The Angband Ladder: Frilildan, RohanKnight Swordmaster by <>

  [ToME 2.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name  : Frilildan              Age                 22       STR: 18/***       
 Sex   : Male                   Height              68       Int:     15     17
 Race  : RohanKnight            Weight              80       Wis:  18/92 18/107
 Class : Swordmaster            Social Class         7       DEX: 18/107       
 Body  : Player                                              CON: 18/150       
                                                             CHR:  18/55       
 + To Melee Hit          67 Level             33    Max Hit Points       603   
 + To Melee Damage       65 Experience    531683    Cur Hit Points        -2   
 + To Ranged Hit         25 Max Exp       657559    Max SP (Mana)         36   
 + To Ranged Damage      47 Exp to Adv.   605000    Cur SP (Mana)         36   
   AC                 23+86 Gold          149952    Loan                   0   
                                                    Loan time              0   
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Legendary[55]Perception  : Fair         Blows/Round:  7         
 Bows/Throw  : Heroic       Searching   : Very Good    Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Fair         Disarming   : Very Good    Wpn.dmg/Rnd:  21d4+455  
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Very Good    Infra-Vision: 40 feet   
                                                       Tactic:       normal    
                                                       Explor:       normal    
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are one of several children of a Landed Knight  You              
          have blue eyes, straight red hair, and an average                    

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Cth monsters:       OFF
 Zlike monsters:     OFF
 Joke monsters:      OFF
 Maximize mode:      ON
 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Autoscum:           ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Arena Levels:       ON
 Persistent Dungeons:       OFF
 Recall Depth:
        Mirkwood: Level 16 (800')
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Maze: Level 37 (1850')
        Orc Cave: Level 22 (1100')
        The Old Forest: Level 14 (700')
        Moria: Level 34 (1700')
        The Sandworm lair: Level 22 (1100')

 Your body was a Player.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You ended your adventure the 10th Quelle of the 2890th year of the third age.
 Your adventured lasted 24 days.

     Your Attributes:
You are dead.
You can drive yourself into a berserk frenzy.
You can freeze things with a touch.
You can use rohir powers.
You can mystify pets.
You can wake up a pet.
Your voice is a silly squeak (-4 CHR).
Your skin has turned into scales (-1 CHR, +10 AC).
You are bleeding.
You are hallucinating.
You will soon be recalled.
Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light.
You can see invisible creatures.
You have free action.
Your appetite is small.
You have ESP.
You are lucky.
You are surrounded with a fiery aura.
You are carrying a permanent light.
You are resistant to acid.
You are resistant to lightning.
You are resistant to fire.
You are resistant to cold.
You are resistant to poison.
You are resistant to bright light.
You are resistant to darkness.
You are resistant to sonic attacks.
You are resistant to nexus attacks.
You are resistant to nether forces.
You are completely fearless.
Your eyes are resistant to blindness.
Your strength is sustained.
Your constitution is sustained.
Your dexterity is sustained.
Your strength is affected by your equipment.
Your wisdom is affected by your equipment.
Your dexterity is affected by your equipment.
Your constitution is affected by your equipment.
Your stealth is affected by your equipment.
Your searching ability is affected by your equipment.
Your infravision is affected by your equipment.
Your digging ability is affected by your equipment.
Your weapon is especially deadly against orcs.
Your weapon is especially deadly against trolls.
Your weapon is especially deadly against giants.

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                        44.264 [0.900]
	  - Weaponmastery                               45.270 [1.150]
	 	  - Sword-mastery                             40.000 [0.500]
	 	  . Axe-mastery                               00.000 [0.100]
	 	  . Hafted-mastery                            00.000 [0.100]
	 	  . Polearm-mastery                           00.000 [0.100]
	  - Archery                                     04.000 [0.600]
 - Sneakiness                                    04.150 [0.900]
	  . Disarming                                   05.500 [0.900]
 - Magic                                         04.828 [0.300]
	  . Magic-Device                                10.200 [1.150]
 - Spirituality                                  01.480 [0.400]
	  . Prayer                                      01.000 [0.500]
	  . Mindcraft                                   01.000 [0.500]
 - Monster-lore                                  05.000 [0.500]
 - Misc                                          00.000 [0.000]
	  . Antimagic                                   00.000 [0.550]

 3 of your companions have been killed.
 You saved Bree from a dreadful Nazgul.
 You saved a young hobbit from an horrible fate.
 You saved 15 princesses.

 You have defeated 9161 enemies.


