The Angband Ladder: Ordinary Krull, Dwarf Warrior by <>

  [Hengband 1.6.0 Character Dump]

                          Name  : Ordinary Krull

 Sex      : Male             Age                44    STR!:  18/***
 Race     : Dwarf            Height             49    INT :  18/126
 Class    : Warrior          Weight            153    WIS :  18/132
                             Social Class       46    DEX :  18/179
                             Align            Good    CON :  18/168
                                                      CHR :  18/144

 Right hand       (+6,+39)   Hit point    -51/ 822    Fighting    : Amber [17]
 Left hand        (+9,+29)   SP (Mana)      0/   0    Bows/Throw  : Amber [17]
 Blows/Round           8+7                            Saving Throw: Amber [2]
 AverageDmg/Rnd    556+220   Level              41    Stealth     : Fair
                             Experience    1753700
 Shooting         (+55,+8)   Max Exp       1753700    Perception  : Poor
 Multiplier          x6.00   Exp to Adv    1875000    Searching   : Fair
 Shots/Round          1.36   Gold           878026    Disarming   : Superb
                                                      Magic Device: Superb
 AC               [28,+76]   Time     Day 47 15:19
 Speed                (+3)   Play time   146:35:25    Infra-Vision: 50 feet

                         (Character Background)
          You are the only child of a Dwarven Miner.  You are a
          credit to the family.  You have dark brown eyes, straight
          brown hair, a four foot beard, and a dark complexion.

          ...You were killed by Utgard-Loke in the quest 'The Cloning

 Sex   : Male          Stat    BaseRacClaPerMod ActualCurrent  abcdefghijkl@
 Race  : Dwarf         STR!:  18/90  2  4  0 12 18/***         22..6..2.....
 Class : Warrior       INT : 18/106 -2 -2  0  6 18/126         .........2..4
 Level : 41            WIS :  18/72  2 -2  0  6 18/132         .........2..4
 Hits  : -51/822       DEX :  18/89 -2  2  0  9 18/179         22.....2..3..
 Mana  : 0/0           CON : 18/108  2  2  0  2 18/168         .2...........
                       CHR :  18/74 -1 -1  0  9 18/144         .....6....3..
         ||}=="![(]]]             ||}=="![(]]]                 ||}=="![(]]]
         abcdefghijkl@            abcdefghijkl@                abcdefghijkl@
 Acid  : .......+.....    Sound : .......+.....    Speed     : ..........+..
 Elec  : .......+.....    Nether: .+...........    FreeAction: .+...........
 Fire  : .......+.....    Nexus : .............    SeeInvisi.: .+...........
 Cold  : .......+.....    Chaos : .............    Hold Life : .....+.......
 Poison: .........+...    Disnch: .............    Warning   : .............
 Light : .............    Fear  : ............+    SlowDigest: .............
 Dark  : .............    Reflct: .............    Regene.   : .............
 Shard : .............    AuFire: .............    Levitation: .............
 Blind : .........+..+    AuElec: .............    Perm Lite : .............
 Conf  : .......+.....    AuCold: .............    Cursed    : .............

             ||                 ||}=="![(]]]                   ||}=="![(]]]
             ab@                abcdefghijkl@                  abcdefghijkl@
 Slay Evil : .+.    Telepathy : .........+...    Add Blows   : ...+.........
 Slay Und. : .+.    ESP Evil  : .............    Add Tunnel  : +............
 Slay Demon: .+.    ESP Noliv.: .............    Add Infra   : .............
 Slay Drag.: ...    ESP Good  : .............    Add Device  : .............
 Slay Human: ...    ESP Undead: .............    Add Stealth : ..........+..
 Slay Anim.: ...    ESP Demon : .............    Add Search  : ......+......
 Slay Orc  : ...    ESP Dragon: .............
 Slay Troll: ...    ESP Human : .............    Riding      : .............
 Slay Giant: ...    ESP Animal: .............    Throw       : .............
 Acid Brand: ...    ESP Orc   : .............    Blessed     : .............
 Elec Brand: ...    ESP Troll : .............    No Teleport : .............
 Fire Brand: ...    ESP Giant : .............    Anti Magic  : ..........+..
 Cold Brand: ...                                 Econom. Mana: .............
 Poison Brd: ...    Sust Str  : .............
 Sharpness : +..    Sust Int  : .............    Drain Exp   : .............
 Quake     : ...    Sust Wis  : .............    Rnd.Teleport: .............
 Vampiric  : ...    Sust Dex  : .............    Aggravate   : .............
 Chaotic   : ...    Sust Con  : .............    TY Curse    : .............
 Force Wep.: ...    Sust Chr  : ..........+..

