The Angband Ladder: Xolotl, Beholder Monster by ThatFishNemo

  [FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak Character Dump]

 Name       : Xolotl                       ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR! :    18/110
 Personality: Lucky                              INT! :    18/***
 Race       : Beholder                           WIS! :     18/90
 Subrace    : Ultimate Beholder                  DEX! :    18/110
 Class      : Monster                            CON! :     18/80
                                                 Chr! :    18/115
 Level      :       50                           HP   :   682/682
 Cur Exp    : 17501332                           SP   :    21/497
 Max Exp    : 17501332                           AC   :       123
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +26+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :  1486972                     Melee      : Amber (219)
 Kills      :     6596                     Archery    : Good (73)
 Uniques    :      164                     SavingThrow: Amber (134)
 Artifacts  :   113+56                     Stealth    : Heroic (15)
                                           Perception : Amber (136)
 Game Day   :       47                     Searching  : Amber (140)
 Game Time  :     8:24                     Disarming  : Heroic (128)
 Play Time  :    35:46                     Device     : Amber (185)
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Golden Crown of Amber [0,+15] (+3) {SpStWiCn;ElFiLiCfCaDiBl;SiRgLu~T 
    Dropped by Oberon, King of Amber on level 99 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 45, 18:30, at CL 50.
 b) The Arkenstone of Thrain {LiDk;SiHl A:Clairvoyance}
    Dropped by Smaug the Golden on level 40 of Lonely Mountain.
    Identified: Day 21, 8:54, at CL 37.
 c) a Ring (Defender) [+9] {cursed, AcElFiCo;FaSi}
    Dropped by Julian, Master of Arden Forest on level 80 of R'lyeh.
    Identified: Day 32, 13:17, at CL 49.
 d) a Ring of Combat (+8,+11) (+2) {At;Fe}
    Dropped by Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil on level 72 of Dragon's lair.
    Identified: Day 33, 6:52, at CL 50.
 e) a Ring of Wizardry (+0,+8) (+3) {In;EsDm(In}
    Dropped by Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs on level 98 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 44, 12:29, at CL 50.
 f) The Ring of Might (+3,+5) (+3) {In;ShCaBl;FaSi}
    Dropped by an Archlich in the quest 'The Royal Crypt'.
    Identified: Day 33, 15:08, at CL 50.
 g) a Ring (Defender) [+5] {AcElCo;FaSi A:Resist Cold}
    Dropped by Boldog, the Merciless on level 16 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 15, 6:58, at CL 28.
 h) a Ring of Protection [+6] {PoCfNtDiFe;FaSi}
    Dropped by the level guardian on level 70 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 30, 6:11, at CL 48.
 i) a Ring of Speed (+17) {Sp}
    Dropped by a Great Wyrm of Balance on level 98 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 45, 6:51, at CL 50.
 j) a Ring (Defender) [+16] {PoLiSoShDi;FaSiHl}
    Dropped by Festivus, the Teenage Offscreen Ninja Drolem on level 95 of 
    Identified: Day 44, 9:48, at CL 50.

              ]*========                              ]*========
 Resistances  abcdefghij@                Abilities    abcdefghij@
 Acid       : ..+...+....  65%           Speed      : +.......+.#
 Electricity: +.+...+....  72%           Free Act   : ..+..+++.++   6x
 Fire       : +.+........  65%           See Invis  : +++..+++.+.   7x
 Cold       : ..+...+....  65%           Warning    : ...........
 Poison     : .......+.++  72%           Slow Digest: ...........
 Light      : ++.......+.  45%           Regenerate : +..........  40%
 Dark       : .+.........  30%            HP Regen  : ..........-  28%
 Confusion  : +......+..+  45%            SP Regen  : ..........+  80%
 Nether     : .......+...  30%           Hold Life  : .+.......+.   2x
 Nexus      : ...........   0%           Levitation : ..........+
 Sound      : .........+.  30%           Perm Lite  : +..........
 Shards     : .....+...+.  40%           Reflection : ...........
 Chaos      : +....+.....  40%           Nightvision: ...........
 Disenchantm: +......+.+.  45%           Life Mult  : ...........
 Time       : ...........   0%           Dec Mana   : ....+......
 Blindness  : +....+.....  40%           Easy Spell : ....+......
 Fear       : ...+...+..#   3x           Anti Magic : ...........
                                         Magic Skill: ...........
              ]*========                 Spell Power: ...........
 Auras        abcdefghij@                Spell Cap  : ...........
 Aura Elec  : ...........                Magic Res  : ...........
 Aura Fire  : ...........                Infravision: ..........+  80'
 Aura Cold  : ...........                Stealth    : ...........
 Aura Shards: ...........                Searching  : ...........
 Revenge    : ...........               
              ]*========                 Sustains     abcdefghij@
 Slays        abcdefghij@                Sust Str   : ...........
 Slay Evil  : ...........                Sust Int   : ....+......
 Slay Undead: ...........                Sust Wis   : ...........
 Slay Demon : ...........                Sust Dex   : ...........
 Slay Dragon: ...........                Sust Con   : ...........
 Slay Human : ...........                Sust Chr   : ...........
 Slay Animal: ...........               
 Slay Orc   : ...........                             ]*========
 Slay Troll : ...........                Detection    abcdefghij@
 Slay Giant : ...........                Telepathy  : ..........+
 Slay Good  : ...........                ESP Evil   : ...........
 Slay Living: ...........                ESP Nonliv : ...........
 Acid Brand : ...........                ESP Living : ...........
 Elec Brand : ...........                ESP Good   : ...........
 Fire Brand : ...........                ESP Undead : ...........
 Cold Brand : ...........                ESP Demon  : ...........
 Pois Brand : ...........                ESP Dragon : ...........
 Mana Brand : ...........                ESP Human  : ...........
 Dark Brand : ...........                ESP Animal : ...........
 Sharpness  : ...........                ESP Orc    : ...........
 Stunning   : ...........                ESP Troll  : +..........
 Quake      : ...........                ESP Giant  : ...........
 Vampiric   : ...........               
 Chaotic    : ...........                             ]*========
 Extra Blows: ...+.......                Curses       abcdefghij@
 Extra Shots: ...........                Cursed     : ..+........
 Extra Might: ...........                Rnd Tele   : ...........
 Blessed    : ...........                No Tele    : ...........
 Riding     : ...........                Drain Exp  : ...........
 Digging    : ...........                Aggravate  : ...........
 Throwing   : ...........                TY Curse   : ...........
              abcdefghij@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR! : 3.......... 18/130 -3  0 -2  3 18/110
       INT! : ....33..... 18/130  8  0 -2  6 18/***
       WIS! : 3..........  18/80  0  0 -2  3  18/90
       DEX! : ..........3  18/70  3  0 -2  0 18/110
       CON! : 3..........  18/70  0  0 -2  3  18/80
       Chr! : ........... 18/120  2  0 -2  0 18/120 18/115

