The Angband Ladder: Radish, Beastman Disciple by Sideways

  [FrogComposband 7.1.toffee (Development) Character Dump]

 Name       : Radish                       ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR  :    18/211
 Personality: Chaotic                            INT  :     18/12
 Race       : Beastman                           WIS  :        12
 Subrace    : None                               DEX  :    18/145
 Class      : Disciple                           CON  :    18/103
 Subclass   : Karrot                             CHR  :    18/109
 Level      :       39                           HP   :   -95/490
 Cur Exp    :  1758783                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    :  1758783                           AC   :       126
 Adv Exp    :  1870000                           Speed:       +15
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :   447718                     Melee      : Amber[15]
 Kills      :     4347                     Archery    : Amber[15]
 Uniques    :      112                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :    25+37                     Stealth    : Fair
                                           Perception : Poor
 Game Day   :       10                     Searching  : Fair
 Game Time  :     5:30                     Disarming  : Very Good
 Play Time  :    09:30                     Device     : Superb
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+10,+11) (+2) {AtStDxCn;LiSo;FaSiLu/*oL~oTP}
    Found lying on the floor in the quest 'The Vault'.
    Identified: Day 6, 23:18, at CL 32.
 b) The Knight's Shield of Magnitude [10,+15] {AcElFiCo}
    Received as a gift from Karrot on level 50 of Eyrie.
    Picked up: Day 9, 1:18, at CL 37.
 c) a Sling of Buckland (x2) (+8,+17) (+2) {Sp;Sh;Xs}
    Dropped by a Young blue dragon on level 50 of Eyrie.
    Identified: Day 8, 23:21, at CL 37.
 d) a Quiver of Protection [51 of 120]
    Dropped by a Fire troll on level 30 of Orc cave.
    Identified: Day 5, 20:49, at CL 29.
 e) a Ring of Combat (+3,+15) (+1) {Cn}
    Bought from a store in Outpost.
    Purchased: Day 5, 8:20, at CL 28.
 f) a Ring of Speed (+5) {Sp}
    Bought from a store in Zul.
    Purchased: Day 9, 9:30, at CL 38.
 g) The Amulet of the Spellcaster (+5,+2) (+4) {St;Di}
    Reforged in Morivant.
    Received: Day 7, 9:18, at CL 34.
 h) The Feanorian Lamp of the Bard (+3,+6) (+2) {Sp;SoBl;Hl}
    Reforged in Morivant.
    Received: Day 10, 4:20, at CL 39.
 i) O-yoroi of the Uruk-hai (+0,+2) [24,+17] (+3) {St;-InSl;AcElFiCoDk}
    Found lying on the floor in the quest 'The Mimic's Treasure'.
    Identified: Day 3, 22:19, at CL 25.
 j) a Cloak of the Nazgul (+9,+11) [1,+11] (+1) {SpSl;-WiLf;-Li;CoPoCfNt;FaSi}
    Dropped by Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw on level 46 of Castle.
    Identified: Day 8, 1:03, at CL 36.
 k) The Metal Cap of the Twelve Fiends [3,+8] {CfCa;Te, .}
    Received as a gift from Karrot on level 52 of Castle.
    Picked up: Day 9, 20:57, at CL 39.
 l) The Set of Leather Gloves of Dogram (+9,+1) [1,+12] (+3) {SpDxSl;Fe;Fa(Dx}
    Dropped by a Topaz monk on level 41 of Castle.
    Identified: Day 7, 5:07, at CL 33.
 m) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Sprite [3,+12] (+2) {Sp;Li;Lv}
    Dropped by a Dread knight on level 52 of Castle.
    Identified: Day 9, 14:31, at CL 38.

