The Angband Ladder: Tangar, Maia Istar by tangar

  [TomeNET 4.7.1b @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Tangar           Age                309       Str:  18/85 18/120
 Sex         : Male             Height              66       Int: 18/216 18/***
 Race        : Maia             Weight             129       WIS: 18/168       
 Class       : Istar            Social Class         1       DEX: 18/139       
 Body        : Player                                        CON: 18/140       
 Trait       : Corrupted                                     Chr: 18/190 18/200
 Mode        : Unworldly (one life)                                            
 +To MHit           21      Level             36    Hit Points     -265/ 544   
 +To MDamage        13      Experience    463447    MP (Mana)       546/ 546   
 +To RHit           -6      Max Exp       463447    Sanity             Sound   
 +To RDamage         5      Exp to Adv.   550000                               
 Total AC          121      Gold          180932    Status              DEAD   
 Fighting    : Superb       Perception  : Superb       Blows/Round:  1         
 Bows/Throw  : Bad          Searching   : Superb       Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Heroic       Disarming   : Excellent                            
 Stealth     : Excellent    Magic Device: Superb       Infra-Vision: 130 feet  
          You are at -550 ft in The Paths of the Dead.                         
          You are a Maiar spirit, bound to Mandos, Judge of the Dead.          
          You suspend your pilgrimage in Aman to spend time in the             
          mortal land. You have brown eyes, wavy black hair, and an            
          average complexion.                                                  

  [Skill Chart]

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                         00.000 [0.300]
     o Weaponmastery                              00.000 [0.150]
 - Magic                                          27.900 [1.000]
         . Sorcery                                00.000 [0.205]
         . Mana                                   39.000 [1.900]
         . Fire                                   38.000 [2.000]
         . Water                                  00.000 [1.600]
         . Air                                    00.000 [2.000]
         . Earth                                  38.400 [1.600]
         . Nature                                 00.000 [1.600]
         . Conveyance                             00.000 [2.000]
         . Divination                             08.000 [1.600]
         . Temporal                               38.400 [1.600]
         . Udun                                   38.000 [2.000]
         . Mind                                   00.000 [1.600]
         . Spell-power                            38.400 [0.600]
     . Astral Knowledge                           01.250 [1.250]
         . Necromancy                             00.000 [2.000]
         . Traumaturgy                            00.000 [2.000]
         . Aura of Fear                           00.000 [2.000]
         . Shivering Aura                         00.000 [2.000]
         . Aura of Death                          00.000 [2.000]
     . Magic Device                               01.000 [1.100]
 - Sneakiness                                     01.000 [0.550]
     . Stealth                                    00.000 [0.660]
     . Dodging                                    00.000 [0.450]
     . Calmness                                   00.000 [0.800]
 - Health                                         00.000 [0.800]
     . Climbing                                   00.000 [0.040]
     . Digging                                    00.000 [0.700]

  [Character Equipment]

a) Venomous Katana of Life {+,26}(3d4)(+15,+15)(+2life){@w0!*}
b) The Small Metal Shield of Thorin {+,26} [17%] (+2)
c) Metal Boomerang of *Slay Demon* {+,26}(2d5)(+4,+5)(+2){@w0!*}
d) Indestructible Pearl Ring Lordly Protection {+,24}[+24]{!*@w0}
e) The Copper Ring of F'lar {+,26} (+5)
f) an Aquamarine Amulet of Trickery {+,25} (+3) {100% off}
g) Brass Lantern of the Magi {+,21}(13021t)(+2)
h) The Robe of Incanus {+,27} [2,+20] (+3)
i) a Fur Cloak of Aman {+,26} [3,+23] (+1 to stealth) {StlNt}
j) an Iron Crown of Telepathy {+,32} [0,+7] {ESP @S3m}
k) a Set of Gauntlets of the Magi {+,26} (-4,-4) [2,+15] (+9)
l) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Nevrast {+,23} [3,+13] (+4)
m) (quiver)
n) Climbing Set {+,13} {@S}

