The Angband Ladder: Gerion, Dwarf Priest by Anregar

  [ZAngband 2.7.5pre1 Character Dump]

Name     : Gerion               Age             49     STR:   40+
Sex      : Male                 Height          52     INT:   36.0
Race     : Dwarf                Weight         165     WIS:   40+
Class    : Priest               Social Class    97     DEX:   30.0
Magic    : Life                                        CON:   40+
           Nature                                      CHR:   33.0

+ Skill         54     Level                47     Max Hit Points     847
% Deadliness   420     Experience      4351297     Cur Hit Points     847
+ To AC        102     Max Exp         4351297     Max SP (Mana)      414
  Base AC       23     Exp to Adv.      723703     Cur SP (Mana)      414
                       Gold             458867

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)
Fighting    : Superb         Perception  : Good           Blows/Round : 5
Bows/Throw  : Fair           Sensing     : Very Good      Shots/Round : 1.0
Saving Throw: Amber [12]     Disarming   : Superb         Avg.Dam./Rnd: 194
Stealth     : Excellent      Magic Device: Chaos Rank     Infra-Vision: 80'

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       OFF
 Vanilla Town:       ON
 Recall Depth:       Level 83 (4150')

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Mod Actual Currnt  abcdefghijkl@
Str:   27.9   2  -1  13   40+          1..1....4.52.
Int:   28.0  -2  -3  13   36.0         ...153...2.2.
Wis:   28.0   2   3  12   40+          ...15.2..2.2.
Dex:   28.0  -2  -1   5   30.0         1..1.3.....s.
Con:   28.0   2   0  16   40+          1..
Chr:   28.0  -3   2   6   33.0         ...1.32......

Skill     abcdefghijkl@ 
BonusSP:  ..2.......... 
Stealth:  1.....2....2. 
Search :  ...1..2...... 
Infra  :  ...1.......2. 
Tunnel :  ............. 
Speed  :  1..1..2....2. 
Blows  :  ............. 

Acid  : ...+....*..+.
Elec  : +....++....+.
Fire  : ...+..+....+.
Cold  : ......+......
Poison: ...+.........
Fear  : +.....+.....+
Light : .......+.....
Dark  : ...+...+.....
Shard : +............
Blind : ...+.....+..+
Conf  : ...+.........
Sound : ...+....+....
Nether: ...+.+.......
Nexus : ........+..+.
Chaos : +.......+..+.
Disnch: .............

Reflect  : .............
Aura Acid: .............
Aura Fire: .............
Aura Elec: .............
Aura Cold: .............
No Magic : .............
Free Actn: ........+..+.
SeeInvis.: ...+.........
Hold Life: .............
Telepathy: .........+...
SlwDigstn: .............
Regen.   : .............
Levitate : ...+.......+.
PermLite : .....++......
Mutate   : .............
Patron   : .............
Good Luck: .............
WeirdLuck: .............
Pass Wall: .............
GhulTouch: .............

Pr Animal: +............
Pr Evil  : +............
Pr Undead: ...+.......+.
Pr Demon : ...+.........
Pr Orc   : +............
Pr Troll : +............
Pr Giant : +............
Pr Dragon: .............
Cursed   : .............
AutoCurse: .............
Teleport : ......+......
NoTeleprt: .............
Aggravate: .............
DrainStat: .............
Drain Exp: .............
Slow Heal: .............
Can't Eat: .............
EvilCurse: .............

 You have defeated 14003 enemies.

  [Top 10 deepest kills]

 1 Tiamat, Celestial Dragon of Evil     Level 88 (4400')
 2 Great Wyrm of Chaos                  Level 85 (4250')
14 Hound of Tindalos                    Level 81 (4050')
 2 Great storm wyrm                     Level 79 (3950')
 1 Nidhogg the Hel-Drake                Level 77 (3850')
 1 Dworkin Barimen                      Level 77 (3850')
 1 Eye druj                             Level 76 (3800')
 1 Hell knight                          Level 76 (3800')
 1 Chaos vortex                         Level 76 (3800')
 2 Goat of Mendes                       Level 75 (3750')