              |)}~=="~[(]]]                           |)}~=="~[(]]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijklm@             Abilities    abcdefghijklm@
 Acid       : .+......+.....  65%        Speed      : ..+..+.+.+.++.
 Electricity: .+......+.....  65%        Free Act   : +........+.+..   3x
 Fire       : .+......+.....  65%        See Invis  : +........+....   2x
 Cold       : .+......++....  72%        Warning    : ..............
 Poison     : .........+....  50%        Slow Digest: ..............
 Light      : +........-..+.  30%        Regenerate : .............. 100%
 Dark       : ........+.....  30%        Levitation : ............+.
 Confusion  : .........++..+  45%        Perm Lite  : +.............
 Nether     : .........+....  30%        Reflection : ..............
 Nexus      : ..............   0%        Hold Life  : .......+......   1x
 Sound      : +......+.....+  45%        Life Rating: .........-....
 Shards     : ..+...........  30%        Dec Mana   : ..............
 Chaos      : ..........+...  30%        Easy Spell : ..............
 Disenchantm: ......+.......  30%        Anti Magic : ..............
 Time       : ..............   0%        Magic Skill: ..............
 Blindness  : .......+......  30%        Spell Power: ..............
 Fear       : ...........+.+   2x        Spell Cap  : ..............
                                         Magic Res  : ..............
              |)}~=="~[(]]]              Infravision: ..............
 Auras        abcdefghijklm@             Stealth    : ........-+.+..
 Aura Elec  : ..............             Searching  : ..............
 Aura Fire  : ..............            
 Aura Cold  : ..............                          |)}~=="~[(]]]
 Aura Shards: ..............             Sustains     abcdefghijklm@
 Revenge    : ..............             Sust Str   : ..............
                                         Sust Int   : ..............
              |)}~=="~[(]]]              Sust Wis   : ..............
 Slays        abcdefghijklm@             Sust Dex   : ...........+..
 Slay Evil  : +.............             Sust Con   : ..............
 Slay Undead: +.............             Sust Chr   : ..............
 Slay Demon : ..............            
 Slay Dragon: ..............                          |)}~=="~[(]]]
 Slay Human : ..............             Detection    abcdefghijklm@
 Slay Animal: ..............             Telepathy  : ..............
 Slay Orc   : +.............             ESP Evil   : ..............
 Slay Troll : ..............             ESP Nonliv : ..............
 Slay Giant : ..............             ESP Living : ..............
 Slay Good  : ..............             ESP Good   : ..............
 Slay Living: ..............             ESP Undead : ..............
 Acid Brand : ..............             ESP Demon  : ..............
 Elec Brand : ..............             ESP Dragon : ..............
 Fire Brand : ..............             ESP Human  : ..............
 Cold Brand : ..............             ESP Animal : ..............
 Pois Brand : ..............             ESP Orc    : +.............
 Mana Brand : ..............             ESP Troll  : +.............
 Sharpness  : ..............             ESP Giant  : +.............
 Stunning   : ..............            
 Quake      : ..............                          |)}~=="~[(]]]
 Vampiric   : ..............             Curses       abcdefghijklm@
 Chaotic    : ..............             Cursed     : ..............
 Add Blows  : +.............             Rnd Tele   : ..........+...
 Blessed    : ..............             No Tele    : ..............
 Riding     : ..............             Drain Exp  : .........+....
 Tunnel     : ..............             Aggravate  : ..............
 Throwing   : ..............             TY Curse   : ..............
              abcdefghijklm@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : 2.....4.3.....  18/91  2 -1  2  9 18/211
       INT  : ........3.....  18/52 -2  1  0 -3  18/12
       WIS  : .........1....     13 -1 -1  2 -1     12
       DEX  : 2..........3..  18/95 -1  0  1  5 18/145
       CON  : 2...1.........  18/83  2 -1 -2  3 18/103
       CHR  : ..............  18/89  1  1  0  0 18/109

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d8) (+10,+11)            Accuracy
 Weight : 7.5 lbs                                             AC Hit
 Profic : !Skilled (+10 To Hit)                               25 90%
 To Hit : 10 + 63 = 73                                        50 85%
 To Dam : 11 + 55 = 66                                        75 80%
 Blows  : 5.75                                               100 74%
 Damage                                                      125 69%
 Crits  : 1.10x (8.4%)                                       150 64%
 Normal : 405 [1.10x]                                        175 59%
 Evil   : 431 [2.09x]                                        200 54%
 Undead : 456 [3.08x]                                        
 Orcs   : 456 [3.08x]                                        
=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: a Sling of Buckland (x2) (+8,+17) (+2)
 Range   : 160'
 Shots   : 1.86
 Mult    : 2.36x
 Profic  : Beginner (+4 To Hit)
 To Hit  : 12 + 50 = 62
 Xtra Dam: 39 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

 Ammo #1 : 28 Rounded Pebbles (Elemental) (3d3) (+5,+5)       AC Hit
 Breakage: 7%                                                 25 89%
 Weight  : 0.4 lbs                                            50 83%
 To Hit  : 5 + 62 = 67                                       100 72%
 To Dam  : 5 (Multiplier Applies)                            150 60%
 To Dam  : 39 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 54%
 Damage                                                      200 48%
 Crits   : 1.11x (7.4%)                                      
 Normal  : 67/124                                            
 Acid    : 81/150                                            
 Ammo #2 : 23 Rounded Pebbles (Elemental) (2d3) (+7,+10)      AC Hit
 Breakage: 7%                                                 25 89%
 Weight  : 0.4 lbs                                            50 84%
 To Hit  : 7 + 62 = 69                                       100 72%
 To Dam  : 10 (Multiplier Applies)                           150 61%
 To Dam  : 39 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)                    175 55%
 Damage                                                      200 49%
 Crits   : 1.11x (7.2%)                                      
 Normal  : 74/137                                            
 Poison  : 95/176                                            
================================ Purple Quests ================================

 1) Orc cave, Level 15 - Kill Gorbag, the Orc Captain
    Completed: Day 1, 19:21, at CL 14
 2) Lonely Mountain, Level 30 - Kill King Koopa
    Completed: Day 4, 13:07, at CL 26
 3) Lonely Mountain, Level 34 - Kill 5 Mature silver dragons
    Completed: Day 5, 11:09, at CL 28
 4) Lonely Mountain, Level 39 - Kill 9 Juggernauts of Khorne
    Completed: Day 6, 21:43, at CL 32
 5) Castle, Level 46 - Kill 8 Hell knights
    Completed: Day 8, 0:42, at CL 36
 6) Castle, Level 52 - Kill Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be
    Completed: Day 9, 20:57, at CL 39
=================================== Spells ====================================

                              Lvl Cost Fail Desc             Cast Fail
 a) Detect Monsters             1    1   6%                   206   11   5%
 b) Terrify                     4    3   6%                     0    0   0%
 c) Lightning Bolt              7    4   6% dam 12d8           43    0   0%
 d) Heroism                    10    5   6% dur 25+1d25        52    5   9%
 e) Sleep Monster              13    3   6% power 78            0    0   0%
 f) Confuse Monster            16    8   6% power 78            8    1  11%
 g) Mind Blast                 19   10   6% dam 10d3            9    2  18%
 h) Floating                   22   12   6% dur 20+1d20         6    0   0%
 i) Shadow Projection          25   30   7% dam 21d6/zap       11   11  50%
 j) Fire Ball                  28   20  16% dam 88              8    5  38%
 k) Phase Door                 31   10  20%                    15    6  29%
 l) Mana Bolt                  34   25  34% dam 12d10+39        8    5  38%
 m) Dominate a Living Thing    37   50  48%                     3    1  25%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