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Attack : Your Gaze (6d7)                                    Accuracy
 Profic : !Master (+20 To Hit)                                AC Hit
 To Hit : 70 + 23 = 93                                        25 91%
 To Dam : 25 + 16 = 41                                        50 87%
 Blows  : 5.00                                                75 83%
 Damage                                                      100 78%
 Normal : 325                                                125 74%
          Drains Mana                                        150 70%
          Confuses (90%)                                     175 66%
          Paralyzes (40%)                                    200 62%
          Terrifies (40%)                                    
          Stuns (40%)                                        
          Causes Amnesia (40%)                               
==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Eat Magic             25    1  11%                   84   13  13%
Telekinesis            9    6   2%                    4    0   0%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                              Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Detect Monsters             1    1   0%                   587   10   2%
 b) Gaze                        1   45   0% range 10         4108    0   0%
 c) Vision                     15    3   0%                   996   17   2%
 d) Drain Mana                 25    3   0% 50+d150           308    5   2%
 e) Brain Smash                35   11   0% dam 12d12+8        19    0   0%
 f) Mana Bolt                  45   16   0% dam 1d350+108     971    4   0%
 g) Summon Kin                 45   22   0%                   198    4   2%
 h) Dispel Magic               45   22   0%                     2    0   0%
 i) Darkness Storm             45   27   3% dam 458           929  116  11%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

!Warrens         : level   9
!Hideout         : level  18
 Icky cave       : level  10
!Tidal cave      : level  27
!Orc cave        : level  32
!Plains of Oz    : level  36
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
!Giant's Hall    : level  40
!Battlefield     : level  50
 Mystery cave    : level  40
 Crystal castle  : level  40
 Castle          : level  40
!Graveyard       : level  70
!Dragon's lair   : level  72
 Numenor         : level  55
 Mine            : level  78
 Arena           : level  79
 Disaster area   : level  60
 Pyramidal mound : level  76
!R'lyeh          : level  96
 Angband         : level 100

Now, you are exploring level 100 of Angband.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Trouble at Home (Outpost)                          DL5   CL1   Day 1, 7:36
  The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost)                     DL5   CL6   Day 1, 13:34
  Pest Control (Outpost)                             DL5   CL9   Day 1, 16:35
  Kill Mauhur, the Orc Captain                       DL7   CL28  Day 15, 5:15
  Mushrooms (Thalos)                                 DL10  CL22  Day 9, 20:09
  Cop Quest (Anambar)                                DL12  CL46  Day 26, 19:15
  I Hate Snakes! (Morivant)                          DL15  CL22  Day 9, 15:32
  Kill Boldog, the Merciless                         DL16  CL28  Day 15, 6:58
  Bear Problem (Outpost)                             DL18  CL21  Day 5, 12:45
  The Sewer (Outpost)                                DL18  CL21  Day 5, 14:44
  Shadow Fairies (Thalos)                            DL20  CL22  Day 9, 17:25
  Tidy the Laboratory (Thalos)                       DL20  CL23  Day 9, 21:46
  The Orc Camp (Anambar)                             DL20  CL46  Day 26, 18:52
  Cyclops's Lair (Thalos)                            DL22  CL23  Day 9, 22:48
  Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost)                     DL22  CL24  Day 10, 2:35
  Doom Quest I (Angwil)                              DL24  CL41  Day 23, 5:50
  Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant)                  DL25  CL25  Day 11, 7:20
  The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant)                    DL25  CL25  Day 11, 8:33
  The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant)                    DL25  CL25  Day 11, 9:18
  Vapor Quest (Outpost)                              DL25  CL26  Day 11, 10:37
  Clear the Tunnels (Anambar)                        DL27  CL46  Day 26, 20:04
  Kill Shelob, Spider of Darkness                    DL28  CL28  Day 15, 14:54
  Ghost Town (Morivant)                              DL30  CL26  Day 13, 11:00
  Troll Slayer (Morivant)                            DL30  CL27  Day 14, 3:46
  Smugglers' Den (Anambar)                           DL30  CL46  Day 27, 2:44
  The Old Watchtower (Thalos)                        DL32  CL31  Day 16, 16:10
  Swamp Lights (Telmora)                             DL32  CL41  Day 23, 16:43
  Dinosaur Quest (Anambar)                           DL33  CL46  Day 26, 20:30
  Kill Castamir the Usurper                          DL35  CL31  Day 16, 21:36
  The Shopkeeper's Secret (Morivant)                 DL35  CL41  Day 23, 4:31
  The Vault (Telmora)                                DL35  CL41  Day 23, 17:32
  The Barrow Downs (Telmora)                         DL35  CL42  Day 23, 18:46
  Giant Slayer (Morivant)                            DL36  CL42  Day 24, 4:04
  The Sand Pit (Angwil)                              DL38  CL41  Day 23, 6:29
  Staff Recovery (Thalos)                            DL40  CL37  Day 20, 16:38
  Crystal Quest (Anambar)                            DL40  CL46  Day 26, 23:19
  Kill Judge Death                                   DL41  CL35  Day 20, 1:32
  Dragon Quest (Angwil)                              DL42  CL41  Day 23, 7:40
  Troll Invasion (Telmora)                           DL42  CL42  Day 23, 20:37
  Kill Sleipnir, the Odin's Steed                    DL45  CL36  Day 20, 8:47
  Dark Academy (Thalos)                              DL45  CL41  Day 23, 11:46
  The Cloning Pits (Thalos)                          DL45  CL41  Day 23, 15:25
  The Haunted House (Outpost)                        DL45  CL42  Day 23, 21:58
  The Old Castle (Outpost)                           DL50  CL50  Day 33, 16:28
  The Renegade Sorcerer (Thalos)                     DL55  CL41  Day 23, 12:18
  The Mystery of Apina Island (Anambar)              DL55  CL46  Day 27, 1:48
  Eddies in the Space-Time Continuum (Zul)           DL55  CL50  Day 33, 10:04
  Kill Ancalagon the Black                           DL56  CL43  Day 24, 14:54
  Kill Izanami, Spirit of Yomi                       DL66  CL48  Day 28, 8:06
  Kill Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God                  DL70  CL48  Day 30, 6:11
  The Royal Crypt (Outpost)                          DL70  CL50  Day 33, 15:11
  Oberon                                             DL99  CL50  Day 45, 18:30
  Serpent of Chaos                                   DL100 CL50  Day 47, 8:24

