The Angband Ladder: Angri, Noldor Fingolfin no-class by protopulse

  [Sil 1.3.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Angri         Age      388       Str   3
 Sex    Male          Height  6'10       Dex   3
 Race   Noldor        Weight   154       Con   5
 House  Fingolfin                        Gra   4 =  3  +1

 Game Turn   14,179   Melee  (+21,2d8)   Melee       21 = 15  +3  +2  +1
 Exp Pool     1,801   Bows   (+5,1d12)   Archery      5 =  1  +3      +1
 Total Exp   45,801   Armor [+21,7-15]   Evasion     21 = 15  +3  +3
 Burden       157.5                      Stealth      0 =  0  +3  -3
 Max Burden   172.8   Health     49:49   Perception  13 =  7  +4  +2
 Depth         750'   Voice      41:41   Will        12 =  7  +4      +1
 Min Depth     550'                      Smithing     4 =  0  +4
 Light Radius     3                      Song        11 =  7  +4

 You are one of several children of a smith from the house of
 Fingolfin. You have light green eyes, straight black hair, and a fair


a) The Longsword 'Orcrist' (+2,2d5) [+2] <+2> 3.0 lb
   It improves your perception by 2.  It slays orcs and trolls.  
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
b) a Dragon-horn Bow (+0,1d10) 2.5 lb
   It can shoot arrows 18 squares (with your current strength).
c) The Serpentine Ring of Barahir
   It provides resistance to poison.  It grants you freedom of
   movement.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It grants
   you the ability: Song of Este.  
d) a Beryl Ring of Warmth
   It provides resistance to cold.  
e) an Ivory Amulet of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  
f) a Brass Lantern (2370 turns)
g) Studded Leather [-2,1d5]
h) a Cloak of Protection [+1,1d1]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) a Dwarf Mask of Brilliance [-2,1d1]
   It provides resistance to fire.  It lights the dungeon around
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Swordplay [+0,1d1]
   It grants you the ability: Parry.  
l) a Pair of Mithril Greaves [+0,1d2]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
m) 74 Arrows (Poisoned)
   They are branded with venom.  They can be shot 18 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).
n) 76 Arrows (+3)
   They can be shot 18 squares (with your current strength and bow).


a) 7 Mottled Herbs of Rage
b) 6 Russet Herbs of Healing
c) 4 Wrinkled Herbs of Restoration
d) 2 Murky Brown Potions of Orcish Liquor
e) 8 Vermilion Potions of Healing
f) 11 Shimmering Potions of Slow Poison
g) 8 Dark Potions of Quickness
h) a Sparkling Blue Potion of Strength
i) 4 Copper Speckled Potions of Dexterity
j) 3 Azure Potions of Constitution
k) a Brown Potion of Grace
l) a Walnut Staff of Freedom (7 charges)
m) a Mahogany Staff of Light (4 charges)
n) a Runed Staff of Revelations (3 charges)
o) an Ebony Staff of Foes (6 charges)
p) an Elm Staff of Recharging (3 charges)
q) a Mail Corslet (-1) [-3,2d5]
r) a Shadow Cloak of Protection [+3,1d1] <+2>
   It improves your stealth by 2.  It creates an unnatural
   darkness.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
s) The Kite Shield of Fingolfin (-2) [+0,1d8] <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It provides resistance
   to fear.  It sustains your constitution.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
t) The Kite Shield of Hador (-1) [+0,1d6]
   It provides resistance to cold and fire.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  
u) a Longsword of Hador's House (+1,2d7) [+1] 3.0 lb
   It grants you the ability: Follow-Through.  
v) 3 Throwing Axes (+0,2d5) {@t2} 4.5 lb
   It can be thrown effectively (9 squares).  
w) a Battle Axe of Nargothrond (-3,3d5) 5.0 lb
   It slays dragons and raukar.  It does extra damage when
   wielded with both hands.  


