The Angband Ladder: Galacir, Naugrim Nogrod no-class by protopulse

  [Sil 1.3.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Galacir       Age      148       Str   2
 Sex    Male          Height   4'4       Dex   3
 Race   Naugrim       Weight   159       Con   5 =  5  +1  -1
 House  Nogrod                           Gra   2

 Game Turn   14,740   Melee  (+20,2d6)   Melee       20 = 14  +3  +2  +1
 Exp Pool     2,641   Bows    (+4,2d7)   Archery      4 =  0  +3  +2  -1
 Total Exp   39,441   Armor [+24,4-12]   Evasion     24 = 13  +3  +8
 Burden        89.1                      Stealth      4 =  0  +3  +1
 Max Burden   144.0   Health     -2:49   Perception   7 =  5  +2
 Depth         700'   Voice      28:28   Will         8 =  6  +2
 Min Depth     600'                      Smithing    16 =  9  +2  +3  +2
 Light Radius     1                      Song         8 =  6  +2

 You are the only child of a Dwarven Craftsman. You are the black sheep
 of the family. You have dark brown eyes, straight brown hair, a three
 foot beard, and a dark complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You hear a door being smashed open.
> You have a Willow Staff of Revelations (9 charges) (m).
> It claws you!!
> Low hitpoint warning!
> You have been given a cut.
> It bites you.
> An unseen foe blocks your way.
> You miss it.
> It claws you...
> It claws you!!
> You die.


    f ###
  f T@f  
    H ###


a) a Throwing Axe of Final Rest (+0,2d5) {@t2} 1.5 lb
   It slays undead.  It can be thrown effectively (8 squares).  
   It grants you freedom of movement.  
b) a Longbow of Gondolin (+0,2d5) 2.5 lb
   It slays orcs and trolls.  It can shoot arrows 20 squares
   (with your current strength).
c) a Pearl Ring of Accuracy (+2)
d) a Jade Ring of Evasion [+2]
e) an Ivory Amulet of Constitution <+1>
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It sustains your 
f) a Brass Lantern of True Sight (2980 turns)
   It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination.  It
   grants you the ability to see invisible creatures.  
g) Leather Armour of Protection [-1,1d6]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Shadow Cloak of Stealth [+4] <+3>
   It improves your stealth by 3.  It creates an unnatural
i) a Round Shield of Deflection [+2,1d3]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) The Crown 'Fortitude' [+1]
   It provides resistance to cold, fire, and fear.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  
k) a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of the Forge [+0,1d1] <+3>
   It improves your smithing by 3.  It cannot be harmed by the
l) a Pair of Mithril Greaves of Free Action [+0,1d2]
   It grants you freedom of movement.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  
m) The Arrow 'Dailir' (+11)
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It can be shot 20
   squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) 36 Arrows of Piercing
   They cut easily through armour.  They can be shot 20 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).


a) a Yellow Herb of Rage
b) 3 Grey Herbs of Restoration
c) a Murky Brown Potion of Orcish Liquor
d) 4 Green Potions of Clarity
e) a Shimmering Potion of Healing
f) a Vermilion Potion of Voice
g) 5 Bright Orange Potions of Slow Poison
h) an Emerald Potion of Quickness
i) 4 Yellow Potions of Strength
j) 2 Crimson Potions of Dexterity
k) a Copper Speckled Potion of Constitution
l) a Golden Potion of Grace
m) a Willow Staff of Revelations (9 charges)
n) a Sea Shell Amulet of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It sustains your grace.  
o) a Lesser Jewel of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  
p) a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness
   It burns brightly, increasing your light radius by an
   additional square.  
q) a Robe of Venom's End [+1]
   It provides resistance to poison.  
r) a Crown of Grace <+1>
   It increases your grace by 1.  It cannot be harmed by the
s) The Dwarf Mask of Galacir [-2,1d2] {@w2}
   It provides resistance to fire.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It grants you the ability: Lore-Master.  
t) a Longsword (Defender) (+0,2d6) [+2] 3.0 lb
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
u) a Glaive of Nargothrond (-2,2d9) [+1] 6.0 lb
   It slays dragons and raukar.  It requires both hands to wield
   it properly.  It counts as a type of polearm.  
v) 2 Throwing Axes of Final Rest (+0,2d5) {@t2} 3.0 lb
   They slay undead.  It can be thrown effectively (8 squares).  
   It grants you freedom of movement.  
w) a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3> 13.0 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 3.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  