  Arena: Defeated by Nightwalker in the 35th fight

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 6596 enemies including 164 unique monsters in total. There 
are 227 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  The Serpent of Chaos                         100
  Oberon, King of Amber                         99
  Great Cthulhu                                 96
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs          95
  Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos              93
  Festivus, the Teenage Offscreen Ninja Drolem  91
  Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods       91
  Kronos, Lord of the Titans                    87
  Loki the Trickster                            85
  Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire          85
  Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord                   84
  Benedict, the Ideal Warrior                   79
  Mahishasura, the Buffalo Demon                76
  Eric the Usurper                              76
  Susanoo, the Angry                            76
  Y'golonac                                     75
  Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God                  75
  Gerard, Strongman of Amber                    74
  Biketal of Fire                               73
  Omarax the Eye Tyrant                         73

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Star-spawn of Cthulhu      86     1     Olog                       35   105
  Tonberry                   80     1     Headless                   27    96
  Hell spider                80     1     Fiendish donkey            26    85
  Greater Balrog             79     2     Cave ogre                  26    85
  Ultimate Magus             79     4     Vampiric mist              22    73
  Lourph                     79    11     Fire troll                 25    72
  Cyberdemon                 77     8     Hill orc                    8    69
  Pit Fiend                  77     1     Cave orc                    7    66
  Kirin                      76     1     Mad bear                   15    63
  Leviathan                  76     5     Uruk                       18    60
  Warp demon                 76    12     Giant fire ant             35    59
  Aether hound               75     3     Snaga                       6    57
  Sky Drake                  74     2     Bloodletter of Khorne      34    54
  Great Wyrm of Space-Time   72     2     Sand-dweller               10    53
  Great Wyrm of Balance      72     2     Clubber demon              40    47
  Black reaver               71     2     Algroth                    27    47
  Master quylthulg           71     1     White wolf                 12    44
  Death Scythe               70     1     Orc shaman                  9    44
  Steam-Powered Mechanical   69     2     Inertia hound              35    42
  Gelugon                    69     4     Dark elven warlock         23    41
================================== Mutations ==================================

You are telekinetic.
You occasionally are surrounded with raw chaos.
Your body is very limber (+3 DEX).
There is a white aura surrounding you.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

58 Mushrooms of Cure Poison
36 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
50 Potions of Healing
21 Potions of Resistance
53 Potions of Curing
46 Scrolls of Phase Door
97 Scrolls of Teleportation
3 Scrolls of Protection from Evil
3 Scrolls of Inventory Protection
a Rod of Capacity: Clairvoyance (2/2) (+3) {1%}
a Rod of Simplicity: Recall (5/5) (+3) {1%}
a Rod of Simplicity: Heroic Speed (dur d35+35, 3/3) (+4) {1%}
a Rod of Capacity: Restoring (2/2) (+3) {1%}
a Rod of Simplicity: Angelic Healing (heal 563, 1/2) (+4) {1%}
a Rod: Beam of Disintegration (dam 17d8, 2/2) {1%}
a Wand: Teleport Other (31/31) {1%}
a Wand: Stone to Mud (53/53) {1%}
a Staff of Resistance: Teleport (18/19) {1%}
a Staff: Destruction (power 314, 7/7) {1%}
a Staff of Capacity: Genocide (power 300, 5/8) (+4) {1%}
a Staff: Banish (11/11) {1%}
a Staff of Resistance: Healing (heal 326, 4/5) {1%}
a Staff of Regeneration: Restore Mana (2/4) (+3) {5%}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

