The Angband Ladder: Frumpy, Dark-Elf Disciple by Thraalbee

  [FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak (Thrall) Character Dump]

 Name       : Frumpy                       ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR  :     18/40
 Personality: Lucky                              INT  :     18/97
 Race       : Dark-Elf                           WIS  :        10
 Subrace    : None                               DEX  :     18/30
 Class      : Disciple                           CON  :        11
 Subclass   : Yeqrezh                            Chr  :        10
 Level      :       22                           HP   :   157/157
 Cur Exp    :    13412                           SP   :   135/135
 Max Exp    :    13412                           AC   :        89
 Adv Exp    :    14952                           Speed:        +3
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :    19558                     Melee      : Superb
 Kills      :       35                     Archery    : Heroic
 Uniques    :        1                     SavingThrow: Excellent
 Artifacts  :      7+0                     Stealth    : Good
                                           Perception : Superb
 Game Day   :        2                     Searching  : Superb
 Game Time  :    11:23                     Disarming  : Excellent
 Play Time  :    00:27                     Device     : Excellent
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Broad Spear 'Tonbo giri' (4d11) (+6,+23) [+10] (+3) 
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 6:34, at CL 10.
 c) The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+35) (+4) {StIf;Fi[F|F}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 9:28, at CL 20.
 d) a Quiver [73 of 90] {25% off}
    Bought from a store in Angwil.
    Purchased: Day 1, 15:50, at CL 22.
 g) The Necklace of the Dwarves (+2) {StCnIfLf;-Sl;Bl;FaSiRgLu}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 9:27, at CL 20.
 h) The Phial of Galadriel (+5) {Sr;Dk A:Illumination}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 6:32, at CL 10.
 i) Ring Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [12,+23] {CfShBl;FaHlSd}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 6:33, at CL 10.
 j) a Fur Cloak [3,+7]
    Dropped by a Bloodletter of Khorne on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 9:58, at CL 22.
 l) The Set of Caestus of Fingolfin (+10,+12) [5,+20] (+4) {Dx;Ac;Fa~Z A:Magic 
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 9:29, at CL 20.
 m) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of the Sprite (+2) [4,+3] (+3) {Sp;LiSh;Lv}
    Conjured forth by magic on level 90 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 1, 9:28, at CL 20.

              / }~  "![( ]]                           / }~  "![( ]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijklm@             Abilities    abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : +..........+..  65%        Speed      : ............+.
 Electricity: +.............  50%        Free Act   : +.....+.+..+..   4x
 Fire       : +.+...........  65%        See Invis  : ......+......+   2x
 Cold       : +.............  50%        Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : ..............   0%        Slow Digest: ........+.....
 Light      : ............+.  30%        Regenerate : ......+....... 200%
 Dark       : .......+.....+  40%         HP Regen  : .............. 200%
 Confusion  : ........+.....  30%         SP Regen  : .............. 200%
 Nether     : ..............   0%        Hold Life  : ........+.....   1x
 Nexus      : ..............   0%        Levitation : ............+.
 Sound      : ..............   0%        Perm Lite  : ......+.......
 Shards     : ........+...+.  40%        Reflection : ..............
 Chaos      : ..............   0%        Nightvision: ..............
 Disenchantm: ..............   0%        Life Mult  : ......+.......  +6%
 Time       : ..............   0%        Dec Mana   : ..............
 Blindness  : ......+.+.....  40%        Easy Spell : ..............
 Fear       : ..............   0x        Anti Magic : ..............
                                         Magic Skill: ..............
              / }~  "![( ]]              Spell Power: ..............
 Auras        abcdefghijklm@             Spell Cap  : .............+ +15%
 Aura Elec  : ..............             Magic Res  : ..............
 Aura Fire  : ..+........... 3d4+2       Infravision: ..+...+......+ 110'
 Aura Cold  : ..............             Stealth    : ......-.......
 Aura Shards: ..............             Searching  : +......+......
 Revenge    : ..............            
                                                      / }~  "![( ]]
              / }~  "![( ]]              Sustains     abcdefghijklm@
 Slays        abcdefghijklm@             Sust Str   : ..............
 Slay Evil  : ..............             Sust Int   : ..............
 Slay Undead: ..............             Sust Wis   : ..............
 Slay Demon : ..............             Sust Dex   : ..............
 Slay Dragon: ..............             Sust Con   : ..............
 Slay Human : +.............             Sust Chr   : ..............
 Slay Animal: +.............            
 Slay Orc   : +.............                          / }~  "![( ]]
 Slay Troll : +.............             Detection    abcdefghijklm@
 Slay Giant : +.............             Telepathy  : ..............
 Slay Good  : ..............             ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Living: ..............             ESP Nonliv : ..............
 Acid Brand : ..............             ESP Living : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............             ESP Good   : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..+...........             ESP Undead : ..............
 Cold Brand : ..............             ESP Demon  : ..............
 Pois Brand : ..............             ESP Dragon : ..............
 Mana Brand : ..............             ESP Human  : ..............
 Dark Brand : ..............             ESP Animal : ...........+..
 Sharpness  : ..............             ESP Orc    : ..............
 Stunning   : ..............             ESP Troll  : ..............
 Quake      : ..............             ESP Giant  : ..............
 Vampiric   : ..............            
 Chaotic    : ..............                          / }~  "![( ]]
 Extra Blows: ..............             Curses       abcdefghijklm@
 Extra Shots: ..............             Cursed     : ..............
 Extra Might: ..............             Rnd Tele   : ..............
 Blessed    : ..............             No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : +.............             Drain Exp  : ..............
 Digging    : ..............             Aggravate  : ..............
 Throwing   : ..............             TY Curse   : ..............
              / }~  "![( ]]
              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : 3.4...2.......     16 -1  0 -2  9  18/40
       INT  : ..............  18/77  3  1 -2  0  18/97
       WIS  : ..............      9  2  1 -2  0     10
       DEX  : 3..........4..     14  2  0 -2  7  18/30
       CON  : ......2.......     16 -2 -3 -2  2     11
       Chr  : ..............     10  3  0 -2  0     11     10

