The Angband Ladder: HForce 2390, Android Disciple by HugoTheGreat2011

  [FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak (Thrall) (Development) Character Dump]

 Name       : HForce 2390                  ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR  :    18/208
 Personality: Lucky                              INT  :        13
 Race       : Android                            WIS  :         7
 Subrace    : None                               DEX  :     18/79
 Class      : Disciple                           CON  :        18
 Subclass   : Yeqrezh                            CHR  :         6
 Level      :       41                           HP   :   478/478
 Construct  :  4020533                           SP   :      1/52
                                                 AC   :       160
 Adv Exp    :  4200000                           Speed:        +4
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :        0                     Melee      : Amber (277)
 Kills      :        0                     Archery    : Amber (270)
 Uniques    :        0                     SavingThrow: Superb (80)
 Artifacts  :      8+3                     Stealth    : Poor (2)
                                           Perception : Superb (73)
 Game Day   :        1                     Searching  : Excellent (62)
 Game Time  :     7:32                     Disarming  : Excellent (84)
 Play Time  :    00:10                     Device     : Excellent (74)
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) a Cutlass of Sharpness (1d9) (+11,+14) (+4) {Dg?}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 7:29, at CL 38.
 b) The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) {StWi?}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 6:56, at CL 32.
 c) a Short Bow (x2.50) (+6,+5)
    Received as a gift from Yeqrezh on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 6:06, at CL 29.
 e) The Ring of the Ages [+20] (+4) {Cn?}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 6:49, at CL 32.
 f) a Ring (Defender) [+13] {Lv?}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 6:08, at CL 31.
 g) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+2) {StCnIfLf;-Sl;Bl;RgLu?}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 6:07, at CL 31.
 h) The Phial of Galadriel (+5) {Sr?}
    Received as a gift from Yeqrezh on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 6:06, at CL 29.
 i) The Leather Jacket of Esgaroth (-1) [12,+25] {[F?}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 7:12, at CL 37.
 j) a Cloak of the Hero (+4,+6) [1,+15] (+2) {StDx?}
    Received as a gift from Yeqrezh on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 7:30, at CL 41.
 k) The Iron Helm 'Stone Mask' (+8,+8) [5,-10] (+3) {StCnIf;RgLv[C?}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 7:09, at CL 36.
 m) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4) 
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Picked up: Day 1, 6:07, at CL 31.