    23 2 Mushrooms of Cure Blindness {25% off}
    30 15 Mushrooms of Cure Confusion
    30 53 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery
  1000 a Mushroom of Restoring
     3 23 Rations of Food
     3 2 Flasks of oil
   120 15 Potions of Speed
   120 5 Potions of Resist Heat and Cold
    35 18 Potions of Heroism
    20 5 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
    38 26 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds {25% off}
    75 24 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off}
   500 50 Potions of Healing
  1125 17 Potions of *Healing* {25% off}
  5000 5 Potions of Life
  1000 a Potion of Restore Mana
   400 38 Potions of Restore Life Levels
 25000 5 Potions of Intelligence
  3000 a Potion of Restoring
   800 a Potion of Enlightenment
120000 a Potion of *Enlightenment*
  2000 4 Potions of Self Knowledge
100000 a Potion of Invulnerability
 25000 3 Potions of New Life
   113 6 Scrolls of Word of Recall {25% off}
  4000 6 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
  3000 7 Scrolls of Mundanity
    80 7 Scrolls of Holy Prayer
   250 4 Scrolls of Protection from Evil
   250 2 Scrolls of Destruction
   750 5 Scrolls of Genocide
  1000 6 Scrolls of Mass Genocide
 10000 a Scroll of Vengeance
 10000 a Scroll of Mana
   700 a Rod: Illumination (dam 2d15, 2/2) {1%}
 15250 a Rod: Clairvoyance (2/2) {1%}
  4150 a Rod: Detection (2/2) {1%}
 12197 a Rod: Heroic Speed (dur d36+36, 1/2) {1%}
 15357 a Rod: Heroic Speed (dur d37+37, 3/3) {1%}
 13722 a Rod of Simplicity: Heroic Speed (dur d39+39, 2/2) (+3) {1%}
 16458 a Rod: Heroic Speed (dur d47+47, 3/3) {1%}
 12400 a Rod: Restoring (2/2) {1%}
  9812 a Rod: Angelic Healing (heal 375, 1/2) {1%}
 20872 a Rod of Quickness: Angelic Healing (heal 469, 2/2) (+3) {1%}
  4712 a Rod: Clarity (15sp, 3/3) {1%}
  7120 a Rod of Power: Clarity (17sp, 1/3) {+15%} {1%}
 11995 a Rod of Capacity: Clarity (16sp, 8/8) (+3) {1%}
  8330 a Rod of Simplicity: Great Clarity (56sp, 2/2) (+4) {1%}
  5434 a Rod: Beam of Disintegration (dam 16d8, 2/2) {1%}
  4570 a Rod: Beam of Disintegration (dam 16d8, 2/2) {1%}
  7810 a Rod: Sound Strike (dam 14d8, 3/3) {1%}
   962 a Rod: Pesticide (dam 4, 3/3) {1%}
  3270 a Wand of Simplicity: Teleport Other (7/7) (+2) {1%}
  6737 a Wand: Teleport Other (17/17) {1%}
  8687 a Wand: Teleport Other (22/22) {1%}
  3500 a Wand: Stone to Mud (13/13) {1%}
  7687 a Wand of Resistance: Stone to Mud (24/24) {1%}
 20006 a Wand: Annihilation (power 245, 3/6) {1%}
  1300 a Wand: Charm Monster (power 27, 6/6) {1%}
  2337 a Wand of Simplicity: Moonbeam (dam 6d8, 15/15) (+1) {1%}
  2956 a Wand: Fire Ball (dam 68, 5/5) {1%}
  2725 a Wand: Frost Ball (dam 50, 7/7) {1%}
   360 a Wand: Stinking Cloud (dam 13, 4/4) {1%}
   360 a Wand: Stinking Cloud (dam 13, 4/4) {1%}
 20150 a Wand of Regeneration: Disintegrate (dam 231, 4/5) (+2) {1%}
 13177 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (dam 318, 3/4) {1%}
 11248 a Wand of Regeneration: Dragon's Frost (dam 176, 1/4) (+3) {1%}
 12528 a Wand of Capacity: Dragon's Frost (dam 212, 6/6) (+3) {1%}
  6340 a Wand: Tsunami (dam 128, 6/6) {1%}
 13129 a Wand: Tsunami (dam 172, 10/10) {1%}
 11140 a Wand: Dragon's Breath (dam 276, 4/4) {1%}
  2872 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 66, 4/4) {1%}
  3729 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 68, 6/6) {1%}
  6540 a Wand: Vampirism (dam 80, 9/9) {1%}
  9382 a Wand: Meteor (dam 26d13, 5/5) {1%}
  9382 a Wand: Meteor (dam 26d13, 2/5) {1%}
   814 a Wand: Confuse Monster (power 34, 5/5) {1%}
  2066 a Wand: Confuse Monster (power 57, 9/9) {1%}
   374 a Staff of Resistance: Illumination (dam 2d15, 14/14) {75% off, 1%}
  1600 a Staff: Enlightenment (6/6) {1%}
  2350 a Staff: Teleport (6/6) {1%}
  2837 a Staff: Teleport (6/7) {1%}
  4037 a Staff: Teleport (10/10) {1%}
  5987 a Staff: Teleport (15/15) {1%}
  7337 a Staff: Teleport (10/19) {1%}
  9212 a Staff: Teleport (11/24) {1%}
  2975 a Staff: Earthquake (11/11) {1%}
 10712 a Staff: Destruction (power 150, 6/6) {1%}
 12685 a Staff: Destruction (power 158, 6/6) {1%}
 13772 a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (power 160, 5/5) {1%}
 12901 a Staff: Destruction (power 160, 6/6) {1%}
 17992 a Staff of Regeneration: Destruction (power 167, 5/5) (+3) {1%}
 10404 a Staff: Destruction (power 190, 2/4) {1%}
 21508 a Staff of Simplicity: Destruction (power 205, 7/7) (+3) {1%}
 16777 a Staff: Destruction (power 205, 7/7) {1%}
  7350 a Staff: Banish Evil (5/5) {1%}
 11760 a Staff of Regeneration: Banish Evil (1/5) (+3) {1%}
 24250 a Staff: Banish (9/9) {1%}
  6850 a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 5/9) {1%}
  7375 a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 9/9) {1%}
  7000 a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 5/9) {1%}
  6025 a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 2/7) {1%}
  8468 a Staff of Resistance: Speed (dur d20+20, 8/8) {1%}
  7300 a Staff: Speed (dur d20+20, 5/9) {1%}
  1300 a Staff: Summon Hounds (4/4) {1%}
  1300 a Staff: Summon Hydras (4/4) {1%}
  1610 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 53, 7/7) {1%}
  2622 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 59, 11/11) {1%}
  3961 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 72, 14/14) {1%}
  5814 a Staff of Simplicity: Cure Wounds (heal 74, 17/17) (+2) {1%}
  5628 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 81, 18/18) {1%}
  6993 a Staff: Cure Wounds (heal 91, 10/20) {1%}
 17507 a Staff of Regeneration: Healing (heal 254, 4/4) (+3) {1%}
 13606 a Staff: Healing (heal 262, 3/4) {1%}
 17686 a Staff of Simplicity: Healing (heal 278, 2/4) (+4) {1%}
 17191 a Staff of Capacity: Healing (heal 278, 2/6) (+3) {1%}
 16336 a Staff of Capacity: Healing (heal 278, 2/5) (+3) {1%}
 13993 a Staff: Healing (heal 286, 2/4) {1%}
 13993 a Staff: Healing (heal 286, 1/4) {1%}
 19063 a Staff of Capacity: Healing (heal 290, 2/6) (+4) {1%}
 15632 a Staff of Resistance: Healing (heal 322, 2/4) {1%}
 16972 a Staff of Capacity: Healing (heal 326, 2/5) (+2) {1%}
 22798 a Staff of Simplicity: Healing (heal 334, 2/5) (+3) {1%}
 15952 a Staff: Healing (heal 334, 3/5) {1%}
 17664 a Staff of Capacity: Healing (heal 338, 1/5) (+4) {1%}
 21303 a Staff of Regeneration: Healing (heal 342, 2/4) (+2) {1%}
 15539 a Staff: Healing (heal 342, 2/4) {1%}
 32172 a Staff of Quickness: Healing (heal 350, 2/4) (+4) {1%}
  1600 a Staff: Remove Curse (3/6) {1%}
 23455 a Staff: Mana Storm (dam 519, 3/4) {1%}
 13643 a Staff of Simplicity: Confusing Lights (power 110, 6/6) (+3) {1%}