  [Quest information]

< Completed Quest >
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level 14
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 16
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 26
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  Vapor Quest                              (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 29
  Lagduf, the Snaga                        (Dungeon level:   6) - level 34
  Gorbag, the Orc Captain                  (Dungeon level:  12) - level 34

< Failed Quest >
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 28
  Haunted House                            (Danger  level:  48) - level 29
  The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft           (Danger  level:  50) - level 35

  [Last messages]

> The Greater titan misses you.
> The Greater titan hits you. <x2>
> The Giant fire ant misses the Bloodletter of Khorne.
> The Giant fire ant bites the Bloodletter of Khorne.
> The Bloodletter of Khorne resists a lot.
> Utgard-Loke breathes frost.
> The Flamer of Tzeentch is destroyed.
> It dies. <x3>
> The Bodak is destroyed.
> The Bloodletter of Khorne resists a lot.
> It dies.
> The Lemure is destroyed. <x2>
> The Giant fire ant dies.
> Father Dagon resists a lot.
> The Bloodletter of Khorne resists a lot.
> The Lemure is destroyed.
> The Gargoyle is destroyed.
> The Pink horror is destroyed.
> The Pink horror divides!
> The Daemonette of Slaanesh is destroyed.
> The Greater titan cries out in pain.
> The Cyclops dies.
> The Blue horror is destroyed.
> The Stone giant dies.
> Screen dump saved.
> No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend.
> One of your Potion of Cure Critical Wounds (d) was destroyed!
> The Greater titan looks healthier.
> The Blue horror looks healthier.
> Goodbye, Krull!
> Character dump successful.

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Recall Depth:
    Angband         : level  12
   !Yeek cave       : level  13
   !Orc cave        : level  23
    Forest          : level  24
    Castle          : level  40

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Autoscum:           ON
 Small Levels:       ENABLED
 Arena Levels:       ENABLED
 Num. Random Quests: 10

 Arena:  1 Victory

 You have defeated 21186 enemies.


Your alighnment : Good

You are a great champion of Valour.
You are the polar opposite of Honour.
You are a champion of Diligence.
You are the living embodiment of Justice.
You are the living embodiment of Harmony.
You are the polar opposite of Compassion.
You have sinned against Patience.
You are the living embodiment of Temperance.


 Your brain is a living computer (+4 INT/WIS).

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Katana 'Zantetsuken' (10d4) (+15,+19) (+2) {Lvl31 Ishikawa Goemon @w1@w0}
b) a Dagger (Pattern Weapon) (1d4) (+10,+9) (+2) {StDxCn;Nt;FaSi/*UL}
c) a Heavy Crossbow of Extra Might (x5) (+10,+8)
d) a Ring of Extra Attacks (+1 attack)
e) a Ring of Strength (+6)
f) an Amulet of Charisma and Hold Life (+6) {Ch;Hl}
g) The Phial of Galadriel (+1 to searching) {Sr}
h) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) {StDx;AcElFiCoCfSo}
i) The Fur Cloak of Mook [3,+20]
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+8] (+2) {InWi;PoBl~Tele}
k) The Set of Leather Gloves of Benten [1,+18] (+3 to speed) {SpDxChSl[M(Ch}
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Jumping [3,+3]

