The Angband Ladder: Romero, Demon Monster by clouded

  [PosChengband 5.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name       : Romero                       ========== Stats ==========
 Sex        : Male                               STR! :    18/***
 Personality: Lucky                              Int! :         9
 Race       : Demon                              Wis  :         8
 Subrace    : Cyberdemon                         DEX! :    18/190
 Class      : Monster                            CON  :    18/***
                                                 Chr! :     18/40
 Level      :       50                           HP   :  -88/1140
 Cur Exp    : 16199937                           SP   :       0/0
 Max Exp    : 16226111                           AC   :       193
 Adv Exp    :    *****                           Speed:    +32+10
                                           ========== Skills =========
 Gold       :    20221                     Melee      : Legendary[50]
 Kills      :     8554                     Ranged     : Legendary[15]
 Uniques    :      215                     SavingThrow: Superb
 Artifacts  :    0+213                     Stealth    : Excellent
                                           Perception : Excellent
 Game Day   :       30                     Searching  : Superb
 Game Time  :    18:31                     Disarming  : Superb
 Play Time  :    17:22                     Device     : Superb
============================= Character Equipment =============================

 a) The Great Hammer 'Lawbringer' (5d8) (+20,+11) (+2) 
      {WiSr;ElCoNtDi;WrBs|ACoPV/X*L/pU A:Sound Bolt Hephaestus}
 c) The Long Bow 'Ice Climber' (x4.10) (+5,+9) (+3) {DxCn;*Co;Si~P A:Frost Bolt 
 d) a Ring of Speed (+10) {cursed, Sp A:Speed}
 e) a Ring of Speed (+10) {Sp}
 f) a Torc of the Hero (+5,+6) [+4] {Fe;FaSiRg[F(StDxCn A:Berserk}
 g) The Stone 'Sungazer' (+4) {WiDx;SoFe A:Clairvoyance  Armageddon Stone, !!}
 h) The Rhino Hide Armour 'Flameturner' (-1) [8,+14] (+3) 
      {SpStCn;AcElFiCfNtSoCaBl;FaSiHlLv[F A:Fire Ball Dasai}
 i) The Cloak 'Call of Thundercloud' [1,+30] (+5) {SpSlIf;ElDkCf[E Jack of 
 j) The Jewel Encrusted Crown 'Rubber Coat' [0,+14] (+3) 
 k) The Set of Leather Gloves of Immunity (+11,+8) [1,+16] {AcPoNx;Fa}
 l) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Fairy [3,+13] (+4) 

              \ }=="*((]]]                            \ }=="*((]]]
 Resistances  abcdefghijkl@              Abilities    abcdefghijkl@
 Acid       : .......+..+..  65%         Speed      : ...++..+++.+#
 Electricity: +......+++.+.  77%         Free Act   : .....+.+..+++
 Fire       : .......+....+  65%         See Invis  : ..+..+.+.....
 Cold       : +.*.......... 100%         Warning    : +............
 Poison     : ..........+.+  65%         Slow Digest: .............
 Light      : ...........+.  30%         Regenerate : .....+...+... 300%
 Dark       : ........+....  30%         Levitation : .......+...+.
 Confusion  : .......+++...  23%         Perm Lite  : .............
 Nether     : +......+...+.  45%         Reflection : .............
 Nexus      : ..........++.  40%         Hold Life  : .......+....+
 Sound      : ......++.....  40%         Dec Mana   : .............
 Shards     : .........+...  30%         Easy Spell : .............
 Chaos      : .......+.+...  40%         Anti Magic : .............
 Disenchantm: +............  30%         Magic Skill: .............
 Time       : .............   0%         Spell Power: .............
 Blindness  : .......+.+...  40%         Spell Cap  : .............
 Fear       : .....++..+..#   4x         Magic Res  : .............
                                         Infravision: ........+...+ 100'
              \ }=="*((]]]               Stealth    : ........+....
 Auras        abcdefghijkl@              Searching  : +..........+.
 Aura Elec  : ........+.... 6d7+2       
 Aura Fire  : .....+.+..... 6d7+2                     \ }=="*((]]]
 Aura Cold  : .............              Sustains     abcdefghijkl@
 Aura Shards: .............              Sust Str   : .....+.......
 Revenge    : .............              Sust Int   : .............
                                         Sust Wis   : .............
              \ }=="*((]]]               Sust Dex   : .....+.......
 Slays        abcdefghijkl@              Sust Con   : .....+.......
 Slay Evil  : *............              Sust Chr   : .............
 Slay Undead: *............             
 Slay Demon : +............                           \ }=="*((]]]
 Slay Dragon: .............              Detection    abcdefghijkl@
 Slay Human : +............              Telepathy  : .........+..+
 Slay Animal: .............              ESP Evil   : .............
 Slay Orc   : .............              ESP Nonliv : .............
 Slay Troll : .............              ESP Good   : .............
 Slay Giant : .............              ESP Undead : .........+...
 Slay Good  : .............              ESP Demon  : .............
 Slay Living: .............              ESP Dragon : .............
 Acid Brand : +............              ESP Human  : .............
 Elec Brand : .............              ESP Animal : .............
 Fire Brand : .............              ESP Orc    : .............
 Cold Brand : +............              ESP Troll  : .............
 Pois Brand : +............              ESP Giant  : ..+..........
 Mana Brand : .............             
 Sharpness  : .............                           \ }=="*((]]]
 Quake      : .............              Curses       abcdefghijkl@
 Vampiric   : +............              Cursed     : ...+.........
 Chaotic    : .............              Rnd Tele   : .............
 Add Blows  : .............              No Tele    : .............
 Blessed    : +............              Drain Exp  : .............
 Riding     : .............              Aggravate  : .............
 Tunnel     : .............              TY Curse   : .............
 Throwing   : .............             
              \ }=="*((]]]
              abcdefghijkl@   Base  R  C  P  E  Total
       STR! : .....s.3.3...  18/80 10  0 -2  6 18/***
       Int! : ............. 18/110-10  0 -2  0     17      9
       Wis  : 2.....4......  18/62-10  0 -2  6  18/02      8
       DEX! : ..3..s4....4. 18/130 -3  0 -2 11 18/190
       CON  : ..3..s.3..... 18/124 10  0 -2  6 18/***
       Chr! : .........3.4.  18/80  0  0 -2  7 18/130  18/40

