The Angband Ladder: ASBot Mk IIc, Android Rage-Mage by <>

  [PosChengband 5.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name       : ASBot Mk IIc                 ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR  :    18/150
 Personality: Fearless                           INT  :         7
 Race       : Android                            WIS  :         5
 Subrace    : None                               DEX  :        16
 Class      : Rage-Mage                          CON  :     18/10
 Realm      : Rage                               CHR  :        18
 Level      :       22                           HP   :   -11/265
 Construct  :    53538                           SP   :    97/189
                                                 AC   :        30
 Adv Exp    :    70000                           Speed:        +1
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :    37771                     Melee      : Superb
 Kills      :     6640                     Ranged     : Superb
 Uniques    :       35                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :      4+1                     Stealth    : Very Bad
                                           Perception : Poor
 Game Day   :       30                     Searching  : Poor
 Game Time  :    23:42                     Disarming  : Fair
 Play Time  :    31:36                     Device     : Excellent
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) a Sabre of Sharpness (1d7) (+5,+4) (+5) {Dg|S}
 c) a Harp of Erebor (+1) {Ch;BlFe(StCnCh}
 d) a Ring of Combat (+0,+6) (+2) {StCn, Day 21/8:00, Level 21, Orc cave/1150',

 e) a Ring of Protection {Fe;Si}
 f) a Sacred Pendant [+10] (+2) {St;Fe;FaHlLuBs}
 g) a Feanorian Lamp of Scrying {~Tele}
 h) Cord Armour of Elemental Protection [6,+4] {AcFiCo}
 i) a Cloak [1,+4] {Day 10/15:34, Level 15, Stronghold/550', Lagduf}
 j) a Hard Leather Cap of Piety [2,+5] (+1) (charging) {Wi(Wi A:*Remove Curse*}
 k) The Set of Leather Gloves of Pippin (+1,+1) [1,+7] (+1) {SpDx;-St, Day 
      25/18:03, Level 21, Icky cave/1000'}
 l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Levitation [3,+0] {Po;Lv}

              | }=="~((]]]                            | }=="~((]]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijkl@              Abilities    abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : .......+.....  50%         Speed      : ..........+..
 Electricity: .............   0%         Free Act   : .....+......+
 Fire       : .......+.....  50%         See Invis  : ....+........
 Cold       : .......+.....  50%         Warning    : .............
 Poison     : ...........++  65%         Slow Digest: ............+
 Light      : .............   0%         Regenerate : ............. 100%
 Dark       : .............   0%         Levitation : ...........+.
 Confusion  : .............   0%         Perm Lite  : .....+.......
 Nether     : .............   0%         Reflection : .............
 Nexus      : .............   0%         Hold Life  : .....+......+
 Sound      : .............   0%         Dec Mana   : .............
 Shards     : .............   0%         Easy Spell : .............
 Chaos      : .............   0%         Anti Magic : .............
 Disenchantm: .............   0%         Magic Skill: .............
 Time       : .............   0%         Spell Power: .............
 Blindness  : ..+..........  30%         Spell Cap  : .............
 Fear       : ..+.++......+   4x         Magic Res  : .............
                                         Infravision: .............
              | }=="~((]]]               Stealth    : .............
 Auras        abcdefghijkl@              Searching  : .............
 Aura Elec  : .............             
 Aura Fire  : .............                           | }=="~((]]]
 Aura Cold  : .............              Sustains     abcdefghijkl@
 Aura Shards: .............              Sust Str   : ..+..........
 Revenge    : .............              Sust Int   : .............
                                         Sust Wis   : .........+...
              | }=="~((]]]               Sust Dex   : .............
 Slays        abcdefghijkl@              Sust Con   : ..+..........
 Slay Evil  : .............              Sust Chr   : ..+..........
 Slay Undead: .............             
 Slay Demon : .............                           | }=="~((]]]
 Slay Dragon: .............              Detection    abcdefghijkl@
 Slay Human : .............              Telepathy  : ......+......
 Slay Animal: .............              ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Orc   : .............              ESP Nonliv : .............
 Slay Troll : .............              ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Giant : .............              ESP Undead : .............
 Slay Good  : .............              ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Living: .............              ESP Dragon : .............
 Acid Brand : .............              ESP Human  : .............
 Elec Brand : .............              ESP Animal : .............
 Fire Brand : .............              ESP Orc    : .............
 Cold Brand : .............              ESP Troll  : .............
 Pois Brand : .............              ESP Giant  : .............
 Mana Brand : .............             
 Sharpness  : +............                           | }=="~((]]]
 Quake      : .............              Curses       abcdefghijkl@
 Vampiric   : .............              Cursed     : .............
 Chaotic    : .............              Rnd Tele   : .............
 Add Blows  : .............              No Tele    : .............
 Blessed    : .....+.......              Drain Exp  : .............
 Riding     : +............              Aggravate  : .............
 Tunnel     : +............              TY Curse   : .............
 Throwing   : .............             
              | }=="~((]]]
              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR  : ..s2.2....1..  18/50  3  3  1  3 18/150
       INT  : .............     10 -1 -2  0  0      7
       WIS  : .........1...     11 -5 -2  0  1      5
       DEX  : ..........1..     17  1 -2 -1  1     16
       CON  : ..s2.........     13  3  2 -1  2  18/10
       CHR  : ..1..........     15  0  1  1  1     18