 11386 a Staff: Confusing Lights (power 114, 6/6) {1%}
 10702 a Staff: Confusing Lights (power 114, 6/6) {1%}
 33767 a Staff of Simplicity: Star Burst (dam 575, 4/4) (+3) {1%}
  1243 a Staff: Animate Dead (6/6) {1%}
  1281 a Staff: Animate Dead (6/6) {1%}
  1540 a Staff: Sleep Monsters (power 48, 8/8) {1%}
  8439 a Staff of Regeneration: Confuse Monsters (power 102, 15/15) (+2) {1%}
   400 8 Rings
 71900 a Ring of Speed (+11) {Sp}
 63160 a Ring of Speed (+10) {Sp A:Speed}
 60400 a Ring of Speed (+10) {Sp}
 49900 a Ring of Speed (+9) {Sp}
 40824 a Ring of Combat (+0,+20) (+2) {StCn}
 37040 a Ring of Protection [+29] {(StInDxCn A:Globe of Invulnerability}
 36400 a Ring of Combat (+0,+20)
 35005 a Ring (Elemental) [+18] {*El A:Dragon's Flame}
 31900 a Ring of Speed (+7) {Sp}
 30300 2 Rings of Speed (+8) {25% off, Sp}
 30142 a Ring (Elemental) [+17] {*Fi}
 28208 a Ring (Elemental) [+17] {*El}
 26009 a Ring of Protection [+13] {DkCfSo;FaWr(Ch A:Protection from Evil}
 23750 a Ring of Protection {NtSoSh;FaSi(Ch A:Resist Fire}
 18580 a Ring of Protection {LiShCa}
 18412 a Ring of Combat (+0,+14) {Fe A:Earthquake}
 18383 a Ring of Protection [+16] {NxDi;Si}
 18116 a Ring (Defender) [+11] {PoCf;FaSiLv(In A:Resist Poison}
 17900 2 Rings of Speed (+5) {Sp}
 17556 a Ring of Protection [+29]
 16203 a Ring (Elemental) [+11] {Sh A:Dragon's Flame}
 15680 a Ring (Elemental) {AcElFiCo}
 15640 a Ring of Protection {NtNxSo;Wr}
 15636 a Ring of Protection [+15] {FaSi(StCnCh A:Resistance}
 15000 a Ring of Protection {PoCfDi;FaWr~o}
 14114 a Ring (Elemental) [+12] {Sh[Sh}
 14065 a Ring of Wizardry (+2) {In;EsDm(In}
 13981 a Ring of Protection [+15] {Ca;FaSi}
 13964 a Ring of Protection [+5] {LiDiBl;Si A:Protection from Evil}
 13874 a Ring of Protection [+2] {NtSh}
 13569 a Ring of Wizardry (+2) <+15%> {In;-StDxCn;Dm(In}
 13086 a Ring of Combat (+25,+8)
 12770 a Ring (Elemental) [+14] {Sh}
 12400 a Ring of Speed (+4) {Sp}
 12360 a Ring of Protection {LiSh;FaSiWr}
 12066 a Ring of Wizardry (+1) {In~Tele(In}
 11400 a Ring of Combat (+10,+10) {Fe}
 11045 a Ring of Combat (+11,+10) (+2) {Dx}
 10310 a Ring of Protection [+1] {LiCfBl;FaSi}
 10140 a Ring of Protection [+10] {Nt;Si(Wi}
 10116 a Ring of Protection [+21] {Si}
 10000 a Ring of Wizardry {Dm~U}
  9699 a Ring (Elemental) [+10] {Fi[F A:Fire Ball}
  9616 a Ring of Protection [+4] {DiFe;Fa}
  9315 a Ring of Protection [+10] {Nt;Fa}
  9028 a Ring of Protection [+17] {(InWi}
  8631 a Ring of Combat (+7,+3) (+2) {Dx A:Stone Skin}
  8584 a Ring (Elemental) [+14] {Fi}
  8089 a Ring of Protection [+8] {Ca}
  8034 a Ring of Protection [+16] {Fa A:Resist Fire}
  7900 3 Rings of Speed (+3) {Sp}
  7701 a Ring (Elemental) [+11] {Ac A:Resist Acid}
  7134 a Ring of Combat (+10,+5) (+1) {Dx;Fe}
  6974 a Ring (Elemental) [+8] {Fi[F}
  6760 a Ring (Elemental) {ElCo}
  6295 a Ring of Protection [+17]
  6025 a Ring of Wizardry (+0,+15)
  5900 a Ring of Protection {Nt}
  4732 a Ring of Wizardry (+1) [+5%] {Es(In}
  2400 a Ring of Wizardry {Es}
 39778 The Ring of Invisibility (+9,+7) (+5) {DxCnChSr;CaFe;FaSi Tulkas}
 37968 The Ring of the Lords (+7,+6) (+2) {AtDxChIf;Sd}
 37862 The Ring of Dambala (+4) {Wi;CoCfCaDi;FaSiHlTe(StInWiDxCnCh}
 28103 The Ring 'Undertaker' (+6,+8) (+3) {SpDxCn;FiPo;FaSi}
 23780 The Ring of Brodgar [+3] {CfSoShFe;Fa}
 23751 The Ring of the Graveyard Cyclops (+5,+6) (+1) 
 23352 The Ring 'Soulsword' (+8,+9) (+3) {SrIf;FiBl;DmRgLu}
 23319 The Ring of Arctic Ocean (+3) {Wi;CfCaDi;Si A:Dominate Demon}
 21839 The Ring of Celegorm [+15] (+2) {Dx;NtSo;FaLu(Dx}
 20610 The Ring of Xenon (+2) {InChLf;CoPoNt;Fa}
 20048 The Ring of the Seal (+6,+5) (+4) {InCh;AcDk;FaSi}
 16951 The Ring 'Shiny Ring' (+2) {StDxCnCh;Sh;Fa}
 16425 The Ring of Caspanion (+2) {WiSlSrIf;CfDiBl}
 16237 The Ring of the Four Winds (+3,+6) (+3) {WiSlSr;Nx;FaSi~Good~T A:Sleep 
 15572 The Ring of Responsibility [+1] (+3) {In;ShBlFe;FaSi Frakir}
 14376 The Ring of the Doge (+12,+8) (+1) {SpIf;Nt}
 13820 The Ring of Valanice (+2) {AcPo;FaSiWrXm}
 12919 The Ring of the Devils (+9,+9) (+3) {-15%} {cursed, 
 12563 The Ring of Boldor (+3) {Ch;CfNx;FaSi}
 12158 The Ring of Despair (+6,+8) (+4) {CnSr}
 12150 The Ring of the Onion (+10,+5) (+2) {St;NxBl;Fa(St}
 10304 The Ring of the Schwartz [+5] (+2) {CnSl;Di}
  9484 The Ring of Copper (+2) {StCn;Ac;SiWr(Cn}
  9260 The Ring 'Cycle' {AcElLi}
  8406 The Ring of Elagabalus [+13] (+2) {Sr;Fe(St}
  6438 The Ring of the Cockatoo (+3,+6) {Ac;Si}
  6099 The Ring 'Glass Diamond' [-9] (+3) {SlIf;So;Sd}
 60720 The Ring of Power (Narya) (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Fi;FaSiSdRgXsWm|F(StDx 
         A:Fire Ball}
 43088 The Ring of the Ages [+20] (+4) {Cn;Ti;Hl(StInWiDxCnCh}
 37425 The Ring of Tulkas (+4) {SpStDxCn A:Heroic Speed}
 15120 The Ring 'Frakir' (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnChSlSr;Po;SiWr A:Vampirism}
 12562 an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+10) (+4) {InSr;FaSi~T A:Alchemy}
 11455 an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {DxSr;CfNx}
 11200 an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+20) (+2) {Sr}
 10065 a Torc of the Hero (+5,+4) [+4] (+2) {cursed, -Ch;Fe;FaSiRg[F(StDx}
  9180 a Sacred Pendant [+3] {Nt;FaSiRgLuBs}
 26158 The Amulet of Pleimuth (+6,+5) {FiCaDi;FaHl A:Dragon's Flame}
 16750 The Amulet 'Firebird' {AcPoSoBl;Fa A:*Identify*}
 13832 The Amulet of the Green Isles (+3) {WiIf;PoNt;Wr A:Animate Dead}
 12270 The Amulet of the Spellmistress {AcSh A:Resist Acid}
 11445 The Amulet 'Star of Harad' (+2) {In;DkSo;Si}
  6302 The Amulet 'Snotling Princess' (+7,+4) (+2) {SrIf(WiCn}
 29230 The Harness of the Hell (+15,+15) [-5] (+2) {Ch;-InWiSlSp;DkNt;SiAg~L 
         A:Darkness Storm}
 28278 The Amulet of Sacred Knights [+10] (+2) {StWi;CfCa;FaSiHlRgBs A:Dispel 
         Curse and Probing}
 20068 The Amulet 'Yasaka-no-Magatama' (+3) {InChSr;ElFiCo;FaSi A:Recall}
 17675 The Amulet of Surveillance (+2) {ChSl;FaSi~TeleNolv A:Probing}
  3514 The Dog Collar of Wolf [+7] (+1) {Cn;Fa}
     1 6 Wooden Torches (with 1500 turns of light)
     1 a Wooden Torch (with 1308 turns of light)
   130 a Brass Lantern of Extra Light (with 7217 turns of light) {Lu}
   250 a Feanorian Lamp
   350 a Feanorian Lamp of Darkness {Ds}
 24413 The Feanorian Lamp 'Everyellow' (+4) {StDxCnSr;Li;Hl}
 17261 The Feanorian Lamp 'Charmed Pendant' [+8] (+1) {St;DkCa;SiHl(St}
  5700 The Feanorian Lamp of the Illuminati (+1) {Sr;Cf}
  5549 The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3) {If[FE}
  6354 The Phial of Galadriel (+5) {Sr;Dk A:Illumination}