Galacir of the Naugrim
Entered Angband on 23 Mar 2017

   Turn     Depth   Note

     54     50 ft   (Armoursmith)
     54     50 ft   (Jeweller)
     54     50 ft   (Enchantment)
    663     50 ft   Made a Set of Gloves of the Forge <+2>  0.5 lb
    794     50 ft   Made a Jade Ring of Evasion [+2]  0.1 lb
    925     50 ft   Made a Pearl Ring of Accuracy (+2)  0.1 lb
  2,291    200 ft   Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher
  2,333    200 ft   Slew Gorgol, the Butcher
  4,947    350 ft   (Artifice)
  4,947    350 ft   (Finesse)
  6,008    350 ft   Made The Dwarf Mask of Galacir [-2,1d2]  8.0 lb
  6,051    350 ft   (Parry)
  6,051    350 ft   (Keen Senses)
  6,782    400 ft   Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord
  6,818    400 ft   Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
  7,404    450 ft   Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  7,502    450 ft   Encountered Uldor, the Accursed
  7,532    450 ft   Slew Uldor, the Accursed
  7,765    450 ft   (Eye for Detail)
  8,121    450 ft   Made a Lesser Jewel of Grace <+1>  0.1 lb
  8,276    450 ft   Made a Sea Shell Amulet of Grace <+1>  0.1 lb
  8,405    450 ft   Made a Crown of Grace <+1>  3.0 lb
  9,310    550 ft   Encountered Ulfang the Black
  9,360    550 ft   Slew Ulfang the Black
 10,384    550 ft   (Song of Aule)
 10,384    550 ft   21 smithing
 11,313    600 ft   how do you get this thing to stop chasing me....
 11,935    600 ft   Found The Arrow 'Dailir'
 12,294    600 ft   Made a Feanorian Lamp of Brightness  1.0 lb
 12,605    600 ft   Made a Set of Mithril Gauntlets of the Forge [+0,1d1] 
                    <+3>  1.5 lb 
 12,877    600 ft   Made a Pair of Mithril Greaves of Free Action [+0,1d2]  
                    4.0 lb 
 12,883    600 ft   (Weaponsmith)
 13,032    600 ft   Made a Mattock of Belegost (-5,5d2) <+3>  13.0 lb
 13,065    650 ft   Encountered Delthaur, Balrog of Terror
 13,131    650 ft   Destroyed Delthaur, Balrog of Terror
 13,652    650 ft   wtf do i make...
 14,058    650 ft   22 smithing
 14,442    650 ft   Made The Crown 'Fortitude' [+1]  3.0 lb
 14,598    650 ft   Made an Ivory Amulet of Constitution <+1>  0.1 lb

 14,740    700 ft   Slain by a Cat warrior.
 14,740    700 ft   Died on 26 March 2017.

  ['Score' 014085260]

Posted on 24.3.2017 01:34
Last updated on 26.3.2017 17:18

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1250. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 24.3.2017 01:51 protopulse wrote:
Been a while since I played.

I actually got a Noldor Fingolfin to 600 feet before this game, but forgot to save a log file. Was extremely strong that game. I just neglected to get (inner light) and got one shot by my first encounter with a lurking horror because I assumed it was another shadow spider. I was also running a bit low on hp (I think around 15) because of an earlier encounter. Forgot if I chose not to rest or if I didn't have a chance to. I certainly did have a chance to turn the other way though considering how slow lurking horrors are. I was so strong that game that I just took care of shadow spiders by running into a corridor and force attacking.

Enough about that game. I really enjoy smithing, despite its problems. So back to trying to make a Naugrim smith work out.

This run was kinda interesting in that I did not find a helmet or a cloak until very late and so I was lacking in defenses. I also drank a potion of disconnection early on trying to ID potion of slow poison, and so was grace drained for a good while (no idea why !disconnection spawned that early).

As for the good things, I found a [+2, 1d3] round shield of deflection, very early staves of revelations/light/earthquakes, and just found a fine defender longsword. I eventually found lembas, which cured the grace drain. I also kept a shadow cloak as a swap for a +3 evasion boost (Othrod dropped a +4 version so I'm using that now). First time I've done that, and I'm surprised how good it was as long as I had at least 1 light radius. So things are starting to look up.

