The Angband Ladder: Sage, Death-Sword Monster by Sage

  [PosChengband 5.0.5 Character Dump]

 Name       : Sage                         ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Female                             STR! :    18/170
 Personality: Patient                            Int! :     18/50
 Race       : Death-Sword                        WIS  :     18/99
 Subrace    : Death Scythe                       DEX! :    18/130
 Class      : Monster                            Con! :    18/215
                                                 CHR  :    18/153
 Level      :       50                           HP   :  -69/1032
 Cur Exp    : 10944220                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    : 12906411                           AC   :       143
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +27+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :  1123580                     Melee      : Amber[7]
 Kills      :     9168                     Ranged     : Fair
 Uniques    :      219                     SavingThrow: Heroic
 Artifacts  :   62+100                     Stealth    : Superb
                                           Perception : Poor
 Game Day   :       82                     Searching  : Fair
 Game Time  :    18:20                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  : 16:19:57                     Device     : Superb
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) a Death Scythe (11d10) (+4,+5) {|AEFPS/pDoTPULZA}

              /                                       /
 Resistances  a@                         Abilities    a@
 Acid       : .+  72%                    Speed      : .#
 Electricity: .+  75%                    Free Act   : .+
 Fire       : .+  75%                    See Invis  : .+
 Cold       : .+  75%                    Warning    : ..
 Poison     : .+  72%                    Slow Digest: .+
 Light      : .+  30%                    Regenerate : .+ 200%
 Dark       : .+  45%                    Levitation : .+
 Confusion  : .+  30%                    Perm Lite  : .+
 Nether     : .+  40%                    Reflection : ..
 Nexus      : .+  40%                    Hold Life  : .+
 Sound      : .+  30%                    Dec Mana   : ..
 Shards     : ..   0%                    Easy Spell : ..
 Chaos      : .+  45%                    Anti Magic : ..
 Disenchantm: ..   0%                    Magic Skill: ..
 Time       : ..   0%                    Spell Power: ..
 Blindness  : .+  40%                    Spell Cap  : ..
 Fear       : .#   5x                    Magic Res  : ..
                                         Infravision: .+  60'
              /                          Stealth    : .+
 Auras        a@                         Searching  : .+
 Aura Elec  : ..                        
 Aura Fire  : ..                                      /
 Aura Cold  : ..                         Sustains     a@
 Aura Shards: ..                         Sust Str   : .+
 Revenge    : ..                         Sust Int   : ..
                                         Sust Wis   : .+
              /                          Sust Dex   : .+
 Slays        a@                         Sust Con   : ..
 Slay Evil  : ..                         Sust Chr   : .+
 Slay Undead: +.                        
 Slay Demon : +.                                      /
 Slay Dragon: +.                         Detection    a@
 Slay Human : +.                         Telepathy  : ..
 Slay Animal: +.                         ESP Evil   : ..
 Slay Orc   : +.                         ESP Nonliv : ..
 Slay Troll : +.                         ESP Good   : ..
 Slay Giant : +.                         ESP Undead : ..
 Slay Good  : +.                         ESP Demon  : ..
 Slay Living: ..                         ESP Dragon : ..
 Acid Brand : +.                         ESP Human  : ..
 Elec Brand : +.                         ESP Animal : ..
 Fire Brand : +.                         ESP Orc    : ..
 Cold Brand : ..                         ESP Troll  : ..
 Pois Brand : +.                         ESP Giant  : ..
 Mana Brand : ..                        
 Sharpness  : +.                                      /
 Quake      : ..                         Curses       a@
 Vampiric   : ..                         Cursed     : ..
 Chaotic    : ..                         Rnd Tele   : ..
 Add Blows  : ..                         No Tele    : ..
 Blessed    : ..                         Drain Exp  : ..
 Riding     : ..                         Aggravate  : ..
 Tunnel     : .+                         TY Curse   : ..
 Throwing   : ..                        
              a@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR! : .4  18/90  5  0 -1  0 18/170
       Int! : .5  18/80 -5  0 -1  0  18/70  18/50
       WIS  : .5  18/89 -5  0  1  0  18/99
       DEX! : .4  18/90  2  0 -2  0 18/130
       Con! : .4 18/120  5  0  2  0 18/*** 18/215
       CHR  : .3 18/123  0  0  0  0 18/153