==================================== Melee ====================================

 Hand #1: The Great Hammer 'Lawbringer' (5d8) (+20,+11)      Accuracy
 Weight : 30.0 lbs                                            AC Hit
 Profic : Expert (+15 To Hit)                                 25 92%
 To Hit : 20 + 102 = 122                                      50 90%
 To Dam : 11 + 49 = 60                                        75 87%
 Blows  : 5.00                                               100 84%
 Damage                                                      125 81%
 Crits  : 1.34x (21.1%)                                      150 79%
 Normal : 447 [1.34x]                                        175 76%
 Evil   : 825 [4.69x]                                        200 73%
 Human  : 675 [3.35x]                                        
 Undead : 1052 [6.70x]                                       
 Demons : 750 [4.02x]                                        
 Acid   : 675 [3.35x]                                        
 Cold   : 675 [3.35x]                                        
 Poison : 675 [3.35x]                                        
=================================== Shooting ==================================

 Shooting: The Long Bow 'Ice Climber' (x4.10) (+5,+9) (+3)
 Range   : 200'
 Shots   : 1.00
 Mult    : 4.92x
 To Hit  : 5 + 57 = 62
 To Dam  : 9 (Multiplier Applies)
 Xtra Dam: 14 (Multiplier Does Not Apply)

=================================== Powers ====================================

                     Lvl Cost Fail Desc            Cast Fail
Rocket                 1   40   0% dam -14         4696   59   1%

=================================== Dungeons ==================================

 Angband         : level 100
!Camelot         : level  35
!Orc cave        : level  23
!Labyrinth       : level  28
!Graveyard       : level  70
 Castle          : level  51
!R'lyeh          : level  96
!Icky cave       : level  35
 Mount Olympus   : level  89
!Lonely Mountain : level  40
 Arena           : level  68
!Stronghold      : level  15

You were killed by The Tarrasque on level 100 of Angband.

==================================== Quests ===================================

  Completed Quests
  Thieves Hideout                          (Danger  level:   5) - level  3
  Warg problem                             (Danger  level:   5) - level  9
  Mauhur, the Orc Captain                  (Dungeon level:   6) - level 16
  Shagrat, the Orc Captain                 (Dungeon level:  12) - level 17
  Tengu and Death Swords                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 18
  The Mimic's Treasure                     (Danger  level:  25) - level 18
  The Ultimate Dungeon Cleaner             (Dungeon level:  24) - level 25
  The Sewer                                (Danger  level:  15) - level 27
  Logrus Master                            (Danger  level:  25) - level 27
  The Vault                                (Danger  level:  30) - level 28
  The Barrow Downs                         (Danger  level:  35) - level 28
  Old Man Willow Quest                     (Danger  level:  22) - level 31
  Dark Elven Lords Quest                   (Danger  level:  25) - level 31
  Judge Fire                               (Dungeon level:  38) - level 31
  Fafner the Dragon                        (Dungeon level:  44) - level 31
  The Cloning Pits                         (Danger  level:  45) - level 35
  The Old Castle                           (Danger  level:  50) - level 36
  Brand, Mad Visionary of Amber            (Dungeon level:  50) - level 36
  Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness         (Dungeon level:  56) - level 42
  Orc Camp                                 (Danger  level:  15) - level 43
  Doom Quest 1                             (Danger  level:  15) - level 43
  Vapor Quest                              (Danger  level:  40) - level 43
  The Rise and Fall of Micro$oft           (Danger  level:  50) - level 43
  Doom Quest 2                             (Danger  level:  55) - level 43
  The Norsa                                (Dungeon level:  62) - level 48
  Ymir the Ice Giant                       (Dungeon level:  76) - level 48
  The Destroyer                            (Dungeon level:  88) - level 50
  Oberon                                   (Danger  level:  99) - level 50

  Arena: 22 Victories

================================ Monster Kills ================================

You have defeated 8554 enemies including 215 unique monsters in total.

