The Angband Ladder: Galacir, Naugrim Nogrod no-class by protopulse

  [Sil 1.3.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Galacir       Age      148       Str   4 =  3          +1
 Sex    Male          Height   4'4       Dex   1 =  2          -1
 Race   Naugrim       Weight   159       Con   5 =  4          +1
 House  Nogrod                           Gra   3 =  3  +1      -1

 Game Turn    7,419   Melee (+11,3d11)   Melee       11 = 10  +1  -1  +1
 Exp Pool       596   Bows    (+2,1d9)   Archery      2 =  0  +1  +2  -1
 Total Exp   19,596   Armor  [+14,3-9]   Evasion     14 = 10  +1  +3
 Burden       118.6                      Stealth      2 =  0  +1  +1
 Max Burden   207.3   Health     -3:49   Perception   6 =  3  +3
 Depth         450'   Voice      34:34   Will         4 =  1  +3
 Min Depth     350'                      Smithing    15 =  8  +3  +2  +2
 Light Radius     2                      Song         3 =  0  +3

 You are the only child of a Dwarven Craftsman. You are the black sheep
 of the family. You have dark brown eyes, straight brown hair, a three
 foot beard, and a dark complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You have gorged yourself!
> You can't eat or drink any more until you recover.
> You have 2 Black Herbs of Rage (a).
> Ulfang the Black misses you.
> You miss Ulfang the Black.
> Ulfang the Black hits you!
> You hit Ulfang the Black.
> The Easterling spy shouts for help.
> Ulfang the Black hits you!
> Low hitpoint warning!
> You are too full to drink it.
> You miss Ulfang the Black.
> Ulfang the Black hits you!
> You die.




a) a Battle Axe of Doriath (-3,3d7) 4.0 lb
   It slays wolves and spiders.  It does extra damage when
   wielded with both hands.  
b) a Shortbow (+0,1d7) 2.0 lb
   It can shoot arrows 13 squares (with your current strength).
c) a Jade Ring of Accuracy (+2)
d) a Ruby Ring of Evasion [+2]
e) a Sea Shell Amulet of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  
f) a Brass Lantern of Brightness (4655 turns)
   It burns brightly, increasing your light radius by an
   additional square.  
g) Leather Armour [-1,1d4]
h) a Shadow Cloak [+3] <+2>
   It improves your stealth by 2.  It creates an unnatural
i) (nothing)
j) a Great Helm of Clarity [-1,1d3]
   It provides resistance to confusion, stunning, and 
k) a Set of Gloves of the Forge <+2>
   It improves your smithing by 2.  
l) a Pair of Boots [+0,1d2]
m) 82 Arrows
   They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) 71 Arrows
   They can be shot 13 squares (with your current strength and bow).


a) 2 Black Herbs of Rage
b) 4 Mottled Herbs of Healing
c) a Dark Green Herb of Restoration
d) 2 Russet Herbs of Weakness
e) 6 Murky Brown Potions of Orcish Liquor
f) 2 Sky Blue Potions of Clarity
g) a Dark Green Potion of True Sight
h) 2 Black Potions of Slow Poison
i) 4 Emerald Potions of Quickness
j) a Milky White Potion of Strength
k) a Sparkling Blue Potion of Dexterity
l) 2 Bright Orange Potions of Poison
m) 3 Green Potions of Blindness
n) an Ivory Staff of Light (5 charges)
o) a Brass Lantern (6877 turns)
p) a Lesser Jewel of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  
q) a Mail Corslet of Venom's End (-1) [-3,2d4]
   It provides resistance to poison.  
r) a Cloak [+1]
s) a Crown of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It cannot be harmed by the
t) a Helm of Defiance [-1,1d2] <+1>
   It improves your will by 1.  It provides resistance to fear.  
u) a Bastard Sword of Final Rest (-2,3d3) [+1] 4.5 lb
   It slays undead.  It grants you freedom of movement.  It does
   extra damage when wielded with both hands.  
v) The Spear of Boldog (+0,1d10) {@t1} 5.0 lb
   It slays wolves.  It provides resistance to fear.  It can be
   thrown effectively (5 squares).  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It does extra damage when wielded with both hands.
   It counts as a type of polearm.  
w) 7 Throwing Axes (+0,2d4) {@t2} 10.5 lb
   It can be thrown effectively (11 squares).  