My turn count is a bit concerning...still need to work on that I suppose. Hopefully the revelations will make up for it when I go forge hunting later. And I just nearly died to a distended spider web once hitting 400 feet. With 2 strength, I kept trying to break out of the web, but ended up having to use my only !orcish liquor and !slow poison and still barely survive with 8 hp. Toying with the idea of forgetting about combat stats for a while and pumping perception.

On 24.3.2017 01:59 protopulse wrote:
Oh, and tips on forge hunting with _revelations are welcome. Is it optimal to keep going up and down a set of stairs between 900/950 and use up the charges immediately? Or is it better to space them out (run around a level for x number of turns even if you know there is no forge on that level) because of how forge generation works? I believe it's something like 3000 turns between forge spawns on average?

I decided to stream this game @ Will finish the rest of this game sometime later, and probalby stream that too. Wish there was a online server to play and spectate Sil, but for now, Twitch will do. Feel free to let me know if there's something I'm doing well in particular or need to work on that I'm not aware of in my gameplay.

On 24.3.2017 02:11 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Would you be able to put your streamed game onto YouTube so that we can have a look?

On 24.3.2017 02:35 protopulse wrote:
Is that link above not working?

On 24.3.2017 04:29 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
@24.3.2017 02:35
Nope. I don't know what I missing...

On 24.3.2017 06:58 protopulse wrote:
Well, that's odd. Here it is on YT.

On 24.3.2017 07:02 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
@protopulse - what do you use to record your streams, btw?

On 24.3.2017 16:01 ripforareason wrote:
You should take Eye for Detail so you don't fall through a false floor. I used to think this skill was useless, and it sort of is if you aren't a smither, but missing a forge can completely derail a smither so it's worth it.

On 24.3.2017 16:03 ripforareason wrote:
Also, your melee and evasion are pretty good, so you can probably just start jumping into chasms or taking shafts in order to get to deeper parts of Angband more quickly so you'll have more time to smith later.

On 24.3.2017 17:36 protopulse wrote:
I use OBS. Forgot about Eye for Detail. Not a bad pickup at this point considering I'm around the depth where webs and false floors start showing up a ton. Don't have too much experience with shafts. Usually I find when I take them, I'm forced to stair dance a lot which might lead to missed forges. But I am pretty strong this game...will try it out if I come across a shaft.

The things I'm worried about most at this point are cat warriors, werewolves, and lurking horrors. Cat warriors because I'm light on armor and if they exchange places with me I'll be in a lot of trouble. Werewolves because I still have no rPois. And lurking horrors because I have no desire to give them a chance to hit me due to equipment destruction, they can bash down doors, I still have no rFear, and dwarves suck at archery. I also really want free action considering my low strength.

On 25.3.2017 16:57 protopulse wrote:
Took a shaft and now I'm on 550 feet. Doing surprisingly well I must say. I'm beginning to think I had above average luck this game, even though I haven't found any artefacts yet. That (+0,2d6) [+2] longsword, [+2,1d3] shield, and Shadow Cloak of Stealth [+4] <+3> doing work.

Also found a (0, 1d8) [+2] shortsword, and thinking about getting (two weapon fighting) to make use of it. If my calculations are right, it'd be an extra (+13, 1d7) attack and I would lose 1d3 protection over it. 3-8 protection is really sketchy though...4-11 already feels low.

Had a close encounter with whispering shadows because an Easterling spy kept running around and opening all the doors so they could spread. And I was too stubborn to just leave because I saw a !strength on the floor. Had another close encounter right after reaching 450 feet where I met Orcobol and Uldor right after entering the level. A weaker character would have probably died then and there, although I did have chasms to jump off to if it really came down to the wire.

Being really careful with my staff of revelations and making sure to drop it every time I engage drakes. Still no source of rFear, rConfusion, or Free Action yet, but I now have 3 light radius thanks to a great helm of briliiance. Smithing kit is mostly done as well.

Pausing because I have too much experience and not sure how to spend it yet. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to find a forge and not be able to make anything on it because the next thing I want to make requires 24 smithing (+4 smithing war hammer) and I only have 18 atm. Also concerned that I'll begin to have problems just surviving if I pump everything into smithing and neglect combat stats. I could make lesser stuff like a +1 con amulet, leather armour of resilience, free action boots, boots of speed, gloves of strength, or helmet of clarity of course, but that'll set me back in the long run since I could probably find stuff of similar quality on the dungeon floor soon.