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: a Sabre of Sharpness (1d7) (+5,+4)                 Accuracy
 Weight : 5.0 lbs                                             AC Hit
 Profic : Expert (+15 To Hit)                                 25 87%
 To Hit : 5 + 27 = 32                                         50 78%
 To Dam : 4 + 18 = 22                                         75 69%
 Blows  : 2.70                                               100 60%
 Damage                                                      125 52%
 Crits  : 1.05x (4.3%)                                       150 43%
 Normal : 71 [1.28x]                                         175 35%
                                                             200 26%

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Blaster               10   13   1% dam 27           380    6   2%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level  22
 Camelot         : level  22
!Orc cave        : level  23
 Labyrinth       : level  20
 Forest          : level  20
 Icky cave       : level  22
!Stronghold      : level  15

You were killed by a Cave ogre on level 20 of Forest.

 Last Message: Haven't died because of that before!

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level 14
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level 16
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 20
  Brodda, the Easterling                   (Dungeon level:   6) - level 21
  Ufthak of Cirith Ungol                   (Dungeon level:  12) - level 21
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 21

  Arena:  0 Victory

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 6640 enemies including 35 unique monsters in total.

  Uniques                                  Lvl
  Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai                23
  Old Man Willow                            22
  Lugdush, the Uruk                         21
  Bolg, Son of Azog                         20
  Shagrat, the Orc Captain                  18
  Gorbag, the Orc Captain                   18
  Meng Huo, the King of Southerings         18
  Ulfast, Son of Ulfang                     16
  The Variant Maintainer                    14
  Ufthak of Cirith Ungol                    14
  Lady Zhurong, the Avatar of Flame Spirit  14
  Boldor, King of the Yeeks                 13
  Mauhur, the Orc Captain                   12
  King Duosi, the Chief of Southerings      11
  Grishnakh, the Hill Orc                   10
  Dailai Dongzhu, Captain of Southerings    10
  Orfax, Son of Boldor                      10
  Hobbes the Tiger                          10
  The Borshin                               10
  Lousy, the King of Louses                  9

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Young white dragon         29     1     Novice mindcrafter          8   281
  Nexus hound                27     2     Snotling                    4   214
  Disenchanter beast         25     1     Snaga                       6   213
  Troll priest               25     1     Cave orc                    7   212
  4-headed hydra             24     2     Rotting corpse              7   178
  Banshee                    24     1     Hill orc                    8   152
  Killer white beetle        23     2     Wolf                       10   141
  Dark elven warlock         23     1     Giant white louse           3   141
  Hardened warrior           23     1     Novice mage                 5   138
  Hammer brother             22     1     Novice priest               6   133
  Lava golem                 22     1     Novice ranger               8   131
  Wolf Chieftain             22     1     Novice paladin              8   119
  Killer stag beetle         22     2     Jackal                      1   116
  Serpent man                22     6     Software bug               14    96
  Energy vortex              21     1     Killer bee                  9    96
  Fire vortex                21     4     Half-orc                   15    92
  Cold vortex                21     1     Skaven                      9    87
  Water vortex               21     1     War bear                    9    86
  Scroll mimic               21     1     Novice warrior              6    80
  Mummified orc              21     2     Giant white mouse           1    75
=================================== Virtues ===================================