Angri of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 5 May 2017

   Turn     Depth   Note

    519    150 ft   ok rngesus seems normal this game
    782    150 ft   hm
    782    150 ft   some body armour would be cool
    884    200 ft   k i see sword spider i run
    952    200 ft   mewwwwwwwwwlip
    990    200 ft   my god
    990    200 ft   i swear im traumatized by deathblades
  1,098    200 ft   :O
  1,098    200 ft   cloak of protection
  1,106    200 ft   yeeees
  1,106    200 ft   got body armour
  1,109    200 ft   and a longbow!
  1,197    200 ft   4-12 protection is enough to survive for now
  1,373    250 ft   not bad not bad
  1,483    250 ft   Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher
  1,487    250 ft   hi gorgol
  1,518    250 ft   Slew Gorgol, the Butcher
  1,519    250 ft   neato
  1,521    250 ft   good ol' gorgol drops me a 1d6 broken sword
  1,526    250 ft   oh and a 3d5 battle axe
  1,526    250 ft   thats more like it
  1,527    250 ft   3 lbs too
  1,528    250 ft   not bad not bad
  1,593    250 ft   ah mewlips
  1,593    250 ft   how i loathe u
  1,612    250 ft   ok buddy u got me
  1,783    250 ft   hi sword spider
  1,783    250 ft   im ready for ya
  1,792    250 ft   ha
  1,792    250 ft   get 3 shot
  2,040    250 ft   you're splashed with acid!
  2,040    250 ft   i have 8 perception :/
  2,048    250 ft   2d6 longsword yis
  2,049    250 ft   just went from 2d7 to 2d9
  2,102    250 ft   ok this is terrible play from me
  2,123    250 ft   only reason i got away with it was being im playing nold 
  2,123    250 ft   noldor
  2,260    250 ft   oh hi
  2,260    250 ft   troll
  2,266    250 ft   (Parry)
  2,297    250 ft   4 use forge
  2,335    250 ft   hoooly
  2,335    250 ft   +2, 1d3 deflection shield
  2,828    300 ft   MOAR ORCISH POTIONS
  2,828    300 ft   GIVE ME MORE
  2,917    300 ft   oh easterlings
  2,917    300 ft   yuck
  3,088    300 ft   crebains are like my spirit animal
  3,135    300 ft   Fell through a false floor
  3,135    350 ft   oh
  3,135    350 ft   false floor
  3,135    350 ft   um
  3,203    350 ft   goodbyespears
  3,362    350 ft   noo roooom wwaaaat
  3,362    350 ft   (Lore-Keeper)
  3,362    350 ft   (Lore-Master)
  3,362    350 ft   ok lets try that again
  3,529    350 ft   2 shot an easterling
  3,642    350 ft   woah
  3,737    350 ft   (Careful Shot)
  3,787    350 ft   yiiiis
  3,787    350 ft   more orcish liquor!
  3,803    350 ft   o shit wargs
  3,868    350 ft   no rooooooom
  3,998    350 ft   6 liquors?
  3,998    350 ft   NOT ENOUGH
  4,316    350 ft   okay ring of sustenance
  4,316    350 ft   better than nothin
  4,389    350 ft   AHHH  MEWLIPP
  4,389    350 ft   GET ME OUT OF HERE
  4,492    350 ft   cloak of stealth
  4,501    350 ft   7 bottles of liquors on the wall, 7 bottles of liquor
  4,586    350 ft   3 healing herbs
  4,599    350 ft   Encountered Boldog, the Merciless
  4,600    350 ft   oh
  4,600    350 ft   boldog?
  4,600    350 ft   hi
  4,600    350 ft   well at least you dont run
  4,600    350 ft   but your soldiers will
  4,600    350 ft   AND I WANT THEIR LIQUORS
  4,600    350 ft   SO NO RUNNING
  4,623    350 ft   Slew Boldog, the Merciless
  4,623    350 ft   Found The Spear of Boldog
  4,648    350 ft   alright guys
  4,648    350 ft   feel free to come back anytime!
  4,653    350 ft   good boy
  4,673    350 ft   no no not herbs of terror
  4,673    350 ft   i want those liquors!
  4,745    400 ft   well
  4,745    400 ft   i guess 8 is okay for now
  4,761    400 ft   (Riposte)
  4,813    400 ft   okay bye
  4,813    400 ft   this level is total bs