==================================== Melee ====================================

 You    : a Death Scythe (11d10) (+4,+5)                     Accuracy
 Weight : 35.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : !Master (+20 To Hit)                                25 91%
 To Hit : 4 + 90 = 94                                         50 87%
 To Dam : 5 + 37 = 42                                         75 83%
 Blows  : 3.20                                               100 78%
 Damage                                                      125 74%
 Crits  : 1.35x (19.9%)                                      150 70%
 Normal : 451 [1.64x]                                        175 66%
 Animals: 927 [4.10x]                                        200 62%
 Good   : 767 [3.28x]                                        
 Human  : 927 [4.10x]                                        
 Undead : 1086 [4.92x]                                       
 Demons : 1086 [4.92x]                                       
 Orcs   : 1086 [4.92x]                                       
 Trolls : 1086 [4.92x]                                       
 Giants : 1086 [4.92x]                                       
 Dragons: 1086 [4.92x]                                       
 Acid   : 927 [4.10x]                                        
 Elec   : 927 [4.10x]                                        
 Fire   : 927 [4.10x]                                        
 Poison : 927 [4.10x]                                        
=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Absorb Weapon          1    0   0%                  183    0   0%
Detect Weapons         5    1   1%                    2    0   0%
Identify Weapon       10   10   1%                   22    0   0%

=================================== Essences ==================================

   Stats                  Total  Need Bonus
   Strength                  82    93    +4
   Intelligence              95   189    +5
   Wisdom                   100   189    +5
   Dexterity                 53    93    +4
   Constitution              47    93    +4
   Charisma                  29    45    +3

   Skills                 Total  Need Bonus
   To Hit                  7856  8191   +16
   To Dam                  7085  7167   +15
   To AC                    219   220   +34
   Stealth                   19    30    +3
   Speed                     33    34   +20
   Attacks                   68    96 +0.20
   Slaying                  172   192    +1
   Life                      38    49    +2
   Searching                 29    30    +3
   Infravision               17    30    +3
   Digging                  211   254    +6
   Light                     56    63    +5

   Slays                  Total  Need Bonus
   Slay Evil                 49    64      
   Slay Good                 21    16     Y
   Slay Undead               75    16     Y
   Slay Demon                83    16     Y
   Slay Dragon               45    16     Y
   Slay Human                23    16     Y
   Slay Animal               58     8     Y
   Slay Orc                  49     4     Y
   Slay Troll                45     8     Y
   Slay Giant                29     8     Y
   Brand Acid                24    24     Y
   Brand Elec                25    24     Y
   Brand Fire                26    24     Y
   Brand Cold                23    24      
   Brand Poison              24    24     Y
   Chaotic                   18    32      
   Vampiric                  28    32      
   Vorpal                    21    16     Y
   Kill Undead                2     8      
   Kill Demon                 2     8      
   Kill Dragon                1     8      
   Kill Animal                7     8      
   Kill Giant                 1     8      

   Resistances            Total  Need Bonus
   Acid                      22    30    +3
   Electricity               35    62    +4
   Fire                      32    62    +4
   Cold                      31    62    +4
   Poison                    18    21    +2
   Light                      5     9    +1
   Dark                      35    45    +3
   Confusion                  4     6    +1
   Nether                    11    21    +2
   Nexus                     14    21    +2
   Sound                      6    12    +1
   Shards                     2     4    +0
   Chaos                     28    60    +3
   Blindness                  2     6    +1
   Fear                      36    62    +4

   Abilities              Total  Need Bonus
   Free Action               81     2     Y
   See Invisible            123     3     Y
   Slow Digestion            17     2     Y
   Regeneration              50     7     Y
   Sustain Strength           8     5     Y
   Sustain Intelligence       3     5      
   Sustain Wisdom             7     5     Y
   Sustain Dexterity          6     5     Y
   Sustain Constitution       3     5      
   Sustain Charisma          10     5     Y