Your alignment: Neutral Evil

You are the living embodiment of Diligence.
You are the polar opposite of Compassion.
You are the polar opposite of Honour.
You are the living embodiment of Harmony.
You have strayed from the path of Justice.
You have sinned against Patience.
You are virtuous in Temperance.
You are very virtuous in Sacrifice.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 6 Potions of Poison {!q}
b) 9 Potions of Speed
c) 6 Potions of Resist Cold
d) 16 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
e) 19 Scrolls of Teleportation
f) 12 Scrolls of Word of Recall {!r}
g) 10 Scrolls of Holy Chant
h) 10 Scrolls of Monster Confusion
i) a Rod: Detect Traps (6/6 charges) {?}
j) a Rod: Detect Monsters (5/5 charges) {?, @z0}
k) a Wand of Resistance: Stone to Mud (8/8 charges)
l) a Wand: Unbarring Ways (4/5 charges)
m) a Wand: Heal Monster (9/9 charges) {?, @a1}
n) a Staff of Resistance: Identify (1/13 charges) {25% off, @u9}
o) a Staff: Slow Monsters (8/8 charges) {?, @u2}
p) Leather Scale Mail (-1) [11,+3]
q) a Small Metal Shield [5,+8]
r) a Small Sword of Sharpness (1d6) (+5,+5) (+2) {cursed, Dg|S?}
s) a Broad Spear (Nature) (1d9) (+7,+6) (+1) {In;FiCo;RgLu|EF/Z~Z}
t) a Ball-and-Chain (2d4) (+6,+3)
u) a Morning Star of Morgul (2d6) (+25,+13) [+3] {cursed, SiAg|P/LA~L}
v) a Short Bow of Velocity (x3.25) (+12,+12) {cursed, ?}

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Rage Spellbook [Northern Frights]
b) 3 Rage Spellbooks [Northern Frights] {25% off}
c) a Rage Spellbook [The Sound and the Fury]
d) 63 Flasks of oil
e) 77 Potions of Infra-vision
f) 30 Potions of Speed
g) 85 Potions of Resist Heat
h) 61 Potions of Resist Cold
i) 59 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
j) 5 Potions of Restore Strength
k) 5 Potions of Restore Intelligence
l) a Potion of Restore Wisdom

 ( page 2 )
a) a Potion of Restore Dexterity
b) 2 Potions of Restore Charisma
c) a Potion of Enlightenment
d) 5 Potions of Resistance
e) 2 Potions of Curing
f) 5 Potions of Clarity
g) 99 Scrolls of Phase Door
h) 97 Scrolls of Teleportation
i) 51 Scrolls of Word of Recall {!r}
j) 34 Scrolls of Holy Chant
k) 44 Scrolls of Monster Confusion
l) a Scroll of Trap/Door Destruction

 ( page 3 )
a) a Rod: Detect Doors & Stairs (7/7 charges) {?}
b) a Rod: Lightning Strike (2/2 charges) {?}
c) a Rod: Pesticide (4/4 charges) {?}
d) a Wand: Stone to Mud (14/14 charges) {?}
e) a Wand of Resistance: Magic Missile (16/16 charges) {?}
f) a Wand: Fire Bolt (5/5 charges) {?}
g) a Wand of Simplicity: Frost Bolt (8/8 charges) (+2) {?}
h) a Wand: Beam of Light (13/13 charges) {?}
i) a Wand: Stinking Cloud (11/11 charges) {?}
j) a Wand of Capacity: Scare Monster (10/10 charges) (+1) {?}
k) a Wand: Confuse Monster (8/8 charges) {?}
l) a Staff: Detect Objects (10/12 charges) {?}

 ( page 4 )
a) a Staff of Resistance: Detect Treasure (6/6 charges) {?}
b) 8 Rings
c) a Ring of Protection {Po(Wi A:Protection from Evil}
d) a Ring of Combat (+0,+7) (+1) {StDx}
e) a Ring of Combat (+0,+6) (+1) {Dx}
f) a Ring of Protection [+10] {Fa(Wi, Day 17/6:05, Level 21, 'TaDS' Reward}
g) a Ring of Combat (+0,+4) (+2) {Dx}
h) a Ring of Protection {Wr(Wi A:Resist Acid}
i) a Ring of Combat (+6,+0) (+1) {Dx;Fe, Day 23/15:08, Level 21, Orc cave/950',

j) a Ring of Protection {Fa?}
k) a Ring of Protection [+10]
l) a Ring of Protection [+4] {A:Resist Acid}