  Uniques                                  Lvl
  Oberon, King of Amber                     99
  Great Cthulhu                             96
  Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs      95
  The Destroyer                             94
  Cerberus, Guardian of Hades               94
  Azathoth, Seething Nuclear Chaos          93
  Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos          93
  Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods   91
  Kaschei the Immortal                      90
  Fenris Wolf                               90
  Hera, Queen of the Gods                   89
  Oremorj the Cyberdemon Lord               89
  Poseidon, Lord of Seas and Storm          88
  Shuma-Gorath                              88
  Hephaestus, the Smith God                 86
  Hermes, the Messenger God                 86
  Ares, the God of War                      86
  Artemis, the Moon Goddess                 86
  Apollo, the Sun God                       86
  Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love            86

  Non-uniques               Lvl Count     Non-uniques               Lvl Count
  Great Wyrm of Power        90     3     Bloodletter of Khorne      34   257
  Ultimate Magus             79    15     Cave ogre                  26   160
  Lourph                     79     1     Hill orc                    8   160
  Cyberdemon                 77     2     Air hound                  20   138
  Fenghuang                  76     1     Snaga                       6   129
  Leviathan                  76     1     Novice mindcrafter          8   128
  Warp demon                 76     3     Sea troll                  35   112
  Aether hound               75     1     Water troll                33   109
  Sky Drake                  74     4     Dread                      42   106
  Great Wyrm of Balance      72     5     Byakhee                    41   106
  Great Wyrm of Space-Time   72     1     Clubber demon              40    94
  Master quylthulg           71     1     Ghoul                      26    93
  Greater draconic quylthul  71     1     Olog                       35    91
  Great Wyrm of Many Colour  68     1     Stone troll                25    91
  Great Wyrm of Law          67     8     Servant of Glaaki          10    89
  Great Wyrm of Chaos        67     3     Cave orc                    7    89
  Ultimate beholder          66     2     Earth hound                20    87
  Jabberwock                 65     2     Multi-hued hound           33    83
  Skull druj                 65     3     Algroth                    27    82
  Chaos hound                65    14     Ultra-elite paladin        45    77
================================== Mutations ==================================

You are telepathic.
There is a white aura surrounding you.

============================= Character Inventory =============================

a) 8 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}
b) 34 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
c) 37 Potions of Healing {!k!q}
d) 2 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}
e) 4 Potions of Enlightenment
f) 52 Potions of Curing
g) 35 Scrolls of Phase Door
h) 36 Scrolls of Teleportation
i) 2 Scrolls of Destruction {!*}
j) 14 Scrolls of Genocide {!*}
k) a Scroll of Mass Genocide {!*}
l) a Rod: Detection (0/4 charges) {@zf!!}
m) a Rod: Recall (0/2 charges) {@zR!!}
n) The Stone of Alhazred (+2) {In;Nt;Hl(In Lore, !*}
o) 8 Novice mage Corpses

================================ Home Inventory ===============================

 ( page 1 )
a) 8 Potions of Detect Invisible
b) 26 Potions of Speed {!k!q}
c) 3 Potions of Resist Heat
d) 15 Potions of Resist Cold
e) 51 Potions of Heroism
f) 3 Potions of Berserk Strength
g) 12 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
h) 39 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds
i) 85 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
j) 5 Potions of Restore Mana {!k!q}
k) 23 Potions of Restore Life Levels
l) 8 Potions of Strength {!k}

 ( page 2 )
a) 8 Potions of Dexterity {!k}
b) 3 Potions of Constitution {!k}
c) a Potion of *Enlightenment*
d) a Potion of Self Knowledge {!k}
e) 18 Potions of Resistance
f) 23 Potions of Curing
g) 2 Potions of New Life {!*!*}
h) a Potion of Stone Skin {!k}
i) 45 Scrolls of Phase Door
j) 99 Scrolls of Teleportation
k) 4 Scrolls of Teleportation
l) 5 Scrolls of Teleport Level

 ( page 3 )
a) 13 Scrolls of Word of Recall {!r}
b) 26 Scrolls of Remove Curse
c) 7 Scrolls of *Remove Curse*
d) 5 Scrolls of Mundanity
e) 3 Scrolls of Forest Creation
f) a Scroll of Wall of Stone
g) a Rod: Illumination (5/5 charges) {@zh}
h) a Rod: Enlightenment (3/3 charges) {@ze!!}
i) a Rod: Enlightenment (2/2 charges)
j) a Rod: Detect Traps (5/5 charges) {@zu}
k) a Rod: Detect Monsters (3/3 charges) {@zl!!}
l) a Rod: Detect Doors & Stairs (3/3 charges) {@zn}

 ( page 4 )
a) a Rod of Simplicity: Heroic Speed (3/3 charges) (+2) {@zS!!}
b) a Rod of Capacity: Angelic Healing (2/2 charges) (+4) {@zh!s!d!k}
c) a Wand: Stone to Mud (31/31 charges)
d) a Wand of Resistance: Stone to Mud (34/34 charges)
e) a Staff: Enlightenment (1/9 charges) {@uV}
f) a Staff of Simplicity: Banish (7/7 charges) (+3)
g) a Staff of Capacity: Speed (12/12 charges) (+3) {@uS}
h) a Staff: Summon Monsters (4/4 charges)
i) a Staff: Cure Wounds (10/10 charges)
j) a Staff: Cure Wounds (3/9 charges)
k) a Staff of Regeneration: Cure Wounds (12/12 charges) (+3)
l) a Staff: Cure Wounds (15/17 charges)

