The Angband Ladder: Grond, Klackon Mauler by alazif

  [FrogComposband 7.1.toffee Character Dump]

 Name       : Grond                        ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR! :    18/***
 Personality: Lucky                              INT  :     18/79
 Race       : Klackon                            WIS  :        16
 Subrace    : None                               DEX! :    18/***
 Class      : Mauler                             CON! :    18/200
                                                 CHR  :    18/120
 Level      :       50                           HP   :  668/1057
 Cur Exp    : 14790806                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    : 14790806                           AC   :       137
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +28+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       : 11551586                     Melee      : Amber[52]
 Kills      :     5086                     Archery    : Amber[12]
 Uniques    :      197                     SavingThrow: Heroic
 Artifacts  :   132+79                     Stealth    : Poor
                                           Perception : Very Good
 Game Day   :      322                     Searching  : Very Good
 Game Time  :     6:11                     Disarming  : Heroic
 Play Time  :    18:01                     Device     : Superb
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Great Hammer 'Kaladanda' (10d10) (+5,+20) (+4) 
    Dropped by Oberon, King of Amber on level 99 of Angband.
    Identified: Day 320, 8:23, at CL 50.
 c) The Short Bow of Barnaby Bobble-Hat (x2.95) (+19,+23) (+2) 
    Dropped by Madame Debby on level 52 of Arena.
    Identified: Day 71, 6:59, at CL 37.
 d) a Quiver of Holding [0 of 190]
    Dropped by a Ruby serpent on level 50 of Arena.
    Identified: Day 61, 7:33, at CL 34.
 e) a Ring of Speed (+9) {Sp A:Speed}
    Found lying on the floor of a special room on level 72 of Dragon's lair.
    Identified: Day 206, 18:04, at CL 46.
 f) a Ring of Speed (+12) {Sp}
    Dropped by a Temporal Champion on level 72 of Dragon's lair.
    Identified: Day 202, 18:16, at CL 46.
 g) an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {SpDxSr;Cf~Tele}
    Dropped by an Elder fire giant on level 52 of Arena.
    Identified: Day 70, 6:51, at CL 36.
 h) The Feanorian Lamp of Ukko (+3) {If;PoSh;Te A:Breathe Poison, {.}}
    Reforged in Morivant.
    Received: Day 245, 13:33, at CL 48.
 i) The Metal Scale Mail of Julian (-2) [15,+40] (+4) {StCh;AcElFiCoDkShDi~Z 
    Dropped by Julian, Master of Arden Forest on level 70 of Arena.
    Identified: Day 112, 6:38, at CL 41.
 j) a Fur Cloak of Retribution [3,+15] {[EAt, !sdk}
    Found lying on the floor in a vault on level 72 of Dragon's lair.
    Identified: Day 243, 6:58, at CL 48.
 k) The Golden Crown of the Shadow's Footfall (+6,+2) [0,+17] (+4) {Dx;Fe}
    Dropped by a Ruby serpent on level 50 of Arena.
    Identified: Day 65, 6:07, at CL 35.
 l) a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Slaying (+1,+3) [1,+3] {/*DA}
    Dropped by a Great Wyrm of Many Colours on level 86 of Pyramidal mound.
    Identified: Day 306, 6:23, at CL 50.
 m) The Pair of Dragon Boots 'Tonbo giri' [5,+18] (+4) {Dx;ElFiNtCa;FaLv 
      A:Plasma Bolt}
    Reforged in Morivant.
    Received: Day 319, 8:54, at CL 50.

              \ }~=="~[(]]]                           \ }~=="~[(]]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijklm@             Abilities    abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : ........+....+  65%        Speed      : ....+++......#
 Electricity: ........+...+.  65%        Free Act   : ............+.   1x
 Fire       : ..+.....+...+.  72%        See Invis  : ..............
 Cold       : +.+.....+.....  72%        Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : .......+......  50%        Slow Digest: ..............
 Light      : ..............   0%        Regenerate : .............. 100%
 Dark       : ........+.....  30%        Levitation : ............+.
 Confusion  : ..+...+......+  45%        Perm Lite  : ..............
 Nether     : ............+.  30%        Reflection : ..............
 Nexus      : ..............   0%        Hold Life  : +.............   1x
 Sound      : ..............   0%        Life Rating: ..............
 Shards     : .......++.....  40%        Dec Mana   : ..............
 Chaos      : ............+.  30%        Easy Spell : ..............
 Disenchantm: ........+.....  30%        Anti Magic : ..............
 Time       : ..............   0%        Magic Skill: ..............
 Blindness  : ..............   0%        Spell Power: ..............
 Fear       : ..........+..#   2x        Spell Cap  : ..............
                                         Magic Res  : ..............
              \ }~=="~[(]]]              Infravision: .......+.....+  50'
 Auras        abcdefghijklm@             Stealth    : ..............
 Aura Elec  : .........+.... 6d7+2       Searching  : ..+...+.......
 Aura Fire  : ..............            
 Aura Cold  : ..............                          \ }~=="~[(]]]
 Aura Shards: ..............             Sustains     abcdefghijklm@
 Revenge    : .........+....             Sust Str   : +.............
                                         Sust Int   : +.............
              \ }~=="~[(]]]              Sust Wis   : +.............
 Slays        abcdefghijklm@             Sust Dex   : +.............
 Slay Evil  : ...........+..             Sust Con   : +.............
 Slay Undead: ..............             Sust Chr   : +.............
 Slay Demon : ..............            
 Slay Dragon: ...........+..                          \ }~=="~[(]]]
 Slay Human : ..............             Detection    abcdefghijklm@
 Slay Animal: ..+...........             Telepathy  : ......+.......
 Slay Orc   : ..............             ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Troll : ..............             ESP Nonliv : ..............
 Slay Giant : ..............             ESP Living : ..............
 Slay Good  : +..........+..             ESP Good   : ..............
 Slay Living: +.............             ESP Undead : ..............
 Acid Brand : ..............             ESP Demon  : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............             ESP Dragon : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..............             ESP Human  : ..............
 Cold Brand : +.............             ESP Animal : ........+.....
 Pois Brand : ..............             ESP Orc    : ..............
 Mana Brand : ..............             ESP Troll  : ..............
 Sharpness  : ..............             ESP Giant  : ..............
 Stunning   : ..............            
 Quake      : ..............                          \ }~=="~[(]]]
 Vampiric   : +.............             Curses       abcdefghijklm@
 Chaotic    : ..............             Cursed     : ..............
 Add Blows  : ..............             Rnd Tele   : .......+......
 Blessed    : ..............             No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : ..............             Drain Exp  : ..............
 Tunnel     : ..............             Aggravate  : ..............
 Throwing   : ..............             TY Curse   : ..............
              \ }~=="~[(]]]
              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR! : 4.......4....4 18/110  2  5 -2  8 18/***
       INT  : s............. 18/129 -1 -2 -2  0  18/79
       WIS  : s.............  18/22 -1 -2 -2  0     16
       DEX! : s.2...2...4.47  18/90  1 -1 -2 12 18/***
       CON! : s.2..........4 18/110  2  3 -2  2 18/200
       CHR  : s.......4.....  18/70  1  2 -2  4 18/120

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Great Hammer 'Kaladanda' (10d10) (+5,+20)      Accuracy
 Weight : 50.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Beginner (+3 To Hit)                                25 92%
 To Hit : 5 + 101 = 106                                       50 89%
 To Dam : 20 + 75 = 95                                        75 87%
 Blows  : 3.00                                               100 84%
 Damage                                                      125 81%
 Crits  : 1.83x (39.7%)                                      150 78%
 Normal : 533 [1.83x]                                        175 75%
 Evil   : 779 [3.47x]                                        200 72%
 Good   : 779 [3.47x]                                        
 Living : 779 [3.47x]                                        
 Dragons: 1028 [5.12x]                                       
 Cold   : 917 [4.39x]                                        
=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Short Bow of Barnaby Bobble-Hat (x2.95) (+19,+23) (+2)
 Range   : 180'
 Shots   : 1.12
 Mult    : 3.54x
 Profic  : Unskilled (-10 To Hit)
 To Hit  : 9 + 48 = 57
 Xtra Dam: 25 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

==================================== Powers ===================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Spit Acid              9   19   0% dam 100            0    0   0%
Phase Door             3    3   8%                    0    0   0%

=================================== Spells ====================================

                              Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Smash                       5    5   0%                  1446   24   2%
 b) Detect Ferocity             8    5   0%                   384   10   3%
 c) Critical Blow              12   10   0%                    53    0   0%
 d) Splatter                   15    0   0%                    85    0   0%
 e) Block                      17    0   0%                    81    0   0%
 f) Close In                   21   15   0%                   790    6   1%
 g) Knockback                  23   20   0%                     0    0   0%
 h) Shatter                    30    0   0%                   186    0   0%
 i) Killing Spree              32   30   0%                    94    5   5%
 j) Scatter                    35   30   0%                     7    1  13%
 k) Tunnel                     37    0   0%                    85    0   0%
 l) Crushing Blow              40   50   0%                   110    0   0%
 m) Drain                      42    0   0%                   123    0   0%
 n) Maul                       45    0   0%                   100    0   0%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

!Warrens         : level   9
!Hideout         : level  18
!Icky cave       : level  20
!Tidal Cave      : level  27
!Labyrinth       : level  28
!Orc cave        : level  32
!Camelot         : level  35
!Witch Wood      : level  40
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
!Giant's Hall    : level  40
!Chameleon cave  : level  45
!Eyrie           : level  50
!Battlefield     : level  50
!Volcano         : level  60
!Crystal castle  : level  60
!Castle          : level  65
!Graveyard       : level  70
!Dragon's lair   : level  72
!Dark cave       : level  72
!Numenor         : level  75
 Arena           : level  80
!Mount Olympus   : level  90
 Pyramidal mound : level  92
!R'lyeh          : level  96
 Angband         : level 100

You retired from the adventure after winning.