   ESP                    Total  Need Bonus
   Telepathy                  1     2      
   ESP Animals               43     2     Y
   ESP Undead                13     2     Y
   ESP Demon                  1     2      
   ESP Orc                   16     2     Y
   ESP Troll                 14     2     Y
   ESP Giant                 16     2     Y
   ESP Human                  3     2     Y
   ESP Good                   8     2     Y

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  99

You were killed by an Eye druj on level 99 of Angband.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  5
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 11
  Lagduf, the Snaga                        (Dungeon level:   6) - level 13
  King Mulu, the Chief of Southerings      (Dungeon level:  13) - level 14
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 22
  Mime, the Nibelung                       (Dungeon level:  21) - level 25
  Arthur Pendragon                         (Dungeon level:  30) - level 28
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 29
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 29
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 29
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 29
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 29
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 32
  Ghatanothoa                              (Dungeon level:  39) - level 35
  The King in Yellow                       (Dungeon level:  48) - level 37
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 39
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 40
  Raou the Conqueror                       (Dungeon level:  57) - level 41
  Susanoo, the Angry                       (Dungeon level:  66) - level 47
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs     (Dungeon level:  87) - level 50

  Arena:  0 Victory

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 9168 enemies including 219 unique monsters in total.

  Uniques                                  Lvl
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs      95
  Atropos, the Sister of Fate               90
  Thanatos, God of Death                    88
  Ares, the God of War                      86
  Artemis, the Moon Goddess                 86
  Surtur the Giant Fire Demon               85
  Nebiros, the Marquis                      85
  Wahha-Man the Golden                      85
  Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord               84
  Benedict, the Ideal Warrior               79
  Corwin, Lord of Avalon                    78
  Yig, Father of Serpents                   76
  Susanoo, the Angry                        76
  The Demogorgon                            75
  Y'golonac                                 75
  Ungoliant, the Unlight                    75
  Jormungand the Midgard Serpent            75
  Gerard, Strongman of Amber                74
  Tsathoggua, the Sleeper of N'kai          74
  Biketal of Fire                           73

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Hell hound of Julian       83     9     Water troll                33   351
  Tonberry                   80     1     Dark elven warlock         23   335
  Ultimate Magus             79     1     Olog                       35   315
  Lourph                     79     1     Bloodletter of Khorne      34   273
  Unmaker                    77     2     Cave ogre                  26   252
  Warp demon                 76     3     Hill orc                    8   179
  Aether hound               75     1     Dread                      42   153
  Sky Drake                  74     3     Clubber demon              40   127
  Great Wyrm of Space-Time   72     5     Algroth                    27   122
  Horned Reaper              72     1     Forest troll               17   122
  Greater demonic quylthulg  71     1     Ultra-elite paladin        45   108
  Death Scythe               70     2     Cave orc                    7   105
  Bouncing mine              70     1     Snotling                    4   104
  Steam-Powered Mechanical   69     4     Giant fire ant             35   102
  Old sorcerer               69     4     Black orc                  13   102
  Great Wyrm of Many Colour  68     9     War troll                  40   101
  Great Wyrm of Law          67     2     Nightblade                 36    99
  Grand Fearlord             65     4     Cave troll                 33    97
  Jabberwock                 65     2     Fire troll                 25    97
  Osyluth                    65     4     Plasma hound               51    95
============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 50 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off}
b) 10 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
c) 2 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}
d) 37 Potions of Curing {50% off}
e) a Scroll of Phase Door {50% off}
f) 34 Scrolls of Teleportation {75% off, @rt}
g) 18 Scrolls of Teleport Level
h) a Rod of Simplicity: Enlightenment (0/3 charges) (+3) {@ze}
i) a Rod: Detection (5/5 charges) {@z1}
j) a Rod: Detection (1/5 charges) {@z2}
k) a Rod of Holding: Recall (5/5 charges) {@zr}
l) a Rod: Restoring (2/2 charges)
m) a Wand: Teleport Other (14/15 charges)
n) a Wand of Capacity: Stone to Mud (30/37 charges) (+2)
o) a Wand: Annihilation (5/5 charges)
p) a Wand: Annihilation (10/10 charges)
q) a Wand of Regeneration: Disintegrate (5/5 charges) (+1)
r) a Staff: Destruction (4/8 charges) {@ud}
s) a Staff of Regeneration: Genocide (1/6 charges) (+4) {@ug}
t) a Staff of Capacity: Genocide (5/9 charges) (+2)
u) a Staff of Regeneration: Speed (5/5 charges) (+3)
v) a Staff: Speed (8/10 charges) {@us}
w) a Staff of Resistance: Healing (0/6 charges)
x) a Staff of Simplicity: Healing (2/6 charges) (+2)
y) a Staff: Healing (2/5 charges)
z) a Staff of Holding: Healing (7/9 charges)

