The Angband Ladder: King Slime, Jelly Monster by clouded

  [FrogComposband 7.1.chocolate (Development) Character Dump]

 Name       : clouded                      ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             Str! :    18/208
 Personality: Noble                              INT  :    18/158
 Race       : Jelly                              WIS  :        14
 Subrace    : Shoggoth                           DEX  :    18/134
 Class      : Monster                            Con! :    18/***
                                                 Chr  :    18/136
 Level      :       50                           HP   :   548/987
 Cur Exp    :  8408639                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    :  8408639                           AC   :       203
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +23+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       : 12427676                     Melee      : Amber[22]
 Kills      :     3577                     Archery    : Fair
 Uniques    :      114                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :    4+144                     Stealth    : Good
                                           Perception : Bad
 Game Day   :       23                     Searching  : Poor
 Game Time  :    18:57                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    08:40                     Device     : Excellent
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Falcon Sword of Aziraphale (4d7) (+20,+20) (+4) {AtStCnChIfDg;FaLu|F/PL 
    Found lying on the floor in a vault on level 97 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 20, 17:09, at CL 43.
 b) The Robe 'Gelatinous Cube' (+12,+8) [2,+13] (+2) {SpDxCh;AcNxSoCaDi 
      Kamikaze Warrior}
    Dropped by a Young multi-hued dragon on level 66 of Dragon's lair.
    Identified: Day 15, 20:35, at CL 37.
 c) Mithril Plate Mail of the Demon (-3,+5) [40,+27] (+1) 
    Found lying on the floor in a vault on level 97 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 20, 13:56, at CL 43.
 d) The Jewel of the Trapped Genie (+4) {cursed, InCnSlIf;Ca~Tele(In Judgement}
    Found lying on the floor of a special room on level 68 of Dragon's lair.
    Identified: Day 15, 21:34, at CL 37.
 e) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [4,+19] (+9) {Sp}
    Found lying on the floor in a vault on level 98 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 22, 15:13, at CL 49.
 f) a Set of Dragon Gloves of Slaying (+1,+6) [4,+19] {Fe/*DA}
    Dropped by a Young green dragon on level 96 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 18, 7:00, at CL 40.
 g) The Ring of Power (Vilya) (+3) 
      {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*El;FaSiHlSdRgLvXsWm|E~D(StInWiDx A:Lightning Ball}
    Found lying on the floor in a vault on level 97 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 20, 17:09, at CL 43.
 h) The Metal Scale Mail 'White Snow' (-2) [13,+21] (+3) {SpSt;FiCoDkCfNtSoSh[C 
      A:Frost Ball Julian}
    Found lying on the floor in a vault on level 97 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 20, 17:11, at CL 43.