 Last Message: retaliation + stunning is broke

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Trouble at Home (Outpost)                          DL5   CL1   Day 1, 6:35
  The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost)                     DL5   CL4   Day 1, 7:09
  Pest Control (Outpost)                             DL5   CL8   Day 1, 8:21
  Kill Ufthak of Cirith Ungol                        DL12  CL50  Day 318, 7:31
  The Sewer (Outpost)                                DL15  CL25  Day 25, 6:35
  Crow's Nest (Outpost)                              DL15  CL42  Day 117, 6:13
  I Hate Snakes! (Morivant)                          DL15  CL47  Day 217, 7:12
  Kill Lugdush, the Uruk                             DL19  CL50  Day 318, 7:44
  The Orc Camp (Anambar)                             DL20  CL47  Day 218, 8:39
  Shadow Fairies (Thalos)                            DL20  CL47  Day 226, 6:19
  Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost)                     DL22  CL42  Day 117, 6:23
  The Stranger (Telmora)                             DL22  CL47  Day 218, 9:41
  Doom Quest I (Angwil)                              DL24  CL47  Day 219, 7:20
  Vapor Quest (Outpost)                              DL25  CL42  Day 117, 6:32
  Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant)                  DL25  CL47  Day 217, 6:41
  The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant)                    DL25  CL47  Day 217, 6:49
  The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant)                    DL25  CL47  Day 217, 7:02
  The Old Barracks (Morivant)                        DL25  CL47  Day 217, 7:29
  Clear the Tunnels (Anambar)                        DL27  CL47  Day 218, 9:09
  Djinni's Cavern (Thalos)                           DL27  CL47  Day 226, 6:45
  Kill The Multi-hued Centipede                      DL28  CL50  Day 318, 7:51
  The Old Watchtower (Thalos)                        DL32  CL48  Day 245, 8:34
  Dinosaur Quest (Anambar)                           DL33  CL47  Day 218, 9:21
  The Shopkeeper's Secret (Morivant)                 DL35  CL47  Day 217, 7:56
  The Vault (Telmora)                                DL35  CL47  Day 218, 9:50
  The Barrow Downs (Telmora)                         DL35  CL47  Day 218, 10:10
  Kill Moire, Queen of Rebma                         DL36  CL50  Day 318, 8:04
  The Sand Pit (Angwil)                              DL38  CL47  Day 219, 7:35
  The Elven Embassy (Morivant)                       DL40  CL47  Day 217, 8:26
  Crystal Quest (Anambar)                            DL40  CL47  Day 221, 14:35
  Dragon Quest (Angwil)                              DL42  CL47  Day 219, 7:53
  The Haunted House (Outpost)                        DL45  CL47  Day 218, 6:10
  The Cloning Pits (Thalos)                          DL45  CL48  Day 245, 9:13
  Kill Nappa the Saiyan                              DL46  CL50  Day 318, 8:20
  The Old Castle (Outpost)                           DL50  CL42  Day 117, 12:33
  The Underground City (Morivant)                    DL50  CL47  Day 217, 9:11
  The Mountain Shrine (Telmora)                      DL50  CL47  Day 219, 6:12
  The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft (Angwil)            DL50  CL47  Day 219, 10:21
  Kill Maeglin, Betrayer of Gondolin                 DL51  CL50  Day 318, 8:27
  Doom Quest II (Angwil)                             DL55  CL47  Day 227, 6:37
  The Volcano (Telmora)                              DL60  CL47  Day 219, 6:38
  Kill Bleys, Master of Manipulation                 DL63  CL50  Day 318, 8:42
  Kill Caine, the Conspirator                        DL64  CL50  Day 318, 8:58
  Kill Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire          DL81  CL50  Day 318, 10:10
  Kill Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs          DL87  CL50  Day 319, 9:01
  Oberon                                             DL99  CL50  Day 320, 8:22
  Serpent of Chaos                                   DL100 CL50  Day 322, 6:11

  Arena: 35 Victories
================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 5086 enemies including 197 unique monsters in total. There 
are 186 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  The Serpent of Chaos                         100
  Oberon, King of Amber                         99
  Great Cthulhu                                 96
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs          95
  Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos              93
  Osiris, the Reborn                            92
  Seth, the Disintegrator                       91
  Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods       91
  Zeus, King of the Olympians                   90
  Tulzscha, the Green Flame                     89
  Apophis, the Primordial Chaos                 89
  Hades, Ruler of the Underworld                88
  Hephaestus, the Smith God                     86
  Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom                 86
  Ares, the God of War                          86
  Artemis, the Moon Goddess                     86
  Wahha-Man the Golden                          85
  Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire          85
  Surtur the Giant Fire Demon                   85
  Ymir the Ice Giant                            85

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Star-spawn of Cthulhu      86     2     Lizardman                  16   110
  Hell hound of Julian       83     3     Cave ogre                  26    88
  Tonberry                   80     1     Duck                        1    60
  Greater Balrog             79     3     Bloodletter of Khorne      34    59
  Spectral Wyrm              77     1     Undead spider              60    51
  Cyberdemon                 77     1     Snaga                       6    51
  Pit Fiend                  77     3     Barrow wight               33    50
  Kirin                      76     2     Hill orc                    8    50
  Warp demon                 76     3     Uruk                       18    48
  Aether hound               75    12     Clubber demon              40    47
  Sky Drake                  74     1     Chameleon                  20    46
  Flying fishrooster         73     1     Orc shaman                  9    45
  Great Wyrm of Space-Time   72     1     Olog                       35    44
  Black reaver               71     2     Cave orc                    7    44
  Master quylthulg           71     1     Gargoyle                   34    42
  Death Scythe               70     2     Manes                       7    42
  Disintegrate spider        70     3     Arch-vile                  21    41
  Gelugon                    69     1     Snaga sapper               14    39
  Great Wyrm of Many Colour  68     2     Fiendish donkey            26    38
  Great Wyrm of Chaos        67     2     Young blue dragon          29    34
================================== Mutations ==================================

You can teleport yourself short distances.
Your health is subject to chaotic forces.
Your body is very limber (+3 DEX).
There is a white aura surrounding you.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

15 Rations of Food
16 Potions of Speed {90% off, !kq}
4 Potions of Vigor
16 Potions of Healing {25% off, !kq}
14 Potions of *Healing* {!kq}
a Potion of Life {!kq}
a Potion of Wisdom {!k}
4 Potions of Enlightenment
6 Potions of Curing
21 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
5 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
6 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
6 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {!*}
a Scroll of Forest Creation
a Rod: Enlightenment (1/2 charges) {2%}
a Rod: Detection (1/3 charges) {2%}
a Rod: Recall (1/5 charges) {2%}
a Rod: Heroic Speed (1/2 charges) {27%, @zs!sdk}
a Rod: Restoring (2/2 charges) {54%}
a Wand: Teleport Other (0/10 charges) {2%}
a Staff of Capacity: Teleport (1/22 charges) (+3) {2%}
a Staff of Capacity: Destruction (7/11 charges) (+3) {2%, @ud!sdk}
a Staff: Destruction (0/8 charges) {2%, @ud!sdk}
a Staff: Healing (0/4 charges) {2%, @uh!sdk}
a Staff of Resistance: Healing (0/4 charges) {2%, @uh!sdk}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

