The Angband Ladder: Tangar, Vampire Mindcrafter by tangar

  [TomeNET 4.7.1b @ Character Dump]

 Name        : Tangar           Age                130       STR: 18/133       
 Sex         : Male             Height              72       INT:  18/58       
 Race        : Vampire          Weight             198       WIS:     18       
 Class       : Mindcrafter      Social Class        28       DEX:  18/27       
 Body        : Player                                        CON:  18/84       
                                                             CHR: 18/106       
 Mode        : Unworldly (one life)                                            
 +To MHit           63      Level             36    Hit Points      -64/ 518   
 +To MDamage        31      Experience    484877    MP (Mana)       120/ 120   
 +To RHit           16      Max Exp       484877    Sanity             Sound   
 +To RDamage        15      Exp to Adv.   550000                               
 Total AC           96      Gold          129556    Status              DEAD   
 Fighting    : Legendary    Perception  : Very Good    Blows/Round:  7         
 Bows/Throw  : Excellent    Searching   : Good         Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Heroic       Disarming   : Fair                                 
 Stealth     : Superb       Magic Device: Fair         Infra-Vision: 270 feet  
          You are at -700 ft in Mordor.                                        
          In life you were a powerful and cruel tyrant. You were               
          bitten by a vampire serving a major house. You have                  
          jet-black hair, eyes like red coals, and a deathly pale              

  [Skill Chart]

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                         17.000 [1.000]
     - Weaponmastery                              07.000 [0.800]
         o Sword-mastery                          37.500 [0.750]
         . Axe-mastery                            00.000 [0.700]
         . Polearm-mastery                        00.000 [0.750]
         . Combat Stances                         36.000 [-----]
     . Martial Arts                               00.000 [0.700]
     . Interception                               36.000 [0.600]
         . Sling-mastery                          01.000 [0.250]
         . Crossbow-mastery                       00.000 [0.300]
     . Boomerang-mastery                          01.000 [0.500]
 - Magic                                          06.200 [0.800]
         . Psycho-power                           34.500 [1.500]
         . Attunement                             30.000 [1.500]
         . Mental Intrusion                       37.300 [1.650]
         . Necromancy                             00.000 [0.805]
         . Traumaturgy                            00.000 [0.840]
         . Aura of Fear                           00.000 [1.380]
         . Shivering Aura                         00.000 [1.150]
         . Aura of Death                          00.000 [1.035]
     . Mimicry                                    01.000 [-----]
     . Magic Device                               00.000 [0.850]
 - Sneakiness                                     01.000 [0.700]
     . Stealth                                    01.000 [0.700]
     . Dodging                                    00.000 [0.600]
     . Calmness                                   00.000 [1.500]
 - Health                                         01.000 [1.000]
     . Swimming                                   00.000 [0.030]
     . Climbing                                   00.000 [0.040]
     . Digging                                    01.000 [0.900]

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Dagger 'Nimrais' {+,26} (1d4) (+21,+19) {@w1!*}
b) (weapon / shield)
c) a Long Bow of Numenor {+,16} (x4) (+15,+15) {XmLtRg,~Evil}
d) The Extra Attacks 'Nurtale' {+,29} (+2) {_H,SpdAttPoFF}
e) an Opal Ring of Sound Resistance {+,8} {So @S500k}
f) an Aquamarine Amulet of Trickery {+,25} (+3) {@x0!*}
g) a Dwarven Lantern of Infravision {+,26} (+3) {50% off}
h) Elven Robe {+,30}[2,+21](+3stl){Stl,BasePoSh,~o @S1m}
i) a Fur Cloak of the Bat {+,23} (-2,-3) [3,+13] (+2)
j) Iron Crown of Beruthiel {+,33}[0,+20](-4){+SDC,DiDkBlFASI,ESP!*-uncursed}
k) a Set of Gauntlets of the Magi {+,26} (-4,-4) [2,+18] (+9)
l) Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Dwarvish Endurance {+,20}[6,+9](+4){+SC,IVDk
m) 2 Magic Arrows {+,3} (1d4) (+0,+0)
n) Climbing Set {+,13} {@x2*!}