              |([*]]=[                                |([*]]=[
 Resistances  abcdefgh@                  Abilities    abcdefgh@
 Acid       : .+......* 100%             Speed      : .++.+.++#
 Electricity: ......*.+ 100%             Free Act   : +.....+.+   3x
 Fire       : ..+....++  72%             See Invis  : ......+..   1x
 Cold       : .......++  65%             Warning    : .........
 Poison     : ..+.....+  65%             Slow Digest: ......+..
 Light      : .........   0%             Regenerate : ......+.+ 300%
 Dark       : .......+.  30%             Levitation : ......+..
 Confusion  : .......++  40%             Perm Lite  : +........
 Nether     : ..+....+.  40%             Reflection : .........
 Nexus      : .+.......  30%             Hold Life  : ......+..   1x
 Sound      : .+.....+.  40%             Life Rating: .........
 Shards     : .......+.  30%             Dec Mana   : .........
 Chaos      : .+.+.....  40%             Easy Spell : .........
 Disenchantm: .+.......  30%             Anti Magic : .........
 Time       : .........   0%             Magic Skill: .........
 Blindness  : ........* 100%             Spell Power: .........
 Fear       : ..+..+...   2x             Spell Cap  : .........
                                         Magic Res  : .........
              |([*]]=[                   Infravision: +..+.....  80'
 Auras        abcdefgh@                  Stealth    : ..-+.....
 Aura Elec  : .........                  Searching  : .........
 Aura Fire  : ..+...... 6d7+2           
 Aura Cold  : .......+. 6d7+2                         |([*]]=[
 Aura Shards: .........                  Sustains     abcdefgh@
 Revenge    : .........                  Sust Str   : ......+..
                                         Sust Int   : ...+..+..
              |([*]]=[                   Sust Wis   : ......+..
 Slays        abcdefgh@                  Sust Dex   : ......+..
 Slay Evil  : .....+...                  Sust Con   : .........
 Slay Undead: +........                  Sust Chr   : .........
 Slay Demon : .........                 
 Slay Dragon: .....+...                               |([*]]=[
 Slay Human : .........                  Detection    abcdefgh@
 Slay Animal: .........                  Telepathy  : ...+.....
 Slay Orc   : .........                  ESP Evil   : .........
 Slay Troll : .........                  ESP Nonliv : .........
 Slay Giant : +........                  ESP Living : .........
 Slay Good  : .....+...                  ESP Good   : .........
 Slay Living: .........                  ESP Undead : .........
 Acid Brand : ........+                  ESP Demon  : .........
 Elec Brand : ......+..                  ESP Dragon : ......+..
 Fire Brand : +........                  ESP Human  : .........
 Cold Brand : .........                  ESP Animal : .........
 Pois Brand : .........                  ESP Orc    : .........
 Mana Brand : .........                  ESP Troll  : .........
 Sharpness  : .........                  ESP Giant  : .........
 Stunning   : .........                 
 Quake      : .........                               |([*]]=[
 Vampiric   : .........                  Curses       abcdefgh@
 Chaotic    : .........                  Cursed     : ...+.....
 Add Blows  : +........                  Rnd Tele   : .........
 Blessed    : .........                  No Tele    : .........
 Riding     : .........                  Drain Exp  : .........
 Tunnel     : +........                  Aggravate  : .........
 Throwing   : .........                  TY Curse   : .........
              abcdefgh@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       Str! : 4.1...33.  18/70  5  0  0 11 18/*** 18/208
       INT  : ..14..3.. 18/128 -5  0  0  8 18/158
       WIS  : ..1...3..     17 -5  0  0  2     14
       DEX  : .2....3..  18/84  2  0 -2  5 18/134
       Con! : 4..4..3.. 18/100  4  0 -1 11 18/*** 18/***
       Chr  : 42....3..  18/61  0  0  2  9 18/171 18/136

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Falcon Sword of Aziraphale (4d7) (+20,+20)     Accuracy
 Weight : 3.0 lbs                                             AC Hit
 Profic : Expert (+15 To Hit)                                 25 91%
 To Hit : 20 + 47 = 67                                        50 87%
 To Dam : 20 + 37 = 57                                        75 83%
 Blows  : 8.00                                               100 78%
 Damage                                                      125 74%
 Crits  : 1.10x (8.9%)                                       150 70%
 Normal : 592 [1.10x]                                        175 66%
 Evil   : 720 [2.09x]                                        200 62%
 Good   : 720 [2.09x]                                        
 Undead : 848 [3.08x]                                        
 Giants : 848 [3.08x]                                        
 Dragons: 848 [3.08x]                                        
 Elec   : 788 [2.64x]                                        
 Fire   : 788 [2.64x]                                        
==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Divide                 1   10   0%                    3    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

!Warrens         : level   9
!Hideout         : level  18
!Icky cave       : level  20
 Tidal Cave      : level  15
!Labyrinth       : level  28
!Orc cave        : level  32
!Camelot         : level  35
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
 Castle          : level  51
 Dragon's lair   : level  68
 Angband         : level 100

You retired from the adventure after winning.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost)                     DL5   CL4   Day 1, 6:51
  Pest Control (Outpost)                             DL5   CL9   Day 1, 8:19
  Trouble at Home (Outpost)                          DL5   CL19  Day 5, 18:47
  Kill The Variant Maintainer                        DL12  CL13  Day 3, 20:53
  The Sewer (Outpost)                                DL15  CL25  Day 8, 5:02
  Bear Problem (Outpost)                             DL18  CL20  Day 5, 21:33
  Kill Mime, the Nibelung                            DL18  CL26  Day 8, 15:10
  Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant)                  DL25  CL25  Day 8, 7:59
  The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant)                    DL25  CL25  Day 8, 8:29
  Kill The Hoard                                     DL25  CL28  Day 13, 6:39
  Kill Baba Yaga                                     DL36  CL35  Day 15, 6:59
  Kill Sleipnir, the Odin's Steed                    DL46  CL35  Day 15, 11:29
  Kill Baphomet the Minotaur Lord                    DL49  CL39  Day 16, 18:51
  Oberon                                             DL99  CL50  Day 23, 6:38
  Serpent of Chaos                                   DL100 CL50  Day 23, 18:57

