Fire  : ++......+....
Cold  : ........+....
Poison: +............
Fear  : ............+
Light : +............
Dark  : +.......v...+
Shard : ...+.........
Blind : +........+...
Conf  : +............
Sound : ...+.........
Nether: ........+....
Nexus : ........+....
Chaos : ........++..+
Disnch: ....+........

Reflect  : ........+....
Aura Acid: .............
Aura Fire: +....+.......
Aura Elec: .....+.......
Aura Cold: ........+....
No Magic : .............
Free Actn: +...........+
SeeInvis.: ...+..+.+...+
Hold Life: +.....+......
Telepathy: .........+...
SlwDigstn: ......+......
Regen.   : .+..........+
Levitate : .............
PermLite : +....+..+....
Mutate   : ............+
Patron   : ............+
Good Luck: ....+........
WeirdLuck: .............
Pass Wall: .............
GhulTouch: .............

Pr Animal: .............
Pr Evil  : +............
Pr Undead: ........+....
Pr Demon : ........+....
Pr Orc   : .............
Pr Troll : .............
Pr Giant : .............
Pr Dragon: .............
Cursed   : .............
AutoCurse: .............
Teleport : .............
NoTeleprt: .............
Aggravate: .............
DrainStat: .............
Drain Exp: .............
Slow Heal: .............
Can't Eat: ............+
EvilCurse: .............

 You have defeated 18487 enemies.

  [Top 10 deepest kills]

 1 Hela, Queen of the Dead              Level 92 (4600')
 1 The Witch-King of Angmar             Level 91 (4550')
 1 Nightwalker                          Level 83 (4150')
 5 Hound of Tindalos                    Level 81 (4050')
 1 Saruman of Many Colours              Level 80 (4000')
 1 Ulik the Troll                       Level 79 (3950')
 5 Great storm wyrm                     Level 79 (3950')
 1 Ancalagon the Black                  Level 78 (3900')
12 Great hell wyrm                      Level 78 (3900')
18 Mana hound                           Level 78 (3900')


You can spit acid.
You can Mind Blast your enemies (-1 STR).
You can emit hard radiation at will (-1 CON).
You can teleport yourself short distances.
You can consume solid rock.
You can switch locations with another being.
You can drive yourself into a berserk frenzy (-1 WIS).
You can polymorph yourself at will.
You can bring down the dungeon around your ears (-1 WIS).
You can feel the strength of the magics affecting you.
You can run for your life after hitting something.
You can send evil creatures directly to Hell.
You can freeze things with a touch (-1 DEX).
You can hurl objects with great force (-1 DEX).
You are subject to berserker fits.
You are teleporting randomly.
You have a hallucinatory insanity.
You have a beak (dam. 2d4).
You sometimes feed off of the light around you.
You attract animals.
You attract dragons.
You receive warnings about your foes.
You occasionally stumble and drop things.
You are puny (+2 DEX, -4 STR).
You are very resilient (+4 CON).
You are extremely fat (+2 CON, -2 speed).
You are albino (-4 CON).
Your voice is a silly squeak (-4 CHR).
Your face is featureless (-1 CHR).
You have remarkable infravision (+3).
Your skin has turned into scales (-1 CHR, +10 AC).
You are completely fearless.
Your joints ache constantly (-3 DEX).
There is a black aura surrounding you.
Your movements are precise and forceful (+1 stealth).
There is a white aura surrounding you.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Great Axe 'Troliv' (4d4) (+19,+80%) (+2 attacks)
b) The Light Crossbow of Brand (x5) (+11,+70%) (+10 to speed)
c) a Lapis Lazuli Ring of Speed (+5) {!*$R}
d) The Ring 'Vlyshu' (+2) {sound, shards$R}
e) an Amulet of Luck {disent$R}
f) The Incandescent Globe of Sawall (+3)
g) The Adamantite Plate Mail of Tyrolia (-4) [40,+20] (+4)
h) an Elven Cloak of Stealth [4,+22] (+3)
i) The Large Leather Shield of Robustness [6,+19] (+1)
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2)
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Clumsiness [2,+9] (+10)
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed [6,+7] (+9)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Chaos Spellbooks [Sign of Chaos] {@m1@b1@G1$R}
b) 2 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Mastery] {@m2@b2@G2$R}
c) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels] {@m3@b3@G3!k!v!d$R}
d) 5 Cloudy Potions of Healing
e) 4 Shimmering Potions of *Healing*
f) 4 Puce Potions of Enlightenment
g) a Potion of Resistance
h) 18 Scrolls titled "whon an micseh" of Phase Door {25% off}
i) 11 Scrolls titled "tabu binbu" of Teleportation {75% off}
j) 2 Scrolls titled "danvom monyerg" of Teleport Level
k) a Scroll titled "bat nejta" of Satisfy Hunger
l) a Gold Rod of Perception {@z3!k!v!d$R}
m) a Steel Rod of Recall {@z1!k!d!v$R}
n) 2 Rusty Rods of Enlightenment
o) 3 Adamantite Rods of Detection {@z0$R}
p) a Tin Rod of Restoration {@z4!v!k!d$R}
q) a Zirconium Rod of Speed (charging) {@z2!k!v!d$R}
r) a Hickory Staff of Healing (5 charges)

