The Angband Ladder: Erenel, Naugrim Nogrod no-class by protopulse

  [Sil 1.3.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Erenel        Age       75       Str   4 =  3  +1
 Sex    Male          Height   4'5       Dex   6 =  1  +2      +3
 Race   Naugrim       Weight   165       Con  10 =  5  +2      +3
 House  Nogrod                           Gra   8 =  3  +2      +3

 Game Turn   31,560   Melee (+23,3d14)   Melee       23 = 20  +6  -4  +1
 Exp Pool     3,085   Bows   (+5,2d11)   Archery      5 =  0  +6      -1
 Total Exp   83,185   Armor  [+26,5-8]   Evasion     26 = 18  +6  +2
 Burden       138.8                      Stealth     -3 =  0  +6  -1  -8
 Max Burden   207.3   Health    -4:123   Perception  14 =  6  +8
 Depth         1000'  Voice      61:85   Will        16 =  7  +8  +1
 Min Depth     1000'  Song   Sharpness   Smithing    29 = 19  +8      +2
 Light Radius     4                      Song        18 = 10  +8

 You are the only child of a Dwarven Craftsman. You are the black sheep
 of the family. You have dark brown eyes, straight brown hair, a one
 foot beard, and a dark complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You leap aside as his great hammer slams into the floor.
> The ground shakes violently with the force of the blow!
> You are pummeled with debris!
> Low hitpoint warning!
> You fall back into the newly made pit!
> You have 4 charges remaining.
> You clear the rubble.
> You provoke attacks of opportunity from adjacent enemies!
> Morgoth, Lord of Darkness hits you.
> Morgoth, Lord of Darkness sings of durance.
> Morgoth, Lord of Darkness hits you.
> You die.


     : # 
     #  #
    ^V% +
  : .:#  


a) The Battle Axe of Hurin (-3,3d7) <+1> 4.5 lb
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It improves your will
   by 1.  It slays trolls.  It provides resistance to fear.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  It grants you the ability: 
   Song of Slaying.  It does extra damage when wielded with both
b) a Longbow of Nargothrond (+1,2d6) 3.0 lb
   It slays dragons and raukar.  It can shoot arrows 20 squares
   (with your current strength).
c) a Ruby Ring of Damage <+2>
   It improves your damage sides by 2.  
d) a Bronze Ring of Dexterity <+2>
   It increases your dexterity by 2.  It sustains your dexterity.
e) an Ivory Amulet of Constitution <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It sustains your 
f) a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness
   It burns brightly, increasing your light radius by an
   additional square.  
g) The Robe of the Free Spirit [+1] <+2>
   It increases your grace by 2.  It sustains all your stats.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Cloak of Protection [+2,1d1]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) (nothing)
j) a Helm of Clarity [+0,1d2]
   It provides resistance to confusion, stunning, and 
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Strength (-1) [-1,1d1] <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  
l) The Pair of Mithril Greaves 'Guardian' [+0,1d2]
   It provides resistance to cold and fire.  It grants you 
   freedom of movement.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
m) 99 Arrows (Poisoned)
   They are branded with venom.  They can be shot 20 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).
n) 64 Arrows of Piercing
   They cut easily through armour.  They can be shot 20 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).


a) 8 Russet Herbs of Rage
b) 2 Yellow Herbs of Restoration
c) 5 Clear Potions of Miruvor
d) 7 Dark Blue Potions of Healing
e) a Grey Potion of Voice
f) 15 Brown Potions of Quickness
g) 4 Milky White Potions of Strength
h) 7 Violet Potions of Dexterity
i) 3 Golden Potions of Constitution
j) 3 Cloudy Potions of Grace
k) an Ivory Horn of Thunder
l) a Silver Staff of Earthquakes (4 charges)
m) a Coral Amulet of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  
n) a Lesser Jewel of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  
o) a Mail Corslet of Resilience [-3,2d4] <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
p) a Jewelled Crown of Grace [+0,1d1] <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It cannot be harmed by the
q) The Dwarf Mask of the Blazeborn [-2,1d2] {@w5}
   It provides resistance to fire and fear.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  It grants you the ability: Lore-Master.  
r) a Set of Gauntlets of the Forge (-1) [+0,1d1] <+2>
   It improves your smithing by 2.  
s) The Dagger 'Angrist' (+0,1d5) 0.5 lb
   It cuts very easily through armour.  It can be thrown
   effectively (16 squares).  It cannot be harmed by the
t) The Spear 'Aeglos' (+1,1d9) {@w1} 3.0 lb
   It is branded with frost.  It can be thrown effectively (8
   squares).  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It does
   extra damage when wielded with both hands.  It counts as a
   type of polearm.  
u) The War Hammer of Metalworking (-2,4d1) <+4> 5.0 lb
   It improves your smithing by 4.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It does extra damage when wielded with both hands.
v) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 16.5 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 3.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  
w) 50 Pieces of Mithril