              |)} =="!((] ]                           |)} =="!((] ]
 Resistances  abcdefghijklm@             Abilities    abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : ..............   0%        Speed      : ............+.
 Electricity: ..............   0%        Free Act   : .............+   1x
 Fire       : ..............   0%        See Invis  : ..............
 Cold       : ..............   0%        Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : .............+  50%        Slow Digest: .............+
 Light      : ..............   0%        Regenerate : ......+...+... 300%
 Dark       : ..............   0%         HP Regen  : .............. 300%
 Confusion  : ..............   0%         SP Regen  : .............. 300%
 Nether     : ..............   0%        Hold Life  : .............+   1x
 Nexus      : ..............   0%        Levitation : .....+....+.+.
 Sound      : ..............   0%        Perm Lite  : ......+.......
 Shards     : ..............   0%        Reflection : ..............
 Chaos      : ..............   0%        Nightvision: ..............
 Disenchantm: ..............   0%        Life Mult  : ......+.......  +6%
 Time       : ..............   0%        Dec Mana   : ..............
 Blindness  : ......+.......  30%        Easy Spell : ..............
 Fear       : ..............   0x        Anti Magic : ..............
                                         Magic Skill: ..............
              |)} =="!((] ]              Spell Power: ..............
 Auras        abcdefghijklm@             Spell Cap  : ..............
 Aura Elec  : ..............             Magic Res  : ..............
 Aura Fire  : ........+..... 5d6+2       Infravision: ......+...+...  50'
 Aura Cold  : ..........+... 5d6+2       Stealth    : ......-.......
 Aura Shards: ..............             Searching  : .......+......
 Revenge    : ..............            
                                                      |)} =="!((] ]
              |)} =="!((] ]              Sustains     abcdefghijklm@
 Slays        abcdefghijklm@             Sust Str   : ..............
 Slay Evil  : ..............             Sust Int   : ..............
 Slay Undead: ..............             Sust Wis   : ..............
 Slay Demon : ..............             Sust Dex   : ..............
 Slay Dragon: ..............             Sust Con   : ..............
 Slay Human : ..............             Sust Chr   : ..............
 Slay Animal: ..............            
 Slay Orc   : ..............                          |)} =="!((] ]
 Slay Troll : ..............             Detection    abcdefghijklm@
 Slay Giant : ..............             Telepathy  : ..............
 Slay Good  : ..............             ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Living: ..............             ESP Nonliv : ..............
 Acid Brand : ..............             ESP Living : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............             ESP Good   : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..............             ESP Undead : ..............
 Cold Brand : ..............             ESP Demon  : ..............
 Pois Brand : ..............             ESP Dragon : ..............
 Mana Brand : ..............             ESP Human  : ..............
 Dark Brand : ..............             ESP Animal : ..............
 Sharpness  : ..............             ESP Orc    : ..............
 Stunning   : ..............             ESP Troll  : ..............
 Quake      : ..............             ESP Giant  : ..............
 Vampiric   : ..............            
 Chaotic    : ..............                          |)} =="!((] ]
 Extra Blows: ..............             Curses       abcdefghijklm@
 Extra Shots: ..............             Cursed     : ..............
 Extra Might: ..............             Rnd Tele   : ..............
 Blessed    : ..............             No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : ..............             Drain Exp  : ..............
 Digging    : +.............             Aggravate  : ..............
 Throwing   : ..............             TY Curse   : ..............
              |)} =="!((] ]
              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : .4....2..23...  18/88  3  0 -2 11 18/208
       INT  : ..............     15 -1  1 -2  0     13
       WIS  : .4............      9 -5  1 -2  4      7
       DEX  : .........2..4.  18/29  1  0 -2  6  18/79
       CON  : ....4.2...3...     11  3 -3 -2  9     18
       CHR  : ..............      8  0  0 -2  0      6

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: a Cutlass of Sharpness (1d9) (+11,+14)             Accuracy
 Weight : 11.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Unskilled (-10 To Hit)                              25 89%
 To Hit : 11 + 25 = 36                                        50 82%
 To Dam : 14 + 35 = 49                                        75 76%
 Blows  : 4.50                                               100 70%
 Damage                                                      125 63%
 Crits  : 1.10x (7.3%)                                       150 57%
 Normal : 243 [1.10x]                                        175 51%
                                                             200 44%

=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: a Short Bow (x2.50) (+6,+5)
 Range   : 170'
 Shots   : 1.65
 Mult    : 2.90x
 Profic  : Unskilled (-10 To Hit)
 To Hit  : -4 + 35 = 31
 Xtra Dam: 24 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Beam Cannon           35   40   0% dam 148            0    0   0%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                              Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Light Area                  2    4  11%                     0    0   0%
 b) Wrecking Yelp               4    3  11% dam 12d4            0    0   0%
 c) Detect Monsters             6    5  11%                     0    0   0%
 d) Unbarring Ways              8    4  11%                     0    0   0%
 e) Frost Bolt                 12    6  11% dam 14d8            0    0   0%
 f) Stone to Mud               14    6  11%                     0    0   0%
 g) Teleport                   16    8  11%                     0    0   0%
 h) Confuse Monster            18   12  11% power 82            0    0   0%
 i) Purple Hook                22   15  11%                     0    0   0%
 j) Chaos Strike               24   20  11% dam 14d8            0    0   0%
 k) Clairvoyance               26   40  15%                     0    0   0%
 l) Detection                  28   12  11%                     0    0   0%
 m) Identify                   32    8  13%                    20   12  38%
 n) Recall                     34   25  34%                     0    0   0%
 o) Mana Bolt                  36   20  40% dam 13d10+41        0    0   0%
 p) Plasma Bolt                38   22  46% dam 21d8            0    0   0%

Level 10 gift: Lottery Tickets
Level 20 gift: Lottery Tickets
Level 30 gift: Lottery Tickets
Level 40 gift: Lottery Tickets

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 R'lyeh          : level  90

Now, you are exploring level 90 of R'lyeh.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Arena:  0 Victories

=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alignment: Neutral

You are neutral to Chance.
You are neutral to Diligence.
You are neutral to Justice.
You are neutral to Valour.
You are neutral to Honour.
You are neutral to Compassion.
You are neutral to Temperance.
You are neutral to Patience.