  [Home Inventory - Morek View]

a) 2 Mushrooms of Restore Strength
b) 5 Scrolls of Remove Curse
c) a Tortoise Shell Amulet of Brilliance (+4)
d) The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+25,+125%) [5,+10] (-1)
e) a Mace of Disruption (5d8) (+0,+0%)

  [Home Inventory - Zuncre]

a) 12 Green Potions of Restore Mana
b) 15 Scrolls titled "barapp plu mi" of *Identify* {75% off}
c) 11 Scrolls titled "vivmar sefval" of Remove Curse
d) 4 Scrolls titled "ish sunbin" of *Remove Curse*
e) 9 Scrolls titled "ha marmung ban" of *Destruction*
f) 11 Scrolls titled "oxy thernih" of Genocide {25% off}
g) a Scroll titled "rhovri tabpo" of Mass Genocide
h) a Hawthorn Staff of the Magi (5 charges)
i) 2 Silver Staffs of *Destruction* (2x 3 charges) {!*$R}
j) a Tourmaline Ring of Nether Resistance
k) an Onyx Ring of Lordly Protection [+24]
l) an Amulet of Luck {telepathy$R}
m) The Jewel of Proximity (+13,+75%) (+1)
n) The Small Metal Shield 'Raukodor' [5,+19] (+3)
o) The Iron Helm 'Force Field' [5,+12] (+4)
p) The Steel Helm 'Calor' [6,+17] (+1 to speed)
q) The Kabuto 'Minatar' [7,+18] (+2)
r) The Set of Gauntlets of Corwin [2,+15] (+4)
s) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Wooden Box' [2,+18] (+1)
t) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+10] (+8)
u) The Dagger of Fiona (2d4) (+6,+45%) (+2) {@v1=g$R}
v) The Heavy Lance of Lesser Might (1d35) (+19,+50%) {IM_FIRE$R}
w) The Sling 'Wahmon' (x3) (+18,+45%) (+1 attack) {blind, disent$R}
x) The Long Bow 'Calnim' (x4) (+17,+75%) (+2) {cursed}

  [Home Inventory - Uypton]

a) 8 Green Potions of Restore Mana
b) a Scroll titled "argre eshcon" of Rune of Protection
c) The Phial of Galadriel (+1) {@A1$R}
d) a Cloak of Protection [1,+22]
e) a Fur Cloak of Stealth [3,+12] (+3)
f) The Large Metal Shield of Olorin [8,+20] (+2)
g) The Short Sword of Merlin (1d10) (+3,+35%) (+2 attacks)
h) The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+80%) (+2)
i) The Trident of Wrath (1d24) (+16,+90%) (+2)
j) The Great Hammer 'Anmer' (4d6) (+21,+120%) (+1)

  [Home Inventory - Calrond Dun]

a) a Shadow Cloak of Protection [6,+16]
b) The Large Leather Shield 'Wedbie' [6,+17] (+3)
c) The Golden Crown 'Orntel' [0,+20] (+1)
d) a Jewel Encrusted Crown of Telepathy [0,+10]