    30 3 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery
  1000 2 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
   100 a Potion of Antidote
    12 25 Potions of Speed {90% off, !kq}
   120 5 Potions of Resist Heat and Cold {!kq}
    35 32 Potions of Heroism
   113 4 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
   400 24 Potions of Restore Life Levels
 25000 2 Potions of Strength {!k}
 25000 3 Potions of Wisdom {!k}
 25000 5 Potions of Dexterity {!k}
 25000 2 Potions of Constitution {!k}
120000 a Potion of *Enlightenment*
  2000 5 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k}
   250 4 Potions of Resistance {!kq}
 25000 4 Potions of New Life {!**}
   200 3 Scrolls of Recharging
  3000 4 Scrolls of Mundanity
    80 6 Scrolls of Holy Prayer
   200 a Scroll of Dispel Undead
  1000 4 Scrolls of Summon Kin
  1000 4 Scrolls of Fire
  5000 a Scroll of Banishment
  1217 a Rod: Illumination (4/4 charges)
  1900 a Rod: Enlightenment (2/2 charges)
  2125 a Rod: Enlightenment (2/2 charges)
 21250 a Rod of Capacity: Clairvoyance (2/2 charges) (+4) {80%}
 20500 a Rod of Capacity: Clairvoyance (2/2 charges) (+4) {80%}
   497 a Rod: Detect Traps (1/1 charges)
  1075 a Rod: Detect Monsters (2/2 charges)
  4150 a Rod: Detection (2/2 charges) {2%}
  3550 a Rod: Getaway (2/2 charges)
  4450 a Rod: Getaway (2/2 charges)
  4450 a Rod: Getaway (2/2 charges)
  4000 a Rod: Getaway (2/2 charges)
  2650 a Rod: Recall (3/3 charges) {2%}
 12298 a Rod: Heroic Speed (2/2 charges) {31%, @zs!sdk}
  4712 a Rod: Clarity (3/3 charges)
  8125 a Rod of Capacity: Clarity (6/6 charges) (+2)
  8530 a Rod: Mana Bolt (2/2 charges) {2%}
 14605 a Rod: Mana Bolt (2/2 charges)
  5434 a Rod: Beam of Disintegration (2/2 charges)
 10402 a Rod of Simplicity: Beam of Disintegration (3/3 charges) (+3)
  8554 a Rod: Acid Ball (2/2 charges)
  6062 a Rod: Nether Ball (2/2 charges)
 10255 a Rod: Nether Ball (2/2 charges) {2%}
 13432 a Rod of Simplicity: Disenchantment Ball (3/3 charges) (+2)
  9826 a Rod of Capacity: Disenchantment Ball (2/2 charges) (+3)
 14506 a Rod: Disenchantment Ball (3/3 charges)
  3028 a Wand: Teleport Other (10/10 charges) {25% off, 2%}
  2200 a Wand: Stone to Mud (8/8 charges)
  6020 a Wand of Regeneration: Stone to Mud (16/16 charges) (+2)
  4375 a Wand of Resistance: Stone to Mud (13/13 charges)
  5800 a Wand: Stone to Mud (22/22 charges)
 54160 a Wand of Simplicity: Annihilation (9/9 charges) (+3) {57%}
  1076 a Wand: Lightning Bolt (7/7 charges)
  3185 a Wand of Resistance: Water Bolt (5/5 charges)
  3766 a Wand: Plasma Bolt (2/4 charges)
  5743 a Wand: Beam of Gravity (5/5 charges) {2%}
  3300 a Wand: Acid Ball (6/6 charges)
  5773 a Wand: Frost Ball (2/8 charges)
  7512 a Wand: Nexus Ball (6/6 charges)
  5550 a Wand: Nexus Ball (3/5 charges)
  7960 a Wand: Nexus Ball (6/6 charges)
  9361 a Wand: Whirlpool (4/4 charges) {31%}
 18453 a Wand of Holding: Disintegrate (5/5 charges) {48%, @ad!sdk}
 16658 a Wand of Simplicity: Disintegrate (3/4 charges) (+4) {24%, @ad!sdk}
 12155 a Wand: Disintegrate (2/4 charges) {48%, @ad!sdk}
  7828 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (2/4 charges)
  7023 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (2/4 charges)
 10723 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (3/5 charges)
 10723 a Wand: Dragon's Flame (3/5 charges)
 12227 a Wand: Dragon's Frost (4/4 charges)
  9796 a Wand of Capacity: Tsunami (10/10 charges) (+3) {2%}
  9080 a Wand of Simplicity: Tsunami (6/6 charges) (+3)
  3610 a Wand: Vampirism (5/5 charges) {2%}
 32286 a Wand of Simplicity: Rocket (5/5 charges) (+4) {@ar!sdk}
  9382 a Wand: Meteor (5/5 charges)
   496 a Wand of Simplicity: Confuse Monster (5/5 charges) (+1)
  1600 a Staff: Enlightenment (4/6 charges) {2%}
  1750 a Staff: Enlightenment (6/6 charges) {2%}
  2300 a Staff: Enlightenment (4/8 charges)
  2350 a Staff: Teleport (6/6 charges) {2%}
  3625 a Staff: Teleport (9/9 charges) {2%}
  3362 a Staff: Teleport (8/8 charges)
  7375 a Staff: Teleport (19/19 charges)
  5375 a Staff of Resistance: Teleport (11/11 charges)
  7975 a Staff: Teleport (21/21 charges)
  2575 a Staff: Earthquake (9/9 charges)
 16034 a Staff: Destruction (7/7 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 16171 a Staff: Destruction (6/6 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 20571 a Staff: Destruction (7/7 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 17647 a Staff: Destruction (6/6 charges) {17%, @ud!sdk}
 15892 a Staff: Destruction (2/5 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 29382 a Staff: Destruction (8/8 charges) {@ud!sdk}
 24720 a Staff of Resistance: Genocide (2/5 charges) {93%}
  2787 a Staff of Capacity: Identify (19/21 charges) (+2) {2%}
  4620 a Staff of Simplicity: Identify (30/30 charges) (+2) {2%}
  8725 a Staff: Banish Evil (4/6 charges) {8%}
  8975 a Staff: Banish Evil (7/7 charges)
 26350 a Staff: Banish (10/10 charges) {47%}
  4825 a Staff: Speed (6/6 charges) {@us!sdk}
  6687 a Staff of Resistance: Speed (7/7 charges) {2%, @us!sdk}
  5275 a Staff: Speed (5/6 charges) {@us!sdk}
  5875 a Staff: Speed (7/7 charges) {@us!sdk}
  5725 a Staff: Speed (4/7 charges) {@us!sdk}
  8500 a Staff: Speed (11/11 charges) {@us!sdk}
  1875 a Staff: Summon Monsters (7/7 charges)
  2260 a Staff: Summon Ants (7/7 charges)
  1300 a Staff: Summon Hydras (4/4 charges)
  1693 a Staff: Cure Wounds (8/8 charges) {2%, @uu!sdk}
  2456 a Staff: Cure Wounds (10/10 charges) {@uu!sdk}
  3454 a Staff: Cure Wounds (12/12 charges) {2%, @uu!sdk}
  5131 a Staff: Cure Wounds (17/17 charges) {2%, @uu!sdk}
  2575 a Staff: Curing (9/9 charges)
  1975 a Staff: Curing (7/7 charges)
  2225 a Staff: Curing (8/8 charges)
  3450 a Staff: Curing (13/13 charges)
 16525 a Staff: Healing (5/5 charges) {12%, @uh!sdk}
 12506 a Staff: Healing (4/4 charges) {20%, @uh!sdk}
 23266 a Staff: Mana Storm (5/5 charges) {67%}
 24844 a Staff: Mana Storm (5/5 charges) {72%}
  9844 a Staff: Confusing Lights (5/5 charges) {@uz!sdk}
 10888 a Staff: Confusing Lights (3/6 charges) {2%, @uz!sdk}
 12178 a Staff: Confusing Lights (6/6 charges) {@uz!sdk}
 25234 a Staff: Confusing Lights (11/11 charges) {13%, @uz!sdk}
 22795 a Staff: Confusing Lights (8/8 charges) {31%, @uz!sdk}
 29948 a Staff of Capacity: Darkness Storm (4/6 charges) (+2)
 27946 a Staff: Darkness Storm (5/5 charges) {77%}
 43499 a Ring of the Nazgul (+13,+12) (+2) {cursed, 
         SpStInDxChSl;-WiCnLf;*Co;-Li;PoNt;FaSi/p A:Enslave Undead}
 24400 a Ring of Speed (+6) {Sp}
 22167 a Ring of Protection [+12] {NtShBl;FaSiWr(Wi}
 21268 a Ring (Defender) [+4] {AcElFiCo;FaSiLv A:Protection from Evil}
 20840 a Ring (Elemental) {AcElFiCoPo}
 18970 a Ring (Defender) [+5] {AcElFiCo;FaSi(Ch}
 18900 a Ring of Wizardry (+0,+20) (+2) {cursed, -Sl}
 17900 a Ring of Speed (+5) {Sp}
 17887 a Ring (Defender) [+8] (+1) {cursed, -InWi;AcElFiCo;FaSi}
 14241 a Ring of Protection {cursed, LiBl;Wr?}
 12420 a Ring of Protection {CfNx;FaSi A:Resist Poison}
 12400 2 Rings of Speed (+4) {Sp}
 11734 a Ring (Defender) [+5] {LiDi;FaSi}
 10427 a Ring (Elemental) [+15] {Fi A:Fire Bolt}
 10400 a Ring of Archery (+0,+20)
  7972 a Ring of Protection [+6] {Ca;Wr~Good}
  7516 a Ring (Elemental) {El A:Breathe Poison}
  6916 a Ring of Protection [+9] {Cf;Si}
  4400 a Ring of Speed (+2) {Sp}
 17511 The Ring of Happiness (+3) {SpWiCnIf;Fa}
 13908 The Ring of Valanice (+4) {InCh;Dk;SiSd}
 13847 The Ring 'Yeek Signet' (+3) {WiSl;ElCf;Fa}
 13785 The Ring of Modesty (+1) {StWiIf;CoDi;FaSi(St}
 11450 The Ring 'Trinket' (+3) {StSl;Cf;Fa}
  7727 The Ring of Stars (+4) {cursed, DxCnSr;-So}
 15520 The Ring 'Frakir' (+1) {SpStInWiDxCnChSlSr;Po;SiWr A:Vampirism}
 19380 an Amulet (Defender) [+5] {AcElFiCo;FaSi(Cn}