================================== Mutations ==================================

There is a white aura surrounding you.
You are the disciple of a Purple.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

9 Flasks of oil
5 Hazy Potions of Speed
4 Dark Blue Potions of Heroism
a Bronze Potion of Resistance
a Fuming Potion of Curing
a Scroll titled "sehsat ulkab" of Remove Curse
8 Scrolls titled "onip batsat" of Destruction
3 Scrolls titled "erk bieklis" of *Acquirement*
a Rod: Detection (2/2) {2%}
a Rod: Clarity (15sp, 3/3) {2%}
a Rod: Beam of Disintegration (dam 16d8, 2/2) {26%}
a Rod: Acid Ball (dam 113, 2/2) {2%}
a Rod: Acid Ball (dam 121, 2/2) {2%}
a Wand: Stone to Mud (13/13) {2%}
a Wand: Fire Bolt (dam 10d8, 6/6) {2%}
a Wand: Ice Bolt (dam 1d108+30, 6/6) {2%}
a Staff: Curing (8/8) {2%}
a Staff: Curing (9/9) {2%}
an Amulet (Elemental) {?}
The Rusty Chain Mail of The High Priest of Morlok (-5) [14,-40] {cursed, ?}
The Bar Chain Mail of the Dunedain (-2) [18,+24] (+4) {SpCnCh?}
The Small Leather Shield 'Ever-Faithful' [3,+23] (+2) {Cn?}
a Mithril Helm of the Kobold (+0,+1) [8,+15] (+1) {St;-Ch?}
a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [4,+10] (+10) {Sp}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :        0
  Selling  :        0
  Winnings :        0        0
  Purchases:        0
  Services :        0
  Stolen   :        0        0

  Objects Found    :    106
  Objects Bought   :      0
  Objects Destroyed:     21

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                  8      0     7     6
  Shields                  2      0     6     0
  Bows                     1      0     1     0
  Rings                    2      0     2     0
  Amulets                  2      0     2     0
  Lights                   6      0     3     5
  Body Armor              10      0    12     6
  Cloaks                   3      0     2     2
  Helmets                  3      0     3     1
  Boots                    3      0     2     1
  Totals                  40      0    40    21

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                    3      0     0     0
  Staves                   2      0     0     0
  Rods                     5      0     1     0
  Potions                 12      0     1     0
  Scrolls                 35      0    23     0
  Totals                  57      0    25     0

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Curing                   2      0     1     0
  Speed                    5      0     0     0
  Totals                  12      0     1     0

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                12      0    12     0
  Remove Curse             1      0     0     0
  Destruction             10      0     2     0
  *Acquirement*           12      0     9     0
  Totals                  35      0    23     0

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud             1      0     0     0
  Totals                   3      0     0     0

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Curing                   2      0     0     0
  Totals                   2      0     0     0

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detection                1      0     1     0
  Totals                   5      0     1     0

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest

  Egos Found    :     19
  Egos Bought   :      0
  Egos Destroyed:     13

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Jewelry (Defender)       1      0     0
  Boots of Speed           1      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
                                          Observed              4762  11.0%
                                          Expected              5573  12.9%
  Totals                   0              Failures               487  10.2%
                                          Summon                 262   5.5%

================================ Last Messages ================================

You see a Cloak {excellent}.
You see a Great Hammer {special}.
You identify The Great Hammer 'Golden Hammer' (2d7) (+0,+0).
You see a Cloak {excellent}.
You identify a Cloak of the Hero (+4,+6) [1,+15] {?}.
You are no longer wearing a Cloak of Stealth [1,+2] (+2) {Sl}. You 
learn more about your Cloak of the Hero. You are wearing a Cloak of the 
Hero (+4,+6) [1,+15] (+2) {StDx?} (j).
You have a Cloak of Stealth [1,+2] (+2) {Sl} (w).