  8053 The Star of Elendil (+1) {SpCnCh;SiHlRg A:Magic Mapping and 
 39173 The Jewel of Judgement (+3) {SpInWi;CfCa;SiHl A:Clairvoyance and Recall}
 10809 The Stone of Lore (+2) {InWi;Id A:Probing}
 27248 The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) {WiCh~Tele A:List Uniques}
 23680 The Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2) {SpInCh;HlLv A:Mana Ball}
 11425 The Stone of Nature [+5] {A:Stone Skin}
 20500 The Stone of Life (+3) {Lf;Hl A:Restoring}
 13425 The Sorcerer's Stone (+2) {In A:*Recharging*}
 12375 The Stone of Chaos {Ca A:Polymorph}
 12062 The Stone of Death {Nt A:Animate Dead}
 15000 The Brimstone {A:Fire Ball}
  6940 The Stone of War (+6,+6) {Fa A:Berserk}
 58465 The Red Dragon Scale Mail of the Savage (-2) [40,+25] {FiPoNxFe 
         A:Dragon's Flame}
 71204 The Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail 'Razorback' (-4) [40,+25] 
         {*El;AcFiCoPoLiDk;FaSiLuAg A:Star Ball}
 85826 The Metal Scale Mail of Julian (-2) [15,+40] (+4) {StCh;AcElFiCoDkCaDi~Z 
 44655 The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {StCh;ElFiCoNtNxSh}
 19152 Partial Plate Armour of the Demon-Lord (-3,+2) [22,+19] (+1) 
 61012 The Partial Plate Armour of Lungorthin (+11,+7) [22,+20] 
 68035 The Haramakido of Yositsune [17,+28] (+2) {SpDxSl;AcElFiCoCfNxCa;FaSdRg}
 49054 The Full Plate Armour 'Shazam' (-3) [25,+25] {AcElFiCoLiDkBl[E}
 61040 The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcFiCoDkCfNxSo}
 53050 The Mithril Chain Mail of Bilbo (+2,+2) [28,+7] (+2) 
     1 The T-shirt 'I killed the GHB and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!' 
 76698 The Robe of Eternity [0,+42] (+3) {Cn;LiDkDiTi;FaSiHlLv(StInWiDxCnCh}
 38544 The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiDkSh}
 26803 The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {PoNtCa[C A:Protection from 
  8978 The Hard Studded Leather of Silk (-1) [7,+14] (+2) {Dx}
 30525 The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] (+10) {-Ch;Ag(Ch}
 38815 The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+2) {SpDx;AcShDi}
 34541 The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7) {SlSr;FaSiHl~Tele}
 32083 The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] (+3) {DxCh;AcFiCo;FaRg A:Recharging}
 16101 The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+10] {ElFiCo;FaSi}
 10310 The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}
 21162 The Elven Cloak 'Holcolleth' [4,+15] (+3) {InWiSlSr;Ac A:Sleep Monsters}
  6273 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Po;Lv}
 10525 The Small Metal Shield of Antarctic Land [5,+13] (+1) {St;Nx}
 21985 The Small Metal Shield of Perseus [5,+15] (+2) {St;AcCo;Rf(St}
 30421 The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) {StWi;RfHl A:Bang a Gong}
  8388 an Iron Crown of Lordliness [0,+13] (+1) {WiCh;Bl(WiCh A:Rune of 
 20294 The Iron Crown of Ahmed [0,+15] (+1) {In;Nx~GoodNolv~DTULZ}
 15966 a Golden Crown of Might [0,+14] (+1) {StDxCn;-In;Fe;Fa(StDxCn A:Heroic 
 11336 a Golden Crown of Might [0,+12] (+1) {StDxCn;-In;Fe;Fa(StDxCn}
 10950 a Golden Crown of Telepathy [0,+8] {~Tele~U}
 29424 The Golden Crown of Moire, Queen of Rebma [0,+10] (+2) 
  2625 a Jewel Encrusted Crown [0,+5]
 48757 The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Eyes [0,+25] (+3) {InSr;DiBl;SiWr~Tele 
  1501 a Knit Cap of Seeing [1,-1] (+3) {Sr;Bl;Si}
 15901 The Knit Cap 'Nightcap' [1,+6] (+3) {Sl;CoDkFe;HlDs~L}
     0 a Hard Leather Cap [2,-2]
  6449 a Hard Leather Cap of the Kobold (+0,+5) [2,+3] (+2) {St;-Ch;Po}
  4699 a Hard Leather Cap of Piety [2,+2] (+2) [+10%] {Wi(Wi}
     0 a Metal Cap [3,-3]
  2394 a Metal Cap of Fortitude [3,+0] (+2) {Cn(Cn}
 14142 a Jingasa of the Vampire [4,+12] (+1) {StChSl;-Wi;-Li;CoPoDkNt;HlDs}
  5673 a Jingasa of Protection [4,+15]
    94 an Iron Helm [5,+0]
  2908 an Iron Helm of Fortitude [5,+4] (+2) {Cn(Cn}
 41408 The Iron Helm 'Stone Mask' (+8,+8) [5,-10] (+3) 
         {StCnIf;-Li;CoPoDkCfNtFe;SiHlRgLv[C A:Terrify Monsters}
 25025 The Iron Helm 'Terror Mask' (+18,+18) [5,+10] (+3) {cursed, 
         Ch;-InWi;AcCoPoDiFe;FaSiTeAgTy[M A:Terrify Monsters}
 22697 a Dragon Helm of the Vampire [8,+20] (+2) {StChSl;-Wi;ElPoDkNx;HlDs}
 13827 a Kabuto of the Vampire [7,+8] (+1) {StChSl;-Wi;PoDkNt;HlDs}
 21774 a Pointy Hat of the Magi (+0,+13) [1,+11] (+2) {In;AcElFiCf;EsSd(In}
 14294 a Pointy Hat of the Magi [1,+10] (+3) {In;ElCoDk~D(In}
     1 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Wizard (-8,-10) [1,+2] (+2) {InMd}
 35037 The Set of Leather Gloves 'Avatar of Might' [1,+21] (+3) 
  8833 The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {Li;FaLu(Cn A:Magic 
 39327 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4) 
 33595 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Multi-Skills (+3,+2) [2,+3] (+4) 
         {SpStDxCn;Di;FaRgAg A:Change Sex}
 31093 The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Bubo [3,+14] (+2) {StDxCnMd;CoDkFe 
 22247 The Broken Sword 'Narsil' (4d2) (+6,+10) (+3) {AtSt;Fi/oT}
 37853 The Dagger of Fiona (3d5) (+6,+9) (+3) {AtSpDx;Co;ThSiSdRg|CoP A:Frost 
 13738 The Dagger 'Dethanc' (2d5) (+8,+12) (+1) {Sp;ElNt;ThLu|E A:Lightning 
 37768 The Small Sword 'Orchast' (3d8) (+24,+23) (+4) {WiDx;Bs/L}
 24999 The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+7,+8) (+2) 
 19179 The Ninjato of Kamui the Escapee (2d10) (+15,+2) (+4) {DxSlSr;Fi;SiWr|P 
  4828 a Blade of Chaos (5d6) (+3,+2) {Ca}
 59997 The Blade of Chaos 'Soulcrusher' (6d6) (+20,+15) (+4) {cursed, 
 28920 The Hatchet of Elmi the Murderer (3d6) (+5,+19) (+2) {DxSl;Si|SM/Xp}
 54430 The Broad Axe of Aybara (4d7) (+25,+24) (+2) {CnDg|V/XD/Z}
  6252 The Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (2d9) (+9,+8) (+1) {StDx/oT A:Cure Wounds}
   185 The Fishingpole of Taikobo (1d1) (+0,+0) {A:Fishing}
 18711 The Whip 'hermit's purple' (1d7) (+10,+5) (+2) {InWi;Si|M~Tele 
         A:Protection from Evil}
 10948 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) (+1) {InWi;SiLv A:Telekinesis}
 22557 The Wizardstaff of Mokomagi (2d2) (+12,+10) (+3) {In;CfBl;EsDm(In}
 47235 The Baseball Bat 'Superbat' (2d4) (+14,+16) (+3) 
  1660 The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) {/XD}
  1000 a Capture Ball (empty) {A:Capture Pet}
     0 The Corpse of Implorington III
     0 an Ancient multi-hued dragon Corpse
     0 The Corpse of Oberon, King of Amber
    50 a Clay Statue of an Ultimate beholder
   450 a Magical Figurine of a Baby red dragon
  5300 a Magical Figurine of a Black wraith