 19380 an Amulet (Defender) [+5] {AcElFiCo;FaSi(Dx}
 18355 an Amulet (Defender) [+5] {AcElFiCo;FaSi}
 16303 an Amulet (Defender) [+3] {NtSh;FaSi(Cn}
 16156 an Amulet (Defender) [+6] {AcFiCo;FaSiLv(St}
 16000 an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFiCoPo}
 15620 a Dwarven Necklace (+2) {StIf;DkDi;RgLu}
 15460 a Dwarven Necklace (+6) {If;DkDi;FaLu}
 14697 a Sacred Pendant [+10] (+2) {Wi;Cf;Bs A:Sound Ball}
 12480 an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {Sr;PoDkCf}
 12432 a Barbarian Talisman [+4] (+1) {StDx;Fe[M}
 11920 an Amulet of Trickery (+2) {Sr;PoDkNx}
 10563 a Torc of the Hero (+4,+2) [+4] {Fe;FaSiRg[F(StDx}
 10330 a Barbarian Talisman [+1] {Fe[M}
  8628 a Barbarian Talisman [+1] (+1) {St[M}
  7660 an Amulet (Elemental) {FiCo}
  6725 an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+15) (+3) {Sr}
  4300 an Amulet (Elemental) {Fi}
  3800 an Amulet (Elemental) {El}
 29298 The Amulet 'Razorback' (+4) {Dx;CoPoSh}
 23238 The Amulet of Tetelo (+7,+6) (+2) {St;AcDiFe;Rf}
 21540 The Amulet 'Koru' (+4) {St;ElFiCa;HlRgLu}
 14212 The Amulet 'MacGuffin' (+4) {In;AcDk;FaHl}
 10496 The Amulet of the Roaring Lion (+3) {WiDxSlSr}
 10400 The Amulet 'Kobold Opal' (+1) {Sl;CoNtBl}
  8110 The Amulet 'Starburst' (+1) {SpCh;Co;Fa A:Frost Ball}
  7536 The Amulet of Mrs. Maggot (+5,+4) (+1) {StIn A:Ice Bolt}
 27728 The Amulet of Sacred Knights [+10] (+2) {StWi;CfCa;FaSiHlRgBs A:Dispel 
         Curse and Probing}
 23061 The Amulet of The Pitch Dark Night [+5] (+4) {SlSr;Dk;SiDs A:Darkness 
 13344 The Necklace of the Dwarves (+2) {StCnIfLf;-Sl;Bl;FaSiRgLu}
 11365 The Amulet of Carlammas (+2) {Cn;FiFe A:Protection from Evil}
  9172 The Amulet of Boromir (+0,+8) {Fe(St A:Terrify Monsters}
   250 4 Feanorian Lamps
  1750 a Feanorian Lamp of Immortal Eye {Bl;Si}
  1702 a Feanorian Lamp of Immolation {[F}
 25346 The Feanorian Lamp of Guan Yu (+4) {Dx;FiNxCa A:Dragon's Flame}
 18962 The Feanorian Lamp of Yositsune (+4) {WiIf;SiHl A:Clairvoyance}
 17200 The Feanorian Lamp 'Quickthorn' (+3) {SpSl;Di}
  9300 The Feanorian Lamp 'Trailblazer' (+1) {St;CfFe;Hl}
  6849 The Incandescent Light of Edison {?}
  6854 The Phial of Galadriel {?}
  5469 The Star of Elendil (+1) {Sp;SiHl A:Magic Mapping and Illumination}
 10809 The Stone of Lore (+2) {InWi;Id A:Probing}
 27248 The Palantir of Westernesse (+3) {WiCh~Tele A:List Uniques}
 11425 The Stone of Nature [+5] {A:Stone Skin}
 13425 The Sorcerer's Stone (+2) {In A:*Recharging*}
 12375 The Stone of Chaos {Ca A:Polymorph}
 11562 The Stone of Death {Nt A:Animate Dead}
 16000 The Brimstone {?}
 10185 The Crusader's Stone (+2) {Wi A:Protection from Evil}
 15390 The Stone of Craft (+2) {Sp A:Resistance}
  6940 The Stone of War (+6,+6) {Fa A:Berserk}
 18680 The Arkenstone of Thrain {LiDk;SiHl A:Clairvoyance}
 25626 The Lava Lamp of Telmora (+1) {Ch;FiSo[F|F A:Confusing Lights}
 54154 Chaos Dragon Scale Mail (Breath) (-2) [40,+18] (+3) {Cn;CaDi A:Breathe}
 48343 Chaos Dragon Scale Mail (Domination) (-2) [40,+22] (+2) {Ch;CaDiFe 
 30798 The Rusty Chain Mail of the Snake Master (-5) [14,+18] (+4) {cursed, 
 21085 The Rusty Chain Mail 'Silverback' (-5) [19,+9] (+2) {Cn;PoSh(Cn}
 33333 Ring Mail of the Demon-Lord (-2,+7) [12,+20] (+4) 
 28701 Ring Mail of Augmentation (-2) [12,+18] (+3) {StInWiDxCnCh}
 22896 Ring Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+6) [12,+14] (+2) {St;-In;AcPoCa;Rg 
 18225 Ring Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [12,+13] {PoCaDi;Hl}
 17172 Ring Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+6) [12,+20] (+3) {cursed, 
         St;-InSl;AcPo;Rg? A:Berserk}
 26550 Chain Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [14,+19] (+3) {Sl;AcElFiCoCfBl}
 19928 Chain Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+4) [14,+13] (+4) {St;-In;AcPo;Rg? 
 15627 Chain Mail of the Olog-hai (-2,+1) [14,+11] (+1) {StCn;-In;AcPoFe;Rg 
 24911 Double Ring Mail of Elvenkind (-2) [15,+17] (+1) {DxSl;-St;AcElFiCoDi}
 14138 Double Ring Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [20,+13] (+2) {St;Dk;FaRg}
 65880 The Double Ring Mail 'Steelskin' (-2) [15,+26] (+4) {Sp;AcElFiCoPoNxSh}
 51392 The Double Ring Mail 'Black Wind' (-2) [20,+25] (+4) {Cn;PoDkNtDiFe;Fa}
 35725 Augmented Chain Mail of the Demon (-2,+7) [16,+19] (+2) 
         {StIn;-WiSl;FiPoNtShFe[F A:Dominate Demon}
 20978 Augmented Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (+1,+1) [16,+10] (+2) 
 13140 Augmented Chain Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [21,+17] (+2) {St;Rg}
  9585 Augmented Chain Mail of Elemental Protection (-2) [16,+9] {AcCo}
 37221 The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+20] (+3) 
         {InWiCn;AcPoCfBl A:Trap and Door Destruction}
 21008 Double Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (-1,+4) [16,+12] (+2) {cursed, 
 13605 Double Chain Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [16,+5] {ShDi}
  6315 Double Chain Mail of Elemental Protection (-2) [16,+7] {El}
 29364 Metal Brigandine Armour of the Demon (-3,+4) [19,+18] (+2) 
 26633 Metal Brigandine Armour of the Uruk-hai (-2,+2) [19,+15] (+2) 
 13470 Metal Brigandine Armour of Augmentation (-3) [19,+15] (+1) 
 46070 The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) 
 43404 Splint Mail of the Demon (-2,+4) [19,+17] (+4) 
 21555 Splint Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [19,+9] {SoCaDi;FaSd}
 44454 The Splint Mail of Thunder (-2) [19,+23] {ElPoNxSoDi[E}
 32160 Metal Lamellar Armour of the Demon (-3,+1) [23,+13] (+1) 
         {StIn;-WiSl;FiPoDkNt[F A:Rocket}
 22110 Metal Lamellar Armour (Dwarven) (-3) [28,+22] (+1) {St;Dk;Rg}
 40415 The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2) 
 20048 Haramakido of Celestial Protection (-2) [17,+20] {NtSo;FaHl}
 53218 The Haramakido of the Yeti (-2) [17,+19] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoCfNxSh;Lv[FC}
 23738 Full Plate Armour of Celestial Protection (-3) [25,+22] {DiBlFe;Fa}
 58060 The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcFiCoLiCfNxSo}
 23265 O-yoroi (Dwarven) (-2) [29,+20] (+2) {St;DkBl;Rg}
 53427 The O-yoroi of the Bando Musha (+5,+5) [24,+20] (+2) 
 27953 Ribbed Plate Armour of the Uruk-hai (+2,+4) [28,+12] (+2) 
 25560 Ribbed Plate Armour of Celestial Protection (-3) [28,+12] {LiNtSoFe}
 17359 Ribbed Plate Armour (Dwarven) (-3) [33,+14] (+2) {St;-Dx}
 31035 The Ribbed Plate Armour 'Steel Bull' (-3) [28,+17] (+2) {StDx;Di(St}
 57730 The Mithril Chain Mail of Bilbo (+2,+2) [28,+7] (+2) 
 18837 a Filthy Rag of Elvenkind [1,+9] (+1) {DxSl;AcElFiCoNt}
 26766 a Robe of Permanence [2,+14] {AcElFiCoDk;Hl(StInWiDxCnCh}
 32948 The Robe of the Sneak [2,+20] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoPo}
 58795 The Robe of Incanus [2,+20] (+3) [+15%] {InWiSr;AcElFiCo;FaSiLv(InWi 
         A:Mana Bolt}
 50580 The Robe of the Kamikaze Warrior (+10,+10) [2,-20] (+2) 
         {SpStDx;-Wi;FiPoCfNtSoFe;HlLvWm[M(StDx A:Berserk}
 11643 Soft Leather Armour of Elemental Protection [4,+11] {ElFiPo}
 34624 The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiDkNx}
 18604 Soft Studded Leather of Elvenkind [5,+12] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoFe}
 12319 Soft Studded Leather of Elemental Protection [5,+13] {AcElCo}
 12319 Soft Studded Leather of Elemental Protection [5,+13] {ElCoPo}
 41287 The Soft Studded Leather 'Shield of Water' [5,+19] (+4) {CnCh;*Ac;Fi[EM}
 39608 Hard Leather Armour of Augmentation (-1) [6,+19] (+4) {StInWiDxCnCh}
 33518 The Hard Leather Armour of Marinera (-1) [6,+23] (+4) {CnSr;SoDi(CnCh}
 26803 The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {PoNtCa[C A:Protection from 