  [Home Inventory - Atarlom]

a) a Red Speckled Potion of Life
b) a Green Potion of Restore Mana
c) 2 Scrolls titled "barapp plu mi" of *Identify*
d) a Scroll titled "ish sunbin" of *Remove Curse*
e) a Hickory Staff of Healing (5 charges)
f) The Star 'Naugrond'
g) The Mithril Plate Mail 'Onkir' (-3) [35,+15] (+1)
h) a Scythe of Slicing (Holy Avenger) (8d4) (+5,+55%) [+4] (+1)
i) The War Hammer of Aule (7d3) (+19,+105%) [+5] (+4)
j) a Two-Handed Flail (Pattern Weapon) (3d12) (+12,+75%) (+2)

  [Home Inventory - Hyarnaugton]

a) a Filthy Rag [1]

  [Message Log (last 41 messages)]

You hit the Hell knight with your beak.
The Hell knight misses you.
The Hell knight hits you.
The Hell knight gets zapped!
The Hell knight hits you.
The Hell knight gets zapped!
The Hell knight misses you.
You miss the Hell knight. <2x>
You strike the Hell knight.
Your weapon drains life from the Hell knight!
You feel much better.
You hit the Hell knight. <2x>
You strike the Hell knight.
You hit the Hell knight with your beak.
You have slain the Hell knight.
You find a Scroll titled "bat nejta" of Satisfy Hunger.
You have a Scroll titled "bat nejta" of Satisfy Hunger (k).
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
Target Aborted.
There is a wall blocking your way.
You are no longer full.
There is a wall blocking your way. <2x>
The Young white dragon breathes frost.
Target Selected.
The Young white dragon flinches.
Target Selected.
The Young white dragon flinches.
Target Selected.
The Young white dragon hisses in pain.
Target Selected.
The Young white dragon hisses in pain.
Target Selected.
The Young white dragon snarls feebly.
The Young white dragon flees in terror!
Target Selected.
The Young white dragon dies.
Target Selected.
You have found 624 gold pieces worth of adamantite.
You find a Large Metal Shield [8].
You destroy a Large Metal Shield [8].
You can learn 7 more spells.

Posted on 20.10.2005 17:50
Last updated on 25.10.2005 17:01

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6369. on the Ladder (of 19032)
77. on the ZAngband Ladder (of 317)


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On 20.10.2005 17:50 wrote:
My first succesful character in 2.7.4 for a long time... right now exploring some dungeon where every other level is 'special' - probably missed a lot of artifacts..i hope boots of feanor are still there somewhere. Greatest scare so far - some dymensional wyrm that breathed time on me..after that I decided that telepathy is a must - thats why i am wearing this amulet of luck. the question I too deep? A lot of dragons..a lot..potions of resistance is my salvation..

On 20.10.2005 17:52 wrote:
str was maximized, untill some big 'H' dude did something to it..

On 20.10.2005 18:02 wrote:
afraid to polymorph self, because
i can loose my good life rating
...although mutations are pretty bad, especially moronic one - will probably wait untill curing mutation cures itself

On 21.10.2005 21:05 wrote:
change equipment - lost fire immunity and some damage from heavy lance of lesser might, but gained more speed from boots of speed. shall see how it goes.. :)

On 22.10.2005 05:20 wrote:
Made it to level 45 - exploring some lava-themed dungeoun '6' - with bunch of Us..
looking for more speed, better weapon,
hopefully some mace of disruption-artifact,
better armor - as usuall.. shall see if I live till lvl 50...things are getting tough..

On 23.10.2005 21:20 wrote:
After countless self-polymorphs, and extensive use of chaos tower - i gave up on
polymorphyming self...and now i am a golem!
damn these mutations...

On 23.10.2005 21:21 wrote:
the sad thing is - now i ll have to maximize my stats all over again

On 25.10.2005 03:12 wrote:
after yet another round of mutations Zound_X became amberite.. which is not bad - will stop mutating for now, and will try to regain all the stats.. there was a long tough battle with Saruman - he teleported me around, but i was persistant:) and he finally died. Gandalf and angels helped. RIght now there is some small vault with Godzilla in it - i just dont do enough damage to her, and have not enough potions of healing... and that monster breathers plazma and toxic waste.. damn it.. well, Godzilla - will meet you another time. SHe is guarding Blessings of the Grail, if it were Armageddon's tome, i would probably stay and fight..but..well..untill higher damage weapon.

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