Erenel of the Naugrim
Entered Angband on 29 Feb 2020

   Turn     Depth   Note

      0     50 ft   (Armoursmith)
      0     50 ft   (Enchantment)
      0     50 ft   (Jeweller)
    124     50 ft   longsword 3lb :o
    374     50 ft   Made a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3]  5.0 lb
    523     50 ft   Made an Onyx Ring of Accuracy (+2)  0.1 lb
    610     50 ft   clook
    662     50 ft   Made an Adamant Ring of Evasion [+2]  0.1 lb
    983    100 ft   7,2d8 10,2-4
    983    100 ft   need armor
  1,130    100 ft   armor :)
  1,349    150 ft   7,2d8 10,3-8
  1,349    150 ft   6.2k
  1,843    150 ft   helmet!
  2,016    200 ft   8,2d8 10,4-10
  2,016    200 ft   whew that was a lot of orc soldiers
  2,401    250 ft   (Power)
  2,401    250 ft   8,2d9 9,4-12
  2,401    250 ft   7.8k
  2,445    250 ft   faenorian lamp holy
  2,476    250 ft   sword spidey
  2,608    250 ft   (Eye for Detail)
  2,612    250 ft   cloak +2 woohoo
  3,018    300 ft   8,2d9 10,4-12
  3,018    300 ft   9.3k
  3,018    300 ft   kinda wanna save up some xp on this floor
  3,359    300 ft   i can see nightthorns ...
  3,585    300 ft   wtf
  3,585    300 ft   2 staves of understanding?
  3,719    300 ft   2 use forge
  3,853    300 ft   Made a Set of Gauntlets of the Forge (-1) [+0,1d1] <+2>  
                    3.0 lb 
  4,004    300 ft   Made a Lesser Jewel of Grace <+1>  0.1 lb
  4,180    350 ft   9,2d9 12,4-12
  4,180    350 ft   11.6k 711
  4,387    350 ft   hmm still havent met a mewlip
  4,830    350 ft   aha theres a mewlip
  5,438    350 ft   god i hate wights
  5,438    350 ft   i shouldve just left
  5,495    400 ft   12,2d9 13,4-12
  5,495    400 ft   14.8k 700
  5,664    400 ft   -1,3d6 greatsword ahhh
  5,664    400 ft   i want to use it but my shield is also really good
  6,198    450 ft   twisted bat
  6,312    450 ft   Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord
  6,379    450 ft   Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
  6,441    450 ft   lurking horror
  6,500    450 ft   whispering shadows arent so scary when they cant hide :D 
  7,127    450 ft   Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  7,141    450 ft   Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  7,205    500 ft   13,2d9 14,6-17
  7,205    500 ft   20k 1.5k
  7,205    500 ft   (Keen Senses)
  7,432    500 ft   Encountered Uldor, the Accursed
  7,635    500 ft   sulrauko
  7,713    500 ft   (Crowd Fighting)
  8,055    500 ft   Fell through a false floor
  8,055    550 ft   14,2d9 15,6-17
  8,055    550 ft   23k 5
  8,142    550 ft   Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  8,160    550 ft   rolled a 2 on a 2d9
  8,160    550 ft   come onn
  8,196    550 ft   Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
  8,971    550 ft   3 use forge
  9,005    550 ft   shadow bat
  9,064    550 ft   dang i got grace drained? when was that
  9,064    550 ft   (Artifice)
  9,322    550 ft   Made The Dwarf Mask of the Blazeborn [-2,1d2]  8.0 lb
  9,613    600 ft   12,3d9 14,7-18
  9,613    600 ft   28k 2k
  9,664    600 ft   Encountered Ulfang the Black
  9,669    600 ft   hmm ulfang...
  9,704    600 ft   shadow spider
  9,814    600 ft   creeping horror
  9,835    600 ft   ulfangs gonna flee if i fight here...
  9,923    600 ft   Slew Ulfang the Black
  9,932    600 ft   theres our first artefact
  9,937    600 ft   Found The Kite Shield of Hador
  9,937    600 ft   rfire rcold i forgot hador gives that
  9,937    600 ft   well not nearly as scared of ringrauko anymore
  9,990    600 ft   another 3 use forge 
  9,990    600 ft   i have no clue what to make
  9,990    600 ft   constitution amulet and grace amulet?