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Mushroom of Restoring {!E}
b) 60 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
c) 4 Potions of Heroism
d) 24 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
e) 7 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}
f) 2 Potions of Life {!k!q}
g) 11 Potions of Restore Mana {!k!q}
h) a Potion of Strength {!k}
i) 2 Potions of Constitution {!k}
j) 5 Potions of Enlightenment
k) 2 Potions of Self Knowledge {!k}
l) 2 Potions of New Life {!*!*}

 ( page 2 )
a) 3 Scrolls of Teleport Level
b) 13 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
c) 6 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
d) 2 Scrolls of Mass Genocide {!*}
e) 4 Scrolls of Acquirement {!*}
f) a Rod: Detection (1/2 charges) {@z2}
g) a Rod: Recall (2/3 charges) {@zr}
h) a Rod: Recall (5/5 charges) {@zr}
i) a Wand: Stone to Mud (3/17 charges)
j) a Wand: Disintegrate (6/6 charges)
k) a Wand: Dragon's Flame (6/6 charges)
l) a Staff of Holding: Genocide (3/4 charges)

 ( page 3 )
a) a Staff: Speed (7/7 charges)
b) a Staff: Speed (8/8 charges)
c) a Staff: Summon Hounds (4/4 charges)
d) a Staff of Capacity: Confusing Lights (11/12 charges) (+3)
e) The Amulet of Dazzling (+5,+7) (+1) {Sl;LiShCa;FaHl A:Restore Mana Charmed 
f) The Amulet of The Goblin King (+2) {Cn;Nt;Hl(Cn A:Darkness Storm Harness of 
     the Hell}
g) The Amulet of Tin (+6,+4) (+3) {If;Ac;FaHl A:Protection from Evil Carlammas}
h) The Amulet of Faramir (+12,+0) (+3) {Sl;Cf(Dx A:Pesticide}
i) The Inro of Mito Koumon (+2) {InWiChSrIf;Si A:Reveal Identity}
j) The Incandescent Light of Edison (+3) {If[FE}
k) The Phial 'Fairie Light' (+2) {St;CfDi A:Illumination Galadriel}
l) The Phial 'Talisman' (+1) {Cn;So A:Illumination Galadriel}

 ( page 4 )
a) The Star 'Scintillator' {LiCa;Hl(Wi A:Magic Mapping and Illumination 
b) The Jewel of Judgement (+3) {SpInWi;CfCa;SiHl A:Clairvoyance and Recall}
c) The Stone 'Eye of Argon' (+2) {CnIf;Sh;Hl(Cn Lore}
d) The Levitation Stone of Laputa (+2) {SpInCh;HlLv A:Mana Ball}
e) The Stone of Life (+3) {Lf;Hl A:Restoring}
f) The Stone 'Fairie Light' (+4) {Cn;FaHl A:Teleport  Trump Card}
g) The Stone 'Lucky Star' (+2) {StSlIf;Co;Sd A:Protection from Evil  Crusaders 
h) The Meditation Stone (+2) {Wi A:Restore Mana}
i) Blue Dragon Scale Mail (Attack) (+5,+7) [40,+21] (+1) {St;El A:Breathe 
j) White Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+14] {Co A:Dragon's Frost}
k) The Chain Mail 'Skin of Dhole' (-2) [14,+9] {AcElFiCoPoSh[F Arvedui}
l) The Augmented Chain Mail of Aqua Regia (+7,+8) [16,+10] (+3) 
     {StWiSrIf;AcCfSoFe A:Trap and Door Destruction Caspanion}