  4,813    400 ft   oh wait thats a potion of dexterity
  4,813    400 ft   ffffff
  4,813    400 ft   i want it
  4,813    400 ft   ok lets see how we do here
  4,937    400 ft   and that is how it is done, ladies and gentleman
  4,968    400 ft   all for a potion of dexterity
  4,968    400 ft   worth?
  4,968    400 ft   (my poor liquor collection...:/)
  4,992    400 ft   oh yay
  4,992    400 ft   back to 8
  5,027    400 ft   totally calculated
  5,160    400 ft   Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord
  5,169    400 ft   okay othrod
  5,169    400 ft   okay
  5,169    400 ft   um
  5,207    400 ft   Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
  5,208    400 ft   U CANT DISARM ME!
  5,208    400 ft   ILL JUST WHIP OUT A NEW ONE
  5,208    400 ft   *WHACK*
  5,212    400 ft   spears of gondolin um
  5,212    400 ft   hmmmm
  5,212    400 ft   ehhhh
  5,219    400 ft   swordplay gauntlets better than nothing i guess
  5,273    400 ft   ohh othrod all alone
  5,273    400 ft   because he was from that one vault
  5,273    400 ft   with the 4 doors
  5,592    450 ft   9!
  5,615    450 ft   oo 2d10 glaive
  5,615    450 ft   too bad my shield's too awesome to give up
  5,653    450 ft   Encountered Uldor, the Accursed
  5,653    450 ft   oh shit
  5,653    450 ft   uldor
  5,654    450 ft   wait wat
  5,654    450 ft   is that a shadow spider
  5,666    450 ft   ffs
  5,666    450 ft   whispering shadows i bet
  5,899    450 ft   Slew Uldor, the Accursed
  6,059    450 ft   ahh
  6,059    450 ft   defender glaive
  6,059    450 ft   so tempting
  6,216    450 ft   ok wtf
  6,216    450 ft   i seriously need extra light
  6,216    450 ft   (Inner Light)
  6,321    450 ft   holy
  6,321    450 ft   whispering shadows apocalypse over here
  6,424    450 ft   2 giants
  6,680    450 ft   nope!
  6,680    450 ft   im out
  6,680    450 ft   ffs
  6,680    450 ft   (Keen Senses)
  6,941    450 ft   TY GIANT
  6,941    450 ft   TY TY
  6,941    450 ft   I LUV U
  6,941    450 ft   FINALLY A LANTERN
  7,162    450 ft   guys ok ok
  7,162    450 ft   i get it
  7,162    450 ft   u win
  7,162    450 ft   u can keep that room
  7,352    500 ft   Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  7,362    500 ft   WHY U 
  7,362    500 ft   STUPID
  7,362    500 ft   TROLL
  7,362    500 ft   NOW I ONLY HAVE 8
  7,396    500 ft   oh wow
  7,396    500 ft   orcobol actually fled down the stairs
  7,396    500 ft   fml
  8,091    500 ft   WAT ARE YOU SO SCARED OF
  8,098    500 ft   i only have 2 light
  8,098    500 ft   not sure why the orcs are all running
  8,457    550 ft   ahh +0 str rings so nice
  8,457    550 ft   never have to worry about grave wights again
  8,557    550 ft   ye knew it
  8,557    550 ft   hate this vault
  8,577    550 ft   hm
  8,577    550 ft   wonder why it woke up this time
  8,636    550 ft   (Finesse)
  8,716    550 ft   Encountered Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  8,716    550 ft   wow
  8,756    550 ft   Destroyed Duruin, Least of the Balrogs
  8,806    550 ft   (Clarity)
  9,068    550 ft   Found The Longsword 'Orcrist'
  9,074    550 ft   orcrist hi again
  9,408    550 ft   Encountered Ulfang the Black
  9,410    550 ft   oh ulfang
  9,410    550 ft   (Rauko-Bane)
  9,462    550 ft   Slew Ulfang the Black
  9,564    550 ft   whew
  9,564    550 ft   ring of frost
  9,564    550 ft   nice
 10,007    600 ft   (Hardiness)
 10,300    600 ft   oh deathblade
 10,300    600 ft   i was expecting u actually
 10,642    600 ft   gauntlets of strength
 10,642    600 ft   but i have no need for str right now