  Arena: 22 Victories
================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 3577 enemies including 114 unique monsters in total. There 
are 269 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  The Serpent of Chaos                         100
  Oberon, King of Amber                         99
  Cerberus, Guardian of Hades                   94
  Jack the Ripper                               90
  Fenris Wolf                                   90
  Thanatos, God of Death                        88
  Loki the Trickster                            85
  Typhoeus, the Storm Giant                     85
  Ithaqua the Windwalker                        82
  The Witch-King of Angmar                      80
  Benedict, the Ideal Warrior                   79
  The Emperor Quylthulg                         78
  Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God                  75
  Biketal of Fire                               73
  Caine, the Conspirator                        71
  Tselakus, the Dreadlord                       68
  Glaaki                                        67
  Invisible Pink Unicorn                        67
  The Yamata-no-Orochi                          63
  Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness              63

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Star-spawn of Cthulhu      86     1     Clubber demon              40   113
  Hell hound of Julian       83     6     Bloodletter of Khorne      34    94
  Tonberry                   80     3     Headless                   27    69
  Spellwarp Automaton        80     1     Cave ogre                  26    49
  Hell spider                80     2     Ice troll                  28    48
  Lourph                     79     1     Sand-dweller               10    44
  Cyberdemon                 77     1     Water troll                33    42
  Pit Fiend                  77     1     Young red dragon           36    39
  Unmaker                    77     2     Hellcat                    12    38
  Kirin                      76     1     Kamikaze hound             44    37
  Aether hound               75     1     Hill orc                    8    37
  Great Wyrm of Space-Time   72     1     Knight templar             52    36
  Great Wyrm of Balance      72     1     Multi-hued hound           33    36
  Black reaver               71     2     Algroth                    27    35
  Master quylthulg           71     1     Fire troll                 25    35
  Disintegrate spider        70     3     Stone troll                25    35
  Steam-Powered Mechanical   69     1     Cave orc                    7    35
  Gelugon                    69     2     Young multi-hued dragon    36    34
  Old sorcerer               69     2     Arch-vile                  21    33
  Great Wyrm of Many Colour  68     1     White wolf                 12    32
============================= Character Inventory =============================

53 Mushrooms of Cure Poison
3 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
27 Potions of Speed
8 Potions of Healing {!kq}
a Potion of *Healing* {!kq}
3 Potions of Restoring
42 Potions of Curing
27 Scrolls of Phase Door
41 Scrolls of Teleportation {!r}
a Scroll of Mass Genocide {!*}
a Rod: Detection (4/4 charges) {2%, @zf}
a Rod: Recall (6/6 charges) {2%, @zR !d}
a Rod of Holding: Restoring (3/3 charges) {81%}
a Wand: Teleport Other (0/17 charges) {2%, @ai}
a Wand: Stone to Mud (0/62 charges) {2%, @af}
a Wand: Annihilation (0/6 charges) {52%}
a Staff: Teleport (0/22 charges) {2%}
a Staff of Resistance: Destruction (0/6 charges) {11%, !u!!}
a Staff: Destruction (0/8 charges) {22%, !u!!}
a Staff of Simplicity: Genocide (0/6 charges) (+4) {90%}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