!Warrens         : level   2
!Hideout         : level  18
 Icky cave       : level  11
!Tidal Cave      : level  27
!Labyrinth       : level  28
!Orc cave        : level  32
!Camelot         : level  35
!Witch Wood      : level  40
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
 Giant's Hall    : level  37
!Eyrie           : level  50
 Battlefield     : level  30
 Castle          : level  54
 Arena           : level  50
 Angband         : level   3

You were killed by Jack of Shadows on level 54 of Castle.

 Last Message: And you thought Tristan was unlucky...

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  The Thieves' Hideout (Outpost)                     DL5   CL4   Day 1, 6:35
  Pest Control (Outpost)                             DL5   CL9   Day 1, 8:37
  Trouble at Home (Outpost)                          DL5   CL9   Day 1, 10:31
  Mushrooms (Thalos)                                 DL10  CL39  Day 9, 21:36
  Cop Quest (Anambar)                                DL12  CL15  Day 1, 23:03
  Crow's Nest (Outpost)                              DL15  CL16  Day 2, 10:48
  The Sewer (Outpost)                                DL15  CL24  Day 3, 18:07
  I Hate Snakes! (Morivant)                          DL15  CL28  Day 5, 6:19
  Shadow Fairies (Thalos)                            DL20  CL28  Day 4, 23:40
  The Orc Camp (Anambar)                             DL20  CL29  Day 5, 14:28
  Old Man Willow Quest (Outpost)                     DL22  CL28  Day 5, 5:02
  The Stranger (Telmora)                             DL22  CL31  Day 6, 19:01
  Doom Quest I (Angwil)                              DL24  CL31  Day 6, 11:31
  Tengu and Death Swords (Morivant)                  DL25  CL25  Day 3, 21:02
  The Mimic's Treasure (Morivant)                    DL25  CL25  Day 3, 22:21
  Vapor Quest (Outpost)                              DL25  CL28  Day 5, 5:27
  The Old Barracks (Morivant)                        DL25  CL28  Day 5, 7:33
  The Dark Elven Lords (Morivant)                    DL25  CL30  Day 6, 1:57
  Djinni's Cavern (Thalos)                           DL27  CL28  Day 5, 0:34
  Clear the Tunnels (Anambar)                        DL27  CL29  Day 5, 16:24
  Smugglers' Den (Anambar)                           DL30  CL29  Day 5, 13:13
  Troll Slayer (Morivant)                            DL30  CL29  Day 5, 22:44
  The Old Watchtower (Thalos)                        DL32  CL29  Day 6, 0:04
  Dinosaur Quest (Anambar)                           DL33  CL34  Day 7, 14:33
  The Vault (Telmora)                                DL35  CL32  Day 6, 23:18
  The Barrow Downs (Telmora)                         DL35  CL33  Day 7, 3:28
  The Shopkeeper's Secret (Morivant)                 DL35  CL35  Day 7, 17:41
  Giant Slayer (Morivant)                            DL36  CL34  Day 7, 13:44
  The Sand Pit (Angwil)                              DL38  CL37  Day 8, 22:04
  Dragon Quest (Angwil)                              DL42  CL38  Day 9, 12:36

  Arena: 24 Victories
================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 4347 enemies including 112 unique monsters in total. There 
are 269 uniques remaining.

  Uniques                                      Lvl
  Nyogtha, the Thing that Should not Be         56
  Thorondor                                     55
  Santa Claus                                   52
  The Midnight Dragon                           50
  Garm, Guardian of Hel                         49
  The Shadow Fiend                              48
  Fafner the Dragon                             47
  Ghatanothoa                                   46
  Yibb-Tstll the Patient One                    46
  Smaug the Golden                              45
  Zoth-Ommog                                    45
  Quachil Uttaus, Treader of the Dust           44
  Scatha the Worm                               44
  Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw                         44
  Ariel, Queen of Air                           44
  Eskimo                                        43
  Baba Yaga                                     43
  Quaker, Master of Earth                       43
  Judge Fire                                    41
  Strygalldwir                                  41

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Barbazu                    55     3     Software bug               14   100
  Hell knight                52    11     Clubber demon              40    75
  Knight templar             52     2     Orc warlock                23    74
  Dark elven shade           51     1     Uruk                       18    62
  Storm troll                51     1     Cave ogre                  26    60
  Ice giant                  50     1     Hill orc                    8    58
  Nycadaemon                 50     1     Cave orc                    7    55
  Maulotaur                  50     2     Snaga                       6    48
  Nightwing                  50     1     Giant fire ant             35    47
  Ice spider                 50     1     Water troll                33    46
  Lesser Balrog              49     1     Orc shaman                  9    46
  Drolem                     48     2     Headless                   27    43
  Spectral tyrannosaurus     46     1     Ghoul                      26    40
  Greater titan              46     1     Snaga sapper               14    40
  Grand master thief         46     5     Barrow wight               33    35
  Nalfeshnee                 45     2     Forest troll               17    34
  Durahan                    45     1     Giant white louse           3    32
  Ultra-elite paladin        45     2     Cold hound                 18    31
  Warrior of the Dawn        45    12     Ice troll                  28    30
  Dreadmaster                44     1     Stone troll                25    30
================================== Mutations ==================================