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Greater Crystal of Psycho-Power {+,17} {!*}
b) a Greater Crystal of Attunement {+,19} {!*!X}
c) a Codex {+,4} {Remote Vision,Psionic Blast II,Psi Storm I}
d) 10 Yellow Mushrooms of Restoring {+,7} {@E1}
e) 64 Red Speckled Potions of Restore Mana {+,16} {@S3k}
f) 58 Coagulated Crimson Potions of Speed {+,3}
g) 60 Copper Speckled Potions of Healing {+,15}
h) 62 Clotted Red Potions of Resistance {+,7}
i) 3 Crimson Potions of Cure Critical Insanity {+,8} {@q1}
j) 26 Scrolls "bucon reafid" of Teleportation {+,1}
k) 24 Scrolls "fuerk whonsef" of Word of Recall {+,1} {@R}
l) 69 Scrolls "xuxumon wergit" of Magic Mapping {+,1} {@r1}
m) 2 Adamantite Rods of Illumination {+,9} {!*!U}
n) 4 Zinc Rods of Trap Location {+,1} {!*!U}
o) The Silver Ring of Power of Ren the Unclean {+,0} (+3) {cursed}
p) The Silver Ring of Power of Adunaphel the Quiet {+,0} (+5) {cursed}
q) a Spectral Cleaver of Slay Giant {+,33} (1d5) (+8,+11) (charging) {!*!U}
r) a Mattock of Digging {+,26} (1d8) (+15,+15) (+3) (+3) {@x2!*}

  [Last Messages]

The Night mare misses you.
It was a great hit!
You hit the Night mare for 65 damage.
You hit the Night mare for 33 damage.
You hit the Night mare for 35 damage.
It was a great hit!
You hit the Night mare for 68 damage.
You feel yourself moving faster!
You have 59 Coagulated Crimson Potions of Speed {+,3}.
The Night mare misses you. (x3)
The Night mare hits you for 25 damage.
You hit the Night mare for 32 damage.
You hit the Night mare for 35 damage.
The Night mare misses you. (x4)
You hit the Night mare for 34 damage.
You hit the Night mare for 33 damage.
You miss the Night mare. (x2)
You hit the Night mare for 35 damage.
You miss the Night mare.
You hit the Night mare for 34 damage.
It was a good hit!
You hit the Night mare for 49 damage.
The Night mare flees in terror!
The Night mare misses you. (x2)
The Night mare hits you for 9 damage.
The Night mare misses you.
You hit the Night mare for 35 damage. (x2)
The Night mare flees in terror!
You hit the Night mare for 35 damage.
You miss the Night mare.
You hit the Night mare for 32 damage.
You feel your life energies returning.
You have 10 Yellow Mushrooms of Restoring {+,7} {@E1}.
The Night mare bites you for 12 damage.
You feel your life slipping away!
The Night mare misses you.
The Night mare hits you for 9 damage.
The Night mare misses you.
You hit the Night mare for 35 damage.
You have destroyed the Night mare.
You feel very good.
You have 60 Copper Speckled Potions of Healing {+,15}.
You have found 173 gold pieces worth of peridots.
You have 71 Scrolls "xuxumon wergit" of Magic Mapping {+,1} {@r1}.
There is a wall blocking your way.
You were wielding The Dagger 'Nimrais' {+,26} (1d4) (+21,+19) {@w1!*} (q).
You are wielding a Spectral Cleaver of Slay Giant {+,33} (1d5) (+8,+11) {!*!U} 
You activate it...
You turn into a wraith!
You were wielding Spectral Cleaver of Slay Giant {+,33}(1d5)(+8,+11)(#){!*!U} 
You are wielding The Dagger 'Nimrais' {+,26} (1d4) (+21,+19) {@w1!*} (a).
You feel yourself slow down.
You have 70 Scrolls "xuxumon wergit" of Magic Mapping {+,1} {@r1}.
There is a steep mountain blocking your way.
You have 69 Scrolls "xuxumon wergit" of Magic Mapping {+,1} {@r1}.
It hurls a boulder at you for 23 damage!
You lose your wraith powers.
It casts a lightning ball of 5 damage!
There is a wall blocking your way.
It casts a lightning ball of 3 damage!
It casts a lightning ball of 5 damage!
There is a wall blocking your way.
You are struck by electricity!
The Storm giant Warrior hits you for 99 damage.
The Storm giant Warrior misses you. (x2)
You are struck by electricity!
The Storm giant Warrior hits you for 104 damage.
You feel resistant to acid!
You feel resistant to electricity!
You feel resistant to fire!
You feel resistant to cold!
You feel resistant to poison!
You have 62 Clotted Red Potions of Resistance {+,7}.
You are struck by electricity!
The Storm giant Warrior hits you for 84 damage.
You are struck by electricity!
The Storm giant Warrior hits you for 84 damage.
The Storm giant Warrior misses you. (x2)
You feel yourself moving faster!
You have 58 Coagulated Crimson Potions of Speed {+,3}.
You are struck by electricity!
The Storm giant Warrior hits you for 97 damage.
You are struck by electricity!
The Storm giant Warrior hits you for 97 damage.
You die.
**You have been killed by a Storm giant Warrior.**
The shortest straw, pulled for you.