 23238 Hard Studded Leather of Elvenkind (-1) [7,+15] (+3) {Sl;AcElFiCoPo}
 18888 Hard Studded Leather of Celestial Protection (-1) [7,+14] {PoCfShFe;Sd}
  5994 Hard Studded Leather of Elemental Protection (-1) [7,+9] {Fi A:Poison 
 43772 The Hard Studded Leather 'Icy Princess' (-1) [7,+25] (+2) 
 24242 Rhino Hide Armour of Celestial Protection (-1) [8,+16] {LiCfSoDi;Fa}
 18912 Rhino Hide Armour of Augmentation (-1) [8,+18] (+2) {StInWiDxCnCh}
 15633 Rhino Hide Armour of the Imp (-2,-2) [8,+17] (+3) {Dx;-Wi;FiNxSo;Si}
 12504 Rhino Hide Armour of Elemental Protection (-1) [8,+12] {ElFiCo}
 40204 The Rhino Hide Armour of the Seven Peaks (+10,+9) [8,+20] (+2) 
 31525 The Rhino Hide Armour 'Dasai' (-1) [8,+64] {?}
 17649 Cord Armour of Elemental Protection [6,+10] {ElFiCoPo?}
 16285 Cord Armour of the Imp (-2,-4) [6,+17] (+3) {SpIn;FiLi;Si}
 10359 Cord Armour of the Imp (-1,-2) [6,+17] (+2) {Dx;-Wi;FiFe;Si}
 49336 The Cord Armour 'Guard of Law' [6,+22] (+4) {Sr;AcFiCfSoCaDi}
 38644 The Cord Armour of the Cephalopods [6,+25] (+3) {cursed, 
 16887 The Cord Armour 'Sumo Wrestler's Loincloth' [4,+0] (+4) {StCn;Fa(StCn 
         A:Dispel Evil}
  5719 Padded Armour of Protection [5,+15]
 34648 The Padded Armour of Tropics [5,+26] (+3) {DxSr;FiNtCa}
 24210 Leather Scale Mail of Celestial Protection (-1) [11,+25] {PoLiCfNx;Hl}
 19110 Leather Scale Mail of Celestial Protection (-1) [11,+18] {LiDkCa}
 18918 Leather Scale Mail of Augmentation (-1) [11,+17] (+2) {StInWiDxCnCh}
 14431 Leather Scale Mail of the Imp (-6,-5) [11,+16] (+3) {InDx;FiNtBl;Si}
 10464 Leather Scale Mail of Elemental Protection (-1) [11,+10] {AcFi A:Fire 
 51098 The Leather Scale Mail of Louhi (-1) [11,+23] (+4) 
 39495 The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+2) {SpDx;AcShCa}
 34712 Black Clothes of the Imp (-2,-4) [4,+26] (+4) {SpSl;-Wi;FiDkNtCa;Si}
 33783 Black Clothes of Elvenkind [4,+32] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiCoNx}
 21138 Black Clothes of Elemental Protection [4,+27] (+2) {Sl;FiCo A:Resist 
 20514 a Cloak of the Hero (+6,+5) [1,+19] (+2) {St;Fe;FaLv(StDxCn}
 18975 a Cloak of the Nazgul (+7,+7) [1,+11] (+2) {cursed, 
 18792 a Cloak of the Nazgul (+10,+9) [1,+12] (+3) {cursed, 
         SpSl;-WiLf;-Li;CoPoNt;FaSi A:Animate Dead}
 16501 a Cloak of Elemental Protection [1,+14] {ElFiCoPo, !sdk}
 10801 a Cloak of Shadows [1,+18] (+7) {Sl;-Li;Dk;Ds}
  8514 a Cloak of Shadows [1,+13] (+4) {Sl;Dk;Ds}
  6993 a Cloak of Retribution [1,-5] {[FCAt}
  5701 a Cloak of Shadows [1,+10] (+2) {Sl;Dk;Ds}
  4271 a Cloak of Retribution [1,-12] {[ECAt}
 11396 The Cloak 'Sad Giant's Shield' [1,+4] (+4) {If;NxCa;Te Merry}
 33141 The Cloak of Jack of Shadows [1,+19] (+7) {SlSr;FaSiHl~Tele}
 17501 The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+12] {ElFiCo;FaSi}
  9610 The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDxSlSr;-St;Cf}
 15648 an Elven Cloak of Aman [4,+21] (+2) {SpSlSr;Nx}
 13587 an Elven Cloak of Immolation [4,+17] (+4) {SlSr;Fi[F}
  5760 a Fur Cloak of Immolation [3,+12] {Fi[F}
     1 a Fur Cloak of Cowardice (-2,-10) [3,+2] (+1) {cursed, Sp;-Ch;-Fe? 
 40299 The Fur Cloak of Siberia [3,+20] (+4) {If;*Co;NxCa[C}
 26912 The Fur Cloak 'Nuts of Wisdom' [3,+20] (+2) {Wi;AcNxCa[M(Wi}
 24888 The Fur Cloak 'Bear's Hand' [3,+15] (+3) {WiCnIf;AcSh}
 25947 The Fur Cloak of Mook [3,+20] {AcCoCa;Lv A:Resist Cold}
 15750 an Ethereal Cloak of Shadows [0,+24] (+3) {Sl;Dk;Ds}
 12222 a Shadow Cloak of Shadows [6,+18] (+4) {Sl;LiDk;Ds}
 41328 The Shadow Cloak of Libyan Desert [6,+20] {FiLiDkNtDi;RgLu[FM}
 14178 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {ShCa;Lv}
  8298 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Ca;Lv}
  7548 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Nt;Lv}
  6048 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Po;Lv}
 34078 The Pair of Dragon Wings 'Meh' [4,+20] {ElNtDi;RfLv[E}
 30454 The Pair of Dragon Wings 'Soulsword' [4,+21] {PoNtSh;FaLv(In, !sdk}
 18036 a Small Leather Shield of Celestial Protection [3,+19] {PoCfCa}
 10823 a Small Leather Shield (Orcish) (+2,+5) [3,+17] (+3) {St;-InSl;-Li;CoDk}
  9561 a Small Leather Shield of Celestial Protection [3,+7] {NxDi}
 14044 a Small Metal Shield of Celestial Protection [5,+18] {PoCa}
 36036 The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiLiDkNt}
 40992 The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [8,+18] {AcElFiCoSh(StInWiDxCnCh}
 30421 The Large Metal Shield 'Gong' [15,+15] (+4) {StWi;RfHl A:Bang a Gong}
 31700 The Knight's Shield of Earendil [10,+20] {ElFiDkNtBl;Lu~Good A:Curing}
 33629 The Mithril Shield of R'lyeh [9,+15] (+4) {cursed, -Sl;*El;Ca;Rf}
 42313 The Mirror 'Yata-no-Kagami' [0,+18] (+3) {InWi;Li;RfSiHlLu~Tele A:Dispel 
 23223 The Iron Crown 'Prince of Chaos' [0,+16] (+3) {Dx;CfCa;Hl}
 14829 a Golden Crown of Telepathy [0,+15] {~Tele~UZ}
 34148 The Jewel Encrusted Crown 'Great Icefield' [0,+21] (+2) 
 13650 a Hard Leather Cap of the Vampire [2,+12] (+1) {StChSl;-Wi;CoPoDk;HlDs}
  2256 a Hard Leather Cap of Seeing [2,+8] (+5) {Sr;Bl;Si}
 21037 The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2) {InWi;LiBl~Tele}
  5017 The Hard Leather Cap of Sam (+1,+1) [2,+7] (+1) {SpDx;-St}
 26817 an Iron Helm of the Vampire [5,+13] (+2) {StChSl;-Wi;PoDkNt;HlDs|V}
  1969 an Iron Helm of Seeing [5,+6] (+2) {Sr;Bl;Si}
 11274 The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2) {InWiSr;Bl;Si A:Detection}
 22334 a Dragon Helm of the Kobold (+0,+5) [8,+26] (+1) {St;-Ch;PoSo}
  5222 a Kabuto (Dwarven) [10,+17] (+2) {cursed, If;Bl?}
  8066 a Set of Leather Gloves of the Giant (-4,+2) [1,+9] (+2) 
  4820 a Set of Leather Gloves of Slaying (+5,+4) [1,+5]
 32113 The Set of Leather Gloves 'Magi's Seeing' [1,+15] (+4) {SpInSl;Ac;Fa}
 30653 The Set of Leather Gloves of the Falling Leaves [1,+15] (+4) 
 28501 The Set of Leather Gloves 'White Snow' [1,+21] (+2) {Sr;FiCoPoDi}
  8833 The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {Li;FaLu(Cn A:Magic 
  5010 The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDx;-St}
  9076 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Slaying (+6,+7) [1,+10]
  8532 a Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Slaying (+3,+7) [1,+12]
 29118 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Piety (+1) [1,+22] (+3) {Wi;FiLiDi}
 28721 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves 'Placeholder Name' (+1) [1,+20] 
 25226 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves of Midwinter (+1) [1,+21] (+1) 
 29015 The Set of Studded Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+3) 
 20105 a Set of Gauntlets of Slaying (+8,+5) [4,+15] {/*ZA}
 18782 a Set of Gauntlets of Slaying (+7,+6) [4,+10] (+2) {cursed, -Cn/pDLZ}
 13156 a Set of Gauntlets of the Giant (+0,+10) [4,+7] (+4) {StCn;-In;-Cf(St}
 17951 The Set of Gauntlets of the Waning Moon (+1,+1) [4,+6] (+4) {Cn;PoNt;Fa 
 29929 The Set of Gauntlets of Thanos (-10,-12) [2,+0] (+2) {cursed, 
 21870 The Set of Gauntlets of Corwin (+2,+2) [2,+15] {?}
 16093 The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen' (+2,+2) [2,+7] {Ac|A A:Acid Bolt}
 15557 The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' (+2,+2) [2,+7] {Fi|F A:Line of Fire}
 15236 The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' (+2,+2) [2,+7] {Co|Co A:Ray of Cold}
 24900 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of Slaying (+4,+10) [4,+17] {/DUL}
  3519 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Wizard (-2,-2) [4,+2] (+2) {InMd}
 26719 a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Slaying (+8,+6) [5,+24] {/DL}
  2187 a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of the Wizard (-7,-9) [5,+17] (+2) {InMd;Bl}