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Broad Spear 'Tonbo giri' (4d11) (+6,+23)       Accuracy
            [+10]                                             AC Hit
 Weight : 40.0 lbs                                            25 83%
 Profic : Unskilled (-7 To Hit)                               50 70%
 To Hit : 6 + 5 = 11                                          75 57%
 To Dam : 23 + 17 = 40                                       100 44%
 Blows  : 1.86                                               125 32%
 Damage                                                      150 19%
 Crits  : 1.19x (10.2%)                                      175  6%
 Normal : 126 [1.19x]                                        200  5%
 Animals: 200 [2.85x]                                        
 Humans : 200 [2.85x]                                        
 Orcs   : 221 [3.33x]                                        
 Trolls : 221 [3.33x]                                        
 Giants : 221 [3.33x]                                        
 Your weapon requires two hands to wield properly.           
=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Light Crossbow of Hellfire (x4) (+10,+35) (+4)
 Range   : 190'
 Shots   : 0.90
 Mult    : 4.12x
 Profic  : Unskilled (+5 To Hit)
 To Hit  : 15 + 12 = 27
 Xtra Dam: 49 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

 Ammo #1 : 73 Bolts (3d5) (+0,+0)                             AC Hit
 Breakage: 7%                                                 25 86%
 Weight  : 0.3 lbs                                            50 77%
 To Hit  : 0 + 27 = 27                                       100 58%
 To Dam  : 0 (Multiplier Applies)                            150 39%
 To Dam  : 49 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 30%
 Damage                                                      200 20%
 Crits   : 1.06x (4.9%)                                      
 Normal  : 86/77                                             
 Fire    : 106/95                                            
==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Magic Missile          1    2   3% dam 7d4          159    7   4%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                              Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Lightning Bolt              2    5   3% dam 8d8            89    0   0%
 b) Wrecking Yelp               4    3   3% dam 8d4             0    0   0%
 c) Light Area                  6    4   3%                     0    0   0%
 d) Heroism                     8    8   3% dur 25+1d25         0    0   0%
 e) Frost Bolt                 12    6   3% dam 9d8             2    0   0%
 f) Stone to Mud               14    6   3%                     0    0   0%
 g) Teleport                   16    8   4%                     9    0   0%
 h) Confuse Monster            18   12  10% power 44            0    0   0%
 i) Purple Hook                22   15  32%                     0    0   0%

Level 10 gift: Lottery Tickets
Level 20 gift: Lottery Tickets

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 R'lyeh          : level  90