 ( page 5 )
a) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2) 
b) The Metal Lamellar Armour of The Padre (+5,+5) [23,+17] (+2) {Ch;FiCa;RfLu}
c) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+2) {Cn;AcFiCoCfNxSo}
d) The T-shirt of Desert [1,+5] (+1) {In;ElFiNtBl[F I killed the GHB and all I 
     got was this lousy t-shirt!}
e) The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4) {Sl;AcElFiDkCf}
f) The Hard Leather Armour of Cleanness (-1) [6,+14] (+4) {In;PoNtSh 
     A:Protection from Evil Himring}
g) The Cord Armour 'Electron' [6,+4] (+4) {Sp;AcElFiCo[E A:Dispel Evil Sumo 
     Wrestlers Loincloth}
h) The Cord Armour 'Oozearmor' [6,+11] (+2) {Sl;AcElFiCoBlFe}
i) The Cord Armour 'Die Hard' [6,+12] (+4) {StCn;AcCf}
j) The Cloak 'Ever-Faithful' [1,+6] (+2) {St;PoCfNxCaDi Jack of Shadows}
k) The Cloak of Hyper Nature [1,+11] (+1) {CnSl;So;RfLv[M(Cn Merry}
l) The Cloak 'Poison Barrier' [1,+8] {PoSo Merry}

 ( page 6 )
a) The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] (+3) {DxCh;AcFiCo;Fa A:Recharging}
b) The Cloak of Thorongil [1,+10] {ElFiCo;FaSi}
c) The Fur Cloak of Knowledge [3,+4] (+4) {In;CfNtSh;Rf A:Resist Cold Mook}
d) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [6,+20] {AcElFiLiDkNt}
e) The Large Metal Shield 'Red Belet' [8,+18] (+3) {StDxCnSlSr;FiPoLiCfNt 
f) The Metal Cap 'Sad Giant's Shield' [3,+16] {CfNt;Si}
g) The Set of Leather Gloves 'One Million Volt' [1,+14] (+2) {InWiCnSr;Nt 
     A:Magic Missile Cammithrim}
h) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+8,+8) [1,+15] (+2) {StCn;Fa}
i) The Set of Gauntlets 'Oozearmor' [2,+20] (+4) {In;AcFi;Fa Paurnen}
j) The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurnimmen' [2,+7] {Co|Co}
k) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Vader [2,+13] (+4) {StDxCnSrIf;FaLv[T(Dx}
l) a Pair of Dragon Boots [5,+10] {AcElPoLiShCa}

 ( page 7 )
a) a Sabre (1d7) (+0,+0)
b) 2 Poison Needles (1d1) (+0,+0)
c) The Fishingpole of Taikobo (1d1) (+0,+0) {A:Fishing}
d) The Great Hammer 'Golden Hammer' (2d6) (+0,+0)
e) The Short Bow of Finndo (x2.90) (+9,+18) (+1) {Sr}
f) The Long Bow 'Heliotropic Wind' (x3) (+18,+16) (+3) {*Fi;Cf;LuXs~Good~T 
g) The Long Bow 'Hurricane' (x3.60) (+14,+10) (+4) {SpWiCn;ElBl;Bs Yoichi}
h) The Long Bow of Heracles (x3) (+12,+17) (+2) {SpStInCh;Fe|P}
i) The Light Crossbow 'Fire Thorn' (x4.10) (+5,+18) (+2) {Sr;ElFiPoSo;Lu Brand}
j) The Light Crossbow 'Shooting Star' (x3.50) (+13,+18) (+3) {Xs Hellfire}
k) The Light Crossbow of Wilhelm Tell (x4) (+40,+13) (+4) {Dx;Si/p}
l) The Harp 'Cyclcraze' (+3) {StDxChDg;CoCfNxCaDi A:Angelic Healing Daeron}