 ( page 5 )
a) a Ring of Combat (+2,+0) (+1) {StCn}
b) a Ring of Combat (+1,+0) (+1) {StDx, Day 10/21:53, Level 20, 
     Stronghold/550', Nami}
c) a Ring of Protection [+3] {(St}
d) a Ring of Protection {(Dx}
e) a Ring of Combat (+6,+0)
f) a Ring (Elemental) {cursed, ElFiCo?}
g) 11 Amulets
h) a Barbarian Talisman [+15] (+1) {St}
i) an Amulet (Elemental) {Fi?}
j) an Amulet of Trickery {?}
k) an Amulet (Elemental) {Ac?}
l) a Barbarian Talisman [+5] (+1) {Dx A:Berserk, @z7}

 ( page 6 )
a) a Barbarian Talisman (+1) {St?}
b) an Amulet of Devotion (+1) {cursed, Wi?}
c) an Amulet 
d) a Barbarian Talisman (+1) {cursed, St?}
e) a Brass Lantern of Immolation (with 12801 turns of light) {[F}
f) a Brass Lantern of Extra Light (with 10909 turns of light) {Lu}
g) 2 Feanorian Lamps
h) a Filthy Rag of Elemental Protection [1,+9] {Fi}
i) a Filthy Rag of Elemental Protection [1,+3] {Co A:Fire Bolt, @A8}
j) Cord Armour of Elemental Protection [6,+10] {El A:Acid Ball}
k) Padded Armour of Elemental Protection [5,+7] {Co A:Resist Poison}
l) The Padded Armour 'Power Matrix' [5,+19] (+2) {-10%} {St;-DxMd;Co, Day 
     5/8:10, Level 14, Stronghold/150', Smeagol}

 ( page 7 )
a) a Small Leather Shield of Elemental Protection [3,+6] {AcEl}
b) a Small Leather Shield of Reflection [3,+8] {?}
c) a Small Metal Shield (Dwarven) (+5,+1) [9,+10] {(St}
d) a Hard Leather Cap of Knowledge [2,+9] (+2) {In;Ps(In}
e) a Metal Cap of Fortitude [3,+1] (+2) {Cn(Cn}
f) a Set of Leather Gloves of Slaying (+8,+3) [1,+3] (+1) {cursed, -Sl}
g) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10] {Li;FaLu(Cn A:Magic Missile, 
     Day 8/14:53, Level 13, Stronghold/400', Robin Hood}
h) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Levitation [2,+6] {Lv}
i) The Dagger 'Dethanc' (1d4) (+4,+6) {?, (TaDS) Day 16/16:15, Level 20, Death 
j) a Small Sword (1d6) (+3,+6)
k) a Small Sword (1d6) (+3,+5)
l) a Short Sword of Sharpness (1d7) (+5,+2) (+2) {Dg|S, Day 13/14:12, Level 20,

     Stronghold/700', Variant Maintainer}

 ( page 8 )
a) a Sabre (1d7) (+6,+6)
b) a Sabre (Craft) (1d7) (+6,+3) (+1) {cursed, -Dx|E}
c) The Cutlass 'Gondricam' (1d7) (+10,+11) {?, Day 27/19:36, Level 22, 
     Camelot/1100', Bolg}
d) a Capture Ball (empty) {A:Capture Pet, @A3}
e) a Jackal Skeleton
f) a Jackal Corpse
g) 62 Iron Spikes
h) 2 Magic Whistles {A:Return Pets}
i) 2 Shards of Pottery
j) 2 Broken Sticks
k) 2 Empty Bottles