 ( page 5 )
a) a Staff: Cure Wounds (14/14 charges)
b) a Staff: Healing (6/6 charges) {!*}
c) a Staff: Healing (6/6 charges) {!*}
d) a Staff of Power: Healing (7/7 charges) {+15%} {!*}
e) a Staff of Regeneration: Healing (6/6 charges) (+5) {!*}
f) a Staff of Simplicity: Healing (9/9 charges) (+4) {!*}
g) a Staff: Healing (8/8 charges)
h) a Staff of Holding: Holiness (6/6 charges)
i) a Staff: Holiness (6/6 charges)
j) a Staff: Holiness (5/5 charges)
k) a Staff of Resistance: Holiness (6/6 charges)
l) a Staff of Simplicity: Holiness (1/5 charges) (+3)

 ( page 6 )
a) 2 Rings of Speed (+9) {Sp}
b) a Ring of Combat (+3,+20) (+1) {DxCn A:Whirlwind Attack}
c) a Ring of Combat (+20,+15) (+2) {StDxCn A:Heroism}
d) a Ring of the Nazgul (+11,+13) (+1) {SpStInDxChSl;-WiCnLf;-Li;CoPoLiNt;FaSi}
e) a Ring of Combat (+0,+16) (+2) {StDx}
f) a Ring of Combat (+25,+0) (+4) {DxCn}
g) The Ring of the Dark Lord (+14,+11) (+3) <+23%> 
     {StDxCnSrIf;-StDxCn;FiDkCfNtSoShBlFe;SiLvXm(StCh Power (Nenya)}
h) The Ring of Titans (+4) {SpInCnSl;LiCfSoDiBl;SiXs Power (Vilya)}
i) an Amulet of the Magi (+6) {Sr~Tele(In A:Mana Ball}
j) an Amulet of the Magi (+5) {MdSr;FaSi}
k) The Amulet of Shining Vengeance (+6,+9) (+3) {In;*Co;NtShDiFe;Fa A:Resist 
     Cold Aphrodite}
l) The Amulet 'Mayan Princess' (+2) {WiCn;ElPoNxSoCaDiBlFe;Te Charmed Pendant, 

 ( page 7 )
a) The Amulet 'Mayan Princess' (+8,+16) {Bl Yasaka-no-Magatama}
b) The Amulet of Dazzling (+13,+12) (+4) {Dx;Co;FaHl Ingwe}
c) The Amulet 'Firebird' (+3) {SpStIn;So;FaHl Harness of the Hell}
d) The Amulet 'Talisman' (+3,+5) (+4) {SpCh Sacred Knights}
e) The Amulet of Shining (+4,+6) (+3) {Sp;CfBl;Fa A:Holy Prayer Faramir}
f) The Amulet of The Fair Maiden (+5,+4) {ShDi;Hl Gogo}
g) The Amulet of Dazzling (+3) {DxSr;CfDiBl Inro of Mito Koumon}
h) The Amulet of The Goblin King (+1) {Wi;AcLiNx Carlammas}
i) The Phial 'Foxfire' (+4) {Dx;So;WrDs Galadriel}
j) The Phial 'Corona' {Po;FaHl Galadriel}
k) The Star 'Tarazed' (+3) {StWi;Hl~Nolv(St Elendil}
l) The Crystal Ball 'Pulcherrima' (+3) {StSlIf;*Fi;Co A:Fire Ball Palantir of 

 ( page 8 )
a) The Stone 'Scintillator' (+3) {Sp;Di[T  Stone of Nature}
b) The Stone 'Skycleaver' (+3) {Cn;So(Cn  Stone of Life}
c) The Stone 'Trailblazer' (+4) {Cn;DkDi  Brimstone}
d) The Stone of Alhazred (+4,+5) {Bl;FaHl  Stone of War}
e) Balance Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [40,+18] {SoShCaDi A:Breathe}
f) The Metal Scale Mail 'Red Sun' (-2) [13,+18] 
     {AcElFiCoPoCfNtNxShBl;FaSiHlLv[F A:Fire Bolt Julian}
g) The Chain Mail of the Ruler of Wallachia (-2) [14,+20] (+3) {Sl;PoDkNtCaBl[C 
h) Double Ring Mail of Celestial Protection (-2) [15,+22] {NxSoCa;Hl}
i) Metal Brigandine Armour (Dwarven) (-3) [24,+8] (+2) {StCn;-Sl;Rg}
j) The Metal Brigandine Armour 'Great Icefield' (+6,+12) [19,+10] {CoNtShCa[FCM 
k) The Full Plate Armour 'Rengoku-Kaen' (-3) [25,+6] (+3) 
     {DxSlSr;*Fi;ElPoLiCfNtNxShDi;Hl[FE Cyberdemon Lord}
l) The Full Plate Armour 'Day of the Dove' (-3) [25,+3] (+3) 
     {StWiCn;CoDkCfCaDiBlFe Isildur}