You have a hallucinatory insanity.
You are the disciple of a Purple.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

7 Mushrooms of Cure Poison {25% off}
5 Mushrooms of Fast Recovery {25% off}
6 Potions of Healing {!kq}
15 Potions of Curing {75% off}
8 Scrolls of Phase Door {50% off}
5 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
a Rod: Illumination (6/6 charges) {2%, @za!sdk}
a Rod: Detection (3/4 charges) {@zb!sdk}
a Rod: Recall (4/4 charges) {@zc!sdk}
a Rod of Capacity: Chaos Strike (3/3 charges) (+2) {2%}
a Wand: Teleport Other (18/19 charges)
a Wand: Stone to Mud (43/43 charges) {@ab!sdk}
a Wand: Dragon's Frost (4/4 charges)
a Wand: Vampirism (7/7 charges)
a Wand: Vampirism (6/6 charges) {2%}
a Staff of Regeneration: Enlightenment (10/10 charges) (+4) {@ue!sdk}
a Staff: Teleport (18/18 charges) {2%, @ua!sdk}
a Staff of Simplicity: Destruction (6/6 charges) (+2) {2%, @ud!sdk}
a Staff: Identify (39/40 charges) {@ui!sdk}
a Staff of Capacity: *Identify* (6/7 charges) (+3) {@ub!sdk}
a Staff: Speed (7/8 charges) {@us!sdk}
a Staff: Telepathy (8/8 charges) {@ut!sdk}
a Staff: Cure Wounds (13/13 charges) {2%, @uw!sdk}
a Staff: Cure Wounds (12/12 charges) {2%, @uu!sdk}
a Staff of Regeneration: Healing (5/5 charges) (+3) {@uh!sdk}
a Staff: Confuse Monsters (16/17 charges) {2%, @uz!sdk}

============================== Character Quiver ===============================

28 Rounded Pebbles (Elemental) (3d3) (+5,+5) {|A?}
23 Rounded Pebbles (Elemental) (2d3) (+7,+10) {|P?}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