==================================== Museum ===================================

 ( page 1 )
a) a Ring of Wizardry (+1) {In, Day 17/7:47, Level 21, 'OMWQ' Reward}
b) a Filthy Rag of Protection [1,+8] {(600') Day 21/11:32, Level 21, Ufthak}
c) Paper Armour [4,+3] {Day 13/6:52, Level 20, Outpost, Lion Heart}
d) Hard Leather Armour (-1) [6,+5] {Day 13/9:31, Level 20, Stronghold/700', 
e) a Small Metal Shield [5,+1] {Day 6/6:04, Level 14, 'Warg problem' Reward}
f) a Large Leather Shield [6,+5] {Day 15/6:38, Level 20, 2N16E Outpost/DL12, 
g) a Set of Leather Gloves of Protection [1,+13] {(300') Day 20/18:25, Level 
     21, Brodda}
h) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots [2,+3] {Day 13/19:11, Level 20, 
     Stronghold/750', Ulfast}
i) a Tulwar (2d4) (+5,+4) {Day 23/16:32, Level 21, Orc cave/950', Gorbag}
j) a Broad Sword (2d5) (+2,+3) {Day 9/20:21, Level 15, Stronghold/550', King 
k) a Long Sword (2d5) (+1,+4) {Day 3/9:41, Level 16, 'Thieves Hideout' Reward}
l) a Katana of Westernesse (3d4) (+9,+12) (+2) {StDxCn;FaSi/oTP~oTP, Day 
     25/8:00, Level 21, Orc cave/1150', Azog?}

 ( page 2 )
a) a Bastard Sword (Death) (3d4) (+3,+4) {Po;Hl|V, Day 24/17:21, Level 21, Orc 
     cave/1050', Lugdush}
b) an Awl-Pike of Slaying (1d8) (+5,+1) {/o, Day 21/12:40, Level 21, 
     Angband/600', Mughash}
c) a Pike (Nature) (2d5) (+2,+2) (+1) {In;RgLu|F/Z~Z, Day 13/11:56, Level 20, 
     Stronghold/700', Boldor}
d) a Pike of Slaying (2d5) (+6,+2) {/XL~L, Day 13/20:23, Level 20, 
     Stronghold/750', Meng Huo}
e) a Lajatang (2d7) (+1,+5) {Day 18/22:22, Level 21, 13N9E Morivant/DL12, 
f) a Guisarme (2d5) (+6,+4) {Day 12/19:07, Level 20, Stronghold/700', Lousy}
g) a Battle Axe (2d8) (+2,+1) {Day 9/15:05, Level 15, Stronghold/500', Dailai 
h) a Quarterstaff (1d9) (+3,+6) {Day 24/1:19, Level 21, Orc cave/950', Orfax}
i) a Quarterstaff (Blessed) (1d9) (+4,+5) (+3) {Wi;SiBs~Good, Day 7/8:52, Level

     13, Stronghold/400', Wormtongue}
j) a War Hammer (3d3) (+4,+5) {Day 6/15:20, Level 13, Stronghold/250', 
k) The Skeleton of Freesia {Day 3/17:21, Level 14, Stronghold/150'}
l) The Skeleton of Mughash the Kobold Lord {Day 21/12:40, Level 21, 

 ( page 3 )
a) The Skeleton of Meng Huo, the King of Southerings {Day 13/20:23, Level 20, 
b) The Corpse of Lion Heart {Day 13/6:51, Level 20, Outpost}
c) The Corpse of Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog {Day 17/8:01, Level 21, Orc 
d) The Corpse of Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman {Day 7/8:51, Level 13, 
e) The Corpse of Lagduf, the Snaga {Day 10/15:34, Level 15, Stronghold/550'}
f) The Corpse of The Borshin {Day 10/7:21, Level 15, Stronghold/550'}
g) The Corpse of Boldor, King of the Yeeks {Day 13/11:56, Level 20, 
h) The Corpse of The Variant Maintainer {Day 13/14:12, Level 20, 
i) The Corpse of Gorbag, the Orc Captain {Day 23/16:32, Level 21, Orc 
j) The Corpse of Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai {Day 25/8:00, Level 21, Orc 

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :   123455
  Selling  :   239363
  Winnings :     1570   364388
  Purchases:   252828
  Services :    61548
  Stolen   :    12241   326617

  Objects Found    :   9423
  Objects Bought   :    515
  Objects Destroyed:   6502

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons                661      5     0   497
  Shields                 88      3     0    68
  Bows                   106      1     0    93
  Rings                   45      0     0     5
  Amulets                 45      0     0     2
  Lights                 207      5     0    77
  Body Armor             398      1     0   281
  Cloaks                  35      1     0    26
  Helmets                 73      3     0    61
  Gloves                  93      2     0    72
  Boots                  105      1     0    89
  Totals                1856     22     0  1271