     3 48 Rations of Food
   120 22 Potions of Speed
    25 13 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
   400 22 Potions of Restore Life Levels
 25000 a Potion of Strength
    80 99 Potions of Curing
    80 19 Potions of Curing
 10000 a Potion of Stone Skin
    40 60 Scrolls of Teleportation {!r}
   200 8 Scrolls of Teleport Level {!r}
  4000 12 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
  5000 a Scroll of Wall of Stone
 15250 a Rod: Clairvoyance (1/2 charges) {99%, @ze}
  1525 a Rod: Detect Monsters (3/3 charges) {2%, @zl}
 15357 a Rod of Capacity: Heroic Speed (3/3 charges) (+4) {60%, @zs}
  2462 a Wand: Teleport Other (6/6 charges) {2%, @ai}
  3134 a Wand of Simplicity: Teleport Other (6/6 charges) (+2) {2%, @ai}
  2700 a Wand: Stone to Mud (10/10 charges) {2%, @af}
  5100 a Wand: Stone to Mud (20/20 charges) {2%, @af}
  7435 a Wand: Vampirism (9/10 charges) {9%}
110390 a Wand of Simplicity: Wall Building (2/6 charges) (+4) {96%}
  1600 a Staff: Enlightenment (3/6 charges) {2%, @uV}
  4350 a Staff: Enlightenment (14/17 charges) {2%, @uV}
 20676 a Staff: Destruction (6/6 charges) {62%, !u!!}
  6850 a Staff: Banish Evil (5/5 charges) {39%}
  4525 a Staff: Speed (3/5 charges) {2%, @uS}
  4300 a Staff: Speed (5/5 charges) {2%}
  8950 a Staff: Speed (11/11 charges) {2%, @uS}
  8412 a Staff: Telepathy (6/9 charges) {2%}
 10775 a Staff: Telepathy (8/12 charges) {2%}
   390 a Staff: Cure Wounds (8/8 charges) {2%}
  6935 a Staff of Capacity: Cure Wounds (21/21 charges) (+1) {2%}
 17158 a Staff of Holding: Healing (4/4 charges) {33%, !u!!}
 14395 a Staff: Healing (0/4 charges) {35%, !u!!}
 14028 a Staff: Healing (3/4 charges) {37%, !u!!}
 29693 a Staff of Resistance: Healing (1/7 charges) {62%, !u!!}
 10100 a Staff: Restore Mana (1/4 charges) {99%}
 24076 a Staff: Confusing Lights (10/10 charges) {44%}
 22456 a Staff: Confusing Lights (7/9 charges) {60%}
   100 a Staff: Summoning (7/7 charges) {2%}
 49900 a Ring of Speed (+9) {Sp}
 44303 a Ring of Combat (+0,+20) (+3) {Dx A:Stone Skin}
 40400 2 Rings of Speed (+8) {Sp}
 17031 a Ring of Combat (+5,+4) (+4) {StCn;Fe}
 14470 a Ring of Protection [+11] {CfNt;Fa}
  8128 a Ring of Combat (+9,+8) {A:Heroism}
  6060 a Ring of Protection [+4] {NxBl;Fa}
 26134 The Ring of Invisibility (+1) {AtDxLf;PoNt}
 99083 The Ring of Power (Nenya) (+2) 
         {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Co;FaSiHlRgLvXsWm|Co(InWi A:Frost Ball}
 60720 The Ring of Power (Narya) (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnCh;*Fi;FaSiSdRgXsWm|F(StDx 
         A:Fire Ball}
 12865 an Amulet of the Magi (+2) {InSr~Tele}
  7160 an Amulet (Elemental) {AcEl}
  8035 The Incandescent Light 'Talisman' (+2) {StInCnSr Edison}
  6068 The Phial 'One Star' [+8] {Fe(Cn Galadriel}
 17927 The Arkenstone of the Buddha (+4) {DxCn;El;Hl(Dx Thrain}
 41974 Black Dragon Scale Mail (Lore) (-2) [40,+16] (+2) {InMd;Ac;Id~Lvng 
         A:Breathe Acid}
 32749 Red Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+18] {Fi A:Dragon's Flame}
 38218 Green Dragon Scale Mail (Craft) (-2) [40,+13] (+3) {WiMd;Po A:Breathe 
 40678 Law Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+10] {SoSh A:Breathe}
 56409 Law Dragon Scale Mail (Attack) (+3,+6) [40,+26] (+1) {St;SoSh A:Breathe}
 52052 Law Dragon Scale Mail (Lore) (-2) [40,+15] (+2) {InMd;SoSh;Id A:Breathe}
 42390 Gold Dragon Scale Mail (Craft) (-2) [40,+14] (+3) {WiMd;So A:Breathe 
 43817 Chaos Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+20] {CaDi A:Breathe}
 32280 The Rusty Chain Mail of Loopiness (-5) [14,+9] {AcElCfCaDi;LuTe}
 24672 Ring Mail of the Uruk-hai (+2,+3) [12,+11] (+2) {St;-In;AcElFiCoSh}
 40458 The Chain Mail 'Flamecoat' (-2) [14,+12] {FiDkNtShBl;Rf[FC Arvedui}
 32758 The Augmented Chain Mail of Forochel (-2) [16,+16] (+3) {StSr;CoPoNtFe[C 
         A:Frost Ball}
 60080 The Double Chain Mail 'Spirit Armour' (-2) [16,+22] {AcElFiCoPoNtShDi}
 17235 Bar Chain Mail of Elemental Protection (-2) [18,+17] {AcElCo}
 30219 Metal Brigandine Armour of the Demon (-3,+2) [19,+14] (+3) 
 19353 Metal Brigandine Armour (Dwarven) (-3) [24,+10] (+3) {StCn;Dk(StCn}
 34874 The Metal Brigandine Armour of Damogran (-3) [19,+12] (+4) {StDxSl;FiCa 
 56910 The Do-maru of Arctic Ocean (-2) [20,+25] (+4) {DxIf;AcCoNtSoShBl[C}
 26771 Metal Lamellar Armour of Elvenkind (-3) [23,+15] (+1) {cursed, 
 41960 The Metal Lamellar Armour of Moldoux (-3) [28,+18] {AcElFiCoCa The 