Now, you are in Morivant.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Arena:  0 Victories

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 35 enemies including 1 unique monster in total. There are 384 
uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  Robin Hood, the Outlaw                         8

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Bloodletter of Khorne      34    10     Bloodletter of Khorne      34    10
  Spectre                    33     1     Phase spider               20     4
  Bonsai kraken              25     2     Novice priest               4     3
  Wyvern                     20     1     Bonsai kraken              25     2
  Phase spider               20     4     Metallic blue centipede     3     2
  Grizzly bear               12     1     Spectre                    33     1
  Tiger                      12     1     Wyvern                     20     1
  Killer bee                  9     1     Grizzly bear               12     1
  Night lizard                7     1     Tiger                      12     1
  Giant brown bat             6     1     Killer bee                  9     1
  Large grey snake            4     1     Night lizard                7     1
  Novice priest               4     3     Giant brown bat             6     1
  Novice warrior              4     1     Large grey snake            4     1
  Metallic blue centipede     3     2     Novice warrior              4     1
  Wild cat                    2     1     Wild cat                    2     1
  Novice rogue                2     1     Novice rogue                2     1
  Insect swarm                1     1     Insect swarm                1     1
  Scrawny horse               0     1     Scrawny horse               0     1
================================== Mutations ==================================

There is a white aura surrounding you.
You are the disciple of a Purple.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

11 Rations of Food
3 Potions of Speed {!kq}
7 Potions of Heroism
6 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
3 Potions of Restore Life Levels
20 Potions of Curing {50% off}
14 Scrolls of Phase Door
8 Scrolls of Teleportation {50% off}
a Scroll of Remove Curse
a Rod: Detection (2/2 charges) {2%}
a Rod: Recall (3/3 charges) {2%}
a Wand: Teleport Other (11/11 charges) {2%}
a Wand: Stone to Mud (48/48 charges) {2%}
a Wand: Fire Bolt (6/6 charges) {2%}
a Wand: Fire Bolt (10/10 charges) {2%}
a Staff of Simplicity: Destruction (5/5 charges) (+3) {7%, @ud!sdk}
The Rapier of the Duelist (1d8) (+7,+17) [+17] (+4) {SpInDx;Fa|V A:Strafing}

============================== Character Quiver ===============================

73 Bolts (3d5) (+0,+0)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

   250 10 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
  1000 a Scroll of Mass Genocide {!*}
  6250 The Stress Ball {Fe;Bs A:Unfocus Rage}
 18310 a Jingasa of Rage (-7,+16) [4,+2] (+3) {St;-InWi;Fe A:Berserk}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :     1490
  Selling  :    25324
  Winnings :        0    26814
  Purchases:     7256
  Services :        0
  Stolen   :        0     7256

  Objects Found    :    155
  Objects Bought   :    128
  Objects Destroyed:      8

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                  7      0     7     0
  Shields                  1      0     0     1
  Bows                     2      0     2     0
  Quivers                  0      1     1     0
  Amulets                  2      0     3     0
  Lights                   6      0     2     0
  Body Armor               8      0     4     1
  Cloaks                   1      0     1     0
  Helmets                  1      0     0     0
  Gloves                   2      0     1     0
  Boots                    2      0     1     0
  Totals                  32      0    21     2

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                    5      0    24     0
  Staves                   1      0     0     0
  Rods                     3      0    25     0
  Potions                 16     27     4     1
  Scrolls                 30     22     6     1
  Totals                  55     49    59     2

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                   30      0     0     0
  Arrows                  24      0     0     1
  Bolts                    0     73     0     0
  Food                    11      5     5     0
  Corpses                  1      0     0     1
  Skeletons                2      0     0     2
  Totals                  68     78     5     4

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Curing                   2     18     0     0
  Speed                    7      0     4     0
  Restore Life Levels      0      3     0     0
  Constitution             0      0     0     1
  Totals                  16     27     4     1

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door               0     14     0     0
  Identify                12      0     0     1
  Remove Curse             1      0     0     0
  Teleportation            0      8     0     0
  Destruction             10      0     0     0
  Mass Genocide            1      0     0     0
  *Acquirement*            6      0     6     0
  Totals                  30     22     6     1

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud             1      0     9     0
  Teleport Other           1      0     7     0
  Totals                   5      0    24     0