  1000 2 Death Spellbooks [Black Mass]
  1000 2 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Mastery]
    12 13 Mushrooms of Cure Poison {90% off}
    23 3 Mushrooms of Cure Confusion {25% off}
   350 a Mushroom of Restore Strength
  1000 10 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
     3 30 Rations of Food
     3 5 Flasks of oil
     1 5 Potions of Salt Water
     1 a Potion of Booze {booze}
   200 7 Potions of Boldness
   120 99 Potions of Speed {!kq}
   120 a Potion of Speed {!kq}
   120 5 Potions of Resist Heat and Cold {!kq}
    35 2 Potions of Heroism
    20 6 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
    50 25 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
   150 34 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
   500 31 Potions of Healing {!kq}
  1500 a Potion of *Healing* {!kq}
  1000 4 Potions of Restore Mana {!kq}
   400 5 Potions of Restore Life Levels
   220 4 Potions of Restore Charisma
   800 a Potion of Enlightenment
  2000 a Potion of Self Knowledge {!k}
   250 2 Potions of Resistance {!kq}
    20 53 Potions of Curing {75% off}
 10000 3 Potions of Giant Strength {!k}
 10000 3 Potions of Stone Skin {!k}
     8 98 Scrolls of Phase Door {50% off}
    30 59 Scrolls of Teleportation {25% off}
    75 2 Scrolls of Word of Recall {50% off}
    50 22 Scrolls of Identify
  1500 3 Scrolls of *Identify*
  4000 5 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
   250 45 Scrolls of Protection from Evil
   500 5 Scrolls of Rune of Protection
   250 4 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
   750 3 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
100000 a Scroll of Acquirement {!*}
  2500 2 Scrolls of Inventory Protection
   925 a Rod: Illumination (3/3 charges) {2%, @za!sdk}
   970 a Rod: Illumination (3/3 charges) {@za!sdk}
   700 a Rod: Detect Traps (2/2 charges)
  1075 a Rod: Detect Monsters (2/2 charges)
  2275 a Rod of Capacity: Line of Fire (2/2 charges) (+2)
  4300 a Rod: Sound Strike (2/2 charges)
  4840 a Rod: Fire Ball (2/2 charges)
  2350 a Wand: Teleport Other (6/6 charges)
  2050 a Wand: Teleport Other (5/5 charges) {2%}
  6512 a Wand: Teleport Other (17/17 charges) {2%}
  1900 a Wand: Stone to Mud (5/7 charges)
  9150 a Wand: Stone to Mud (36/36 charges) {@ab!sdk}
  6122 a Wand: Lightning Ball (11/11 charges)
  2956 a Wand: Fire Ball (5/5 charges)
  2725 a Wand: Frost Ball (7/7 charges) {2%}
  4654 a Wand: Frost Ball (9/9 charges) {2%}
   278 a Wand: Sleep Monster (4/4 charges)
   385 a Wand: Sleep Monster (6/6 charges)
   856 a Wand: Confuse Monster (8/8 charges) {2%}
  3156 a Staff of Resistance: Enlightenment (9/9 charges) {@ue!sdk}
  2350 a Staff: Teleport (6/6 charges) {2%}
  2837 a Staff: Teleport (7/7 charges) {2%, @ua!sdk}
  3625 a Staff: Teleport (9/9 charges) {2%, @ua!sdk}
  4637 a Staff: Teleport (5/12 charges) {@ua!sdk}
  5387 a Staff: Teleport (14/14 charges) {@ua!sdk}
  1562 a Staff: Identify (11/11 charges)
  1625 a Staff: Identify (12/12 charges) {2%, @ui!sdk}
  2250 a Staff: Identify (17/17 charges) {@ui!sdk}
  3662 a Staff: Identify (26/28 charges) {@ui!sdk}
  4625 a Staff: Identify (32/36 charges)
  5125 a Staff: Speed (2/6 charges) {@us!sdk}
  5950 a Staff: Speed (6/7 charges) {@us!sdk}
  5875 a Staff: Telepathy (5/6 charges) {@ut!sdk}
  1112 a Staff: Cure Wounds (6/6 charges) {@uw!sdk}
  2722 a Staff: Cure Wounds (2/11 charges) {@uu!sdk}
  2627 a Staff: Cure Wounds (4/10 charges) {@uu!sdk}
  5366 a Staff: Slow Monsters (15/15 charges) {2%}
  1777 a Staff: Confuse Monsters (7/7 charges) {2%, @uz!sdk}
  3684 a Staff: Confuse Monsters (11/11 charges) {2%, @uz!sdk}
  2894 a Staff: Confuse Monsters (5/9 charges)
   400 3 Rings
 26073 a Ring of Combat (+0,+16) (+3) {Dx A:Heroism}
 20174 a Ring (Elemental) (+1) {-Wi;-Fe;AcElFiCoPo}
 16186 a Ring (Defender) [+4] (+3) {-Ch;AcElFiCo;FaSiLv}
 12543 a Ring of Protection [+5] {NtSo;Fa}
  9204 a Ring of Combat (+4,+3) (+4) {Dx;Fe}
  9153 a Ring (Elemental) [+8] {Sh}
  9016 a Ring of Protection [+4] {Sh;SiWr~T}
  8089 a Ring of Protection [+8] {Di}
  7900 a Ring of Speed (+3) {Sp}
  7038 a Ring of Protection [+14] {A:Protection from Evil}
  6985 a Ring of Archery (+6,+15)
  5622 a Ring of Protection [+16]
  3650 a Ring of Protection {Fe;Fa}
  3400 a Ring (Elemental) {Ac}
 10265 The Ring of Yogurt (+2) {CnSrIf;Ca;Si}
  9531 The Ring of the Monk (+7,-7) (+1) {StInSl;AcSo;Fa}
   800 2 Amulets
 25077 an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFiCoSh A:Breathe Lightning}
 19717 a Barbarian Talisman [+3] (+2) {St;Fe[MT A:Berserk}
 14365 an Amulet of the Magi (+2) {InSr~Good(In}
 14237 an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFi A:Breathe Lightning}
 13486 an Amulet of the Magi (+0,+6) (+1) {InSr A:Summon Phantasmal Servant}
 11214 an Amulet of Trickery (+1) {DxSr;DkCf(Dx}
  9648 an Amulet of Devotion (+4) {WiCh}
  8945 an Amulet (Elemental) {El A:Dragon's Frost}
  8874 a Sacred Pendant [+4] {Nt;FaSiRgLuBs}
  8100 an Amulet of Trickery (+3) {SlSr;Po(Dx}
  7720 an Amulet (Elemental) {ElFi}
  7355 a Barbarian Talisman (+2) {StDx;Fe}
  7160 an Amulet (Elemental) {ElCo}
  5903 a Sacred Pendant [+2] {Nt;Bs}
  5071 a Sacred Pendant [+7] (+2) {St;RgLuBs}
  4300 2 Amulets (Elemental) {Fi}
  3800 an Amulet (Elemental) {Ac}
  3384 a Barbarian Talisman (+1) {-In;Fe;Fa}
  7216 The Amulet 'Furhat' (+1) {CnSlSr;El;Fa(Cn}
   250 21 Feanorian Lamps
 19029 The Feanorian Lamp 'Ballista' (+9,+12) (+2) {Dx;Li;Hl(Dx}
  8000 The Feanorian Lamp of Elenna {AcCf}
  6354 The Phial of Galadriel (+5) {Sr;Dk A:Illumination}
 11809 The Stone of Lore {?}
  9197 The Arkenstone 'Orange Star' (+3) {InIf;Co;Hl}
 31482 Blue Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+16] {El A:Breathe Lightning}
 40246 Silver Dragon Scale Mail (Craft) (-2) [40,+20] (+3) {WiMd;Fa A:Breathe 
 19732 Rusty Chain Mail of the Uruk-hai (+0,+2) [14,+1] (+1) 