 62525 The Haramakido of Tropics (-2) [17,+11] (+4) {StDxCnSr;AcFiCoSoShDi[F 
 62054 The Ribbed Plate Armour of R'lyeh (-3) [28,+20] (+4) 
 77028 The Mithril Plate Mail of Forochel (-3) [40,+25] (+3) 
 24525 The Soft Studded Leather 'Jet-black Bird' [5,+21] {PoDkNt}
 30958 The Hard Leather Armour 'Oozearmor' (-1) [6,+5] (+2) {Sr;AcElFiCoNtDi 
         A:Acid Bolt Himring}
 34978 Hard Studded Leather of Augmentation (-1) [7,+10] (+4) {StInWiDxCnCh}
 22197 Cord Armour of Elvenkind [6,+12] (+3) {Sl;AcElFiCoDi}
 37255 The Leather Scale Mail 'Darknesslurker' (-1) [11,+20] (+3) 
 36255 The Leather Scale Mail of the Void (-1) [11,+4] {FiCfShCaDi;Te 
 44716 The Black Clothes of the Chaos Lord [4,+25] (+4) {Sl;CfCaDiBlFe[F}
 24498 an Elven Cloak of Aman [4,+18] (+4) {SpSlSr;Ca}
 38008 The Small Metal Shield of Hyper Nature [5,+16] (+3) [-15%] 
 22273 The Large Leather Shield 'Drop of the Year' [6,+21] (+3) {Cn;AcEl}
 34309 The Large Metal Shield of the Burrahobbits (+4,+4) [8,+12] (+3) 
         {SpCnSlSr;Fi;Rf Anarion}
 12834 a Dragon Shield [8,+10] {SoCaBl}
 39875 The Knight's Shield 'Power Shield' [10,+21] (+2) {StWiCn;AcElFiCoPo}
 26500 The Knight's Shield 'Guard of Law' [10,+10] (+2) {Sl;CfCaDiBl Earendil}
 15724 a Mirror Shield of Endurance [10,+19] (+2) {Cn;Li;Rf}
 37175 The Mirror of Totality [0,+15] (+2) {ChIf;AcElFiCoPo;Rf~Nolv 
 65042 The Golden Crown of Helldiver [0,+11] (+4) {SpWi;*El;CoNtNxSo Amber}
 35389 The Jewel Encrusted Crown of Ukko [0,+17] {ElBlFe~Tele~TL A:Breathe 
  1235 a Hard Leather Cap of Seeing [2,-2] (+2) {Sr;Bl;Si}
 14908 The Hard Leather Cap 'Blue Pate' [2,+10] {AcCfBlFe;Wr Thranduil}
 31739 a Jingasa of the Vampire [4,+13] (+3) {StChSl;-Wi;CoPoDkNt;HlDs|V}
 61126 The Iron Helm 'Piper's Dream' [5,+13] (+4) {StInSl;CfNxShCaDi Terror 
 12924 a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {FiLiDi}
  1239 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Free Action (+1) [1,+1] {Fa}
 26174 The Set of Spiked Gauntlets 'Second Hand' (+1,+3) [4,+20] (+4) {Sr;NtSo 
         A:Charm Monster}
 27429 The Pair of Hard Leather Boots 'Fires of Adversity' [3,+8] 
         {AcFiNxCaFe;FaSiLvLuWr Bubo}
 17762 The Pair of Hard Leather Boots 'One Million Volt' [3,+9] (+2) {cursed, 
 11636 a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [4,+9] (+4) {Sp}
  2270 a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Levitation (+2) [4,+2] {Lv}
 46189 The Rapier of the Druid (2d8) (+11,+15) (+4) {SpStDxCnSlSr/D(Cn 
 12542 a Basillard (Defender) (1d9) (+10,+7) [+9] {AcFiCo;FaSi(Wi}
 51567 The Sabre 'Ray Storm' (2d9) (+19,+19) (+4) {SlDg/X*/p}
 15973 a Cutlass (Defender) (1d9) (+13,+10) [+11] (+3) {cursed, 
  2475 a Cutlass (Craft) (1d9) (+4,+9) {Lu|EFP}
     1 a Tulwar (Nature) (3d5) (+4,+4) (+2) <-15%> {cursed, 
 53508 The Broad Sword 'Sidesplitter' (3d9) (+26,+21) (+4) {StSl/*(StWi}
 25230 The Long Sword of Damocles (3d7) (+5,+9) [+14] (+4) {Sp/L Anduril}
 26829 The Ninjato 'Giant Strength' (2d10) (+8,+14) (+4) {StDxChIf/p Kamui the 
 23050 The Katana of Soul (4d5) (+17,+17) (+2) {WiChSr;SiTeBs|PS/T(Wi}
 29805 The Bastard Sword 'Deathstick' (5d5) (+10,+16) (+3) {WiCn;Bs|PV/pZ}
 63812 The Executioner's Sword 'Fire Whip' (5d6) (+11,+12) (+4) 
         {StInCh;FaSdLuWr|FS/*T Crisdurian}
 28586 The Blade of Chaos 'Blue Thunder' (5d6) (+17,+17) (+2) {Sp;Ca|E 
 47610 The Broad Spear of Crushing (3d11) (+22,+19) (+2) {CnDg/XU/p}
 19765 The Pike 'Scream of the Damned' (2d6) (+3,+6) (+4) {Sp;RgTe|PV/DP A:Dark 
         Bolt Til-i-arc, .}
  4228 a Morning Star (Life) (2d7) (+4,+5) (+1) {Lf;HlBs/UL}
 46397 The Morning Star 'Gilettar' (4d7) (+21,+20) (+4) {Dx/*(Dx}
 24757 The Flail 'Zombie Claw' (3d7) (+4,+3) [+10] (+4) {StInSr;SiLu|CoPV/pT 
125483 The Tetsubo 'Joyeuse' (6d10) (+14,+18) {/* Nyoi-bou}
 46549 The Mattock 'Mutant Smiley' (2d9) (+13,+11) (+6) {StDxSlDg/XU Nain}
     0 The Corpse of Implorington III {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Meneldor the Swift {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Kenshirou the Fist of the North Star {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of The Emperor Quylthulg {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Loki the Trickster {Wanted!kkk}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  4643778
  Alchemy  :        0
  Winnings : 10000000 14643778
  Purchases:   923316
  Services :  1235783
  Stolen   :    57003  2216102