 10,642    600 ft   maybe if it was fine
 10,734    600 ft   holy
 10,734    600 ft   i riposted a deathblade haha
 10,774    600 ft   bit of a disappointing vault
 10,876    600 ft   nice elemental resistance
 10,876    600 ft   i have way too many staves
 10,876    600 ft   _freedom, _light, _rev, _foes, _recharging
 11,036    600 ft   eeeey
 11,036    600 ft   ring of warmth
 11,036    600 ft   got the double resists 
 11,337    650 ft   (Poison Resistance)
 11,337    650 ft   (Zone of Control)
 11,557    650 ft   oh thats a deathblade
 11,557    650 ft   forgot what _foes showed
 11,557    650 ft   thought it was a shadow spider
 11,589    650 ft   are deathblades not created equally?
 11,589    650 ft   why is this one kicking my butt?
 11,720    650 ft   whew
 11,720    650 ft   tough bastard
 12,159    650 ft   huh
 12,159    650 ft   dwarf mask of brilliance
 12,372    700 ft   YES
 12,372    700 ft   _foes detected umuiyan spawned inside one of those 4 
 12,372    700 ft   door vaults
 12,372    700 ft   no running away this time
 12,372    700 ft   most dangerous thing on this level definitely the cold 
 12,372    700 ft   drake
 12,372    700 ft   gilim here too
 12,414    700 ft   Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 12,419    700 ft   Slew Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 12,656    700 ft   (Song of the Trees)
 12,915    700 ft   Found The Kite Shield of Hador
 12,916    700 ft   lame
 12,916    700 ft   i dont want hador
 12,923    700 ft   well actually...
 12,923    700 ft   itsnot bad
 12,923    700 ft   if i find some better rings
 12,923    700 ft   what to drop...
 12,925    700 ft   i guess elemental resistance useless now
 13,145    700 ft   hello my nightmare
 13,145    700 ft   how r u
 13,208    700 ft   Found The Serpentine Ring of Barahir
 13,231    700 ft   that wasn't too bad
 13,231    700 ft   just needed 1 orcish liquor and a few hits
 13,231    700 ft   orcrist isn't half bad
 13,253    700 ft   small jewelled chest and ring of barahir are my prize
 13,253    700 ft   lets open dat chest :D
 13,257    700 ft   HOLY
 13,257    700 ft   what a sword
 13,258    700 ft   (+1,2d7) longsword of hador's house
 13,288    700 ft   not sure what to drop
 13,299    700 ft   holy
 13,299    700 ft   36 difficulty if i were to craft it as a smith
 13,299    700 ft   thats artefact level!
 13,300    750 ft   hm perhaps i shouldve kept my digger
 13,312    750 ft   belegwath and smaug both on this level fml
 13,388    750 ft   mithril
 13,388    750 ft   but kinda useless since i dont have smithing
 13,388    750 ft   wait why do i have 4 light radius?
 13,388    750 ft   dwarf mask of brill (1)
 13,388    750 ft   brass lantern (2)
 13,491    750 ft   huh
 13,546    750 ft   i feel like if i walk inside
 13,546    750 ft   im gonna get shut in by that grotesque and be stuck here 
 13,838    750 ft   Encountered Smaug the Golden
 13,838    750 ft   smaug hi
 13,839    750 ft   uhhh
 13,839    750 ft   idk if this is worth it
 13,878    750 ft   yea i dont think its worth it to fight smaug right now
 14,067    750 ft   another 2d7 sword of hador's house
 14,067    750 ft   under another young cold drake
 14,143    750 ft   Found The Kite Shield of Fingolfin
 14,149    750 ft   oook
 14,149    750 ft   kite shield of fingolfin
 14,149    750 ft   havent seen that in a while
 14,149    750 ft   IDK WHAT TO DROP
 14,149    750 ft   LOL
 14,153    750 ft   bleh its not too great atm
 14,177    750 ft   Found The Longbow 'Belthronding'
 14,179    750 ft   and now belthronding
 14,179    750 ft   gg inv management
 14,179    750 ft   u win