 You can freeze things with a touch.
 Your voice is a silly squeak (-4 CHR).
 Your skin has turned into scales (-1 CHR, +10 AC).


You may meet a Blue yeek on level 1.
You may find a Potion of Apple Juice on level 6.
You may meet a Chimaera on level 27.
You are fated to find a Wand of Sleep Monster on level 1.
You are fated to die on level 6.
You are fated to die on level 41.
You may find a Broken Sword on level 1.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Katana of Westernesse (3d4) (+10,+7) (+2)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your constitution.
   It is especially deadly against orcs.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It is especially deadly against giants.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.
   It allows you to sense the presence of trolls.
   It allows you to sense the presence of giants.
   It can resist being shattered by morgul beings.
d) a Long Bow of Extra Might (x5) (+8,+9)
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It fires missiles with extra might.
e) The Ring 'Elrod' (+5) {cursed}
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to sound.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It slows your metabolism.
   It is cursed.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
f) a Ring of Damage (+18)
k) an Amulet of ESP
m) The Phial of Galadriel (+4)
   A small crystal phial, with the light of Earendil's Star
   contained inside.  Its light is imperishable, and near it
   darkness cannot endure.
   It is from a group of Elven items once entrusted to Hobbits
   It can be activated for...
   illumination every 10+d10 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It provides light (radius 3) forever.
   It affects your searching.
   It affects your luck.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
n) Elven Cord Armour [6,+10] (+3 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
o) a Cloak of Mimicry [Chaos Cloud] of Immolation [1,+12]
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It produces a fiery sheath.
   It cannot be harmed by acid.
   It cannot be harmed by fire.
p) The Small Leather Shield 'Tumel' [2,+8]
   It sustains your constitution.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
s) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3)
   A great helm as steady as the heroes of the Westdike.
   Mighty were the blows of Helm, the Hammerhand!
   It grants you the power of...
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your constitution.
   It sustains your strength.
   It sustains your dexterity.
   It sustains your constitution.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It slows your metabolism.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
u) a Set of Gauntlets of Power (+1,+5) [2,+6] (+4)
   It affects your strength.
   It provides resistance to sound.
x) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Dwarvish Endurance [6,+14] (+4 to infravision)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your constitution.
   It affects your infravision.
   It provides resistance to dark.
z) (nothing)
{) 17 Seeker Arrows (exploding) (4d4) (+5,+5)
|) a Gnomish Shovel (1d2) (+6,+4) (+2)

  [Character Inventory]