On 25.3.2017 17:01 protopulse wrote:
Link @ Part 2:
Link @ Part 3:

On 25.3.2017 17:15 protopulse wrote:
Just remembered I need weaponsmith before making that war hammer, which would put masterpiece to 2000 XP. Perhaps I'll go with a +3 smithing warhammer with masterpiece for 26 difficulty.

If I can find a piece of mithril somewhere...I could just make a faenorian lamp of brightness, a +3 gloves of the forge, and perhaps a mattock of belegost? No digger this late could spell trouble when I meet Kemenrauko.

It takes 2600 XP to get song of aule running (2100 XP for 6 song, 500 for aule). With 5 grace, that'd net me 11 total song, or 2 smithing.

On 26.3.2017 01:54 protopulse wrote:
Up to 23 smithing now. And I have a mithril greatsword ready to be smelt down to a faenorian lamp of brightness. Ideally I want a faenorian lamp of true sight, but that's 27 smithing. Not feasible. Things are looking good. Still not sure what I'm going to make on my next forge. I might just go ahead and make that +4 war hammer of smithing.

STILL NO ARTEFACTS THOUGH. What a strange game. I don't remember the last time I got to 600 feet without seeing a single one.

Creeping horrors are my biggest immediate concern. I have +3 arrows, but only 17 of them. I'm probably going to start seeing Kemenrauko and cat warriors soon though. Not too scared of seeing rauko uniques because I do have rFire. Unless that rauko also happens to have a way to fear/confuse/entrance me, in which case I'm doomed because I have no resists.

On 26.3.2017 03:01 protopulse wrote:
Oh and ideally I would not want to meet that one cat assassin unique. From personal experience, the only way I've been able to kill that thing was by quaffing a !quickness and running him down. And...I only have one of those. No sprinting either.

I have a lot of ,restoration so I can pretty much make anything at this point without fearing stat drain.

On 26.3.2017 03:36 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Be on the look out for Vallch, the yellow 'R'auko dude. He is god awful to fight...he basically has 3x speed.

On 26.3.2017 07:25 protopulse wrote:
Oh man, what an absolute mess. Things went to complete shit on 600 feet. I didn't even pump that much XP into smithing.

First thing to set off the chain of events was me opening a door and finding myself face to face with a death blade. On 600 feet. Oh hell no. Usually I could run a few steps and it'd stop chasing me. But not this one. Chased me a quarter of the way across the map before I bit the bullet and decided to use my only !quickness. Even that wasn't enough because it was so fast. Eventually lost it amongst some passing snow trolls, but ended up having to use some restoratives.

Not long after, I ran into an acid trap that destroyed my gloves of the forge! Same floor I see a 4 use enchanted forge. IIRC, I had up to 24 smithing (including +2 from gloves, +3 from enchanted forge, +2 from song of aule) before my gloves fell apart. But now I could no longer reach 24 (which was the sweet spot). I wanted a faenorian lamp of brightness by this point since I was holding onto that mithril greatsword for quite a while now and extra light means I can wear my shadow cloak nonstop instead of only as a swap item. I also wanted those replacement gloves of the forge for future use. If I made both of those, I would only have 2 uses left, not enough for an artefact. I decided to just give up on the artefact (could have been a strength glove with opportunist, a +4 smithing war hammer, a cloak with much needed resists, so many options). I remade and upgraded those gloves (out of mithril this time so there won't be a repeat incident), and tacked on a faenorian lamp of brightness, mithril greaves of free action, and mattock of belegost. Basically, I acted as if the forge was not enchanted and just made what I needed at the time. Still lacking a lot of resists and tools, but it's a start.

Creeping horrors weren't as big of a deal as I expected. I ended up just making sure my _rev was safe and pelted them with arrows/meleed them when they were low. Cat warriors, kemenrauko, Delthaur, serpents, and more death blades, however, were an absolute pain. Drained me of almost all of my consumables. The problem with 2 strength is I can't dent a lot of things without extended combat. And when that happens cat warriors have time to swap me into really awful situations, kemenrauko digs circles around me and let me get surrounded even in corridors, and Delthaur gets to make my life hell because he hits like a truck and I don't have rFear yet. Oh and I don't have rCold so serpent breath hurt like hell.