 ( page 9 )
a) Ribbed Plate Armour of the Demon (-3,+7) [28,+15] (+2) 
b) The Ribbed Plate Armour of the Devine Jewel (-3) [28,+20] {AcElFiNxShCaFe}
c) The Robe 'Flameturner' [2,+30] {AcElFiCoPo[F Kamikaze Warrior}
d) The Hard Leather Armour 'Guard of Law' (-1) [6,+2] {AcElFiCoLiCfCaDi 
e) The Leather Scale Mail 'Bear's Hand' (-1) [11,+19] (+2) {Cn;AcElFiCoSoCa 
f) Black Clothes of Elvenkind [4,+30] (+5) {DxSl;AcElFiCoLi}
g) a Cloak of Elemental Protection [1,+12] {ElCoPo}
h) The Cloak 'Aether Flash' (+9,+11) [1,+10] (+4) {WiDxSl;AcFiDkCf;Hl Colluin}
i) The Cloak of Martin [1,+7] (+2) {In;CfNxFe(In Merry}
j) The Elven Cloak 'Die Hard' [4,+12] (+4) {StSlSr;ShFe;SdRg Holcolleth}
k) a Fur Cloak of Retribution [3,-4] {[FAt}
l) The Fur Cloak of R'lyeh (+3,+4) [3,+19] (+1) {If;Dk[E}

 ( page 10 )
a) a Pair of Dragon Wings [4,+15] {PoNtSo;Lv}
b) The Small Metal Shield 'Power Shield' (+6,+6) [5,+11] (+3) 
     {SpStDxCnCh;AcElCfNtSoShFe;Rf Thorin}
c) The Small Metal Shield 'Flamecoat' [5,+16] (+4) {StWiDxCnSl;AcElFiCoSoFe}
d) The Small Metal Shield of the Devine Jewel (+10,+8) [5,+7] {AcFiDkCa;Lv~P 
e) The Large Leather Shield of Desert (+6,+11) [6,+12] {FiCoNtDiBl Celegorm}
f) a Mirror Shield of Elemental Protection [10,+18] {ElFiCoLi;Rf}
g) The Mirror of R'lyeh [0,+12] {AcElFiCoDkNtSh;Rf A:Resist Lightning 
h) The Iron Crown of Hyper Nature [0,+12] (+2) {Cn;AcFiShDi~Tele~TU(Cn}
i) The Golden Crown 'Scale of Ice Dragon' [0,+20] (+3) 
     {WiDxCh;*Co;FiCfSoCaDiBl;SdRg Amber}
j) The Golden Crown 'White Snow' [0,+20] (+4) {SpSl;CoDk~TeleGood(In}
k) a Hard Leather Cap of Knowledge [2,+3] (+2) {In;PsId(In}
l) The Hard Leather Cap 'Steel Bull' [2,+6] (+4) {StDxCn;LiCaFe;Lu Thranduil}

 ( page 11 )
a) The Hard Leather Cap of Hyper Nature [2,+10] {ElDk;SiRg(Cn Sam}
b) The Metal Cap of Diamond [3,+13] (+1) 
c) The Metal Cap 'Springsleeper' [3,+5] (+3) {StCnSlIf;Fi Thengel}
d) an Iron Helm of Seeing [5,+10] (+2) {Sr;Bl;Si}
e) The Steel Helm of Vader [6,+15] (+3) {StInDx;LiCa;Si[M Hammerhand}
f) The Dragon Helm of Uriel [8,+28] (+3) {SpStInCn;*Fi;CoPoNtSo Dor-Lomin}
g) The Set of Leather Gloves 'White Snow' [1,+24] (+4) 
h) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Prince of Chaos' (+12,+6) [1,+20] (+4) 
i) The Set of Leather Gloves of Revelation [1,+15] (+1) {Wi;LiFe Cammithrim}
j) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Crypt Creep' [1,+15] (+2) {Dx;Bl Pippin}
k) a Set of Gauntlets of Genji (+7,+0) [2,+19] (+2) {Dx}
l) The Set of Gauntlets 'Shield of Water' [2,+15] (+4) {Sl;*Ac;FiLiDi;Fa}

 ( page 12 )
a) The Set of Gauntlets of Helldiver (+12,+5) [2,+10] {ElSh;Hl}
b) a Set of Cesti of the Wizard (-5,-4) [5,+1] (+3) {InMd;Bl}
c) The Set of Cesti 'Blessed Fusion' [5,+16] (+4) {Ch;*Fi;PoSoCaFe;Lu[M}
d) The Set of Cesti of the Chaos Lord [5,+15] (+4) {DxCn;ElFiCfCaDi;Fa 
e) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Speed [2,+12] (+9) {Sp}
f) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Vader [2,+18] (+3) {SpStDxCn;FiCaFe;Lv 
     Shivas Avatar}
g) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Tome of Intelligence' [2,+20] (+4) 
     {In;NxSh;Fa Bard}
h) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Mughash [2,+19] {PoSh;Sd(Cn A:Resist 
i) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+8] (+8) {Sp}
j) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Speed [3,+14] (+6) {Sp}
k) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Golem (+8,+7) [3,+26] (+1) 
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of the Golem (+6,+7) [3,+20] (+3) 