  ['Score' 015085821]

Posted on 5.5.2017 19:28
Last updated on 5.5.2017 23:11

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1115. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)

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Worst spawn in recent memory
I think there's a name for situations like these


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On 5.5.2017 20:31 protopulse wrote:
Is it just me or is Duruin way too strong for his natural depth? For being the least of the Balrogs, he's an absolute terror. (+18, 2d12) is not exactly something anyone with the typical stats for 600 feet can take on. That's 3d12 without fire resist. Coupled with the fact that he never spawns on 600 feet (it's always 450-550 for me), it just seems like a bad idea to ever pick a fight with him.

Flanking+!quickness + !dexterity + _earthquake or some combo thereof is about the only thing that can take him out reliably that I'm aware of. I have !elemental resistance and !dexterity this game and can probably take him out (I also have a lot of healing sources), but if I was not on Noldor, I'd probably have to just run.

On 5.5.2017 20:32 protopulse wrote:
Another thing is you could have rauko-bane up and running by the time Belegwath, Turkano, or even Delthaur shows up. Duruin? Not a chance.

On 5.5.2017 20:33 protopulse wrote:
Can't count on finding _earthquake, horn of thunder, or nargothrond weapons to begin with.

On 5.5.2017 21:37 debo wrote:
Balrogs are supposed to be way too powerful for their depth. You don't have to kill everything!

I almost never find it worth it to fight Duruin, midgame is usually an awkward transition point for many builds and there are many more uniques with good drops later on.

On 5.5.2017 21:40 debo wrote:
What's your reasoning behind putting so much experience into evasion so early? Usually on fighter builds I increase melee much more than evasion. Then again, I almost always take dodging and flanking before 500', so I do end up with effective evasion close to what you have now, I guess.

On 5.5.2017 22:31 protopulse wrote:
Hey debo. I put emphasis on evasion because I run mostly evasion-based builds (sometimes with protection as low as 3-6 or lower). So evasion is basically my lifeline.

The idea with all that evasion is to survive the early game and mid game heavy-hitting threats with low to-hit. I don't trust protection rolls to save me against giants or snow trolls, for instance, especially because certain vaults tend to spawn them in packs. Early game, it's mostly for orc soldiers, warriors, and champions. That said, I did try protection builds before, and they're not bad by any means. Just not what I usually run. Plus they struggle against the oathwraiths and whispering shadows. Probably other stuff in there too, but critical resistance negates most of them.

If there's a boots [0,1d1] or a fine greaves that's [-1,1d3], I'll take the boots still. Same for any other gear type unless there's an enchantment on there that I need.

I do carry around a mail corslet or hauberk still, for fights against 2 dice enemies with high to-hit or against archers, or if I'm in a pit/surrounded so my evasion's trashed.

As for trying to kill everything, I guess it's just something I aim for because I mostly run smiths, and they have this rhythm that you need to follow and if you get off track, you'll start missing core power spikes due to lack of forges. Not a fun situation to be in. You also miss potential game-changing artefacts, which is minor, but still not optimal. So far, I think I've done a really good job at it. It's tougher to do on the more challenging races though. Had a few cases where I realized it was leave the level or die, and I had to do just that.

On 5.5.2017 22:36 protopulse wrote:
Forgot to take a screencap of a really amusing moment where I walked into a vault full of easterling spies and a chest in the middle. The easterling spies were shooting at me but I didn't care since they weren't really landing too many hits through my armour. So I pick up the steel chest (the one that I found out later held the shield of Hador), realized it slowed me, shrugged, started walking towards the exit, and there he was, a creeping horror.