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Destruction              1      0     0     0
  Totals                   1      0     0     0

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Doors & Stair     1      0     1     0
  Recall                   1      0     1     0
  Detection                1      0    23     0
  Totals                   3      0    25     0

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest

  Egos Found    :     12
  Egos Bought   :      0
  Egos Destroyed:      0

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Boots of the Sprite      1      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals                 18  51.4%       Observed                58  16.2%
  Demons                  10  28.5%       Expected                59  16.7%
  Dragons                  1   2.8%       Failures                 9  15.5%
  Humans                   6  17.1%       Summon                   3   5.1%
  Undead                   1   2.8%       Heal                     0   0.0%
  Uniques                  1   2.8%       Escape                   2   3.4%
                                          Offense                 29  50.0%
  Evil Monsters           14  40.0%       Other                   15  25.8%
  Good Monsters            3   8.5%     
  Neutral Monsters        18  51.4%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
                                          Observed                 6  15.3%
  Totals                  35              Expected                 7  18.2%
                                          Failures                 0   0.0%

================================ Last Messages ================================

Buy which item (Esc to cancel)? => d.
Quantity (1 to 6): 6
Really buy 6 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds for 594 gp? [y/n] => y.
You have 6 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds.
Buy which item (Esc to cancel)? => d.
Quantity (1 to 12): 3
Really buy 3 Potions of Restore Life Levels for 2364 gp? [y/n] => y.
You have 3 Potions of Restore Life Levels.

Buy which item (Esc to cancel)? => a.
Quantity (1 to 34): 5
Really buy 5 Rations of Food for 30 gp? [y/n] => y.
You have 13 Rations of Food.

You cannot run in that direction.
Swamp Lights (Telmora) (Level 32): Unusual and dangerous phenomena have 
been reported in the marshes to the northeast. Strange lights are said 
to blink around, luring travelers away from safe paths and into 
quagmires; and one fowler even claims to have narrowly escaped with his 
life after being set upon by what looked like an enormous rolling 
pumpkin! I do not know how much truth there is behind these stories, 
but I would appreciate it if you investigated and made sure the swamps 
are safe.

You cannot run in that direction.
The Scrawny horse wakes up.
The Scrawny horse attacks you: It misses. It misses.
You attack the Scrawny horse: You hit. You do 102 damage. You have 
slain the Scrawny horse.

You are getting hungry.
That tastes good. You are no longer hungry. You have 12 Rations of Food 
in your pack.

The sun has risen.
You are getting hungry.
That tastes good. You are no longer hungry. You have 11 Rations of Food 
in your pack.

I Hate Snakes! (Morivant) (Level 15): ...What is that you say? One of 
the buildings seems to be overrun with snakes! You might be interested 
to know that not long ago, a local adventurer dropped, I mean "Lost" 
his prized leather whip among the ruins when he came face to face with 
a thousand snakes. Perhaps you could perform a little house cleaning in 
the ruins.

You cannot run in that direction.
There is a permanent wall blocking your way.

Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant) (Level 25): The Magic Shop's owner is 
thinking of opening another Thieves' Guild. I do not need the 
competition, here is the key to the Magic Shop's back treasure room. 
Destroy everything you find there and you will be rewarded.

You cannot run in that direction.
There is a permanent wall blocking your way.
You cannot run in that direction.
Really sell Hard Leather Armour of Elemental Protection (-1) [6,+11] 
{AcEl} for 4070 gp? [y/n] => y. You sold Hard Leather Armour of 
Elemental Protection (-1) [6,+11] {AcEl} for 4070 gold.

=================================== Options ===================================

 Thrall Mode:        On
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Level Size:         Normal
 Easy Damage Info:   On
 Easy Identify:      On
 Easy Lore:          On
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Pantheons:          Olympian, Norse

 Score Multiplier:   65.87%
 Adjusted Score:     8834

Posted on 8.2.2021 23:25
Last updated on 8.2.2021 23:25

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15645. on the Ladder (of 19032)
1048. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1198)
131. for this player (


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On 8.2.2021 23:25 Thraalbee wrote:
Not easy to get a Thrall all the way to the towns. Quite decent loot too if not stellar.

On 8.2.2021 23:25 Thraalbee wrote:
Not easy to get a Thrall all the way to the towns. Quite decent loot too if not stellar.

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