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Mushroom of Restore Constitution
b) 26 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
c) a Potion of Speed
d) 19 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
e) a Potion of Healing {!k}
f) a Potion of *Healing* {!k}
g) 4 Potions of Restore Life Levels
h) 18 Scrolls of Teleportation
i) 3 Rods of Recall {!*}
j) 2 Rods of Enlightenment {!!}
k) 2 Rods of Detection {!!}
l) 5 Rods of Pesticide {!!}
m) 5 Rods of Disarming {!!}
n) 3 Wands of Stone to Mud (36 charges)
o) a Ring of Levitation
p) The Torque of Boromir (+0,+8)
q) The Cloak 'Colluin' [1,+15]
r) an Elven Cloak of Stealth [4,+12] (+5 to stealth) {SlSr}
s) The Broad Sword 'Tailbiter' (2d5) (+18,+9) (+1 attack)
t) The Dwarven Shovel 'Thunderstriker' (2d3) (+16,+14) (+4) {InDxDg|ECo @w3@w0}
u) 43 Steel Bolts (3d5) (+8,+8) (150/204)
v) 18 Seeker Bolts (6d5) (+3,+6) (192/262)

  [Home Inventory]

 ( page 1 )
a) 16 Pieces of Elvish Waybread
b) 8 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
c) a Potion of *Healing* {!k}
d) 13 Potions of Restore Life Levels
e) 9 Potions of Resistance
f) 4 Potions of New Life
g) 50 Scrolls of Teleportation
h) 4 Scrolls of Teleport Level
i) 3 Scrolls of Remove Curse
j) 2 Scrolls of Mundanity
k) a Scroll of Reset Recall
l) a Rod of Probing {!!}

 ( page 2 )
a) a Rod of Teleport Other {!!}
b) a Rod of Sleep Monster {!!}
c) a Rod of Slow Monster
d) a Rod of Polymorph
e) a Rod of Stone to Mud
f) 2 Rods of Aggravate Monster {!!}
g) 2 Wands of Teleport Other (13 charges)
h) 3 Wands of Tame Monster (15 charges)
i) a Staff of Perception (21 charges)
j) a Staff of Slow Monsters (11 charges)
k) a Ring of Poison Resistance
l) a Ring of Free Action

 ( page 3 )
a) a Ring of Strength and Damage (+0,+5) (+2) {St}
b) a Ring of Dexterity and Power Throwing (+6) {Dx}
c) a Ring of Dexterity (+3)
d) a Ring of Damage (+18)
e) a Ring of Slaying and Regeneration (+12,+2) {Rg}
f) a Ring of Light and Darkness Resistance
g) a Ring of Extra Attacks (+1 attack)
h) an Amulet of Anti-Teleportation
i) 2 Amulets of Magic Device Mastery (+2)
j) a Feanorian lamp of Immortal Eye {Bl;Si}
k) a Feanorian lamp of Immolation {[F}
l) a Feanorian lamp of Illumination { }

 ( page 4 )
a) 2 Feanorian lamps of Extra Light { }
b) Blue Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+12]
c) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+14] (+2) {StCh;AcElFiCoShSoNx}
d) The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {Lvl30 'It'}
e) Leather Scale Mail of Elvenkind (-1) [11,+13] (+1 to stealth) {Sl;AcElFiCoPo}
f) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+15] (+3 to stealth) {Sl;Ac}
g) an Elven Cloak of Protection [4,+23] (+1 to stealth) {SlSr}
h) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {Lvl32 floor}
i) a Large Leather Shield of Night and Day [6,+7] {@w0}
j) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2) {InWiSr;Bl;Si}
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Free Action [2,+6] {Fa}
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Free Action [6,+7] {Fa}

 ( page 5 )
a) The Broken Sword of Fendilo (2d2) (+8,+20) (+4 to speed) {Sp;AcFe|A/*p}
b) The Long Sword 'Excalibur' (5d5) (+21,+19) [+5] (+3)
c) a Blade of Chaos (Vampiric) (6d5) (+10,+9) {Ca;Hl|V}
d) 2 Poison Needles (1d1) (+0,+0) {Lvl30 'It'}
e) 30 Bolts of Hurt Dragon (1d5) (+8,+8) (114/155) {/D}
f) 7 Bolts of Frost (1d5) (+8,+8) (114/155)
g) 14 Steel Bolts (3d5) (+5,+5) (132/180) {25% off}
h) a Capture Ball (a White knight)
i) 3 Magic Whistles {!!}

  [Check Sum: "bceb6f67602a4e05ec"]

Posted on 23.12.2003 22:23
Last updated on 31.1.2004 16:22

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8096. on the Ladder (of 19032)
340. on the Hengband Ladder (of 697)
6. for this player (

Related screenshot:
Death in the cloning pits


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On 18.1.2004 20:25 wrote:
I salute your patience! You've obviously been very careful to avoid the Legendary Wrath of The Heng RNG.