 ( page 13 )
a) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Arctic Ocean [3,+18] (+2) 
b) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Siberia [3,+18] (+2) {SpWi;CoCaBlFe;Fa}
c) The Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Diamond [3,+12] (+1) {StDx;AcNxDi}
d) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Levitation [6,-1] {Nt;Lv}
e) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Nimue [6,+7] (+1) {Ch;So}
f) The Dagger 'Sun Sword' (1d4) (+8,+8) (+4) {SpWi;TeBs|CaM/*pZ(Dx Fiona}
g) The Dagger 'Rust Monster' (1d4) (+15,+19) {AcCo;FaTe|A/U Nimthanc}
h) The Tanto 'Night Blade' (1d5) (+14,+20) (+2) {AtIn;PoDkNt|PV Jing Ke}
i) The Rapier 'Dragon Claw' (4d7) (+17,+30) {/TZ Duelist}
j) The Small Sword of the Eagle Lord (1d6) (+14,+15) (+4) {StDxCnSr;Si/TZ(Cn 
     Excalibur Jr.}
k) The Small Sword 'Giant Strength' (1d6) (+7,+7) [+15] (+3) {SpSt/D(St Sting}
l) The Sabre 'Bonebreaker' (3d8) (+20,+19) (+3) {StCn;-Wi;NxFe[M/T}

 ( page 14 )
a) a Tulwar (Crusade) (2d4) (+20,+17) (+4) {AtWi;Fe;SiBs/*UL(St}
b) The Broad Sword 'Skullbasher' (2d5) (+18,+12) [+15] (+4) 
     {StInDxCn;ElFiCoFe;Hl|ACo/XL/pZ~U A:Heroism Chainsword}
c) The Broad Sword 'Pestilence' (2d5) (+10,+13) (+3) {AtSr|PV/U Aranruth}
d) The Scimitar 'Poison Brand' (4d7) (+25,+12) (+4) {DxIf;PoCa[M|CoP/* A:Resist 
     Poison Soulsword}
e) The Bastard Sword 'Giant Strength' (3d4) (+31,+32) (+4) 
     {StWiDxCn;PoSo;Bs|E/XU/pD~Evil Eowyn}
f) The Bastard Sword of Slay Mold (4d5) (+20,+18) (+2) {IfDg/*U A:Dispel Good 
g) The Blade of Chaos of Hionhurn (6d5) (+15,+13) (+3) {CnDg;Ca|ACaS 
h) The Diamond Edge 'Word of God' (7d5) (+16,+11) (+4) {SpWiSlSrDg;Di;Bs|PS/XL}
i) a Falcon Sword (1d6) (+7,+4) (+3) {At}
j) The Spear 'Cycle of Life' (3d7) (+14,+15) (+4) {StDxCn;CoNtFe/*pZ A:Heroic 
     Speed Aeglos}
k) The Spear 'Pestilence' (1d6) (+5,+2) (+1) {AtDg;Po;Si/*U A:Darkness Storm 
l) The Trident of the Night (3d9) (+22,+32) (+3) {WiCnSlSrIf;AcPo;Bs|EPV/XL/U 

 ( page 15 )
a) a Glaive (Wild) (1d12) (+17,+15) {ElSh;Sd}
b) The Glaive 'Flame's Toungue' (2d6) (+11,+31) (+1) {Dx;FiDk;Lu|FCo/X*/PL 
     A:Resist Fire Pain}
c) The Glaive 'Rust Monster' (5d7) (+14,+16) (+3) {ChSl;Ac;Rg|ACa/XD}
d) a Lajatang (Defender) (2d7) (+11,+8) [+10] {CaFe;FaSi(Dx}
e) a Great Axe (Daemon) (4d4) (+10,+11) (+4) {AtStDx;-Wi;Ag A:Destruction}
f) The Trifurcate Spear 'Deamonbane' (2d9) (+20,+17) (+3) {InWi;Bs/X*D/L Wrath}
g) The Ball-and-Chain 'Deamonbane' (2d4) (+19,+19) (+3) {AtWiSl;Ac;Bs/X*/ULZ}
h) The Ball-and-Chain 'Sharkcutter' (2d4) (+18,+16) (+1) {StDxCnSrIf|Ca/*LZ}
i) a Morning Star of Extra Attacks (2d6) (+10,+13) (+4) {At}
j) The Flail 'Lunatic' (2d6) (+6,+19) [+9] {CfCa;LvTe|Ca/*Z Winblows}
k) The Bo Staff 'Speed King' (2d12) (+4,+17) (+3) {SlSr;Ac|P/*poPUZ Asclepius}
l) The Tetsubo 'Buttle Mastery' (2d7) (+2,+13) (+2) {AtDxDg;SdWr/*pZ 

 ( page 16 )
a) a Mace of Disruption of Extra Attacks (5d8) (+12,+12) (+5) {At/L}
b) The Short Bow of Energy (x3) (+13,+18) (+1) {ElCfSo;Xs Robin Hood}
c) The Gun 'Flame Saber' (+4) {StCnChSr;*Fi;CfNx;LuWr A:Line of Fire Railgun}
d) The Harp of Solar Wind (+3) {SpChSlSr;*Fi;DkDiFe;HlLu A:Dragon's Flame 
e) The Harp 'Acid Drop' (+2) {StCnChDg;AcFiDkNtShDi;Rg(Dx Maglor}
f) a Novice rogue Corpse
g) 2 Novice mindcrafter Corpses
h) 2 Ewok Corpses
i) a Nibelung Corpse
j) a Novice ranger Corpse
k) 6 Novice mindcrafter Corpses
l) 14 Cheerful leprechaun Corpses