Galacir of the Naugrim
Entered Angband on 29 Mar 2017

   Turn     Depth   Note

    172     50 ft   (Armoursmith)
    172     50 ft   (Jeweller)
    172     50 ft   (Enchantment)
    338     50 ft   Made a Set of Gloves of the Forge <+2>  0.5 lb
    469     50 ft   Made a Ruby Ring of Evasion [+2]  0.1 lb
    600     50 ft   Made a Jade Ring of Accuracy (+2)  0.1 lb
    977    100 ft   (Eye for Detail)
  3,706    300 ft   Made a Crown of Grace <+1>  3.0 lb
  3,858    300 ft   Made a Lesser Jewel of Grace <+1>  0.1 lb
  4,023    300 ft   Made a Sea Shell Amulet of Grace <+1>  0.1 lb
  4,375    350 ft   Encountered Boldog, the Merciless
  4,559    350 ft   Slew Boldog, the Merciless
  5,362    400 ft   (Artifice)
  5,557    400 ft   Found The Shortsword of Amrod
  6,550    400 ft   Found The Spear of Boldog (from 350 ft)
  7,310    450 ft   (Keen Senses)
  7,379    450 ft   Encountered Ulfang the Black
  7,382    450 ft   (Finesse)

  7,419    450 ft   Slain by Ulfang the Black.
  7,419    450 ft   Died on 29 March 2017.

  ['Score' 009092581]

Posted on 29.3.2017 18:46
Last updated on 29.3.2017 21:56

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1765. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)

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On 29.3.2017 18:59 protopulse wrote:
Nothing too noteworthy about this run. Although inventory problems are getting frustrating...

I was short around 1k XP to get my loremaster artefact on the 300 feet forge. If only that forge spawned on 350 feet. But earlier 2nd forges means I get more forges total, or at least that's how I think forge gen works, so it can't be all bad.

I have 2 unidentified amulets, 2 unidentified brass lanterns, and a 1d10 spear dropped by Boldog that is apparently NOT the spear of Boldog. By process of elimination, I think it's Nargothrond...but I thought Boldog wouldn't drop something like that? If it's Nargothrond, then I actually want to have it around for when I get deep enough to encounter raukos.

I want to ID my herbs and potions so bad, but in IDing them I'd be wasting precious resources. Also have a 3d5 axe in front of me that I am not sure is cursed or not. And a (+1, 1d7) [+1] special shortsword...I don't know where that orc thief got all of this, but I can tell he's been busy.

If that aspen staff is actually _sanctity, I can of course start ruling out which brass lantern is flickering shadows and which one is true sight, but if I guess wrong and it's not _sanctity, I'll be set back even further.

As of right now, I'm literally camping out here in the middle of the dungeon because of so much crap I want the ID XP for but can't, and have no idea what to drop. Praying for a forge on this floor, but I doubt there is one since I just had one roughly 2000 turns ago.

On 29.3.2017 19:09 protopulse wrote:

On 29.3.2017 19:15 protopulse wrote:
Other than inv problems, this run is actually going really well...but I'm actually getting tilted by constantly having to stop and think about what to drop and keep instead of concentrating on more interesting matters.

On 29.3.2017 19:21 protopulse wrote:
I don't know if others do this, but I pump evasion before melee because I noticed how there are a lot of monsters in the 400-600 feet range that hit hard but have trouble landing hits (giants, snow trolls, mountain trolls). They're not particularly good at dodging either so you don't need a whole lot of melee to kill them. Also good for Boldog since he has +12 to-hit and 1d15 damage dice, meaning as long as he doesn't crit, you should be okay.

On 29.3.2017 20:28 protopulse wrote:
OH! Boldog only does extra damage to wolves. It's not the same as Doriath weapons. No wonder it didn't proc on the spiders.

On 29.3.2017 21:09 protopulse wrote:
Need some tips here.

What can I do here to survive? I'm fairly certain there's a forge on this floor, so running to stairs is the last thing I want to do.

Most of my inventory is STILL un-ID'ed. That includes !quickness, !dexterity, !healing, basically anything that could help. However, I do have 7 !orcish liquors and a helm of clarity meaning that I will not get stunned for healing through those. And I have 3 herbs of rage.