You are completely fearless.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Tetsubo 'Pestilence' (2d7) (+33,+130%) (+1 to speed)
b) (nothing)
c) a Ring of Wizardry (+2)
d) The Ring 'Enfea' (+1 to speed)
e) an Amulet of Brilliance (+5)
f) The Star of the Mortals (+3)
g) The Hard Leather Armour 'Xuxuplu' (+5,+35%) [6,+19] (+2 to speed)
h) a Shadow Cloak [6,+10]
i) The Small Metal Shield of Thorin [5,+25] (+4)
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+11] (+2)
k) The Set of Leather Gloves of the Ogre (+6,+30%) [1,+11] (+5)
l) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots 'Sulhoth' [3,+18] (+2 to speed)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Book of Life Magic [Book of Common Prayer]
b) a Book of Life Magic [High Mass]
c) a Book of Life Magic [Book of the Unicorn]
d) a Book of Nature Magic [Call of the Wild]
e) a Book of Nature Magic [Nature Mastery]
f) a Book of Nature Magic [Nature's Gifts]
g) a Book of Nature Magic [Nature's Wrath]
h) 19 Potions of Restore Life Levels
i) 5 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
j) 11 Scrolls of Recharging
k) 2 Rods of Recall (1 charging)
l) a Rod of Healing (charging)
m) a Rod of Restoration
n) 6 Rods of Disarming
o) 2 Rods of Light
p) 20 Rods of Fire Bolts
q) 7 Rods of Acid Balls
r) 4 Rods of Fire Balls
s) 15 Rods of Cold Balls
t) 3 Wands of Drain Life (6 charges)
u) a Wand of Dragon's Flame (4 charges)
v) a Staff of Speed (4 charges)
w) an Amulet of Anti-Teleportation

  [Home Inventory - Town]

a) 8 Wands of Drain Life (8 charges)
b) a Wand of Dragon's Flame (0 charges)
c) The Hagaromo 'Tenyo's Despair' [2,+20] (+4)
d) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20]
e) The Jingasa 'Paurnimmen' [4,+11] (+1)
f) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed [6,+7] (+10)

  [Message Log (last 50 messages)]

The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla writhes in agony.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla squelches.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies. <2x>
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla squelches.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla turns to fight!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla writhes in agony.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla squelches.
The Guisarme melts!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla writhes in agony.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies. <2x>
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla writhes in agony.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla squelches.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla recovers its courage.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla turns to fight!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies. <3x>
Welcome to level 47.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla squelches.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla jerks limply.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla jerks limply.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla squelches. <3x>
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla writhes about.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla writhes in agony.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla writhes about.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla flees in terror!
It squelches.
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla turns to fight!
The Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla dies.
You enter a maze of down staircases.
You have a very bad feeling...
You enter a maze of up staircases.
You enter a maze of down staircases.
The air about you becomes charged...
You are surrounded by a white light.
You sense the presence of doors!
You sense the presence of stairs!
You sense the presence of monsters!
The Bloodletter of Khorne wakes up. <3x>
You feel yourself yanked upwards!

Posted on 20.4.2020 17:46
Last updated on 17.9.2020 12:46

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8833. on the Ladder (of 19032)
109. on the ZAngband Ladder (of 317)
Second best for this player (


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On 20.4.2020 17:46 Anregar wrote:
I always play mages, but this time I decided to go with a priest. This is the second incarnation of Gerion and it's certainly easier to play than my usual death mage: good spells against evil monsters, high HP (it's a dwarf), good healing and good melee.

On 20.4.2020 22:42 Anregar wrote:
Now descended to dlvl 50 and obtained some stat potions and equip meanwhile, but I'm still clvl 31. This level seems to have a lot of giant silver ants, but I didn't hear a feeling yet. Raal's tome almost killed me a couple of levels above.

On 21.4.2020 10:57 Anregar wrote:
Now descended to dlvl 54. Obtained Nature's Wrath and Hammerhand in a vault at dlvl 49. Not sure whether to keep the latter. Still no sustains apart from charisma. Also in need of some +speed gear. I'm now in a vault, trying to find something useful.