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  6763906
  Alchemy  :        0
  Winnings :    12150  6776056
  Purchases:  2107768
  Services :  2848014
  Stolen   :   333302  5289084

  Objects Found    :  19050
  Objects Bought   :    985
  Objects Destroyed:    996

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               1166      0     0    26
  Shields                169      0     0     2
  Bows                   257      0     0    12
  Quivers                 26      0     0     0
  Rings                  319      6    48     2
  Amulets                131      0     0     1
  Lights                  91      1    11     1
  Body Armor             983      0     0    26
  Cloaks                 139      0     0     4
  Helmets                355      3    43     7
  Gloves                 189      0     0     5
  Boots                  169      0     0     2
  Totals                3968     10   102    88

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  294      1   407     5
  Staves                 313      5  1135    25
  Rods                   298      1  1037     5
  Potions               1795    315   407   290
  Scrolls               1473    432   180   209
  Totals                4173    754  3166   534

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                 2427      0     0    82
  Arrows                3333      0     0   165
  Bolts                 2804      0     0    59
  Spellbooks             328      0     0    10
  Food                   703    216   135     1
  Corpses                846      0     0    43
  Skeletons              267      0     0     9
  Chests                  46      0     0     1
  Totals               10754    216   135   370

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    50     90    40    55
  Curing                 183     42    40    78
  Speed                  161     47    72     9
  Clarity                 81      0    17    13
  Healing                134     27    14    48
  *Healing*               15      4     0     1
  Life                     5      0     0     0
  Restore Mana             1      0     0     0
  Restore Life Levels    114     29    45    34
  Strength                19      0    12     1
  Intelligence            23      0     8     0
  Wisdom                  22      0    14     3
  Dexterity               27      0    18     0
  Constitution            16      2    13     1
  Charisma                18      0    14     0
  New Life                 4      0     1     0
  Experience               2      0     2     0
  Totals                1795    315   407   290

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door              75    247    85    97
  Word of Recall         116     24    21    24
  Identify                95      0     0     0
  Remove Curse            24      6     6     0
  *Remove Curse*           6     13     7     0
  Spell                    3      0     1     0
  Teleportation          273    137    24    72
  Teleport Level          30      0     0     0
  Destruction             17      0     0     0
  Genocide                10      0     0     0
  Mass Genocide            9      1     1     0
  Forest Creation          3      0     0     0
  Banishment               1      0     0     0
  Acquirement              9      3    11     0
  *Acquirement*            4      0     4     0
  Totals                1473    432   180   209

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            21      1   296     1
  Teleport Other          24      0    65     0
  Vampirism               16      0    14     0
  Dragon's Frost          13      0     1     0
  Dragon's Flame          13      0     0     0
  Tsunami                  8      0     2     0
  Dragon's Breath          7      0     0     0
  Meteor                   5      0     0     1
  Annihilation             1      0     0     0
  Whirlpool                3      0     0     0
  Disintegrate             7      0     0     0
  Rocket                   1      0     0     0
  Totals                 294      1   407     5

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                35      0     0     2
  Enlightenment           10      0     0     0
  Curing                  11      0     0     1
  Cure Wounds             15      0    35     3
  Telepathy               11      1     3     1
  Speed                   10      0   224     0
  Destruction             23      0    94     0
  Healing                 21      0    48     1
  Genocide                 2      0    21     1
  Confusing Lights        14      0     7     2
  Mana Storm               2      0     0     0
  Star Burst               4      0     0     0
  Darkness Storm           3      0     0     0
  Restore Mana             1      0    11     0
  Totals                 313      5  1135    25

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             7      0     0     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     5      0     0     0
  Detect Monsters          8      0     0     0
  Illumination             4      1    44     0
  Recall                  21      0   556     0
  Detection               11      0     0     0
  Enlightenment            8      0     0     0
  Sound Ball              19      0     0     0
  Heroic Speed             7      0   150     1
  Angelic Healing          3      0    62     0
  Restoring                2      0    52     0
  Mana Ball                3      0     0     1
  Clairvoyance             2      0    60     0
  Totals                 298      1  1037     5