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  109      0    85    38
  Staves                  43      4  1058    20
  Rods                    17      0   413     4
  Potions                788    242    99   346
  Scrolls               1010    224   171   360
  Totals                1967    470  1826   768

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                  991      0     0   723
  Arrows                1463      0     0  1108
  Bolts                  552      0     0   354
  Spellbooks             112     17     0    96
  Food                   316      0     0   252
  Corpses               1185      0     0  1168
  Skeletons              728      0     0   723
  Totals                5347     17     0  4424

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds     7    100    22    10
  Curing                   2      0     0     0
  Speed                   75      0    29     7
  Restore Life Levels      5      0     0     3
  Strength                 1      0     1     0
  Intelligence             1      0     1     0
  Wisdom                   1      0     1     0
  Totals                 788    242    99   346

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall         119     31    86     1
  Identify               172      0    19     4
  *Identify*               0      2     2     0
  Remove Curse            29     14    11    16
  Teleportation          144     65    32     6
  Totals                1010    224   171   360

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud             7      0     0     1
  Teleport Other           1      0     0     1
  Totals                 109      0    85    38

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                 3      3   864     2
  Totals                  43      4  1058    20

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             5      0   307     1
  Detect Doors & Stair     7      0     1     2
  Detect Monsters          1      0   102     0
  Illumination             1      0     0     1
  Totals                  17      0   413     4

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks         0      1     0     0
  Totals                 112     17     0    96

  Egos Found    :    271
  Egos Bought   :      9
  Egos Destroyed:     65

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals               2578  38.8%
  Breeders               723  10.8%
  Demons                 226   3.4%
  Dragons                 39   0.5%
  Giants                  38   0.5%
  Hounds                 145   2.1%
  Humans                1267  19.0%
  Orcs                  1049  15.7%
  Trolls                  49   0.7%
  Undead                 394   5.9%
  Uniques                 35   0.5%

  Evil Monsters         2700  40.6%
  Good Monsters          330   4.9%
  Neutral Monsters      3610  54.3%

  Totals                6640

================================ Last Messages ================================

The Hummerhorn attacks you: It bites. You are confused! Your actions 
are disharmonious.

The Livingstone wakes up. The Cave ogre wakes up.
The Hummerhorn attacks you: It bites.

You are confused.
The Brown yeek wakes up. The Wolf wakes up.

The Carrion wakes up.
The Tax collector attacks you: He misses. He misses.

The Tax collector attacks you: He touches. Your purse feels lighter. 
4214 coins were stolen! What a noble sacrifice! He touches. You grab 
hold of your backpack! The thief flees laughing!

You are confused.
The Hummerhorn attacks you: It bites.
The Wolf wakes up.

The Wolf attacks you: It misses.
The Livingstone wakes up. The Livingstone wakes up. The Wolf wakes up.

The Wolf attacks you: It misses.
The Carrion attacks you: It claws. You stand your ground! It claws. It 
The Wolf attacks you: It bites.
The Giant brown bat wakes up.
The Wolf attacks you: It bites.
The Carrion attacks you: It claws. It misses. It misses.

The Wolf attacks you: It bites.
The Wolf attacks you: It misses.
The Carrion attacks you: It claws. It misses. It bites. The Wolf wakes 
up. The Wolf wakes up.
The Carrion attacks you: It misses. It claws. You stand your ground! It 

The Wolf attacks you: It bites.
The Hummerhorn attacks you: It misses.
The Carrion attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses.
The Wolf attacks you: It bites.