On 21.4.2020 12:34 Anregar wrote:
At last clvl 32! In dlvl 54 I found Jack of Shadows and an undead beholder side by side in a vault. Used my staff of speed and a rod of fire balls, but they barely noticed, so I teleported away. Now I have almost maximized all my stats. I created a stair and descended to take a look at dlvl 55 in search of some randarts. A speed boost would be most wellcome.

BTW, this is my first dungeon outside the town ones and I still didn't reach the bottom. Maybe I should have played with the no-wilderness option on. What's the point of having several dungeons if they are all so deep? TOME was more balanced in that respect.

On 21.4.2020 14:46 Anregar wrote:
Finally reached bottom, at level 58. Encountered Malekith on level 55, but the game allways crashed when trying to kill him, so after the 3rd attempt I forget him and descended.

On 21.4.2020 16:04 Anregar wrote:
Another encounter with Malekith, at bottom. No crash this time, but couldn't kill him, due to his annoying healing spells.

On 21.4.2020 19:09 Anregar wrote:
Entered another dungeon and am now at dlvl 62. Just killed a greater basilisk, a monster that insta-killed one of my best characters in Z, a spectre death hign-mage.

On 21.4.2020 21:13 Anregar wrote:
Updated dump. I'll take a long break.

On 22.4.2020 08:35 Anregar wrote:
Finally died.

On 3.5.2020 14:28 Anregar wrote:
Here we go again! And now with better equipment, I think.

On 3.5.2020 20:34 Anregar wrote:
Now clvl 35. My best character in ZAngband of all time.

On 4.5.2020 16:35 Anregar wrote:
Finally killed that little bastard of Jack of Shadows, after recharging several times a wand of dragon's flame a couple of wands of acid balls.

On 5.5.2020 16:56 Anregar wrote:
At last obtained the book of the unicorn, in a huge vault with a pattern in the center, at dlvl 63 (clvl 37). I didn't know what the patter is and had to do some research before stepping into it, being affraid of being mutated or someting nastier. On the process, I learned who is Zelazny and the origin of the monsters and other features of the game. Maybe I'll give a try at the novels later.


On 5.5.2020 18:30 Anregar wrote:
YASD. I was teleported away from the vault by a spider. When reentering the vault, a greater titan was near the pattern at the center of the vault, unable to pass it to chase me nor to teleport me to him, so I killed him easily. The first greater titan I killed. Then rested to recover the hp, entered the pattern, and when exiting it there was a plasma vortex waiting for me, appeared out of nowhere (I cleaned that room before), exploded and killed me. I went from 610 hp to 545 hp from walking the pattern to -238 hp!! ~_~

On 5.5.2020 18:32 Anregar wrote:
Actually, the dump says 'pattern vortex' but the grave says 'plasma vortex'. Nevertheless, YASD :(

On 7.5.2020 03:24 murphy wrote:
in Z if you step off the pattern incorrectly, a pattern vortex gets summoned. and they hurt!

On 7.5.2020 16:29 Anregar wrote:
Oh, didn't know that! And didn't know that there is an incorrect step off of the pattern! It's never explained. So... I was killed by a bad help system...

On 17.9.2020 12:46 Anregar wrote:
Here we go again! Now with clvl 38.

On 11.12.2020 18:12 Anregar wrote:
Here we go again!

On 12.12.2020 11:32 Anregar wrote:
First time I reach plvel 39 in Z! Now farming around lvl 60 to obtain the 2 resists I lack: nexus and disench. Just had my 3rd encounter with Jack of Shadows but the bitch flew away again! I need more firepower to finally kill him (in serious need of a 3rd Nature book).

On 12.12.2020 18:39 Anregar wrote:
Now plvl 40 and needing nether and nexus resistance.

On 13.12.2020 10:55 Anregar wrote:
Killed by 2 hrus :(

On 5.2.2021 13:27 Anregar wrote:
My best player in Z. Now level 42!

On 6.2.2021 11:39 Anregar wrote:
Now level 43!

On 6.2.2021 20:42 Anregar wrote:
And... level 45!

On 6.2.2021 23:09 Anregar wrote:
Now lvl 46!
I saw the unicorn of order on dlvl 76 and quickly escaped to dlvl 77 and recalled to town. I will not fight him until lvl 50.

On 7.2.2021 13:33 Anregar wrote:
Now level 47!

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