Vampire      ~  ~           ~PP~             ~  ~              ~  ~         ~~~

Mindcrafter  ~  ~           ~PP~             ~  ~              ~  ~        ~~~~

Telepath     ~  ~          ~~ P~          ~~~~  ~              ~  ~        ~~~~

LEVEL     36 ~  ~         P~ P ~     ~~~~~~     ~        ~~~~~~~  ~        ~~~ 

XP ###------ ~  ~~         ~~PP~     ~          ~        ~     ~ T~~       ~~~ 

AU    129556 ~   ~~         ~  ~     ~       ~~~~        ~      TTT~~~~~~~~~~~ 

             ~~   ~         ~P ~     ~  ~~~~~~           ~  ~~~ ~TT       ~~~~~

[++--------]  ~~  ~        ~P  ~~~   ~  ~               ~~  ~ ~~~~~        ~~~~

STR:  18/133   ~  ~~     ~~PP  ~ ~~  ~  ~               ~  p~     ~~~~~~~  ~~~~

INT:   18/58   ~   ~     ~@~      ~~ ~  ~               ~   ~          ~~      

WIS:      18   ~   ~     ~~~       ~~~  ~~              ~~ ~~         ~~~~     

DEX:   18/27   ~   ~       ~     ~~~~~  ~~~             ~  ~         ~~~~~~~   

CON:   18/84   ~   ~   ~~~~~~~~   ~~~~  ~~~~            ~  ~        ~~~~~  ~   

CHR:  18/106   ~   ~   ~ ~#   ~~  ~~~~  ~~~~~           ~##~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~

SN:    Sound   ~~  ~~~~~  #           $ ~~~~~~          ~~         ~~~~        

AC:       96    ~       ~ ~    ~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~        ~         ~~~         

HP: -64/ 518    ~~        ~    ~    ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~       ~   e     ~~          

MP: 120/ 120     ~~~~~~   ~  ~~~            ~~~~~~~~~~   ~~        ~~          

ST:  10/  10          ~      ~                 ~~~~~~~~  ~         ~           

Bl    FK              ~      ~                  ~~~~~~~~~~         ~           

(27,13)               ~      ~                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           

                      ~~~~~~~~                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~              

                                                  Fast +14    7 BpR   -700ft   

  [Unique Monsters]

You have slain Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog.
You have slain Smeagol.
You have slain The disembodied hand that strangled people.
You have slain Mughash, the Kobold Lord.
You have slain Vort the Kobold Queen.
You have slain Lagduf, the Snaga.
You have slain Brodda, the Easterling.
You have slain Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman.
You have slain Robin Hood, the Outlaw.
You have slain Grishnakh, the Hill Orc.
You have slain Orfax, Son of Boldor.
You have slain Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief.
You have slain Boldor, King of the Yeeks.
You have slain Ulfast, Son of Ulfang.
You have slain Nar, the Dwarf.
You have slain Gorbag, the Orc Captain.
You have slain Bolg, Son of Azog.
You have slain Lugdush, the Uruk.
You have slain Ugluk, the Uruk.
You have slain The Queen Ant.
You have slain Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai.
You have slain Ibun, Son of Mim.
You have slain Sangahyando of Umbar.
You have slain Angamaite of Umbar.
You have slain Khim, Son of Mim.
You have slain Khufu, the Mummified King.
You have slain Ulwarth, Son of Ulfang.
You have slain Mim, Betrayer of Turin.
You have slain Uldor the Accursed.
You have slain Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain.
You have slain Fasolt the Giant.
You have slain Bert the Stone Troll.
You have slain Fire Phantom.
You have slain Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings.
You have slain Giganto, the Gargantuan.
You have slain Draebor, the Imp.
You have slain Kavlax the Many-Headed.
You have slain Uvatha the Horseman.
You have slain Shadowfax, steed of Gandalf.
You have slain Medusa, the Gorgon.
You have slain Ubbo-Sathla, the Unbegotten Source.
You have slain Glaryssa, Succubus Queen.
You have slain Ariel, Queen of Air.
You have slain Adunaphel the Quiet.
You have slain Akhorahil the Blind.
You have slain The Stormbringer.
You have slain Ghatanothoa.
You have slain Scatha the Worm.
You have slain Yibb-Tstll, the Patient One.
You have slain Ren the Unclean.
You have slain Fafner the Dragon.
You have slain Garm, Guardian of Hel.
You have slain Eol, the Dark-Elf.
You have slain The Phoenix.
You have slain The Lernaean Hydra.

Posted on 28.4.2018 01:30

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On 28.4.2018 01:30 tangar wrote:
YASD, was in hurry and made too long secuence of actions


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