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        94      0     0     2
  Fourth Spellbooks       38      0     0     1
  Totals                 328      0     0    10

  Egos Found    :   2700
  Egos Bought   :      4
  Egos Destroyed:     50

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           46      1     1
  Jewelry (Defender)      12      0     0
  Boots of Elvenkind       5      0     0
  Boots of the Sprite      3      0     0
  Boots of Speed           4      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals               1801  27.3%       Observed              6653   3.7%
  Breeders               146   2.2%       Expected             17774   9.9%
  Demons                 455   6.8%       Failures               757  11.3%
  Dragons                674  10.2%       Summon                 408   6.1%
  Giants                 281   4.2%       Heal                   133   1.9%
  Hounds                 312   4.7%       Escape                  94   1.4%
  Humans                 556   8.4%       Offense               3323  49.9%
  Orcs                   545   8.2%       Other                 1938  29.1%
  Trolls                 496   7.5%     
  Undead                 727  11.0%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                164   2.4%       Observed               935  15.6%
                                          Expected              1490  25.0%
  Evil Monsters         4142  62.7%       Failures               137  14.6%
  Good Monsters          124   1.8%       Summon                 192  20.5%
  Neutral Monsters      2330  35.3%       Heal                    38   4.0%
                                          Escape                  38   4.0%
  Totals                6596              Offense                333  35.6%
                                          Other                  197  21.0%

  Life Rating: Fair (37/76)

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Serpent of Chaos summons Monsters.
You have a Staff of Resistance: Teleport (18/19) {1%}.
You cast a mana bolt. You do 127 damage. The Fire vortex is destroyed.
You take 3 damage. You take 4 damage. You take 3 damage. You take 2 
damage. You take 3 damage. You take 2 damage.
You have a Staff of Capacity: Genocide (power 300, 6/8) (+4) {1%}.

You have found a secret door. (x2)
You take 1 damage. (x2)
You take 2 damage. You take 1 damage.
You have a Staff of Capacity: Genocide (power 300, 5/8) (+4) {1%}.

You take 3 damage. (x2)
You take 2 damage. You take 4 damage. You take 2 damage. You take 1 
You have a Staff of Capacity: Genocide (power 300, 4/8) (+4) {1%}.

You attack the Ancient bronze dragon: You gaze. You do 69 damage. You 
draw psychic energy from it. It is immune! It is dazed. You gaze. You 
do 67 damage. It is immune! You gaze. You do 69 damage. It is immune! 
It flees in terror! It is more dazed. You gaze. You do 69 damage. It is 
immune! You gaze. You do 72 damage. It is immune! It flees in terror! 
It is more dazed. It is suspended!

You attack the Ancient bronze dragon: It avoids your gaze. You gaze. 
You do 61 damage. You draw psychic energy from it. It is immune! It 
avoids your gaze. You gaze. You do 71 damage. You draw psychic energy 
from it. It is immune! It flees in terror! You gaze. You do 67 damage. 
It is immune! It flees in terror! It is suspended!

You attack the Ancient bronze dragon: You gaze. You do 69 damage. You 
draw psychic energy from it. It is immune! You gaze. You do 64 damage. 
It is immune! It is more dazed. You gaze. You do 60 damage. You have 
slain the Ancient bronze dragon. You feel something roll beneath your 

You collect 4862 gold pieces' worth of adamantite.
You see a Large Leather Shield [6,+4].
You see a Large Metal Shield [8,+3].
You see a Song Book [Harps of Rivendell].
You see Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+17] {Po A:Breathe Poison}. 
You see an Ancient bronze dragon Corpse.

You see a Tanto (Nature) (1d7) (+14,+15) (+2) {In;RgLu|F/Z~Z}.
You see a Wand: Water Bolt (dam 1d192+20, 4/7) {1%}.
Rest (0-9999, '*' for HP/SP, '&' as needed): &
You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You gaze. You do 67 damage. You draw 
psychic energy from it. It is immune! It is dazed. It flees in terror! 
It avoids your gaze. It avoids your gaze. You gaze. You do 62 damage. 
It is immune! It flees in terror! It is more dazed. You gaze. You do 67 
damage. It is immune! It is unaffected! The Serpent of Chaos flees in 

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You gaze. You do 63 damage. You draw 
psychic energy from it. You gaze. You do 66 damage. You draw psychic 
energy from it. It is immune! It flees in terror! It is more dazed. It 
avoids your gaze. You gaze. You do 63 damage. It is immune! It flees in 
terror! You gaze. You do 62 damage. It is immune! It flees in terror! 
It is unaffected!

You invoke a darkness storm. You do 458 damage. The Serpent of Chaos 
rears up in anger.

You invoke a darkness storm. You do 458 damage. The Serpent of Chaos 
rears up in anger. The Serpent of Chaos flees in terror!
The Serpent of Chaos is scared stiff!

You invoke a darkness storm. You do 458 damage. The Serpent of Chaos 
writhes about.

You invoke a darkness storm. You do 458 damage. The Serpent of Chaos 
shouts, 'AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!' The Serpent of Chaos is destroyed. You just 
completed your quest!
#%         ...   ##       #....# #     # #    #   
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 ## ######'# # ###    .###+#|#                    
  ####    # #   .#   ......#-#                    
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########       ###   ....e...#                    
 A magical staircase appears... *** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have won 
the game! You may retire (commit suicide) when you are ready.

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Level Size:         Normal
 Easy Damage Info:   On
 Easy Identify:      On
 Easy Lore:          On
 Dense Small Levels: On
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Pantheons:          Egyptian, Norse
 No Selling:         On
 Competition Mode:   On

 Score Multiplier:   47.02%
 Adjusted Score:     8229126

Posted on 22.11.2020 18:46

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3388. on the Ladder (of 19032)
340. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1198)
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On 22.11.2020 18:46 ThatFishNemo wrote:
Good grief, why do I love playing slow characters. Beholders are quite special, the only kind of 'melee' class I'd really be satisfied with. The gaze can easily crunch a lot of the uniques and reduce them to bumbling babies. But one summon and you have to pack it up and run. Resistances are also extremely hard to acquire since you're basically just rings and a flashlight and the reward for beating your boss is really lackluster(I had to really search aggressively for my fellow ultimate beholders, beat them into crying for help until they called Cyghea, who in turn called Shuma-Gorath, who *finally* called Omarax) its a relatively weak artifact for something you spend ages preparing to fight for. Half the time your summons give you internet exploders that bomb on top of you (For Time based damage no less) to try and kill your pet beholders, so that spell is rarely ever useful. All in all I guess beholders excel greatly in one on one combat, but are pretty lacking in most other aspects. I'd guess they'd be Mid tier for their relatively strong endgame but very grindy early and midgame

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