 23172 Ring Mail of the Uruk-hai (+2,+2) [12,+11] (+2) {St;-In;AcElFiCoCa}
 31464 The Metal Scale Mail of Starkad (-2) [13,+11] (+3) {StCnIf;FiLiCaFe}
 43735 The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2) {StCh;ElFiCoNxSoSh}
  2753 Double Chain Mail (-2) [16,+5]
 26955 Do-maru of the Olog-hai (-2,+1) [20,+20] (+4) {StCn;-InSl;AcPoCa;Rg 
 20120 Haramakido of the Olog-hai (-2,+1) [17,+17] (+1) {St;-In;AcPoDk;Rg 
   441 a Filthy Rag [1,+4]
     0 5 Filthy Rags [1,-1]
   569 a Robe [2,+5]
     6 4 Robes [2,+0]
 10689 a Robe of the Imp (-4,-2) [2,+14] (+3) {Sp;-StWi;FiDi;Si}
   534 Soft Studded Leather [5,+4]
   413 Soft Studded Leather [5,+3]
  5787 Hard Leather Armour of Protection (-1) [6,+15]
  2037 Hard Leather Armour of Protection (-1) [6,+7]
 26803 The Hard Leather Armour of Himring [6,+15] {PoNtCa[C A:Protection from 
   820 Hard Studded Leather (-1) [7,+5]
    94 Padded Armour [5,+0]
 23610 Leather Scale Mail of Celestial Protection (-1) [11,+20] {DkNtSh;Sd}
  6230 The Leather Scale Mail of the Silent Spy (-1) [11,+4] (+2) {Dx?}
 33055 The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+2) {SpDx;AcShBl}
  6360 a Leather Jacket of Elemental Protection (-1) [12,+10] {Ac}
     1 a Cloak [1,+0]
 16606 a Cloak of Elemental Protection [1,+15] {AcElCoPo}
  1876 a Cloak of Protection [1,+7]
 12876 The Cloak 'Road Cape' (+7,+4) [1,+8] (+3) {Sr;Li Merry}
 16101 The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+10] {ElFiCo;FaSi}
 10810 The Cloak of Merry (+1,+1) [1,+7] {?}
  9048 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Sh;Lv}
  5673 a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+10] {Li;Lv}
   583 a Small Leather Shield [3,+5]
    21 a Small Leather Shield [3,+0]
  5877 a Small Leather Shield (Orcish) (+1,+1) [3,+19] (+1) {cursed, 
  2769 a Small Leather Shield of Endurance [3,+8] (+2) {Cn}
  7627 The Small Leather Shield of Borin [3,+10] (+1) {Sl;Ac}
  8914 a Small Metal Shield of Elemental Protection [5,+12] {CoPo}
  4669 a Small Metal Shield of Reflection [5,+13] {cursed, -Fi;Rf}
 10452 a Large Leather Shield of Elemental Protection [6,+14] {AcFi}
  8720 a Large Leather Shield of Endurance [6,+9] (+5) {Cn(Cn}
  8487 a Large Leather Shield of Reflection [6,+13] {Rf}
 27576 The Large Leather Shield of the Falling Leaves [6,+15] (+1) 
   384 a Large Metal Shield [8,+0]
  9837 a Large Metal Shield (Orcish) (+2,+3) [8,+17] (+3) {St;-InSl;-Li;FiDk}
 10425 a Mirror Shield [10,+12] {Li;Rf}
  2250 a Golden Crown [0,+6]
   203 a Hard Leather Cap [2,+2]
     6 a Hard Leather Cap [2,+0]
  2050 a Hard Leather Cap of Seeing [2,+3] (+4) {Sr;Bl;Si}
 12602 The Hard Leather Cap 'Evening Star' [2,+9] (+3) {DxChSr;Fe}
  3096 a Metal Cap of Sunlight [3,+8] {Li;Lu}
  9462 an Iron Helm of Knowledge [5,+3] (+2) {In;Id(In A:*Identify*}
  4632 a Steel Helm of the Troll (+0,+8) [6,+3] (+2) {St;-In;-Li;Rg}
  6384 a Dragon Helm [8,+10] {PoBl}
 16593 The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnen' (+2,+2) [2,+8] {Ac|A A:Acid Bolt}
 10176 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Giant (+0,+4) [4,+10] (+2) 
  7014 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of Slaying (+6,+6) [4,+4]
  2821 a Set of Spiked Gauntlets of the Wizard (-8,-3) [4,-10] (+3) {InMd}
     6 2 Pairs of Soft Leather Boots [2,+0]
   461 2 Pairs of Hard Leather Boots [3,+4]
  1521 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Free Action [3,+7] {Fa}
  1033 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth [3,+5] {?}
     1 a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Protection [3,+13] (+2) <-15%> {cursed}
     0 a Broken Dagger (1d3) (-2,-4)
     0 a Broken Sword (2d3) (-2,-4)
 25859 The Broken Sword 'Sun Sword' (3d3) (+10,+19) (+2) 
     4 a Dagger (1d5) (+0,+0)
   506 a Main Gauche (1d6) (+1,+4)
 11841 a Sabre of Sharpness (3d9) (+8,+8) (+1) {Dg|SS}
 11634 a Sabre (Trump) (1d9) (+6,+12) (+2) {Sr;SdRg?}
   893 a Cutlass (1d9) (+4,+4)
   709 a Tulwar (2d5) (+3,+3)
 12349 a Broad Sword of Sharpness (5d6) (+7,+10) (+4) {Dg|S}
   923 a Long Sword (2d6) (+5,+3)
  4945 a Katana of Sharpness (5d5) (+5,+3) (+2) {Dg|S}
 34840 The Espadon 'Scream of the Damned' (2d10) (+21,+19) (+2) 
  5804 a Blade of Chaos (5d6) (+4,+5) {Ca}
  2500 a Poison Needle (1d1) (+0,+0)
   735 a Hatchet (1d6) (+3,+4)
  1350 an Awl-Pike (1d10) (+5,+6)
 25271 The Lucerne Hammer 'Turmil' (2d6) (+10,+6) [+8] {?}
  1818 a Battle Axe (2d9) (+6,+6)
 22827 a Lochaber Axe (Crusade) (3d9) (+6,+13) (+2) {Wi;Fe;SiBs/*UL(Wi}
   887 a Club (1d5) (+3,+5)
 11148 The Whip of Dr. Jones (1d7) (+16,+13) {?}
    27 3 Slings (x2) (+0,+0)
  8351 a Sling of Accuracy (x2) (+28,+6) (+1) {cursed, -St}
  4554 a Sling of Velocity (x2.10) (+10,+14)
   128 a Short Bow (x2.50) (+0,+0)
  8322 a Short Bow of Extra Might (x2.90) (+12,+7) (+2) {St}
  5443 a Short Bow of Velocity (x2.56) (+10,+19)
 12974 The Short Bow of Will Scarlet (x2.50) (+8,+14) (+3) {InSl;Ac/p}
 29935 The Short Bow of Robin Hood (x3.25) (+15,+17) (+2) {DxChSl;Li}
   231 2 Long Bows (x3) (+0,+0)
 22990 The Light Crossbow 'Lemon Juice' (x3.50) (+8,+25) (+3) {SpIf;Ac;LvXs}
     4 40 Bolts (3d5) (+0,+0)
    53 29 Bolts (3d5) (+6,+5)
    33 19 Bolts (Elemental) (3d5) (+2,+3) {|P?}
     2 50 Arrows (3d4) (+0,+0)
    32 21 Arrows (3d4) (+3,+4)
    42 18 Arrows (3d4) (+4,+5)
    71 18 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+5,+2) {/PLv}
    43 22 Arrows (Elemental) (3d4) (+4,+4) {|Co?}
   241 11 Arrows of Endurance (3d4) (+6,+4) {?}
    82 28 Arrows of Slaying (3d4) (+3,+7) {/PZ}
    72 24 Arrows (Elemental) (3d4) (+5,+7) {?}
   197 16 Mithril Arrows of Slaying (5d4) (+8,+9) {/pZ}
  2660 The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) {?}
     1 96 Rounded Pebbles (2d3) (+0,+0)
     1 99 Iron Shots (3d3) (+0,+0)
     1 27 Iron Shots (3d3) (+0,+0)
    29 3 Iron Shots (3d3) (+5,+3)
    60 26 Iron Shots of Slaying (4d3) (+8,+2) {/XP}
    51 23 Mithril Shots (5d3) (+7,+4)

