The Angband Ladder: n, Noldor Feanor no-class by nikheizen

  [Sil 1.3.0-mpa Character Dump]

 Name   n             Age      242       Str   2 =  1  +1
 Race   Noldor        Height             Dex   4 =  3  +1
 House  Feanor        Weight             Con   4 =  3  +1
                                         Gra   6

 Game Turn   19,579   Melee  (+20,2d8)   Melee       20 = 16  +4  -1  +1
 Exp Pool        75   Bows   (+11,2d8)   Archery     11 =  5  +4  +1  +1
 Total Exp   47,575   Armor [+17,7-21]   Evasion     17 = 14  +4  -1
 Burden        99.3                      Stealth      3 =  2  +4  -3
 Max Burden   144.0   Health     -5:41   Perception  10 =  4  +6
 Depth         750'   Voice       5:59   Will        10 =  4  +6
 Min Depth     750'                      Smithing    13 =  6  +6      +1
 Light Radius     3                      Song        21 = 15  +6

 You are one of several children of a bard from the house of Feanor.
 You have light grey eyes, straight brown hair, and a fair complexion.

  [Last Messages]

> You miss it.
> An unseen foe blocks your way.
> You miss it.
> It claws you...
> It hits you!
> You miss Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow.
> Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow misses you.
> It hits you.
> You miss Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow. <2x>
> Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow misses you.
> It hits you.
> You die.


   %:   %


a) a Mithril Longsword (+1,2d5) [+1] 2.0 lb
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
b) a Longbow of Gondolin (+0,2d5) 2.5 lb
   It slays orcs and trolls.  It can shoot arrows 20 squares
   (with your current strength).
c) an Onyx Ring of Damage <+1>
   It improves your damage sides by 1.  
d) a Moonstone Ring of Strength <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  It sustains your strength.  
e) a Dragon Tooth Amulet of Constitution <+1> {CON}
   It increases your constitution by 1.  It sustains your 
f) a Feanorian Lamp
g) a Mail Corslet of Protection (-1) [-3,2d5]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
h) a Cloak of Protection [+1,1d1]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
i) a Kite Shield of Deflection (-1) [+1,1d6]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
j) a Jewelled Crown of True Sight [+0,1d1]
   It provides resistance to blindness and hallucination.  It
   grants you the ability to see invisible creatures.  It cannot
   be harmed by the elements.  
k) a Set of Gloves of Archery [+0,1d1] <+3>
   It improves your archery by 3.  
l) The Pair of Greaves of Orodreth [-1,1d2] <+1>
   It increases your dexterity by 1.  It provides resistance to 
   fire.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  
m) 91 Arrows
   They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow).
n) 44 Arrows (+3)
   They can be shot 20 squares (with your current strength and bow).


a) 3 Mottled Herbs of Rage
b) 3 Russet Herbs of Healing
c) 3 Dark Green Herbs of Restoration
d) 4 Fragments of Lembas
e) 7 Cloudy Potions of Elemental Resistance
f) 5 Emerald Potions of Strength
g) a Shimmering Potion of Dexterity
h) a Tapered Horn of Thunder
i) an Engraved Horn of Blasting
j) an Elm Staff of Understanding (2 charges)
k) a Silver Staff of Foes (5 charges)
l) a Willow Staff of Warding (2 charges)
m) a Runed Staff of Earthquakes (1 charge)
n) a Moonstone Ring of Strength <+1>
   It increases your strength by 1.  It sustains your strength.  
o) an Emerald Ring of Warmth
   It provides resistance to cold.  
p) a Shovel (-3,2d3) <+1> 6.0 lb
   It improves your tunneling by 1.  It requires both hands to
   wield it properly.  
q) 30 Arrows (Poisoned)
   They are branded with venom.  They can be shot 20 squares
   (with your current strength and bow).
r) 30 Pieces of Mithril


Careful Shot
Keen Senses
Curse Breaking
Song of Elbereth
Song of the Trees
Song of Mastery


The Amulet of Tinfang Gelion 
The Shortsword of Amrod 
The Greatsword 'Calris' 
The Battle Axe 'Dramborleg' 
The Arrow 'Dailir' 
The Pair of Boots of Finrod 
The Pair of Greaves of Orodreth (found)
The Set of Gloves of Brethil (found)