 ( page 17 )
a) 5 Lizardman Corpses
b) 9 Halfling slinger Corpses
c) 2 Nightblade Corpses
d) 14 Death leprechaun Corpses
e) 15 Ultra-elite paladin Corpses
f) an Ultimate Magus Corpse
g) a Silver Statue of Combat-Echizen "Because it's time"

================================== Statistics =================================

  Found    :  3286693
  Selling  :   160239
  Winnings :        0  3446932
  Purchases:   348920
  Services :  3014277
  Stolen   :    63514  3426711

  Objects Found    :  14727
  Objects Bought   :    517
  Objects Destroyed:   9929

  Equipment            Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Weapons               1725      0     0  1333
  Shields                233      0     0   166
  Bows                   416      0     0   298
  Rings                  188      1     0     6
  Amulets                184      0     0     8
  Lights                  56      0     0     1
  Body Armor            1328      0     0   973
  Cloaks                 183      0     0   116
  Helmets                224      0     0   164
  Gloves                 211      0     0   166
  Boots                  219      0     0   170
  Totals                4967      1     0  3401

  Devices              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Wands                  179      1   787    61
  Staves                 137      5  1781     9
  Rods                   176      0  1690    62
  Potions               1151    369   429   260
  Scrolls               1011    132   248   336
  Totals                2654    507  4935   728

  Other                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Shots                 1008      0     0   720
  Arrows                2681      0     0  2105
  Bolts                 1424      0     0  1329
  Spellbooks             195      0     0   156
  Food                   292      0     1   112
  Corpses                986      0    47   824
  Skeletons              448      0     0   454
  Totals                7034      0    48  5700

  Potions              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Cure Critical Wounds    77    186   129    49
  Curing                 105      0    12     7
  Speed                  136      0    36    17
  Healing                 57      0    18     7
  *Healing*               20      0    18     2
  Life                     2      0     2     0
  Restore Mana             6      1     0     0
  Restore Life Levels     50     35    13     0
  Strength                21      0    11     1
  Intelligence            18      0    18     2
  Wisdom                  12      0    12     2
  Dexterity               22      0    14     1
  Constitution             9      0     5     0
  Charisma                16      0    16     1
  New Life                 3      0     0     0
  Experience               4      0     4     0
  Totals                1151    369   429   260

  Scrolls              Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Word of Recall          89     14    12     4
  Identify               152      0    37     8
  *Identify*               0      0     0     2
  Remove Curse            21     26    17     0
  *Remove Curse*           3     11     6     0
  Teleportation          206     28    74    52
  Teleport Level          23      0     0     3
  Destruction             11      0     9     2
  Genocide                17      1     3     0
  Mass Genocide            3      0     2     1
  Forest Creation          5      0     1     1
  Acquirement              2      0     2     1
  *Acquirement*            3      0     3     1
  Totals                1011    132   248   336

  Wands                Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Stone to Mud            19      0   609     3
  Teleport Other          11      1   176     1
  Dragon's Frost          14      0     0    13
  Dragon's Flame          28      0     0    14
  Dragon's Breath          3      0     0     0
  Meteor                   6      0     0     7
  Whirlpool                7      0     0     1
  Disintegrate             7      0     0     1
  Rocket                   3      0     0     1
  Totals                 179      1   787    61

  Staves               Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Identify                 2      1   273     0
  Enlightenment            4      1   269     1
  Telepathy                3      0    62     2
  Speed                    7      0   232     0
  Destruction             15      0    70     1
  Cure Wounds              8      0   484     0
  Genocide                 3      0    60     0
  Star Burst               1      0     0     0
  Darkness Storm           3      0     0     0
  Totals                 137      5  1781     9

  Rods                 Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Detect Traps             6      0    52     0
  Detect Doors & Stair     5      0    37     0
  Detect Monsters          6      0   230     0
  Illumination             5      0   156     0
  Recall                   8      0   163     0
  Detection                4      0   697     0
  Enlightenment           17      0   216     0
  Sound Ball              25      0     0    24
  Heroic Speed             8      0   137     0
  Angelic Healing          1      0     2     0
  Mana Ball                6      0     0     0
  Shard Ball               3      0     0     0
  Totals                 176      0  1690    62

  Spellbooks           Found Bought  Used  Dest
  Third Spellbooks        89      0     0    72
  Fourth Spellbooks       38      0     0     9
  Totals                 195      0     0   156

  Egos Found    :   2680
  Egos Bought   :      1
  Egos Destroyed:   1072

  Egos                 Found Bought  Dest
  Ring of Speed           16      1     0
  Ring/Amulet (Defende    20      0     2
  Boots of Elvenkind       2      0     2
  Boots of the Sprite      4      0     0
  Boots of Speed          11      0     1