a) the Crystal Ball of The Witch-King of Angmar
   It can be activated for...
b) the Medallion of Good Will
   It can be activated for...
   cure confusion
c) 20 Rations of Food
d) 5 Sprigs of Athelas
e) a Scroll of Word of Recall
f) 18 Scrolls of Identify
g) a Scroll of *Identify*
h) a Rod Tip of Recall (80 Mana to cast)
i) The Ring 'Hathele' (+15)
   It makes you invisible.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to chaos.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
j) a Ring of Flying
k) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' [2,+15]
   A fiery set of gauntlets that can even shoot fire from the
   user's hands.  
   It can be activated for...
   fire bolt (9d8) every 8+d8 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It can be used to store a spell.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
l) 12 Arrows of Venom (1d4) (+6,+6)
   It poisons your foes.
m) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 5
n) a Parchment - Advanced lessons of Numenorean
o) a Parchment - Nandorin for dummies
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) The Ring 'Tiris' (+3)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
b) The Anchor of Space-Time
   A powerful stone that provides a strong light for any who
   wields it. It is rumored that it may even protect the
   wearer from the passing of the time.
   It provides light (radius 1) forever.
   It prevents the space-time continuum from being disrupted.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
c) The Robe of Incanus [2,+20] (+3)
   Gandalf's long, flowing robe.  It provides insight and
   allows thewearer to see things not seen by all.  
   It grants you the power of...
   weigh magic
   ...if it is being worn.
   It can be used to store a spell.
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your searching.
   It sustains your intelligence.
   It sustains your wisdom.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
d) The Cloak of Mimicry [Vampire] of Thovari [1,+14]
   It sustains your strength.
   It provides immunity to acid.
   It provides immunity to fire.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
e) a Cloak of Mimicry [Ghost] of Aman [1,+6] (+1 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
f) a Small Metal Shield of Electricity [3,+13]
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It produces an electric sheath.
   It cannot be harmed by electricity.
g) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3)
   A ridged helmet made of steel, and embossed with scenes of
   valor in fine-engraved silver.  It grants the wearer
   nobility, clearness of thought and understanding.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your charisma.
   It affects your luck.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
h) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]
   These gloves glow so brightly as to light the way for their
   owner and cast magical bolts with great frequency.
   It can be activated for...
   magic missile (2d6) every 2 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It sustains your constitution.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to light.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
i) a Spectral Rapier of Spinning (1d6) (+11,+9) (+2)
   It can be activated for...
   spining around every 50+d25 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It provides resistance to life draining.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It drains life.
j) a Broad Sword of Westernesse (2d5) (+4,+6) (+2)
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your dexterity.
   It affects your constitution.
   It is especially deadly against orcs.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It is especially deadly against giants.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It allows you to sense the presence of orcs.
   It allows you to sense the presence of trolls.
   It allows you to sense the presence of giants.
   It can resist being shattered by morgul beings.
k) The Scimitar of Helebrest (2d5) (+3,+3) (-3)
   It affects your charisma.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It induces random teleportation.
   It aggravates nearby creatures.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
l) The Lance of Quenel (2d8) (+11,+5) (+2 attacks)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your charisma.
   It affects your attack speed.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It is a great bane of demons.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It has been blessed by the gods.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
m) a Heavy Lance of *Slay Dragon* (4d8) (+7,+3) (+1)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your constitution.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It makes you completely fearless.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It allows you to sense the presence of dragons.
n) The Flight Arrow of Cirithras (1d3) (+8,+11)
   It does extra damage from acid.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It is especially deadly against orcs.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It is especially deadly against natural creatures.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
o) The Rounded Pebble 'Travak' (3d6) (+8,+5)
   A bolt imbued with the powers of the elements.  
   It does extra damage from acid.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It does extra damage from fire.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It poisons your foes.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
p) a metal Boomerang (Defender) (2d4) (+11,+12) [+3] (+4 to stealth)
   It affects your stealth.
   It sustains your strength.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It allows you to levitate.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It speeds your regenerative powers.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
q) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 3
r) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 4
s) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 8
t) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 10
u) a Parchment - Numenorean for beginners (I)
v) a Parchment - Numenorean for beginners (II)
w) a Parchment - Nandorin for dummies
x) a Parchment - Advanced lessons of Orcish

  [Home Inventory - Gondolin ]

a) a Book of Recall
b) a Scroll of Reset Recall
c) The Wand of Digging of Thrain (25 charges)
   The miner's friend.  This wand was used by Thrain to dig
   into the walls of the dungeon and is quite useful because
   it will never be destroyed.
d) a Ring of Slaying (+14,+13)
e) The Filthy Rag of the Wight [1,-1] (+6 to searching)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your searching.
   It affects your spell power.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
f) The Cutlass of Ibungrodh (1d7) (+16,+16) (+1)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It produces chaotic effects.
   It drains life from your foes.
   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
   It is especially deadly against dragons.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
g) The Cutlass of Morlas (1d7) (+16,+13) (+6)
   It affects your charisma.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It is a great bane of undead.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
h) The Cutlass of Hudhwe (1d7) (+2,+9) (+1)
   It affects your charisma.
   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It has been blessed by the gods.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
i) The Katana 'Nollinil' (3d4) (+11,+11)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It poisons your foes.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It is a great bane of undead.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
j) a Heavy Lance of the Thunderlords (4d8) (+8,+9) (+1 to searching)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It can be activated for...
   teleport every 50+d50 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your searching.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It allows you to fly.
   It allows you to sense the presence of dragons.
   It slows your metabolism.
   It speeds your regenerative powers.
   It induces random teleportation.
k) a Scythe of Slicing (Defender) (8d4) (+18,+19) [+5] (+2 to stealth)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your stealth.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
   It sustains your wisdom.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to sound.
   It allows you to levitate.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It speeds your regenerative powers.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
l) The Ball-and-Chain of Fundin Bluecloak (5d4) (+13,+17) [+10] (+4)
   The weapon of one of the great dwarven priests, with powers
   to preserve body, soul and enchantments, and the bane of
   those who seek life beyond death.
   It can be activated for...
   dispel evil (x4) every 100+d100 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your speed.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It provides resistance to life draining.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It provides resistance to disenchantment.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
m) a Parchment - The One Ring
n) a Parchment - Artifact Lore Vol. II
o) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 1
p) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 2
q) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 5
r) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 6
s) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 7
t) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 9
u) a Parchment - Adventurer's guide to Middle Earth
v) a Parchment - Numenorean for beginners (I)
w) a Parchment - Advanced lessons of Sindarin
x) a Parchment - Khuzdul - The hidden tongue of the Dwarves