  2 /  7  Wolf                                    
  0 /  3  Tanglethorn                             
  6 /  7  Orc                                     
  2 /  2  Grimhawk                                
  5 /  5  Orc scout                               
 13 / 14  Spider hatchling                        
  5 /  7  Orc soldier                             
  4 /  4  Madthorn                                
  5 /  5  Gorcrow                                 
 16 / 19  Orc archer                              
 12 / 17  White wolf                              
  3 /  3  Red serpent                             
  (seen)  Gorgol, the Butcher 
 33 / 47  Orc warrior                             
  5 /  6  Sword spider                            
 18 / 18  Crebain                                 
  5 /  5  Mewlip                                  
  0 /  1  Orc thief                               
  4 /  4  Nightthorn                              
  1 /  3  Green serpent                           
  7 / 14  Mountain troll                          
  6 /  6  Tattered wight                          
 14 / 15  Orc champion                            
 34 / 39  Easterling warrior                      
 17 / 18  Hummerhorn                              
  5 /  8  Orc captain                             
 32 / 45  Warg                                    
 10 / 10  Grave wight                             
  9 / 10  Dark serpent                            
  (slain) Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs 
 47 / 54  Whispering shadow                       
  8 /  9  Distended spider                        
 25 / 37  Easterling archer                       
  1 /  1  Twisted bat                             
  (slain) Othrod, the Orc Lord 
 20 / 26  Snow troll                              
  4 /  4  Lurking horror                          
 11 / 18  Giant                                   
  (slain) Uldor, the Accursed 
 10 / 10  Easterling spy                          
  2 /  3  Shadow bat                              
  9 /  9  Sulrauko                                
  6 /  6  Fire-drake hatchling                    
  (slain) Ulfang the Black 
 19 / 21  Werewolf                                
  6 /  7  Shadow spider                           
  7 /  8  Shadow                                  
  2 /  2  Sapphire serpent                        
  (slain) Gilim, the Giant of Eruman 
  5 /  5  Ruby serpent                            
 13 / 14  Ringrauko                               
  0 /  1  Deathblade                              
  (slain) Delthaur, Balrog of Terror 
 17 / 21  Cave troll                              
  2 /  3  Emerald serpent                         
  3 /  4  Oathwraith                              
 36 / 37  Cat warrior                             
  3 /  3  Amethyst serpent                        
  7 / 13  Kemenrauko                              
  3 /  7  Grotesque                               
  (seen)  Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper 
  (seen)  Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow 
  1 /  1  Adamant serpent                         
  0 /  1  Darting horror                          
  1 /  1  Ururauko                                
  0 /  1  Troll guard                             