 24706 The Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Helldiver [5,+20] (+3) {Ch;DkSo;Fa 
         A:Lightning Strike}
 19790 The Set of Mithril Gauntlets of Grace [5,+20] (+2) {Wi;Sh}
 13248 a Set of Dragon Gloves [4,+18] {CoSo}
 14894 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+11] (+5) {Sp}
 14331 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Elvenkind [2,+12] (+3) {SpSl;Fe;Lv}
 14256 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+8] (+5) {Sp}
  2519 a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Levitation [2,+11] {Lv}
 43008 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of the Tempest [2,+20] (+4) 
 38527 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Shiva's Avatar (+5,+5) [4,+16] (+4) 
 37018 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Flora [2,+15] (+5) {DxCh;NtCa;Fa(CnCh 
         A:Cure Fear and Poison}
 26882 The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of the Bard [2,+18] (+4) {DxChSl;Po;Fa}
  3077 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Levitation [3,-3] {Nx;Lv}
 13894 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+17] {FiCa}
 13564 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {FiPoCfFe}
  8344 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {PoCf}
  8344 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Sh}
  8194 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+14] {Cf}
  7594 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {NtBl}
  6844 a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {Nt}
 47636 a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [4,+9] (+10) {Sp}
 32784 The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Lion in Flame' (+2) [4,+18] (+4) 
 24639 The Pair of Metal Shod Boots 'Blessed Fusion' (+2) [4,+16] (+2) 
 13464 The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of the Fretful Porpentine (+2) [4,+11] (+3) 
 23487 a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [6,+12] (+6) {Sp}
 18612 a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [6,+12] (+5) {Sp}
 17187 a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Speed (+2) [6,+9] (+5) {Sp}
 45187 The Pair of Mithril Shod Boots 'Righteousness' (+2) [6,+20] (+4) 
 37550 The Pair of Mithril Shod Boots 'Stomper' (+2) [6,+21] (+3) 
         {StCn;-Sl;CfNxSh A:Earthquake}
  8787 a Broken Sword of Gondolin (2d3) (+15,+15) {Dk;FaSiLu/DoTU}
  7932 a Dagger of Gondolin (1d5) (+16,+13) {Dk;FaSiLu/DoTU}
 37853 The Dagger of Fiona (3d5) (+6,+9) (+3) {AtSpDx;Co;ThSiSdRg|CoP A:Frost 
 27944 The Dagger of Caine (2d5) (+10,+15) [+5] (+4) 
 25355 The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+7,+8) {?}
 18032 The Small Sword 'Excalibur Jr.' (2d7) (+3,+5) (+3) {At;Fi;SdBs/DLZ}
 12018 a Short Sword (Life) (1d8) (+12,+14) (+3) {Lf;HlBs/UL}
 21370 The Short Sword of Merlin (1d8) (+3,+7) (+4) {At;Di;SiSdRg/Z}
  6191 a Sabre (Chaos) (1d9) (+8,+10) {CaBl|Ca}
  4932 a Sabre of Slaying (1d9) (+12,+15) {/D?}
 25489 The Tulwar 'Elvagil' (3d5) (+11,+20) [+14] (+2) {Dx;RgLu|FS(Dx}
  5888 a Broad Sword (Nature) (2d6) (+7,+9) (+2) {In;Rg|ECo/Z~Z}
 16298 The Broad Sword 'Goln Nova' (2d6) (+15,+15) (+2) {StDx|M/XU}
 49872 The Sword of the Winds (3d6) (+12,+16) (+3) {AtSpDx|S}
  2712 The Long Sword 'Worpal Blade' (5d6) (+32,+32) (+2) 
 44238 The Scimitar 'Laplace's Devil' (3d6) (+7,+15) [+5] (+4) 
         {InWi;Cf;SdBs|VSM/XD/U Soulsword}
 51682 The Katana 'Aglarang' (8d5) (+0,+0) (+5) {SpDxDg|SS(Dx}
 48568 The Katana 'Kusanagi-no-tsurugi' (4d4) (+15,+15) (+3) 
         {DxSl;AcElFiCoNtDi;SiRgLuBs/*DUZ A:Getaway}
 18978 The Katana of Musashi (3d5) (+28,+17) (+3) {Dx(Dx}
 49023 The Bastard Sword 'Calris' (5d5) (-20,+20) (+5) {cursed, 
 12168 a Falchion of Force (4d6) (+17,+14) (+1) {InWi;Si|M}
  7386 a Claymore of Force (2d9) (+18,+9) (+1) {InWi;Si|M}
 63964 The Two-Handed Sword of Ymir (5d10) (+15,+17) (+3) 
 28333 an Executioner's Sword (Crusade) (4d6) (+13,+19) (+1) {Wi;Fe;SiBs/*UL?}
 33684 The Blade of Chaos 'Stormbringer' (6d6) (+16,+16) (+2) 
 12579 a Diamond Edge (6d6) (+10,+10) (+4) {Dg|S}
  2500 2 Poison Needles (1d1) (+0,+0)
     1 2 Rune Swords (0d0) (-10,-10) {cursed, |V}
  5505 a Spear of Slaying (1d8) (+8,+14) {/*pDU}
 22388 The Spear of Hagen (1d8) (+11,+13) (+3) {SpSlIf;CoDk;ThSi|Co/L}
 42796 The Awl-Pike 'Advent' (2d10) (+25,+20) {?}
 50265 The Naginata of Benkei (3d7) (+5,+23) [+5] (+4) {StCn;FaRg/*oTL}
  8407 a Lucerne Hammer of Westernesse (2d6) (+6,+13) (+1) 
  6154 a Glaive (Nature) (2d7) (+7,+8) (+2) {In;Rg|E/Z~Z?}
 18641 The Halberd 'Osondir' (3d6) (+8,+12) {?}
  4625 a Guisarme (Death) (2d7) (+7,+4) {Hl|PV}
 41413 The Scythe of the Master (5d4) (+17,+17) (+3) {DxCnDg/XL/*pU}
 25652 The Scythe 'Avavir' (5d4) (+8,+8) [+10] (+3) {DxCh;FiCoLi;FaSiLu|FCo 
 40385 The Battle Axe of Balli Stonehand (3d9) (+8,+11) [+5] (+3) 
  6252 The Battle Axe 'Lotharang' (2d9) (+9,+8) (+1) {StDx/oT A:Cure Wounds}
 48345 The Great Axe of Durin (4d5) (+10,+20) [+15] (+3) 
 55837 The Trifurcate Spear of Wrath (3d10) (+16,+18) (+2) 
  5458 a Lochaber Axe (Craft) (3d9) (+6,+6) {Ac|A}
 55104 The Lochaber Axe of the Dwarves (3d9) (+12,+17) (+10) 
 16758 a Heavy Lance of Slaying (4d10) (+12,+9) {/XZ/DA~Z}
 87942 The Heavy Lance 'Dragonlance' (6d10) (+2,+17) (+4) 
  8812 The Club 'Edge of Miasma' (1d5) (+13,+8) (+1) {StInCh|V/DT}
 70537 The Club of Ulik (5d8) (+14,+25) (+4) {StCn/XT}
 11148 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) {?}
  2367 a Nunchaku (Craft) (2d4) (+9,+9) {|A}
 33516 The Nunchaku of Xiaolong (4d4) (+20,+10) [+10] (+3) 
  6594 a Ball-and-Chain (Nature) (2d5) (+13,+7) (+1) {In;Co;RgLu|EF/Z~Z}
 45667 The Flail 'Winblows' (8d7) (+0,+30) (+4) {-InWiSlSp;Ag|CaQ}
 33765 The Tetsubo of Shuten-douji (4d8) (+11,+19) [+9] (+6) {St}
 34915 The Two-Handed Flail 'Whip of Evil Eye' (3d7) (+21,+15) (+3) 
 31989 a Great Hammer (Trump) (4d7) (+16,+18) (+2) {ChSr;NtNx;FaSdRgTe/* 
 39020 The Great Hammer 'Silver Hammer' (4d7) (+14,+11) (+2) {AtSl;ElFe;Fa|E/p}
     1 The Great Hammer 'Golden Hammer' (2d7) (+0,+0)
 19480 The Dwarven Pick of the Shogun (2d6) (+18,+17) (+5) {Dg;Fa/XU/o}
 53077 The Mattock of Nain (3d8) (+12,+18) (+6) {StSrIfDg;AcDkDi|A/DoTP A:Stone 
         to Mud}
 16751 a Sling of Buckland (x2) (+16,+15) (+3) {Sp;Nt;Xs}
 13228 a Sling of Buckland (x2) (+17,+17) (+2) {Sp;Li;Xs}
 11336 a Sling of Buckland (x2.38) (+12,+11) (+2) {Sp;Xs}
 40480 The Sling of Buckland (x2.75) (+19,+22) (+3) {Sp;CfBl~L}
 41967 The Short Bow of Ossiriand (x2.50) (+15,+18) (+4) 
         {InDxSl;-St;AcElShDi;Xs/p A:Lightning Ball}
 31435 The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x3.25) (+15,+17) (+2) {DxChSl;Dk}
 42422 The Long Bow 'Belthronding' (x3) (+20,+33) (+4) {DxSl;Di;Xs}
 41356 The Long Bow of Tuber (x3.50) (+39,+16) (+3) {Wi;CoFe|Co A:Freeze 
 20547 The Long Bow of Heracles (x3) (+12,+22) (+2) {SpStInCh;Fe|P}
  7712 a Light Crossbow of Extra Shots (x3.50) (+12,+23) (+3) {Xs}
 37505 The Light Crossbow of Wilhelm Tell (x4) (+40,+23) (+4) {Dx;Si/p}
 39037 The Heavy Crossbow 'Ballista' (x5) (+10,+30) (+3) {St;Cf A:Piercing 
  5868 a Harp of Erebor (+1) {Ch;BlFe(StCnCh}
 37971 The Harp of Daeron (+2) {WiCnCh;ElFiPoLi;RfSi(WiCnCh A:Angelic Healing}
 28912 The Harp of Maglor (+2) {StInCh;DkNtBl;FaHl(StInCh A:Restore Mana}
   379 25 Mithril Bolts (Elemental) (5d5) (+10,+13) {|ECo}
   195 27 Arrows of Returning (3d4) (+5,+5)
   322 25 Mithril Arrows of Returning (5d4) (+9,+12)
     0 The Corpse of Ulfast, Son of Ulfang {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Jaws {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Implorington III {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Gwaihir the Windlord {Wanted!kkk}
     0 The Corpse of Corwin, Lord of Avalon {Wanted!kkk}