  9,990    600 ft   might not be a bad idea to make a boot of free action 
 10,264    600 ft   Made a Coral Amulet of Grace <+1>  0.1 lb
 10,416    600 ft   Made an Ivory Amulet of Constitution <+1>  0.1 lb
 10,603    600 ft   Made an Ivory Horn of Thunder  1.0 lb
 11,034    600 ft   Encountered Nan, the Giant
 11,034    600 ft   damn 
 11,034    600 ft   did not want to meet him
 11,080    600 ft   Slew Nan, the Giant
 11,082    600 ft   Found The Greatsword 'Glend'
 11,082    600 ft   that...could have been worse
 11,147    600 ft   Found The Spear 'Aeglos'
 11,147    600 ft   knew it
 11,147    600 ft   aeglos
 11,147    600 ft   HMMM
 11,149    600 ft   (+1,2d13) vs (-1,3d8) vs (-1,3d12) vs (-2,4d10)?
 11,158    600 ft   who needs longsword of doriath when youve got aeglos
 11,229    600 ft   ringrauko
 11,229    600 ft   (Rauko-Bane)
 11,265    600 ft   hello ruby serpent
 11,265    600 ft   have a taste of my spear tip
 11,266    600 ft   4d13 oof
 11,855    650 ft   deathblade
 11,870    650 ft   15,3d12 15,6-15
 11,870    650 ft   35k
 12,742    650 ft   earthquakes
 12,799    650 ft   (Hardiness)
 12,816    650 ft   Found The Set of Gloves of Brethil
 12,816    650 ft   mm
 12,969    700 ft   17,1d13 16,8-19
 12,969    700 ft   38k 2k
 13,006    700 ft   (Poison Resistance)
 13,130    700 ft   Encountered Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow
 13,169    700 ft   belegwath hm
 13,190    700 ft   stop whipping me!
 13,192    700 ft   5d13?!
 13,192    700 ft   chill it aeglos
 13,195    700 ft   Destroyed Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow
 13,197    700 ft   free crown of grace
 13,197    700 ft   run's going well, but im a bit concerned about lack of 
 13,197    700 ft   free action
 13,487    700 ft   Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 13,496    700 ft   noooo its the deathcat
 13,822    700 ft   Slew Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 13,823    700 ft   finaaaally
 14,155    700 ft   3 use forge
 14,188    700 ft   up to 20 smithing
 14,197    700 ft   Made a Cloak of Winter's Chill [+1]  2.0 lb
 14,292    700 ft   Made a Pair of Boots of Free Action [+0,1d1]  2.0 lb
 14,305    700 ft   Made a Pair of Boots of Treacherous Paths [+0,1d1]  2.0 
 14,464    750 ft   18,1d13 18,8-17
 14,464    750 ft   42k 9
 14,915    750 ft   ururauko
 15,422    750 ft   wow this level is humongous
 15,528    750 ft   Found The Pair of Boots of Irime
 15,787    750 ft   grotesque
 15,787    750 ft   glend youre up
 16,080    750 ft   ahh inventory problems again
 16,131    750 ft   (Song of Aule)
 16,306    750 ft   mattock of belegost
 16,506    800 ft   oh yikes
 16,506    800 ft   i might starve...
 16,506    800 ft   how have i not seen food for this long?
 16,506    800 ft   19,1d13 19,8-17
 16,506    800 ft   49k 2.7k
 16,536    800 ft   oathwraith
 16,536    800 ft   this is actually really bad
 16,536    800 ft   just gonna pop a !quickness
 16,561    800 ft   (Mind Over Body)
 16,607    800 ft   okay that was...super dangerous
 16,607    800 ft   i shouldve earthquaked probably
 16,607    800 ft   2 quickness, 1 herb of rage, 2 herbs of healing, 
 16,607    800 ft   2 orcish liquors, and 1 potion of healing
 16,673    800 ft   Found The Kite Shield of Fingolfin
 16,721    800 ft   herb of emptiness!
 16,721    800 ft   just what i need
 16,808    800 ft   Encountered Scatha the Worm
 16,822    800 ft   Slew Scatha the Worm
 16,829    800 ft   Found The Hauberk of Amon Rudh
 16,829    800 ft   mail corslet of resilience or amon rudh
 16,852    800 ft   seriously debating eating that herb of sickness
 16,957    800 ft   how long does it take before hallucinating wears off 
 16,957    800 ft   again?