 ( page 8 )
a) The Arrow 'Cupid's Arrow' (1d4) (+0,+0)
b) The Black Arrow of Bard (8d4) (+30,+19) {/XD}

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  3628652
  Selling  :   298721
  Winnings :        0  3927373
  Purchases:  1671929
  Services :  1097580
  Stolen   :    34284  2803793

  Objects Found    :  22149
  Objects Bought   :   1223
  Objects Destroyed:   8143

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               2642     20     0  2514
  Shields                306      0     0   239
  Bows                   489      0     0    38
  Rings                  175      0     0     5
  Amulets                192      0     0     5
  Lights                  72      0     0     0
  Body Armor            1687      0     0  1318
  Cloaks                 218      0     0   153
  Helmets                301      0     0   228
  Gloves                 265      0     0   199
  Boots                  273      0     0   199
  Totals                6620     20     0  4898

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  241      3  1174    13
  Staves                 294      1  2188    28
  Rods                   222      0  2331     6
  Potions               1923    341   660   342
  Scrolls               1717    858  1260   427
  Totals                4397   1203  7613   816

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                 1998      0     0    54
  Arrows                3532      0     0   339
  Bolts                 2983      0     0   187
  Spellbooks             347      0     0    13
  Food                   435      0     4    33
  Corpses               1220      0     0  1221
  Skeletons              526      0     0   537
  Totals               11041      0     4  2384

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds   216    213   224   145
  Curing                 114     21    57    46
  Speed                  277     15    77    24
  Healing                 83      4    43    10
  *Healing*               18      0     8     1
  Life                     2      0     0     0
  Restore Mana            11      0     0     1
  Restore Life Levels     80      4     4     0
  Strength                24      0    19     1
  Intelligence            20      0    18     5
  Wisdom                  12      1    13     0
  Dexterity               20      0    20     0
  Constitution            20      0    14     0
  Charisma                22      0    22     2
  New Life                 4      1     2     0
  Experience               3      0     3     0
  Totals                1923    341   660   342

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall         156     36    38    24
  Identify               247      3    17    12
  Remove Curse            22     11    11     4
  *Remove Curse*          13      0     2     0
  Teleportation          452    659   981    95
  Teleport Level          41      5    21    10
  Destruction             22      1     2     0
  Genocide                10      0     2     2
  Mass Genocide            2      0     0     1
  Forest Creation          2      0     0     0
  Banishment               3      0     0     0
  Acquirement              4      1     1     0
  *Acquirement*            1      0     1     0
  Totals                1717    858  1260   427

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            18      1   636     0
  Teleport Other          27      1   388     1
  Dragon's Frost          12      0     0     1
  Dragon's Flame          20      0    29     1
  Dragon's Breath          4      0     0     0
  Meteor                   9      0     0     1
  Whirlpool                2      0     0     0
  Disintegrate             2      0     3     0
  Totals                 241      3  1174    13

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                19      0     0     3
  Enlightenment           17      1   289     1
  Telepathy               12      0   117     4
  Speed                   11      0   246     2
  Destruction             14      0    86     2
  Healing                  5      0   136     0
  Genocide                 3      0    14     0
  Mana Storm               1      0     0     0
  Totals                 294      1  2188    28

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             2      0     1     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     3      0     5     0
  Detect Monsters          6      0   202     0
  Illumination             5      0    38     0
  Recall                  22      0   593     1
  Detection               10      0  1265     0
  Enlightenment            9      0   227     0
  Sound Ball              15      0     0     0
  Heroic Speed             3      0     0     0
  Restoring                1      0     0     0
  Shard Ball               1      0     0     0
  Totals                 222      0  2331     6

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks       144      0     0     0
  Fourth Spellbooks       21      0     0     1
  Totals                 347      0     0    13

  Egos Found    :   2696
  Egos Bought   :     17
  Egos Destroyed:    466

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           15      0     1
  Ring/Amulet (Defende    12      0     2
  Boots of Elvenkind       5      0     1
  Boots of the Sprite      5      0     0
  Boots of Speed           2      0     0