==================================== Museum ===================================

2 Death Scythes (10d10) (-50,+30) {cursed, |AEFCoPVS/*pDoTPULZ}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  6293083
  Alchemy  :        0
  Winnings : 10000000 16293083
  Purchases:   628350
  Services :  4087083
  Stolen   :    26064  4741497

  Objects Found    :   6933
  Objects Bought   :    356
  Objects Destroyed:   3365

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               1037      0    64   772
  Shields                142      0     0   102
  Bows                   197      0    10   146
  Quivers                  3      0     1     0
  Rings                  139      1    16     5
  Amulets                125      1     5     3
  Lights                  35      2    16     1
  Body Armor             895      0    15   634
  Cloaks                 154      1    61    99
  Helmets                143      0     6   108
  Gloves                 171      0     8   114
  Boots                  157      1    16   115
  Totals                3195      6   217  2099

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                   94      3   444     7
  Staves                 151      4  4805    23
  Rods                   120      0  2160     1
  Potions                677    168   395   189
  Scrolls                245     68   118    85
  Totals                1287    243  7922   305

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                  404      0     0    50
  Arrows                 629      0     0   149
  Bolts                  688      0     0   118
  Spellbooks               0      0     0     8
  Food                   108    103   158     6
  Corpses                447      0     0   451
  Skeletons              146      0     0   150
  Chests                   9      0     0     5
  Totals                2431    103   158   937

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds     9     18    15     8
  Curing                 100     66   117    31
  Speed                  118      4    21    44
  Clarity                  4      0     0     0
  Healing                107     31    93    33
  *Healing*               13      2     1     0
  Life                     1      0     0     0
  Restore Life Levels     12     27     4     1
  Strength                11      0     5     1
  Intelligence             8      0     8     0
  Wisdom                  13      0     9     1
  Dexterity               12      1     7     0
  Constitution             8      3     9     1
  Charisma                14      0    14     2
  New Life                 4      0     0     0
  Experience               1      1     2     0
  Totals                 677    168   395   189

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door               6      0     0     0
  Word of Recall           7      4     4     1
  Identify                 3      0     0     6
  *Identify*               5      0     4     7
  Remove Curse             0     16    13     0
  *Remove Curse*           1      8     8     0
  Teleportation           70     40    66    29
  Teleport Level           4      0     0     0
  Destruction              5      0     0     0
  Genocide                 7      0     1     1
  Mass Genocide            6      0     0     0
  Forest Creation          1      0     0     0
  Banishment               4      0     0     0
  Acquirement              5      0     5     0
  *Acquirement*            1      0     1     0
  Artifact Creation        1      0     1     0
  Totals                 245     68   118    85