  Objects Found    :  10492
  Objects Bought   :    531
  Objects Destroyed:   8009

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               1008      0    31   847
  Shields                155      0     4   131
  Bows                   129      0     0   108
  Quivers                 12      0     0     0
  Rings                  100      0    11     3
  Amulets                119      1     1     2
  Lights                  41      0     4    17
  Body Armor             956      4    37   742
  Cloaks                 129      0     1   108
  Helmets                174      1     5   143
  Gloves                 146      0     4   117
  Boots                  169      0     5   137
  Totals                3126      6   103  2355

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  128      1   835    60
  Staves                 125      1   941    34
  Rods                   132      1  1316    72
  Potions                977    148   283   189
  Scrolls                799    160   117   299
  Totals                2161    311  3492   654

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                 1066      0     0  1111
  Arrows                1753      0     0  1772
  Bolts                 1201      0     0  1235
  Spellbooks             163      0     0   159
  Food                   282    214    49    30
  Corpses                525      0     0   519
  Skeletons              145      0     0   146
  Chests                  25      0     0    10
  Totals                5160    214    49  4982

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    22      6     2     8
  Curing                 172     38     5    25
  Speed                  141     23    44    13
  Clarity                 24      0     0     0
  Healing                 79      6    71     6
  *Healing*                8      1     8     0
  Life                     1      0     1     0
  Restore Life Levels     61      9    10    11
  Strength                10      0     7     0
  Intelligence            14      0    14     0
  Wisdom                   5      0     5     0
  Dexterity                5      0     5     0
  Constitution             9      0     7     1
  Charisma                11      0    11     0
  Experience               2      0     2     0
  Totals                 977    148   283   189