The Hummerhorn attacks you: It misses.
The Carrion attacks you: It claws. It claws. It misses.
The Cave ogre attacks you: It hits. What a noble sacrifice!
 Haven't died because of that before! Goodbye, ASBot Mk IIc!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Preserve Mode:      On
 Small Levels:       *Always*
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Ironman Quests:     Enabled

Posted on 5.7.2016 00:47
Last updated on 14.7.2016 09:41

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15761. on the Ladder (of 19032)
1752. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
17. for this player (

Related screenshots:
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 1: The Beginning
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 16: Before 'Thieves Hideout'
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 14: Before 'Warg problem'
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 19: Searching For Bullroarer
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 13: Looking for Robin Hood and Wormtongue
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 20: The Hard Studded Leather of *Intelligence*
ASBot MK IIc, Level 20: Stronghold/700'
ASBot MK IIc, Level 20: Spell Set 1 Completed
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 21: After Stronghold
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 20: The Paper Armour of the Devine Jewel
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 20: Before 'Tengu and Death Swords'
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 21: Before 'Old Man Willow Quest'
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 21: Before Orc cave
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 21: Tough Choices
ASBot Mk IIc, Level 21: After Orc cave


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On 5.7.2016 00:47 wrote:
Day 1/6:42, Level 1, Outpost

One of these days I'll make it to that first ego item.

On 5.7.2016 01:55 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
You'll get lucky at some point. I assure you of that. Look at my Evelyn-A12, for example.

On 5.7.2016 02:19 wrote:
Day 3/8:55, Level 16, Stronghold/150'

Finally lucked into an ego item, taking me straight to Level 16.

I think my innate STR cap is terrible, though, considering my rolls for the three stat boosts.

Level 5 Stat Boost: STR 16 => 18
Level 10 Stat Boost: 18 => 18/20
Level 15 Stat Boost: 18/20 => 18/34

On 5.7.2016 02:22 wrote:

Well whaddya know, I got lucky.

On 5.7.2016 03:37 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:

On 5.7.2016 04:22 wrote:
Day 5/18:17, Level 14, Stronghold/200'

Ran into what I guess is a bug: when I equipped that first ego item, I went all the way to Level 16, but as soon as I unequipped it and the reequipped it again, I only went to Level 14.

Somehow, the game must've thought that the item's construction value was higher while it was unidentified.

In other news, I got a cursed randart from Smeagol; I'm just waiting on the ?RemoveCurse to equip it.

On 5.7.2016 04:50 wrote:
Day 6/8:54, Level 19, Stronghold/250'

Got my ?RemoveCurse, but I'm not so sure I want to be wearing that armor now; I bumps me up to Level 20 together with my first ego item (Level 19 without), but it also bumps up the failure rate on ?Teleportation to 14.2%. Not good.

On 5.7.2016 04:52 wrote:
Level 20 Stat Boost: DEX 15 => 16

On 5.7.2016 06:28 HugoTheGreat2011 wrote:
You should really consider going for a better weapon than an average Sabre.

On 5.7.2016 09:58 wrote:
Found a "Barbarian that has an activation for 'Berserk.' I could've sworn that rage-mages get benefits from casting while berserk, but I can't seem to see what they are.

Maybe I don't have spells that would benefit yet?

On 6.7.2016 00:40 wrote:
Day 13/7:14, Level 20, Stronghold/700'

Just about finished with Stronghold; all that's left is the final floor.

On 6.7.2016 07:32 wrote:
Day 14/6:33, Level 21, Stronghold/750'

Finished Stronghold. Now, onto other dungeons and Morivant.

Stronghold Stat Boost: DEX 16 => 17

On 7.7.2016 03:54 wrote:
Day 17/6:23, Level 21, Stronghold/750'

Reached Morivant and did 'Tengu and Death Swords.' Am about to tackle 'Old Man Willow Quest.'

On 7.7.2016 04:27 wrote:
Day 17/9:08, Level 21, Stronghold/750'

First stat potion, courtesy of Old Man Willow:
Potion of Strength {(OMWQ) Day 17/6:32, Level 21, Old Man Willow}

On 13.7.2016 10:02 wrote:
Day 25/13:45, Level 21, Orc cave/1150'

Azog's down; he gave me surpisingly little trouble despite my low AC. Hasting my mount via thrown !Speed before the fight probably helped a lot.

Orc cave Stat Boost: STR 18/45 => 18/50

On 14.7.2016 09:41 wrote:
Got smacked around by a bunch of nexus hounds, before getting nexused into a random dungeon (that can happen?) and dying.

The lack of recent equipment upgrades (and thus, lack of character growth) was starting to get tiring, anyway.

On 19.7.2016 00:55 Cold_Heart wrote:
If you telelevel on surface, you go to the last dungeon you were in. I assume it's the same with the forced telelevel of nexus Z and you were sent to Forest dungeon because that was the last one you visited.

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