A death blade is preventing me from accessing a quarter of the current map. Interestingly enough, there was another 4 use forge (non-enchanted this time) on 650 feet. And...I have no idea what to make with my measly 22 smithing, unless I tack danger on it. I had a lot of XP saved up originally, but had to dump them into combat because of all those close calls. That and I wasn't expecting another forge this soon.

On 26.3.2017 07:25 protopulse wrote:
O, and I probably won't meet Vallach for a while. But thanks for the heads up.

On 26.3.2017 07:34 protopulse wrote:
Only artefact I found so far was Dailir, which is next to useless. RNGesus likes to play pranks on me. It's not April fools yet.

I'm thinking what would give me the greatest edge right now is either a robe of great speed with danger or a longsword of sharpness, with a helmet of defiance <+1> on the side. Then grab (Clarity). I have rPoison from using that Robe of Venom's End as a swap item. So poison resistance is no longer high priority.

Honestly though, I really don't want to make my great speed item this early. I want to wait until after I make that war hammer of smithing, so I can get great speed on a mithril corslet ideally, or leather armour if I can't find enough mithril. And sharpness on a vanilla longsword is not exactly game changing either. I'm reluctant to put danger on any other item because I feel like danger would just wreck me without a major power spike to compensate. I'm struggling enough as is and I have little restorative items.

On 26.3.2017 07:55 protopulse wrote:
If I get 1 more smithing somehow, I could make a robe of grace <+2>...

Part 4 @
Part 5 @

On 26.3.2017 17:18 protopulse wrote:
Dang. I screwed that up pretty hard. Who'd have thunk it was inventory management that did me in?

Dropped my staff of revelations on the floor when I saw a creeping horror. Then found myself getting attacked by a shadow. Dropped my faenorian lamp on the floor for additional lighting (since I had shadow cloak on) while I swapped to the lantern of true sight. Killed the shadow and now the creeping horror was inching ever closer. But he wasn't alone. Trolls and cat warriors are behind him. I say, well I'm gonna need that faenorian lamp and that _revelations moved to a different spot because I wasn't getting the 1v1 with the creeping horror that I wanted. So I go pick up the faenorian lamp. Realize oh shit it's dark. I guess I didn't realize just how many cat warriors were behind the horror. Because instead of rushing to turn back on the lights, I decided to try and grab my _rev first (only to realize I didn't even have the inventory space for it). Then I proceeded to lose all of my HP in 2 turns. Didn't see that burst coming. Also somehow a cat warrior got behind me and when I tried to move away from the creeping horror (which I couldn't see in the darkness but knew was slower than me), I ended up trying to attack the cat warrior and standing in place, thereby dying. Yikes. YASD.

Last part:

Gonna give this another try sometime later. I think I have the gist of it, but the second I make a poor choice, the game punishes me so hard for it. I think I'll have to drop _revs further away in the future...and perhaps not walk around with -1 light all the time?

On 26.3.2017 17:22 protopulse wrote:
Oh it wasn't a light radius of 0. I had taken off my great helm of brilliance in favor of my newly crafted artefact crown. Then swapped to the lantern of true sight (2 light radius) for the shadow. Take away the 1 from the shadow cloak. Left with 1 light radius, which isn't enough because creeping horrors generate darkness.

On 26.3.2017 17:27 protopulse wrote:
O and the reason I didn't have room for the _rev was because I swapped to a throwing axe of final rest to kill the shadow...yea...

On 26.3.2017 18:28 wobbly wrote:
My own philosophy is just to ignore equipment damaging monsters rather then fiddling with dropping. If you can't see a creeping horror don't fight it if you don't have too. If you can they're slow enough to hack & back (hit, step back, hit, step back) or even better grab distance & shoot (don't need to see them given fear resistance).

Random hypothesis: The time you waste dropping staffs of revelations is longer then the time it'll take you to find another in the long term.

On 26.3.2017 18:51 ripforareason wrote:
Should've taken eye for detail. If you hadn't gotten your gloves destroyed, you could've made a war hammer of smithing and a robe of perma-haste, along with a Feanorian lamp of brightness (why would you make one with true sight when you have keen senses and a ton of true sight potions, true sight is way overcosted) and cruised to victory. You also would've benefitted from dodging/flanking, since you can fight in open spaces with the boosted light radius.