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Fireproof Handbook of Beginner Cantrips {+,1} {100% off}
b) a Fireproof Codex {+,3} {Dig,Detect Monsters,Stone Prison}
c) a Codex {+,1} {Fire Ball I,Firewall I,Fiery Shield I}
d) a Codex {+,2} {Essence of Speed,Identify I,Manathrust II !X}
e) a Codex {+,8} {Disruption Shield,Wraithform,Stop Wraithform}
f) a Fireproof Codex {+,2} {@Ob}
g) a Spell Scroll of Magelock II {+,2}
h) 2 Yellow Mushrooms of Restoring {+,7} {@E1}
i) 2 Sprigs of Athelas {+,8} {@E2}
j) 2 Flasks of Oil {+,1} {@F1}
k) 62 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,16} {stolen}
l) 27 Copper Speckled Potions of Healing {+,15}
m) 36 Clotted Red Potions of Resistance {+,7}
n) 6 Tangerine Potions of Cure Serious Insanity {+,6} {@q1}
o) 16 Scrolls "an ornab mebul" of Phase Door {+,1}
p) 17 Scrolls "bucon reafid" of Teleportation {+,1}
q) 16 Scrolls "fuerk whonsef" of Word of Recall {+,1} {@R}
r) 59 Scrolls "xuxumon wergit" of Magic Mapping {+,1} {@r1}
s) 3 Zirconium Rods of Disarming {+,7} {!*!U}
t) a Small Metal Boomerang of *Slay Evil* {+,33} (2d3) (+7,+12) (+1)

  [Last Messages]

You successfully cast the spell Essence of Speed.
You failed to get the spell Disruption Shield off!
You successfully cast the spell Essence of Speed.
You successfully cast the spell Disruption Shield.
You successfully cast the spell Essence of Speed.
You failed to get the spell Disruption Shield off!
You successfully cast the spell Essence of Speed.
You successfully cast the spell Disruption Shield.
You feel your head clearing.
You have 65 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,16} {stolen}.
You cannot run in that direction. (x2)
There is a wall blocking your way.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
The Skeleton troll is destroyed from 376 damage.
You have 59 Scrolls "xuxumon wergit" of Magic Mapping {+,1} {@r1}.
You successfully cast the spell Sense Hidden I.
You successfully cast the spell Detect Monsters.
You sense the presence of creatures!
You successfully cast the spell Essence of Speed.
You successfully cast the spell Disruption Shield.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord casts an nether ball of 77 damage!
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 321 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 343 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 363 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 300 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 306 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 360 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord misses you.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 37 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord misses you.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 12 damage.
You feel very weak.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 312 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 362 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 32 damage. (x2)
Tselakus, the Dreadlord misses you.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 17 damage.
You feel very weak.
You feel your head clearing.
You have 64 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,16} {stolen}.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 33 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord misses you.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 16 damage.
You feel very weak.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 18 damage.
You feel very weak.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 355 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord invokes a darkness storm for 221 damage!
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 327 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord invokes a darkness storm for 225 damage!
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 388 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 40 damage.
The disruption shield fades away.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 32 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord misses you. (x2)
You feel your head clearing.
You have 63 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,16} {stolen}.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord misses you. (x2)
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 17 damage.
You feel very weak.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 17 damage.
You feel very weak.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 352 damage.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 352 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord invokes a darkness storm for 220 damage!
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 371 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord misses you. (x3)
Tselakus, the Dreadlord hits you for 16 damage.
You feel very weak.
You successfully cast the spell Manathrust II.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord grunts with pain from 300 damage.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord casts an nether ball of 212 damage!
You feel your head clearing.
You have 62 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,16} {stolen}.
Tselakus, the Dreadlord casts an nether ball of 276 damage!
You die.
**You have been vaporized by Tselakus, the Dreadlord.**
Don't worry. I've got a plan.


Maia         ~~~~~~~       ~  ~ ~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~           

Istar        ~~~~~ ~~~   ~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~                     z     L    ~      

Conjurer       ~     ~~  ~~~  ~~~~~~~~ ~             ~  ~        H   ~         

LEVEL     36          ~  ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~

XP #-------- ~~       ~~ ~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~                  ~~~~

AU    180932 ~~  ~ ~   ~ ~~~  ~~~~~~ ~  ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                 ~~~~ 

   /  }      ~~~  ~   ~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~ ~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~               ~~    

[+---------] ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~   ~~~~~~~~      ~  ~~~~~  ~~~~               ~     

Str:   18/85 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~  ~  ~~~~~~~~~~     ~   ~~~~  ~~~~   ~~~~       ~~   ~ 