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door              23     81    39     3
  Word of Recall          63      9     9    11
  Identify                58      0     0    24
  Remove Curse            10      9     9     0
  *Remove Curse*          10      4     2     0
  Spell                    1      0     0     1
  Teleportation          122     54    33     5
  Teleport Level          12      2     3     0
  Destruction              7      0     7     0
  Genocide                 1      1     2     1
  Mass Genocide            4      0     3     0
  Forest Creation          5      0     0     2
  Acquirement              3      0     3     0
  Totals                 799    160   117   299

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            11      0   673     0
  Teleport Other          13      1   130     0
  Vampirism                4      0     2     0
  Dragon's Frost           4      0     0     4
  Dragon's Flame           8      0     0     5
  Tsunami                  2      0     0     1
  Dragon's Breath          2      0     0     1
  Meteor                   2      0     0     2
  Annihilation             2      0    25     0
  Whirlpool                2      0     0     1
  Disintegrate             5      0     0     3
  Wall Building            1      0     0     0
  Totals                 128      1   835    60

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                15      0     0     2
  Enlightenment            4      0   376     0
  Curing                   6      0     0     0
  Cure Wounds              4      1   155     0
  Telepathy                4      0     0     0
  Speed                    6      0   135     0
  Destruction              6      0    94     0
  Healing                  5      0   135     1
  Genocide                 1      0    14     0
  Confusing Lights         6      0     1     1
  Mana Storm               2      0     0     1
  Star Burst               1      0     0     1
  Darkness Storm           2      0     0     0
  Restore Mana             1      0     0     0
  Totals                 125      1   941    34

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             3      0   191     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     4      0   172     0
  Detect Monsters          2      1   321     0
  Recall                   9      0   120     0
  Detection                6      0   357     0
  Enlightenment            6      0     0     0
  Sound Ball               7      0     0     7
  Heroic Speed             2      0    82     0
  Restoring                4      0    15     0
  Mana Ball                1      0     0     1
  Shard Ball               2      0     0     1
  Clairvoyance             1      0    50     0
  Star Burst               2      0     0     0
  Totals                 132      1  1316    72

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        62      0     0    62
  Fourth Spellbooks       37      0     0    36
  Totals                 163      0     0   159

  Egos Found    :   1377
  Egos Bought   :      5
  Egos Destroyed:    884

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           12      0     0
  Jewelry (Defender)      10      0     0
  Boots of Elvenkind       2      0     0
  Boots of the Sprite      8      0     0
  Boots of Speed           2      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals                996  27.8%       Observed             59068   6.0%
  Breeders                55   1.5%       Expected             159882  16.3%
  Demons                 382  10.6%       Failures              5274   8.9%
  Dragons                564  15.7%       Summon                4612   7.8%
  Giants                  96   2.6%       Heal                  2414   4.0%
  Hounds                 256   7.1%       Escape                1324   2.2%
  Humans                 236   6.5%       Offense              30138  51.0%
  Orcs                   251   7.0%       Other                15306  25.9%
  Trolls                 284   7.9%     
  Undead                 187   5.2%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                114   3.1%       Observed             13262  20.1%
                                          Expected             19030  28.9%
  Evil Monsters         2238  62.5%       Failures              1045   7.8%
  Good Monsters          111   3.1%       Summon                2253  16.9%
  Neutral Monsters      1229  34.3%       Heal                  1109   8.3%
                                          Escape                 750   5.6%
  Totals                3577              Offense               5362  40.4%
                                          Other                 2743  20.6%

  Life Rating:  110%

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Serpent of Chaos says, 'Such a doomed, pathetic gesture as yours 
verges on the heroic!'
The Serpent of Chaos attacks the Cave ogre: It crushes. The Gravity 
hound wails out in pain! The Cave ogre wails out in pain! The Cave ogre 
is embedded in the rock! The Cave ogre wails out in pain! It crushes. 
The cave floor twists in an unnatural way! You are severely crushed! 
The Cave ogre wails out in pain! The Cave ogre is embedded in the rock! 
Great Cthulhu wails out in pain! The Cave ogre wails out in pain! The 
Cave ogre dies.