n of the Noldor
Entered Angband on 5 Sep 2016

   Turn     Depth   Note

    544    100 ft   (Jeweller)
    673    100 ft   Made a Sapphire Ring of Accuracy (+2)  0.1 lb
    804    100 ft   Made a Sapphire Ring of Accuracy (+2)  0.1 lb
    915    100 ft   Made a Sea Shell Amulet of the Blessed Realm <+0>  0.1 
  1,515    250 ft   (Precision)
  1,541    250 ft   no
  2,508    300 ft   ow
  2,530    300 ft   lots
  2,564    300 ft   oh hi
  2,580    300 ft   Encountered Gorgol, the Butcher
  2,763    300 ft   nice
  3,194    300 ft   (Careful Shot)
  3,545    350 ft   (Song of Elbereth)
  3,930    350 ft   noo
  4,738    400 ft   nooo
  4,739    400 ft   haha
  4,909    450 ft   lot of men
  4,950    400 ft   stupid men
  5,848    400 ft   nooo
  6,168    400 ft   oh no
  6,362    400 ft   (Song of the Trees)
  6,427    450 ft   oh come the fuck on
  6,534    450 ft   Encountered Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  6,543    450 ft   why
  6,577    450 ft   why are you so scared of me
  6,631    450 ft   Slew Orcobal, Champion of the Orcs
  6,876    450 ft   baka
  7,175    450 ft   dumb
  7,384    450 ft   wow
  7,413    450 ft   lotta guys
  7,542    450 ft   ENOUGH
  7,968    450 ft   comin for u othrod
  8,107    450 ft   Encountered Othrod, the Orc Lord
  8,121    450 ft   hey
  8,121    450 ft   hm
  8,127    450 ft   (Finesse)
  8,209    450 ft   Slew Othrod, the Orc Lord
  8,214    450 ft   lame
  8,286    450 ft   whaere are the fucking lanterns
  8,516    500 ft   Encountered Uldor, the Accursed
  8,518    500 ft   you
  8,658    500 ft   Slew Uldor, the Accursed
  9,141    500 ft   why
  9,697    500 ft   Found The Pair of Greaves of Orodreth
 10,617    550 ft   Fell through a false floor
 10,617    600 ft   :c
 10,626    600 ft   what
 10,720    600 ft   (Song of Mastery)
 11,056    600 ft   where are the fucking lanterns
 11,965    550 ft   are you serious
 12,077    550 ft   nice
 12,951    600 ft   Encountered Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
 12,986    600 ft   Slew Gilim, the Giant of Eruman
 13,520    600 ft   Encountered Ulfang the Black
 13,520    600 ft   ugh
 13,539    600 ft   Slew Ulfang the Black
 14,171    650 ft   nooo
 14,430    650 ft   stop
 14,772    650 ft   Fell through a false floor
 14,772    700 ft   THANKS
 15,032    700 ft   Encountered Delthaur, Balrog of Terror
 15,032    700 ft   :c
 15,133    700 ft   UH
 15,159    700 ft   Destroyed Delthaur, Balrog of Terror
 15,165    700 ft   BRIGHTNESS
 15,283    700 ft   oh of course
 15,306    700 ft   alright
 15,456    700 ft   leave me alone
 15,500    700 ft   OHGEROHGEG
 15,500    700 ft   (Enchantment)
 15,503    700 ft   hmhmhm
 15,572    700 ft   Made a Feanorian Lamp  1.0 lb
 15,575    700 ft   WE HAVE LIGHT
 15,665    700 ft   Made an Emerald Ring of Warmth  0.1 lb
 15,760    700 ft   Made a Chalcedony Ring of Free Action  0.1 lb
 16,075    700 ft   (Keen Senses)
 16,544    700 ft   (Curse Breaking)
 17,493    750 ft   Encountered Belegwath, Balrog of Shadow
 17,493    750 ft   LEAVE
 17,511    750 ft   hmm
 17,521    750 ft   yo
 17,530    750 ft   Encountered Umuiyan, the Doorkeeper
 17,534    700 ft   ok
 17,885    700 ft   WHAT
 18,027    750 ft   Found The Set of Gloves of Brethil
 18,079    750 ft   wanna die
 18,806    800 ft   hmm
 18,809    800 ft   oh ew
 19,550    750 ft   ok

 19,579    750 ft   Slain by a Kemenrauko.
 19,579    750 ft   Died on 06 September 2016.

  ['Score' 015080421]

Posted on 6.9.2016 03:57
Last updated on 6.9.2016 23:58

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1170. on the Sil Ladder (of 2253)


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On 6.9.2016 03:57 nikheizen wrote:
Can't see.

On 6.9.2016 04:22 phaethon wrote:
What happened to your amulet of the blessed realm? That would at least get you to a forge to craft a lantern or jewel (of feanorian lamp since you have mithril). You also have song of the Trees. You've got it figured out. No lanterns is just RNG messing with you.

On 6.9.2016 14:32 nikheizen wrote:
I lost it somehow.

This run is unimaginably terrible.

On 6.9.2016 23:58 nikheizen wrote:
3rd time's the charm

On 7.9.2016 03:04 seraph wrote:
can orc thieves steal equipment you're wearing?

On 7.9.2016 05:08 nikheizen wrote:
I was just playing while tired and must have dropped it from a full inventory while testing amulets and forgot about it due to fatigue.

On 7.9.2016 14:34 debo wrote:
I like how your lightless elf died to the Balrog of Shadow.

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