Really destroy a Cloak of Stealth [1,+2] (+2) {Sl}? [y/n/Auto] => y. 

You see The Great Hammer 'Golden Hammer' (2d7) (+0,+0).
You see Metal Lamellar Armour {excellent}.
You see The Great Hammer 'Golden Hammer' (2d7) (+0,+0).
You see Metal Lamellar Armour {excellent}.
You are no longer wearing The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) 
{StWi?}. You are wearing The Small Leather Shield 'Ever-Faithful' 
[3,+23] (+2) {Cn?} (b).
You have The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) {StWi?} (w).

You are no longer wearing a Cutlass of Sharpness (1d9) (+11,+14) (+4) 
{Dg?}. You are wearing The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) 
{StWi?} (a). Welcome to level 42. Yeqrezh teaches you the spell of 
You have a Cutlass of Sharpness (1d9) (+11,+14) (+4) {Dg?} (y).

You see Metal Lamellar Armour {excellent}.
You are no longer wearing The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) 
{StWi?}. You are wearing a Cutlass of Sharpness (1d9) (+11,+14) (+4) 
{Dg?} (a).
You have The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) {StWi?} (w).

You are no longer wearing The Leather Jacket of Esgaroth (-1) [12,+25] 
{[F?}. You learn more about your Metal Lamellar Armour. You are wearing 
Metal Lamellar Armour (+2) {excellent, StSr} (i).
You have The Leather Jacket of Esgaroth (-1) [12,+25] {[F?} (w).

You are no longer wearing Metal Lamellar Armour (+2) {excellent, StSr}. 
You are wearing The Leather Jacket of Esgaroth (-1) [12,+25] {[F?} (i).
You have Metal Lamellar Armour (+2) {excellent, StSr} (w).

You are no longer wearing The Leather Jacket of Esgaroth (-1) [12,+25] 
{[F?}. The weight of your equipment encumbers your movement. You are 
wearing The Bar Chain Mail of the Dunedain (-2) [18,+24] (+4) {SpCnCh?} 
You have The Leather Jacket of Esgaroth (-1) [12,+25] {[F?} (w).

Really destroy Metal Lamellar Armour (+2) {excellent, StSr}? [y/n/Auto] 
=> y. Destroyed.

Really destroy Augmented Chain Mail of the Demon (-2,+2) [16,+10] (+2) 
{StIn;-WiSl[F?}? [y/n/Auto] => y. Destroyed.

You are no longer wearing The Bar Chain Mail of the Dunedain (-2) 
[18,+24] (+4) {SpCnCh?}. You feel able to move more freely. You are 
wearing The Leather Jacket of Esgaroth (-1) [12,+25] {[F?} (i).
You have The Bar Chain Mail of the Dunedain (-2) [18,+24] (+4) 
{SpCnCh?} (u).

You are no longer wearing The Small Leather Shield 'Ever-Faithful' 
[3,+23] (+2) {Cn?}. You are wearing The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' 
[15,+15] (+4) {StWi?} (b).
You have The Small Leather Shield 'Ever-Faithful' [3,+23] (+2) {Cn?} 

=================================== Options ===================================

 Thrall Mode:        On
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Level Size:         Normal
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Pantheons:          Olympian, Egyptian, Norse, Hindu

 Score Multiplier:   109.94%
 Adjusted Score:     4862723

Posted on 22.8.2021 02:05
Last updated on 22.8.2021 03:49

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7684. on the Ladder (of 19032)
582. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1198)
21. for this player (


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On 22.8.2021 02:05 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
HForce 2390 initial post here we go

On 22.8.2021 02:06 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
HForce 2390 initial post it

On 22.8.2021 03:49 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
When 'Stone Mask' doesn't transform Androids into Vampires

Rfe: Allow Stone Mask to transform Androids into Vampires and allow Chaos gods and Polymorph Self etc. transform Androids into non-Androids :D :D

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