 16,957    800 ft   id sit around and wait it out if i wasnt starving!
 17,044    800 ft   fdkslfjkelw MEAT
 17,047    800 ft   and i didnt get false floored one step away either mwaha 
 17,110    800 ft   poor ringrauko
 17,110    800 ft   came up the stairs and went right back down
 17,562    800 ft   Encountered Tevildo, Prince of Cats
 17,563    800 ft   cat prince makes his entrance
 17,563    800 ft   think i should be okay?
 17,563    800 ft   wheres his buddy though
 17,564    800 ft   oo thats a vampire
 17,598    800 ft   picked a poor spot to fight
 17,650    800 ft   Slew Tevildo, Prince of Cats
 17,657    800 ft   could use a forge or two now
 17,657    800 ft   tevildo dropped a spear of the vanyar
 17,657    800 ft   which brings me to...
 17,657    800 ft   23 smithing
 17,683    800 ft   herb of sustenance!
 17,683    800 ft   havent been this full in ages
 17,724    800 ft   oh dear theres an army
 17,789    800 ft   no space for staff of treasures thats too bad
 17,891    800 ft   eh id rather have herb of healing than 1 extra grace
 18,064    800 ft   our first adamant serpent
 18,069    800 ft   oh wow didnt even need glend
 18,069    800 ft   rolled a natural 20
 18,069    800 ft   4d10
 18,313    850 ft   don't you just love it when you get thrown
 18,313    850 ft   into the middle of a dark room when you
 18,313    850 ft   enter a new floor
 18,730    850 ft   2 use enchanted forge
 18,730    850 ft   rng not too hot this game
 18,730    850 ft   well i suppose its not that bad
 18,730    850 ft   got a 3 use forge a while back, too bad i couldnt
 18,730    850 ft   make the most of it
 18,730    850 ft   still what can i make with 25 smithing on a nonartefact
 18,959    850 ft   Made an Adamant Ring of Evasion [+3]  0.1 lb
 19,122    850 ft   Made a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness  1.0 lb
 19,180    850 ft   Encountered Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
 19,180    850 ft   turkano
 19,180    850 ft   meeting all the balrogs today
 19,183    850 ft   23,1d13 22,8-17
 19,183    850 ft   59k 2
 19,212    850 ft   +5 bonus to raukar
 19,214    850 ft   Destroyed Turkano, Balrog of the Hosts
 19,507    850 ft   Found The Dagger 'Angrist'
 19,507    850 ft   angrist :D
 19,507    850 ft   what shall i toss 
 19,510    850 ft   i guess time to say goodbye to glend
 19,658    850 ft   gorged now
 19,666    850 ft   4.5 lbs of mithril
 19,666    850 ft   that should come in handy
 19,810    850 ft   it feared me through my resists
 19,810    850 ft   what is this
 19,941    850 ft   for a dragon your treasure pile is pretty disappointing
 20,014    850 ft   angrist is actually super good against serpents
 20,014    850 ft   forgot how good it was
 20,110    850 ft   Fell into a chasm
 20,186    950 ft   gwathrauko
 20,216    950 ft   23,1d13 22,8-17
 20,216    950 ft   63k 4.5k
 20,335    950 ft   Encountered Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame
 20,335    950 ft   vallach :)
 20,335    950 ft   always gives me trouble even through raukobane
 20,342    950 ft gorged
 20,342    950 ft   this is not ideal
 20,368    950 ft   Destroyed Vallach, Balrog of Sudden Flame
 20,546    950 ft   3 use forge yay!
 20,555    950 ft   26 smithing possible
 20,555    950 ft   (Weaponsmith)
 20,883    950 ft   Made The War Hammer of Metalworking (-2,4d1) <+4>  5.0 
 20,891    950 ft   ah i shouldve melt my mithril first
 20,891    950 ft   forgot you cant even melt mithril if youve used
 20,891    950 ft   all the forge charges up
 21,411    950 ft   2d7 hauberk of protection woah
 21,552    950 ft   so many serpents
 22,079    950 ft   Found The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg'
 22,080    950 ft   shweet