One tip: if you're wielding Zantetsuken in your right hand, only your right-handed ring will affect your damage/extra blows. Therefore, your ring of strength and damage for all purposes is a only a ring of strength. I'd advise wearing the ring of dex in your home, or maybe even take off your shield and wear the ring of light and darkness resistance. That way, you'll increase your attack power by a significant margin.

Good Luck and Don't Die,


On 19.1.2004 02:30 wrote:
Thanks for the very good advice. :-)
Before I read your comment, I already put the =oDex on, which gives me one extra blow.
Btw, strange weapon, those Zantetsuken, isn't it? It regrets to hit female monsters, can't cut through elastic things and doesn't like to slay low level monsters (something around lvl < my lvl -10), thus I need an alternate weapon. Even used my shovel as a swap for a while to save a slot! ;-)

I'm trying to get a higher skill in poison needle and maybe later dual wielding. What do you think, does it make sense?

As for the patience: unfortunately I'm not always that patient. Trying to do a lvl50 quest with a lvl34 char isn't something I would call 'patience' (at least not in an unknown variant where you don't know what you have to expect): right now I've almost lost that char in the Bull Gates quest. B.G. was down to half HP when I had to bail out (one close call with HP 68 and all stats terribly drained). Thanks to all that internet exploders Krull got one clvl up at least... ;-)


On 21.1.2004 03:05 wrote:
Castle, L34
Took out a ring mimic nest. Lots of summonings, also several summoners were created. Not easy for a warrior.
Had to teleport away many times. In the end I did it, but it was not worth the risc: only good find was a long sword of westerness, which got destroyed along the battle.
I'm wearing the =oSTR&DAM again since =oDEX doesn't give me more blows/rnd and I have no better =oSTR. I could wear The Chain Mail of Arvedui of course (STR+2) but I feel safer with the additional resistances.

On 23.1.2004 04:21 wrote:
Castle, L36
I'm at clvl 38 now, dual wielding is at 'skilled' now. Castle 36 was a tough one: Ar-Pharazon the Golden, a unique weaponsmith (forgot his name, also didn't found him in the monster spoilers) and King Koopa. But the most trouble I've got from a (master-?) demonologist, who created armies of dangerous undeads. Finally I learned how usefull pets can be: there was that magical figurine of an Air Golem, when I had to decide to teleport away or fight immediately. I used the figurine which did a really good job. Promised to myself to work more with pets in the future...

On 24.1.2004 01:59 wrote:
Still slow like a turtle, but telepathy compensates for it as long as I play cautiously and in a more strategical way (and never forget enough ?oTeleport in my pack).
Now expert in Katana, skilled in 2weapon and dagger. Progress is speeding up a little bit now...

On 24.1.2004 08:11 wrote:
Now this char feels quite comfortable (he, it's my very first Hengband character!)
Actually found a good use for that Rod of Aggravate Monster. Guess what? Hint: look at my high (for a dwarf, that is) stealth...
I think I'll let Krull take a little break now until my other dwarf in Vanilla (Rasputin) has reached clvl40, too.
It's fun to play 2 similar chars in 2 different variants!

On 31.1.2004 16:37 wrote:
Cloning pits:
Got into a summoning storm (screenshot). Probably should have leave the blue and pink horrors (surrounding me) alone. A greater titan was summoned and filled the gap. To much for Krull: 1. round down to 69 HP, quaffed a potion of *Healing*, next round was deadly...

Otherwise, if I wouldn't have killed the weaker monsters around, how could I proceed?
No teleport on quest levels, IIRC...

On 5.5.2005 00:15 Atriel wrote:
I am not as experient as Victor in the cloning pits, but you need a huge stack of ?tele, a huge stack of healing means, a huge stack of speed, res chaos and probably res poison and some stealth...
Teleport works in quest levels... as well as phase door.
Look for the "it" monsters. They are the evil summoners, they are completely invisible like lurkers but you can target them with look command.
Try to kill the "it"s, Gachapins and Jurts first. Everything else is piece of cake.

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