I wasn't really worried about dying, but I knew I had to drop the chest instantly or that creeping horror might make mincemeat out of me. Kiting him around the room and staying out of his melee range was a real challenge actually, with what cramped space I had to maneuver. I could have taken him out in the room, but he started using fear and it was getting a bit sketchy, so I had to bail.

On 5.5.2017 22:37 protopulse wrote:
Trying to decide how I want to take out this young cold-drake right now. Orcrist gives me much needed evasion and to-hit. But my nargothrond axe will let me scare him with a couple hits which will make him vulnerable to throwing weapons and arrows.

On 5.5.2017 23:15 protopulse wrote:
Battleaxe of nargotrhond surprisingly hasn't been very useful...I guess my swords are just too good.

On 5.5.2017 23:16 protopulse wrote:
Longsword of Hador's House (+1,2d7) [+1] 3.0 lb one of the best swords I've ever seen.

On 5.5.2017 23:19 protopulse wrote:
I'm fairly certain I CAN take Smaug right now. I have so much healing sources ffs. And I'm willing to use both !con and !dex on him.

But inventory management is dumb so I will go start a new game. \o/

On 5.5.2017 23:59 debo wrote:
I almost always do the same with armor. I take the stuff that gives fewer evasion penalties rather than big protection dice, unless some spectacular protection gear happens to drop. That's actually the reason I never feel like I have to burn XP on evasion until much later in the game (usually around 700' or so, depending on how fast I can flank and kill cat warriors.)

I might just try spending less on evasion and dumping the xp into raw melee. If you don't buy any other evasion abilities, dodging and flanking basically gives you +3 evasion for 1500xp. That's cheaper than your 14th point of evasion, and can keep you running for quite awhile.

Anyways, if this works for you, go for it obviously. I just think that if you already have a playstyle that prioritizes killing everything, having your melee at 20+ ASAP would be very helpful.

On 6.5.2017 00:54 protopulse wrote:
It's actually the exception and not the norm for me to not take flanking, since I think it brings the most options for positioning in combat. Recently started playing around with riposte again, because it turns my evasion into offense. Anyways, I just feel the +3 evasion from dodging alone isn't enough for comfort to sink most of my XP into melee. The one nice thing about high melee and flanking, however, is that !quickness or sprinting can speed your movement and therefore attacks. The higher melee you have, the more you get out of that extra speed. Monsters won't have as many chances to hit you, so the importance of your evasion decreases.

I know heavy melee investment does work. I tried it once here ( and a bit of a different twist on it here ( But I'll have to experiment with it some more.

Another reason for the evasion focus is based on how probabilities for hit chances and evasion work. The closer your evasion is to the enemy's to-hit, and the closer your melee is to the enemy's evasion, the higher incremental gains you get for one additional point evasion or melee.

If you look at, for example, a young cold-drake. It has (+16,3d11) offense and [+11,2d4] defense. A lot of other monsters are like that as well. Like Othrod. (+15,2d9) offense and [+9,4d4] defense. Basically monster offenses are higher than their defense. So if you just want to connect hits and avoid getting hit, it's best to aim for the inverse of that (e.g. 15 evasion and 9 to-hit for Othrod).

That's only factoring to-hit and evasion probabilities though. I don't really know how to factor in protection. It could be that having a bit of protection can make it so getting higher melee (for crits or having better to-hit on heavier weapons) actually gives better results.

On 6.5.2017 02:32 protopulse wrote:
Forgot to add, the point of my evasion-focus isn't to kill things fast, but to kill things while taking the least amount of damage possible. If I kill a giant in 2 turns but take 1/3 of my HP doing it, I see that as a loss. If I kill the same giant in 8 turns, but take no damage, that's preferable.

Also learned this run that it's a bad idea to dump your digger ever. I thought I was okay just taking _freedom, but it's actually really inconvenient without that shovel.

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