So what happened was I was sneaking around on a new level (450 feet). First encountered a Sulrauko and had to get (keen senses) to get vision of it. I then walked up and wanted to go left (which is the corner of the map and therefore probably the safest to explore first on an unexplored level. But I got blinded by the flash trap trying to disarm it. Heard several shouts, so I backed up and waited for my vision to recover. Now that it's recovered, I went up to check what's goin on, and there I see an Easterling spy (expected), whispering shadow (annoying but manageable), some Easterling warriors (piece of cake), and Ulfang, who was 150 feet out of depth and could shred me to pieces with little effort as far as I can tell.

Ulfang has (19, 2d8) offense and [13, 4d4] defense. I have (10, 3d10) and [13, 4-13]. I can swap to the leather armour for 2 more evasion and 1 more melee though. And I have 1900 XP lying around, that I could use to perhaps get finesse or power, and an extra stat point in either evasion or melee.

Aside from that, I don't know how to get over that flash trap without risking getting blinded again, what's above me, or what's on the rest of the level. I can't very much find a nice little corridor to take this fight either. And I really do not want to fight Ulfang surrounded by his entourage, even if I use a herb of rage. His attack is high enough as it is.

On 29.3.2017 21:32 protopulse wrote:
Slowness, blindness, poison, and confusion potions are all still un'ID' I'm not sure trying out random potions would be a great idea. Could also hit gorged by accident and not be able to drink anything.

On 29.3.2017 21:57 protopulse wrote:
Could have lived if I wasn't gorged (and I was only gorged because of inv management issues). I wouldn't have ate those dark bread and lembas if I had room for them in my inventory. AHHH RIP.

On 29.3.2017 23:36 ripforareason wrote:
Why not stop taking Jeweller early and start with armorsmith and enchantment, and then make a crown at your second forge? Artifice will only cost you 500 XP in this scenario.

On 30.3.2017 01:01 protopulse wrote:
Reasoning is basically that going jewelry on the first forge gives you more flexibility. You aren't going to find better jewelry anytime soon, and even if you do, you're too scared to wear it because of the chance that it is a cursed <-1> dex or str ring. Armorsmith start also doesn't give you as much of an edge in combat.

You could make maybe leather armour or mail corslet of protection, but that's hardly better than what you could find in the dungeon. Or perhaps a leather armour of resilience. But you'll have trouble finding a way to restore that con drain for a while. The best thing you can make as an armorsmith/enchantment start is the shield of deflection, but that's basically forcing yourself to go with a 1H'er or 1 and a 1/2H'er. I actually find 2H'ers stronger in most scenarios, especially axes because of dwarven affinity (and extra damage side in comparison to bastard swords). I bet if you couple charge/power with it, you could do some serious damage. I just never find the XP for it. Feels like I'm constantly in a XP deficit either buffing combat stats or smithing so I could craft what I want by the next forge. Could make boots of free action or a helmet of defiance/brilliance too, but again, those don't give you as much of an edge in combat as jewelry do. I could give it a try again and see if I have better luck with the armoursmith start, but on paper, my build seems logically sound.

I think the largest issue is just that force generation and map generation is so unreliable. Sometimes I get half the level blocked by rubble before I get access to a digger. Sometimes I find chasms. Sometimes the forge just doesn't spawn. Sometimes it spawns too early. Like my current game, I found a 3 use forge on 50 feet, a 3 use forge on 100 feet, and then another 3 use forge on 150 feet. Okay, my smithing kit's done. Okay, I have good resists and equipment now. But there was just no way I was going to have enough experience to get artifice to make my loremaster item that early. I put a total of 2000 XP into combat total (4 points in melee, 4 points in evasion). Everything else went to smithing.

I think all in all, what's most important in smithers is actually flexibility. It'll take quite a few runs before I get a good sense of how to allot XP in the early game so that I'm not going to die if I suddenly meet Boldog or a pack of out of depths wargs, and still be able to make meaningful items at forges. I'm thinking about getting loremaster through the perception tree instead of through the artefact if I find a 2 use forge instead of a 3 use forge, but as always XP is so tight, and I feel like I never have enough because unique packs are scary as shit.

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