==================================== Museum ===================================

a Ring (Elemental) {Ac}
an Amulet (Elemental) {Fi}
2 Wooden Torches (with 3000 turns of light)
a Wooden Torch (with 2640 turns of light)
The T-shirt 'Steelskin' [1,+5] (+3) {cursed, If;-In;-Nt;Bl}
a Cutlass (1d9) (+0,+0)
22 Rounded Pebbles (2d3) (-1,-2) {cursed}
a Rounded Pebble (2d3) (+0,+0)

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  2177980
  Alchemy  :        0
  Winnings :    25000  2202980
  Purchases:   791590
  Services :   949502
  Stolen   :    11893  1752985
  Insurance:     2277
  Payout   :        0     2277

  Objects Found    :  11363
  Objects Bought   :    886
  Objects Destroyed:   1457

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                879      0    45    62
  Shields                122      0    11     6
  Bows                   184      0    13     9
  Quivers                 37      1     4     0
  Rings                   85      2    24     4
  Amulets                 92      2    24     0
  Lights                  55      1     7     0
  Body Armor             622      0    27    42
  Cloaks                 114      1     4     5
  Helmets                110      1     9     8
  Gloves                 114      1    15     6
  Boots                  117      1     7     5
  Totals                2494      9   186   147

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  109      4   611     4
  Staves                 102      4  1315     4
  Rods                    75      2   955     0
  Potions                738    103    99    79
  Scrolls                833    298   157    90
  Totals                1857    411  3137   177

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                 2162      0   337    55
  Arrows                2028      0    92    19
  Bolts                 1304      0     0    74
  Spellbooks             112      0     0     2
  Food                   384    465    89    44
  Corpses                606      0     0   603
  Skeletons              267      0     0   271
  Chests                  13      0     0    10
  Totals                6876    465   518  1078

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    15     21     1     1
  Curing                  78      2     5     7
  Speed                  102     27    15     3
  Clarity                 39      0     0     0
  Healing                 32      8     3     0
  *Healing*                1      0     0     0
  Restore Mana             4      0     0     0
  Restore Life Levels     22     11     9     3
  Strength                 6      0     6     3
  Intelligence             4      0     4     0
  Wisdom                   3      0     3     0
  Dexterity                8      0     8     0
  Constitution             8      1     9     0
  Charisma                 9      0     9     1
  New Life                 1      1     2     0
  Totals                 738    103    99    79

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Phase Door              60    159    31     7
  Word of Recall          49      4     8     5
  Identify                78      6     6    10
  *Identify*              32      0    19     5
  Remove Curse            18     14    14     0
  *Remove Curse*          11      1     2     0
  Teleportation           99     89     6    21
  Teleport Level          12      0     0     0
  Destruction              5      0     0     0
  Genocide                 2      1     0     0
  Acquirement              3      0     2     0
  Totals                 833    298   157    90

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            15      0   196     0
  Teleport Other          11      2   144     0
  Vampirism                6      0   146     0
  Dragon's Frost           2      0    18     0
  Totals                 109      4   611     4