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals               2095  22.8%
  Breeders               135   1.4%
  Demons                 827   9.0%
  Dragons                913   9.9%
  Giants                 372   4.0%
  Hounds                 834   9.0%
  Humans                 643   7.0%
  Orcs                   751   8.1%
  Trolls                1499  16.3%
  Undead                 740   8.0%
  Uniques                219   2.3%

  Evil Monsters         6319  68.9%
  Good Monsters          292   3.1%
  Neutral Monsters      2561  27.9%

  Totals                9168

================================ Last Messages ================================

You failed to use the device properly.
The Lourph attacks the Phase spider: It bites. The Phase spider falls 
asleep! It bites. The Phase spider dies. The Leng spider resists!
The Phase spider blinks away.
The Phase spider attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses.
The Phase spider commands you to return.
The Phase spider blinks away. (x2)
The Phase spider attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses.

You leave a trap detected zone. You have 34 Scrolls of Teleportation 
{75% off, @rt}.
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. (x2)
The Skull druj gestures fluidly. You are engulfed in a whirlpool. 1 of 
your Potions of Curing {50% off} (d) was destroyed! You stand your 
The Eye druj tries to cast a spell, but fails.
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press 
Space to continue.
The Eye druj magically summons an undead adversary! (x2)
The Hand druj tries to cast a spell, but fails.
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. The Archlich is immune. The Dread is 
immune. You stand your ground! *Ouch!*

Note: ow

             T                          s         
               p    ##########~~       #s#        
                    #...L@G.~~~~  ssssssssssss    
                    #.#####~~~~~       #s#        
                    #                   s         
                 P                      s         

You failed to pronounce the incantation properly.
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. The Archlich is immune. The Dread is 
immune. *Ouch!*
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. The Archlich is immune. The Dread is 
immune. You feel scared. *Ouch!*
The Eye druj magically summons an undead adversary!
The Archlich blinks away.
The Eye druj tries to cast a spell, but fails.
The Skull druj points at you, screaming the word DIE! You resist the 
The Eye druj tries to cast a spell, but fails.
The Hand druj tries to cast a spell, but fails.
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. The Dread is immune. The Nightcrawler 
is immune. *Ouch!*
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. The Dread is immune. The Nightcrawler 
is immune. You stand your ground! *Ouch!*
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. The Dread is immune. The Nightcrawler 
is immune. You stand your ground! *Ouch!*
The Eye druj casts a nether ball. The Dread is immune. The Nightcrawler 
is immune.
             T                          s         
                    ##########~~       #s#        
               p    #....@G.~~~~  ssssssssssss    
                    #.#####W~~~~       #s#        
                    #                   s         
                   L                    s         
                 P                      s         
 You die. Goodbye, Sage!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Small Levels:       Sometimes
 Easy Identify:      On
 Easy Lore:          On
 Wilderness:         Off
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Ironman Quests:     Enabled
 Random Artifacts:   Half

Posted on 4.5.2017 04:50
Last updated on 5.5.2017 07:14

Download this dump

3141. on the Ladder (of 19032)
289. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
11. for this player (


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On 4.5.2017 04:50 Sage wrote:
Gotta get them essences.

On 4.5.2017 19:05 krazyhades wrote:
Too bad (but actually thank god) that you can't get the golden hammer on-hit ability by eating it.

On 5.5.2017 02:57 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
What was the Golden Hammer's on-hit ability anyway? I always thought the Golden Hammer was junk

On 5.5.2017 06:51 Sage wrote:
Still no rDis.

On 5.5.2017 07:14 Sage wrote:
That solves that problem.

On 5.5.2017 21:50 krazyhades wrote:
Hugo it hits with touch to steal and teleport away

On 5.5.2017 21:50 krazyhades wrote:
and yeah it is junk

On 5.5.2017 22:01 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
> Hugo it hits with touch to steal and teleport away

Never knew that

On 6.5.2017 01:57 krazyhades wrote:
Yeah one of those many weird hidden pcb things that pops out while browsing the code but that you'd be very unlikely to chance into discovering...

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