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud             9      0    12     0
  Teleport Other           3      2   357     0
  Vampirism                6      0    14     2
  Dragon's Frost           5      0     1     1
  Dragon's Flame           7      0     0     0
  Tsunami                  5      0     0     0
  Meteor                   1      0     0     0
  Annihilation             1      0     1     0
  Whirlpool                1      0     0     0
  Disintegrate             3      0     0     0
  Rocket                   1      0     0     0
  Totals                  94      3   444     7

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                12      1  1613     3
  Enlightenment            7      1   516     0
  Curing                   9      0     0     2
  Cure Wounds              8      0   755     1
  Telepathy                5      0     0     1
  Speed                    9      0   307     1
  *Identify*               2      0   388     1
  Destruction             11      0   200     1
  Healing                  7      0   492     4
  Genocide                 1      0     0     0
  Confusing Lights         5      0    10     0
  Mana Storm               2      0     0     0
  Darkness Storm           3      0     0     0
  Totals                 151      4  4805    23

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             2      0     0     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     1      0     0     0
  Detect Monsters          2      0     0     0
  Illumination             1      0    40     0
  Recall                   9      0   530     0
  Detection                4      0   813     0
  Enlightenment            4      0   325     0
  Sound Ball               6      0     0     0
  Heroic Speed             4      0   352     0
  Restoring                1      0    37     0
  Invoke Logrus            1      0     0     0
  Clairvoyance             2      0    61     0
  Totals                 120      0  2160     1

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks         0      0     0     1
  Fourth Spellbooks        0      0     0     1
  Totals                   0      0     0     8

  Egos Found    :   2660
  Egos Bought   :      3
  Egos Destroyed:     93

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           25      0     0
  Jewelry (Defender)      13      0     1
  Boots of Elvenkind       2      0     0
  Boots of Speed           7      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals               1304  25.6%       Observed              2895  15.2%
  Breeders               102   2.0%       Expected              3473  18.3%
  Demons                 488   9.5%       Failures               265   9.1%
  Dragons                782  15.3%       Summon                 220   7.5%
  Giants                 219   4.3%       Heal                    76   2.6%
  Hounds                 201   3.9%       Escape                  46   1.5%
  Humans                 319   6.2%       Offense               1309  45.2%
  Orcs                   471   9.2%       Other                  979  33.8%
  Trolls                 195   3.8%     
  Undead                 617  12.1%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                197   3.8%       Observed               773  23.8%
                                          Expected              1005  31.0%
  Evil Monsters         3426  67.3%       Failures                70   9.0%
  Good Monsters          101   1.9%       Summon                 103  13.3%
  Neutral Monsters      1560  30.6%       Heal                    43   5.5%
                                          Escape                  38   4.9%
  Totals                5086              Offense                320  41.3%
                                          Other                  199  25.7%

  Life Rating:  101%

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. (You retaliate: You hit. 
It was a *GREAT* hit! It is stunned. You are shredded! You are unmade!) 
It crushes. (You retaliate: You hit. It is stunned. You are shredded! 
You are unmade!) It misses. It misses.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It was a *GREAT* hit! It is 
stunned. You are shredded! You hit. It is stunned. You are shredded! 
You stand your ground! You miss.
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. The cave quakes! You are 
pummeled with debris! You are crushed between the floor and ceiling! 
You have been lightly stunned. (You retaliate: You hit. It is stunned. 
You are shredded!) It misses. It bites. You feel weak for a moment, but 
the feeling passes. You feel clumsy for a moment, but the feeling 
passes. You feel sickly for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel 
stupid for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel naive for a 
moment, but the feeling passes. You feel insecure for a moment, but the 
feeling passes. (You retaliate: Your Great Hammer skills are improving. 
You hit. It is stunned. You are shredded!) It touches. Energy drains 
from your Rod: Recall (3/5 charges) {9%}! You refuse to be frightened. 
(You retaliate: You miss.)

Really choose 18 Potions of Healing {25% off, !kq}? [y/n] => y. You are 
no longer lightly stunned.
You have 17 Potions of Healing {25% off, !kq}.
The Serpent of Chaos says, 'Such a doomed, pathetic gesture as yours 
verges on the heroic!'
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It crushes. The cave 
ceiling collapses! You nimbly dodge the blast! (You retaliate: You hit. 
It is stunned. You are shredded!)

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You hit. It is stunned. You are shredded! You hit. It is 
stunned. You are shredded!
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It crushes. You have been 
dazed. (You retaliate: You miss.) It misses. It misses.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You hit. It was a superb hit! It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You hit. It was a *GREAT* hit! It is stunned. You are 
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It misses. It bites. You 
feel weak for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel clumsy for a 
moment, but the feeling passes. You feel sickly for a moment, but the 
feeling passes. You feel stupid for a moment, but the feeling passes. 
You feel naive for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel insecure 
for a moment, but the feeling passes. (You retaliate: You miss.) It 
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It crushes. You have been lightly 
stunned. It misses. It bites. You feel weak for a moment, but the 
feeling passes. You feel clumsy for a moment, but the feeling passes. 
You feel sickly for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel stupid 
for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel naive for a moment, but 
the feeling passes. You feel insecure for a moment, but the feeling 
passes. It touches. Energy drains from your Rod: Enlightenment (2/2 
charges) {9%}! You refuse to be frightened. (You retaliate: You hit. It 
is stunned. You are shredded! You are unmade! You feel uneasy. The 
Serpent of Chaos flees in terror!)
Your fears finally subside.

Really choose 17 Potions of Healing {25% off, !kq}? [y/n] => y. You are 
no longer dazed.
You have 16 Potions of Healing {25% off, !kq}.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You hit. It was a superb hit! It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You hit. It was a superb hit! It is stunned. You are 
shredded! The Serpent of Chaos flees in terror!

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You hit. It is stunned. You are shredded! You hit. It was a 
great hit! It is stunned. You are shredded! You are unmade! The Serpent 
of Chaos flees in terror!
The Serpent of Chaos is scared stiff!

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It was a superb hit! It is 
stunned. You are shredded! You hit. It was a great hit! It is stunned. 
You are shredded! You miss.
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It crushes. (You 
retaliate: You hit. It is stunned. You are shredded!) It misses. It 

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You miss. You miss. You miss.
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It crushes. The cave 
quakes! You are pummeled with debris! You nimbly dodge the blast! You 
have been dazed. (You retaliate: You hit. It was a *GREAT* hit! It is 
stunned. You are shredded!) It bites. You feel weak for a moment, but 
the feeling passes. You feel clumsy for a moment, but the feeling 
passes. You feel sickly for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel 
stupid for a moment, but the feeling passes. You feel naive for a 
moment, but the feeling passes. You feel insecure for a moment, but the 
feeling passes. It misses.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It was a superb hit! It is 
stunned. You are shredded! You miss. You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You are unmade! You feel uneasy. The Serpent of Chaos flees 
in terror!

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You are unmade! You are too afraid to attack it!
The Serpent of Chaos attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. It 
touches. Energy drains from your Staff of Resistance: Healing (0/4 
charges) {6%, @uh!sdk}! You refuse to be frightened. (You retaliate: 
You hit. It was a superb hit! It is stunned. You are shredded! You are 
Your fears finally subside.

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You are disenchanted! You hit. It is stunned. You are 
shredded! You are unmade! You hit. It was a superb hit! It is stunned. 
You are shredded! The Serpent of Chaos flees in terror!

You attack The Serpent of Chaos: You hit. It is stunned. The Serpent of 
Chaos shouts, 'AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!' You have destroyed The Serpent of 
Chaos. You just completed your quest!
####    # #       ...      # .#           % #   # 
     #  # %                #. #           # %   % 
%#%#%# #% %                #..%           % #%%%% 
    #  ## #                   #           #       
    # ### #                               ########
    # # # #                                      #
##### # # #                                      #
      # # #                       #############%##
 ###### # ##                               T     #
##      #  #                        ##    ##%####*
#       ## #            ...          # # ##      #
         # #           %.J..         # # #       %
         # #           %.@.%         # # #       #
         # ###         %#...           # ###%#%%#%
         #              %...           %          
         ######         %%.           ####%%#%##%#
                                      #%# ####%%##
 A magical staircase appears... You feel something roll beneath your 
feet. *** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have won the game! You may retire 
(commit suicide) when you are ready. You feel something roll beneath 
your feet.
You are no longer dazed.

retaliation + stunning is broke Goodbye, Grond! Character dump 

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      On
 Easy Lore:          On
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 No Selling:         On

Posted on 25.7.2019 04:02

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2734. on the Ladder (of 19032)
270. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1198)
5. for this player (


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On 25.7.2019 04:02 alazif wrote:
I decided to finish this up before moving to the new release. I had intended to play longer with it initially, but I got bored hunting a ring of power.

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