 22,305    950 ft   Encountered Ancalagon the Black
 22,370    950 ft   Found The Great Axe of Nogrod
 22,376    950 ft   Slew Ancalagon the Black
 22,755    900 ft   orodruth :O
 22,755    900 ft   isnt that +7 smithing?
 22,791    900 ft   Entered the forge 'Orodruth'
 22,798    900 ft   37 max difficulty at the moment
 22,798    900 ft   but short 20 XP for 38
 22,800    900 ft   wait a second max is 39 smithing
 22,800    900 ft   forgot to put on all of my smithing kit
 23,169    900 ft   Fell through a false floor
 23,474    950 ft   please grant me a forge :(
 23,481    950 ft   Encountered Dagorhir, the Elfbane
 23,492    950 ft   Slew Dagorhir, the Elfbane
 24,353    950 ft   revelations!
 24,372    950 ft   wow a 3 use forge
 24,912    950 ft   Made The Pair of Mithril Greaves 'Guardian' [+0,1d2]  
                    4.0 lb 
 24,921    950 ft   no need for hador anymore
 25,059    950 ft   Found The Battle Axe of Hurin
 25,059    950 ft   wow im getting all the artefact axes this game
 25,345    950 ft   didnt expect that strength potion to shatter
 25,345    950 ft   hope 2 strength potions are enough for morgoth...
 25,408    900 ft   sweet revelations reveal a 3 use forge on this level
 25,610    900 ft   first potion of slowness all game
 25,647    900 ft   36 smithing now..
 25,647    900 ft   lets just hope we get at least one more forge
 25,647    900 ft   don't even need to sing for this one
 25,647    900 ft   actually nah
 25,647    900 ft   gloves are for peasants
 25,648    900 ft   oh god i forgot to leave enough xp 
 25,648    900 ft   ...
 25,648    900 ft   this is salvageable
 25,648    900 ft   i can just make smithing robes instead
 25,648    900 ft   think it should be okay even if i don't make great speed 
 25,648    900 ft   artefact this game
 25,648    900 ft   i have 13 potions of quickness
 25,648    900 ft   tempted to make a robe of grace <+3> here 
 25,648    900 ft   but that means i'll have to tack on danger
 25,648    900 ft   and i don't really like having to deal with
 25,648    900 ft   any more unrelenting horrors in the throne room
 25,648    900 ft   than i would have to
 25,648    900 ft   wait that's not right
 25,648    900 ft   i can dump my robes before i enter the throne room
 25,648    900 ft   do i want to deal with unrelenting horrors on 950 ft tho 
 25,648    900 ft   robes of grace are superior to gloves of smithing
 25,648    900 ft   now that i think about it
 25,648    900 ft   the extra grace means i only need 700+800=1500 XP
 25,648    900 ft   for a point of smithing from song of aule
 25,648    900 ft   rather than the 2000 xp i would need if i directly
 25,648    900 ft   upped smithing
 26,163    900 ft   Made The Robe of the Free Spirit [+1] <+2>  3.0 lb
 26,408    950 ft   wtf is that
 26,422    950 ft   4 light radius + keen senses + dropping
 26,422    950 ft   lesser jewel for 1 more light radius
 26,422    950 ft   is not enough to see it
 26,422    950 ft   must be stacked ancient amethyst serpents?
 26,608    950 ft   ugh nameless thing
 26,677    950 ft   yikes only 1 rev charge left
 26,677    950 ft   no more forges found
 26,833    950 ft   out of _rev charges
 26,833    950 ft   still nothing
 26,833    950 ft   i think one more forge to do it
 27,574    950 ft   Encountered Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
 27,575    950 ft   oh hi there
 27,592    950 ft   Slew Draugluin, Sire of Werewolves
 27,598    950 ft   Found The Wolf-Hame of Draugluin
 27,720    950 ft   want a sharp weapon or forge before throne room...
 28,105    950 ft   this might be the final level i get to explore
 28,147    950 ft   oh no
 28,147    950 ft   staff of earthquakes destroyed