  Monsters             Kills   Pct
  Animals               2207  25.8%
  Breeders               316   3.6%
  Demons                1014  11.8%
  Dragons                432   5.0%
  Giants                 342   3.9%
  Hounds                 757   8.8%
  Humans                 819   9.5%
  Orcs                   724   8.4%
  Trolls                 866  10.1%
  Undead                 806   9.4%
  Uniques                215   2.5%

  Evil Monsters         5295  61.9%
  Good Monsters          305   3.5%
  Neutral Monsters      2958  34.5%

  Totals                8554

================================ Last Messages ================================

Your Great Hammer 'Lawbringer' pulsates sharply!
Really want to go ahead? [y/n]

Tulzscha, the Green Flame breathes fire.
Your Great Hammer 'Lawbringer' pulsates sharply!
Really want to go ahead? [y/n]
Tulzscha, the Green Flame attacks you: It misses. It misses. It hits. 
It hits.

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You hit. 
You are burned. You miss. You hit. You are burned. You hit. You are 

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You hit. 
You are burned. You hit. You are burned. You hit. It was a good hit! 
You are burned. You hit. You are burned.

Really try 39 Potions of Healing {!k!q}? [y/n] You have 38 Potions of 
Healing {!k!q}.

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You hit. 
You are burned. You miss. You hit. You are burned. You hit. You are 

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You hit. 
It was a superb hit! You are burned. You miss. You miss. You hit. You 
are burned.
Tulzscha, the Green Flame attacks you: It misses. It hits. It hits. It 

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You 
miss. You miss. You miss. You hit. You are burned.
Tulzscha, the Green Flame attacks you: It hits. It misses. It misses. 
It misses.

Really try 38 Potions of Healing {!k!q}? [y/n] You have 37 Potions of 
Healing {!k!q}.

Tulzscha, the Green Flame attacks you: It misses. It misses. It misses. 
It hits.
The Serpent of Chaos magically summons guardians of dungeons. Great 
Hammer 'Lawbringer' glows deep red. Great Hammer 'Lawbringer' glows 
white. Great Hammer 'Lawbringer' glows deep red.

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You hit. 
It was a *GREAT* hit! You are burned. You hit. You are burned. You hit. 
You are burned. You hit. You are burned.
Shelob, Spider of Darkness attacks you: She misses. She misses. She 
misses. She misses.
The Serpent of Chaos invokes the Hand of Doom! You resist the effects!

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You hit. 
You are burned. You hit. You are burned. You miss. You hit. You are 
Tulzscha, the Green Flame breathes nether. Shooting Star the Red Dragon 
resists somewhat. Shelob, Spider of Darkness resists somewhat. The 
Mirkwood spider dies. The Mirkwood spider dies. The Drider dies. It 
dies. The Drider dies. You stand your ground!
Shooting Star the Red Dragon attacks you: It misses. It claws. You are 
enveloped in flames! It is zapped! It claws. You are enveloped in 
flames! 1 of your Scrolls of Teleportation (h) was destroyed! It is 
zapped! It misses.

You attack Tulzscha, the Green Flame: You hit. You are burned. You 
miss. You hit. You are burned. You hit. You are burned. You hit. It was 
a superb hit! You are burned.
Layzark, the Emperor blinks away.
Shelob, Spider of Darkness breathes darkness. The Mirkwood spider 
The Serpent of Chaos breathes nether. Shooting Star the Red Dragon 
resists somewhat. The Giant spider dies. Shelob, Spider of Darkness 
resists somewhat. The Drider dies. The Giant red tick dies. The Giant 
spider dies. Tulzscha, the Green Flame resists. The Giant red tick 
dies. The Drider dies. The Mirkwood spider dies. The Mirkwood spider 
dies. You stand your ground! *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** Press Space 
to continue.

You have 36 Scrolls of Teleportation.
Hela, Queen of the Dead commands you to return.
The Tarrasque breathes disenchantment. You stand your ground!
 ###                   #######                    
##'####'''''''''''    #..#p#.      '''''''''''''''
'''(''####''''''''     #.U.R#      '''''''''''''''
##'#####'#####''''    #....j.      '''''''''''''''
###'''''''...######    ##...      #'''''''''''''''
'###''''''#....''''     #..       #'''''''''''''''
'######'#'#--#######             .#'''''''''''''''
''''''''###--#''''''      #   .  .#'''''''''''''''
#########'#-##'''####      .#.  ..#'''''''''''''''
''''''''''#.######  ###    #.#.....'''''''''''''''
''''''''###.# # ##### # #  .#.''''''''''''''''''''
''''### ##.### ####       ##''.'''''''''''''''''''
''### ###   # # # # ## ### ###''''''''''''''''''''
'##   #  ##  ##    ## ###### #...'''''''''''###'''
 You die. Goodbye, Romero!

=================================== Options ===================================

 Game Mode:          Monster
 Preserve Mode:      On
 Small Levels:       Never
 Easy Identify:      On
 Easy Lore:          On
 Arena Levels:       Sometimes
 Random Artifacts:   Enabled

Posted on 4.7.2016 07:34
Last updated on 6.7.2016 10:19

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2432. on the Ladder (of 19032)
214. on the PosChengband Ladder (of 2395)
53. for this player (


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On 6.7.2016 10:19 clouded wrote:
Accidentally destructed the Serpent, stopped caring

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