@wobbly: what if you don't find another staff, ever? I've had smithing chars derailed by finding zero staves or having my only staff burned more than once.

On 26.3.2017 19:35 protopulse wrote:
I did have eye for detail. Didn't save me from that trap though. Yea, that enchanted 4 use forge could have done wonders for me if my gloves didn't get destroyed.

I didn't really want permahaste robes though. I was okay with permahaste robes on my archer cause he doesn't enter melee range all that often, but on a melee character, I'm more comfortable if I had a bit more protection.

I like true sight just because what I like to do is carry extra faenorian lamps with me, so the extra brightness on one lamp doesn't matter a whole lot. Keen senses doesn't detect shadows and sulrauko reliably. And the lamp also gives me rHallu and rBlindness (good against darting horrors and shadow spiders).

Agreed on the flanking/dodging combo, since that was one of the major reasons I was running low on consumables. Kemenrauko destroying terrain and cat warriors surrounding me wouldn't have happened if I just kited them out in the open. Another thing that would have been helpful is some method to deal with death blades. With my 2 str, I could barely dent them. Even if my evasion was through the roof (I think I had 28 evasion at one point), I still struggled to kill a single one even after quaffing a !dex. Now I could just avoid them, but then they zone me away from a portion of the map where a forge could be hiding. If I approach them at all, it seems they just end up chasing me forever.

On 26.3.2017 19:58 ripforareason wrote:
permahaste robe is really good for a melee character. I was skeptical of it, but it is worthwhile. If you equate 1 evasion and melee to 1d2 protection, a robe of haste [+1] easily wins out over a mail corslet of protection.

On 26.3.2017 19:59 ripforareason wrote:
Also, you would probably be better off with 3243 than 2352, having high con is overrated imo as long as you have at least 4

On 26.3.2017 22:11 protopulse wrote:
Oh, I was actually trying 3243 a little while ago. After this run, I realized 2 strength really wasn't to my liking because it took a long time to kill anything. And the 2 grace start actually makes experience rather tight early on if you want to keep up with forge gen. So yea, probably going to go with 3243 in the future.

That test run actually ended when a giant took out over half of my HP in one shot y'know, con still has its merits. Giants actually give me a lot of trouble mid game. You can't use any slay weapons on them like you could on trolls. They run when low HP (which is more of a nuisance than a real problem because they are worth quite a bit of XP). They have a ranged attack that hits around as hard as their melee. And they do 4d9 damage. That's up to 36. If you go heavy armour and neglect evasion, they'll gonna smash through your defenses. If you go evasion, then you better pray they don't land that miraculous hit. I think what I'm going to have to do is either make 2x+2 evasion rings in the beginning, or be much less frugal with my consumables and just assume the giant's gonna land a solid hit on me even if I have 8 evasion over his attack.

And I know robe of great speed is superior to the mail corslet of protection. What I meant was I'd want more protection later on, so if I make a robe of great speed with danger right now, I'd have to remake my great speed item (taking off danger and giving me additional protection). The more time I spend on the smithing planning menu, the more I realize that all of the actually good items aren't available until you hit around 30+ smithing.

On 26.3.2017 22:56 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
Don't forget about Nan...that dude has an awesome standard artifact 'Glend' that can quickly become a good two-handed weapon to the end game...except that Nan can be dangerous as hell as to fight

On 27.3.2017 01:51 protopulse wrote:
Yea Nan was on the same floor that I died on. Honestly, looking at the rest of the floor, it wasn't nearly as threatening as what I spawned into. Was something like 4 cat warriors, 1 kemenrauko, 1 creeping horror, 1 shadow, and 2 troll guards. Any one of them isn't that threatening, but when you mix them up, it becomes a nightmare.

Can't melee the creeping horror without dumping some of my equipment on the floor. Since it generates darkness, I have to watch out for my light level or it's instant KO. If I try to fight in corridors, the cat warriors will drag me out and eventually the kemen will expose my flanks. And troll guards hit real hard, but only if they actually land hits. But when the kemen and cat warriors are done with me, I'll be surrounded on all sides. Really couldn't ask for better synergy.

That's not to say I couldn't have played that better and lived. When I saw that the creeping horror wasn't alone, I should have played more carefully.

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