 28,147    950 ft   ughhh
 28,441    950 ft   yay
 28,441    950 ft   new earthquakes staff
 28,682    950 ft   ahhh
 28,682    950 ft   2 use forge
 28,682    950 ft   damaged my gauntlets of strength earlier
 28,682    950 ft   when i was testing my damage against a nameless thing
 28,682    950 ft   forgot to take it off
 28,690    950 ft   cant get false floored on 950 ft
 28,690    950 ft   guess ill just take my time and look around 
 28,880    950 ft   kinda late for _rev now don't ya think
 29,352    950 ft   yea looks like this 2 use is all i'm going to get
 29,352    950 ft   probably best bet is to get song of sharpness...
 29,352    950 ft   and maybe make a ring of strength?
 29,352    950 ft   that'll bring me to 6 strength
 29,352    950 ft   but i have no use for that much strength with hurin
 29,352    950 ft   i need ring of damage +2 then?
 29,376    950 ft   ffs i cant get this nameless thing out of my forge!
 29,519    950 ft   just what is this
 29,524    950 ft   3d8 damage
 29,703    950 ft   stacked gwathrauko
 29,767    950 ft   staff of recharging 
 30,010    950 ft   18 potions of quickness
 30,010    950 ft   that's uh
 30,010    950 ft   hope that's enough!
 30,030    950 ft   81k xp
 30,032    950 ft   i have enough xp to get to 39 smithing for +2 dmg rings
 30,032    950 ft   3d5 hurin
 30,032    950 ft   with 2 hands, that's 3d7
 30,032    950 ft   3d11 with 4 str
 30,032    950 ft   3d12 thanks to power
 30,032    950 ft   3d14 with +2 damage rings
 30,032    950 ft   morgoth has [20,6d4] defense
 30,032    950 ft   and regeneration
 30,032    950 ft   strength potions doesn't get me anything if i don't have 
 30,032    950 ft   momentum or rapid attack or dual wielding
 30,032    950 ft   7 charges of _earthquakes can keep morgoth stunned
 30,032    950 ft   and do extra damage in general
 30,032    950 ft   18 potions of quickness and 9 potions of dexterity
 30,032    950 ft   5 potions of constitution
 30,032    950 ft   9 herbs of rage
 30,032    950 ft   i think it's gonna be close
 30,454    950 ft   Made a Bronze Ring of Dexterity <+2>  0.1 lb
 31,074    950 ft   Made a Ruby Ring of Damage <+2>  0.1 lb
 31,087    950 ft   i dont think i can kill silent watchers either
 31,087    950 ft   so going around the back might be troublesome
 31,087    950 ft   hurin is my only source of rFear
 31,087    950 ft   going to have to lure morgoth...somewhere with just us 2 
 31,087    950 ft   i have way too much con
 31,087    950 ft   8 con
 31,087    950 ft   11 once i buff up
 31,087    950 ft   just 1 voice potion
 31,087    950 ft   slaying is out of the question 
 31,087    950 ft   unless i use my 6 miruvors
 31,087    950 ft   to replenish voice
 31,210    950 ft   (Song of Sharpness)
 31,210  1,000 ft   Entered Morgoth's throne room
 31,226  1,000 ft   Found The Longsword 'Glamdring'
 31,279  1,000 ft   well
 31,279  1,000 ft   here we are
 31,465  1,000 ft   Encountered Morgoth, Lord of Darkness
 31,484  1,000 ft   it's time
 31,492  1,000 ft   Found The Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth

 31,560  1,000 ft   Slain by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness.
 31,560  1,000 ft   Died on 03 March 2020.

  ['Score' 020068440]

Posted on 4.3.2020 03:45

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691. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 4.3.2020 03:46 protopulse wrote:
Oops duplicate.

On 4.3.2020 03:48 protopulse wrote:
I apparently can't save the same character name twice until I get higher experience than the older save file.

On 4.3.2020 03:49 protopulse wrote:
Nevermind. Just needed to tick the do not overwrite checkbox.

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