Int:  18/216 ~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~                ~ >~~      ~  ~  ~

WIS:  18/168 ~~~ ~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~                ~~  ~~~~~~~~      

DEX:  18/139 ~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~                ~   ~    ~~ ~   ~~

CON:  18/140 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~            ~~~~~~~      ~~~    ~ 

Chr:  18/190 ~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~  ~   ~            ~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~   ~~ 

SN:    Sound ~|~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~ ~~  ~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~ ~  v

AC:      121 ~{~~~~~~~~`~~~~~~~~   ~~~  ~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~  ~~~~~~ ~~~  ~  

HP:-265/ 544 ~{)|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~  ~ ~~~~~~~  ~~~~~  ~~~~    

MP: 546/ 546 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~    ~       ~~    ~~~~~~~~  

ST:   -/   - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~    ~~~@~~~ ~         ~ ~   ~~~~~~  ~~~

      FK     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~ ~  ~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~

[***-------] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~ -"?   ~ ~~~           ~~~~~~~~~~~

             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ~~~~~~~~   

                                                  Fast +23    1 BpR   -550ft   

  [Unique Monsters]

You have slain Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Bullroarer the Hobbit.
You have slain The disembodied hand that strangled people.
You have slain Mughash, the Kobold Lord.
You have slain Vort the Kobold Queen.
You have slain Lagduf, the Snaga.
You have slain Brodda, the Easterling.
You have slain Robin Hood, the Outlaw.
You have slain Grishnakh, the Hill Orc.
You have slain Orfax, Son of Boldor.
You have slain Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief.
You have slain Boldor, King of the Yeeks.
You have slain Ulfast, Son of Ulfang.
You have slain Nar, the Dwarf.
You have slain The Rat King.
You have slain Gorbag, the Orc Captain.
You have slain Bolg, Son of Azog.
You have slain Lugdush, the Uruk.
You have slain Ugluk, the Uruk.
You have slain The Queen Ant.
You have slain Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai.
You have slain Ibun, Son of Mim.
You have slain Khim, Son of Mim.
You have slain Khufu, the Mummified King.
You have slain Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang.
You have slain Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain.
You have slain Fasolt the Giant.
You have slain Bill the Stone Troll.
You have slain Fire Phantom.
You have slain Groo, the Wanderer.
You have slain Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings.
You have slain Uvatha the Horseman.
You have slain Jaws.
You have slain Medusa, the Gorgon.
You have slain Adunaphel the Quiet.
You have slain Quachil Uttaus, Treader of the Dust.
You have slain Akhorahil the Blind.
You have slain The Stormbringer.
You have slain Scatha the Worm.
You have slain Charon, Boatman of the Styx.
You have slain Ren the Unclean.
You have slain The Glass Golem.

Posted on 19.6.2018 23:44

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388. on the TomeNET Ladder (of 499)


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On 19.6.2018 23:44 tangar wrote:

On 19.6.2018 23:45 tangar wrote:
disruption shield faded away too fast

On 19.6.2018 23:48 tangar wrote:
hm... why disruption shield worked just a few turns? is it stop working if mana becomes 0?

On 19.6.2018 23:50 tangar wrote:
also I found problem with NumLock (mana key button) of my Addon -

there is a delay (100-200 ms) when you use macro at NumLock :( So better do not use there important stuff

On 20.6.2018 03:04 clouded wrote:
Disruption shield does fade away when mana becomes 0 yes, you pretty much die when run out of mana unless you are lucky enough to teleport instantly and to a safe enough place, you probably won't be able to notice and react in time in the middle of heated combat before your HP runs out.

On 20.6.2018 09:39 PowerWyrm wrote:
Seems to me that your mana pool is way too low for a level 36 char if you want to activate Disruption Shield. In this case, you should have replaced your life weapon by a mage staff with +mana to get 800/900 mana points. Tselakus is also a bit hard at this level, that was very bold of you to try killing him with only 500 mana.

On 20.6.2018 09:42 tangar wrote:
Thanks, guys :)

On 20.6.2018 10:27 tangar wrote:
1) it is a bug? check the video - disr shield indicator on
2) @#$% please devs, we need buff window

On 25.6.2018 19:46 tangar wrote:
Mistery solved - it's BB after previous death.. But it do not remove the problem - it's time to add buff panel to the game.

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