  [Home Inventory - Minas Anor ]

a) The Gem of Ice
   It can be activated for...
b) The Ebon Cube of Darkness
   It can be activated for...
c) Benetar's Death Ray Experiment
   It can be activated for...
   cure corruption
d) Benetar's Mana Battery
   It can be activated for...
e) Balrilbon's Soulgem
   It can be activated for...
f) a Parchment titled ``Planar Travel Made Easy''
   It can be activated for...
   pet summoning
g) The Clay Tablets of Antiquity
   It can be activated for...
h) a Parchment titled ``Household Magic''
   It can be activated for...
i) Raistlin's Ready Ranger
   It can be activated for...
   cure hallucination
j) A parchment titled ''Famous Last Words''
   It can be activated for...
   cure insanity
k) Jor's Compendium of Strange Behaviour
   It can be activated for...
   cure cut

  [Home Inventory - Gondolin ]

a) a Book of Recall
b) a Scroll of Reset Recall
c) The Wand of Digging of Thrain (25 charges)
   The miner's friend.  This wand was used by Thrain to dig
   into the walls of the dungeon and is quite useful because
   it will never be destroyed.
d) a Ring of Slaying (+14,+13)
e) The Filthy Rag of the Wight [1,-1] (+6 to searching)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It affects your searching.
   It affects your spell power.
   It provides resistance to blindness.
   It provides resistance to confusion.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
f) The Cutlass of Ibungrodh (1d7) (+16,+16) (+1)
   It affects your intelligence.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It produces chaotic effects.
   It drains life from your foes.
   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
   It is especially deadly against dragons.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
g) The Cutlass of Morlas (1d7) (+16,+13) (+6)
   It affects your charisma.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It does extra damage from frost.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It is especially deadly against trolls.
   It is a great bane of undead.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
h) The Cutlass of Hudhwe (1d7) (+2,+9) (+1)
   It affects your charisma.
   It is very sharp and can cut your foes.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It has been blessed by the gods.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
i) The Katana 'Nollinil' (3d4) (+11,+11)
   It can be wielded two-handed.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It poisons your foes.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It is a great bane of undead.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
j) a Heavy Lance of the Thunderlords (4d8) (+8,+9) (+1 to searching)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It can be activated for...
   teleport every 50+d50 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your searching.
   It does extra damage from electricity.
   It is a great bane of dragons.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to dark.
   It provides resistance to nexus.
   It allows you to fly.
   It allows you to sense the presence of dragons.
   It slows your metabolism.
   It speeds your regenerative powers.
   It induces random teleportation.
k) a Scythe of Slicing (Defender) (8d4) (+18,+19) [+5] (+2 to stealth)
   It must be wielded two-handed.
   It affects your stealth.
   It is very sharp and make your foes bleed.
   It sustains your wisdom.
   It provides immunity to paralysis.
   It provides resistance to acid.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to cold.
   It provides resistance to poison.
   It provides resistance to sound.
   It allows you to levitate.
   It allows you to see invisible monsters.
   It speeds your regenerative powers.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
l) The Ball-and-Chain of Fundin Bluecloak (5d4) (+13,+17) [+10] (+4)
   The weapon of one of the great dwarven priests, with powers
   to preserve body, soul and enchantments, and the bane of
   those who seek life beyond death.
   It can be activated for...
   dispel evil (x4) every 100+d100 turns
   ...if it is being worn.
   It affects your strength.
   It affects your wisdom.
   It affects your speed.
   It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
   It fights against evil with holy fury.
   It provides resistance to life draining.
   It provides resistance to electricity.
   It provides resistance to fire.
   It provides resistance to nether.
   It provides resistance to disenchantment.
   It provides light.
   It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
m) a Parchment - The One Ring
n) a Parchment - Artifact Lore Vol. II
o) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 1
p) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 2
q) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 5
r) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 6
s) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 7
t) a Parchment - Monstrous Compendium 9
u) a Parchment - Adventurer's guide to Middle Earth
v) a Parchment - Numenorean for beginners (I)
w) a Parchment - Advanced lessons of Sindarin
x) a Parchment - Khuzdul - The hidden tongue of the Dwarves

Posted on 31.8.2002 01:44

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On 31.8.2002 01:44 wrote:
Tried the Eol quest too soon.

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