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                15      1   112     2
  Enlightenment           10      0   263     1
  Curing                   7      0     0     0
  Cure Wounds              8      0   382     0
  Telepathy                2      0   139     0
  Speed                    3      0    63     0
  *Identify*               1      0    37     0
  Destruction              1      0    16     1
  Healing                  1      0     0     0
  Totals                 102      4  1315     4

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             1      0     0     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     5      0     1     0
  Detect Monsters          5      0     0     0
  Illumination             3      2   192     0
  Recall                   9      0   124     0
  Detection                6      0   540     0
  Totals                  75      2   955     0

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        15      0     0     0
  Totals                 112      0     0     2

  Egos Found    :   1073
  Egos Bought   :      6
  Egos Destroyed:     28

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed            2      1     0
  Jewelry (Defender)       1      0     0
  Boots of the Sprite      1      0     0
  Boots of Speed           1      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct        Spells               Count   Pct
  Animals               1257  28.9%       Observed              1639   6.1%
  Breeders               217   4.9%       Expected              2130   8.0%
  Demons                 365   8.3%       Failures               192  11.7%
  Dragons                323   7.4%       Summon                 113   6.8%
  Giants                 193   4.4%       Heal                    28   1.7%
  Hounds                 164   3.7%       Escape                  40   2.4%
  Humans                 323   7.4%       Offense                695  42.4%
  Orcs                   577  13.2%       Other                  571  34.8%
  Trolls                 268   6.1%     
  Undead                 406   9.3%       Unique Spells        Count   Pct
  Uniques                112   2.5%       Observed               316  19.9%
                                          Expected               373  23.6%
  Evil Monsters         2662  61.2%       Failures                36  11.3%
  Good Monsters           79   1.8%       Summon                  55  17.4%
  Neutral Monsters      1606  36.9%       Heal                    13   4.1%
                                          Escape                  22   6.9%
  Totals                4347              Offense                111  35.1%
                                          Other                   79  25.0%

  Life Rating:  108%

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Scrawny cat attacks you: It misses.
You attack the Scrawny cat: You hit. It was a great hit! You have slain 
the Scrawny cat.

Rest (0-9999, '*' for HP/SP, '&' as needed): & You feel yourself yanked 

You have a Staff of Regeneration: Enlightenment (9/10 charges) (+4) 

You sense the presence of traps! You sense the presence of doors! You 
sense the presence of stairs! You sense the presence of objects! You 
sense the presence of monsters!
You have a Rod: Detection (3/4 charges) {@zb!sdk}.

You have a Staff: Confuse Monsters (16/17 charges) {2%, @uz!sdk}.
Target Aborted.
Your pack overflows: You drop an Awl-Pike (Crusade) (1d10) (+14,+11) 
(+2) {Wi;Fe;SiBs/*UL?}.

You attack the Knight templar: You hit. You hit. You miss. You miss. 
You hit. You hit.

You attack the Knight templar: You miss. You hit. You hit. You miss. 
You hit. You hit.

You attack the Knight templar: You hit. You hit. You hit. It was a 
great hit! You miss. You miss. You hit.

You attack the Knight templar: You hit. You miss. You hit. It was a 
great hit! You miss. You hit. You hit.

You attack the Knight templar: You hit. You hit. You hit. You hit. You 

You attack the Knight templar: You hit. You miss. You miss. You miss. 
You miss. You miss.

You attack the Knight templar: You hit. You have slain the Knight 

Your pack overflows: You drop an Awl-Pike (Crusade) (1d10) (+14,+11) 
(+2) {Wi;Fe;SiBs/*UL?}.

You have a Staff of Capacity: *Identify* (6/7 charges) (+3) {@ub!sdk}.
Your pack overflows: You drop a Flamberge {average}.
Auto-destroying a Knight templar Corpse. Destroyed.
Your pack overflows: You drop Bar Chain Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [23,+16] 
(+1) {St;Dk;Rg(St}.

Your pack overflows: You drop Bar Chain Mail (Dwarven) (-2) [23,+16] 
(+1) {St;Dk;Rg(St}.

It invokes a Darkness Storm.
It creates a mesmerizing illusion. You disbelieve the feeble spell.
You sense the presence of traps! You sense the presence of doors! You 
sense the presence of stairs! You sense the presence of objects! You 
sense the presence of monsters!
You have a Rod: Detection (3/4 charges) {@zb!sdk}.
Jack of Shadows invokes a Darkness Storm. You stand your ground! *** 
LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space to continue. =>  .

Jack of Shadows is unaffected!
You have a Wand: Teleport Other (18/19 charges).
It invokes a Darkness Storm. You stand your ground!
                       # ...............#         
                       # ...............#         
                       # ...|.[.........#         
                       # ...............#         
                       #  ..............#         
                       ### #   #.#                
                       #># #   #.#                
                       # # #   #.#                
                       # '.#   #.#                
          ######       # # #   #.#                
          #### #      ...@... . ...  #            
             # # ################### #            
+            # + #                 # #            
             ### #########+######### #            
  +            #   #             #   #            
               #   #######+#######   #            
               #     #         #     #            
               #     #####+#####     #############
               #       #     #                    
               #   \   ###+###       #############
                ## ###################            
 And you thought Tristan was unlucky... Goodbye, Radish!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      On
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 No Selling:         On

Posted on 25.3.2019 17:01

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8535. on the Ladder (of 19032)
629. on the FrogComposband Ladder (of 1198)
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On 25.3.2019 17:01 Sideways wrote:
Well, that was stupid. Forgot about Jack of Shadows being tele-immune...

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