Auto-destroying a Cave ogre Corpse. You assimilate a Cave ogre Corpse 
into your gelatinous frame.
The Nycadaemon attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses.
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. The cave floor twists in 
an unnatural way! You are bashed by rubble! The Hellblade wails out in 
Great Cthulhu breathes Plasma. The Nycadaemon is dazed. Gerard, 
Strongman of Amber is dazed. You stand your ground! *** LOW HITPOINT 
WARNING! *** Press Space to continue. =>  .
Gerard, Strongman of Amber attacks you: He misses. He hits. *Ouch!* He 
is frozen!
Muru-Siloch, the Spinning Abomination breathes Shards. You stand your 
ground! *Ouch!*

Really choose 3 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}? [y/n] => y.
You have 2 Potions of *Healing* {!kq} (e).
Great Cthulhu attacks you: It crushes. It is frozen! It misses. It 
claws. You are disenchanted! It is frozen! It touches. You are 
poisoned! It is frozen!
Gerard, Strongman of Amber tries to cast a spell, but fails.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. You are shredded! You miss. 
You hit. You are shredded! You are unmade! You are disenchanted! You 
miss. You hit. You are shredded! You hit. You are shredded! You hit. 
You are shredded! You stand your ground! You miss. The Serpent of Chaos 
flees in terror!
Layzark, the Emperor invokes a Darkness Storm. Great Cthulhu resists. 
You stand your ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to 
continue. =>  .
Great Cthulhu attacks you: It crushes. *Ouch!* It is frozen! It claws. 
*Ouch!* Energy drains from your Wand: Teleport Other (1/17 charges) 
{2%, @ai}! It is frozen! It claws. *Ouch!* You are disenchanted! It is 
frozen! It touches. You stand your ground! *Ouch!* It is frozen!
Gerard, Strongman of Amber attacks you: He hits. *Ouch!* The Gravity 
hound wails out in pain! Great Cthulhu wails out in pain! He is frozen! 
He misses.

Really choose 2 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}? [y/n] => y. You are no 
longer poisoned.
You have a Potion of *Healing* {!kq} (e).
The Nycadaemon attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses.
There is a grinding sound.
Gerard, Strongman of Amber attacks you: He hits. The cave quakes! You 
are pummeled with debris! You nimbly dodge the blast! He is frozen! He 
hits. The Cave ogre wails out in pain! He is frozen!
The Serpent of Chaos attacks the Cave ogre: It misses. It crushes. The 
Gravity hound wails out in pain! Great Cthulhu wails out in pain! The 
Cave ogre dies.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You miss. You miss. You miss. You hit. 
You are shredded! You miss. You hit. You are shredded! You hit. You are 
shredded! You miss. The Serpent of Chaos flees in terror!
Layzark, the Emperor casts a spell, burning your eyes! You resist the 

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. You are shredded! You miss. 
You hit. You are shredded! You hit. You are shredded! You are unmade! 
You hit. It was a great hit! The Serpent of Chaos shouts, 
'AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!' You have destroyed The Serpent of Chaos. You just 
completed your quest!
                        ### ###      ############ 
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..+.####### %     .   Z %..%    .   D.            
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%..%...%%%.% .....      ##%#    #    %  %%%       
 A magical staircase appears... You feel something roll beneath your 
feet. *** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have won the game! You may retire 
(commit suicide) when you are ready. You feel something roll beneath 
your feet.
The Nycadaemon attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It misses.
Gerard, Strongman of Amber attacks you: He misses. He misses.
It breathes Shards. You feel uneasy. *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** 
Press Space to continue. =>  .
Your fears finally subside.
Goodbye, clouded!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Level Size:         Huge (respect tiny)
 Easy Identify:      On
 Easy Lore:          On
 Dense Small Levels: On
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Random Artifacts:   100%
 No Selling:         On

Posted on 6.10.2019 20:41
Last updated on 7.10.2019 20:31

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4500. on the Ladder (of 19032)
425. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1198)
123. for this player (


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On 6.10.2019 20:43 clouded wrote:
CL43. Just raided a small vault for three rings of power, falcon sword of destruction, Julian, Yoshitsune and more, quite the large increase in power.

On 7.10.2019 20:35 clouded wrote:
Didn't really feel like playing the character more so I won after getting CL50. The Serpent fight was worse than I expected since I didn't have devices and not that many consumables. I only finished with 8 !healing and a single !*healing*, there was a real chance I could have failed as the level was getting full of stuff and I had used my destruction scrolls.

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